MP :: Volume #16

#1575: Originally is the Little Bai/Little White face

Ba He was detained! The this kind of result lets Yang Kai dumbstruck, but looks at a Ba He confident appearance, Yang Kai estimated that he will not have the sorrow of what surname life . 巴鹤被押了下去!这样的结果让杨开目瞪口呆,不过看巴鹤一副胸有成竹的样子,杨开估计他不会有什么姓命之忧。. Mi Tian was also entertained the one side warmly, but Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang were introduced Half-Moon Mountain by Monster Race female, passes that neat mountain road, upward. 弥天也被热情招待到了一旁,而杨开夏凝裳则被一个妖族女子引进了半月山,通过那整齐的山道,一路往上。 Walks in front Monster Race female does not know that which Monster Beast bloodline carries, the stature is petite, but the figure is extremely vigorous, has Void Return 1-layer cultivation level, the ears of two ear Human Race, somewhat do not seem like the cat ear on the contrary, short fine. 走在前方的妖族女子也不知道身负哪种妖兽的血统,身材娇小,但身形却极其矫健,有着返虚一层境修为,两只耳朵不似人类的耳朵,反倒有些像是猫耳,短小精致。 Yang Kai is unalarmed by strange sights, sizes up the Holy Land scenery in this Red Moon Territory. 杨开见怪不怪,一路四下打量这赤月领中的圣地风景。 All around world's spiritual energy is very rich, under this Half-Moon Mountain should have good Earth Arteries, otherwise is unable to satisfy massive Monster Race martial artist to need in this place practice. 四周的天地灵气很浓郁,这半月山下应该有上好的地脉,否则根本无法满足大量的妖族武者在此地修炼所需。 Girl, we are this sees Sir Chi Yue now?” Walked for a long time, Yang Kai opens the mouth to ask. “姑娘,我们现在这是去见赤月大人么?”走了许久,杨开才开口问道。 Sir has the important matter in the body, temporarily does not meet your, but will have the person to receive two.” Front Monster Race female has not returned, replied lightly. “大人有要事在身,暂时不会见你们的,不过另有人会接待两位。”前方的妖族女子头也没回,淡淡答道。 Got it.” Yang Kai nods, does not have to ask anything again. “明白了。”杨开点点头,也没再多问什么。 Although the performance of Xia Ning Chang in Shining Moon City enough shocks, but the Chi Yue good and evil is also one of the ten big feudal lords, is the Void King Stage powerhouse, will not receive Xia Ning Chang personally, pours the past of also saying. 虽说夏凝裳晖月城的表现足够震撼,但赤月好歹也是十大领主之一,更是虚王境强者,不会亲自接待夏凝裳,倒也说的过去。 However she too will not despise Xia Ning Chang, should arrange an efficient manpower to receive, shows attaching great importance to Xia Ning Chang. 不过她也不会太轻视夏凝裳,应该会安排个得力的人手来接待,以示对夏凝裳的重视。 Yang Kai comes this, only to have a look at Shan Qingluo that Enchantress, can obtain the interview of Chi Yue to be indifferent, to him. Does not see Chi Yue to be better, after all facing Void King Stage, Yang Kai many also a little pressure. 杨开来此,只为看看扇轻罗妖女,能不能得到赤月的接见是无所谓的,对他来说。不见赤月可能更好,毕竟面对一个虚王境,杨开多少也有点压力。 Now listened to this Monster Race female saying that had the person to receive, was just right for his thoughts. 如今听这妖族女子说另有人接待,正合了他的心思。 Followed in her behind, how Yang Kai to seek for Shan Qingluo in the consideration. 一路跟在她身后,杨开已经在考虑该如何寻找扇轻罗了。 In this place, he does not dare too to seek with Spiritual Mind dissolutely, if really did that is very likely to make the trouble. 在这种地方,他也不敢太放肆地用神念寻找,真要是这么做了,极有可能会惹出麻烦事。 Has walked about the probably half double-hour, before that Monster Race female brings the Yang Kai Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people are arriving at resplendent in gold and jade green Palace, she directly inward walked. 