MP :: Volume #16

#1577: Aging past events

Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang stayed in the temporary palace safely . 杨开夏凝裳在行宫里安然住下了。. In such a farce after main hall, no matter what who knows that intimate relation between Yang Kai and Shan Qingluo, this lets an numerous Monster Race powerhouse envies the envy at the same time, cursed Yang Kai great lucky in love. 经过大殿里那么一出闹剧之后,任谁都知道杨开扇轻罗之间的亲密关系,这让一众妖族强者羡慕嫉妒的同时,又咒骂杨开艳福实在不浅。 In the guest room, Shan Qingluo brings Bi Luo to come to see the Yang Kai Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people. 客房内,扇轻罗带着碧落前来看望杨开师姐弟二人。 Person many mixed, she did not have many to say anything a moment ago, now had the opportunity, naturally must sue the words from the heart. 刚才人多眼杂,她也没好多说什么,如今有了机会,自然是要一诉衷肠。 Although in Emperor Garden, Yang Kai had known many matters from Bi Luo there, what the detail Yang Kai understanding of is not very clear, after a Shan Qingluo conversation, he knew, after this Enchantress wanders about destitute to Emperor Dragon Star, truly had many pain. 虽然在帝苑之中,杨开就已经从碧落那里知道了许多事,但其中的细节杨开了解的并不是很清楚,与扇轻罗一番交谈之后,他才晓得,这妖女流落到帝辰星之后,确实吃了不少苦。 The beauty extremely, attracted, to arrive at the Emperor Dragon Star time relative strength is not high naturally, will naturally stare by the men of many harboring evil intentions. 本就姿色绝顶,天然魅惑,来到帝辰星的时候相对的实力又不高,自然会被不少居心叵测的男子盯上。 If not bumped into the Red Moon Territory lord, her mental perception knows brave, receives for the adopted daughter, Shan Qingluo really cannot believe that own can be what destiny now. 若非碰到了赤月领主,得她慧眼识英,收为义女,扇轻罗实在不敢相信自己如今会是什么命运。 Therefore to a certain extent, she to the Red Moon Territory lord is very grateful. Moreover, receives her after the adopted daughter, the Red Moon Territory lord quite thinks highly in her, from her the position on Red Moon Territory in coming out that can look , the people who do not know the truth, only feared that thinks she is pure Monster Race. 所以从某种程度上来说,她对赤月领主是非常感激的。而且,自收她为义女之后,赤月领主更是相当器重于她,从她在赤月领上的地位就可以看的出来,不明真相的人,只怕会以为她是纯正的妖族 Human Race, can on Red Moon Territory powerful, this cannot withdraw the relations with the Red Moon Territory main cultivation. 一个人类,能在赤月领上位高权重,这与赤月领主的栽培脱不开关系。 Listened to Shan Qingluo one to tell, Yang Kai main is also admirable to Red Moon Territory that has not met. 听了扇轻罗的一番讲述,杨开对那未曾谋面的赤月领主也心生敬意。 In brief, the adoptive mother to me is very good. Moreover, because I refine to melt Heavenly Moon Demon Spider the strength of source. Present I cannot be completely Human Race, but cannot be Monster Race.” Shan Qingluo chuckle. “总之,义母对我是很好的。而且,由于我炼化了天月魔蛛的本源之力。现在的我已经不能完全算是人类了,不过也不能算是妖族。”扇轻罗轻笑着。 What is that?” Yang Kai asked surprisedly. “那算什么?”杨开惊奇问道。 Em, Half Monster. Emperor Dragon Star has such a crowd of quite special existences, their position are really low, is only higher than Human Race is so little.” “恩,半妖帝辰星上有这么一群比较特殊的存在,不过他们的地位实在是低下,仅比人类高那么一点点而已。” Half Monster......” Yang Kai stunned. 