MP :: Volume #16

#1574: Half-Moon Mountain

Said, stone broken shocking . 一言出,石破惊天。. Ma Gena almost stared the eyeball, the vision just like the leech general, stares stubbornly on that grain of Spirit Pill. 马格纳差点把眼珠子都瞪了出来,目光犹如蚂蝗一般,死死地盯在那一粒灵丹上。 The Spirit Pill surface, has the 1-layer as if Ruoyun fog thing to cover, seems clouds, making this Spirit Pill appear spiritual energy to be dense. 灵丹表面,有一层若云雾般的东西笼罩,就好似有一片云彩,让这灵丹显得灵气氤氲。 Truly is Pill Clouds without doubt, although the Monster Race powerhouse on the scene, no has seen Spirit Pill that lives Pill Clouds, but when this grain of Spirit Pill prints the view, they can determine immediately, as if Ruoyun fog thing, truly is Pill Clouds in legend! 确实是丹云无疑,虽然在场的妖族强者,没有哪一个见过生有丹云灵丹,但当这一粒灵丹印入眼帘的时候,他们立刻就可以判定出来,那宛若云雾般的东西,确实是传说中的丹云 Because all around world's spiritual energy, slowly and steadily toward this Spirit Pill accumulation in the past. 因为四周的天地灵气,正在缓慢而平稳地朝这颗灵丹聚集过去。 When false at said that the drug efficacy in this Spirit Pill containing and astonishing terrifying, naturally, this will need massive time to accumulate is good. 假以时曰,这颗灵丹中蕴藏的药效将会及其惊人恐怖,当然,这需要大量的时间积累才行。 Circling was, such grain of Spirit Pill also the value is so inestimable. 绕是如此,这样一粒灵丹也已经价值不可估量了。 Sir Ba He, is this Void Grade pill?” Ma Gena collected, flutters the inquiry. 巴鹤大人,这是虚级丹?”马格纳凑了上去,颤声询问。 Good, truly is Void Grade pill!” Ba He sincere nods, the shock on face still has not abated. “不错,确实是虚级丹!”巴鹤正色颔首,脸上的震惊犹未消退。 The medicine pill rank scale is higher, is more difficult to give birth to Pill Mark and Pill Clouds this kind of thing, splendid Alchemy Expert, if the luck is good enough, refines some low grades for example Earth Grade Heaven Grade pill, some subtle opportunities give birth to Pill Mark Pill Clouds. 丹药的等级档次越高,就越难生出丹纹丹云这样的东西,一个出色的炼丹师,若是运气足够好的话,炼制一些低等级比如地级天级丹,还是有一些微妙的机会生出丹纹丹云的。 But Ba He has never heard, which Alchemy Expert has, when refines Void Grade medicine pill to give birth to Pill Mark, do not say in Pill Mark above Pill Clouds. 巴鹤从未听说过,有哪个炼丹师在炼制虚级丹药的时候生出过丹纹,更不要说是在丹纹之上丹云了。 This matter, even Emperor Dragon Star most splendid that Human Race Alchemy Expert has not achieved . That person is Void Grade high-rank Alchemy Expert! 这种事,即便是帝辰星上最出色的那位人族炼丹师也没有做到,要知道。那人可是一位虚级上品炼丹师啊! Attainments of this Human Race female on Pill Refining high, is the luck coincidence or really has this skill? Unexpectedly made a grain of Void Grade pill give birth to Pill Clouds! 这个人族女子炼丹上的造诣到底有多高,是运气巧合还是真有这份本事?居然让一粒虚级丹生出了丹云 Ba He shocking in the extreme. 巴鹤被震惊的无以复加。 Until at this moment, he understands the phenomenon in beforehand sky finally because of anything, is not because the Spirit Pill scale is high, because of the production of Pill Clouds, medicine pill of this simply scaled height of burst rank is more commendable! 直到此刻,他才总算明白之前天空中的异象到底是因为什么,并非是因为灵丹的档次高,而是因为丹云的生成,这简直比高等级的丹药更加难能可贵! It can be said that depending on this grain of pill, this Human Race female then shows disdain for entire Emperor Dragon Star sufficiently. 可以说,凭此一粒丹,这个人类女子便足以傲视整个帝辰星 The name of Grandmaster, she deserves! 