MP :: Volume #16

#1569: Isn't the brain normal?

Being late, the Yang Kai arrow step such as flew, rushed to front of second Thunder Flame Flying Lizard, the figure turned, the big mouth that opened from it worms one's way into directly. 已经迟了,杨开箭步如飞,冲到了第二只雷炎飞蜥面前,身形一扭,直接从它张开的大口中钻了进去。 the next moment, Thunder Flame Flying Lizard within the body then transmits and terrifying, lets the head skin feeling numb sound, the naked eye obviously, fluctuations of energy after rupturing spread toward below from its neck, finally vanishes in the abdomen place. 下一刻,雷炎飞蜥体内便传来及其恐怖,让人头发麻的声响,肉眼可见地,一圈圈爆裂后的能量波动从它的颈脖一路朝下蔓延,最终在腹部处消失。 Bang...... 轰…… The Thunder Flame Flying Lizard abdomen explodes large hole, the Yang Kai's form jumps out. 雷炎飞蜥的腹部炸出一个大洞,杨开的身影从中窜出。 Second Thunder Flame Flying Lizard falls to the ground loudly, aura does not have. 第二只雷炎飞蜥轰然倒地,气息全无。 All happened in the electric light flint, ordered to strike to kill Yang Kai from Mi Tian, intended instead to kill two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard to Yang Kai, three breath times. 所有的一切都发生在电光火石之间,自弥天下令击杀杨开,到杨开出手反杀了两只雷炎飞蜥,前后不过三息功夫而已。 This rapidness of accident occurrence, almost keeps the thought of person of surrounding from pursuing. 这一变故发生之快,几乎让围观之人的思维无法追逐。 Until Yang Kai jumps out from the second Thunder Flame Flying Lizard abdomen, their suddenly has then gotten back one's composure. 直到杨开从第二只雷炎飞蜥的腹部中窜出,他们这才猛地回过神。 Two powerful 9 step Monster Beast...... died unexpectedly. 两头强大的九阶妖兽……竟就这么死了。 Is this Thunder Flame Flying Lizard? Which only small and weak Monster Beast this should not be, just long somewhat looks like Thunder Flame Flying Lizard? In each individual heart has this idea, shocking and looks at a loss toward Yang Kai. 这还是雷炎飞蜥么?这该不会是哪只弱小的妖兽,只不过长的有些像雷炎飞蜥?每个人心中都生出这种想法,震惊而又茫然地朝杨开望去。 That wild boorish fight style, lets dizzy turning one's thoughts toward a loved one that everyone looks, also panic-stricken extremely. 那狂暴粗野的战斗风格,让所有人都看的目眩神驰,又惊恐万分。 The fight of Monster Race, for boorish was famous wild, Monster Race is always also proud by this. 妖族的战斗,本就以粗野狂暴著称,妖族也向来以此自豪。 They thought that a fight of own clan is the true fight, as for Human Race...... was really the flowery boxing. 他们觉得自己一族的战斗才是真正的战斗,至于人类……实在是太花拳绣腿了。 Human Race that but front dashed Mi Tian Young Master, actually shocks the way of mind and eyeball by one type, annotated anything to be called perfectly truly boorish wild! 可是面前这个冲撞了弥天公子人类,却以一种更加震撼心灵和眼球的方式,完美地诠释了什么才叫做真正的粗野狂暴! The audience are quiet. 全场静谧。 The Mi Tian also look concentrates austere is looking at Yang Kai. 就连弥天也神色凝肃地望着杨开 He discovered finally. This Human Race...... seems like some is not affable. 他终于发现。这个人类……似乎有些不好惹。 Pulls a cart with because although two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard tame at a young age, lost some wild surnames, cannot compare outside these locally born consanguineous Monster Beast, but was not Void Return 2-layer said that killed kills. 拉车用的两只雷炎飞蜥虽然因为自小驯养,丢失了些野姓,比不得外面那些土生土长的同族妖兽,可也不是一个返虚两层境说杀就杀的。 Before him, Monster Beast that own pulls a cart does not have the strength of least bit resistance unexpectedly, is both killed violently. 