MP :: Volume #16

#1565: Shining Moon City

Yang Kai most needs to do now, is under the inquiry the information . 杨开现在最需要做的,就是打探下情报。. Where Shan Qingluo should be able to inquire easily, since she is the Red Moon Territory main adopted daughter, wants to come definitely to treat with the Red Moon Territory lord in the same place. 扇轻罗在哪里应该很容易就能打听到,她既然是赤月领主的义女,想来肯定是与赤月领主待在一起的。 In the past Emperor Garden left, Shan Qingluo rending shouting still reverberated near the Yang Kai ear. 当年帝苑一别,扇轻罗撕心裂肺的呼喊依然回荡在杨开耳边。 Since came Monster Emperor Star, he naturally must have a look at this Enchantress whether moistening. 既然来了妖星帝辰,他自然要去看看这妖女过的是否滋润。 Without several days, Yang Kai then departed that remote mountains and ancient forests with Xia Ning Chang, but this walks, although Yang Kai bumps into many lives, is some does not have cultured Monster Beast, is unable to eavesdrop on anything from their, this makes him very helpless. 几曰,杨开便与夏凝裳飞出了那深山老林,不过这一路走来,杨开虽然碰到不少生灵,却都是一些没开化的妖兽,根本无法从它们那里探听什么,这让他很是无奈。 He can only wanting to pin on the front. 他只能将希望寄托在前方。 Speeds along with Xia Ning Chang aimless, Yang Kai while emits Spiritual Mind to nose toward all around. 一边与夏凝裳漫无目的地飞驰,杨开一边放出神念朝四周查探。 Long-drawn-out, he seems like had discovered, points at a direction saying: Some that side sounds, we had a look in the past.” 悠地,他像是有所发现,指着一个方向道:“那边有些动静,我们过去看看。” Good.” Xia Ning Chang naturally does not have the objection. “好。”夏凝裳自然没有异议。 two people fell, goes toward the direction line that Yang Kai referred to a moment ago shoulder to shoulder, not much time, one team about more than ten martial artist body advantage of terrain printed in the view. 两人落了下来,并肩朝杨开刚才所指的方向行去,不多时,一队大约十几名武者的身形便印入了眼帘中。 On these martial artist is sending out wild aura, has very big difference from the energy response of normal Human Race martial artist within the body, moreover each of them more or less has some Monster Beast physical characters. 这些武者身上散发着狂野的气息,与正常人类武者体内的能量反应有很大的不同,而且他们每个人都或多或少地拥有一些妖兽的身体特征。 This team of more than ten martial artist, clearly are Monster Race! 这一队十几个武者,分明是妖族 Their crotches are riding wolf Monster Beast, approving golden armor is sharp, is seemingly powerful, their plans are causing the crotch mount, crazy galloping, although only more than ten, actually such as steel mighty current. Vast momentum. 他们胯下骑着一种狼型妖兽,批金甲锐,看起来威风凛凛,他们正策使着胯下坐骑,疯狂奔腾,尽管只有区区十几个,却如钢铁洪流。声势浩大。 Spiritual Mind has swept on them, Yang Kai discovered that these Monster Race martial artist cultivation level highest talent Saint King 2-layer, nothing to be afraid. 神念在他们身上扫过,杨开发现这些妖族武者修为最高的一个才不过圣王两层境而已,不足为惧。 Therefore he brings Xia Ning Chang to move forward to meet somebody naturally. 所以他带着夏凝裳大大方方地迎了上去。 Disturbed.” When the near, he to was Monster Race of head held holding the fist in the other hand, on the face is hanging the genial smiling face. “打扰诸位了。”待到近前,他冲为首的一个妖族抱了抱拳,脸上挂着和煦的笑容。 The opposite party have also discovered him obviously, rides that wolf Monster Beast to leap to him in front, is overlooking him exhaltedly, in some that slightly woods white eyes is passing the flavor that despising naturally and carefully examines. 对方显然也早就发现了他,骑着那狼型妖兽一跃到他面前,居高临下地俯视着他,那略有些森白的眼中透着一股自然而然的轻蔑和审视的味道。 Monster Beast under his place is panting for breath, ill-smelling aura will spurt on the Yang Kai face, as if also wants to extend the head. Smells Yang Kai whether delicious...... 他座下的妖兽喘息着,将难闻的气息喷在杨开脸上,似乎还想把脑袋伸过来。嗅一嗅杨开是否可口…… Yang Kai is smiling. Remaining unmoved. 杨开微笑着。不为所动。 Here is Emperor Dragon Star, is the Monster Race world, therefore Monster Race, when facing the lives of other races, has an inborn superiority feeling. They thought that no race can place on a par with supreme Monster Race. No matter what what kind clan in front of powerful Monster Race. Only can give up, for the slave is the servant! 