宗师之名,她当之无愧! Ba He had profound respect, looked at Xia Ning Chang one. His look said to Ma Gena dignifiedly: And. This is Congealing Void Pill!” 巴鹤肃然起敬,望了夏凝裳一眼。他神色凝重地对马格纳道:“而且。这还是一枚凝虚丹!” Ma Gena holds breath cold air. 马格纳倒吸一口凉气。 Congealing Void Pill, although is only Void Grade low-rank pill, but by the difficulty of refinement, is difficult compared with some Void Grade middle-rank pill. Because of this medicine pill. Breaks through Void Return Stage when to martial artist takes. Has to help break through the effect of bottleneck. 凝虚丹,虽然只是虚级下品丹,但论炼制的难度,比起一些虚级中品丹还要困难。因为这种丹药。是给武者突破返虚镜时服用的。有帮助突破瓶颈之效。 Has such grain of Congealing Void Pill. It can be said that any Saint King 3-layer, can break through Void Return Stage without any hindrances, does not need to be worried that can have the danger of failure. 有这样一粒凝虚丹。可以说任何圣王三层境,都可以毫无阻碍地突破到返虚镜,不用担心会有失败的危险。 Then. This were Great Master least is also Void Grade middle-rank Alchemy Expert?” Ma Gena inquired on the quiet. “这么说来。这位大师最少也是一位虚级中品炼丹师了?”马格纳悄悄地询问。 I look at...... Ba He not to dare too arbitrary, to take in the jade bottle that medicine pill incessantly cautiously, admits own Space Ring carefully, „, no matter how, this Great Master must escort the temporary palace safe and sound, how to do specifically, you should understand!” “我看不止……”巴鹤也不敢太武断,小心翼翼地又将那丹药收进玉瓶中,仔细地放进自己空间戒,“不管如何,这位大师一定要安然无恙地护送到行宫,具体怎么做,你应该明白!” I know, Sir Ba He felt relieved!” Ma Gena nods dignifiedly. “我知道,巴鹤大人放心!”马格纳凝重颔首。 Are feudal lord Sir these years were accepting the Human Race special talent broadly, like this Human Race female this kind of, one kind that the feudal lord Sir most likes, how Ma Gena can not do one's best? 领主大人这么些年本就在广纳人族的特殊人才,像这人族女子这样的,是领主大人最喜欢的一类,马格纳怎会不尽心尽力? Confirmed after that Spirit Pill scale and value, Ma Gena treats the Xia Ning Chang attitude to be even more compatible, invited Xia Ning Chang to go to City Lord's Mansion to rest vigorously. 确认了那灵丹的档次和价值之后,马格纳对待夏凝裳的态度愈发亲和,极力邀请夏凝裳前往城主府歇息。 Xia Ning Chang a lot of grievance. 夏凝裳一肚子委屈。 Spirit Pill that first that she refines lives Pill Clouds, was taken away by the Monster Race powerhouse unexpectedly not making a sound. 她炼制出来的第一枚生有丹云灵丹,竟然被妖族强者不声不响地拿走了。 The Yang Kai good words comforted her several, this makes her mood somewhat change for the better. 杨开好言安慰了她几句,这才让她心情有些好转。 Ma Gena invited, Yang Kai also knows that he is taking advantage anything, naturally cannot refuse, to replace Xia Ning Chang to comply. 马格纳相邀,杨开也知道他在打什么算盘,自然不会去拒绝,代替夏凝裳答应了下来。 Ma Gena then understands, Yang Kai can the true about Xia Ning Chang person, stemming from the respect to Xia Ning Chang, change to the Yang Kai's attitude, has not proposed the to run amok Shining Moon City matter again, glowing with enthusiasm greets City Lord's Mansion the Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people, quite entertainment. 马格纳这才明白,杨开才是能真正左右夏凝裳的人,出于对夏凝裳的尊重,连带着对杨开的态度也发生了改变,再也没提大闹晖月城的事,热情洋溢地将师姐弟二人迎接城主府,好生招待。 Enters City Lord's Mansion together, naturally also has Mi Tian. 一同进城主府的,自然也有弥天 He Small Young Master as Thousand Eyes feudal lord, where regardless of originally arrives at to become a focus of attention, is this time in Shining Moon City, the crest of wave was actually covered by Xia Ning Chang completely. 