MP :: Volume #16

#1568: Dares not to kneel down?

In the heart is thinking, this Monster Race martial artist hand wrist shakes slightly, flung to the Yang Kai's long whip also displaced the direction, strokes in the Void place, transmits a bang resounding. 心中这么想着,这妖族武者手腕微微一抖,原本甩向杨开的长鞭也偏移了方向,击打在虚空处,传来地一声脆响。 He cannot estimate the Yang Kai's depth, does not dare hurriedly, but another side, the Mi Tian Young Master face countenance actually wants him to maintain, after all even so many Monster Race powerhouses gave the Mi Tianhang ritual, only Human Race actually stood here, really some does not make sense. 他揣摩不到杨开的深浅,不敢造次,可另一边,弥天公子的颜面却要他来维护,毕竟连那么多妖族强者都给弥天行礼了,区区一个人类却站在这里,实在有些不像话。 This is to despising of Mi Tian, is to the Monster Race overall insult. 这是对弥天的蔑视,是对妖族整体的侮辱。 Therefore for a moment, this Monster Race martial artist somewhat is but actually helpless, does not know that should should do, the vision that he will seek help goes to Mi Tian. 所以一时间,这妖族武者倒有些手足无措,不知该如何是好了,他将求助的目光投向弥天 Human Race you are quite bold, saw that this Gentlemen also does dare not to kneel down unexpectedly?” Mi Tian is smiling gently, as if the human and animals are harmless, no matter what who can listen to contemptuous in his words. 人类你好大胆,见到本公子居然也敢不下跪?”弥天轻轻地笑着,似乎人畜无害,但任谁都能听出他话语中的轻蔑。 The Mi Tian honored status and extraordinary strength made him have to say this words qualifications. 弥天的尊贵身份和超绝实力让他有说这种话的资格。 This Human Race was miserable! In many martial artist hearts has this thought that looked was full of the meaning of sympathy to the Yang Kai's expression. 这个人类惨了!不少武者心中生出这个念头,望向杨开的表情充满了同情之意。 However more actually took pleasure in others' misfortunes, has Yang Kai to attract the Mi Tian attention, perhaps then this wind commented extremely bad Evil Eyes Crazy Young Master not to have the unnecessary energy to pay attention to Shining Moon City attractive female. 不过更多的却是幸灾乐祸,有杨开吸引了弥天的注意力,那么这个风评极差的邪眼狂少恐怕就没多余的精力来关注晖月城的漂亮女子了。 Thinking, many people was having the sense of gratitude to Yang Kai unexpectedly, own has the beauty female head to press down side quietly, does not make it reveal the complete appearance. 这么想着,不少人竟对杨开生出了感激之情,悄悄地将自己身边颇有姿色的女子脑袋按下,不让其露出完全的面貌。 Kneels down?” Yang Kai laughed, collides with the line of sight of Mi Tian bravely, why?” “下跪?”杨开呵呵一笑,毫不畏惧地与弥天的视线碰撞,“凭什么?” Monster Race, does boasting shamelessly want own to kneel down unexpectedly? Yang Kai was been happy by his wild words tone. 一个妖族,居然大言不惭自己下跪?杨开被他猖狂的话语气乐了。 To be honest, he is not willing to cause trouble in this Emperor Dragon Star. If Mi Tian treats as has not seen own, then this matter on the past, no one will say anything. However now, the conflict somewhat seems to be inevitable, Yang Kai naturally must boldly thrust forward to welcome. 老实说,他不愿在这个帝辰星上惹是生非。若是弥天当做没看到自己,那么这件事也就过去了,谁也不会去说什么。但是如今,冲突似乎有些不可避免,杨开自然要挺身迎上。 Depends on you are Human Race!” Mi Tian sneers, imposing manner is still full, Human Race sees this Gentlemen, must kneel down!” “就凭你是人类!”弥天冷笑一声,气势依然十足,“人类见到本公子,必须跪下!” Seemed like feels his anger, pulling a cart two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard also manic, has transferred the head. Looks at location/position that Yang Kai is. In the nostril is spurting heat, beast pupil sending out bloodthirsty cruel rays of light. 