MP :: Volume #16

#1566: Direction

Is just like this Shining Moon City, Monster Race martial artist goes in only needs to pay three middle-rank Saint Crystal to be able, but Yang Kai goes in actually needs to pay together high-rank Saint Crystal . 就好比进这个晖月城,妖族武者进去只需要缴纳三块中品圣晶便可,可杨开进去却需要缴纳一块上品圣晶。. Regarding this, Yang Kai also has no complaint, after paying two Saint Crystal, then enters a city in Xia Ning Chang. 对此,杨开也没什么怨言,缴纳了两块圣晶之后,便与夏凝裳进了城内。 The spacious street, holds several four horse large carts to keep pace sufficiently, by the street, all kinds of shops are dazzling, let eyes cannot take it all in that the person looks, once for a while then has Human Race and Monster Race martial artist passes in and out, a very busy appearance. 宽敞至极的街道,足以容纳好几辆四马大车并驾齐驱,街道两旁,各种各样的店铺琳琅满目,让人看的目不暇接,时不时地便有人类妖族武者进进出出,一副很是忙碌的样子。 The masters in these shops nearly are also catering to extremely, is the own shop solicits the business. 那些店铺的主人也都极近迎合着,为自己的店铺招揽生意。 The Yang Kai line, found most shops are opened by Human Race, is the Monster Race shop is on the contrary few. 杨开一路行来,发现大多数店铺都是由人类开设的,反倒是妖族的店铺很少。 Is doing business this aspect, Human Race clearly has natural talent some compared with Monster Race. 在经商这方面,人类显然比妖族更有天赋一些。 Gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding, the Yang Kai's eye is gradually bright. 一路走马观花,杨开的眼睛逐渐明亮起来。 He discovered, in this Emperor Dragon Star, many Gloom Star no practice materials, this is also very normal matter, each different place or the region, have the own unique product. 他发现,在这帝辰星上,有许多幽暗星上没有的修炼材料,这也是很正常的事情,每一个不同的地方或者区域,都有自己独特的产物。 But Monster Emperor Star, by Monster Race dominant Cultivation's Star, here, appears in the market most cargos naturally is the Monster Beast body material and Core anything. 妖星帝辰,是以妖族独大的修炼之星,在这里,出现在市场上最多的货物自然就是妖兽的身体材料和内丹什么的。 Discovered this point time, Yang Kai has a scare. 发现这一点的时候,杨开吓了一跳。 His didn't expect in the Monster Race city, everyone is doing the Monster Beast business flagrantly. 没想到妖族的城池内,大家都在明目张胆地做妖兽的生意。 This makes him wonder very much, after all in many Monster Race the person come by the Monster Beast incarnation, their does could it be that have no repel feeling? 这让他很是纳闷,毕竟有很多妖族中人都是由妖兽化身而来的,他们难道对此就没有什么排斥感? Is just like in the Gloom Star city, if some people trade the limbs or internal organs anything of Human Race...... affirmed that no one will patronize. 好比在幽暗星的城池内,若是有人贩卖人类的肢体或者内脏啥的……肯定没人会光顾。 However is careful thinks. Yang Kai felt relaxed, exists reasonably, since this place the Monster Beast business is so hot, wants to come everyone to become accustomed, let alone, in Monster Race the person also not all comes by the Monster Beast incarnation, even if these by martial artist of Monster Beast incarnation, they, when as Monster Beast, should still strike to kill other small and weak similar, gnaws to eat their flesh. Swallows their Core. Expands itself. 不过仔细一想。杨开又释然了,存在既合理,这地方既然妖兽的生意如此火爆,想来大家已经习以为常,更何况,妖族中人也并非全部都是由妖兽化身而来的,即便是那些由妖兽化身的武者,他们在身为妖兽的时候,也会去击杀其他弱小的同类,啃食它们的血肉。吞噬它们的内丹。壮大自身。 Yang Kai waits and sees full of enthusiasm. 杨开兴致勃勃地观望起来。 Junior Brother, here many upscale material.” Xia Ning Chang two have shone. 师弟,这里好多高档的材料啊。”夏凝裳已经两眼放光了。 On Tong Xuan Continent, she is restrained the mainland produces the rank limit of material, has no way to refine the high level medicine pill. May arrive at emperor Chen. If then entered a giant treasure house. That dazzling upscale material, making her wish one could to buy completely, then goes back to refine medicine pill. 通玄大陆上,她受制于大陆出产材料的等级限制,没法炼制更高级的丹药。可一来到帝辰。便如进入了一个巨大的宝库。那琳琅满目的高档材料,让她恨不得全部买下来,然后回去炼制丹药 Now she refine to melt Star Source. Tong Xuan Continent glory Shuai and she is closely linked, therefore Xia Ning Chang wants to enhance the own strength impatiently. 