MP :: Volume #16

#1563: Again near Spider Mother Lair

Xia Ning Chang has not entered in Mysterious Boundary Bead, she now is Void Return 1-layer, will not be a drag on Yang Kai's, moreover just broke through, some lots need to study, Yang Kai then made her follow side own , the convenience taught. 夏凝裳并没有进玄界珠里,她如今是返虚一层境,并不会拖杨开的后腿,而且刚刚突破,有很多东西需要学习,杨开便让她跟在自己身边了,也方便教导。 Let alone, with beautiful with the roaming is very pleasant matter. 更何况,与美同游是很赏心悦目的事情。 Listened to Yang Kai saying that she asks immediately: Whom looks for?” 杨开这么说,她立刻问道:“找谁啊?” Old Man Li!” Yang Kai is looking at her. 李老!”杨开望着她。 Xia Ning Chang is understanding immediately, nodded the head gently, closed the beautiful pupil, started to nose. 夏凝裳顿时会意过来,轻轻颔首,闭上了美眸,开始查探。 Now she is Tong Xuan Continent Star Master, refine to melt Star Source, in an instant, can shuttle back and forth in any place of mainland back and forth, here, she controlled! 如今她是通玄大陆星主,炼化了星辰本源,一念之间,可以在大陆的任何地方来回穿梭,在这里,她就是主宰! Finding a person to her is very relaxed. 找个人对她来说还是很轻松的。 She communicates Tong Xuan Continent Star Source with the mind, the news that the sensation in the mainland the flowers and plants trees are giving, distinguishes own to look for the trail of person, less than partly said the time, she then opened the beautiful pupil long-drawn-out, shouted tenderly: Found!” 她以心神沟通通玄大陆星辰本源,感知着大陆上花草树木传递回来的讯息,从中分辨自己要找之人的踪迹,不到半曰功夫,她便悠地睁开了美眸,娇呼道:“找到了!” The Yang Kai spirit shook, goes forward to hold on the Xia Ning Chang small hand: Led me to visit to the past.” 杨开精神一震,上前拉住了夏凝裳的小手:“带我过去拜访一下。” Xia Ning Chang nods gently, extends the white hands, goes toward the front point, in that Void, then presents a jet black vortex immediately, as if must swallow all, two people drills into, shortly will disappear. 夏凝裳轻轻颔首,伸出玉手,朝前方点去,那虚空之中,立刻便出现了一个漆黑的漩涡,似乎要吞噬一切,两人钻入其中,顷刻间不见踪影。 On a nameless barren hill, barren bleak, several thatched huts stand erect in the summit place. 一座无名荒山上,贫瘠荒凉,几间茅草屋屹立在山顶处。 No one thinks, here is that name passes on entire mainland Heavens Hideaway Old Man Li Rui the place of living in seclusion unexpectedly. 没人会想到,这里居然是那位名传整个大陆的天藏老人李瑞的隐居之地。 Yang Kai respects to Old Man Li very much, the wise man who because not just he is entire mainland most longevity, lived for over a thousand years by Saint Stage cultivation level. Also because of him in the past to being liberal guidance of own. 杨开李老是很敬重的,不单单因为他是整个大陆最长寿的智者,以入圣境修为活了上千年。还因为他当年对自己的不吝教导。 In the past Bone Race recovered time, Old Man Li once arrived at Nine Heavens Holy Land, with the own greatest prestige, summoned that entire Human Race united, helped Yang Kai very big busy. 当年骨族复苏的时候,李老曾经来到九天圣地,以自己的莫大名望,号召整个人族团结起来,帮了杨开很大的忙。 this time returns to Nine Heavens Holy Land time, Yang Kai has not discovered Old Man Li and his apprentice Zhai Yao trail. 这一次九天圣地的时候,杨开并没有发现李老和他那徒弟翟耀的踪迹。 To come surname of by Old Man Li idle cloud wild crane, perhaps is impossible to stay the long time in a place, therefore he left Nine Heavens Holy Land. 