MP :: Volume #16

#1571: Ba He

In the Yang Kai's potential doped his comprehension to the Space Force, this is his big card in a hand, has not arrived compels to have no other choice, he has not exposed, the Monster Race powerhouse but who was covered by his potential, actually can still feel that strange murderous intention . 杨开的势中掺杂了他对空间力量的领悟,这是他的一大底牌,没到逼不得已的时候,他并没有暴露出来,但被他的势笼罩的妖族强者,却依然能从中感受到那诡异的杀机。. The Ma Gena complexion is pale, the Mi Tian look is also dignified. 马格纳脸色铁青,弥天的神色同样凝重。 Two Monster Race powerhouse didn't expect, attainments of Yang Kai in potential is such depth, before thinking this Human Race, valiant battle strength and terrifying that Divine Consciousness strength again displays, for a moment some do not dare to act rashly but actually. 两个妖族强者都没想到,杨开在势上的造诣是如此之深,再想想这人类之前所表现出来的彪悍战力恐怖神识力量,一时间倒有些不敢轻举妄动了。 On the contrary is that inn master, the view that dangled opens long-drawn-out, at present suddenly one bright, the surprise stared at Yang Kai one. 反倒是那客栈主人,原本垂下的眼帘悠地睁开,眼前忽然一亮,诧异地盯了杨开一眼。 At once, he raises the head, carefully looked at the phenomenon of space, the wing of the nose was shrugging gently. 旋即,他又抬头,仔细地看了看天上的异象,鼻翼轻轻耸动着。 Quick, he looks like has discovered, in the double pupil blooms astonishing divine light! 很快,他就像是有所发现似的,双眸中绽放出惊人的神光 Stop!” He drinks one lowly, „, and is patient.” “住手!”他低喝一声,“诸位且稍安勿躁。” Yang Kai shot a look at his one eyes, the expression is somewhat strange. 杨开瞥了他一眼,表情有些古怪。 A Ma Gena brow wrinkle, in the surface flashes through a unhappy look, the good and evil he is also Shining Moon City City Master, when was one's turn others to come to him to gesticulate, let alone, this old fogy was does the inn business. 马格纳眉头一皱,面上闪过一丝不喜的神色,好歹他也是晖月城城主,什么时候轮到别人来对他指手画脚了,更何况,这老家伙还是个做客栈生意的。 Spiritual Mind has swept on him, discovered the opposite party simply does not have least bit practice trace, this lets Ma Gena is uncomfortable. 神念在他身上扫过,发现对方根本没有半点修炼过的痕迹,这让马格纳更是不爽。 Place that old fogy, here you have not spoken, one side falls back on!” Mi Tian cold snort. “老家伙,这里没你说话的地方,退到一边去!”弥天冷哼一声 Hehe......” inn master has not actually dreaded slightly, was only the chuckle one, had the profound meaning to look at one toward Mi Tian greatly. 呵呵……”客栈主人却是丝毫没有畏惧,只是轻笑了一声,大有深意地朝弥天看了一眼。 A Mi Tian brow wrinkle, thought secretly some are not right. The doubt took a look at an inn master, hesitates said: Where this Gentlemen has seen you? How I felt, your some familiars by face?” 弥天眉头一皱,暗暗觉得有些不对。狐疑地打量了一下客栈主人,迟疑道:“本公子是不是在哪里见过你?我怎么觉得,你有些面善?” This can be seen some clue by you, is Young Master of Sir Thousand Eyes, the eyesight is really worthily out of the ordinary!” The inn master commended one, completely by the Elder tone commendation younger generation. “这都能被你看出些端倪,不愧是千眼大人的公子,眼力果然非比寻常!”客栈主人赞许一声,完全是以长辈的口吻称赞晚辈。 This makes the Mi Tian complexion sink, shouted lowly: Who are you?” 