他身为千眼领主的小公子,本来无论走到哪里都应该成为众人瞩目的焦点,可是这一次晖月城中,风头却完全被夏凝裳掩盖。 Regarding this, he pours also has nothing to envy angry/vitality, after all is a beautiful woman, moreover sooner or later can be the own person, Mi Tian naturally cannot care. 对此,他倒也没什么好嫉妒生气的,毕竟是个美女嘛,而且早晚会是自己的人,弥天自然不会太在意。 He takes for granted thinks! 他想当然地这么认为! Waited two to say time in City Lord's Mansion. 城主府内待了两曰时间 These two said, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang are confined at home, in the side building that in Ma Gena arranges for them discusses the say/way of Pill Refining, comprehends Pill Way True Understanding together. 这两曰,杨开夏凝裳足不出户,在马格纳为他们安排的厢房中探讨炼丹之道,共同参悟丹道真解 Refines after Congealing Void Pill that lives Pill Clouds, Xia Ning Chang really progresses by leaps and bounds to the opinion of Pill Way, many places understand by analogy, making Yang Kai also follow to profit. 炼制出一枚生有丹云凝虚丹之后,夏凝裳丹道的见解果然突飞猛进,许多地方触类旁通,让杨开也跟着受益。 After two said that Ma Gena came to invite Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang personally, said to be ready, only and other two people can head for the temporary palace of feudal lord Sir. 两曰后,马格纳亲自前来邀请杨开夏凝裳,说一切准备就绪,只等两人便可启程前往领主大人的行宫。 Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang have nothing to delay, had/left City Lord's Mansion with Ma Gena refreshedly. 杨开夏凝裳也没什么好耽搁的,爽快地随着马格纳出了城主府 Outside City Lord's Mansion, at least more than 30 Void Return Stage Expert are ready in full battle array, each one will look solemn, as if has what war soon to happen general. 城主府外,至少三十多位返虚镜高手严阵以待,个个神情肃穆,仿佛有什么大战即将发生一般。 They are responsible for escorting on the Xia Ning Chang road actually the security. 实则他们只是负责护送夏凝裳的路上安全而已。 To the Xia Ning Chang this kind of talent, Ma Gena does not dare to have slightly the careless general idea/careless, reassigned Shining Moon City most Expert directly. 夏凝裳这样的人才,马格纳不敢有丝毫马虎大意,直接抽调了晖月城大半的高手 Accompanying, the Ba He this kind of powerhouse, has Mi Tian, it is estimated that has no fellow who does not keep eyes open to dare to come again to provoke at will. 随行的,还有巴鹤这样的强者,更有弥天,估计再没有什么不长眼的家伙敢来随意挑衅。 Ma Gena will work very much, arranged a gorgeous beast car(riage) to Xia Ning Chang, pulling a cart two Monster Beast, although is inferior to Mi Tian beforehand Thunder Flame Flying Lizard, but also was the 8 step Monster Beast scale. 马格纳很会做事,给夏凝裳安排了一辆华美的兽车,拉车的两只妖兽虽然不如弥天之前的雷炎飞蜥,但也是八阶妖兽的档次了。 Under a strength request of Ma Gena, the Xia Ning Chang very embarrassed ground the beast car(riage), front first team more than ten people of wolves rode martial artist to clear the way, rear more than ten Void Return Stage follow, all around many powerhouses go into hiding in the side, is responsible for dispersing the miscellaneous personnel, vast momentum, had/left Shining Moon City enormously and powerful. 马格纳的一力请求下,夏凝裳很不好意思地上了兽车,前方一队十几人的狼骑武者开道,后方十几位返虚镜跟随,四周不少强者隐匿在侧,负责驱散闲杂人等,声势浩大,浩浩荡荡地出了晖月城 Although by the cultivation level boundaries of these people, direct utilize Star Shuttle flies to be perhaps quicker, but Ma Gena to show attaching great importance to Xia Ning Chang, caused such big ostentation. 