MP :: Volume #16

#1572: Attaching great importance to

The Monster Race two powerhouse seeks a secret understanding with the enemy the tune secretly, decided that when medicine pill 10% then begin immediately, in any event, must take that Spirit Pill on . Can let Spirit Pill that the Ba He this kind of powerhouses covet, how could to miss to where to go, could borrow this to exceed Void Return 3-layer , to promote the Void King Stage level. 妖族两位强者暗通款曲,决定等到丹药10%便立刻动手,无论如何,也要将那灵丹抢到手上。.能让巴鹤这样的强者都觊觎的灵丹,岂能差到哪去,说不定能借此一举突破到返虚三层境,晋升虚王境的层次。 After all Ba He had arrived in the Void Return 3-layer boundary before more than 200, is on entire Monster Emperor Star, most has the potential to be promoted to existence of feudal lord rank. 毕竟巴鹤可是在两百多前就已经抵达了返虚三层境的境界,是整个妖星帝辰上,最有潜力晋升为领主级别的存在。 When Ma Gena and Mi Tian send greetings the exchange secretly, Ba He actually looked at one toward them unintentionally, the corners of the mouth exuded to wipe the light smile. 就在马格纳弥天暗自传音交流的时候,巴鹤却有意无意地朝他们望了一眼,嘴角泛起一抹淡淡的微笑。 „Doesn't young fellow, you want to go to temporary palace there to see the own old friend?” Ba He passes message to Yang Kai suddenly. “小伙子,你不是想去行宫那里去看望自己的故人么?”巴鹤忽然向杨开传音。 Yes, Old Mister...... the graciousness, does the Ba He senior have what advises?” The Yang Kai doubt is looking at him, does not know how the opposite party mentioned this matter suddenly. “是啊,老先生……恩,巴鹤前辈有何指教么?”杨开狐疑地望着他,不知道对方怎么忽然说起这事。 Advises is not at all, but...... the Old Man truly means that can guarantee that allows you to enter the temporary palace safely!” “指教不敢当,只不过……老夫确实有一个办法,可以保证让你安然进入行宫!” Takes seriously?” Yang Kai at present one bright. “当真?”杨开眼前一亮。 Good! However this means somewhat are slightly risky, if you believe Old Man, Old Man then but independently is, if not believe that when Old Man has not said.” “不错!不过这个办法稍微有些冒险,如果你相信老夫的话,老夫便放手而为,若是不相信,就当老夫没说过。” Hehe, the boy and senior also meet by chance, believes that this saying did not need to raise.” Yang Kai is not the youth of making a debut, where will easily believe not a familiar person. 呵呵,小子与前辈也不过萍水相逢,相信不相信这话就不用提了。”杨开又不是初出茅庐的愣头青,哪会轻易相信一个不熟悉的人。 You have the this kind of worry should be, but said really...... this method to Old Man, there is a certain risk, if you can collaborate with Old Man, Old Man can pledge. So long as I am living, you will not have the matter.” “你有这样的顾虑是应该的,不过说真的……这个方法对老夫来说,也有一定的风险,如果你能与老夫联手的话,老夫可以承诺。只要我活着,你就不会有事。” Yang Kai knit the brows slightly, hesitated the moment, opened the mouth saying: „Can senior explain carefully.” 杨开微微皱眉,沉吟了片刻,开口道:“前辈能不能仔细说明一下。” Does not have the issue.” Ba He is very refreshed, has not sold what climax, clarified the plan of own with Yang Kai frankly. “没问题。”巴鹤很是爽快,并没有卖什么关子,直言不讳地跟杨开讲明了自己的计划。 After Yang Kai hear, brow tight wrinkle: Some truly risks, good that but...... the senior takes advantage, your such a to be done, which do my Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people have what freedom?” 杨开听完之后,眉头紧皱:“确实有些风险,不过……前辈打的好算盘啊,被你这么一搞,我师姐弟二人哪还有什么自由可言?” „Were you rejection?” Ba He somewhat asked disappointedly. “那你是拒绝了?”