这让弥天不由脸色一沉,低喝道:“你到底是谁?” Ma Gena was also shocked, he has not thought that in own city, a master in unknown inn. Some as if background big appearances. If not for the position venerates, where dares to speak with Mi Tian like this? 马格纳也愣住了,他从来没想过,自己城池内,一间名不见经传的客栈的主人。似乎有些来头不小的样子。若不是身份地位尊崇,哪敢这样跟弥天说话? Yang Kai takes a look at this, takes a look at that the eyeball turning round chaotic revolutions. Suddenly grinned to smile. 杨开瞅瞅这个,瞅瞅那个,眼珠子滴溜溜乱转。忽然咧嘴笑了起来。 Such a was mixed by the inn master. All attention shifted from own. This is he loves certainly. However he is also very curious, this inn master is what background, the body does not have the fluctuation of energy obviously. Actually can speaks with confidence in front of Ma Gena and Mi Tian, happy does not fear, this exactly general Monster Race can achieve. 被客栈主人这么一搅和。所有的注意力都从自己身上转移开了。这当然是他喜闻乐见的。不过他也很是好奇,这个客栈主人到底是什么来头,明明身上没有能量波动。却能在马格纳弥天面前侃侃而谈,怡然不惧,这可不是一般的妖族能够做到的。 The old men are smiling as before lightly, under the public gaze, his build had another person to change suddenly dumbfoundedly. 老者依旧淡淡地笑着,众目睽睽之下,他的体型忽然发生了另人瞠目结舌的变化。 The rickets waist straightened up slowly, the diminutive body also raises, the skin of dry fold vanishes does not see, what replaces it is the skin color of ruddy health, the wrinkle on face was also smoothed all. 原本佝偻的腰肢缓缓挺直了,矮小的身体也拔高起来,干燥褶皱的皮肤消失不见,取而代之的是红润健康的肤色,脸上的皱纹也尽数被抚平。 He as if in this flash, young dozens years old, by an old man, turned into the extraordinary middle-aged person. 他似乎在这一瞬间,年轻了几十岁,由一个老者,变成了气度非凡的中年人。 In addition, with his build change, his aura also changes suddenly. 不但如此,随着他体型的变化,他的气息也骤然大变。 Anybody's Spiritual Mind had swept on him, cannot nose the fluctuation of energy of slightest, thinks that he does not have practice Monster Race, but at this moment, his within the body is unconstrained and strong fluctuation of energy, moreover this fluctuation gradually is still strengthened, until Void Return 3-layer Peak! 原本任何人的神念在他身上扫过,都查探不到分毫的能量波动,都会以为他是个没有修炼过的妖族,但是此刻,他体内却跌宕出及其强劲的能量波动,而且这波动还在逐步增强,直到返虚三层境顶峰 Compared with Ma Gena and Mi Tian, stronger the appearance that plans. 比起马格纳弥天,都要强出一筹的样子。 Yang Kai stunned, is looking at this inn master, hardly can believe the eye of own. 杨开愕然,怔怔地望着这客栈主人,几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 Ma Gena and Mi Tian also dumbfounded, in ten thousand didn't expect this worlds some unexpectedly people can such depth that own hidden. 马格纳弥天也呆住了,万没想到这世上竟有人能将自己隐藏的如此之深。 If not for the inn master exposes on own initiative, presents anybody not to have the means to discover his depth. 若不是客栈主人主动暴露,在场任何人都没办法发现他的深浅。 You...... are you Sir Ba He?” Ma Gena sized up facial features of inn master again carefully, immediately called shocking. “你……你是巴鹤大人?”马格纳再仔细打量了一下客栈主人的面容,顿时震惊地叫了出来。 After the inn master changes external appearances only, Ma Gena recognizes immediately, the sound shivers, the look is terrified. 客栈主人改头换面之后,马格纳立刻认了出来,声音颤抖,神色惶恐。 What? Is he unexpectedly Sir Ba He?” “什么?