如今她炼化了星辰本源通玄大陆的荣衰与她息息相关,所以夏凝裳迫不及待地想要提升自己的实力。 But to her, Pill Refining is practice, she can through refining medicine pill , to promote cultivation level at an abnormal speed. 而对她来说,炼丹就是修炼,她可以通过炼制丹药,以一种变态的速度提升修为 Em, what a pity our remaining Saint Crystal are not many.” Some Yang Kai also headaches. “恩,可惜我们剩下的圣晶不多了。”杨开也有些头疼。 Xia Ning Chang settled on these materials, is he? Saint Crystal that however own carries, majority already, when Xia Ning Chang refining up Star Source used up, remaining points also can only treat as spare, is unable the mass purchase. 夏凝裳看中了这些材料,他何尝不是?但是自己携带的圣晶,大多数都已经在夏凝裳炼化星辰本源的时候用掉了,剩下的一点也只能当做备用而已,无法大批量购买。 looks at Xia Ning Chang that disappointed look, Yang Kai shows a faint smile: Buys some not to relate.” 看着夏凝裳那失望的眼神,杨开微微一笑:“不过买一些还是没关系的。” Little Senior Sister smiled immediately, the eye bent the attractive crescent moon shape. 小师姐顿时笑了起来,眼睛弯成了好看的月牙形。 two people enters in a shop immediately, starts to examine the cargo, bargained back and forth with the master in shop. 两人当即走进一家店铺中,开始查看货物,与店铺的主人讨价还价。 Partly after saying, in Xia Ning Chang Space Ring were many many Pill Refining materials. 半曰后,夏凝裳空间戒里多了不少炼丹的材料。 In Yang Kai's Space Ring also has, was the past years, in Hanging Mainland also had in medicinal herbs that in Emperor Garden obtained, other were he in the Gloom Star purchase, if coordinated with these Monster Beast Core, ancient pill recipe on many Pill Way True Understanding can use. 杨开的空间戒里也还有很多,都是当年在悬空大陆还有在帝苑中得到的药材,另外的一些便是他在幽暗星上购买的了,若是与那些妖兽内丹相配合的话,许多丹道真解上的古丹方就可以使用了。 Material Yang Kai that on these ancient pill recipe needs cannot collect, majority need Monster Beast Core to take the material, Gloom Star, the powerful Monster Beast quantity is scarce, Yang Kai is also can not make bricks without straw. 这些古丹方上需要的材料杨开一直没能凑齐,大多数都需要妖兽内丹作为材料,幽暗星上,强大的妖兽数量稀少,杨开也是巧妇难为无米之炊。 But this Emperor Dragon Star, actually met his request enormously, this place other thing are not many, the Monster Beast body material is actually innumerable. 可是这帝辰星,却极大的满足了他的要求,这地方别的东西不多,妖兽的身体材料却是数不胜数。 He had been considering, should stop over time in this place, plunders well. 他已经在考虑,是不是该在这个地方逗留一段时间,好好地搜刮一番。 Except that after Pill Refining material, his practice Blood Beast, needs the Monster Beast spirit, refines Void King Grade medicine pill also to need. 除了炼丹的材料之后,他修炼血兽,同样需要妖兽的精魂,炼制虚王级丹药也需要。 However...... does not have Saint Crystal is still the biggest problem. 不过……没有圣晶依然是最大的问题啊。 After buying the material, Yang Kai then brought Xia Ning Chang to go to a recent inn, wanted a good side building. 买好了材料之后,杨开便带着夏凝裳前往最近的一家客栈,要了一间上好的厢房。 Although the Shining Moon City architectural style is very rough, but Yang Kai two people housing side building actually handled is very fine, does not put forward the environmental condition of side building is good, around the side building is also equipped with restriction, can spying on impediment others Divine Consciousness. 虽然晖月城的建筑风格很是粗犷,但是杨开两人居住的厢房却被打理的很精致,不提厢房的环境条件都是上佳,厢房四周还设有禁制,可以阻隔旁人神识的窥探。 This also protects the guest **. 这也算是保护客人的**了。 The master in inn is Monster Race martial artist, but other Monster Race are not arrogant, the old man is very instead affable, glowing with enthusiasm received the Yang Kai Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people, making his bad impression to the Monster Race have some changes slightly. 客栈的主人是一个妖族武者,不过并没有其他妖族那么盛气凌人,老头子反而还很和蔼可亲,热情洋溢地接待了杨开师姐弟二人,让他对妖族的不良观感稍微有了一些改变。 After arranging Xia Ning Chang stays, Yang Kai then left the inn, starts to inquire available information in Shining Moon City. 安排夏凝裳住下之后,杨开便离开了客栈,开始在晖月城内打探可用的情报。 