MP :: Volume #16

#1576: The model in Little Bai/Little White face

Human Race, the temperament of Sir Bright Light Bear is not quite good, if you want to maintain a livelihood, hurries to admit mistakes the apology, kowtows to salute, perhaps can also preserve the surname life!” Some Monster Race shouted how under seeming like wants to direct Yang Kai to handle affairs, after all the charm of above that Sir was obvious to all, this Human Race man so loses self-control but actually also not is his mistake . 人类,昱熊大人的脾气不太好,你若想活命,赶紧认错道歉,磕头行礼,说不定还能保全姓命!”有妖族叫嚷起来,似乎是想指点下杨开如何行事,毕竟上方那位大人的魅力是有目共睹的,这个人族男子会如此失态倒也并非全是他的错。. Admits mistakes the apology, kowtows to salute......” Yang Kai to feel the chin, a not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth appearance, still the vision brilliant with that beautiful and bewitching female looking at each other, near the corners of the mouth exudes the smiling face of pondering: Beautiful woman, you determined that wants me to do that?” “认错道歉,磕头行礼……”杨开摸着下巴,一副不知天高地厚的样子,依然目光灼灼地与那妖冶女子对视,嘴角边泛起玩味的笑容:“美女,你确定要我这么做?” Said, the audience was all startled. 一言出,全场皆惊。 Everyone's vision looked at the past toward Yang Kai, showed the incredible look. 所有人的目光都朝杨开望过去,露出不可置信的神色。 This did Human Race...... call that Sir unexpectedly is a beautiful woman? This not just the single is impolite, but sexually harasses, flagrant sexually harassing! 这个人类……居然称呼那位大人为美女?这已经不单单只是无礼了,而是调戏,明目张胆的调戏! Although that Sir the family background is Human Race, because the special reason receives for the feudal lord Sir for the adopted daughter, these years multi- in addition taught the cultivation, but her splendor was also renown, even if Elite in Monster Race, when saw her, still humble carefully, respectful courteous. 那位大人虽然出身本是人类,但因为特别的原因为领主大人收为义女,这些年来多加教导栽培,而她的出色也是举世皆知,即便妖族中的精锐在见到她的时候,也得谦逊小心,恭敬有礼。 Does Human Race, in under the public gaze, sexually harass this Sir unexpectedly flagrantly? He has not died. 一个人类,在众目睽睽之下,居然明目张胆地调戏这位大人?他是不是没死过啊。 Bold!” Has the Monster Race powerhouse to drink one severely, over the face scowl. “大胆!”有妖族强者厉喝一声,满面怒容。 Sexually harasses that Sir, was equal to that is insulting Monster Race, insulted the Red Moon Territory lord! 调戏那位大人,就等于是在侮辱妖族,侮辱赤月领主! No Monster Race can tolerate Yang Kai's to be dissolute, for a moment, in the main hall the outstanding heroes are indignant, faint trace murderous intention spreads. 没有哪个妖族能够容忍杨开的放肆,一时间,大殿内群雄激愤,丝丝杀机蔓延。 Bright Light Bear gawked, as if some have not gotten back one's composure, some little time laughs. Points at Yang Kai to say to that beautiful and bewitching female: little sister, this Little Bai/Little White face shouted your beautiful woman unexpectedly.” 昱熊愣了一下,似乎有些没回过神,好一会才哈哈大笑起来。指着杨开冲那妖冶女子道:“小妹,这小白脸居然喊你美女。” could it be that amn't I?” That beautiful and bewitching female shot a look at Bright Light Bear one lightly, the phoenix pupil was narrowing the eyes. 难道我不是?”那妖冶女子淡淡地瞥了昱熊一眼,凤眸微眯着。 The Bright Light Bear big laughter the card in the throat, the head shrinks immediately, said hastily: For the brother naturally is not this meaning, but I have not listened to some people to call you, for a while feels surprised. Em, this Little Bai/Little White face too shameless, must make a move to teach him for the brother!” 