巴鹤有些失望地问道。 No. I complied. The seniors acted independently.” Yang Kai grins the smile. “不。我答应了。前辈放手施为好了。”杨开咧嘴微笑。 Ba He stunned looked at his one eyes. As if didn't expect Yang Kai was so unexpectedly bold, says, issue that his strategy did not need to be worried about to be defeated, he can guarantee that can feed in the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace Yang Kai. And attached great importance. However that female of this method in Pill Refining to Yang Kai and inn. Not necessarily is what good deed. 巴鹤愕然地看了他一眼。似乎没想到杨开居然如此胆大包天,说起来,他这个计策不用担心失败的问题,他可以保证能将杨开送进赤月领主的行宫。并且受到重视。但是这个方法对杨开和客栈里炼丹的那女子来说。未必是什么好事。 He has been psychologically prepared rejected. 他已做好了被拒绝的心理准备。 Yang Kai actually complied. 杨开却答应了。 The Ba He expression looks strangely to Yang Kai, thought secretly this Human Race somewhat is fearless, the courage was too big. However since he has complied, own has no worry. 巴鹤表情古怪地看向杨开,暗暗觉得这人类有些天不怕地不怕,胆子实在太大了。不过既然他已经答应,自己倒没什么好顾虑的了。 So thinking, Ba He is showing a faint smile, opens the mouth saying: This Spirit Pill has not become, phenomenon then already so great, surely is excellent medicine pill, but infers from the rich degree of this fragrance, only feared that is grain of Void Grade above medicine pill.” 这般想着,巴鹤微微一笑,开口道:“这灵丹未成,异象便已如此宏大,想必定是一枚极好的丹药,而从这香气的浓郁程度来推断,只怕是一粒虚级以上的丹药啊。” What Sir Ba He said is.” Ma Gena spoke thoughtlessly to echo, does not know that Ba He wants to play what trick. 巴鹤大人说的是。”马格纳随口附和着,不知道巴鹤想玩什么把戏。 So Spirit Pill, only feared that only has the feudal lord Sir to have the qualifications to have, Ma Gena, you said that is?” Ba He smilingly is looking at the opposite party. “如此灵丹,只怕唯有领主大人才有资格拥有啊,马格纳,你说是不是?”巴鹤笑眯眯地望着对方。 Good!” The Ma Gena brow wrinkles was fiercer, he felt like that some are not wonderful. “不错!”马格纳眉头皱的更厉害了,他隐隐觉得有些不妙。 Refines this Spirit Pill Alchemy Expert, is a character of Grandmaster rank.” “炼制这灵丹炼丹师,想必也是一位宗师级别的人物。” Em.” Ma Gena nods, a not better feeling lingers in the heart, he somewhat understands suddenly Ba He is having what idea. “恩。”马格纳点头,更加不好的感觉萦绕在心头,他忽然有些明白巴鹤在打什么主意了。 Feudal lord Sir Human Race has regarded with a special fondness to these have can specially, in recent years, the temporary palace also in the broad talent, presents such a talent in Shining Moon City now, Ma Gena, your luck is good, by your intelligence, knows how then must do.” Ba He is looking at Ma Gena with a smile. “领主大人一直对这些拥有特殊才能的人类另眼相看,这些年来,行宫也在广纳人才,如今在晖月城里出现了这么一个人才,马格纳,你运气不错,以你的聪明,想必知道接下来要怎么做了。”巴鹤笑吟吟地望着马格纳 A latter look austere, bright sound said: Many thanks the Sir directs, Ma Gena understood, after waiting for this Great Master to refine medicine pill, Ma Gena will escort him to go to the temporary palace, the feudal lord Sir will certainly recognize in him!” 后者神色一肃,朗声道:“多谢大人指点,马格纳明白了,等这位大师炼制完丹药之后,马格纳会护送他前往行宫的,领主大人一定会赏识于他!” Feudal lord Sir one happy, you also meet much grant.” Ba He Hehe said with a smile. “领主大人一高兴,你也会得不少赏赐的。”巴鹤呵呵笑道。 