MP :: Volume #16

#1567: The tumult of city gate place

Shining Moon City city gate not far away, there is a teahouse . 晖月城城门不远处,有一家茶楼。. location/position is good, happen to can see the situation that city gate that side martial artist passes in and out, Yang Kai sets out early and returns late, first even/including squatted good several days time in this teahouse, has not seen the maid in any temporary palace to appear. 位置不错,正好可以望见城门那边武者进出的情况,杨开早出晚归,一连在这茶楼里蹲守了好几曰时间,也没有见到任何行宫里的婢女出现。 This said that while he is bored to death, when scented tea, the city gate place transmits one to scratch with the finger suddenly. 这一曰,正当他百无聊赖,品着香茗之时,城门处忽然传来一阵搔动。 These are lining up to wait for into martial artist simultaneous of city to separate toward the path by unexpectedly, as if must yield the way general to what great person, but in crowd, is mixing with some sounds of shouting, Yang Kai heard anything to come indistinctly, came and so on shouting. 那些正在排队等候入城的武者们竟齐齐朝道路两旁分开,仿佛是要给什么大人物让道一般,而人群中,也夹杂着一些呼喊之声,杨开隐约听到什么“来了,来了”之类的叫嚷。 Did the maid in temporary palace come? The Yang Kai spirit shakes, takes for granted to think. 行宫里的婢女来了么?杨开精神一震,想当然地这么认为起来。 Scratching with the finger of city gate place moved the mood also to transmit the teahouse, is drinking tea martial artist that also to go out of the teahouse in the teahouse in abundance, in towards the street gathered the past, not the big moment time, by that spacious street, stood unexpectedly the person, focused attention on toward the city gate place. 城门处的搔动情绪也传递到了茶楼这边,正在茶楼里喝茶的武者们也纷纷走出茶楼,朝街道上汇聚过去,不大片刻功夫,那宽敞的街道两旁,竟是站满了人,纷纷朝城门处瞩目。 Although the population are many, is completely silent, seems very peaceful. 人数虽多,却鸦雀无声,显得很是安静。 Yang Kai also walked from the teahouse, pushes in the crowd, is looking around toward the city gate that side, a face anticipated, prepares to look for a right candidate, well under the elaboration the request of own, making her help the own bush telegraph. 杨开也从茶楼里走了出来,挤在人群中,朝城门那边张望着,一脸期待,准备寻找一个合适的人选,好好阐述下自己的请求,让她帮自己传递讯息。 The land somewhat trembles slightly lightly, the solid ground transmits the vibration from distant place, as if there is mighty force to rush to toward here. 大地微微有些轻颤,结实的地面传递出来自远方的震动,似乎有千军万马正在朝这里奔赴而来。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, realized suddenly the matter with seems like some that own thinks to be not quite same, if after all is only the temporary palace maid goes out to purchase the commodity, should not have such big momentum. 杨开眉头一皱,忽然意识到事情跟自己想的似乎有些不太一样,毕竟如果只是行宫婢女外出采购物资的话,应该没这么大的声势。 Let alone, since these maids will come out every month one time. The Shining Moon City resident and martial artist should be unalarmed by strange sights were right, ten thousand are impossible so to surround. 更何况,既然那些婢女每一个月都会出来一次。晖月城的居民和武者应该对此见怪不怪了才对,万不可能这般围观。 Realizes this point, he is somewhat disappointed, evidently, was not the temporary palace maid comes. 意识到这一点,他有些失望,看样子,并不是行宫婢女来了啊。 However he is very curious, who is arrives at this Shining Moon City, makes so many martial artist be interested unexpectedly. 