MP :: Volume #16

#1564: Monster Emperor Star

Junior Brother, what this makes?” Xia Ning Chang is searching the small head in the one side, the doubts inquiry . 师弟,这是做什么的?”夏凝裳在一旁探着小脑袋,疑惑地询问。. This is that shortcut.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, explained carefully to her. “这就是那条捷径。”杨开微微一笑,跟她仔细解释起来。 Heard that Shan Qingluo and Bi Luo directly entered in Star Territory from here, Xia Ning Chang is curious immediately. 听说扇轻罗碧落就是从这里直接进入了星域之中,夏凝裳顿时好奇不已。 She also knows finally, Yang Kai said the person who must see who was, pursed the lips titter, once for a while looked at Yang Kai with a limpid big eye, was meaningful. 她也总算知道,杨开说要见的人是谁了,不由地抿嘴偷笑,时不时拿一双清澈的大眼睛瞄一下杨开,意味深长。 Em, was not such that you thought......” Yang Kai argued weak, considered as finished, under I studied this thing, you were optional.” “恩,不是你想的那样……”杨开无力地辩解了一下,“算了,我研究下这东西,你随意。” Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods, found the clean point place to sit in the , comprehended Pill Way True Understanding, while attempt concise own potential. “恩。”夏凝裳颔首,在附近找个干净点的地方坐了下来,一边参悟丹道真解,一边尝试凝练自身的势。 Yang Kai puts out a hand to stroke gently in front altar the strange pattern and design, emits Spiritual Mind to savor carefully. 杨开伸手摩挲着面前祭坛上古怪花纹和图案,放出神念细细品味着。 Since Shan Qingluo and Bi Luo can go to Monster Emperor Star from here, then explained that this altar has mystery that makes a connection with space both sides, in other words, so long as echoed the condition, this altar can form tunnel in space both sides, disregards the impediment of space. 既然扇轻罗碧落都能从这里前往妖星帝辰,那么就说明这个祭坛有打通空间两端的神奇,换句话说,只要附和了条件,这个祭坛就能在空间两端形成一个甬道,无视空间的阻隔。 This is abstruser than most powerful Space Law Formation. 这比最强大的空间法阵都要深奥。 Yang Kai knows that in Star Territory has some most ancient Space Law Formation to be able martial artist to transmit from Cultivation's Star to another Cultivation's Star, can stretch across trillion li (0.5 km) distance, but this Space Law Formation is scarce, not only scarce, but also mostly has the breakage, uses to take the enormous risk. 杨开知道星域中有一些最古老的空间法阵是能够将武者从一颗修炼之星传送到另外一颗修炼之星的,能横跨亿万里的距离,但是这种空间法阵稀少至极,不但稀少,而且大多都有破损,使用起来要承担极大的风险。 Perhaps such as Battle Sky Union Mo Xiaosheng such person, can restore ordinary Space Law Formation, may to this special Space Law Formation. He is absolutely helpless. 或许如战天盟莫笑生那样的人,能够修复普通的空间法阵,可对这种特殊的空间法阵。他绝对无能为力。 Therefore generally speaking, even if has this special Space Law Formation influence , easily will not unless it is absolutely essential use, they rather travel by Battleship, slowly navigates, consumption massive time go to the own destination, does not dare easily to take the own surname life to crack a joke. 所以一般来说,即便拥有这种特殊空间法阵的势力,不到万不得已,也不会轻易动用,他们宁愿搭乘战舰,慢慢地航行,耗费大量时间前往自己的目的地,也不敢轻易拿自己的姓命开玩笑。 Front the activation this altar best way is the bloodlines of Shan Qingluo, in the past she and Bi Luo opened the altar with her fresh blood. 激活面前这个祭坛最好的办法就是扇轻罗的血脉,当年她和碧落就是无意间用自身的鲜血打开了祭坛。 