MP :: Volume #16

#1562: Arrangement

Although Little Senior Sister has promoted Void Return Stage, is much higher compared with Hu Family sisters' cultivation level, but she obtained the greatest chance, refining up Star Source, can achieve . 小师姐虽然已经晋升到返虚镜,比胡家姐妹的修为高出很多,但她是获得了莫大的机缘,炼化星辰本源,才能够做到的。. Chance that the Hu Family sisters have not definitely gone against heaven's will, is barren in this land, in the spiritual energy thin mainland, the only own effort then arrived at this level, obviously their aptitude are truly unusual. 胡家姐妹肯定没这么逆天的机缘,在这土地贫瘠,灵气稀薄的大陆上,单凭自身的努力便到了这个层次,可见她们的资质确实非同一般。 Sees the Yang Kai over the face doubt, left female smiles, opens the mouth saying: I am Jiao'er!” 杨开满面狐疑,左边的女子抿嘴一笑,开口道:“我是娇儿!” I am Mei'er!” Right female added. “我是媚儿!”右边的女子补充道。 The sound is weak, interesting to listen. two people makings and manner as if before was entirely different, fused the elder sister bold bold, fused charming acting with constraint of younger sister, present they, wholeheartedly the same body, appears **. 声音酥酥软软,动听至极。两人的气质和神态似乎与以前大不相同了,融合了姐姐的大胆奔放,也融合了妹妹的娇羞矜持,如今的她们,一心同体,显得更加**。 You did not say, I really could not have looked.” Yang Kai flexure head. “你们不说,我还真看不出来。”杨开挠着脑袋。 This somewhat weak movement makes two females titter smiles. 这个有些幼稚的动作让两女噗嗤一笑。 Few people can look.” Hu Jiao'er purses the lips to smile tenderly, father, confused us frequently.” “很少有人能看出来的。”胡娇儿抿嘴娇笑着,“就连爹爹,也经常混淆了我们。” Em.” Yang Kai nods gently, even Hu Man cannot branch out the own two daughters, own does not recognize quite strangely also no, right, the matter you also heard, you want to remain, is......” “恩。”杨开轻轻点点头,连胡蛮都分不出自己的两个女儿,自己认不出也没什么好奇怪的,“对了,刚才的事你们也听说了,你们是想留下来,还是……” Follows you together!” Did not wait for Yang Kai saying that two females then replied with one voice, as if heart consonance was ordinary, does not need to discuss anything. “跟你一起走!”不等杨开说完,两女便异口同声地答道,仿佛心有灵犀一般,根本无需商议什么。 Such being the case, you also prepare, I did not plan that were too long, half a month later I started.” “既然如此,那你们也准备一下吧,我不打算等太久,半个月后我就启程。” Good, we first see the father, in addition must pass on message gives the master.” Hu Jiao'er said one, has not delayed, immediately departs with Hu Mei'er hand in hand. “好,我们先去见见爹爹,另外还要传讯给师傅。”胡娇儿说了一声,也没耽搁,立刻与胡媚儿联袂离去。 However actually seems somewhat longing. 不过却显得有些依依不舍。 So many years have not seen, they want to speak the conversation with Yang Kai, but remembers to say, can often meet, not eagerly this for a while. 这么多年未见,她们很想与杨开多说会话,但一想起曰后可以时常见面,也就不急于这一时了。 After Xia Ning Chang side time, two females nod the head gently, in the beautiful pupil bursts out the look that envies. 经过夏凝裳身边的时候,两女轻轻颔首,美眸里都迸发出羡慕的神色。 Xia Ning Chang can very natural accompany side Yang Kai, they actually not good...... 夏凝裳能很自然地陪伴在杨开身边,她们却不行…… Senior Sister, while half a month time, I teaches your something.” In tune worthless person after main hall completely, Yang Kai moves toward Xia Ning Chang fast, is drawing her toward the secret room line. 师姐,趁这半个月时间,我传授你一些东西。”待到大殿内曲散人尽之后,杨开才快速走向夏凝裳,拉着她朝密室处行去。 Yang Kai must teach to Xia Ning Chang, naturally is the place that the knack of concise own potential and needs to pay attention. 杨开要传授给夏凝裳的,自然是凝练自身的势的诀窍和需要注意的地方。 He concise own potential, draws support from the strength of Emperor Prestige Emperor Garden sent out, is a being opportunistic method, although the effect is astonishing, but not suitable Xia Ning Chang. 他凝练自身的势,是借助了帝苑散发出来的帝威之力,算是一个取巧的方法,虽然效果惊人,但并不适合夏凝裳 But this type the understanding of the potential, the sensibility and experience, is general, let alone, he also there learned many valuable experiences from Qian Tong and the others before. 可这种对势的理解,感悟和经验,却是通用的,更何况,他之前也从钱通等人那里获悉了许多宝贵的经验。 Now also one and taught to Xia Ning Chang. 如今也都一并传授给了夏凝裳 Besides this, Yang Kai also taught Pill Way True Understanding together. 