昱熊的大笑声立刻卡在了喉咙里,脑袋一缩,连忙道:“为兄当然不是这个意思,只是我还从来没听过有人这么称呼你,一时觉得惊奇罢了。恩,这小白脸太不要脸了,要不要为兄出手教训教训他!” So saying, the bowel movement looks ruthlessly toward Yang Kai. 这般说着,便恶狠狠地朝杨开望去。 On Red Moon Territory. Bright Light Bear can be said as under one person. Ten thousand people of above, with are the adopted sons of Red Moon Territory main adoption, his strength and position are not general Monster Race can compare. 赤月领上。昱熊可以说是一人之下。万人之上,同为赤月领主收养的义子,他的实力和地位都不是一般妖族能够比拟的。 But his temperament also straightforward hale and hearty, is fearless. Only two people can make him admit defeat. 而他的脾气也耿直硬朗,天不怕地不怕。唯有两个人能让他服软。 One naturally is the Red Moon Territory lord. But another then sat beautiful and bewitching female near his right hand. 一个自然是赤月领主。而另一个便是坐在他右手边的妖冶女子了。 If said that he is the awe has good to the Red Moon Territory lord. Then he then admires to own this little sister, he admires aptitude and practice of speed opposite party, that is he is unable to attain forever. 若说他对赤月领主是敬畏有佳的话。那么他对自己这个小妹便是佩服,他佩服对方的资质修炼速度,那是他永远也无法企及的。 The adoptive mother had said. little sister is on Red Moon Territory besides Ba He , to promote existence of Void King Stage hopefully! This point he compares. 义母曾经说过。小妹赤月领上除了巴鹤之外,最有希望晋升虚王境的存在!这一点他比不过。 Does not use!” That beautiful and bewitching female rejected the proposition of Bright Light Bear. “不用!”那妖冶女子拒绝了昱熊的提议。 Lets off him? That was also too cheap he, he must for own paid the price frivolous!” Bright Light Bear is swaying big head, some are not glad. “就这么放过他?那也太便宜他了,他必须为自己的轻狂付出代价!”昱熊摇晃着大脑袋,有些不乐意。 Beautiful and bewitching female shows a faint smile, stands up from the chair, walks toward under leisurely, is saying with a smile lightly: Lets off him? Naturally does not have such cheap matter, so does not know the sense of honor, the fellow who is a womanizer everywhere, cannot certainly casual let off, I make a move to teach him personally!” 妖冶女子微微一笑,从椅子上站起身,款款朝下方走去,轻笑着道:“放过他?自然没这么便宜的事,这般不知廉耻,处处拈花惹草的家伙,当然不能随便就放过,我亲自出手教训他!” „...... This is also good.” Bright Light Bear nods, a face looks taking pleasure in others' misfortunes to Yang Kai, grins to say with a smile: „The Little Bai/Little White face, you ended, if Sir I acts, can be happy to you, but if little sister acts, hey hey hey......” “呃……这样也好。”昱熊点点头,一脸幸灾乐祸地望向杨开,咧嘴笑道:“小白脸,你完了,若是大爷我出手,可以给你痛快,可要是小妹出手,嘿嘿嘿……” That is placed in both sides Monster Race powerhouses, as soon as listens to this Sir to make a move to teach that Little Bai/Little White face personally, immediately rouses the spirit, anticipated secretly the good play arrives. 那分列在两旁的妖族强者们一听这位大人要亲自出手教训那小白脸,当即都振奋起精神,暗暗期待好戏登场。 However on the other hand, can be intended to teach by this Sir personally, this Little Bai/Little White face...... may really have the luck, many Monster Race reveal the look that envies unexpectedly. 不过话又说回来了,能被这位大人亲自出手教训,这小白脸……可真有福啊,不少妖族竟流露出羡慕的神色。 The moment time, beautiful and bewitching female then arrived in front of Yang Kai, the bright and clean fair chin still raises slightly, as noble as ice however inviolable appearance, reveals that fair slender neck, turns one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily. 