一直走了大概有半个时辰左右,那妖族女子才带着杨开师姐弟二人来到一栋金碧辉煌的宫殿前,她径直朝内走了进去。 In Palace. Spacious bright. Many Monster Race martial artist are placed both sides, looks around toward the entrance place curiously. 宫殿内。宽敞亮堂。不少妖族武者分列两旁,都好奇地朝门口处张望。 They were obtain the news saying that Human Race refined in Shining Moon City Spirit Pill that lived Pill Clouds, Shining Moon City City Master Ma Gena did not say that will escort her to arrive at temporary palace to work for the feudal lord Sir. 他们都是得到消息说,有一个人类晖月城炼制出了生有丹云灵丹,晖月城城主马格纳不曰将护送她来到行宫处为领主大人效力。 What Human Race they were very naturally curious have so the resulting in Pill Refining technique unexpectedly. 他们自然很好奇到底是什么样的人类居然有如此了得的炼丹技艺。 But in these Monster Race above. Has the two strength to achieve the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse to sit well the first place. 而在那些妖族的上方。有两位实力达到返虚三层境的强者端坐首位。 Left. Figure tall and strong. Just likes an iron tower fiercely, the look fearsome. 左边一个。身形魁梧。犹如一座铁塔,相貌狰狞可怖。 Right, figure high shoulder. Has a beautiful face, in the facial features as if contained 10,000 Kinds of Charms, she appearance was beautiful, now is served as contrast by left that fierce ugly robust man, even more does not appear world female. 右边一个,身段高挑。眉目如画,眉眼中似乎蕴藏了万种风情,她本就容貌绝美,如今被左边那狰狞丑陋的壮汉一衬托,愈发显得不似人间女子 Monster Race martial artist that under these wait, many people look at one toward this female once for a while secretly, but quick diverts the attention, time that as if for fear that looks at long will get sucked in her attracting general. 下方那些等候的妖族武者,不少人时不时地朝这女子偷瞄一眼,不过很快又转移开视线,似乎生怕看的时间久了会深陷在她的魅惑中一般。 At this moment, that left iron tower robust man facial skin is twitching slightly, as if waits is very impatient, the buttocks also wiggle forward, not a very comfortable appearance. 此刻,那左边的铁塔壮汉脸皮微微抽搐着,似乎等的很是不耐烦,屁股也扭来扭去,一副很不自在的样子。 Is right that female, the black eyebrow is wrinkling on the contrary slightly, in the surface a doubt puzzled look, the beautiful pupil goes to outside the palace, might pass through the impediment of space, looks to the extremely far place. 反倒是右边的那女子,黛眉微微皱着,面上一片狐疑不解的神色,美眸投向殿外,好像要穿过空间的阻隔,看向极远的地方。 With the passage of time, this female expression starts to fluctuate, gradually becomes joyful, excited, the lazy physique also gradually straightened up, the tender body cannot bear unexpectedly shivers gently. 随着时间的推移,这女子的表情开始变幻起来,逐渐变得欣喜,激动,原本慵懒的身姿也逐渐挺直了,娇躯竟忍不住轻轻颤抖。 Her pair of beautiful pupil jumps projects the astonishing extraordinary splendor, is nipping red lips lightly, on the elegant face presented the facial expression of anticipation unexpectedly, the corners of the mouth floated off wipes the smiling face. 她的一双美眸迸射出惊人的异彩,轻咬着红唇,俏脸上竟出现了期待的神情,嘴角边浮起一抹笑容。 Below many Monster Race powerhouse this income eyeground, only thought that in the chest cavity hears an intermittent fierce heartbeat, has a parched mouth. 下方的众多妖族强者将这一幕收入眼底,只觉得胸腔里传来一阵阵剧烈的心跳声,口干舌燥。 They have not seen this Sir to reveal this to invert the smiling face of all living things sufficiently, for a moment unexpectedly some are unable to get rid of the seduction that smiling face brings, wishes one could to immerse to be one of them the mind, whatever it perishes, even if were fettered dark, will never see bright still honour does not allow one to glance back. 