MP :: Volume #16

#1578: Awkward assignment

Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear listened to more than double-hour outside the resting palace, inside pitiful yell sound gradually subsides . 扇轻罗昱熊足足在寝宫外听了一个多时辰,里面的惨叫声才逐渐平息。. Circling is the Bright Light Bear so nerve thick Monster Race powerhouse, in some hearts is scared. 绕是昱熊这般神经粗大的妖族强者,也不由地有些心中发毛。 The resting palace front door opens loudly, the form goes out from inside together totteringly, that person of whole body is bathed in blood, the aura dispirited, as if to dying is not far. 寝宫大门轰然打开,一道身影从里面跌跌撞撞地走出,那人浑身浴血,气息萎靡至极,似乎离死都不远了。 Shan Qingluo view micro...... 扇轻罗眼帘微缩…… Her eyes see, this powerhouse should be Ba He, after all the opposite party within the body sends out Void Return 3-layer powerful aura. 她一眼就看出,这个强者应该就是巴鹤,毕竟对方体内散发出返虚三层境的强大气息 Evidently, the adoptive mother this time was really mad very big, does not know that she does have to forgive the Ba He senior. 看样子,义母这次真的生了很大的气啊,也不知道她到底有没有原谅巴鹤前辈。 Senior you are all right.” Bright Light Bear walked, is supporting by the arm Ba He. “前辈你没事。”昱熊走了过去,将巴鹤搀扶着。 „...... Might as well, temporarily could not have died.” Ba He beckons with the hand slowly, the strength of as if even speaking did not have. “咳咳……无妨,暂时还死不了。”巴鹤缓缓摆手,似乎连说话的力气都没有了。 Bright Light Bear opens mouth, does not know that should be how comfortable. 昱熊张了张嘴,也不知道该如何宽慰。 Ba He actually raises the head, looks suddenly toward Shan Qingluo, circling is the old fogy is experienced, experiences countless people, is seeing Shan Qingluo that flash, at present one bright, originally dispirited aura as if restored. 巴鹤却忽然抬头,朝扇轻罗看去,绕是老家伙见多识广,阅人无数,在见到扇轻罗的那一瞬间,也不禁眼前一亮,本来萎靡的气息似乎恢复了一些。 Nods the head gently, Ba He said: This should be Shan Girl?” 轻轻颔首,巴鹤道:“这位应该就是扇姑娘了?” Qingluo has seen the senior.” Shan Qingluo graceful ritual. 轻罗见过前辈。”扇轻罗盈盈一礼。 Shan Girl was polite, good, Monster Race had/left a nice talent finally.” Ba He pulls the talking corner/horn to show the smile, Old Man acted willfully in the past, disappointed feudal lord Sir, hopes that do not disappoint her again.” 扇姑娘客气了,好啊,妖族总算出了点像样的人才啊。”巴鹤扯动嘴角露出微笑,“老夫当年一意孤行,辜负了领主大人的期望,希望你们不要让她再失望。” Obeys the senior to teach......” Shan Qingluo to say in a soft voice, the facial expression is complex. “遵前辈教诲……”扇轻罗轻声道,神情复杂。 Em. You go, Sir in you.” Ba He beckons with the hand, is supporting the weak body, a bloodstain, walks outward, shocking. “恩。你们进去,大人在等你们。”巴鹤摆了摆手,强撑着虚弱的身子,一步一个血印,朝外走去,触目惊心。 Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear are staring at the Ba He increasingly estranged form, somewhat sobbed, in the past Monster Race the star of future, the first powerhouse under Void King Stage, is actually punished this by the adoptive mother now. 扇轻罗昱熊凝视着巴鹤渐行渐远的身影,都不禁有些唏嘘,当年妖族的未来之星,虚王境之下的第一强者,如今却被义母责罚成这样。 Is Qingluo? Comes.” In resting palace. Broadcast the Chi Yue sound. “是轻罗么?进来。”寝宫内。传来了赤月的声音。 Shan Qingluo does not have reason afraid. Nips red lips, braces oneself walks toward inside. 扇轻罗没来由地一阵心虚。咬了咬红唇,硬着头皮朝里面走去。 „, I first went back.” Bright Light Bear thought aloud, said takes to one's heels then must flee this place. “呃,我还是先回去了。”