须臾功夫,妖冶女子便来到了杨开面前,光洁白皙的下巴依然微微扬起,一副高贵到凌然不可侵犯的样子,露出那白皙修长的颈脖,让人目眩神驰。 Yang Kai happy does not fear, looks at each other with her with a smile. 杨开怡然不惧,笑吟吟地与她对视。 female Yin Ya/silver tooth is nipping lightly, extended a hand slowly, jade finger poked toward the Yang Kai's chest place. 女子银牙轻咬着,缓缓伸出一只手,玉指杨开的胸口处戳了过去。 Bright Light Bear happy Hehe is looking, feels anticipated that little sister will have any brutal make one bristle with anger way to suffer this shameless fellow...... 昱熊呵呵地望着,倍感期待小妹会有什么惨无人道令人发指的方式来折磨这不要脸的家伙…… Numerous Monster Race also elongated the neck, a face pleased...... 众多妖族也都伸长了脖子,一脸快意…… jade finger in the Yang Kai's chest place, beautiful and bewitching female clenches teeth saying: You said, I dig your heart, pulls out your liver, or...... cuts up the chest and abdominal cavities to rip open the stomach you directly, taking a look in your is black, is white!” 玉指点在杨开的胸口处,妖冶女子咬牙道:“你说,我是把你的心挖出来,还是把你的肝掏出来,又或者……直接把你开膛破腹,瞧瞧你这里面是黑的,还是白的!” „Do you hate me?” Yang Kai touches the nose. “你就这么恨我?”杨开摸了摸鼻子。 Yes!” The chin of beautiful and bewitching female raises little, hates you bone to inter the body, wishes one could to tear to shreds you, wishes one could to frustrate the bone to raise you grey......” “是!”妖冶女子的下巴又扬起少许,“恨你入骨,恨不得把你碎尸万段,恨不得将你挫骨扬灰……” Hehe......” Yang Kai hollow laugh. 呵呵……”杨开干笑着。 Beautiful and bewitching female is saying, jade finger while ignites in the Yang Kai's chest place lightly, Yin Ya/silver tooth bites ka-beng the sound, as if has what bitter hatred general with Yang Kai. 妖冶女子一边说着,玉指一边在杨开的胸口处轻点着,银牙咬的嘎嘣响,仿佛与杨开有什么深仇大恨一般。 On the Bright Light Bear face twinkling has exciting rays of light, pays attention to the Yang Kai's response secretly. 昱熊脸上闪烁起兴奋的光芒,暗暗关注杨开的反应。 little sister seems extremely useless the swift and fierce method, but by her ability, wish makes this Little Bai/Little White face experience personally the internal injury, should be easy. 小妹似乎没用太过凌厉的手段啊,不过以她的能力,想要让这小白脸身受暗伤,应该轻而易举。 Does not know that after little sister poked these next, this Little Bai/Little White face can the five main internal organs (entrails) and other meetings of change into a beach wealth...... 不知道被小妹戳了这几下之后,这小白脸的五脏六腑等会会不会化为一滩脓水…… But why...... felt that the little sister tone is so plaintive? Bright Light Bear flexure the head, is puzzling. 可是……为什么感觉小妹的语气这么哀怨呢?昱熊挠着脑袋,百思不得其解。 Do not be noisy!” Yang Kai shows the helpless look, held that beautiful and bewitching female small hand, the opposite party made an effort to pull out, actually cannot pull out. “别闹!”杨开露出无奈的神色,一把将那妖冶女子的小手抓住了,对方使劲抽了一下,却没能抽出来。 One group of Monster Race powerhouses are filled with righteous indignation immediately, the vision several want to torch. 一群妖族强者立刻义愤填膺起来,目光几欲喷火。 Rash! This fellow not just dares to sexually harass that Sir unexpectedly, now recklessly is unexpectedly frivolous, how does this let them to endure? 胆大妄为!这家伙居然不单单敢调戏那位大人,如今居然还肆意轻薄了,这让他们如何能忍? They are wanting to clash to teach Yang Kai well, actually sees on the face of that Sir to reappear the charming look, a pure white cheeks piece blushes, even neck became pink, the chin that raised does not know when has hung down, the arrogant makings also became in this flash may gently the person...... 