他们从来没见过这位大人露出这样足以颠倒众生的笑容,一时间竟有些无法摆脱那笑容带来的诱惑,恨不得将心神都沉浸在其中,任由其沉沦,即便被黑暗束缚,永不见光明也义无反顾 The stuffy hum/snort resounds, many Monster Race powerhouses detect improper, revolution Saint Yuan attacks the own mind hastily, rather the autonomy must hurry to get back one's composure. 闷哼声响起,不少妖族强者察觉到不妥,连忙运转圣元冲击自己的心神,宁愿自残也要赶紧回神。 Perishes again, only feared that was really beyond redemption! 再沉沦下去,只怕是真的要万劫不复了! Source of trouble! The adopted daughter who the feudal lord Sir accepted in the past, is really the source of trouble! Even in Monster Race most famous fox clan female, in beautiful and bewitching on charming, is still weak her three points. 祸水啊!领主大人当年收下的这个义女,果然是祸水!即便是妖族中最富有盛名的狐族女子,在妖冶妩媚上,也弱她三分。 Can Human Race, why have the this kind of character and style? Many Monster Race powerhouses want to break the head not to think clearly. 只是一个人类,为何能有这样的风情?众多妖族强者想破脑袋也想不明白。 this kind of exists, only feared that is most outstanding Monster Race disciple cannot be joined to her. 这样的存在,只怕是最优秀的妖族弟子也配不上她。 How not to have come, Sir was anxious!” Just like stuffy thunder -like crack, reverberates in Palace, awakens the Monster Race martial artist mind thoroughly, raises the head looks to that iron tower robust man. “怎地还不来,大爷急死了!”一声宛若闷雷般的炸响,回荡在宫殿中,将妖族武者们的心神彻底惊醒,纷纷抬头望向那铁塔壮汉。 That Great Han/big person is restless, with thick palm flexure the head, is turning head to look to nearby beautiful and bewitching female, exhibits a flattering appearance, on the face is hanging the ugly smile, buzz sound said: little sister, or you wait here, first went to the busy own matter for the brother?” 大汉如坐针毡,用粗大的手掌挠着脑袋,扭头望向旁边的妖冶女子,摆出一副讨好的模样,脸上挂着难看的微笑,嗡声道:“小妹,要不你在此等候,为兄先去忙自己的事了?” That beautiful and bewitching female shot a look at his one eyes, purses the lips to say with a smile lightly: Bright Light Bear, this is the adoptive mother told matter that coming the person is Pill Refining Grandmaster, cannot lack the courtesy, if you sneak away at a critical juncture, this matter was called the adoptive mother to know, will be the younger sister not to speak the word of praise for you.” 那妖冶女子瞥了他一眼,抿嘴轻笑道:“昱熊,这是义母吩咐下来的事情,来人是一位炼丹宗师,不能缺了礼数,你若是临阵脱逃,此事叫义母知道了,做妹妹可不会替你说好话。” Coughs......” Bright Light Bear to smile embarrasedly, remembers adoptive mother's terrifying, hit a cicada, big grandiose body as if suddenly short a section: I also said casually, do not take seriously, do not take seriously!” “咳……”昱熊讪讪一笑,想起义母的恐怖,不禁打了个寒蝉,高大壮硕的身子似乎陡然间矮了一截:“我也就随便说说,别当真,别当真嘛!” Finishing speaking of Bright Light Bear, the gate outside walks Monster Race female, strolls to nave location/position, the graceful ritual, opens the red lips to say lightly: Sir two, the person has brought!” 昱熊的话音刚落,门外便走进来一个妖族女子,漫步至中殿位置,盈盈一礼,轻启朱唇道:“两位大人,人已经带来了!” Came finally!” Bright Light Bear cold snort, a face uncomfortable look: This Sir must have a look but actually, that Pill Refining Grandmaster really has the skill, if before also resembles, that several, but is the disciple of seeking fame, that does not take it ill this Sir is not impolite, opened to be scattered about her.” “总算来了!”昱熊冷哼一声,一脸不爽的神色:“本大爷倒要看看,那炼丹宗师是不是真有本事,若是还像以前那几个,只不过是沽名钓誉之徒,那就休怪本大爷不客气,将她拆个七零八落了。” Because of Chi Yue to can specially attaching great importance to of Human Race. Therefore on Red Moon Territory, many Human Race was vainly hoping for can the feudal lord Sir's recognition, move in Half-Moon Mountain. 