虽说以这些人的修为境界,直接御使星梭飞过去恐怕更快一些,但马格纳为了彰显出对夏凝裳的重视,还是弄出了这么大的排场。 Yang Kai follows to profit at someone's expense, sits with Xia Ning Chang on the beast vehicle together. 杨开跟着沾光,与夏凝裳一道坐在兽车上。 Actually he does not want is so free, but Little Senior Sister seems very no use, she had not received attention like this. 其实他并不想这么招摇的,只是小师姐独自一人显得很是无助,她从来没有被这样瞩目过。 Unavoidablily, Yang Kai can only accompany. 不得已,杨开只能相陪。 Mi Tian rides wolf Monster Beast to follow in the rear area, the vision several to torch. 弥天骑着狼型妖兽跟在后方,目光几欲喷火。 So splendid female, only then his this kind of talent can match on, that called Yang Kai's Human Race to be anything, although battle strength was truly good, but after all was only humble Human Race. 如此出色的女子,也只有他这样的人才能配的上,那叫杨开的人类又算是什么东西,虽然确实战力不俗,但毕竟只是个低贱的人类罢了。 Affectionate manner of two people on beast vehicle, almost shook blindly the evil charm eyes of Mi Tian...... 两人在兽车上的亲昵神态,几乎晃瞎了弥天的邪魅双眼…… You are waiting, killed this Gentlemen two tent/account that pulls a cart Monster Beast, sooner or later must be! In the Mi Tian heart makes a determined effort secretly. 你等着,杀了本公子两只拉车妖兽的帐,迟早要算!弥天心中暗暗发狠。 Uneventful, here is Red Moon Territory, Shining Moon City City Master brings large quantities of Void Return Stage, escorts Human Race Pill Refining Grandmaster to go to the news of temporary palace, although passed on, but on Red Moon Territory, has no Monster Race to dare to cause trouble. 一路风平浪静,这里本就是赤月领,晖月城城主带着大批返虚镜,护送一个人族炼丹宗师前往行宫的消息虽然传了出去,但在赤月领上,也没有哪个妖族敢来惹是生非。 The speed of beast car(riage) is extremely fast, almost can compare favorably with Controlling Air Flight. 兽车的速度极快,几乎可以媲美御空飞行了。 Five said the time, first facilitated presented a big palatial architectural complex distantly. 前后不过五曰功夫,前方便遥遥地出现了一大片巍峨的建筑群。 Palace stands in great numbers, pavilions are close, the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace, constructs on a mountain, from the mountain bottom upward, the channel that everywhere obviously neat Palace and width vary. 宫殿林立,亭台楼阁鳞次栉比,赤月领主的行宫,建造在一座大山上,从山底一路往上,处处可见整齐的宫殿和宽窄不一的通道。 Half-Moon Mountain, here is the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace! 半月山,这里就是赤月领主的行宫! Also is on entire Red Moon Territory Holy Land in all Monster Race minds, their spiritual leaders, Sir Chi Yue, then live year to year here. 也是整个赤月领上所有妖族心目中的圣地,他们的精神领袖,赤月大人,便常年居住在这里。 Yang Kai stands on the beast vehicle, is looking at the front, the vision is profound. 杨开站在兽车上,望着前方,目光深邃。 Elder Sister Qingluo in that?” Xia Ning Chang inquired in a soft voice. 轻罗姐姐就在那里面么?”夏凝裳轻声询问。 Should be.” Yang Kai nods gently. “应该是。”杨开轻轻颔首。 Does not know that she now how, was definitely more attractive.” Xia Ning Chang twittering. “不知道她现在怎么样了呢,肯定更漂亮了。”夏凝裳呢喃着。 She has seen Shan Qingluo, although had met several in that side in the past, but that seductive female bone to inter the body actually still made and profound impression on her. 她是见过扇轻罗的,虽然当年在中都那边只是见过几面而已,但那妖媚入骨的女子却依然给她留下了及其深刻的印象。 Xia Ning Chang has never seen that beautiful and bewitching woman, she palpitates with excitement for the character and style of opposite party. 夏凝裳从未见过那么妖冶的女人,就连她都不禁为对方的风情而怦然心动。 