似乎是感受到了他的愤怒,拉车的两头雷炎飞蜥也狂躁了起来,转过脑袋。将目光投向杨开所在的位置。鼻孔中喷着热气,兽瞳散发嗜血残忍的光芒 Yang Kai person complexion big change, without hesitates, in abundance dispersing. Does not dare to treat with Yang Kai in the same place. Their for fear that city gate catches fire. Brings disaster to the mackerel shad. 杨开身边的人脸色大变,没有迟疑,纷纷散开。再也不敢与杨开待在一起了。他们生怕城门失火。殃及池鱼。 Shortly, is centered on Yang Kai, in surrounding area several feet range. Only is left over his one. 顷刻间,以杨开为中心,方圆十几丈范围内。只剩下他一个。 Yang Kai becomes even more conspicuous. 杨开变得愈发显眼起来。 Human Race, in Emperor Dragon Star, you are best to leave is so dissolute, must otherwise, pay very serious price!” The Mi Tian look is looking at Yang Kai faintly, two outstandingly beautiful female of his side are also flushing the Yang Kai apricot circle to stare, as if Yang Kai is an impolite person. 人类,在帝辰星上,你最好别这么放肆,要不然的话,会付出很惨重的代价!”弥天神色淡漠地望着杨开,连带着他身边的两个绝色女子也冲杨开杏目圆瞪,似乎杨开是及其无礼的一个人。 Emperor Dragon Star is my Monster Race domain, your Human Race...... graciousness, good that obediently is overcautious in dealing with people, this Gentlemen is not the mean-spirited person, read your first offense, can treat as had not seen, you knelt down, this Gentlemen circled you not dead!” Mi Tian stretches out a finger, nods downward, a bossi style. 帝辰星是我妖族的地盘,你一个人类……恩,还是乖乖地夹着尾巴做人的好,本公子也不是小气之人,念你初犯,可以当做没看到,你跪下,本公子绕你不死!”弥天伸出一根手指,往下点了点头,一副颐指气使的气派。 I, if not.” In the Yang Kai eye twinkling cold light, smilingly is looking at Mi Tian. “我若不呢。”杨开眼中闪烁寒光,笑眯眯地望着弥天 That may be beyond control you!” Mi Tian cold snort. “那可由不得你!”弥天冷哼一声 The voice falls, left that only Thunder Flame Flying Lizard big mouth, flame of one group of twinkling electric arcs takes shape suddenly suddenly, directly toward Yang Kai that side bombardment in the past, imposing manner and astonishment. 话音落,左边的那只雷炎飞蜥忽然大口一张,一团闪烁电弧的火光骤然成型,直接朝杨开那边轰击过去,气势及其惊人。 Feels terrifying killing that threatening hot intent and in the hot group contain, many martial artist look color with amazement. 感受到那逼人的热意和火团中蕴藏的恐怖杀伤,不少武者都面露骇然之色。 Although most of them have heard Thunder Flame Flying Lizard terrifying, but has not experienced with own eyes, now said that is opens mind. 他们中的大多数人虽然早就听闻雷炎飞蜥恐怖,可并没有亲眼见识过,今曰才算是开了眼界。 No wonder said that Void Return 2-layer martial artist bumps into Thunder Flame Flying Lizard also to flee at the mere distant sight, only this hot group, is not general Void Return Stage can resist. 怪不得说返虚两层境武者碰到雷炎飞蜥也得望风而逃,单是这一火团,便不是一般的返虚镜能够抵挡的。 The terrifying hot group heads on, Yang Kai actually stands there, does not seem to realized the danger to be the same, until the fireball to the near, big hand, grasped toward it suddenly. 恐怖的火团扑面而来,杨开却站在那里,仿佛没意识到危险一样,直到火球到了近前,才忽然大手一张,朝其抓了过去。 Courts death!” Sees this martial artist much, in the heart jumps the this kind of idea. “找死!”不少看到这一幕的武者,心中蹦出这样的想法。 Thunder Flame Flying Lizard attack, is so can it be that easy to reduce and solve, this boy looks at is not normal on some brains, unexpectedly attempts by the flesh body resistance, no wonder dares to dash Mi Tian. 雷炎飞蜥攻击,岂是这么容易化解的,这小子看着就有些脑子不正常,居然企图以肉身对抗,怪不得敢冲撞弥天 Let their surprised one appear. 