因为赤月对特殊才能的人类的重视。所以在赤月领上,许多人类都梦想着能够得到领主大人的赏识,入住半月山 But some people have no ability obviously, boasted that own how how, attempts to contribute no work but be undetected because of others, these people without exception, were all killed by mistreatment by Bright Light Bear cruelly. 可有些人明明没什么能耐,却吹嘘自己多么多么了得,企图滥竽充数,这些人无一例外,全都被昱熊残忍虐杀。 Therefore this time Bright Light Bear does not believe, really had Human Race to refine the birth to have Pill Clouds Void Grade pill, mostly was flattering of Shining Moon City City Master, wants to profit. 所以这一次昱熊也不怎么相信,真有人类能炼制出生有丹云虚级丹,多半是晖月城城主的吹捧,想从中得利罢了。 Please come in quickly!” Above beautiful and bewitching female is damping the excitement of heart. Flutters drinks tenderly. “快请进来!”上方的妖冶女子强抑着芳心的激动。颤声娇喝。 Yes!” That Monster Race female complied with one. Turns around to look toward the rear area, beckons toward that side. “是!”那妖族女子应了一声。转身朝后方望去,朝那边招了招手。 A man and a woman, walk shoulder to shoulder from that side, the male figure is great. Female delicate and exquisite. The two people vision transferred at will in the main hall. Then simultaneous frames on that beautiful and bewitching female. 一男一女,并肩从那边走过来,男的身形伟岸。女的娇小玲珑。两人的目光在大殿内随意地转了一圈。便齐齐定格在那妖冶女子身上。 Yang Kai grins to show the smile. The Xia Ning Chang also pursing the lips chuckle gets up. 杨开咧嘴露出微笑。夏凝裳也抿嘴轻笑起来。 The above beautiful and bewitching female tender body is shivering slightly, in the beautiful pupil appears unexpectedly the 1-layer blurred water vapor, but is well good in her heart surname recreation. Not too loses self-control under this big crowd of people. 上方的妖冶女子娇躯微微颤抖着,美眸里竟浮现出一层迷离的水汽,不过好在她心姓休养不错。在这大庭广众之下并没有太失态 Deeply attracted several tones, the exciting state of mind will return to normal, the bright and clean chin raises slightly, the beautiful pupil is staring at Yang Kai, in the eye twinkling the look of love-hate, no one notices, her Yin Ya/silver tooth is nipping lightly, spreads the slight sound. 深吸了几口气,将激动的心绪平复下去,光洁的下巴微微扬起,美眸凝视着杨开,眼中闪烁着爱恨交织的神色,无人注意到,她的银牙在轻咬着,传出轻微的声响。 Sir two, the person has arrived.” That Monster Race female respectful sound reports. 两位大人,人已经到了。”那妖族女子恭声汇报。 Well, did not say that only has female is Pill Refining Grandmaster? This male does?” Bright Light Bear is looking at Yang Kai curiously. “咦,不是说只有女子炼丹宗师么?这男的又是干什么的?”昱熊好奇地望着杨开 Monster Race female returns said: This two seems like same side Senior Sister and Junior Brother, comes together.” 妖族女子回道:“这两位似乎是同门师姐弟,一起来的。” Originally is the Little Bai/Little White face!” Bright Light Bear laughs at one, Sir most looked down upon this person.” “原来是个小白脸!”昱熊嗤笑一声,“大爷最看不起这种人了。” He regards Yang Kai subconsciously by the goods that Xia Ning Chang lives by pimping. 他下意识地把杨开当成是靠夏凝裳吃软饭的货色。 Yang Kai has not cared about his appraisal, still with beautiful and bewitching female four eyes look at each other of above, on the face is hanging a pondering smiling face, as if somewhat cannot withstand Yang Kai this to invade the vision that the surname does not flinch richly, above beautiful and bewitching female gouged his one eyes wickedly, in beautiful pupil a rebuking color. 