She seems like inborn to attract to live, Xia Ning Chang suspects in this world to have lives in Shan Qingluo that very much which man can keep off burns an eye of charm. 她似乎是天生为了魅惑而生,夏凝裳很怀疑这世上到底有没有哪个男人能挡的住扇轻罗的灼目魅力。 Met you to know.” Yang Kai patted the back of the hand of Xia Ning Chang, embraces her waist, under the foot, flies light the beast car(riage). “等会你就知道了。”杨开拍了拍夏凝裳的手背,揽住她的腰肢,足下一点,轻飘飘地飞下兽车。 Temporary palace imposing manner of Sir Chi Yue is really out of the ordinary, the this Gentlemen child heart for a long time, must recompense to hope supinely now finally.” Mi Tian does not look at affectionate of Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang, the less seen the better, is voicing the feeling to the temporary palace greatly. 赤月大人的行宫气势果然非比寻常,本公子心仰已久,如今总算得偿所愿。”弥天不去看杨开夏凝裳的亲昵,眼不见为净,对着行宫大发感慨。 Walks, must walk to here, that side the feudal lord Sir should obtain the news, some people will greet our.” Ma Gena waves, making other Monster Race keep in place to wait, leading Yang Kai and the others to go toward the front line. “走,到了这里就得步行了,领主大人那边应该已经得到了消息,会有人来迎接咱们的。”马格纳挥了挥手,让其他妖族在原地等候,带着杨开等人朝前方行去。 Red Moon Territory main truly obtains the news, some people are awaiting respectfully at the foot of the hill. 赤月领主确实早就得到了消息,也有人正在山脚下恭候。 After Ma Gena and the others arrived at this place, that Monster Race martial artist that here waits for shot a look at Xia Ning Chang one lightly, nods gently: What a strain, the feudal lord Sir had the command, Ma Gena escorts active, selected to say to seal/confer bestows, but also please first go to the post house to rest to wait.” 马格纳等人到了此地之后,在此等候的那妖族武者淡淡地瞥了夏凝裳一眼,轻轻颔首:“辛苦了,领主大人有令,马格纳护送有功,择曰封赏,还请先去驿馆歇息等候。” Ma Gena beams with joy, expressed gratitude hastily. 马格纳眉开眼笑,连忙道谢。 That martial artist nods gently, suddenly will look at Ba He, in the mouth drinks one severely: Takes to me!” 武者轻轻点头,忽然将目光投向巴鹤,口中厉喝一声:“给我拿下!” All around jumps out several Monster Race martial artist suddenly, simultaneous charges into Ba He, meaning that Ba He stood in place, has not revolted against, to that several Monster Race powerhouses own bunch of solidity, including Saint Yuan by seal. 四周忽然窜出几个妖族武者,齐齐冲向巴鹤,巴鹤站在原地,并没有反抗的意思,任由那几个妖族强者将自己捆的结结实实,连一身圣元都被封印了。 For a long time disappears, Winter Lion you are such brutal!” Ba He Hehe is smiling. “这么久不见了,冬狮你还是这么无情啊!”巴鹤呵呵笑着。 You have a face, this time you will not live again are going out of Half-Moon Mountain!” That called Winter Lion Monster Race martial artist cold snort to say. “你还有脸回来,这一次你不会再活着走出半月山!”那叫冬狮妖族武者冷哼道。 Can live, all looked at the meaning of feudal lord Sir, Winter Lion, your my so many years friendship, waiting for the meeting may probably speak several words of praise to me.” “能不能活,全看领主大人的意思了,冬狮啊,你我这么多年的交情了,等会可要给我说几句好话。” Your wishful thinking!” Winter Lion is casting a sidelong glance slantingly he, you could rest assured that so long as the feudal lord Sir ordered to kill you, I will deliver you to start off personally.” “你痴心妄想!”冬狮斜睨着他,“不过你放心,只要领主大人下令杀你,我会亲自送你上路。” You really suffice cold and ruthless.”.) “你果然够无情无义的。”。)
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