这里是帝辰星,是妖族的天下,所以妖族在面对其他种族的生灵的时候,都有一种天生的优越感。他们觉得没有哪个种族可以与至高无上的妖族相提并论。任何种族在强大的妖族面前。都只能俯首称臣,为奴为仆! Human Race?” That is Monster Race of head is casting a sidelong glance slantingly Yang Kai, recognized him is the status. 人类?”那为首的妖族斜睨着杨开,一眼就认出了他的是身份。 Wolf Monster Beast under his place hit the nose sound. As if detected in main person heart is unhappy, turns circle regarding Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang. 他座下的狼型妖兽打了个鼻响。似乎察觉到主人心中的不喜,围绕着杨开夏凝裳转起了圈。 After returning location/position, that Monster Race martial artist cold snort said: What you two does Human Race rush to here to make?” 重新回到刚才的位置之后,那妖族武者冷哼道:“你们两个人类跑到这里来做什么?” Hehe, did not become lost carefully , where is here?” 呵呵,不小心迷路了,请问一下,这里是什么地方?” Here is Red Moon Territory!” That Monster Race martial artist replied proudly, was great Red Moon Territory in charge of governing region, you do not know where here was runs?” “这里是赤月领!”那妖族武者傲然答道,“是伟大的赤月领主管辖的区域,你们不知道这里是什么地方就跑来了?” Eh, I know that here is the Red Moon Territory main domain.” Yang Kai laughed, what I want to ask, a nearest city where? If convenient, can tell me, Red Moon Territory main temporary palace where?” “额,我知道这里是赤月领主的地盘。”杨开呵呵一笑,“我想问的是,距离最近的一座城池在什么地方?若是方便的话,能不能告诉我,赤月领主的行宫又在哪里?” „Do you want to inquire temporary palace location/position of feudal lord Sir?” That Monster Race martial artist hears word, expression one cold, even more looks bad toward Yang Kai, you inquired that what this does make?” “你想打听领主大人的行宫位置?”那妖族武者闻言,表情一冷,愈发不善地朝杨开望来,“你打听这个做什么?” Also no, has a friend in the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace, I want to take a look at her.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to reply. “也没什么,有个朋友在赤月领主的行宫里,我想去看看她。”杨开随口答道。 Friend......” that Monster Race martial artist gawked, at once laughs loudly, in the laughter was full of the ridicule, other Monster Race martial artist were also spreading the laughter. “朋友……”那妖族武者愣了一下,旋即放声大笑起来,笑声中充满了嘲弄,连带着其他妖族武者也传出了笑声。 Human Race, I urged you to lose heart, the temporary palace of feudal lord Sir, has not resulted in summons, anybody can not approach, even my Monster Race were still the same, let alone your Human Race! However you could rest assured that the feudal lord Sir is always benevolent to Human Race, your friend is the servant in the temporary palace, should live good.” 人类,我劝你还是死了心,领主大人的行宫,未得召唤,任何人都不得靠近,即便是我妖族也一样,更何况你们这些人类!不过你放心,领主大人对人类向来还算仁慈,你那朋友在行宫内做仆役,应该活的不错。” He thinks the friend in Yang Kai mouth subconsciously, in the Red Moon Territory main temporary palace is only an insignificant unimportant person. 他下意识地以为杨开口中的朋友,在赤月领主的行宫内只是一个微不足道的小人物。 This is very normal, Human Race in feudal lord Sir temporary palace, is the beautiful woman good-looking man who the process selects, does not do other, is the status of some janitors. 这是很正常的,领主大人行宫里的人类,都是经过选拔出来的美女俊男,也不干别的,就是一些杂役的身份而已。 In the Monster Race territory, Human Race always has no position. 妖族的领地上,人类向来没什么地位。 Em, many thanks the friend reminded, I want to know temporary palace location/position of Chi Yue senior.” Yang Kai stickles. “恩,多谢朋友提醒了,我还是想知道赤月前辈的行宫位置。”杨开坚持己见。 Human Race with you same from crazy arrogant, therefore I do not like!” That Monster Race martial artist cold snort, said arrogantly: Told you to be able, but cannot tell you white/in vain, traded with the thing.” 人类都跟你一样自狂自大,所以我才不喜欢!”那妖族武者冷哼一声,倨傲道:“告诉你可以,但是不能白告诉你,拿东西来换。” Ok!” Yang Kai nods, flings one package of Saint Crystal conveniently. “可以!”杨开点头,随手甩出一包圣晶 That Monster Race martial artist received, opens looked, suddenly is wild with joy, startled called out: high-rank Saint Crystal!” 