除了这个,杨开还将丹道真解也一同传授了下去。 Little Senior Sister has the Spiritual Medicine Holy Body this kind of special physique, then understood inborn how to refine medicine pill, does not need others to teach, Pill Way True Understanding is broad and profound, mysterious, Xia Ning Chang can definitely derive to the own useful information, subsequently promotes the own Pill Refining technique. 小师姐药灵圣体这样的特殊体质,天生便懂得如何炼制丹药,根本无需旁人教导,丹道真解博大精深,玄妙非常,夏凝裳完全可以从中汲取对自己有用的信息,继而提升自己炼丹技艺。 For half a month, steadily is not short. 半个月,不长不短。 Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang tiny step has not left the secret room. 杨开夏凝裳寸步未离密室。 Middle naturally cannot avoid some wind, flowers, snow and moon, charming and gentle **, Heavenly Thunder rouses Earth Fire, Overturning Rain Overturning Clouds...... 中间自然免不了一些风花雪月,旖旎**,天雷勾动地火,覆雨翻云…… Yang Kai from visiting Star Territory, near female sexual attractiveness, has not then said goodbye with a beautiful woman dynasty now, the sentiment arrives at the deep place, such as difficulty-relief, but beast of prey, fierce excellent. 杨开自踏足星域,便一直未近女色,如今与佳人一朝再见,情到深处,就如脱困而出的猛兽,勇猛过人。 The Xia Ning Chang facial expression was getting better and better, originally ** the skin also gradually becomes clear alluring, as if stylishly may break. 夏凝裳的气色越来越好了,连带着本就**的皮肤也逐渐变得晶莹欲滴,似乎吹弹可破。 The beautiful flowers want the rain and dew to irrigate sleek/moist eventually...... 美丽的花朵终究是要雨露浇润的…… Half a month later, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang went out hand in hand. 半个月后,杨开夏凝裳联袂出关。 Trivial half a month time, Xia Ning Chang is not naturally able to be concise own potential, but she gained the experience that passes on after Yang Kai there, poured also understood anything is called the potential, and slightly has the attainment to this mysterious strength, now only misses own **. 区区半个月时间,夏凝裳自然无法凝练出自身的势,但她获取了从杨开那里传授来的经验之后,倒也理解了什么叫做势,并且已经对这种神奇的力量小有心得,如今只差自己**了。 Pill Way True Understanding she reads also effortlessly, all sorts of techniques and Spirit Formation that inside records, often can make her at present one bright, touches quite deeply. 丹道真解她研读起来也毫不费力,里面记载的种种手法和灵阵,往往能让她眼前一亮,触动颇深。 Nine Heavens Holy Land, head sways now, Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans, about ten thousand people, get together in this place. 九天圣地,如今人头攒动,人妖魔三族,将近万人,齐聚此地。 In these ten thousand people, forgave Holy Land 2000 **, 3,000-4,000 people, Monster Race more than 1000, Demon Race 2000. 这万人中,包涵了圣地两千**,中都3,000-4,000人,妖族一千多,魔族两千。 So the huge quantity, the accumulation here, the scene is actually quiet, without the people sound clamored, even the people of whispering did not exist, the people are waiting for peacefully, wait for Yang Kai's to arrive. 如此庞大的数量,聚集在这里,现场却是静谧至极,没有人大声喧哗,甚至连交头接耳之人都不存在,众人只是在安静等待,等待杨开的到来。 They want to know, Yang Kai must use what method, a surname takes into so many people Star Territory. 他们很想知道,杨开到底要用什么方法,一次姓将这么多人带进星域之中。 A Principle Light magnificent flashes through, Yang Kai comes, over ten thousand vision simultaneous focus attention on toward him. 道光华闪过,杨开现身,上万道目光齐齐朝他瞩目。 The vision under takes a fast look around, Yang Kai nods gently: Since the person were in attendance, that starts!” 目光在下方扫视一番,杨开轻轻颔首:“既然人都到齐了,那就开始吧!” „Does Yang Kai, how need us to do? You told one are!” Thunder Dragon under shouted to shout. 杨开,需要我们怎么做?你吩咐一声就是!”雷龙在下方嚷嚷道。 Yes, we will fully coordinate.” The Zhang Yuan nod echoes. “是啊,我们会全力配合的。”长渊点头附和。 Also no, relaxes and that's the end, do not revolt!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, opens mouth to put out a seemingly common bead, that bead float before him, captured everyone's attention. “也没什么,放松就是了,别反抗!”杨开微微一笑,张嘴吐出一颗看起来毫不起眼的珠子,那珠子悬浮在他面前,吸引了所有人的目光。 