想来以李老闲云野鹤的姓子,恐怕是不可能在一个地方待久的,所以他才离开了九天圣地 Now Yang Kai must go to Star Territory again, he wants certainly to let Old Man Li also with the own same place. 如今杨开要再次前往星域,他当然想让李老也跟自己一起。 Is here?” Xia Ning Chang brings Yang Kai to arrive on this high insufficient thousand zhang (3.330m) barren hill, a Yang Kai brow wrinkle. “就是这里?”夏凝裳带着杨开来到这高不足千丈的荒山上,杨开不禁眉头一皱。 Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods gently. I have not detected Old Man Li aura. Only then Zhai Senior Brother......” “恩。”夏凝裳轻轻颔首。“不过我没察觉到李老气息。只有翟师兄的……” Listened to her such saying, in the Yang Kai heart to reappear suddenly not a good feeling, raises the head looks toward the front, that several crude thatched hut printed the view. Before the thatched hut. Several pieces of Medicine Farm. However what plants is not practice uses Spirit Grass wonderful medicine that but is some ordinary medicinal herbs. 听她这么一说,杨开心中忽然浮现出一丝不好的感觉,抬头朝前方望去,那几间简陋的茅草屋印入眼帘。在茅草屋前。还有几片药田。不过种植的并非修炼所用的灵草妙药,而是一些普通的药材 These medicinal herbs treat an illness to the average person is the effect is good, but to practice not least bit use. 这些药材给普通人治病是效果不俗的,但对修炼并无半点用处。 Has a person. Is looking after the medicinal herbs among Medicine Farm, the watering applies fertilizer, is repeating the monotonous movement, the facial expression is scrupulous about every detail. 有一个人。正在药田中间照顾药草,浇水施肥,重复着单调的动作,神情一丝不苟。 Yang Kai took a step to walk toward him. 杨开迈步朝他走了过去。 Can see a doctor?” The man who that is watering hears the sound, has not lifted, asked one at will. “要看病?”那正在浇水的男子听到动静,头也没抬,随意地问了一句。 Zhai brother !” The Yang Kai smile is looking at him, is greeting. “翟兄,久违了!”杨开微笑地望着他,打着招呼。 Zhai Yao movement, as if also realized anything, slowly is straight the body, raises the head looks toward Yang Kai, after seeing clearly the Yang Kai's facial features, grins to laugh. 翟耀的动作一顿,仿佛也意识到了什么,慢慢地直起身子,抬头杨开望来,待看清杨开的面容之后,不禁咧嘴大笑起来。 A dazzlingly bright tooth, in the coordination his as pretty as a flower almost lets female for the appearance that it envies, the back round of setting sun sending out afterglow, falls in torrents on him, splutters golden rings of light. 一口白亮的牙齿,配合上他那如花似玉几乎让女子都为之嫉妒的面貌,背后一轮夕阳散发余晖,倾泻在他身上,溅射出金黄色的光晕 The boys still lead pulpy...... 小子依然帅的稀烂啊…… Zhai Yao goes forward two steps, hugged Yang Kai ruthlessly. 翟耀上前两步,狠狠地拥抱了一下杨开 „Does Brother Yang, when come back?” His not accidental/surprised, as if seems to have had long known that Yang Kai will return safely. 杨兄,何时回来的?”他似乎一点也不意外,仿佛早就知道杨开会平安回归。 Nearly two months.” “快两个月了。” Zhai Yao nods gently, flings the soil that waved the arms about, glowing with enthusiasm calls: Come, now said that we have a friendly chat over a cup of wine!” 翟耀轻轻颔首,甩了甩手上的泥土,热情洋溢地招呼道:“来,今曰我们把酒言欢!” Good!” Yang Kai refreshed response. “好!”杨开爽快回应。 Before the thatched hut, two people sits, without the good meal, the cool breeze that the space twinkling stars and front surface stroke is the food that goes well with wine, Xia Ning Chang sits well in the one side, in the hand holds the wine pot, pours out wine to Yang Kai and Zhai Yao two people. 