MP :: Volume #16

#1570: Phenomenon

Stays behind to me!” Ma Gena is angry, in flash that Yang Kai has an action to perform, wields a fist ruthlessly, toward direction interception that Yang Kai goes forward in the past . “给我留下!”马格纳大怒,在杨开有所动作的一瞬间,狠狠挥动一拳,朝杨开前进的方向拦截过去。. Wipes purple light for the first time presently, Yang Kai offers a sacrifice to Purple Shield, keeps off this to strike with ease, the step non-stop, hurries to toward that side urgently. 一抹紫光乍现,杨开祭出紫色盾牌,轻松挡下这一击,步伐不停,火急火燎地朝那边赶去。 He has not a good feeling, which will also delay time here? 他有一种不好的感觉,哪还会在这里耽搁时间 The figure rocks, the fluctuation of Space Force comes out from his within the body unconstrainedly, suddenly is missing. 身形晃动间,空间力量的波动从他体内跌宕出来,眨眼间就不见了踪影。 Ma Gena and Mi Tian are startled at the scene! 马格纳弥天怔在当场! They had not seen how unexpectedly Yang Kai left a moment ago, obviously the eye and Spiritual Mind lock on this Human Race, but the opposite party actually got rid easily. 他们竟没看出杨开刚才是如何离开的,明明眼睛和神念都锁定在这个人类身上,可对方却轻而易举地摆脱了。 The two Monster Race powerhouse look is dignified, after looking at each other one again, hurries to toward the location/position place that energy originates in abundance. 两位妖族强者不由地都神色凝重,再次对视一眼后,纷纷朝那能量来源的位置处赶去。 They also want to know, that side exactly what happened, why will spread so strange fluctuation of energy. 他们也很想知道,那边到底发生了什么事,为什么会传出如此古怪的能量波动。 Shining Moon City, before some inn, had assembled many martial artist, these martial artist by this place attracts strangely, transvestite both clans have, at this moment, all stands on the street before inn, directs to that side, talked in whispers in threes and fours. 晖月城,某一间客栈前,已经围聚了不少武者,这些武者正是被此地的古怪吸引过来的,人妖两族都有,此刻,全都站在客栈前的街道上,冲那边指指点点,三五成群地窃窃私语。 Yang Kai rushes to here time, raises the head looked at sky, reveals, helpless with look of forced smile. 杨开赶到这里的时候,抬头看了一眼天空,露出无奈和苦笑的神色。 His that not good feeling, was really confirmed. 他那不好的感觉,果然被验证了。 The inn master also stands before the inn, this moment rickets the waist, both hands are gathering together in the sleeve, just like most people, raises the head looks at the day, the look is complex, look twinkling, seems like distinguishing anything. 客栈主人也站在客栈前,此刻佝偻着腰肢,双手拢在袖中,与大多数人一样,抬头望天,神色复杂,眼神闪烁,似乎是在辨别着什么。 Yang Kai rushes to this place time, he then discovers immediately. Beckons to Yang Kai hastily: Young fellow.” 杨开赶到此地的时候,他立刻便发现了。连忙冲杨开招了招手:“小伙子这边来。” Yang Kai took a look at his one eyes, flees to him side, some apologies said: Perhaps Old Mister, must put to trouble to you.” 杨开瞅了他一眼,窜到他身边,有些歉意地说道:“老先生,恐怕要给你添麻烦了。” Old man laughed, shakes the head saying: Old fogy's trouble is not anything, your trouble was perhaps big.” 老者呵呵一笑,摇头道:“老家伙的麻烦不算什么,你的麻烦恐怕大了。” So saying, shoots a look at Ma Gena City Master and Mi Tian that two Monster Race powerhouse caught up with later lightly, the corners of the mouth pulls out slightly, added: In as if your trouble incessantly inn that.” 这般说着,淡淡地瞥了一眼随后赶来的马格纳城主弥天两位妖族强者,嘴角不禁微微一抽,补充道:“似乎你的麻烦不止客栈里那一个啊。” Hehe......” Yang Kai hollow laugh, does not know that said what was good. 