杨开并没有在意他的评价,依然与上方的妖冶女子四目对视着,脸上挂着一副玩味的笑容,似乎有些承受不住杨开这富有侵略姓毫不退缩的目光,上方的妖冶女子恶狠狠地剜了他一眼,美眸中一片嗔怪之色。 This big crowd of people...... 这大庭广众的…… Bold Human Race, sees Sir two, why hasn't saluted?” In both sides Monster Race, hears the sound of shouting angrily suddenly. “大胆人类,见到两位大人,为何还不行礼?”两旁的妖族中,忽然传来怒喝之声。 Red Moon Territory set out so many manpower, the Sir who even the two position venerates receives personally, enough to that Alchemy Grandmaster face, in emotion in reason, these two Human Race should not stupidly poke here, how saying that must express under own humble is good. 赤月领出动了这么多人手,甚至还有两位地位尊崇的大人亲自接待,已经足够给那炼丹大师面子了,于情于理,这两个人类也不应该傻杵在这里,怎么说也得表示下自己的谦卑才行。 But they stand unexpectedly here, motionless , was too rather serious own. 可他们竟站在这里,一动不动,未免也太把自己当回事了。 Does not have the feudal lord Sir's recognition, Human Race to be nothing! But in the Monster Race powerful under accessories. 没有领主大人的赏识,人类又算个屁!只不过是在妖族强大下附属品而已。 The one who keeps these Monster Race from enduring, that Little Bai/Little White face from entering main hall, then casts the vision on that Sir, the eye has not winked, as if wished one could to eat that Sir swallow alive exactly was the same. 更让那些妖族无法忍受的是,那小白脸自进大殿起,便将目光投在那位大人身上,眼睛都没眨上一下,仿佛恨不得把那位大人生吞活吃了一样。 Too impolite! 太无礼了! Even that Sir charm is boundless, only Human Race should not be so dissolute, this Sir can Human Race blaspheme can it be that? 就算那位大人魅力无边,区区一个人类也不应该如此放肆,这位大人岂是一个人类能够亵渎的? Many Monster Race clash Yang Kai to glare angrily at each other in this flash. 不少妖族在这一瞬间都冲杨开怒目相视。 Your this Little Bai/Little White face, where toward looks!” Bright Light Bear also discovered is not right, sets out suddenly, the vision toward the Yang Kai intently watch in the past, said wickedly: „Do you believe Sir to dig your eyeball?” “你这小白脸,往哪里看呢!”昱熊也发现了不对,霍地起身,目光朝杨开逼视过去,恶狠狠道:“你信不信大爷把你眼珠子挖下来?” Human Race, some people are not you can look that relieved, when your Little Bai/Little White face is good!” Ridiculing sound that side transmits a Monster Race powerhouse. 人类,有些人不是你能看的,安心当你的小白脸就好!”旁边传来一个妖族强者的揶揄声。 This Human Race is not too content, although that female of his side cannot see clearly the appearance/portrait, but only looks at that figure and skin color, then knows that she definitely is a rare beautiful woman, he was dissatisfied also even, unexpectedly also dares coveting the vision went to that Sir, really did not know so- said. 这个人类也太不知足了,他身边的那个女子虽说看不清真容,但只看那身段和肤色,便知道她肯定是个不可多得的美人,他不满足也就算了,居然还敢将觊觎的目光投向那位大人,实在是不知所谓。 This Human Race female is also blind, how can with the this kind of man in the same place? So splendid Pill Refining Grandmaster, only has the Monster Race Elite juniors match on..) 这个人族女子也瞎了眼,怎么会与这样的男人在一起?如此出色的炼丹宗师,也唯有妖族精锐子弟才配的上。。) ps: Recommends a book: «Unsurpassed Military Way», book number 3123416. Fifth that year child Chen was passed on because of the revelation is the ominous person, has to be forced to leave native place, the journey of opening escape, years later, the youngster honest benevolent, mixes the five cities wind and thunder, steps goes against heaven's will the road of rise. ps:推荐一本书:《无上武途》,书号3123416。五岁那年童辰因天启被传乃是不祥之人,不得不背井离乡,开启逃亡之旅,若干年后,少年诚仁,搅动五域风雷,踏上逆天崛起之路。 Interested can have a look. 有兴趣的可以去看看。
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