But Yang Kai has no way to borrow this means that his Golden Blood is no doubt powerful. Does not have the effect of Shan Qingluo bloodlines. 杨开没法借用这个办法,他的金血固然强大。却没有扇轻罗血脉的效果。 He can only rely on oneself profound attainments to the Space Force. 他只能凭借自身对空间力量的高深造诣。 calm and composed of each and everyone ancient writing under his nosing. Had not responded, Yang Kai is not irritable, instead even more mind immersion. 一个个古老的文字在他的查探下古井无波。没有丝毫反应,杨开不急不躁,反而愈发地将心神沉浸其中。 Gradually, he felt a marvelousness. 逐渐地,他感受到了一丝奇妙。 These ancient writing as if have the own life. Also has very subtle relation. 那些古老的文字似乎都有自己的生命。彼此间也都有很微妙的联系。 If Yang Kai has become aware. 杨开若有所悟。 He is attempting repeatedly. Is perceiving through meditation little. He felt that own had some harvests, but noses carefully, actually has achieved nothing...... 他一遍遍地尝试着。一点点地参悟着。他感觉自己有了一些收获,可仔细查探,却又一无所获…… time passes little. Little Senior Sister sits in the one side peacefully, has not gone to disturb Yang Kai, present she, is immersing , to potential concise and comprehends in the Pill Way True Understanding process, cannot detect side the week sound quite the same as. 时间一点点地流逝。小师姐安静地坐在一旁,没有去打扰杨开,如今的她,正沉浸在对势的凝练和参悟丹道真解的过程中,浑然察觉不到周旁的动静。 Some one said, Yang Kai opened the eye suddenly, in the double pupil none explodes shoots, as if has harvested. 某一曰,杨开忽然睁开了眼睛,双眸内精光爆射,似乎有所收获。 He transfers his Space Force, making this mysterious strength shuttle back and forth in the ancient altar, connects these complicated mysterious complex writing. 他调动起自身的空间之力,让这种神奇的力量在古老的祭坛上穿梭,将那些繁奥复杂的文字串联起来。 If an intermediary, these writing relations are getting more and more close, until inseparable. 如穿针引线,这些文字彼此间的联系越来越紧密,直至密不可分。 When Space Force penetrates the last writing, the design pattern in altar explodes suddenly projects rays of light, seemed given the new life, floated from the altar unexpectedly. 空间之力穿透最后一个文字的时候,祭坛上的图案花纹忽然爆射出光芒,仿佛被赋予了新的生命,竟从祭坛上漂浮了出来。 They such as the fish walks randomly in Void generally, the rearrangement combination, constructs together illusory shadow of front door in front of Yang Kai's finally! 它们如鱼儿一般在虚空之中游走,重新排列组合,最终在杨开的面前构筑成一道大门的虚影 Little Senior Sister!” Yang Kai explodes drinks. 小师姐!”杨开爆喝。 Xia Ning Chang restrains the mind hastily, the tender body in a flash, then arrived at side Yang Kai, gripped the Yang Kai's big hand. 夏凝裳连忙收敛心神,娇躯一晃,便来到了杨开身边,握住了杨开的大手。 She knows that the time has arrived! 她知道时机已到! Yang Kai does not delay, looks at front door illusory shadow that is shutting tightly with rapt attention, in the surface has never had the dignity. 杨开也不耽搁,凝神望着那紧闭的大门虚影,面上从未有过的凝重。 Although he successfully by the attainments of own to Space Force, comprehends the mystery of altar thoroughly, lets the illusory shadow formation of this front door, but he does not have the key to open this leafed door. 他虽然成功地以自己空间之力的造诣,将祭坛的奥秘参悟透彻,让这大门的虚影成型,但是他没有钥匙打开这扇门。 The bloodlines of Shan Qingluo, are the key of this leaf of front door. 扇轻罗的血脉,就是这扇大门的钥匙。 However Yang Kai has the own method. 不过杨开自己的方法。 