半妖……”杨开愕然 Good, these Half Monster are the transvestite two clans unifies born, they are not the Human Race approvals, is not the Monster Race admission, therefore the position is quite awkward.” Shan Qingluo spoke thoughtlessly to explain one. “不错,这些半妖都是人妖两族结合而诞生出来的,他们不为人类认同,不为妖族接纳,所以地位比较尴尬。”扇轻罗随口解释了一句。 Transvestite two clan unions? In Emperor Dragon Star, allowing this matter to happen?” “人妖两族结合?在帝辰星上,允许这种事发生?” Naturally does not permit. Emperor Dragon Star and other Cultivation's Star different. Here is primarily Monster Race, Monster Race is supreme, will they tolerate the bloodlines of own to be tarnished by Human Race? How however saying that two people who sometimes fall in love with will not care about the shackles of secular vision and principles governing relationships between people. Therefore had Half Monster this special community born.” Shan Qingluo long said/tunnel: To be honest. I am very admiring these people. For example that...... he has experienced these matters with the Ba He senior who you come together.” “当然是不允许的。帝辰星与其他的修炼之星不一样。这里是以妖族为主,妖族至高无上,他们怎会容忍自己的血脉被人类玷污?不过怎么说呢,有时候相爱的两个人是不会在乎世俗的眼光和伦常的枷锁。所以就有半妖这种特殊的群体诞生了。”扇轻罗悠悠地道:“说实话。我是很钦佩这些人的。比如那位跟你们一起过来的巴鹤前辈……他就经历过这些事。” „Do you know the Ba He matter?” Yang Kai at present one bright. “你知道巴鹤的事情?”杨开眼前一亮。 Em, did not know. Before listened to Bright Light Bear saying that knew.” “恩,原本是不晓得的。之前听昱熊说了一些,才知道的。” Mentioned listens. My matter to that old fogy is also very curious.” Yang Kai asked hastily, he heard many rumors about Ba He in Shining Moon City, the strength of this old fogy truly was also out of the ordinary, naturally made Yang Kai care. “说来听听。我对那老家伙的事情也很好奇。”杨开连忙问道,他在晖月城的时候听到了关于巴鹤的不少传言,这老家伙的实力也确实非比寻常,自然让杨开在意。 Shan Qingluo understands are not many, but the Ba He for 200 years conceal identity in Shining Moon City, even changed the own appearance, hide cultivation level, are related with Human Race female. 扇轻罗了解的不算多,但巴鹤之所以两百年来在晖月城隐姓埋名,甚至改变了自己的容貌,隐藏修为,却是与一个人类女子有关。 Old fogies several hundred years ago is the Red Moon Territory main hand/subordinate first great general, aptitude extremely, already practice to the Void Return 3-layer boundary, and in the attainments of potential, has no Void Return Stage to leave its right. 老家伙几百年前是赤月领主手下第一大将,资质绝顶,早就修炼到了返虚三层境的境界,并且在势的造诣上,也没有哪个返虚镜能出其右。 For a while the scenery is infinite, is honored as Emperor Dragon Star, under Void King Stage the first powerhouse. 一时风光无限,被誉为帝辰星上,虚王境之下第一强者。 He is also in entire Monster Star, can promote to existence of Void King Stage hopefully! Once he had this achievement, that then means that he can treat as an equal to Chi Yue, becomes powerful existence of feudal lord rank. 他也是整个妖星中,最有希望能晋升到虚王境的存在!一旦他有了这个成就,那便意味着他可以与赤月平起平坐,成为领主级别的强大存在。 But Ba He, when own is sightest infinitely, actually falls in love with Human Race female, says goodbye adores...... 巴鹤自己最风光无限的时候,却与一个人类女子一见钟情,再见倾心…… The matter of Monster Race to transvestite union repelled, let alone is Ba He this kind of in the future the nova? The resistance nature that encounters is bigger than anybody, particularly from the Red Moon Territory main pressure, making Ba He be miserable beyond description. 妖族对人妖结合的事情本就排斥,更何况是巴鹤这样的未来新星?遭遇到的阻力自然比任何人都要大,尤其是来自赤月领主的压力,让巴鹤更是苦不堪言。 