MP :: Volume #16

#1573: pill becomes

This was Xia Ning Chang first time refines the birth to have Pill Clouds Spirit Pill, if successful, her Pill Refining technique will obtain the growth of leap surname, by her special physique, the special sensibility of this time Pill Refining becomes beacon light that shone she great leap on Martial Dao Heavenly Law. 这是夏凝裳头一次炼制出生有丹云灵丹,若是成功,那她的炼丹技艺将获得飞跃姓的成长,以她的特殊体质,这一次炼丹的特殊感悟将会成为照耀她在武道天道上大步前进的明灯。 The sensibility and experience of this time to Little Senior Sister, the significance are significant. 这一次的感悟和经验对小师姐来说,意义重大。 Yang Kai must attach great importance to compared with anybody, therefore his Spiritual Mind is covering the inn always, preventing some people to conspire. 杨开比任何人都要重视,所以他的神念无时无刻不笼罩着客栈,防止有人图谋不轨。 Is good because of having Ba He and Ma Gena this kind of powerhouse shelters, many Monster Race Void Return Stage Expert protections in all around, no one dares hurriedly. 好在有巴鹤马格纳这样的强者庇护,更有许多妖族返虚镜高手守护在四周,也没什么人敢造次。 This Medicinal Fragrance probably was also much rich, could it be that wanted Pill Success!” “这药香好像又浓郁了不少啊,难道是要成丹了!” What Spirit Pill...... this is, why smells previous Medicinal Fragrance to feel that the bottleneck was somewhat loose?” “啧啧……这到底是什么灵丹啊,为什么只是嗅上一口药香就感觉瓶颈有些松动了?” martial artist that all around surrounds was discussing as before chaotically, actually no one can understand clearly that Spirit Pill variety. 四周围观的武者依旧在七嘴八舌地讨论,却没人能洞悉那灵丹的品种。 At this moment, in the sky the vortex of that revolving changed suddenly again, as if spread an inexplicable attraction from the inn, will condense world's spiritual energy that comes to blot toward that side crazily. 就在这时,天空中那旋转的漩涡忽然再次发生了变化,仿佛从客栈内传出了一种莫名的吸引力,将凝聚而来的天地灵气疯狂地往那边吸去。 But that huge vortex also during revolving, assumes but actually the shape of funnel, falls in torrents under. 而那巨大的漩涡也在旋转之中,呈倒漏斗的形状,倾泻而下。 The short 5 minutes time, the vortex vanishes does not see, world's spiritual energy that the accumulation comes also without a trace, even has lingered in the Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi of people tip of the nose, suddenly became pale. 只是短短半盏茶的功夫,漩涡消失不见,聚集而来的天地灵气也无影无踪,甚至连一直萦绕在众人鼻尖的药香气,都忽然变淡了。 In inn, a quietness. 客栈内,一片静谧。 Success? Failure? 成功了么?还是失败了? Innumerable martial artist elongated the neck to look around, wants to know this time that inn the final achievement in Great Master Pill Refining. 无数武者伸长了脖子张望,想知道这一次那客栈里的大师炼丹的最终成果。 They do not know that Great Master are always few, is male is the female. But bewilderedly, actually is this time Pill Refining hopes, but is anxious. 他们不知道那位大师是老是少,是男是女。可莫名其妙地,却在为这一次炼丹而期盼,而紧张。 Not is only ordinary martial artist so, Ma Gena, Ba He, Mi Tian, each one is so, again light that even if they display, but the look in eye fluctuates is obvious. 不仅仅是普通的武者如此,马格纳,巴鹤,弥天,个个都是如此,即便他们表现的再平淡,可眼中的神色变幻却是显而易见的。 Only has Yang Kai, silently sensation a moment later. Smiled. 唯有杨开,在默默地感知片刻之后。微微笑了起来。 Success! 