One hear of this saying, Ma Gena at present one bright, smiled was even more happy, hastily holds the fist saying: This was also lucky an Sir strength asylum!” 一听这话,马格纳眼前一亮,笑的愈发开心了,连忙抱拳道:“这还多亏了大人一力庇护!” After saying, the sinking sound shouted: Comes the person!” 说完之后,沉声喝道:“来人!” One group of Monster Race powerhouses acknowledged. 一群妖族强者纷纷应诺。 Gives me to scatter the miscellaneous personnel completely, any dares to approach in an inn surrounding area 50 zhang (3.33 m) range, executes summarily, must unable to disturb inside Great Master Pill Refining!” “给我将闲杂人等全部驱散,任何敢靠近客栈方圆五十丈范围内,格杀勿论,务必不能干扰到里面的大师炼丹!” Yes!” “是!” Mi Tian in the one side, was scared. 弥天愣在一旁,傻眼了。 He a moment ago with the agreement that Ma Gena reached in secret, was given to break through by Ba He in a few words, in addition, Ma Gena also reversed to this side Ba He directly, and provided the manpower to protect in the inn on own initiative that Alchemy Expert security. 他刚才与马格纳暗中达成的协议,被巴鹤三言两语就给攻破,不但如此,马格纳还直接倒向了巴鹤这一边,并且主动提供人手保护客栈里那位炼丹师的安全。 Ba He do not lord over the meaning of that Spirit Pill, on the contrary, he as if intends to feed in the temporary palace that Alchemy Grandmaster very much! 巴鹤根本就没有要独霸那灵丹的意思,相反,他似乎很有意将那位炼丹大师送进行宫! Monster Race does not excel at Pill Refining, this is numerous week it, on the contrary, in Human Race of Emperor Dragon Star weak trend, actually emerges to be skilled in Pill Refining Expert frequently, the Red Moon Territory lord gives the Human Race survival the space, the strict order can not slaughter Human Race on Red Moon Territory , because wants protects these to have can specially Human Race. 妖族不擅长炼丹,这是众多周之的,相反,在帝辰星上弱势的人族,却经常涌现出精通炼丹高手,赤月领主给予人类生存的空间,严令在赤月领上不得滥杀人类,就是因为想要保护那些拥有特别才能的人类 For example Alchemy Expert, Item Refining Expert and so on...... 比如说炼丹师,炼器师之类的…… Even every ten years, will hold some Pill Refining Item Refining competitions on Red Moon Territory, Human Race that emerges can get out of the humble status, moves in the temporary palace, works for the feudal lord Sir. 甚至每隔十年,在赤月领上都会举行一些炼丹炼器的大赛,从中脱颖而出的人类就可以摆脱掉低贱的身份,入住行宫,为领主大人效力。 Chi Yue temporary palace these year of broad talents, can refine to have the phenomenon Spirit Pill Alchemy Grandmaster, was needless to say also by the Red Moon Territory main favor. 赤月行宫这些年广纳人才,能炼制出产生异象的灵丹炼丹大师,不用说也会被赤月领主青睐。 In other words, now in the inn that Great Master, has just like gotten the Red Moon Territory main label, the Mi Tian courage is even big, on Red Moon Territory, does not dare to oppose with the feudal lord Sir, opposes with the powerhouse of entire Red Moon Territory place. 也就是说,如今客栈里那位大师,俨然已经打上了赤月领主的标签,弥天即便胆子再大,在赤月领上,也不敢跟领主大人作对,跟整个赤月领地的强者作对。 He is one watches the fun now...... 他现在就是一个看热闹的…… Mi Tian felt that own with eating the dead fly was only disgusting. 弥天感觉自己就跟吃了只死苍蝇般恶心。 The looks at Shining Moon City many Monster Race powerhouse surrounded the inn, Yang Kai Hehe smiled. 看着晖月城的众多妖族强者包围住客栈,杨开呵呵笑了起来。 