他们正欲冲出去好好地教训一下杨开,却见那位大人的脸上浮现出娇羞的神色,洁白的脸颊一片红晕,连颈脖都变得粉红了,扬起的下巴不知何时已经低垂了下来,高傲的气质也在这一瞬间变得温婉可人…… What situation is this? Why will the Sir have the this kind of response? 这是什么情况?为何大人会有这样的反应? One crowd of Monster Race are dumb as a wooden chicken. 一群妖族呆若木鸡。 Your this bastard!” Beautiful and bewitching female is scolding in a soft voice, in the beautiful pupil appears the suffering look, I have not told you, do I in emperor Chen, why you see me until now?” “你这混蛋!”妖冶女子轻声骂着,美眸中浮现出委屈的神色,“我不是告诉过你,我在帝辰么,为什么你直到现在才来见我?” Without the means that the Star Territory long-distance voyage, is not I wants to come to come.” Helpless Yang Kai answered, this can come , was really the luck, I do not come now, Qingluo, other angry/vitality, making one to look at the joke.” “没办法啊,星域远航,不是我想来就来的。”杨开无奈解释道,“这一趟能过来,也实在是运气,我现在不是来了么,轻罗啊,别生气了,叫人看了笑话。” They have been looking at the joke.” Shan Qingluo was angry Yang Kai, „do you want to turn into this aspect are? Now satisfied?” “他们早就在看笑话了。”扇轻罗嗔了杨开一眼,“你就想把局面变成这样是?现在满足了?” Hehe.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, actually my also didn't expect can be you receives me and Little Senior Sister, you said that was unfair to me actually.” 呵呵。”杨开咧嘴一笑,“其实我也没想到会是你来接见我和小师姐,你这么说倒是冤枉我了。” If so, I did not haggle over with you.” Shan Qingluo light snort/hum. “若是这样,那我就不跟你计较了。”扇轻罗轻哼一声。 two people is affectionate here, the love, numerous Monster Race in main hall actually get up glassy-eyed. 两人在这边卿卿我我,浓情蜜意的,大殿内的众多妖族却目光呆滞起来。 By the present, their where had not known, own Sir with this Little Bai/Little White face, seemed to have known, moreover relates is very intimate, where will otherwise have such scene of flirt to appear. 到了如今,他们哪里还不晓得,自家的大人与这个小白脸,似乎早就认识了,而且关系还很亲密,要不然哪会有那样打情骂俏的场面出现。 This makes them be almost impossible to accept. 这让他们几乎无法接受。 Bright Light Bear also looked to stay, the eyeball almost stared the eye socket. 昱熊也看呆了,眼珠子差点瞪出了眼眶。 Which man he never sees his little sister to be so benign, little sister when talked with that Little Bai/Little White face, revealed unexpectedly and satisfies the happy look! 他从未见过自家的小妹对哪个男人如此和颜悦色,小妹在与那小白脸交谈的时候,竟流露出及其满足幸福的神色! Bright Light Bear sees little sister more than once, desolate lonely, is now, her satisfaction with former formed and sharp contrast desolately. 昱熊可是不止一次见到小妹在独自一人的时候,落寞孤独,可是现在,她的满足与以前的落寞形成了及其鲜明的对比。 Your position here seems high.” Yang Kai asked in a soft voice. “你在这里的地位似乎很高啊。”杨开轻声问道。 To be honest, here saw that Shan Qingluo sits in the above scene high, really lets his some accidental/surprised, although he has long known that Shan Qingluo was received by the Red Moon Territory lord for the adopted daughter, but the race is different, he thinks Shan Qingluo here is very difficult, but sees her now, knows that own thought mistakenly. 说实话,在这里见到扇轻罗高高坐在上方的场景,委实让他有些意外,尽管他早已知道扇轻罗赤月领主收为义女,但毕竟种族不同,他本来以为扇轻罗在这边过的很艰辛,可如今见到她,才知道自己想错了。 Em, the adoptive mother regards as important me very much, therefore these Monster Race do not dare to disrespect to me.” Shan Qingluo replied in a soft voice. “恩,义母很看重我,所以那些妖族也不敢对我不敬。”扇轻罗轻声答道。 