茅草屋前,两人席地而坐,没有美味佳肴,天上闪烁的繁星、迎面拂来的清风便是下酒菜,夏凝裳端坐在一旁,手上捧着酒壶,给杨开翟耀两人斟酒。 Star-studded sky, before the thatched hut, there is a friend from the distant place, is extremely joyful. 繁星满天,茅草屋前,有朋自远方来,不胜愉悦。 Master he passed away more than 20 years ago.” Zhai Yao said one suddenly without reason. “师傅他在二十多年前去世了。”翟耀忽然没头没脑地说了一句。 Although in heart early some guesses , but when Yang Kai hears this news, carries the big hand of wine glass gently to shake. 虽然心中早有猜测,可当杨开听到这个消息的时候,端酒杯的大手还是轻轻一抖。 Zhai Yao grins to say with a smile: Walked is very serene, the master has also arrived at this age.” 翟耀咧嘴笑道:“走的很安详,师傅也早就到这个年纪了。” By Saint Stage cultivation level, lived for over a thousand years, this at all is not others can achieve, Old Man Li is skilled to the pharmacology, recuperates the body of own by Spirit Pill wonderful medicine, can so the longevity. 入圣境修为,活了上千年,这根本不是旁人能够做到的,李老对药理精通,以灵丹妙药调理自己的身体,才能如此长寿。 Zhai brother restrains grief!” Yang Kai thought the long time, does not know that should say anything. “翟兄节哀!”杨开想了半晌,也不知道该说些什么。 Zhai Yao said with a smile: Master legacy still , the master lives in my heart!” 翟耀笑道:“师傅衣钵还在,师傅活在我心中!” Yang Kai is looking at him, smiled, such as releases to carry a heavy load. 杨开望着他,也笑了起来,如释负重。 „Does Brother Yang this time, what matter ask the master to have?” Zhai Yao asked. 杨兄这次来,找师傅有什么事么?”翟耀问道。 Also no, but I must leave again, wants to let Old Man Li and Zhai brother and I together.” “也没什么,只是我要再次离开了,想让李老和翟兄与我一道。” Enters Star Territory?” The Zhai Yao view narrows the eyes. “进星域?”翟耀眼帘一眯。 Good.” Yang Kai nods. “不错。”杨开颔首。 Zhai Yao silent, some little time, shakes the head saying: Master raises me to teach me, when my graciousness is heavy like the mountain, I cannot let him here.” 翟耀沉默了下来,好一会,才摇头道:“师傅养我教我,待我恩重如山,我不能让他一个人在这里。” Yang Kai opens mouth, has not waited for him to console anything, Zhai Yao then said with a smile: Brother Yang is not no need saying that my intent has decided!” 杨开张了张嘴,还不等他劝解什么,翟耀便笑道:“杨兄不必多说了,我意已决!” Sees him so to insist, Yang Kai can only sigh. 见他如此坚持,杨开只能叹了口气。 Has the liquor, drinks heartily, is stewed to the gills! 有酒,狂饮,大醉! Dawn approaches, Zhai Yao is sprawled lies down on the ground, whistling rests greatly, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang search a crude tomb in this summit place, worships devotionally, left behind some practice resources after to Zhai Yao, then said goodbye silently. 晨曦来临,翟耀四仰八叉地躺在地上,呼呼大睡,杨开夏凝裳在这山巅处寻觅到一个简陋的坟墓,虔诚祭拜一番,又给翟耀留下了一些修炼资源之后,便默默告辞了。 Really keeps there a Zhai Senior Brother person?” Xia Ning Chang still some did not feel relieved. “真的将翟师兄一个人留在那里么?”夏凝裳依然有些不太放心。 Decision of his own.” Yang Kai light response. “他自己的决定。”杨开淡淡回应。 But......” Xia Ning Chang as if also wants to say anything. “可是……”夏凝裳似乎还想说什么。 Not necessarily is the misdemeanor. When your which day of practice has, making the mainland radiate the vigor. Does Zhai brother he leave is the same.” “未必是坏事。等你哪一天修炼有成,让大陆重新焕发活力。翟兄他离开不离开都是一样的。” Xia Ning Chang nods , indicating that own knew, thinks to ask: Where do we go to now?” 