成功了! By Little Senior Sister Pill Refining natural talent. Under taking undivided attention to refine this kind of Spirit Pill is the natural matter, but she should immerse during the sensibility and harvest now, therefore also needs some time. 小师姐炼丹天赋。心无旁骛之下炼制出这样的灵丹是理所当然的事情,只不过她如今应该正沉浸在感悟和收获之中,所以还需要一些时间 Yang Kai has not brought to light, but stands guard all around at the same time. At the same time waits. 杨开并没有挑明,只是一边警戒四周。一边等候。 A day passed by. Two days passed by...... 一天过去了。两天过去了…… martial artist of many watching the fun cannot endure lonely. Cannot wait for the result, has diverged quietly, only then with this matter some powerhouses of connection. Still is waiting. 不少看热闹的武者耐不住寂寞。等不到结果,已经悄然散去,只有与这件事有些关联的强者们。依然在等待着。 Ba He will look at Yang Kai once for a while, seeming like wants to get a clue or the answer from his there, what makes his disappointed is, the Yang Kai's facial expression is impregnable, he has no way to infer anything, the ability the surname child is only waiting painstakingly. 巴鹤时不时地将目光投向杨开,似乎是想从他那里得到点线索或者答案,但让他失望的是,杨开的神情无懈可击,他也没法推断出什么,只能耐着姓子苦等。 In a flash, is five days of time. 一晃,就是五天时间 In the inn the sound does not have as before slightly. 客栈里依旧丝毫动静也无。 Anyone, waited for such long metropolis/can is not impatient. 无论是谁,等了这么久都会不耐烦。 enough!” Mi Tian drinks one lowly, „that inn person of Pill Refining should refines evidently the failure, does not dare to come out to see the person, the Ma Gena senior, ordered to make an arrest.” 够了!”弥天低喝一声,“看样子那客栈里的炼丹之人应该是炼制失败,不敢出来见人了,马格纳前辈,下令抓人。” Makes an arrest, what person catches?” Yang Kai is casting a sidelong glance slantingly he, drinks fiercely severely: Who dares to make an arrest!” “抓人,抓什么人?”杨开斜睨着他,狰狞厉喝:“谁敢抓人!” Mi Tian is saying with a smile coldly: Human Race, you think where here is, do round on you gesticulate? Ma Gena senior, this person so dissolute, has not placed in you eye slightly, if you do not begin, that this Gentlemen acted, happen to calculates the beforehand gratitude and grudges with him.” 弥天冷笑着道:“人类,你以为这里是什么地方,轮的上你来指手画脚?马格纳前辈,这人如此放肆,丝毫也没把你放在眼中啊,你若是不动手,那本公子就出手了,正好跟他算算之前的恩怨。” A Ma Gena brow wrinkle, some do not know that should should do, seeking information the vision goes to Ba He. 马格纳眉头一皱,也有些不知该如何是好了,不由地将征询的目光投向巴鹤 Ba He said lightly: Even if this Great Master this time refinement failure, but can make the so big move in Pill Refining, deciding is still a extraordinary character, the feudal lord Sir welcome to the this kind of talent very much.” 巴鹤淡淡道:“即便这位大师这一次炼制失败,但能在炼丹中弄出如此大的动静,定也是一位了不起的人物,领主大人对这样的人才是很欢迎的。” Listened to his such saying, Ma Gena to get back one's composure suddenly, nodded to say again and again: Good that Sir Ba He said that whose this City Master also really never sees Pill Refining to build up so the momentum, this talent must give to the feudal lord Sir perfectly.” 听他这么一说,马格纳恍然回神,连连点头道:“巴鹤大人说的不错,本城主还真的从未见过谁炼丹能造成如此声势的,这个人才一定要完好无损地献给领主大人。” Several people of speaking times, that side the inn hears slight sound of footsteps suddenly. 几人正在说话的时候,客栈那边忽然传来一阵轻微的脚步声。 The people look moves in abundance, simultaneous cast the vision. 众人纷纷神色一动,齐齐将目光投了过去。 Yang Kai greets with a smile, walked quickly. 