If matter really develops, by Ba He arrogant surname, was very likely to revolt in the past Monster Race! When the time comes he will become the role that Emperor Dragon Star is chased by all surely. 事情如果真的这么发展下去,以巴鹤当年高傲的姓子,极有可能会叛出妖族!到时候他必定会成为帝辰星上人人喊打的角色。 Red Moon Territory main is also the headache, she naturally does not hope that saw the own most efficient great general was compelled to so the hopeless situation hand/subordinate. 赤月领主也是头疼至极,她自然不希望看到自己手下最得力的大将被逼至如此绝境。 Stemming from loving thoughts, she has even prepared to accept the this kind of fact, ignores Ba He unifies with that Human Race female. 出于爱才的心思,她甚至已经准备接受这样的事实,放任巴鹤与那人族女子结合了。 After all, transvestite two clans, although cannot unify flagrantly, but some Monster Race powerhouses, actually like playing with the Human Race beautiful woman, this is very normal matter, in Mansion of which Monster Race powerhouse, few Human Race beautiful woman as toys? But everyone has a tacit understanding, will not publicize. 毕竟,人妖两族虽然不能明目张胆地结合,但一些妖族强者,却喜欢玩弄人族美女,这是很正常的事情,哪一个妖族强者的府邸中,没有几个人族美女作为玩物?只不过大家对此心照不宣,不会公开而已。 So long as Ba He can promote Void King Stage, with a Human Race female union is anything. 只要巴鹤能晋升虚王境,与一个人类女子结合又算什么。 But has not waited for her to state clearly with Ba He, matter of dog blood happened. 可还不等她跟巴鹤言明,狗血的事情就发生了。 That Human Race female unexpectedly in one time a moment that promotes the small boundary accidentally discharges Become Devil, dies a violent death to perish...... 人族女子竟然在一次晋升小境界的关头走火入魔,暴毙而亡…… Knew that this news Ba He feels acutely disappointed , the anger may not uncover. 得知这个消息的巴鹤万念俱灰,同时也怒不可揭。 He thinks subconsciously own beloved female will accidentally discharge Become Devil, definitely cannot withdraw the relations with the Red Moon Territory lord, perhaps was the feudal lord Sir moved the reason of what hands and feet in secret. 他下意识地认为自己心爱的女子之所以会走火入魔,肯定跟赤月领主脱不开关系,或许是领主大人暗中动了什么手脚的缘故。 Therefore his to run amok Half-Moon Mountain, goes to the Chi Yue resting palace, confronts with her face to face. 于是他大闹半月山,前往赤月的寝宫,与她当面对峙。 Exactly had anything in the resting palace, no one knows, but other Chi Yue Sirs come out, she then announced, Ba He is ungrateful, the following defies superiors, was killed by her personally. 在寝宫里到底发生了什么,没人知晓,只不过等赤月大人出来的时候,她便宣布,巴鹤忘恩负义,以下犯上,被她亲手击毙了。 From that later 200 years, Ba He has not heard from. 从那之后两百年,巴鹤杳无音讯。 Until this time comes in Shining Moon City on own initiative. 直到这一次晖月城中主动现身。 Then...... past Red Moon Territory main has not struck to kill Ba He, instead put his horse?” Yang Kai looking pensive. “这么说来……当年赤月领主并没有击杀巴鹤,反而放了他一马?”杨开若有所思。 Should be this kind of.” Shan Qingluo nods gently, adoptive mother is the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, if she really has the thoughts that must kill Ba He, Ba He must die without doubt, is impossible also to live.” “应该是这样的了。”扇轻罗轻轻点头,“义母是虚王两层境的强者,若她真有要杀巴鹤的心思,巴鹤必死无疑,绝不可能还活着。” Yang Kai nods gently. 杨开轻轻点头。 Yang Kai......” Shan Qingluo summoned one suddenly in a soft voice. 杨开……”扇轻罗忽然轻声呼唤了一声。 