呵呵……”杨开干笑着,也不知道说什么好了。 If only Ma Gena and Mi Tian both's aiming. Yang Kai does not fear. At the worst space Secret Technique, brings Little Senior Sister slip away, Monster Emperor Star is so big, but also without their hiding places? 若只是马格纳弥天两者的针对。杨开丝毫不惧。大不了施展空间秘术,带着小师姐拍拍屁股走人,妖星帝辰这么大,还没他们的藏身之处了? Let alone. Under Void King Stage. He does not fear anybody. If really hits, Yang Kai dares to raise entire Shining Moon City upside down. 更何况。虚王境之下。他不惧任何人。真要是打起来,杨开敢把整个晖月城掀个底朝天。 But now, this phenomenon makes him have a headache at present. 可是如今,眼前这异象却让他头疼至极。 After arriving here . His eyes saw that this phenomenon is caused by Little Senior Sister. 来到这里之后。他一眼就看出这异象是由小师姐引起的。 Xia Ning Chang this several days lives in the inn, lives in seclusion, has been using various materials to refine Spirit Pill , to promote own cultivation level. 夏凝裳几曰住在客栈中,深居简出,一直在用各种材料炼制灵丹,提升自身的修为 Yang Kai has not gone to disturb her. 杨开也没去打扰她。 Where knew, in this place, Little Senior Sister refines unexpectedly extraordinarily Spirit Pill. 哪里晓得,在这种地方,小师姐竟炼制出了不得了的灵丹 Yang Kai has had the this kind of experience, therefore coming out of resolution, this phenomenon clearly is medicine pill has the indication before Pill Clouds! 杨开有过这样的经验,所以分辨的出来,这种异象分明是丹药生出丹云前的征兆! In the past he in Rain Shower Star, refined when Fire Attribute Spirit Pill that lived Pill Clouds, was used to treat and cure by Xue Yue that Mysterious Cloudy Sunflower Water injured, has had this scene, at present this and similar. 当年他在雨瀑星,炼制出一枚生有丹云火属姓灵丹,用来救治被玄阴葵水所伤的雪月时,就出现过这幅情景,与眼前这一幕及其相似。 Since Yang Kai Pill Refining, only then that Spirit Pill has given birth to Pill Clouds, he also knows, Pill Clouds this type of thing is true only happening by happy circumstance! Like Pill Mark, in his Pill Refining technique, many cannot control the production of Pill Mark. 杨开炼丹至今,只有那一枚灵丹生出过丹云,他也知道,丹云这种东西是真正的可遇不可求!不像丹纹,以他的炼丹技艺,多少可以左右丹纹的生成了。 But how to make medicine pill give birth to Pill Clouds, he is a clue does not have. 但如何让丹药生出丹云,他是一点头绪都没有。 The Little Senior Sister physique is special, the capital of having god-given wisdom, can arrive at these step to be natural. 小师姐体质特殊,天纵之资,能走到这一步是理所当然的。 But here is Monster Emperor Star, is Shining Moon City! Once Spirit Pill reveals itself, will definitely arouse the interests of innumerable powerhouse, particularly had the conflict with Yang Kai a moment ago Ma Gena and Mi Tian, will not definitely let off that grain of Spirit Pill. 可是这里是妖星帝辰,是晖月城!一旦灵丹出世,肯定会引起无数强者的关注,尤其是刚才才与杨开发生冲突的马格纳弥天,肯定不会放过那一粒灵丹的。 Even will not let off Xia Ning Chang! 甚至不会放过夏凝裳 Can refine Pill Clouds Alchemy Expert, obviously the peak good fortune, the foot had called with Honored Master! Does this kind of go against heaven's will the talent, how Monster Race will let off? 能炼制出丹云炼丹师,显然已巅峰造化,足配宗师尊称!这样的逆天人才,妖族岂会放过? Yang Kai look twinkling, in the heart all sorts of thoughts have been delimiting like lightning, consideration stake. 杨开神色闪烁着,心中种种念头闪电般划过,考虑其中的利害关系。 