不过他很是好奇,到底是什么人来到这个晖月城,竟让这么多武者感兴趣。 After a little while, powerful wolf Monster Beast one leaps from outside suddenly flies into, but on the body of this Monster Beast, Yang Kai looks at is very looking familiar Monster Race martial artist. 少顷,一只威风凛凛的狼型妖兽忽然从外面一跃飞入,而在这妖兽的身上,还有一个杨开看着挺是面熟的妖族武者 Make way make way. Make way!” That Monster Race martial artist steps into Shining Moon City long-drawn-out. Then shouted loudly, in the hand is brandishing a long whip, martial artist that will surround is driving away toward the distant place, give away a more spacious street. “闪开闪开。都闪开!”那妖族武者悠一踏入晖月城。便大声叫嚷起来,手上挥舞着一根长鞭,将围观的武者朝更远处驱赶着,让出更宽敞的街道。 Follows closely in his behind. Several build similar wolf Monster Beast appeared. On each Monster Beast has Monster Race martial artist to ride. They disperse voluntarily both sides, lines up to await respectfully. 紧随在他身后。十几只体型差不多的狼型妖兽出现了。每一只妖兽身上都有一个妖族武者骑乘。他们自觉地分散到两旁,列队恭候。 Before this is not, that Monster Race team of several days own question? Yang Kai is looking at lead martial artist, thought quickly. 这不是前几曰自己问话的那个妖族队伍么?杨开望着领头的武者,很快想了起来。 This friend. Which great person arrives Shining Moon City, how such big ostentation?” The one side broadcasts a sound of inquiry suddenly, obviously this master of sound is also confused, is inquiring the news toward others. “这位朋友。哪个大人物驾临晖月城啊,怎么这么大的排场?”一旁忽然传来一个询问的声音,显然这声音的主人也是一头雾水,正在朝旁人打探消息。 Does not know.” Poked head to look around by the person of inquiry outward, is very curious. “不知道啊。”被询问之人探头朝外张望,也很是好奇。 Does not know that what you do come to see?” That person of question is not glad immediately. “不知道你来看什么?”那问话之人顿时不乐意了。 Does not know that comes to see, aren't you?” “就是不知道才来看看的,你不也是?” „......” “咳咳……” Has doubts when the people, talked in whispers, discussed the truth, the city gate place found out two giant heads suddenly, on that two heads lived the alone corner/horn, was the jet black color, the head proliferates the hard scales, the eye, if the snake pupil, sending out intermittent cold light, making one be afraid. 就在众人疑惑不已,窃窃私语,探讨真相之时,城门处忽然探出两只巨大的脑袋,那两只脑袋上生有独角,呈漆黑之色,头颅遍布坚硬的鳞甲,眼若蛇瞳,散发阵阵寒光,让人不寒而栗。 This is......” has the person of being able to judge the quality of goods to call out in alarm immediately, he has seen these two Monster Beast is what background. “这是……”有识货之人立刻惊呼起来,他已看出这两只妖兽到底是什么来头了。 Two Monster Beast complete pictures print in the field of vision of people quickly, besides that giant head, these two Monster Beast on the back grows both wings, the body proliferates such as the Dragon Scales common thing, the long tail moved in behind at will, felt the strength feeling of explosion. 两只妖兽的全貌很快就印入众人的视野中,除了那巨大的脑袋之外,这两只妖兽都背生双翅,身体遍布如龙鳞一般的东西,长长的尾巴在后面随意地甩动,充满了爆炸的力量感。 9 step Monster Beast Thunder Flame Flying Lizard!” 九阶妖兽雷炎飞蜥!” Not all Monster Beast have the ability incarnation manner, some Monster Beast life will maintain the beast body, this 9 step Monster Beast Thunder Flame Flying Lizard obviously is one type, in 9 step Monster Beast, it is also famous existence, is skilled in utilize thunder fire inborn, the temperament is cruel, even if Void Return 2-layer martial artist bumps into, must flee at the mere distant sight. 