让他们吃惊的一幕出现了。 When the Yang Kai's big hand holds that hot group, he such as everyone expected had not been burnt as the ashes directly, instead is that hot group spreads in his hand titters a light sound. 杨开的大手抓住那火团的时候,他并没有如大家预料的那样直接被焚为灰烬,反而是那火团在他的手上传出噗嗤一声轻响。 A mysterious strength wave transmission, flashes to pass, that terrifying hot group resembles the discouraged rubber ball unexpectedly, changes at the extremely quick speed is small, finally vanishes does not see. 一股玄妙至极的力量波动传递开来,一闪而逝,那恐怖的火团竟似泄气的皮球,以极快的速度变小,最终消失不见。 Yang Kai returns safe and sound. 杨开毫发无伤。 A sound of holding breath cold air resounds. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起。 Mi Tian also sat straight the body finally slowly, opened out half volt on female in his leg, in the eye gave the news that one type is calling to face up. 弥天也终于缓缓坐直了身子,拨开了半伏在在他腿上的女子,眼中传递着一种叫正视的讯息。 Good, Void Return 2-layer!” Mi Tian grinned to smile, revealed a snow white tooth, dares is so wild no wonder, originally was some skills!” “好,返虚两层境!”弥天咧嘴笑了起来,露出一口雪白的牙齿,“怪不得敢如此猖狂,原来是有些本事的!” He in the instance that Yang Kai acts, then looked at the Yang Kai's cultivation level boundary. 他在杨开出手的瞬间,便瞧出了杨开的修为境界。 Void Return 2-layer, does not calculate in Emperor Dragon Star weakly, do not say, he is Human Race! 返虚两层境,在帝辰星上已经不算弱了,更不要说,他还是个人类 Emperor Chen is Monster Race is dominant, although the commodity is abundant, world's spiritual energy is rich, but in Human Race few can emerge the Void Return Stage powerhouse, has this aptitude, had been strangled in the cradle. 帝辰是妖族独大,虽然物资充沛,天地灵气浓郁,但是人族之中鲜少能涌现出返虚镜的强者,有这种资质的,早已被扼杀在摇篮之中。 Monster Race is impossible to make Human Race sit in a big way, they leave behind Human Race to survive in the crevice, but settled on Human Race various unique natural talent, how possibly to make Human Race have the opportunity of changing from guest to host? 妖族是不可能让人族坐大的,他们留下人族在夹缝中生存,只不过是看中了人族的各种独特天赋而已,怎可能让人族有反客为主的机会? Therefore after detecting Yang Kai is Void Return 2-layer martial artist, Mi Tian came the interest immediately, stands on the beast vehicle, wields the hand, cold snort said: Killed him!” 所以在察觉到杨开是个返虚两层境武者之后,弥天顿时来了兴致,站在兽车上,把手一挥,冷哼道:“杀了他!” Two 9 step Monster Beast are wild immediately, stands erect in abundance the upper body, opens big mouth, in the mouth hidden has the flame and thunder and lightning is jumping. 两只九阶妖兽立刻狂暴起来,纷纷直立起上身,张开大嘴,口中隐有火焰和雷电在跳跃。 The city gate locates one to scratch with the finger chaotically, most martial artist hurry to scatter in all directions to run away. 城门处一阵搔乱,大多数武者都赶紧四散逃窜。 Yang Kai laughs: Two domestic animals are also dissolute!” 杨开大笑起来:“两只畜生也敢放肆!” golden light twinkling gets up, two Golden Blood Silk Thread control in Yang Kai's grass, such as flying arrow, toward the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard lasing in the past. 金光闪烁起来,两道金血丝杨开的艹控下,如离弦之箭,朝雷炎飞蜥激射过去。 Two columns of flame spout from the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard mouth, welcome Golden Blood Silk Thread, is still not actually able the speed that prevents Golden Blood Silk Thread to advance, that makes anybody hear that the changes countenance roaring flame, simply has not caused any damage to Golden Blood Silk Thread. 