夏凝裳点点头,表示自己知道了,想了想问道:“我们现在去哪里?” That side, that side should have a shortcut to Star Territory, happen to finds the person who your I know!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “中都那边,那边应该有一条通往星域的捷径,正好去找个你我都认识的人!”杨开微微一笑。 After the moment, two people arrived at the Free and Unfettered Spirit Religion domain, through Void Tunnel, entered to be away from the High Heaven Pavilion not far place. 须臾后,两人来到了逍遥神教的地盘,通过虚空甬道,进入到了距离凌霄阁不远的地方。 In the past the after seal of Great Demon God establishment was relieved, Tong Xuan Continent and world was then connected, that Void Tunnel has existed in originally the Free and Unfettered Spirit Religion domain. Yang Kai is not strange. 当年大魔神设置的封印被解除之后,通玄大陆和中都世界便被连通了,那虚空甬道一直存在于原本逍遥神教的地盘上。杨开对此并不陌生。 Here world is his lifetime beginning. 中都这边的世界是他一生的起点。 After arriving . Yang Kai Spiritual Mind has swept, immediately then detects in original High Heaven Pavilion had/left many people, does not know that by which family or small Sect occupying, felt very prosperous. 抵达之后。杨开神念扫过,立刻便察觉到原本的凌霄阁内多出了不少人,也不知道是被哪个家族或者小宗门给占据了,感觉起来还是挺繁荣的。 Yang Kai has not gone to disturb them. Now here martial artist simply generally is to him small and weak on such as the child. 杨开没有去打扰他们。如今这边的武者对他来说简直就如孩童一般弱小。 He has not gone. Original Eight Great Families. Relates the close three families with him in Mysterious Boundary Bead, the remaining five respected families multiply to live in in now, Yang Kai is disinclined to pay attention. 他也没前往中都。原本的中都八大家。与他关系亲密的三个家族都在玄界珠内,剩下的五大家族如今在中都繁衍生息,杨开懒得理会。 He brings Little Senior Sister. Flies directly toward Grey Cloud Evil Land. 他带着小师姐。直接朝苍云邪地飞去。 Although Little Senior Sister is Tong Xuan Continent Star Master, but here world, in her having no way twinkling ten million/countless, here had the world principle of own, in addition becomes a stretch of the world. 小师姐虽是通玄大陆星主,但在中都这边的世界,她却没法瞬息千万里了,这里有自己的天地法则,另成一片天地。 Yang Kai has not known how this world forms, however in witnessing Tong Xuan Continent from birth to prospering to feeble process, he felt like that the world should have the relations with ancient powerful martial artist. 杨开原本还不知道这个世界到底是如何形成的,但是在见证了通玄大陆从诞生到繁荣到衰弱的过程之中,他隐约觉得中都世界应该跟古老的强大武者有关系。 Perhaps, is powerhouse who these cultivation level go against heaven's will, opens is uncertain. 或许,是那些修为逆天的强者,开辟出来的也不一定。 Grey Cloud Evil Land confusion as always, had several big Evil King jurisdiction to suppress before, although this lands breed dirtily evil, may always return a little needs to observe well-mannered. 苍云邪地一如既往的混乱,以前有几大邪王管辖压制,这片土地虽然孕育肮脏邪恶,可总归还有一点规矩需要遵守。 Death that but since that several big Evil King dies, missing missing, Grey Cloud Evil Land became the place of chaotic evil thoroughly. 但自从那几大邪王死的死,失踪的失踪,苍云邪地彻底成了混乱的罪恶之地。 All sorts of people, what people have, kill and burn to plunder, anything will appear, here, there is no truth, the fist greatly is the truth. 三教九流,什么人都有,烧杀抢掠,什么事都会出现,在这里,没有任何道理可言,拳头大就是道理。 The two people line, the experience, performing is the matter of crazed make one bristle with anger. 