并非所有的妖兽都有能力化身为人,有的妖兽一生都会维持兽身,这九阶妖兽雷炎飞蜥显然就是一种,在九阶妖兽中,它也是大名鼎鼎的存在,天生精通御使雷火,脾气暴戾残忍,即便是返虚两层境武者碰上,也得望风而逃。 Can surrender this Monster Beast powerhouse is not really many. 能降服这种妖兽的强者实在不多。 But now, these two Thunder Flame Flying Lizard actually degenerated into the domestic animal of pulling a cart, by reins in the neck place, followed closely in their behind, a decorating luxurious automobile body spreads slowly Shining Moon City. 可是如今,这两只雷炎飞蜥却沦为了拉车的畜生,被缰绳勒在颈脖处,紧随在它们身后,一辆装点的豪华至极的车身徐徐驰进晖月城 That compartment is extremely luxuriously near all, decorated tall and pleasing to the eye, with the rotation of wheel, in the compartment also transmits the clear sound, delightful. 那车厢极近一切奢华,被装饰的美轮美奂,随着车轮的转动,车厢里还传来叮铃铃的清脆声响,悦耳至极。 The compartment opens greatly, without windows and doors, only then some pink color curtain powder hang in the surroundings, the owner of as if this beast car(riage) likes the focused attention on appearance very much. 车厢大敞,没有门窗,只有一些粉红色的帷幕散垂在周围,似乎这兽车的主人很喜欢被人瞩目的样子。 In the compartment sat three people, but the vision of almost all people, in this flash threw on a person. 车厢内坐了三个人,但是几乎所有人的目光在这一瞬间都投到了一个人身上。 That is a man who wears the white cheongsam, sits in soft cot above crookedly, handsome like a jade tree that lives, dignified in appearance, he sits there at will, is actually sending out magnificent and expensive aura from top to bottom, making people not feel short a head voluntarily. 那是一个身穿洁白长衫的男子,歪坐在软榻之上,生得的玉树临风,仪表堂堂,他就那么随意地坐在那里,浑身上下却散发着一种华贵的气息,让人不自觉地就感觉矮了一头。 Looks at his first, only thought that this person is very charming, looked, if looks at second again, will perish in his both eyes light. 看他第一眼,只觉得这人很是帅气,看若再看第二眼,就会沉沦在他那双目光之中。 His eye is very bright, is very bright, moreover seems also sending out an unusual strength, any female to this eye, in unconscious will lose own, as if the moth saw the twinkling lights, must throw recklessly. 他的眼睛很亮,很有神,而且似乎还散发着一种奇特的力量,任何女子对上这双眼睛,都会在不自觉中迷失自己,就仿佛飞蛾见到了闪烁的灯火,要不顾一切地扑上去。 On the knee of man, one outstandingly beautiful female half volt there, the male only beautiful hand, strokes the female black hair slenderly gently, that female eye is narrowing the eyes, reveals look that enjoys to wallow extremely, as if she is a pet, is enjoying the stroking concern of master. 男子的膝上,有一绝色女子半伏在那里,男子纤细唯美的手,轻轻地抚弄女子的黑发,那女子眼睛微眯着,露出一副极其享受沉迷的神色,仿佛她就是一个宠物,正在享受主人的抚摸关爱。 female, then lies crooked in the arms of this man, similarly the look is blurred, the elegant face is ruddy, as if just withstood the rain and dew to moisten general, is gasping for breath slightly, red lips sends out is bewitching to seize the mortal form beautiful rays of light. 还有一个女子,则斜躺在这男子的怀抱中,同样神色迷离,俏脸红润,仿佛刚刚承受过雨露滋润一般,微微喘着气,红唇散发着勾魂夺魄的美艳光芒 Although was surrounded by countless people, but the man actually still the corners of the mouth have a smile, the eye that a pair was full of the evil different strength looks around with no trace, any female of his vision to, the heart jumps for joy, wishes one could to rush to that beast car(riage) now, accompanies side him, for he offers the own body and mind. 