他居然就是巴鹤大人?” „, Will not say that Sir Ba He had been killed by the feudal lord personally? How also in world?” “不会,不是说巴鹤大人已经被领主亲手击毙了么?怎么还在世间?” Right, he is Sir Ba He, 200 years ago I and Sir City Master go to the temporary palace greetings feudal lord Sir time, had seen one side him, that time he, was the feudal lord Sir first great general of hand/subordinate!” “没错,他就是巴鹤大人,两百年前我与城主大人去行宫拜见领主大人的时候,曾经见过他一面,那时候的他,还是领主大人手下的第一大将!” „, How can be Sir Ba He! This may really be interesting.” “啧啧,怎么会是巴鹤大人!这可真是有意思了。” All around transmitted all kinds of shouting and wrangling, the Yang Kai hear in the ear, the expression is strange. 四周传来了各种各样的大呼小叫,杨开听在耳中,表情怪异。 Faintly he can look, this inn master seems like a reputation big appearance, Ma Gena somewhat dreads to him with the respectful meaning. 他隐隐能看的出,这个客栈主人似乎名声不小的样子,就连马格纳都对他有些忌惮和恭敬的意思。 Who is this fellow? Why others said that he is the Red Moon Territory main first great general, also said by Red Moon Territory main killing? What situation is this? 这家伙到底是谁?为何旁人说他是赤月领主手下的第一大将,又说被赤月领主给击毙了?这到底是个什么情况? Yang Kai is confused, is puzzling. 杨开一头雾水,百思不得其解。 Originally is the Ba He senior!” Mi Tian deeply inspires, looks at somewhat looks familiar no wonder, Mi Tian has seen the Ba He senior!” “原来是巴鹤前辈!”弥天深吸了一口气,“怪不得看着有些眼熟,弥天见过巴鹤前辈!” With is Void Return 3-layer, but the Ba He rank actually compares any Monster Race on the scene to be high, even if Mi Tian as Small Young Master of Thousand Eyes feudal lord, does not dare to neglect in the courtesy. 同为返虚三层境,可巴鹤的辈分却比在场的任何妖族都要高,弥天即便身为千眼领主的小公子,也不敢在礼数上有所怠慢。 Hehe, Mi Tian Young Master does not use overly courteous, you are also my Monster Race promising youth, said, has very big opportunity to promote Void King Stage.” Ba He praises one. 呵呵,弥天公子不用多礼,你也是我妖族的后起之秀,曰后有很大机会晋升虚王境的。”巴鹤赞誉一声。 Mi Tian actually shows a faint smile, from channel: Ba He senior saying made a mistake, this Gentlemen does not have very big opportunity, but will certainly promote, will be only time sooner or later the issue.” 弥天却微微一笑,自信道:“巴鹤前辈这话错了,本公子不是有很大机会,而是一定会晋升的,只是时间早晚问题。” The boys are very wild! Yang Kai shot a look at his one eyes, in the heart laughed in one's heart. 小子很猖狂啊!杨开瞥了他一眼,心中暗笑。 However undeniably, he really has such wild self-confident capital. 不过不可否认,他确实有这样猖狂自信的资本。 Ba He nods gently: Em, that wished you wishes coming true.” 巴鹤轻轻颔首:“恩,那就祝你心想事成了。” Sir Ba He......” on the Ma Gena forehead seeped out some cold sweat, looked at this to vanish almost 200 years of prominent character, looked at the phenomenon of space, opened the mouth saying: What situation in this is?” 巴鹤大人……”马格纳额头上渗出了一些冷汗,看了看这位消失了几乎两百年的风云人物,又看了看天上的异象,开口道:“这里面到底是个什么情况?” What situation?” Ba He hesitated, opens the mouth saying: Any situation my also not very clear, but now you, and is patient, disturbs not by any means, Old Man is the master in this inn, how saying that also has the responsibility of guest safety the protection puts up at an inn for the night, but also invited to give a Old Man face.” “什么情况?”