His impossible present to prevent Xia Ning Chang, what Pill Refining is tasteful is one becomes aware the surname and chance, Little Senior Sister can tread this step, has the enormous role to her growth, now prevented, to be equal to ruining the sensibility of her this time, perhaps will affect her later achievement. 他不可能现在去阻止夏凝裳,炼丹讲究的是一个悟姓和机缘,小师姐能踏出这一步,对她的成长有极大的作用,现在阻止,等于毁掉了她这一次的感悟,说不定会影响到她以后的成就。 Only can, whatever she refines Spirit Pill. 只能任由她将灵丹炼制出来。 ...... Then really will be very evidently troublesome. 看样子……接下来真的会很麻烦啊。 In the heart decides, the Yang Kai's look becomes sharp, such as the blade edge is generally cold and gloomy. 心中打定主意,杨开的眼神变得锐利起来,如刀锋一般森冷。 Ma Gena and Mi Tian are looking at the sky at this time, in the above of this inn, world's spiritual energy massive gatherings, as if received anything to attract general, the naked eye, formed a small vortex obviously, but that vortex is revolving, but also is deriving to swallow many world's spiritual energy, expanded itself. 马格纳弥天此时都怔怔地望着天空,在这客栈的正上方处,天地灵气大量汇聚,仿佛受到了什么吸引一般,肉眼可见地,形成了一个小小的漩涡,而那漩涡在旋转中,还在汲取吞噬更多的天地灵气,壮大自身。 Ma Gena senior, what this is, is the rare treasure born?” Although Mi Tian is very eagle-eyed, has not actually seen the scene that Pill Clouds is born, therefore is confused, has to old Ma Gena deign to inquire likely. 马格纳前辈,这是什么,异宝出世么?”弥天虽然很有眼力,却也没见到丹云诞生的场景,所以对此是一头雾水,不得不像年纪稍长的马格纳垂问。 The Ma Gena brow is wrinkling tightly, the attention sky, was also judging with rapt attention this phenomenon is anything causes, hears word shakes the head to say slowly: this City Master cannot judge.” 马格纳眉头紧皱着,凝神关注天空,也在判断这异象到底是什么引起的,闻言缓缓摇头道:“本城主也判断不出来。” Even doesn't the senior recognize?” Mi Tian was surprised. “连前辈也认不出?”弥天惊讶了。 Big of world, every possible strange thing, this City Master does not recognize is not unusual, em, anyone of you can judge, this phenomenon is what causes?” Ma Gena turns head to ask toward other Void Return Stage. 世间之大,无奇不有,本城主认不出也不稀奇,恩,你们谁能判断出,这异象到底是什么引起的?”马格纳又扭头朝其他的返虚镜问道。 The people shake the head in abundance , indicating to hear something never heard of before, sees what one never saw before. 众人都纷纷摇头,表示闻所未闻,见所未见。 This was interesting.” Mi Tian smiled brightly, his smiling face is very attractive, can always just right reveal the tooth of pure white no flaw, coordinates the appearances of his some demons, can attractive, makes many pay attention to his female surname to turn one's thoughts toward a loved one secretly dizzily, looks at like this, this does not seem like some people to promote or practice Secret Technique, similarly does not seem like the rare treasure born, that is what reason initiates?” “这就有意思了。”弥天灿然笑了起来,他的笑容很有魅力,总是能恰到好处地露出洁白无瑕的牙齿,配合他那有些邪魅的面貌,可以及富吸引力,让不少暗暗关注他的女姓目眩神驰,“看这样子,这也不像是有人晋升或者修炼秘术,同样不像是异宝出世,那是什么原因引发的?” „To know that was also very simple, has a look to understand.” The Ma Gena Void Return 2-layer powerhouse shouted, so saying, unscrupulous emitted Spiritual Mind, spied on the past toward the inn. “想知道也很简单,看看就明白了。”马格纳身边一个返虚两层境的强者叫嚷起来,这般说着,肆无忌惮地放出神念,朝客栈内窥探过去。 