妖族武者接过,打开一看,突然欣喜若狂,惊叫道:“上品圣晶!” A language, numerous Monster Race martial artist showed the greedy look, has a look toward that package, has a look at Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang. 一语出,众多妖族武者都露出了贪婪的神色,朝那包裹看看,又看看杨开夏凝裳 Has the vision of harboring evil intentions mixes with. 有不怀好意的目光在其中夹杂。 Now can say?” Yang Kai smilingly is looking at the opposite party. “现在可以说了么?”杨开笑眯眯地望着对方。 Em, your Human Race is tactful, I told you.” That Monster Race martial artist hesitated, the expression gradually becomes tranquil, starts information that informs Yang Kai he to need. “恩,你这人类还算识趣,我就告诉你。”那妖族武者沉吟了一番,表情逐渐变得平静下来,开始告知杨开他需要的情报。 After a little while, Yang Kai hugs to hold the fist in the other hand to this line of martial artist, bringing Xia Ning Chang to depart calmly. 少顷,杨开冲这一行武者抱抱拳,带着夏凝裳从容离去。 Sir, this Human Race looked is very rich, why puts them to leave?” It seems like age quite young Monster Race martial artist, gathers in front of that leader, the doubt inquired. “大人,这人类一看就很富有啊,为何放他们离开?”一个看起来年纪比较轻的妖族武者,凑到那为首者面前,狐疑询问。 Snort, you think that I can't see his wealth?” “哼,你以为我看不出他的富有?” Why doesn't that keep them? Here wild outskirts range, even if Sir Chi Yue does not make us kill Human Race, here was still no one to know.” “那为何不将他们留下来?这里荒郊野岭的,就算赤月大人不让我们杀害人类,在这里做了也没人知晓啊。” Idiot! If really began, dying perhaps was not their two, but was we.” “蠢货!真要是动手了,死的恐怕就不是他们两个了,而是我们。” Eh...... is the Sir, insufficient?” That Monster Race youth some do not believe in evil doctrines. “额……大人,不至于?”那妖族青年有些不信邪。 There is no to be insufficient, he is so rich, but when facing our so many companions, to once to reveal the least bit fear the mood? Even that Human Race female of his side is not startled, what did this explain? Explained that their two simply have not placed in us the eye! Your this idiot only sees Saint Crystal rays of light, actually neglected their great strength. Because here is the wild outskirts range, I do not dare to begin rashly, otherwise......” “没什么不至于的,他如此富有,但在面对我们这么多同伴的时候,可曾流露出半点害怕的情绪?甚至连他身边的那个人类女子也丝毫不惊慌,这说明什么?说明他们两个根本没把我们放在眼中!你这蠢货只看到圣晶光芒,却忽略了他们的强大。正因为这里是荒郊野岭,我才不敢贸然动手,否则的话……” Listened to his such saying, that Monster Race youth cold sweat braved, is somewhat looking at putting down that Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang departed longingly, sighed: That female looks on the soft and fair skin, if can bite one......” 听他这么一说,那妖族青年不禁冷汗直冒,有些恋恋不舍地望着杨开夏凝裳离去的放下,叹息道:“那女子一看就细皮嫩肉,若是能咬上一口……” martial artist in Monster Race, including part is by the Monster Beast incarnation, when also maintains is being Monster Beast, custom of eating birds and animals raw. 妖族中的武者,其中有一部分是由妖兽化身而成,所以还保持着身为妖兽时,茹毛饮血的习惯。 However generally speaking, the this kind of martial artist quantity is not many, many Monster Race martial artist, the life are the human form, but also retained some Monster Beast traces. 不过总体来说,这样的武者数量不是很多,更多的妖族武者,一生下来就是人形,只不过还保留了一些妖兽的痕迹罢了。 This youth Monster Race, looked comes by the Monster Beast incarnation, therefore he hidden the appearance under mourning band to Xia Ning Chang has no interest, actually to her fair flesh and clear flesh drools extremely. 这个青年妖族,一看就是由妖兽化身而来的,所以他对夏凝裳隐藏在黑纱之下的容颜没什么兴趣,倒是对她那白皙的肌肤和晶莹的血肉垂涎万分。 The Human Race flesh, has been very delicious the delicious, especially those Human Race young female flesh...... 人类的血肉,一直很美味可口,尤其是那些人族年轻女子的血肉…… Idle talk do not say much, Small Young Master of Sir Thousand Eyes should on the road, we need to inquire his whereabouts, then passed on a message, that side the feudal lord Sir will send people to greet, this was the duty of our trip, could not accommodate the least bit mistake.” That Monster Race martial artist said solemnly, but is quick, in the foreheads wells up the 1-layer haze, clenches teeth to say secretly: Does not know that will have female in many territories to by this Small Young Master violent treachery.” “废话不要多说了,千眼大人的小公子应该已经在路上了,我们需要打探到他的行踪,然后传讯回去,领主大人那边会派人来迎接的,这才是我们此行的任务,容不得半点差池。”