He condenses Space Force in the fingertip, resembles the slow reality sharply facing forward point to go, then ruthlessly toward next stroke! 他将空间之力凝聚在指尖,似缓实急地朝前点去,然后狠狠朝下一划! Void as if shivered, the front door that shuts tightly had a crack suddenly, initial, the crack is very small, is hardly perceptible, but it actually expands in the by quick speed. 虚空仿佛颤抖了一下,那紧闭的大门忽然出现了一道裂缝,初始,裂缝还很微小,几乎不可察觉,但是它却在以很快的速度扩张。 The time of a blink, it then swallows the front door, reveals the shiny black channel. 一眨眼的功夫,它便将大门吞噬,露出黑黝黝的通道。 Connected separated trillion li (0.5 km) to be apart from space both sides Void Tunnel! 连接了分隔亿万里之距空间两端的虚空甬道 Internal Nihility chaos, just like the big mouth that the beast of prey opens, swallows world all sufficiently. 内部一片虚无混沌,犹如猛兽张开的大口,足以吞噬掉世间一切。 The Xia Ning Chang tender body somewhat is tight, grasps the Yang Kai's big hand was tighter. 夏凝裳的娇躯不禁有些紧绷,将杨开的大手握的更紧了。 Yang Kai does not have hesitates, draws Xia Ning Chang one to worm one's way into, when the two people form disappears does not see, that jet black tunnel also closes up, subsequently vanishes does not see. 杨开没有迟疑,拉着夏凝裳一头就钻了进去,等到两人的身影消失不见,那漆黑的甬道也重新合拢,继而消失不见。 All around quietness, here, without the sound, does not have the light, Xia Ning Chang and Yang Kai two people at present a darkness. 四周一片静谧,在这里,没有声音,没有光明,夏凝裳杨开两人眼前一片黑暗。 But during is dark, Xia Ning Chang can actually feel, the own body side is flowing a mysterious strength, this strength on the river that such as the respite flows rapidly, wanting to submerge her. 但冥冥之中,夏凝裳却能感觉到,自己身侧流淌着一种神奇的力量,这种力量就如喘息奔流的长河,欲要将她淹没。 Yang Kai protected her! 杨开护住了她! Here is Space Crack, is the average man the mysticalness that is hard to arrive in may not the place of knowledge, is the myriad things the forbidden area that is hard to survive. 这里是空间裂缝,是常人难以抵达的神秘不可知之地,是万物难以生存的禁区。 Any powerhouse possibly loses is one of them, perishes in this mysterious world, finally the body and mind to swallow dark, always can not turning over/stand up. 任何强者都可能迷失在其中,在这神奇的世界沉沦,最终身心为黑暗吞噬,永世不得翻身 Even if Yang Kai, walked here still raised spirit extremely, Spiritual Mind was not at all around careful nosing always, bringing Xia Ning Chang to avoid these to come from murderous intention in Void. 即便是杨开,在这里行走也提起了十二万分的精神,神念无时不刻不在仔细查探四周,带着夏凝裳躲避那些来自虚空中的杀机 This strange place, as if can affect the ponder and to the time feelings of life. 这诡异的地方,似乎能影响生灵的思考和对时间的感触。 Yang Kai can only transfer Space Force desperately, resists from disturbance in all directions. 杨开只能拼命地调动空间力量,抵挡来自四面八方的干扰。 Shan Qingluo and Bi Luo entered Monster Emperor Star using the altar in the past, will not have the too big danger, that is because her bloodlines tally, is Yang Kai with the special method, altar that opens forcefully, the risk that must take compared with Seductive Queen, did not know many times. 扇轻罗碧落当年利用祭坛进入妖星帝辰,不会有太大的危险,那是因为她的血脉符合,可是杨开是用特殊的手段,强行打开的祭坛,其中所要承担的风险比起妖媚女王,不知道强了多少倍。 Is good the attainments on Space Force is truly good because of him, even is somewhat cautious, reluctantly actually still deals with. 