两道火柱纷纷从雷炎飞蜥的口中喷出,迎上金血丝,却依然无法阻止金血丝突进的速度,那让任何人都闻之变色的烈焰,根本没对金血丝造成任何伤害。 The time of a blink, the Golden Blood Silk Thread then lasing entered in the mouth of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard. 只是一眨眼的功夫,金血丝便激射进了雷炎飞蜥的嘴中。 the next moment, two 9 step Monster Beast spread is similar to calling out in grief howling, the huge body leans this way and that breaks the collapse of nearby house dashing. 下一刻,两只九阶妖兽传出类似于悲鸣般的吼叫,庞大的身躯东倒西歪,将附近的房屋冲撞的倒塌散架。 Crashes in Golden Blood Silk Thread in their abdomen to control in Yang Kai's grass, cuts in their within the body recklessly, causes the damage that is inconceivable to them. 冲进它们腹中的金血丝已在杨开的艹控下,在它们体内肆意切割,给它们造成难以想象的伤害。 Yang Kai has not been idling, the figure in a flash, the person had fled, then arrived on the head of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard quickly, a fist pounded toward its back of the head. 杨开也没闲着,身形一晃,人已经窜了出去,很快便来到了雷炎飞蜥的脑袋上,一拳就朝它的后脑勺砸了过去。 It seems like a light fist, what strength could not see to contain. 似乎是轻飘飘的一拳,看不出蕴藏了什么样的力道。 But when that fist pounds the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard head, everyone clearly sees, this huge Monster Beast body, the head seemed pounded by ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) sledgehammer, first is condition launch swing back, then such as the meteor crashes, pounds loudly to the ground. 但当那拳头砸中雷炎飞蜥脑袋的时候,所有人都清楚地看到,这庞大妖兽身躯一顿,脑袋仿佛被万斤大锤砸中,先是一个条件发射般的后仰,紧接着便如流星坠落,轰然砸向地面。 Everything may become vulnerable! 地动山摇! In the ground presents a big hole immediately, the head of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard entire falls into inside. 地面上立刻出现一个大坑,雷炎飞蜥的脑袋整个陷入里面。 Worthily is 9 step Monster Beast, although there is Golden Blood Silk Thread to rebel in within the body, came up such in back of the head by Yang Kai, but it still has not been killed violently, instead stimulated the ominous surname, roared, the spacious transparent shark's fins stirred up, wanting to get rid of it Yang Kai. 不愧是九阶妖兽,虽然有金血丝在它体内作乱,又被杨开后脑勺上来了这么一下,但它依然没有毙命,反而更加激发了凶姓,咆哮中,宽大的肉翅煽动起来,欲要将杨开从它身上摆脱。 A Yang Kai body revolution, arrived at the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard front directly, the double foot pedal on its lower jaw, both hands assumes to hold a day of potential, lifts up high on palate that Thunder Flame Flying Lizard wanted to bite. 杨开身子一转,直接来到了雷炎飞蜥的前方,双脚蹬在它的下颚上,双手呈托天之势,高举住了雷炎飞蜥欲要咬下的上腭。 „Does he want to do?” The surrounded people dumbfounded, looks shocking to Yang Kai at this moment. “他要干什么?”围观的人都呆住了,震惊地望向此刻的杨开 He shows this stance, as if must tear this only 9 step Monster Beast livingly general, but a Human Race tiny body, actually formed the striking contrast with the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard big mouth. 他摆出这幅架势,仿佛是要活生生地将这只九阶妖兽撕裂一般,但一个人类的渺小身躯,却与雷炎飞蜥的血盆大口形成了强烈的反差。 As if so long as Thunder Flame Flying Lizard bites gently, then can bind into the abdomen this Human Race. 似乎雷炎飞蜥只要轻轻一咬,便能将这个人类裹入腹中。 The Yang Kai's body bent the sun-dried shelled shrimp shape, the exposed muscle high grave outside got up, as if contained the strength that was inconceivable. 杨开的身躯弯成了虾米状,裸露在外的肌肉高高坟起,仿佛蕴藏了难以想象的力量。 