那妖族武者沉声道,不过很快,眉宇间又涌上一层阴霾,暗暗咬牙道:“又不知道会有多少领地上的女子要遭这小公子的毒手了。” Listens to them to mention Small Young Master of this Sir Thousand Eyes, all Monster Race martial artist keep silent, as if to the appearance that fellow dreads very much. 听他们说起这个千眼大人的小公子,所有妖族武者都噤若寒蝉起来,似乎对那家伙很是忌惮的样子。 ...... …… Junior Brother, now what to do should we?” Xia Ning Chang follows close on Yang Kai behind, asked in a soft voice. 师弟,我们现在该怎么办?”夏凝裳紧跟在杨开身后,轻声问道。 First goes to the recent city.” Yang Kai sighed, although he inquired location/position of Red Moon Territory main temporary palace from that Monster Race martial artist mouth very much with ease, but wanted that side to look for Shan Qingluo is actually impossible. “先去最近的城池。”杨开叹息一声,虽然他很轻松地就从那妖族武者口中打探到了赤月领主行宫的位置,但是想要到那边去找扇轻罗却是不可能的。 clear that very that martial artist said that has not resulted in summons, anybody can not approach the temporary palace of feudal lord Sir, otherwise kills without the amnesty. 武者说的很清楚,未得召唤,任何人都不得靠近领主大人的行宫,否则杀无赦。 Does not dare to overstep one's authority Monster Race, let alone Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang or Human Race. 妖族都不敢僭越,更何况杨开夏凝裳还是人类 Of Chi Yue Emperor Dragon Star ten big feudal lords, then in that temporary palace, Yang Kai even again self-confident, does not dare before her hurriedly, others, but the Void King Stage powerhouse, listening to Bi Luo saying that seemed Void King 2-layer. 帝辰星上十大领主之一的赤月,便在那行宫里,杨开就算再自信,也不敢在她面前造次,人家可是虚王境强者,听碧落说,似乎还是一位虚王两层境 Rushes rashly, definitely does! 贸然闯过去,肯定是作死! Must think well means are good, best to pass on the mouth news to Shan Qingluo, making her come out to see own. 得好好想个办法才行,最好是能给扇轻罗传个口讯,让她出来见自己 Yang Kai is lost in thought. 杨开陷入了沉思中。 First , before he and Xia Ning Chang arrived in a Monster Race city . 一曰后,他与夏凝裳抵达了妖族的一座城池前。 Shining Moon City, before Yang Kai has seen city somewhat, construction in this city completely revealed the Monster Race thick crazy bold wild style, is not fine, actually an impression of suitable atmosphere. 晖月城,与杨开以前见过的城池有些不同,这座城池内的建筑尽显了妖族粗狂豪野的风格,并不精致,却给人一种相当大气的观感。 In the city naturally not is Monster Race, there is a form that Human Race comes and goes out. 城池内自然并非全是妖族,也有人类出入的身影。 Red Moon Territory main in other feudal lords who in this point does is more splendid, that in her territory, any Monster Race can not kill Human Race innocently, although low status of Human Race, but Human Race has the own advantage, Chi Yue settles on the merit that Human Race had, will give the Human Race survival the space. 赤月领主在这一点上做的比其他领主都要出色,那就是在她的领地上,任何妖族都不得无辜杀害人类,虽然人类的地位低下,可人类自己的优势,赤月正是看中了人类拥有的优点,才会给予人类生存的空间。 Other nine feudal lords, did not have her such stand high and see far. 其他九位领主,就没她这么高瞻远瞩了。 Especially most is addicted to the Wild Lion Territory lord who slaughters, in his little plot of land, cannot see the Human Race survival the trace, under the hand soldiers is also grasping the idea of feudal lord Sir, saw that Human Race then massacres directly, divides, but eats it. 尤其是最嗜杀戮的狂狮领主,他那一亩三分地上,根本看不到人类生存的痕迹,手底下的儿郎们也秉持着领主大人的理念,见到人类便直接杀掉,分而食之。 Causes in his territory, Human Race, has scattered in all directions to escape, swamps into region of Red Moon Territory this relative security in abundance to Human Race. 导致他的领地上,原本存在的人类,都已经四散逃亡,纷纷涌入赤月领这个对人类而言相对安全的地域。 Generally speaking, the Shining Moon City transvestite two clans live together in peace and harmony, naturally, the Human Race position throughout is low person First Grade..) 总体来说,晖月城人妖两族和睦相处,当然,人类的地位始终是低人一等的。。)
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