在他面前,自己拉车的妖兽竟没有半点反抗之力,就双双毙命。 Mi Tian self-examined that own feared cannot achieve! His doubt emits Spiritual Mind, is nosing on Yang Kai, discovered that this Human Race truly is the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary, has not hidden anything. 弥天自问自己怕是做不到!他狐疑地放出神念,在杨开身上查探着,发现这个人类确实是返虚两层境修为境界,并没有隐藏什么。 Mi Tian narrowed the eyes, in the pupil twinkling had and evil different appearance. Bewilderedly. Some blood suddenly ebullition in within the body. 弥天眯起了双眼,瞳仁内闪烁起及其邪异的神采。莫名其妙地。体内的血液忽然有些沸腾。 Monster Race is militant, Mi Tian as Small Young Master of Thousand Eyes feudal lord, although the position is honored, but the bloodthirsty in that bone and crazy not because of his status but has reduced. Instead wins consanguineous martial artist. 妖族都是好战的,弥天身为千眼领主的小公子,虽然地位尊贵,但那种骨子里的嗜血和疯狂并没有因为他的身份而有所削减。反而更胜同族武者 He thought that Yang Kai surely is a good opponent! Could let own have a free hand. Fights well. 他觉得杨开必定是一个好对手!或许能让自己放开手脚。好好战斗一场。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… A slight abnormal noise. Suddenly spreads from the body of Mi Tian, hardly perceptible, his body each spot. In one type and subtle amplitude jitter. 一阵轻微的异响。忽然从弥天的身体内传出,几乎不可察觉的,他的身躯每个部位。都在一种及其微妙的幅度抖动。 That is the exciting indication! 那是兴奋的征兆! What happened!” In the meantime, several rays of light by extremely near flies, the person has not arrived, shouted angrily then to pass on. “发生什么事了!”就在此时,几道光芒由远极近的飞来,人还未到,一声怒喝便传了过来。 At once, that several rays of light fall before the person, after seeing clearly the Monster Beast corpse and tense atmosphere before city gate, one dull. 旋即,那几道光芒落到人前,待看清城门前的妖兽尸体和紧张气氛之后,不禁一呆。 Sir Ma Gena!” Before that is riding wolf Monster Beast Monster Race martial artist, hurries to rush to front of the future, salutes respectfully. 马格纳大人!”那之前骑着狼型妖兽妖族武者,赶紧冲到来者面前,恭敬行礼。 Shining Moon City City Master, Monster Race powerhouse Ma Gena, as lord of the city, naturally has the Void Return 3-layer cultivation level boundary. 晖月城城主,妖族强者马格纳,身为一城之主,自然是有返虚三层境修为境界。 But he, although as Shining Moon City City Master, actually knows nothing about here matter, even the arrival of Mi Tian does not know. 可他虽然身为晖月城城主,对这里的事情却是一无所知,甚至连弥天的到来也不知晓。 It is not the Ma Gena news is not quick, is really Mi Tian too does not press the common sense to play a card, originally, that team of martial artist that is riding wolf Monster Beast, but is responsible for inquiring the Mi Tian whereabouts, then reports, that side the temporary palace naturally can send out the manpower to greet his, will welcome temporary palace him directly. 并非马格纳的消息不灵通,实在是弥天太不按常理出牌,本来,那一队骑着狼型妖兽武者,只是负责打探弥天的行踪,然后汇报回去,行宫那边自然会派出人手来迎接他的,会直接将他迎到行宫处。 Where knew that Mi Tian has not let that Monster Race martial artist signalling, instead after its convergence, intimidates to force, making them bring own to arrive at Shining Moon City directly. 哪里晓得弥天根本就没让那妖族武者传信,反而在与其汇合后,威逼胁迫,让他们带着自己直接来到晖月城 He also knows obviously the own wind does not comment well, where arriving at is not quite popular, in order to avoid the news leak, causing the Shining Moon City resident to prepare, hides the beautiful woman, he has not let person circular Shining Moon City City Master. 