两人一路行来,所见所闻,尽是丧心病狂令人发指之事。 Yang Kai can also achieve mind like still water, Little Senior Sister actually cannot bear, intended to teach several not to know fellow who ruthlessly the sense of honor bullied, put down a cavity anger. 杨开还能做到心如止水,小师姐却是忍不住,狠狠地出手教训了几个不知廉耻仗势欺人的家伙,也算是平了一腔怒火。 Floating Fragrance City, is the city of Seductive Queen Shan Qingluo jurisdiction, is Grey Cloud Evil Land final pure lands. 飘香城,原本是妖媚女王扇轻罗管辖的城池,也是苍云邪地最后的一片净土。 But since Shan Qingluo is missing, this final pure lands were also polluted, in the city a darkness are chaotic. 但自从扇轻罗失踪之后,这片最后的净土也被污染了,城内一片黑暗混乱。 Passed by here time, Yang Kai naturally recalled unavoidably. 路过这里的时候,杨开自然免不了缅怀一番。 In the past with that Enchantress, the dear friend on this lands got to know each other well, but Yang Kai returned from Tong Xuan Continent afterward, then has not seen her again. 当年与那妖女,就是在这片土地上相知相熟的,只是后来杨开通玄大陆回归,便再也没见到她了。 He thinks that the own life is impossible to meet with Shan Qingluo again. 他以为自己此生都不可能再与扇轻罗见面。 Does not want in Emperor Garden one line, to know her whereabout, and also met, fights side-by-side. 可不想在帝苑一行,得知了她的下落,并且还碰面了,并肩作战。 Yang Kai to this as charming as extreme Enchantress, is somewhat hard to dismiss from mind...... 杨开对这个妩媚到极点的妖女,有些难以忘怀…… The place that his must go to is Spider Mother Lair, according to Shan Qingluo personal maid Bi Luo , said saying that she and Shan Qingluo because opened the altar in Spider Mother Lair, will be escorted to Monster Emperor Star, went to Star Territory directly. 他这一趟要去的地方是蛛母巢穴,根据扇轻罗贴身婢女碧落当曰所说,她与扇轻罗正是因为无意间打开了蛛母巢穴中的祭坛,才会被送往妖星帝辰的,直接去了星域中。 Therefore Yang Kai also wants to use taking advantage of that altar, if successful, not only under can see that Enchantress on the way how, but can also save massive time. 所以杨开也想借那祭坛一用,如果成功的话,不但可以顺道去看望下那妖女过的如何,还能节省大量的时间 He does not want to pass several years of time on Battleship again, only to hurry along. 他可不想再在战舰上度过好几年光阴,只为赶路了。 Spider Mother Lair is not too far from Floating Fragrance City, be only tens of thousands li (0.5 km), at the Yang Kai present speed, the trivial 5 minutes time have then arrived. 蛛母巢穴距离飘香城也不算太远,只有几万里而已,以杨开如今的速度,区区半盏茶功夫便已抵达。 Spider Mother Lair as always, tattered, in the past after caving, this facilitated nobody will ask. 蛛母巢穴一如既往,破破烂烂,当年塌陷了之后,这地方便无人问津了。 After arriving here, Yang Kai entered that giant spider statue familiar and easy, then found a strange altar very much with ease. 来到这里之后,杨开轻车熟路地进入到了那巨大的蜘蛛雕像内部,很轻松地便找到了一个古怪的祭坛。 That altar roughly only has one person high, but in altar actually seal cutting many complicated mysterious but the complex trace, seems marvelous Formation, some probably ancient writing. 那祭坛约莫只有一人高而已,但是祭坛上却篆刻了许多繁奥而复杂的纹路,仿佛是一个奇妙的阵法,又有些像是古老的文字。 Yang Kai emits the Spiritual Mind sensation, has not detected what unusuality. 杨开放出神念感知,并没有从中察觉到什么异常。 Actually in altar, but also remained some dark colored traces. 倒是祭坛上,还残留了一些暗黑色的痕迹。 That is Shan Qingluo , said fresh blood that flows off!.) 那是扇轻罗当曰流下的鲜血!。)
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