He does not fear to conduct the palace, how even if the Red Moon Territory lord is the Void King Stage powerhouse, so long as found the opportunity to him, by him the attainments on Space Force, he can depart calmly, do not say, he is still Alchemy Grandmaster! 他不怕进行宫,即便赤月领主是虚王境的强者又如何,只要给他找到机会,以他在空间力量上的造诣,他能从容离去,更不要说,他本身也是个炼丹大师 His present Pill Refining technique, is more splendid than Xia Ning Chang, can refine Void King Grade medicine pill! If this skill leaks out, only feared that Red Moon Territory mainly presents him for the honored guest! 他如今的炼丹技艺,比夏凝裳还要出色,能炼制出虚王级丹药!这种本事若是泄露出去,只怕赤月领主要将他奉为上宾! After all Void King Grade Alchemy Expert was too scarce, in entire Star Territory is extremely rare existence, Monster Emperor Star has never appeared. 毕竟虚王级炼丹师实在太稀少了,在整个星域都是凤毛麟角般的存在,妖星帝辰更是从未出现过。 Young fellow, Old Man also can only help you to this, how should handle affairs to the temporary palace, must look at the your own method, but Old Man advanced warning your, you , to maintain a livelihood, should better is not too dissolute in the temporary palace.” Ba He takes a look to Yang Kai, passes message quietly. “小伙子,老夫也只能帮你到这了,到了行宫里该如何行事,得看你自己的手段了,不过老夫得提前警告你一句,你若是想活命,在行宫里最好不要太放肆。”巴鹤瞅向杨开,悄悄传音。 Yang Kai shows neither approval nor disapproval, but have a relish asked: Ba He Mister this time does not hesitate to expose the status, not only single to help our Senior Sister and Junior Brother, what is your goal? If convenient, can tell me?” 杨开不置可否,而是饶有兴致地问道:“巴鹤先生这一次不惜暴露身份,不单单只是为了帮我们师姐弟,你的目的又是什么?若是方便的话,能不能告诉我?” Nature, not only to help you, em, I want to take this opportunity, returns to the temporary palace, requested forgiving of feudal lord Sir.” On the face of Ba He flashes through a desolate look. “自然不只是为了帮你们,恩,我只是想借这个机会,重返行宫,请求领主大人的原谅而已。”巴鹤的脸上闪过一丝落寞的神色。 The Yang Kai brow raises, he remembers suddenly, Monster Race that surrounded a moment ago has said that 200 years ago, Ba He seemed like by the feudal lord Sir is killed personally. 杨开眉头一扬,他忽然想起,刚才围观的妖族说过,两百年前,巴鹤似乎是被领主大人亲手击毙了。 But why does not know, he actually lives in good condition in this world. 可又不知道为什么,他却好端端地活在这个世上。 Evidently, Ba He and between the Red Moon Territory lords some truly things, at least, the rumor contains errors, Ba He had not been struck to kill by the Red Moon Territory lord, perhaps is Chi Yue puts his horse also perhaps. 看样子,巴鹤赤月领主之间确实有些事情啊,至少,传言有误,巴鹤并没有被赤月领主击杀,或许是赤月放他一马也说不定。 However others' matter, he is disinclined the manages, the nod said: „If only the this kind of words, we were also cooperated mutually, this also had nothing, accords to his need.” 不过别人的事,他懒得去管,点头道:“如果只是这样的话,那咱们也算是互相合作了,这也没什么,各取所需嘛。” Coughs...... besides returning to the temporary palace, actually Old Man also has the incident to ask you to help.” Ba He is suddenly embarrassed. “咳……除了回行宫之外,其实老夫还有一事想要请你帮忙。”巴鹤忽然不好意思起来。 What?” “什么?” I want to ask your Senior Sister to help my Pill Refining!” Ba He spoke frankly, said, also added hastily: You could rest assured that material anything's I collected, so long as refines becomes, at the appointed time must have the heavy ritual to express thanks!” “我想请你那位师姐帮我炼丹!”