他显然也知道自己风评不好,走到哪里都不太受欢迎,以免消息外泄,导致晖月城的居民有所准备,把美女藏起来,他根本就没有让人通报晖月城城主 Arrived here, prepared first to seek novelty directly, then goes to the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace. 就这么直接到了这里,准备先猎奇一番,再去赤月领主的行宫。 The idea is very wonderful, but entered a city then provoking the authority by Yang Kai this Human Race, pulled a cart with continually both 9 step Monster Beast were both killed violently. 想法很美好,可才一进城便被杨开这个人类给挑衅到了权威,连拉车用的两头九阶妖兽都双双毙命。 Mi Tian Young Master?” Ma Gena recognized the Mi Tian identity, the complexion sank, he did not welcome this Mi Tian to come the own city to stir up trouble genuinely. 弥天公子?”马格纳一眼就认出了弥天的身份,脸色不由一沉,他打心眼里不欢迎这个弥天自己的城池兴风作浪。 Hehe, Mi Tian sees the Ma Gena senior, Mi Tian has been unsolicited, but also asked the senior should not be offended.” The Mi Tian smile holds the fist in the other hand, then as before is mild-mannered and cultivated, is brightly smiling, making innumerable female infatuated. 呵呵,弥天见过马格纳前辈,弥天不请自来,还请前辈不要见怪。”弥天微笑抱拳,依旧那么温文尔雅,笑容灿烂,让无数女子为之痴迷。 What's all this about?” The Ma Gena calm face, looks to that rides in wolf Monster Beast Monster Race martial artist. “这是怎么回事?”马格纳沉着脸,望向那骑在狼型妖兽身上的妖族武者 This Monster Race martial artist head cold sweat braves, knows that Sir City Master was not very happy, pours does not dare to conceal anything, hastily all things briefly. 妖族武者头上冷汗直冒,知道城主大人很不高兴,倒也不敢隐瞒什么,连忙将所有的事情简单地说了一遍。 Dissolute!” After hearing Yang Kai struck to kill Mi Tian pulling a cart Monster Beast unexpectedly, Ma Gena immediately severely drinks one, sharp vision toward the Yang Kai intently watch in the past. “放肆!”当听到杨开居然击杀了弥天的拉车妖兽之后,马格纳顿时厉喝一声,锐利的目光朝杨开逼视过去。 Although he does not like Mi Tian this fellow being a womanizer in the own domain, but Human Race dares to dash the Monster Race noble character, is not he can tolerate, under the rooms on either side contrast, he has no dislike feeling to the approach that Mi Tian was unsolicited. 他虽然不喜欢弥天这个家伙在自己的地盘上沾花惹草,但一个人类敢冲撞妖族高贵的人物,也绝非他能够容忍的,两厢对比之下,他对弥天不请自来的做法倒没什么厌恶感了。 Who however this Human Race is, unexpectedly can strike to kill two 9 step Monster Beast in such short time, some strength no small matters. 不过这个人类是谁,居然能在这么短的时间内击杀两只九阶妖兽,实力有些非同小可啊。 His doubt sizes up Yang Kai, where could not remember in Human Race to have presented this kind of Expert. 他狐疑地打量杨开,怎么也想不起人族之中有什么地方出现了这样的高手 Yang Kai has not actually responded him, but the sensation moment, hand one move, two golden light flew to shoot silently suddenly respectively from the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard corpse of dying, if there is a Spirituality general winding in the Yang Kai's fingertip, walked randomly erratically. 杨开却没搭理他,而是默默地感知片刻,忽然把手一招,两道金光分别从死去的雷炎飞蜥尸体内飞射出来,如有灵姓一般缠绕在杨开的指尖,游走不定。 Looks at these two golden and red two colors mixed Golden Blood Silk Thread, Yang Kai is showing the satisfactory smile. 望着这两道金红两色交杂的金血丝,杨开露出满意的微笑。 He is taking a look unable to find appropriate Monster Beast to come concise own Blood Beast Secret Technique, didn't expect to pick two here ready-made, after Mi Tian clashes, he without hesitation will act. 