杨开笑脸相迎,快步走了过去。 Moment, the wonderful form strolls to go out from the inn together, figure graceful is varied, the waist does not have the flaw gracefully, jade finger is slender, the flesh on back of the hand seems like stylishly to break. 须臾,一道美妙的身影从客栈里漫步走出,身段婀娜多姿,腰肢曼妙无瑕,玉指修长白皙,手背上的肌肤似乎吹弹可破。 Mi Tian in that so-called Great Master hostility to the inn was serious, wishes one could to kill then quickly , but when sees this form, suddenly the look is startled, the vision brilliant carefully examines. 弥天本来还对客栈里那所谓的大师敌意甚重,恨不得杀之而后快,可当看到这道身影的时候,忽然神色一怔,目光灼灼地审视起来。 Small Young Master as Thousand Eyes feudal lord, the inborn position venerates, because of practice the cult tactic, side Mi Tian did not lack young female, does not lack the beautiful woman, the beautiful women of transvestite two clans he can pick recklessly. 身为千眼领主的小公子,天生地位尊崇,又因为修炼了邪术,弥天身边不缺少女子,更不缺美女,人妖两族的美女他可以肆意采撷。 But when sees this form, makes him at present one bright. 可是当看到这道身影的时候,还是让他眼前一亮。 The trivial form then so, Mi Tian wants to know this woman long how. 只是区区身影便如此,弥天很想知道这女人长的如何。 The vision uppers shift, a Mi Tian brow wrinkle. 目光上移,弥天不禁眉头一皱。 This female obstructs the surface with the mourning band unexpectedly, asking him unable to see clearly the appearance/portrait, but the eye of that pair of limpid no flaw, actually such as in this world purest gem general mortal form beautiful, then captured his attention instantaneously. 女子竟然以黑纱遮面,叫他看不清真容,但那双清澈无瑕的眼睛,却如这世上最纯净的宝石一般魄丽,瞬间便吸引住了他的目光。 On this female pure white forehead is also embellishing a sapphire, even more makes her appear the beautiful not local products. 女子洁白的额头上还点缀着一颗蓝宝石,愈发让她显得美艳不可方物。 Clean! This is Mi Tian to the first impression of Xia Ning Chang. 干净!这是弥天夏凝裳的第一印象。 Clean on such as the mountain stream clear spring, making in the Mi Tian heart be somewhat ready to make trouble, wishes one could this pure tarnish, satisfies in the own heart to blaspheme **. 干净的就如山涧清泉,让弥天心中有些蠢蠢欲动,恨不得在将这份纯净玷污,满足自己心中亵渎的**。 Reexamines again, Mi Tian suddenly discovered that camouflaged the mourning band of her appearance appeared no longer an eyesore, instead just like the brush, sublimated one type her pure no flaw to the high level. 再重新审视一遍,弥天忽然发现,那遮蔽了她面貌的黑纱不再显得那么碍眼,反而犹如神来之笔,将她的纯净无瑕升华到了一种至高的层次。 Without covering up of this veil, without this dimness, then this pure beautiful only feared that must sell at a discount, because had this like the barrier dimness, can be interested in her. 若是没有这层面纱的遮掩,没有这种朦胧,那么这份纯净的美丽只怕是要打个折扣,正是因为有了这层如隔阂般的朦胧,才能让人对她更感兴趣。 Mi Tian came the interest, near the corners of the mouth to exude to wipe the light smile immediately, in the eyes jumps projects evil different divine light. 弥天顿时来了兴致,嘴角边泛起一抹淡淡的微笑,双眼中迸射出邪异的神光 Junior Brother, sorry!” Xia Ning Chang appears somewhat likes a cat on hot bricks, apologized in a soft voice. 师弟,对不起!”夏凝裳显得有些局促不安,轻声道歉。 She detected some inn outside sounds in Pill Refining. But diverts attention weak, has not spied on carefully, until Pill Refining finished, knew that truly exactly had anything. 她在炼丹的时候就察觉到客栈外面有些动静了。