昱熊自言自语了一声,说完拔脚便要逃离此地。 Bright Light Bear you also roll!” Chi Yue tender shout spreads. 昱熊你也滚进来!”赤月娇喝声传出。 The Bright Light Bear scalp explodes the hemp. The lifted footsteps fall immediately. Turning around. The expression that died the parents, follows reluctant in Shan Qingluo behind. 昱熊头皮炸麻。抬起的脚步立刻落了下来。转过身。一副死了爹娘的表情,不情不愿地跟在扇轻罗身后 Should remove...... the Bright Light Bear regret intestines to be blue. 早就应该撤了啊……昱熊悔的肠子都青了。 In the light and bright resting palace, a palace dress beautiful woman calmly stands there. Facial expression calm and composed. 宽敞明亮的寝宫内,一宫装美妇静静地站在那里。神情古井无波 beautiful woman stature plump, the milk-white bosom is tall and straight, willow waist slenderly only beautiful, without the fluctuation of energy spreads from top to bottom slightly, seems like that on such as does not have practice average person. 美妇身材丰腴,酥胸挺拔,柳腰纤细唯美,浑身上下没有丝毫能量波动传出,看似就如一个没有修炼过的普通人。 Her fresh is quite beautiful, red lips such as most mortal form Li's ruby, flashes the attractive gloss, the flesh bullies the frost match snow, ten fingers slender fair. 她生的极为美丽,红唇如最魄丽的红宝石,闪动诱人的光泽,肌肤欺霜赛雪,十指修长白皙。 On to the attraction of man, she is less inferior than Shan Qingluo, only not too few Shan Qingluo that inborn beautiful and bewitching attracted, noble aura that but in her tender body sent out, was actually higher than compared with Shan Qingluo did not know many times. 论对男人的吸引力,她丝毫不比扇轻罗逊色,只不过少了扇轻罗那种天生的妖冶魅惑而已,但她的娇躯内散发出来的高贵气息,却比扇轻罗高出了不知多少倍。 It is difficult to imagine, such a beautiful woman is one of the Monster Star ten big feudal lords, is Shan Qingluo and Bright Light Bear adoptive mother, Chi Yue! 很难想象,这样一个美妇便是妖星十大领主之一,也是扇轻罗昱熊的义母,赤月 After brother and sister two people comes, first pays respects to give regards to Chi Yue, after resulting in the response of Chi Yue, this cautiously sits in the one side. 兄妹两人进来之后,先是向赤月请安问好,得了赤月的回应之后,这才小心翼翼地坐在一旁。 From Shining Moon City that Pill Refining did Grandmaster, arrange appropriately?” Chi Yue spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. “从晖月城里来的那位炼丹宗师,安排妥当了?”赤月随口问了一句。 Returns to adoptive mother's words, has arranged appropriately, does the adoptive mother want see above to see?” Shan Qingluo is looking at Chi Yue. “回义母的话,已经安排妥当了,义母可是要见上一见?”扇轻罗望着赤月 „It is not anxious. Since this person can refine the birth to have Pill Clouds Void Grade pill, somewhat is truly out of the ordinary, but is opposite to her, I to am interested with that Human Race man who she comes together actually, Qingluo, what do you have to tell me? I heard some serious hearsay indistinctly.” Chi Yue takes a seat on the own seat, the beautiful pupil looks gracefully to Shan Qingluo. “不急。这人既然能炼制出生有丹云虚级丹,确实有些非同凡响,不过相对她来说,我倒是对跟她一起来的那个人族男子更感兴趣,轻罗,你有什么要告诉我的么?我隐约听到了一些不得了的传闻。”赤月落座在自己的座位上,美眸盈盈地看向扇轻罗 The Shan Qingluo tender body trembles, sets out hastily, kneels down on the ground, clenches teeth saying: Adoptive mother forgives, that man......” 扇轻罗娇躯一颤,连忙起身,跪倒在地上,咬牙道:“义母恕罪,那个男子……” Makes anything anxiously, the adoptive mother will not eat him, gets up the speech.” Chi Yue puts out a hand to stroke, then held Shan Qingluo. “这么紧张做什么,义母又不会吃了他,起来说话。”