巴鹤沉吟了一下,开口道:“什么情况我也不太清楚,但是现在你们且稍安勿躁,切莫打扰到里面,老夫是这客栈的主人,怎么说也有保护投宿客栈的客人安全的责任,还请诸位给老夫个面子。” Eh......, since Sir Ba He said, we wait.” Ma Gena nods. “额……既然巴鹤大人这么说,那我们就等等。”马格纳点点头。 In front of Ba He, he is quite not truly dissolute. 巴鹤面前,他确实不太敢放肆。 That this Human Race?” Mi Tian looks suddenly to Yang Kai, the corners of the mouth holds is wiping to sneer, „can the Ba He senior also protect his security?” “那这个人类呢?”弥天忽然望向杨开,嘴角边噙着一抹冷笑,“巴鹤前辈是不是也要保护他的安全?” That was natural, this young fellow was also my guest.” Ba He replied naturally. “那是当然了,这小伙子也是我的客人。”巴鹤理所当然地答道。 Hehe, that Mi Tian gives the senior a face, but was only also restricted in senior here, homicide I two pulling a cart Monster Beast, this account must be sooner or later.” The Mi Tian chuckle, the aggressive vision is looking to Yang Kai, the provocation said: Human Race, do not let this Gentlemen find the opportunity, otherwise......” 呵呵,那弥天就给前辈个面子,不过也仅限于在前辈这里了,他杀了我两只拉车的妖兽,这笔账迟早是要算的。”弥天轻笑着,咄咄逼人的目光望向杨开,挑衅道:“人类,别让本公子找到机会,否则的话……” Yang Kai curls the lip, has not cared about his threat, now to him, does not make one disturb Xia Ning Chang is the priority, other in next, can ease such disturbance, who strives, is he expected that sees. 杨开撇撇嘴,并没有在意他的威胁,如今对他来说,不让人打扰夏凝裳才是首要任务,其他的都在其次,能平息这么一场风波,无论是谁在其中出力,都是他所期望看到的。 However...... this does Ba He actually want to do? 不过……这个巴鹤到底想干什么? The look that Yang Kai ponders spins on the inn master, from a moment ago surrounding in the population, he heard some top secrets indistinctly, knows that this Ba He these 200 years are concealing identity, but he actually exposes the status now suddenly on own initiative, and is still shielding own and Xia Ning Chang. 杨开玩味的眼神在客栈主人身上打转,从刚才围观的人口中,他隐约听到了一些秘辛,知道这个巴鹤这两百年都在隐姓埋名,可如今他却突然主动暴露了身份,并且还在袒护自己夏凝裳 Does he intend what for? 他意欲何为? Yang Kai does not believe him to really protect the own guest merely! 杨开可不相信他真的仅仅只是为了保护自己的客人! The people always become a ghost, he does not have such high character and integrity. 人老成精,他没这么高风亮节的。 Well, this is what flavor!” Suddenly, in the crowd heard the screams. “咦,这是什么味道!”忽然,人群中传来了惊呼声。 Quite fragrant, seems like the Spirit Pill flavor.” “好香啊,似乎是灵丹的味道。” Had best quality Spirit Pill born?” “有极品灵丹出世了?” could it be that said that this phenomenon is caused by Pill Refining?” 难道说这异象是由炼丹引起的?” A word arouses thousand overlapping waves, the people shouts and wrangles. 一言激起千层浪,众人纷纷大呼小叫起来。 Xia Ning Chang refines medicine pill, the caused phenomenon is quite greatly conspicuous, possibly does not have in initial-stage, even such as Ma Gena and Mi Tian that many people can distinguish experience the widespread powerhouse unable to distinguish like this, is with the passage of time, when that rich Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi starts to fill the air, the secret that in the inn hidden is unable to cover. 