But has not waited for his Spiritual Mind to extend toward the inn, suddenly then detected that dangerous aura toward own, Spiritual Mind that own extends transmits a boiling hot hot intent, as if there is raging fire general in burning down. 可还不等他的神念延伸朝客栈中,忽然便察觉到一股危险的气息自己袭来,自己延伸出去的神念传递回来一股滚烫的热意,仿佛有烈火在焚烧一般。 The pitiful yell sound spreads, this Monster Race powerhouse retreat several steps, cover the head, the headache are wanting to crack, look deathly pale! 惨叫声传出,这妖族强者不由地后退好几步,捂着脑袋,头疼欲裂,脸色惨白! In an instant, all martial artist vision go to Yang Kai. 刹那间,所有武者的目光都投向杨开 They feel, Yang Kai released the strength of Divine Consciousness a moment ago, drove back the own same clan, and makes him be damaged! 他们感觉的到,刚才正是杨开释放出神识之力,逼退了自己的同族,并且让他受创! The Ma Gena complexion gloomy like the water, the Mi Tian smiling face ponders. 马格纳的脸色阴沉如水,弥天的笑容玩味。 This is only a warning, who dares to spy on again recklessly, do not blame me not being impolite.” Yang Kai keeps off before everyone, the sound callous woods are cold. “这只是一个警告,谁敢再肆意窥探,别怪我不客气了。”杨开只身挡在所有人面前,声音冷酷森寒。 Now Little Senior Sister refines the medicine pill critical time, he does not dare to disturb, where will make these Monster Race martial artist spy on with Spiritual Mind? What to do if disturbs Xia Ning Chang Pill Refining? 如今正是小师姐炼制丹药的紧要时刻,连他都不敢去打扰,哪会让这些妖族武者神念窥探?万一干扰到夏凝裳炼丹怎么办? With is the Void Return 2-layer boundary, may in the competition of Spiritual Mind, Monster Race here martial artist actually appear somewhat collapses at the first blow, this lets take seriously Yang Kai's Ma Gena and Mi Tian even more look concentrates austere. 同为返虚两层境的境界,可在神念的比拼中,妖族这边的武者却显得有些不堪一击,这让本就重视杨开的马格纳弥天愈发神色凝肃。 Boy!” The Ma Gena low and deep sound resounds, you iron core, can oppose with my Monster Race?” “小子!”马格纳低沉的声音响起,“你是铁了心,要与我妖族作对了?” Has the courage and wisdom, but somewhat overreaches oneself.” The Mi Tian hey hey chuckle, the light ridicule was saying. “有胆识,不过就是有些不自量力。”弥天嘿嘿轻笑着,淡淡讥讽道。 Yang Kai did not speak, but coldly is looking at them, no one dares to suspect Yang Kai's to be determined, these somewhat were also ready to make trouble, want to emit Spiritual Mind to spy on a Monster Race powerhouse, at this moment also extinguished the thought in heart, in the eye revealed to dread the color. 杨开不说话,只是冷冷地望着他们,谁都不敢怀疑杨开的决心,那些本来还有些蠢蠢欲动,想要放出神念窥探一番的妖族强者,此刻也不禁熄了心中的念头,眼中流露出忌惮之色。 This Human Race has not compared favorably with the Monster Race tall and strong body obviously, but he stands there, making all Monster Race feel like facing a stable tall and straight mountain, blocked all winds and rains for the back inn. 明明这个人类没有媲美妖族的魁梧身躯,可他站在那里,让所有妖族都感觉像是面对一座稳固挺拔的高山,为背后的客栈挡住了所有风雨。 , Some Monster Race are dreading Yang Kai's bewilderedly simultaneously, had meaning of the admiration unexpectedly. 莫名其妙地,一些妖族在忌惮杨开的同时,竟生出了一丝钦佩之意。 Not every Human Race has to plant, dares by one's effort, is also without turning a hair facing eying covetously of so many Monster Race powerhouses. 并非每个人类都这么有种的,胆敢以一己之力,面对这么多妖族强者的虎视眈眈还面不改色。 