好在他在空间之力上的造诣确实不俗,即便有些如履薄冰,却也勉强应付的来。 Also has not known how long, Yang Kai the spirit shook suddenly, bringing Xia Ning Chang to flush away in some direction, after arriving there, he puts out a hand to face forward a stroke, Tearing Space, drop from this mysterious cannot the place of knowledge with Xia Ning Chang two people. 也不知道过了多久,杨开才忽然精神一震,带着夏凝裳朝某一个方向冲去,来到那里之后,他伸手朝前一划,撕裂空间,与夏凝裳两人从这神秘不可知之地跌落了出去。 Little Senior Sister until recovers at this moment, the confused beautiful pupil gradually becomes clear and bright finally. 小师姐直到此刻才回过神来,迷茫的美眸总算逐渐变得清明 She thinks is only the flash, but she does not know that Yang Kai led her to struggle to walk randomly many days in Space Crack. 她以为只是一瞬间,但是她不知道杨开带着她在空间裂缝内挣扎游走了许多天。 That mysterious place, affected Xia Ning Chang to the judgment that time passes. 那神秘的地方,影响了夏凝裳时间流逝的判断。 Here should be underground cavern, moist gloomy, but the front actually scattered some woods white skeletons, from the scale of skeleton, this skeleton before death surely is a colossus. 这里应该是一个地下洞穴,潮湿阴暗,但面前却散落了一些森白的骸骨,从骸骨的规模来看,这骸骨生前必定是个庞然大物。 Here is......” about Xia Ning Chang looks in all directions, the look is vacant. “这里是……”夏凝裳左右四顾,神色茫然。 Yang Kai walks up, puts out a hand to pick up together the skeleton, careful nosing, after the moment, he cracks into a smile: Went to the place, here was Monster Emperor Star!” 杨开走上前去,伸手捡起一块骸骨,仔细查探,片刻后,他咧嘴一笑:“到地方了,这里是妖星帝辰!” Monster Emperor Star?” Xia Ning Chang muttered one, is the stars that queen elder sister is at?” 妖星帝辰?”夏凝裳喃喃了一声,“就是女王姐姐所在的星辰?” Em!” Yang Kai nods, he can make this judgment, gives credit to the woods white skeleton of that ground. “恩!”杨开点点头,他能做出这种判断,也是归功于那地上的森白骸骨。 If he has not guessed wrong, this woods white skeleton should be the skeleton of antiquity Variation Heavenly Moon Demon Spider. 如果他没有猜错,这森白骸骨应该就是上古异种天月魔蛛的骸骨了。 Shan Qingluo and Bi Luo wandered about destitute in the past here, the met first thing was the skeleton of Heavenly Moon Demon Spider, Shan Qingluo absorbed this antiquity Variation source, will therefore settle on by the Red Moon Territory lord, and received for the adopted daughter, can in enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that Emperor Dragon Star mixed. 扇轻罗碧落当年流落到这里,遇见的第一个东西就是天月魔蛛的骸骨,扇轻罗吸收了这种上古异种的本源,所以才会被赤月领主看中,并收为义女,得以在帝辰星上混的风生水起。 Otherwise by her Human Race status, how can base on this Monster Star, she is more impossible in just dozens years, achieves the Void Return 3-layer terrifying boundary. 否则以她人类的身份,如何能在这颗妖星上立足,她更不可能在短短几十年内,达到返虚三层境恐怖境界。 Heavenly Moon Demon Spider the Source Strength quantity, helped Shan Qingluo very big busy. Her bloodlines, originally on some Heavenly Moon Demon Spider traces, can therefore open that altar, can be her chance alone! 天月魔蛛的本源力量,帮了扇轻罗很大的忙。她的血脉,本来就有些天月魔蛛的痕迹,所以才能开启那祭坛,才能得到独属于她的机缘! Chance type of thing is really mysterious exceptionally, Yang Kai these years diligently, the luck is not so bad, breakthrough to Void Return 2-layer, but Shan Qingluo has actually walked in his front. 