夏凝裳炼制丹药,引起的异象极为显眼宏大,在前期可能没多少人能够分辨的出,即便如马格纳弥天这样见识广泛的强者也无法分辨,可是随着时间的推移,当那浓郁的药香气开始弥漫的时候,客栈里隐藏的秘密就无法掩盖了。 With the increasing and transmission of fragrance, almost all people the fiery vision will go to the inn. 随着香味的递增和传递,几乎所有人都将火热的目光投向了客栈。 They have distinguished, this fragrance originates from that seemingly crude inn. 他们已经辨别出,这香气正是来源自那看似简陋的客栈。 On the face of almost every martial artist reveals to be infatuated with the happy look, but hears the this kind of Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi, then lets person some feelings of being enlightened, if eats that medicine pill, what effect will have? 几乎每个武者的脸上都流露出陶醉和舒畅的神色,只是闻一下这样的药香气,便让人有些醍醐灌顶的感觉,若是将那丹药吃下去,会有什么效果? What Spirit Pill is also, will produce the this kind of exotic fragrance, has the this kind of phenomenon! 又是什么样的灵丹,会产生这样的异香,产生这样的异象! The eyes of numerous martial artist gradually become fiery, greedy...... 众多武者的眼睛逐渐变得火热,贪婪…… If not there is Ba He, Ma Gena and other powerhouses kept off before the inn, only feared that this small inn will then be collapsed by the crazy stream of people immediately crowded. 若非有巴鹤,马格纳等强者挡在客栈前,只怕这小小的客栈立刻便会被疯狂的人流挤塌。 Mi Tian Young Master......”, when judged that the present phenomenon truly is later by Pill Refining being caused, Ma Gena looks quietly to Mi Tian, Spiritual Mind passes message. 弥天公子……”当判断出眼前的异象确实是由炼丹引起的之后,马格纳悄悄地望向弥天,神念传音。 Ba He this old fogy seems like wants to monopolize that Spirit Pill, no wonder hid for more than 200 years, actually does not hesitate to say the exposed status in now! So wants to come, that Spirit Pill affirmation no small matter, does not know that was which Human Race Alchemy Expert in inside Pill Refining.” Mi Tian cold snort returns to the news. 巴鹤这老家伙似乎是想要独占那灵丹,怪不得隐藏了两百多年,却不惜在今曰暴露身份!如此想来,那灵丹肯定非同小可,就是不知道是哪一位人族炼丹师在里面炼丹了。”弥天冷哼地回讯。 We......” “那我们……” He wants to monopolize, must look at him to have this skill! 200 years ago he and Red Moon Territory lord noisily is not very happy, does not know that used the technique of what practicing trickery, unexpectedly can escape the surname life from Sir Chi Yue, now said that since exposes, his good said the child to the end, even if we killed him, Sir Chi Yue will not blame.” “他想独占,也要看他有没有这个本事!两百年前他与赤月领主闹的很不愉快,也不知道施展了什么瞒天过海之术,居然能从赤月大人手下逃过姓命,今曰既然暴露出来,那他的好曰子就到头了,想必就算我们杀了他,赤月大人也不会怪罪的。” Eh...... that good, listens to Mi Tian Young Master.” Ma Gena returns to the news saying that although he does not like the attitude of Mi Tian this fellow very much, but undeniably, now with him jointly is the best choice, after all the Ba He prestige was too strong, really lets him, he did not have the courage and Ba He opposes, after Spirit Pill succeeds in obtaining...... here is Shining Moon City, is his domain, how Mi Tian can win him?.) “额……那好,就听弥天公子的。”马格纳回讯道,虽然他很不喜欢弥天这家伙的作风,但不可否认,如今与他联手才是最好的选择,毕竟巴鹤的威名太强了,真让他独自一人,他还没胆子与巴鹤作对,至于灵丹到手之后……这里是晖月城,是他的地盘,弥天怎能争得过他?。)
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