只不过分心乏术,没有仔细去窥探,直到炼丹结束,才真正晓得到底发生了什么。 own refines medicine pill to cause that big weaponry, will definitely attract the attention of many. 自己炼制丹药弄出那么大的阵仗,肯定会吸引到不少人的注意力。 Now looks at outside so many people, the Yang Kai clip is also one of them, she understands clearly immediately in the Pill Refining process, Yang Kai bore the tremendous pressure for her. 如今一看外面这么多人,杨开也夹在其中,她立刻洞悉在炼丹的过程中,杨开为她承受了多大的压力。 Said that this makes anything, thanks to Senior Sister, we can enter the temporary palace quickly.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile. Held on her small hand. Leads her to walk toward Ba He that side. “说这个做什么,托师姐的福,我们可以很快进入行宫了。”杨开咧嘴一笑。拉住了她的小手。带着她朝巴鹤那边走去。 The Mi Tian corner of the eye pulled out, looks even more appears to the Yang Kai's vision is hostile. 弥天眼角一抽,望向杨开的目光愈发显得仇视了。 Seemed own something for one's own exclusive use to be touched to be the same! 好似自己的禁脔被人触碰到了一样! female?” Ma Gena was scared. 女子?”马格纳傻眼了。 That flash when Xia Ning Chang makes an appearance, Monster Race innumerable martial artist were scared. 夏凝裳露面的那一瞬间,妖族无数武者都傻眼了。 Their radically didn't expect, Alchemy Grandmaster in that inn unexpectedly is female. Moreover is so beautiful pure female! So is young. 他们根本没想到,那客栈里的炼丹大师竟然是位女子。而且是如此美丽纯净的女子!还这么年轻。 In their imagination. Can be honoured as Great Master. Can in the person who in Pill Refining causes that momentum, definitely is an old man, badly is also a getting old person. Where knew, the reality and imagination have such big disparity. 在他们的想象中。能被尊称为大师。能在炼丹中弄出那种声势的人,肯定是个耄耋老者,最不济也是个上了年纪的人。哪里晓得,现实与想象有这么大的差距。 Ma Gena hardly can believe that the eye of own, will look at Ba He. 马格纳几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,不由地将目光投向巴鹤 Does not need to suspect, she is that Great Master in inn, em, comes with that Human Race boy together.” Ba He light say/way. “不用怀疑,她就是客栈里的那位大师,恩,与那个人类小子一起来的。”巴鹤淡淡道。 Listened to him saying that Ma Gena believed in firmly, went forward hastily two, holds the fist saying: Shining Moon City City Master Ma Gena, has seen this Great Master, Great Master was laborious!” 听他这么说,马格纳才深信不疑起来,连忙上前两步,抱拳道:“晖月城城主马格纳,见过这位大师,大师辛苦了!” On his face is hanging the kind smiling face, seems very kind. 他脸上挂着和蔼的笑容,显得很是亲切。 Xia Ning Chang slightly was flurried, but quick is calm, full returned to a ritual, said in a soft voice: Sir City Master was serious, the name of Great Master, small female is not really at all ashamedly!” 夏凝裳略略慌乱了一下,不过很快就镇定下来,盈盈回了一礼,轻声道:“城主大人严重了,大师之名,小女子实在愧不敢当!” The sound is clear, making innumerable Monster Race turn one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily. 声音清脆悦耳,让无数妖族都目眩神驰。 So pure moving, the sound is so also of pleasant to hear, but also is skilled in Pill Refining, this kind of Human Race...... the position differences of what transvestite two clans, own was at cost of the life is also willing to pursue not to mention. 如此纯洁动人,声音又如此好听,还精通炼丹,这样的人类……别提什么人妖两族的地位差别,自己拼了老命也愿意追求啊。 What a pity...... is looking the look that Yang Kai that is drawing the Xia Ning Chang small hand, each Monster Race will envy sprayed, as if wishes one could to change into myriad sharp arrow, pokes flaws Yang Kai, hate of solution heart. 