He had not forgotten that these comes mainly to have a look at Shan Qingluo, how now the biggest difficult problem that nears the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace is actually he must face. 他没忘记这一趟过来主要还是看看扇轻罗的,如今如何接近赤月领主的行宫却是他所要面对的最大难题。 First even/including stopped over good several days in Shining Moon City, Yang Kai unable to find way out to this matter. 一连在晖月城内逗留了好几曰,杨开对此事也是一筹莫展。 Actually on use limited Saint Crystal, bought some precious Monster Beast materials. 倒是利用手上有限的圣晶,买到了一些珍贵的妖兽材料。 Young fellow, you as if have the concern.” “小伙子,你似乎有心事啊。” This said, Yang Kai is drinking the ponder in the inn, the master in inn smilingly walked, added a plate of side dish to Yang Kai on own initiative, sat opposite of him. 这一曰,杨开正在客栈里喝酒沉思,客栈的主人笑眯眯地走了过来,主动给杨开加了一盘小菜,坐在了他对面。 I thought that your several days looks around the person to inquire the matter of feudal lord Sir temporary palace, but there is a matter to request to see the feudal lord Sir?” This Monster Race old man look is compatible, seems like has the 50-60 years old appearance probably, some waist rickets, recently several days also quite looked after to Yang Kai, one should request to satisfy with every effort. “我看你这几曰四处找人打探领主大人行宫的事,可是有事要求见领主大人么?”这妖族的老者神色亲和,看起来大概有五六十岁的样子,腰身有些佝偻,最近几曰杨开也是颇为照顾,一应要求都尽力满足。 Sees him to sit down, Yang Kai laughed, opens the mouth saying: Is open about the facts Old Mister, I inquire the feudal lord Sir temporary palace, does not request to see the feudal lord Sir.” 见他坐下,杨开呵呵一笑,开口道:“不瞒老先生,我打探领主大人行宫,并非是要求见领主大人。” Oh? inn master have a relish is looking at him, that you want to make anything, you may know that you inquire like this, has brought to the attention of many, Monster Race is too friendly to Human Race exactly.” 哦?”客栈主人饶有兴致地望着他,“那你想做什么,你可知道你这样打探,已经引起不少人的注意了,妖族人类可不是太友好的。” I understand.” Yang Kai nods gently, he for these days when found the person to inquire, truly felt this point, these Monster Race martial artist taunted to him either, either did not spare a glance, even also the malicious talk quarrelled, threatened in him. “我明白。”杨开轻轻颔首,他这几天在找人打探的时候,确实感受到了这一点,那些妖族武者要么对他冷嘲热讽,要么不屑一顾,甚至还恶言相向,威胁于他。 Red Moon Territory well-mannered quite a lot, only feared that had Monster Race martial artist 要不是赤月领的规矩颇多,只怕有妖族武者要对他下手了。 Only Human Race, dares to inquire the matter of feudal lord Sir temporary palace recklessly, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth simply. 区区一个人类,也敢肆意打探领主大人行宫的事,简直不知天高地厚。 You to not seek an interview feudal lord Sir, that so-called what matter?” The inn master asked. “你不为求见领主大人,那所谓何事?”客栈主人问道。 Frankly, I have a friend should in the temporary palace of feudal lord Sir, dozens years have not seen, previous time see also leave in a hurry, the words that said goodbye continually had not said with enough time, therefore under wants to see her.” Yang Kai replied honestly. “实不相瞒,我有一个朋友应该在领主大人的行宫里,几十年没见过了,上次一见也是匆匆一别,连道别的话都没来得及说,所以想去看望下她。”杨开老实答道。 Friend...... hey hey, woman?” The inn master smiles somewhat treacherous, expression that a face seasoned person my anything knows. “朋友……嘿嘿,女人?”客栈主人笑的有些诡谲,一脸过来人我什么都知道的表情。 Yang Kai Hehe hollow laugh. 杨开呵呵干笑一声。 „Does the woman like you?” The inn master also asked. “那女人喜欢你?”客栈主人又问道。 Eh, Old Mister you quite gossip.” The Yang Kai face was red. “额,老先生你好八卦啊。”杨开脸都红了。 The old men show a faint smile, pour have not made the entanglement in this issue, but is sighs with emotion: Young fellow good good fortune, I to look that with female that you come together is also a good miss, lives in seclusion, outside also has the woman to keep thinking about you, em, the old man envies.” 老者微微一笑,倒也没在这个问题上多做纠缠,而是感慨道:“小伙子好福气啊,我看跟你一起来的女子也是个好姑娘,深居简出的,外面还有女人惦记着你,恩,老头子羡慕呀。” Shifting to a new subject, the old man said: Actually wants to inquire the matter in temporary palace is very simple.” 