机缘这种东西实在是玄妙异常,杨开这些年如此努力,运气也不差,才不过突破到返虚两层境而已,但是扇轻罗却早已走在了他的前面。 Yang Kai is hesitating, was recalling , said in Emperor Garden, Bi Luo to all sorts of information that he disclosed. 杨开沉吟着,回想着当曰在帝苑之中,碧落给他透露出来的种种信息。 He is not many, only knows that this that Monster Emperor Star understands is Cultivation's Star focusing on Monster Race, although Emperor Dragon Star also has existence of Human Race, but is reduces is the set-off of Monster Race. 他对妖星帝辰了解的不多,只知道这是一颗以妖族为主的修炼之星,虽然帝辰星上也有人类的存在,但不过是沦落为妖族的陪衬而已。 Human Race has the Human Race advantage, although Monster Race is powerful, but not to Human Race kill to the last one/being ruthless, but lets matters drift, only if Human Race emerges the powerhouse who threatens the Monster Race dominant position, will have Monster Race Expert to intend to kill. 人族人族的优势,妖族虽然强大,但并没有对人类赶尽杀绝,而是放任自流,除非人族涌现出一些威胁到妖族统治地位的强者,才会有妖族高手出手击毙。 In Emperor Dragon Star, Human Race is nothing position. 帝辰星上,人族是没什么地位的。 That ten big feudal lord, is the control of Emperor Dragon Star, each is the Void King Stage powerhouse. 那十大领主,便是帝辰星的主宰,每一个都是虚王境的强者。 Receives Shan Qingluo for adopted daughter's Red Moon Territory lord, is one of them. 扇轻罗为义女的赤月领主,便是其中之一。 Yang Kai thinks it over, obtained information also only then this little, lets some of his quite big. 杨开思来想去,得到的情报也只有这一点点而已,让他颇有些头大。 First went out to say again.” Yang Kai greeted Xia Ning Chang one, leading her to leave from this underground cavern. “先出去再说。”杨开招呼了夏凝裳一声,带着她从这个地下洞穴中离开了。 Arrives at outside, Yang Kai discovered impressively here is a high mountain ridge, palatial precipitous, world's spiritual energy is rich, but is flooding thick Monster Qi everywhere. 来到外面,杨开赫然发现这里是一片崇山峻岭,巍峨险峻,天地灵气浓郁,但处处都充斥着浓浓的妖气 In the mountains and plains, transmits roaring and battle of sound fierce Monster Beast once for a while. 山野之中,时不时地还传来凶猛妖兽的咆哮和争斗声。 Really does not know that Shan Qingluo how the security left this place in the past, wants to come to suffer many hardships. 真不知道扇轻罗当年是如何安全离开这片地方的,想来是吃了不少苦头。 The restraining mind, Yang Kai offers a sacrifice to Star Shuttle, bringing Xia Ning Chang to speed along from this jungle swaggering. 收敛心神,杨开祭出星梭,带着夏凝裳大摇大摆地从这丛林上空飞驰而过。 This place, possible bad risk to others, but to Yang Kai actually no, under Void King Stage, he does not fear anybody, even general Void King Stage, he can still face confidently. 这片地方,对其他人来说可能凶险至极,但对杨开来说却没有什么,虚王境之下,他不惧怕任何人,即便是一般的虚王境,他也能够坦然面对。 practice Space Force, few can some people compel him to the hopeless situation, only if such as initial Star Emperor Mountain Sect Master Qi Tianche were the same, drew in him a close small space. 修炼空间之力,鲜少能有人将他逼至绝境,除非如当初的星帝山门主齐天彻一样,将他拖进一个封闭的小空间里。 Only is so also insufficient, but also needs the absolute military force to suppress to him. 光是如此还不够,还需要绝对的武力对他压制。 Qi Tianche does not have this skill, therefore he died...... ) 齐天彻没这个本事,所以他死了……。)
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