可惜啊……望着拉着夏凝裳小手的杨开,每个妖族都将嫉妒的眼神喷射了出来,似乎恨不得化为万千利箭,将杨开戳个千疮百孔,一解心头之恨。 The humbleness of Xia Ning Chang makes Ma Gena laugh, said hastily: Right this miss, gives you to introduce, this is under my Monster Race Void King Stage the first powerhouse...... the graciousness, once under Red Moon Territory main Sir place the first great general, Sir Ba He!” 夏凝裳的谦逊让马格纳开怀大笑,连忙道:“对了这位姑娘,给你介绍一下,这位是我妖族虚王境之下第一强者……恩,曾经赤月领主大人座下第一大将,巴鹤大人!” Has seen the Ba He senior.” Xia Ning Chang salutes again. “见过巴鹤前辈。”夏凝裳再次行礼。 Ba He Hehe said with a smile: Girl does not need to be overly courteous, can witness so the grand occasion, is being honored of my Ba He.” 巴鹤呵呵笑道:“姑娘不必多礼,能见证如此盛事,也是我巴鹤的荣幸。” He also needs help from Xia Ning Chang, really does not dare to make the stance is too high. 他还有求于夏凝裳,实在不敢把姿态摆的太高。 This is Small Young Master of Thousand Eyes feudal lord Sir, Mi Tian Young Master.” Ma Gena is pointing at a Mi Tian introduced. “这位是千眼领主大人的小公子,弥天公子。”马格纳又指着弥天介绍道。 Mi Tian goes forward one step, a mild-mannered and cultivated appearance, well-mannered of performance: Mi Tian can result in sees the miss day face, is really most honored.” 弥天上前一步,一副温文尔雅的模样,表现的彬彬有礼:“弥天能得见姑娘天颜,实在是三生有幸。” Xia Ning Chang nods gently, has not said anything. 夏凝裳轻轻颔首,并没有多说什么。 Why does not know, she feels this Mi Tian before her perfect that , although displays, may make her have vigilant thoughts. 不知道为什么,她觉得这个弥天在她面前虽然表现的很完美,可却让她生出一种警惕的心思。 Yang Kai in one side sneered. 杨开在一旁嘿嘿冷笑着。 Girl, before you, several days refines Spirit Pill, does not know that Spirit Pill......” a Ma Gena face period wing is looking at Xia Ning Chang, wants to know that she does have to refine successfully. “姑娘,你前几曰炼制灵丹,不知那灵丹……”马格纳一脸期翼地望着夏凝裳,很想知道她到底有没有炼制成功。 Ba He also pays attention toward her. 巴鹤也朝她关注过来。 A Xia Ning Chang black eyebrow wrinkle, looked at Yang Kai. 夏凝裳黛眉一皱,看了看杨开 She does not want to show the own laborious achievement in the people. 她并不想将自己的辛苦成果示于众人。 With, can conduct the palace, looked at that Spirit Pill.” Yang Kai said in her ear in a soft voice, this affectionate action makes the Little Senior Sister tender body tremble, the fine earlobe becomes pink immediately. “拿出来,能不能进行宫,就看那灵丹了。”杨开在她耳边轻声说道,这亲昵的举动让小师姐娇躯一颤,精致的耳垂立刻变得粉红 However since Yang Kai said, she will certainly not hide anything again, small hand, a jade bottle appears on palm. 不过既然杨开都这么说,她当然不会再掩藏什么,小手一番,一个玉瓶出现在手心上。 Yang Kai takes up that jade bottle, had not looked, threw it to Ba He directly: medicine pill here, the senior can have a look carefully.” 杨开拿起那玉瓶,也没多看,直接将它丢给了巴鹤:“丹药就在这里,前辈可以仔细看看。” Ba He turns serious, is pinching that jade bottle cautiously, slowly opened the bottle mouth, from inside actually grain of Spirit Pill. 巴鹤神色一正,小心翼翼地捏着那玉瓶,慢慢地揭开了瓶口,从里面倒是一粒灵丹来。 When that grain of Spirit Pill prints the view, Ba He loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Pill Clouds!”.) 当那一粒灵丹印入眼帘的时候,巴鹤不禁失声惊呼:“丹云!”。)
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