话锋一转,老者道:“其实想打探行宫里的事也很简单。” Oh? also asked Old Mister to grant instruction.” Yang Kai comes the spirit immediately, consults hastily modestly. 哦?还请老先生赐教。”杨开立刻来了精神,连忙虚心请教。 „The person in temporary palace, about every month, will go out to purchase some commodities probably, our Shining Moon City from the temporary palace is not too far, is lively, therefore was treated as the priority target by them generally, every month has the person in temporary palace to come. You only need on several days, can see the maid in temporary palace, the luck good words, could meet with that female directly.” “行宫里的人,每一个月左右,大概就会外出采购些物资,我们晖月城距离行宫不是太远,也算繁华,所以一般都被他们当做首要目标,每个月都有行宫里的人过来的。你只需等上几曰,就可以见到行宫里的婢女了,运气好的话,说不定能与那女子直接见面哦。” He was also obviously the same as former Yang Kai first seeing Monster Race martial artist, thinks that the Yang Kai's friend in the temporary palace was the status of maid. 他显然也跟之前杨开第一个见到的妖族武者一样,以为杨开的朋友在行宫里是个婢女的身份。 After all Human Race, can enter the temporary palace of feudal lord Sir, is the this kind of position. 毕竟人类嘛,能进领主大人的行宫,都是这样的地位。 Yang Kai at present one bright. 杨开眼前一亮。 Although this inn master misunderstood the Shan Qingluo status, but this might as well be means. 虽然这客栈主人误会了扇轻罗的身份,但这未尝不是一个办法。 If can let the maid who in the temporary palace comes out to Shan Qingluo belt/bring mouth news anything, that all difficult problems were easily solved. 若是能让行宫里出来的婢女给扇轻罗带个口讯什么的,那一切难题都迎刃而解了。 Many thanks Old Mister direction!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand joyfully. “多谢老先生指点!”杨开欣喜抱拳。 Might as well, the old man I have not made anything, does not need to express gratitude.” “无妨无妨,老头子我也没做什么,不用道谢。” Old Mister.” The Yang Kai chuckle is looking at him, I felt that you with other attitude different of Monster Race to Human Race, you don't repel Human Race very much?” 老先生。”杨开轻笑着望着他,“我感觉你跟其他妖族人类的态度很不一样,你不排斥人类么?” Repel? Why can repel?” Inn master Hehe smiles to look at Yang Kai, Human Race is very good, old man young time of also knows very special Human Race......” “排斥?为什么要排斥?”客栈主人呵呵笑望着杨开,“人类很好啊,老头子年轻的时候也认识一个很特别的人类……” The gentleness that Yang Kai clearly sees in his eye to flash through rich almost cannot melt. 杨开分明见到他眼中闪过一丝浓郁的几乎化不开的温柔。 He understood anything suddenly. 他忽然明白了什么。 Ok, did not say that the young fellow you takes your time, the old man was old, first lies down a meeting.” Some inn master suddenly interest is wanings, is saying, while stands, waist as if rickets. “算了,不说了,小伙子你慢用,老头子老了,先去躺一会。”客栈主人突然有些意兴阑珊,一边说着,一边站起来,腰身似乎更加佝偻了。 Yang Kai sighed silently. 杨开默默地叹息一声。 Evidently, inn master young time, seems like has liked Human Race female. 看样子,客栈主人年轻的时候,似乎是喜欢过人类女子 The loving one another union of cross race, this matter cannot easily be tolerated in any place, let alone, here is Monster Race dominant emperor Chen, Human Race has no position. 跨种族的相恋结合,这种事在任何一个地方都不是能被轻易容忍的,更何况,这里是妖族独大的帝辰,人类根本没什么地位。 However because just this type does not permit, accomplished many places, the cross race loves one another union actually to separate finally even both commits suicide together in the name of love, inspiring legend story. 不过正因为这种不允许,才造就了许多地方,跨种族相恋结合最终却劳燕分飞甚至双双殉情,可歌可泣的传说故事。 Yang Kai has not gone to think, drank several glasses of liquor, returns to the side building, with after Pill Refining Xia Ning Chang urged one, then directly soars the city gate to locate. 杨开没去多想,饮了几杯酒,回到厢房,与正在炼丹夏凝裳叮嘱一番之后,便直奔城门处去了。 According to the inn master said that saying child who in the temporary palace the maid purchases the commodity also in these days, Yang Kai must squat, looks to find the right candidate, making her take a verbal message to Shan Qingluo..) 按客栈主人所说,行宫里婢女采购物资的曰子也就是在这几天,杨开要去蹲守,看能不能找到合适的人选,让她给扇轻罗捎个口信。。)
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