赤月伸手一拂,便将扇轻罗托了起来。 Sees the meaning that Chi Yue does not seem to lose one's temper, Shan Qingluo also felt at ease much, the intense state of mind is gradually calm. 赤月似乎没有动怒的意思,扇轻罗也不禁心安了不少,紧张的心绪逐渐平静。 Told me, was the hearsay that I heard is really false?” Chi Yue continues to inquire. “告诉我,我听到的传闻是真是假?”赤月继续询问。 „.” Shan Qingluo clenches teeth to reply. “是真的。”扇轻罗咬牙答道。 Oh? then, that was really Human Race your person of adoring?” Chi Yue smiled gently. 哦?这么说来,那人类真是你的倾心之人了?”赤月轻轻地笑了起来。 Yes.” “是。” „Is he very great? Why including your this kind of female, will have a liking for him, Bright Light Bear said that he is the Little Bai/Little White face, eats meal by the woman.” “他很了不起么?为何连你这样的女子,都会看上他,昱熊说他不过是个小白脸,靠女人吃饭的。” „It is not, Bright Light Bear nonsense.” Shan Qingluo stared Bright Light Bear one wickedly, the latter head shrinks, feels the chin, raises the head looks at the day...... “不是,昱熊胡说。”扇轻罗恶狠狠地瞪了昱熊一眼,后者脑袋一缩,摸着下巴,抬头望天…… Said to look where he was great, can make you never forget.” Chi Yue seemed like the interest, inquired carefully. “说说看,他到底哪里了不起了,能让你这么念念不忘。”赤月似乎来了兴致,仔细询问起来。 Daughter also said that not clear......” Shan Qingluo smiles shyly, lord this kind of to have the front in Red Moon Territory powerful, her queen air/Qi the field to be suppressed comprehensively, „, when he is very small and weak, we knew, at that time the daughter was Divine Movement Boundary 9-layer, but his True Yuan Stage.” “女儿也说不清楚……”扇轻罗羞涩一笑,在赤月领这样的强大存在面前,她的女王气场被全面压制,“在他很弱小的时候,我们就认识了,那个时候女儿是神游境九层,而他不过真元境罢了。” Disparity is very big.” The Chi Yue black eyebrow raises, he seems to have arrived at Void Return 2-layer now, then, is equally matched with your practice speed?” “差距很大啊。”赤月黛眉一扬,“不过他现在似乎已经到了返虚两层境,这么说来,与你的修炼速度都不相上下?” Understood clearly this point, her Yu Lu has the faint trace to be startled to accommodate finally. 洞悉了这一点,她终于露出丝丝惊容。 Shan Qingluo the rapidness of being promoted, she looks in the eye, that Human Race is not unexpectedly inferior in the own adopted daughter, this makes her slightly feel shocking. 扇轻罗的晋级之快,她看在眼中,那个人类居然丝毫不逊色于自己的义女,这让她略感震惊。 Em. I do not know where his these years arrived, have made anything, has no intention to bump into Emperor Garden previous time, this time he also makes a special trip to emperor Chen to seek my.” “恩。我不知道他这些年都到了哪里,做过什么,上一次是在帝苑中无意碰到的,这一次他也是专程来帝辰寻我的。” „Has he also gone to Emperor Garden?” Chi Yue came the interest. “他还去过帝苑?”赤月更来兴趣了。 Good, at that time the daughter and he collaborated, battled with Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce a group of people, but did not have to talk with enough time anything, Emperor Garden then closed.” “不错,当时女儿与他联手,跟恒罗商会的一批人交战,可是还没来得及多交谈什么,帝苑便关闭了。” Snort, Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce!” Chi Yue cold snort, on the elegant face appears to disdain, „, since you and he have collaborated, said to look, his strength how?” “哼,恒罗商会!”赤月冷哼一声,俏脸上浮现出一丝不屑,“既然你与他联手过,说说看,他这个人实力如何?” This......” Shan Qingluo looks awkward look. “这个……”扇轻罗面露为难的神色。 „Don't this you know?” The Chi Yue complexion sinks. “这你也不知道?”赤月脸色一沉。 Adoptive mother forgives, time that at that time battled is not long, the daughter cannot carefully observe, but, the daughter can determine, he is not a weak one.” “义母恕罪,当时交战的时间不长,女儿并没能仔细观察,只不过,女儿可以确定,他不是弱者。” Chi Yue smiled gently, said slowly: Since you are so definite, I cannot give him actually not an opportunity. Although he, for you dare to come the emperor Chen's guts to be praiseworthy, but after all is only Human Race . Moreover, he as if also has other woman! Does the female of my Chi Yue, how could share a man with other woman? First receives your sentiment, how he, I will inspect, if he really has the skill that makes me approve, I will not oppose your matters, but if he is only gold jade its table, defeat cotton wool in, I will intend to extinguish personally kill him!” 赤月轻轻地笑了起来,徐徐道:“既然你这么确定,那我倒不是不可以给他个机会。虽然他为了你敢来帝辰的胆量让人钦佩,但毕竟只是个人类,而且,他似乎还有别的女人!我赤月之女,岂能与别的女人分享一个男人?把你的感情先收起来,他到底如何,我自会考察的,如果他真有让我认同的本事,我不会反对你们的事,但是如果他只是金玉其表,败絮其中,我会亲自出手灭杀他!” Then, Chi Yue looks toward Shan Qingluo, this thinks that she will be panic, implores urgently, actually does not think, she saw the joyful look from the Shan Qingluo face unexpectedly. 说完,赤月扇轻罗望去,本以为她会惊慌失措,苦苦哀求,却不想,她居然从扇轻罗脸上看出了欣喜的神色。 You to him such confident?” Chi Yue astonished. “你对他这么有信心?”赤月讶然 Although dozens years have not seen, however past he was a person who was good at creating the miracle, the daughter believes that he will not disappoint me, disappointing the adoptive mother!” Shan Qingluo said solemnly. “虽然几十年没见,但是当年的他便是一个善于创造奇迹的人,女儿相信他不会让我失望,让义母失望的!”扇轻罗沉声道 Good, since you said, I felt at ease.” Chi Yue nods gently, the attitude to Shan Qingluo is very satisfied, shouted lowly: Bright Light Bear!” “好,既然你这么说,那我就安心了。”赤月轻轻点头,对扇轻罗的态度很满意,低喝道:“昱熊!” Child in!” Bright Light Bear sets out hastily. “孩儿在!”昱熊连忙起身。 This matter gave you to manage, probed the depth of that young bastard under to me, if he were only ordinary Human Race, earlier killed, so as to avoid being an eyesore.” Chi Yue waves. “这事交给你办了,给我试探下那小混蛋的深浅,如果他只是个平凡的人类,早点杀了,免得碍眼。”赤月挥挥手。 Yes!” The Bright Light Bear eye reveal ominous light, the sinking sound replied. “是!”昱熊眼露凶光,沉声答道。 You get down.” “你们下去。” Brother and sister two people had/left the Chi Yue resting palace, the Bright Light Bear look roused, is ready to fight, prepared to go all out an appearance independently. 兄妹两人出了赤月的寝宫,昱熊神色振奋,摩拳擦掌,一副准备放手大干一番的模样。 Although he thought that Yang Kai is a very interesting fellow, unexpectedly dares to call own for the uncle elder brother, but in the final analysis is Human Race, under having the premise of other woman, unexpectedly also covets own little sister, simply is toad lusting after a swan's flesh. 虽然他觉得杨开是个挺有意思的家伙,居然敢称呼自己为大舅哥,但是说到底还是个人类,在有了别的女人的前提下,居然还觊觎自己小妹,简直就是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉啊。 Now resulted in the instruction of Chi Yue, he naturally must go to well under the consideration Yang Kai, no matter what, first punched his over the face to blossom says other again. 如今得了赤月的指示,他当然要去好好考量下杨开,不管怎样,先揍他个满面开花再说其他。 