虽然被无数人围观,但那男子却依然嘴角含笑,一双充满了邪异力量的眼睛不着痕迹地四下张望,任何对上他目光的女子,都芳心雀跃,恨不得现在就冲上那兽车,陪伴在他身边,为了他奉献自己的身心。 I know that who he was, he was Evil Eyes Crazy Young Master! Is Small Young Master Mi Tian of Thousand Eyes feudal lord!” In the crowd heard the sound of calling out in alarm, exposed this to sit on the beast vehicle the honored status of man. “我知道他是谁了,他是邪眼狂少!是千眼领主的小公子弥天!”人群中传来了惊呼之声,揭破了这坐在兽车上男子的尊贵身份。 Many people recognized. 很多人都认了出来。 Numerous male surname complexion suddenly big change, looked at the Mi Tian look gradually to change the flavor, became dreads incomparably. 众多男姓脸色猛地大变,望着弥天的眼神逐渐变了味道,变得忌惮无比。 Does not have him, this Evil Eyes Crazy Young Master Mi Tian was too bad in the Emperor Dragon Star reputation, the hearsay died female not 1000 also 800 in his hand, moreover these female were not he uses strong or begins to strike to kill personally, but gave the own life by these female for him on own initiative. 无他,这个邪眼狂少弥天帝辰上的名声实在太差了,传闻死在他手上的女子没有一千也有八百了,而且这些女子都并非是他用强或者亲自动手击杀的,而是由这些女子主动为他奉献了自己的生命。 Hearsay Mi Tian practice Secret Technique, some Gathering Yin to Supplement Yang flavors, were happy with his evening, splendid female also the fragrant disappearing jade perishes. 传闻弥天修炼了一种秘术,有些采阴补阳的味道,与他一夕欢好,再出色的女子也得香消玉殒。 Even so, still has many female honour does not allow one to glance back, puts into the bosom of Mi Tian. 即便如此,也依然有更多的女子义无反顾,投入弥天的怀抱。 What is most hateful is this Mi Tian, no matter Human Race or Monster Race female, bribes recklessly. 最可恨的是这个弥天,不管是人族还是妖族女子,都肆意染指。 Many female were so poisoned by him, therefore generally speaking, where no matter this Mi Tian arrives, these men will not come out to appear in public by their female, make best effort to avoid female in family member meeting with him. 许多女子被他这般毒害,所以一般来说,不管这个弥天走到哪里,那些男子都不会让自家的女子出来抛头露面,尽最大的努力避免亲人中的女子与他碰面。 Before no one had heard that Mi Tian will come Shining Moon City, therefore no one guarded, the words if we had known, they evaded it less, where will the avenue welcome like this? 之前谁也没听说弥天会来晖月城,所以没人防备,若是早知道的话,他们避之不及,哪会这样夹道相迎? The beast car(riage) that but now, two 9 step Monster Beast Thunder Flame Flying Lizard draw comes, Mi Tian has appeared in front of own, where can go ahead? 可是如今,两只九阶妖兽雷炎飞蜥拉的兽车现身,弥天已经出现在自己面前,哪能说走就走? Ended! Many martial artist look at female that side own is loving for one another, looks to the admiration and being in love of Mi Tian in their eyes is revealing, wishes one could to rush this bastard now tears to shreds. 完了完了!不少武者望着自己身边相亲相爱的女子,望着她们眼中流露出来的对弥天的钦慕和爱恋,恨不得现在就冲上去将这混蛋碎尸万段。 But this also thinks merely. 但这也仅仅只是想想罢了。 First did not say that Mi Tian is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, some people are his opponent, is that two pulling a cart 9 step Monster Beast is not then affable. 先不说弥天本身就是返虚三层境的强者,鲜少有人是他的对手,便是那两只拉车的九阶妖兽就不是好惹的。 Let alone, behind Mi Tian also has a huge backer. 更何况,弥天背后还有一个庞大的靠山。 Thousand Eyes feudal lord! 