巴鹤直言不讳,说完之后又连忙补充道:“你放心,材料什么的我都凑齐了,只要炼制就成,到时必有重礼相谢!” This said when the time comes again, looks at the Senior Sister mood quality, perhaps she can be willing to help your.” Yang Kai grins the smile. “这个到时候再说,看师姐心情好坏,说不定她会愿意帮你的。”杨开咧嘴微笑。 This scoundrel boy...... some flavors of dismantling the bridge after crossing, Ba He cannot bear rolls the eyes. 混账小子……有些过河拆桥的味道啊,巴鹤忍不住直翻白眼。 The phenomenon in sky is getting more and more mammoth, with passing of time, that vortex also camouflaged the sky, gathers together world's spiritual energy to change countenance shivery. 天空中的异象越来越声势浩大,随着时间的流逝,那漩涡也遮蔽了天空,汇聚到一起的天地灵气让人悚然动容。 The this kind of phenomenon, where does not promote the world baptism difference that Void Return Stage presents to go compared with martial artist, even still has had it. 这样的异象,不比一个武者晋升返虚镜出现的天地洗礼差到哪去,甚至犹有过之。 Anyone, has not thought that but trivial Pill Refining then can trigger the this kind of matter. 无论是谁,都没想过,只是区区炼丹便能引发这样的事情。 Therefore everyone was more curious, wants to know that what medicine pill inside Great Master is refining. 于是所有人都更加好奇了,想知道里面的大师到底在炼制什么样的丹药 However that rich Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi makes them judge, will not be lower than Void Grade absolutely! 不过那浓郁的药香气却让他们判断出,绝对不会低于虚级的! Void Grade Alchemy Expert, on Monster Emperor Star, there are such more than ten, fiercest one is Void Grade high-rank Alchemy Expert, stated that broadcasts emperor Chen, although he is Human Race, but has no Monster Race to dare not to respect him. 虚级炼丹师,在妖星帝辰上,也有那么十几位,其中最厉害的一个是虚级上品炼丹师,声明远播帝辰,虽然他是个人类,但没有哪个妖族敢不尊敬他。 Low status of Human Race on this Cultivation's Star, may truly talented actually be able to attach great importance , the polarization is very serious. 人族在这颗修炼之星上地位低下,可真正有才能的却又能得到重视,两极分化很是严重。 All these must give credit to the Red Moon Territory main enlightened leadership, if not she devotes to win over these talented Human Race, Red Moon Territory so will not be powerful, in the entire emperor Chen ten big territories, Red Moon Territory can stand in line absolutely first three. 这一切都得归功于赤月领主的英明领导,若非她致力收揽那些有才能的人类,赤月领也不会如此强大,在整个帝辰十大领土之中,赤月领绝对可以排得上前三。 Over a thousand years ago, Red Moon Territory, but a Emperor Dragon Star smallest and weakest territory. 要知道,在上千年前,赤月领可是帝辰星上最弱小的一块领土了。 Millennium time can have this kind of to exchange changes, the Red Moon Territory lord has lasting achievements, conceivable, when false at said, Red Moon Territory becomes the entire Monster Star most powerful territory is also very likely. 千年时间就能有这样的兑变,赤月领主功不可没,可以想象,假以时曰,赤月领成为整个妖星最强大的领土也是极有可能的。 Monster Race that watches the fun unlike surroundings these, Yang Kai with is Alchemy Expert, can judged that from the world phenomenon and that Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi progress of Little Senior Sister, he is paying attention to the change of phenomenon and Medicinal Fragrance frequently, secret is Xia Ning Chang is being anxious..) 与周围那些看热闹的妖族不同,杨开同为炼丹师,可以从天地异象和那药香气中判断出小师姐的进展,他时刻都在注意异象和药香的变化,暗暗为夏凝裳紧张着。。)
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