他正瞅找不到合适的妖兽来凝练自己血兽秘术,没想到在这里捡了两个现成的,所以在与弥天发生冲突之后,他才会毫不犹豫地出手。 Blood Beast Secret Technique that two 9 step Monster Beast spirits and flesh essence concise become, calculated well. 两头九阶妖兽精魂和血肉精华凝练而成的血兽秘术,也算不错了。 After he takes back Golden Blood Silk Thread, dies suddenly is withered in ground Thunder Flame Flying Lizard flesh body, as if discouraged rubber ball is the same, the essence of whole body pulled out a cleanness in that flash. 在他将金血丝收回之后,死在地上的雷炎飞蜥肉身却忽然干瘪下去,仿佛泄气的皮球一样,全身的精华在那一瞬间被抽个干干净净。 Well!” Mi Tian at present one bright, this is what Secret Technique!” “咦!”弥天眼前一亮,“这是什么秘术!” He seemed like the interest, is the eye of reveal surprised color, looked at two Golden Blood Silk Thread between Yang Kai fingers, the eye winking. 他似乎来了兴趣,目露惊奇之色,望着杨开手指间的两道金血丝,眼睛一眨不眨。 Although is in Monster Race the status honored great person, but Mi Tian is actually interested in Human Race various Secret Technique very much, Human Race cannot compare Monster Race in the flesh body intensity and strength, however on founding Secret Technique this Domain, is the Monster Race pats the horse is also difficult. 虽然是妖族中身份尊贵的大人物,可弥天却对人类的各种秘术很感兴趣,人类肉身的强度和力量上比不得妖族,但是在开创秘术这个领域上,却是妖族拍马也难及的。 Two races, have the own advantage respectively. 两个种族,都各有自己的优势。 Mi Tian understands this point, therefore he with many Monster Race powerhouse different, does not repel to despise Human Race Secret Technique, does not think that is a flowery boxing, instead is willing to calm the mind to study diligently, comprehension. 弥天深谙这一点,所以他跟很多妖族强者不一样,并不排斥鄙夷人类秘术,不认为那是花拳绣腿,反而愿意静下心来钻研,领悟。 By Monster Race powerful flesh body, coordinates Human Race that ever changingly, Secretive Wu Chang Secret Technique, Mi Tian believes that own can found a school one day, walked is farther than the own father Thousand Eyes feudal lord, stands in Monster Emperor Star most peak, becomes ten big feudal lord's heads! 妖族的强悍肉身,配合人类那千变万化,诡秘无常秘术,弥天相信自己总有一天能够开创出一个流派,走的比自己的父亲千眼领主更远一些,站在妖星帝辰的最顶端,成为十大领主之首! But this location/position hovering flight for a long time. 这个位置可是空悬已久了。 Now he is interested in Yang Kai this Golden Blood Silk Thread Secret Technique very much. 如今他就对杨开金血丝秘术很感兴趣。 He has studied many Human Race Secret Technique, therefore is very eagle-eyed, sees out of the ordinary of these two Golden Blood Silk Thread, moreover...... flies to shoot after Thunder Flame Flying Lizard within the body, these two Golden Blood Silk Thread as if had Spirituality! 他研究过不少人族秘术,所以很有眼力,一眼就看出这两道金血丝的非比寻常,而且……从雷炎飞蜥的体内飞射出来之后,这两道金血丝似乎拥有了灵姓 Obtains it! In the Mi Tian heart flashes through this overbearing thought immediately, naturally points at Yang Kai saying: Human Race, gives this Gentlemen the thing on your hand, beforehand matter this Gentlemen can not go into one's past.” 得到它!弥天心中立刻闪过这个霸道的念头,理所当然地指着杨开道:“人类,把你手上的东西交给本公子,之前的事本公子可以既往不咎了。” Yang Kai catches the eye to take a look at him, curls the lip the smile, the intention moves, twines then vanishes to disappear in two Golden Blood Silk Thread of his fingertip, said briefly and to the point: Does not give!” 