千眼领主! That is true side tyrants, is the Void King Stage powerhouse, which reckless dares to start to his son? The Thousand Eyes feudal lord loves to own this son, will otherwise not make Thunder Flame Flying Lizard act as pulling a cart to him. 那是真正的一方豪强,是虚王境强者,哪个不要命的敢对他的儿子下手?千眼领主对自己这个儿子可是宠爱有加,要不然也不会让雷炎飞蜥给他充当拉车之用。 Stood Yang Kai in crowd also person calling out in alarm and the discussion from all around knew the status of this fellow, in heart secret somewhat strange, did Small Young Master of Thousand Eyes feudal lord family/home, what run up to Red Moon Territory to make anxiously? 站在人群中的杨开也从四周之人的惊呼和议论声中得知了这家伙的身份,心中暗暗有些奇怪,千眼领主家的小公子,巴巴地跑到赤月领来做什么? As far as he knows, relational exactly of Emperor Dragon Star ten big feudal lords are too harmonious. 据他所知,帝辰星上十大领主的关系可不是太和睦。 However he does not have merely to be only strange, has not gone to think deeply, after knowing to annoy the person who sends to scratch with the finger is not the temporary palace maid of own waiting, idea that he then do not watch the fun. 不过他也没仅仅只是奇怪而已,并没有去深思,在得知惹发搔动的人不是自己等待的行宫婢女之后,他便没有要看热闹的想法了。 This Evil Eyes Crazy Young Master look makes him not like very much, that is world female all for all my arrogance. 这个邪眼狂少的眼神让他很不喜欢,那是一种天下女子皆为我所有的狂妄。 He wants to turn around to leave, after may wait to get back one's composure, was shocked. 他本想转身离开,可等回过神之后,不由愣住了。 Because in street both sides martial artist, partly knelt on the ground at this moment unexpectedly completely, with the respectful stance, greets Mi Tian to enter the city. 因为原在街道两旁的武者们,此刻竟全部都半跪在地上,以恭敬的姿态,迎接弥天入城。 Yang Kai turns the head to have a look at all around, a brow wrinkle. 杨开转头看看四周,眉头不禁一皱。 He suddenly discovered, own somewhat like a crane among chickens...... 他忽然发现,自己有些鹤立鸡群…… The person of surrounding are countless, at this moment all partly kneels on the ground, only then a Yang Kai person stands there alone, naturally seems specially dazzling. 围观之人无数,此刻全都半跪在地上,只有杨开一个人孤零零地站在那里,当然就显得特别刺眼。 The Mi Tian vision looked toward here, the chin raises slightly, although sits on the beast vehicle, by a overlook posture, is looking disdainfully Yang Kai, in that eyes, is filling oppression aura. 弥天的目光朝这边望了过来,下巴微微扬起,尽管只是坐在兽车上,也以一种俯瞰的姿势,睥睨着杨开,那双眼中,弥漫着压迫的气息 Bold!” Shouted angrily to transmit from side, rides wolf Monster Beast to direct Mi Tian to enter on that Monster Race martial artist in city reins, the crotch mount then throws in front of Yang Kai, a long whip wielded, reproved: Has not knelt down!” “大胆!”一声怒喝从旁传来,骑着狼型妖兽弥天入城的那妖族武者手上缰绳一勒,胯下坐骑便扑到了杨开面前,一条长鞭挥动起来,训斥道:“还不跪下!” So saying, must then pull out toward Yang Kai, seeming like wants to give him a lesson. 这般说着,便要朝杨开抽来,似乎是想给他一个教训。 The Yang Kai facial expression is looking at him faintly. 杨开神情淡漠地望着他。 That Monster Race martial artist is startled, suddenly recognized the Yang Kai's appearance, wasn't this fellow couple days ago with Human Race martial artist that own asks the way? 妖族武者一怔,蓦然认出了杨开的面目,这家伙不就是前几天跟自己问路的人族武者么? own thought at that time he is somewhat coming immeasurably deep...... ) 自己当时觉得他有些深不可测来着……。)
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