Bright Light Bear!” Shan Qingluo shouted one. 昱熊!”扇轻罗喊了一声。 What matter?” Bright Light Bear raises the head looks hastily toward her. “啥事?”昱熊连忙抬头朝她望去。 In the beautiful pupil of Shan Qingluo twinkling cold and gloomy cold light, is casting a sidelong glance slantingly he, opens the red lips to say lightly: You, if dares to act to him personally, I want you to be attractive!” 扇轻罗的美眸里闪烁着森冷的寒光,斜睨着他,轻启朱唇道:“你要是敢亲自对他出手,我要你好看!” Eh......” Bright Light Bear was scared, puts on a long face saying: little sister, Big Brother this is handles matters to the adoptive mother, is the adoptive mother instructs!” “额……”昱熊傻眼了,哭丧着脸道:“小妹啊,大哥这是给义母办事啊,是义母指示的啊!” I, no matter, you cannot make a move in any case personally, otherwise, you later did not have my little sister again.” After saying, does not give the opportunity of Bright Light Bear speech, departs directly. “我不管,反正你不能亲自出手,否则的话,你以后就再没我这个小妹了。”说完之后,也不给昱熊说话的机会,径直离去。 little sister, the great-aunt, the great-aunt......” Bright Light Bear summoned in behind, whatever he shouted that broke the voice unable to get any response. 小妹,姑奶奶,姑奶奶……”昱熊在后面呼唤,任凭他喊破了嗓门也没能得到任何回应。 He thought suddenly this is a very embarrassing assignment. 他忽然觉得这是一件很让人为难的差事啊。 ...... …… Lived in three to say in the temporary palace, Red Moon Territory main summoned Xia Ning Chang finally, can refine the birth to have Pill Clouds Pill Refining Grandmaster as one, Xia Ning Chang had the this kind of qualifications. 在行宫里住了三曰,赤月领主终于召见了夏凝裳,作为一个能炼制出生有丹云炼丹宗师,夏凝裳这样的资格。 As for Yang Kai, Chi Yue has not cared, naturally do not receive his meaning. 至于杨开,赤月并没有放在心上,当然也没有要接见他的意思。 To Xia Ning Chang, the feeling of Chi Yue is very good, this Human Race female is docile, the vision is limpid, not only the cultivation level boundary is good, what is commendable is the attainments and deep on Pill Refining Technique. 夏凝裳,赤月的感觉还是很不错的,这个人类女子温顺善良,目光清澈纯洁,不但修为境界不俗,难能可贵的是在炼丹术上的造诣及其深厚。 Summoned Xia Ning Chang time, Chi Yue let in the temporary palace specially several Alchemy Expert that enjoyed a good reputation in the great reputation was invited along, tests the school Xia Ning Chang skill. 召见夏凝裳的时候,赤月特意让行宫里几位享誉盛名的炼丹师作陪,考校夏凝裳的本事。 The result lets her and satisfaction, to Pill Refining opinion together, Xia Ning Chang just like has the Grandmaster style, this point not inferior that several white-haired, pours into the lifetime energy in the Pill Refining above old fogies. 结果让她及其满意,对炼丹一道的见解,夏凝裳俨然已有宗师风范,这一点丝毫不逊色那几个满头白发,将一生精力都倾注在炼丹之上的老家伙们。 Pill Refining competition that holds at the scene, is won overwhelmingly by Xia Ning Chang! 当场举行的炼丹比试,也由夏凝裳以绝对的优势胜出! Chi Yue this good talent, joyful, immediately then pledges the extremely excellent condition, making Xia Ning Chang live in the temporary palace safely, for her Pill Refining. 赤月得此良才,大为欣喜,当即便开出极为优厚的条件,让夏凝裳安心住在行宫,为她炼丹 If not the Xia Ning Chang qualifications were still shallow, young, in this temporary palace the chief Alchemy Expert status only feared that must exchange ownerships..) 若非夏凝裳资历尚浅,年纪不大,这行宫内首席炼丹师的身份只怕都要易主。。)
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