Em?” “恩?” You said that...... that Human Race female accidentally discharges Become Devil, dies a violent death to perish, has the relations with the adoptive mother?” “你说……那人族女子走火入魔,暴毙而亡,到底与义母有没有关系?” Where this I knew, perhaps more than 200 years ago things, besides the litigant, no one know.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, suddenly sees the look that on the Shan Qingluo face worries about, in the heart moves, asked in a low voice: What are you worried about?” “这我哪里晓得,两百多年前的事情,恐怕除了当事人之外,没人知晓的。”杨开微微一笑,忽然见到扇轻罗脸上担忧的神色,心中一动,低声问道:“你在担心什么?” Shan Qingluo shakes the head slowly, squeezes out one to say with a smile trivially: No, right, you must be careful that Mi Tian. I heard that you had a conflict in Shining Moon City with him, Mi Tian this fellow is supercilious, you offended him, he will not give up absolutely.” 扇轻罗缓缓摇头,强挤出一丝微笑道:“没什么,对了,你要小心那个弥天。我听说你在晖月城与他发生了点冲突,弥天这个家伙心高气傲,你得罪了他,他绝对不会善罢甘休的。” Relax, he does not have the means with me.” Yang Kai smiles proudly. “放心,他拿我没办法的。”杨开傲然一笑。 two people also said a conversation, Shan Qingluo then sets out to depart. 两人又说了一会话,扇轻罗这才起身离去。 Junior Brother, how do we then want to do?” After Shan Qingluo walks, Xia Ning Chang asked in a soft voice. 师弟,我们接下来要怎么做?”等到扇轻罗走后,夏凝裳才轻声问道。 Has not thought.” Yang Kai grins the smile, he enters the temporary palace resourcefully, mainly wants to have a look at Shan Qingluo how, to see now all her well, the position venerates, naturally also felt relieved. “还没想好。”杨开咧嘴微笑,他想方设法地进入行宫,主要就是想看看扇轻罗过的如何,如今见她一切安好,地位尊崇,自然也就放心了。 „Can you carry off Elder Sister Qingluo?” Xia Ning Chang also asked. “那你要把轻罗姐姐带走么?”夏凝裳又问道。 I do not have to think that but looks at the meaning of her own, actually I felt actually, she stays here to be better, after all here is Monster Star, to her practice and future development will be quite advantageous!” “我没这么想啊,不过看她自己的意思,其实我倒是觉得,她留在这里更好一些,毕竟这里是妖星,对她的修炼和未来的发展都极为有利!” Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods gently. “恩。”夏凝裳轻轻颔首。 Listened to the Ba He matter, she then understands immediately, if Yang Kai really must insist on carrying off Shan Qingluo, will be beset with difficulties surely. With the death of Human Race female Ba He loves one another, has the relations with the Red Moon Territory lord, no one knows, but if is really Red Moon Territory main starts in secret...... 听了巴鹤的事情,她立刻便明白,如果杨开真要执意带走扇轻罗的话,必定会困难重重。与巴鹤相恋的人族女子之死,到底与赤月领主有没有关系,没人知道,但如果真的是赤月领主暗中下手呢…… Xia Ning Chang understands why Shan Qingluo will show the facial expression that worries about a moment ago, she clearly is feared that Yang Kai will return to that Human Race female road. 夏凝裳明白扇轻罗刚才为什么会露出担忧的神情,她分明是怕杨开会重蹈那人族女子的覆辙。 For the own adopted daughter's future, the Red Moon Territory lord thinks that will not mind a death of Human Race man. 为了自己义女的未来,赤月领主想必不会介意一个人族男子的死亡。 Since came, that naturally must first plunder the commodity that a number of here are in sole possession to say again.” Yang Kai is looking at Xia Ning Chang with a smile, perhaps Little Senior Sister, this must rely on your strength.” “不过既然来了,那自然是先要搜刮一批这里独有的物资再说。”