He and Thunder Flame Flying Lizard are conducting the collision and contention in strength. 他与雷炎飞蜥正在进行力量上的碰撞和角逐。 The people thought that Yang Kai was insane. 众人都觉得杨开疯了。 It is well known, in the strength, Monster Race then has the advantage that is inconceivable inborn, do not say that Thunder Flame Flying Lizard this build huge 9 step Monster Beast, particularly its linking strength, is astonishing to the extreme. 众所周知,在力量上,妖族天生便拥有难以想象的优势,更不要说雷炎飞蜥这种体型庞大九阶妖兽了,尤其是它的咬合力,更是惊人到了极点。 Yang Kai gathers on own initiative the mouth of this Monster Beast, is challenging Thunder Flame Flying Lizard to be most powerful simply the tenacious body part. 杨开主动凑到这妖兽的嘴边,简直是在挑战雷炎飞蜥最强大坚韧的身体部位。 Isn't this fellow head normal? In many hearts has this idea. 这家伙脑袋不正常?不少人心中冒出这个想法。 But makes them stare an eyeball of place finally, moreover what the result comes is so rapid. 可结果却让他们瞪掉一地的眼珠子,而且结果来的是如此迅疾。 In that flash of some of their doubt Yang Kai intelligence issues, he bent the sun-dried shelled shrimp shape body to stretch suddenly straight. 就在他们狐疑杨开有些神智问题的那一瞬间,他原本弯成了虾米状的身躯陡然绷直。 If there is wild strength that can pass through entire Star Territory, the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard big mouth is unable to prevent the extension of Yang Kai body. 如拥有能贯穿整个星域的狂暴力量,雷炎飞蜥的血盆大口根本无法阻止杨开身体的伸展。 That giant mouth presents and exaggerating bouncing curve, on palate suddenly flies upward, the lower jaw falls toward fall downward. 那巨大的嘴巴呈现出及其夸张的弹跳弧度,上腭猛地往上飞去,下颚往下坠落。 ...... 刺啦…… fresh blood everywhere, the head of Thunder Flame Flying Lizard entire splits, the muscle and tendon on that head were pulled by the powerful strength, tears completely, exposes in the field of vision of people. 鲜血漫天,雷炎飞蜥的脑袋整个分裂开来,那脑袋上的肌肉和筋腱被强大的力量拉扯,全部撕裂开来,暴露在众人的视野之中。 The audience delay, is looking at Yang Kai with one type and the strange look, as if the for a moment head somewhat could not make a turn. 全场呆滞,都用一种及其古怪的眼神望着杨开,似乎一时间脑袋有些转不过弯了。 If some people said, Yang Kai is for the Monster Race powerhouse who the strength is famous, then at present this also some reasonable explanations, but...... he is only Human Race! 若是有人说,杨开是个以力量著称的妖族强者,那么眼前这一幕还有合理的解释,可是……他只是个人类啊! Can Human Race, have this terrifying strength? 一个人类,能有这种恐怖的力量么? The bang......, the Thunder Flame Flying Lizard huge body falls down, splutters dust. 轰……地一声,雷炎飞蜥庞大的身躯倒在地上,溅射起一片尘埃。 The Yang Kai whole body is bathed in blood the ice to be built on the midair, murderous aura is steaming, such as a deicide who goes out of the antiquity period, making one be afraid. 杨开浑身浴血地凌立于半空,杀气腾腾,如一尊从上古时期走出的杀神,让人不寒而栗。 He has turned head, is looking toward Thunder Flame Flying Lizard that own to/clashes toward another, grins to grin fiendishly. 他扭过头,朝另一头正朝自己冲来的雷炎飞蜥望去,咧嘴狞笑。 Although Thunder Flame Flying Lizard does not have the incarnation manner, but how many also gave birth to spiritual wisdom, looked the own companion was killed with an unthinkable way by that Human Race unexpectedly, which also dares to approach again? 雷炎飞蜥虽然没有化身为人,但多少也生出了灵智,一看自己的同伴居然被那人类用一种匪夷所思的方式击毙,哪还敢再靠近? The throat sends out a low roar, the Wing violent instigation, wanting to stop the step..) 喉咙地发出一声低吼,翅膀猛烈煽动,欲要停住步伐。。)
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