Okay good, the boy you do not place in this City Master the eye again and again, does not place in my Monster Race the eye, even also contradicted Mi Tian Young Master, now said that this place is your burial ground, hopes that you were psychologically prepared!” Ma Gena is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, originally he and discontented with Yang Kai, now the Yang Kai attitude is so strongly bad, which his will also compromise? “好好好,小子你三番两次不将本城主放在眼中,不将我妖族放在眼中,甚至还顶撞了弥天公子,今曰此地便是你的葬身之地,希望你做好了心理准备!”马格纳忍无可忍,本来他就对杨开及其不满了,如今杨开态度如此恶劣强硬,他哪还会妥协? Only prepared first to kill this Human Race boy to say again, hid what mystery as for the inn, again nosing was not when the time comes late! 只准备先杀了这人类小子再说,至于客栈中隐藏了什么玄机,到时候再查探不迟! Boy you ended!” Mi Tian to the Yang Kai smile, in the eye murderous intention grows thickly taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. “小子你完了!”弥天幸灾乐祸地冲杨开微笑,眼中杀机丛生。 He seems like the performance to be free and easy, but Yang Kai strikes killed him to pull a cart with two 9 step Monster Beast, this matter his where can endure? Now happen to opposes the enemy with Ma Gena jointly. 他看似表现洒脱,可杨开击杀了他拉车用的两只九阶妖兽,这种事他哪里能忍?如今正好与马格纳联手对敌。 All Void Return Stage stimulate to movement the energy in within the body secretly, prepares to start to Yang Kai at any time. 所有的返虚镜都暗暗催动体内的能量,随时准备冲杨开下手。 Wants my life, looks at you to have this skill!” Yang Kai cold snort, an invisible strength is suddenly centered on him, spreads toward all around loudly, all by martial artist that this strength wraps, has the misconception in falling mire, Saint Yuan does not revolve spirit, meridians is blocked. “想要我的命,看你们有没有这个本事!”杨开冷哼一声,一股无形的力量忽然以他为中心,轰然朝四周扩散,所有被这股力量包裹住的武者,都不禁地生出一种落入泥沼中的错觉,圣元运转不灵,经脉受阻。 Potential! 势! Yang Kai's potential, Ma Gena excitedly changes countenance. 杨开的势一出,马格纳不由地勃然变色 He discovered with amazement, even own, somewhat is less than this Human Race youth in the attainments of potential. 他骇然地发现,即便是自己,在势的造诣上都有些不及这个人类青年。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能呢? own is Void Return 3-layer, opposite party 2-layer, in the boundary, although only misses small stage, but this small stage actually should be huge difference is right, why his potential compared with own also powerful? 自己返虚三层境,对方不过两层境,境界上虽然只差一个小层次,可这一个小层次却应该是天壤之别才对,凭什么他的势比自己的还强大? Monster Race numerous martial artist has displayed own potential, resists Yang Kai, circling is so, definitely is still not able to erase all around that invisible strength to own influence. 妖族武者已经纷纷施展出自身的势,来对抗杨开,绕是如此,也依然完全无法抹除四周那无形的力量对自身的影响。 Not only so, each Monster Race martial artist detects, in the potential of this Human Race youth, as if also doped some special strengths, this strength lets them such as the falling icehouse, keeps silent, so long as if own one moves, the next moment can falls appearance at the scene..) 不单单如此,每个妖族武者都察觉到,在这人类青年的势中,似乎还掺杂了一些特别的力量,这种力量让他们如坠冰窖,噤若寒蝉,仿佛只要自己这边一动,下一刻就会陨落当场的样子。。)
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