杨开笑吟吟地望着夏凝裳,“小师姐,这恐怕要借助你的力量了。” ...... …… Shan Qingluo had/left the guest room, then brings Bi Luo to directly soar the Chi Yue resting palace to go. 扇轻罗出了客房,便带着碧落直奔赤月的寝宫而去。 She must Chi Yue thinking highly, be regarded the future successor the same as train, taking a walk naturally no one dares to stop in the temporary palace, all saw that her Monster Race martial artist salutes in abundance, shows respectfully. 她得赤月器重,被当成未来的接班人一样培养,在行宫内走动自然无人敢阻拦,所有见到她的妖族武者都纷纷行礼,以示恭敬。 Arrives at outside the resting palace, Shan Qingluo happen to sees tough, broad and sturdy build, strong, if the iron tower man, stands outside the resting palace, the brow twists one group, the body inclines, seems inclining the head and listening attentively anything. 来到寝宫外,扇轻罗正好见到一个熊腰虎背,壮若铁塔般的男子,站在寝宫外,眉头拧成一团,身子倾斜,似乎正在侧耳倾听着什么。 Bright Light Bear!” Shan Qingluo walked, shouted one. 昱熊!”扇轻罗走了上去,喊了一声。 Hears to shout, Bright Light Bear turned around hastily, raises up a finger to place the mouth to breathe out. 听到呼喊,昱熊连忙转身,竖起一根手指放在嘴边嘘了一下。 Is so stealthy before adoptive mother's resting palace, you make anything, asked the adoptive mother to know carefully, wanted you to be attractive.” A Shan Qingluo black eyebrow wrinkle, stares him to reprove. “在义母的寝宫前这么鬼鬼祟祟的,你做什么呢,小心叫义母知道,要你好看。”扇轻罗黛眉一皱,瞪着他训斥道。 „The Ba He senior is receiving punishment in, you listen!” Bright Light Bear referred to inside, an expression of face Eight Trigrams (gossip). 巴鹤前辈正在里面受刑呢,你听听!”昱熊指了指里面,一脸八卦的表情。 Shan Qingluo astonished, listens respectfully carefully, really hears from the resting palace hears the extremely tragic cry. 扇轻罗讶然,仔细聆听起来,果然听到从寝宫内传来惨绝人寰的叫声。 A complexion white, startled sound asked: „Isn't adoptive mother willing to forgive the Ba He senior?” 不由地脸色一白,惊声问道:“义母不肯原谅巴鹤前辈么?” Although she never met with Ba He, but Ba He is somewhat similar to her situation, if Red Moon Territory main is not willing easily to drop at Ba He this matter, she and Yang Kai's will also meet a gloom in the future. 她虽然与巴鹤从未谋面,但是巴鹤与她的情况有些类似,如果赤月领主在巴鹤这件事上不肯轻易放手的话,那她与杨开的未来也会一片暗淡。 Ba He result, to a certain extent, is the model that she must profit from, therefore one hear of Ba He receive punishment the pitiful yell that in inside sends out, Shan Qingluo anxious. 巴鹤的结局,在某种程度上来说,也是她要借鉴的范例,所以一听巴鹤在里面受刑发出的惨叫,扇轻罗就紧张了起来。 She saw probably Yang Kai in the appearance that in front of the adoptive mother suffers greatly...... 她好像看到了杨开在义母面前受尽折磨的样子…… Does not know that the adoptive mother is always benign, rarely loses one's temper, is the guide is also more than to us reproves, has not punished, Ba He senior this time suffered is so pitiful, evidently adoptive mother truly very angry/vitality.” Bright Light Bear pounds the mouth, the ear becoming common practice car(riage) shape, listened vigorously. “不知道啊,义母从来都是和颜悦色的,很少动怒,对我们也是指导多于训斥,更没有惩罚过,巴鹤前辈这一次被折磨的这么凄惨,看样子义母确实很生气啊。”昱熊砸砸嘴,耳朵支成风车状,听的更起劲了。 The Shan Qingluo facial expression is fluctuating, in the heart worries about several points, is considering secretly, will wait to see that the adoptive mother should say anything..) 扇轻罗的神情变幻着,心中更担忧几分,暗暗思量着,等会见到义母该说些什么。。)
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