杨开抬眼瞅了瞅他,撇嘴微笑,心念一动,缠绕在他指尖的两道金血丝便消失不见了,言简意赅道:“不给!” Mi Tian knits the brows, is looking at him strangely, Hehe said with a smile: Human Race, are you brain some are not normal, you think that struck to kill this Gentlemen two to pull a cart Monster Beast, can be easily friendly? You think that you can also live are leaving Shining Moon City? The words that wants to maintain a livelihood, on obediently with the this Gentlemen child cooperation, I can put your horse, your don't refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit!” 弥天皱眉,怪怪地望着他,呵呵笑道:“人类,你是不是脑子有些不正常啊,你以为击杀了本公子两只拉车妖兽,就可以轻易善了了?你以为你还能活着离开晖月城?想要活命的话,就乖乖地跟本公子合作,我可以放你一马的,你可别敬酒不吃吃罚酒!” He spoke, several Void Return Stage powerhouses of Shining Moon City City Master Ma Gena and his side also looked covetously toward Yang Kai, prepared to intend to teach his at any time ruthlessly. 他说话的时候,晖月城城主马格纳和他身边的几位返虚镜强者也都虎视眈眈地朝杨开望去,随时准备出手狠狠地教训他一番。 In treating the Yang Kai's attitude, Ma Gena stands this side Mi Tian unconditionally. 在对待杨开的态度上,马格纳是无条件地站在弥天这一边的。 Therefore his look is looking at Yang Kai bad, coldly said: Boy should not be unappreciative, in my Shining Moon City, but also cannot allow you to be dissolute.” 所以他神色不善地望着杨开,冷声道:“小子不要不识抬举,在我晖月城,还容不得你放肆。” Dissolute?” The Yang Kai squint is looking at him, extremely arrogant uninhibited, has not given him slightly the face the meaning, aggressive: „Was I dissolute? Do you bite me?” “放肆?”杨开斜眼望着他,一身的狂妄不羁,丝毫没有给他脸面的意思,咄咄逼人:“我就放肆怎么了?你咬我?” Wild!” Ma Gena flies into a rage, he lived so many years, but also really never sees Human Race that has been supercilious, takes a broad view at entire Emperor Dragon Star, which Human Race has such as he not to know the immensity of heaven and earth like this? Even if powerful Human Race, sees Monster Race still politely, let alone own is lord of the city? “猖狂!”马格纳暴跳如雷,他活了这么多年,还真的从未见过这么目中无人的人类,放眼整个帝辰星,有哪个人类如他这样不知天高地厚?即便再强大的人类,见到妖族也得客客气气的,更何况自己还是一城之主? He took a look at Mi Tian one, Mi Tian happen to also looked toward here. 他瞅了弥天一眼,弥天正好也朝这边望来。 The line of sight connection of two people, saw each other thoughts. 两人的视线交汇,都看出了彼此的心思。 Collaborates, strikes to kill or capture this Human Race, which otherwise Monster Race also has what face countenance. 联手,击杀或者擒拿这个人类,否则妖族哪还有什么颜面可言。 But has not waited for them to begin, Shining Moon City some, transmits one suddenly and strange fluctuation of energy, Mi Tian and Ma Gena are Void Return 3-layer Expert, nature immediately had detected. 可还不等他们动手,晖月城的某一处,忽然传来一股及其古怪的能量波动,弥天马格纳都是返虚三层境高手,自然第一时间就有所察觉。 The one who makes their doubt puzzled is, they are unable to analyze that unexpectedly this fluctuation of energy is anything initiates. 让他们狐疑不解的是,他们竟无法判断这能量波动到底是什么引发的。 Yang Kai actually look one cold, raises the head looked at one toward location/position that the fluctuation of energy transmitted, knit the brows to hesitate, quick, probably remembered anything, the figure then spread in a flash toward that side. 杨开却神色一凛,抬头朝能量波动传来的位置看了一眼,皱眉沉吟了一下,很快,像是想起了什么,身形一晃便朝那边驰去。 Speed wonderful quick!.) 速度奇快!。)
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