Who the fellow is, seems to be the same as your position.” Yang Kai raises the head looks to Bright Light Bear. “那家伙是谁啊,跟你的地位似乎一样。”杨开抬头看向昱熊 Just like me, is the adoptive mother gives shelter, in the name was my Big Brother, but he was legitimate Monster Race.” Shan Qingluo answered in a soft voice, after saying, she discovered in the Yang Kai eye originally some faint trace hostilities, suddenly vanished into thin air. “与我一样,都是义母收留的,名义上算是我的大哥了,不过他是正统的妖族。”扇轻罗轻声解释道,说完之后,她发现杨开眼中原本有的丝丝敌意,忽然烟消云散。 This discovery makes her heart jump for joy. 这个发现让她芳心雀跃起来。 A man will be jealous for the woman, means what Shan Qingluo compared with who clear. 一个男人会为女人吃醋,意味着什么扇轻罗比谁都清楚 Uncle elder brother, hello/you good!” Yang Kai raises the head toward the Bright Light Bear smile, loud greeting said suddenly. “大舅哥,你好啊!”杨开忽然抬头昱熊微笑,大声招呼道。 The eyeball of Bright Light Bear, pounds instantaneously on the ground! 昱熊的眼珠子,瞬间砸在地上! If said that saw a moment ago little sister makes Bright Light Bear somewhat guess with this Little Bai/Little White face affectionate movement, then Yang Kai's calls now, then confirmed his guess. 若说刚才见到小妹与这小白脸亲昵的动作让昱熊有些猜测的话,那么如今杨开的称呼,便将他的猜测证实了。 little sister and this Little Bai/Little White face...... unexpectedly are that relations! 小妹与这小白脸……居然是那种关系! This possibility? Bright Light Bear does not dare to believe to look toward Shan Qingluo, discovered meaning that impressively little sister has not denied unexpectedly, instead smiles shyly. 这可能么?昱熊不敢置信地朝扇轻罗望去,赫然发现小妹居然没有否认的意思,反而羞涩地微笑。 Bright Light Bear as if hears the sound that had anything to disrupt, swept other Monster Race in main hall, discovery these fellow each and everyone look grief and indignation, show the expression that feels like a knife twisting in the heart impressively, the vision spit fire are staring at Yang Kai, as if wishes one could to change into sharp arrow the vision, kills this Little Bai/Little White face at the scene. 昱熊似乎听到了有什么碎裂的声音,不禁扫了一眼大殿中的其他妖族,赫然发现那些家伙一个个神色悲愤,露出心如刀绞的表情,目光喷火地盯着杨开,仿佛恨不得将目光化为利箭,将这小白脸当场击毙。 „......” The Bright Light Bear head somewhat cannot make a turn, some do not know that should say anything to Yang Kai, suddenly looked at one to stand in Yang Kai Xia Ning Chang peacefully, buzz the sound asked: „Does that this miss relate with your what?” “呃……”昱熊脑袋有些转不过弯,有些不知道该跟杨开说什么,忽然看了一眼一直安静地站在杨开身边的夏凝裳,嗡声问道:“那这位姑娘跟你什么关系?” Little Senior Sister is my woman!” Yang Kai is smiling, put out a hand to embrace the waist of Xia Ning Chang, another hand also embraced Shan Qingluo. 小师姐是我的女人!”杨开微笑着,伸手将夏凝裳的腰肢揽住了,另一只手将扇轻罗也揽了过来。 Shan Qingluo struggled slightly, complied with the Yang Kai's meaning, complexion slightly red snuggle in the Yang Kai's bosom. 扇轻罗略微挣扎了一下,还是顺应了杨开的意思,脸色微红的依偎杨开的怀里。 Bright Light Bear opened the mouth, stupidly looks under that smiling face to be bright, the Human Race Little Bai/Little White face of being surrounded by beautiful women, a respect arises spontaneously, set upright giving the thumbs-up ruthlessly. 昱熊张大了嘴巴,傻傻地望着底下那笑容灿烂,左拥右抱的人类小白脸,一股敬佩之情油然而生,狠狠地竖了竖大拇指。 This is the winner of life! Is the model in Little Bai/Little White face!.) 这才是人生的赢家啊!是小白脸中的典范!。)
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