They do not know that this bead has any mysterious place, does not know that Yang Kai puts out this bead to do in this time. 他们不知道这颗珠子有什么玄妙的地方,更不知道杨开这个时候拿出这个珠子想要干什么。 The answer soon makes known, Yang Kai puts out a hand, aims at that bead to grasp a swing, the bead flies to shoot like the flying arrow, arrives at right above ten thousand people of gathering places directly. 答案很快揭晓,杨开伸手,对准那珠子屈指一弹,珠子如离弦之箭般飞射出去,直接来到万人聚集之地正上方。 a light sound, the bead as if spreads the sound of rupturing, a mysterious strength sweeps across, the person who each feels this strength, has a fettered feeling. 噗地一声轻响,珠子内部似乎传出爆裂之声,一种神奇的力量席卷开来,每个感受到这股力量的人,都有一种被束缚的感觉。 Stemming from trusts Yang Kai's, the strength of their revolution within the body, has not revolted. 出于对杨开的信任,他们并没有运转体内的力量,加以反抗。 At present a flower, after getting back one's composure, the people discovered impressively, own had gone to a completely strange place. 眼前一花,待到回过神之后,众人赫然发现,自己已经来到了一个完全陌生的地方。 Here at all is not Nine Heavens Holy Land, but the scenery is elegant. 这里根本不是九天圣地,但却风景秀美。 Moreover, world's spiritual energy seems to be rich, on spiritual energy compared with Tong Xuan Continent is higher than hundred times to continue, this discovery makes the people spirit shake! 而且,天地灵气似乎浓郁至极,比起通玄大陆上的灵气高出百倍不止,这个发现让众人不由地精神一震! Well, what is that?” A Demon Race person as if discovered the new continent, looks at some place to shout loudly. “咦,那是什么?”一个魔族人仿佛发现了新大陆,望着某一个地方大声叫嚷起来。 Looks following his vision, the people then discover immediately is several feets, is all over the body jet black, long shuttle-shaped thing, calmly float in midair. 顺着他的目光望去,众人立刻便发现了一艘长达十几丈,通体漆黑,长梭形的东西,正静静地悬浮在半空之中。 Battleship!” Demon Senior Zhang Yuan drinks one lowly, eye of reveal panic-stricken color. 战舰!”魔尊长渊低喝一声,目露惊骇之色。 Although before he, obtained Yang Kai to have a complete Battleship news from Demon Commander Meng Ge there, but had not seen with own eyes, does not know that was is really false, now this Battleship appears in front of own, he understands immediately, that news real. 他虽然之前从魔将蒙戈那里得到了杨开拥有一艘完好战舰的消息,可并没有亲眼见到,也不知是真是假,如今这艘战舰就出现在自己面前,他立刻明白,那消息是真的。 Demon Capital City underground, this kind of Battleship, but that Battleship tattered...... . Moreover, as if gives present to pull on shoes in the scale does not match. 魔都地下,就有一艘这样的战舰,只不过那战舰破破烂烂……而且,在档次上似乎连给眼前的这一艘提鞋都不配。 Zhang Yuan is some visions, sees this complete Battleship uncommon place. 长渊到底是有些眼光的,一眼就看出这艘完好战舰的不凡之处。 Makes him feel what is surprised, under that Battleship, is standing unexpectedly some people, these people are in sight to own and the others time, the eye of reveal surprised color, directs curiously. 更让他觉得惊奇的是,那战舰下方,居然站着一些人,这些人在望向自己等人这边的时候,都目露惊奇之色,好奇地指指点点。 The Zhang Yuan custom surname emits Spiritual Mind to sweep on these martial artist, the complexion long-drawn-out changes! 长渊习惯姓地放出神念在那些武者身上扫过,脸色悠地一变! He discovered, these person of each cultivation level boundaries, must surpass compared with him, although does not have Yang Kai to give his constriction, but absolutely is Saint King Stage in legend without doubt! 他发现,这些人每一个的修为境界,都比他要超出很多,虽然没有杨开给他的压迫感,但绝对是传说中的圣王境无疑! Has could it be that arrived at Star Territory? 难道已经到星域了? Are these people martial artist in Star Territory? 这些人就是星域中的武者 In the Zhang Yuan heart flashes through a doubt, in many hearts flashes through this thought. 长渊心中闪过一丝狐疑,很多人心中都闪过这种念头。 Do not be anxious!” The Yang Kai's sound conveys from one, the figure in a flash, then arrived in front of these Saint King Stage martial artist, explained: These are my disciple **.” “别紧张!”杨开的声音从某一处传来,身形一晃,便来到了那些圣王境武者面前,解释道:“这些是我门下**。” ** See Sect Master!” These make Tong Xuan Continent all martial artist feel that unattainable existence, salutes to Yang Kai in abundance. “**参见宗主!”那些让通玄大陆所有武者都感觉高不可攀的存在,纷纷冲杨开行礼。 Em.” Yang Kai nods gently, to them among is a humanity: Liu Ping, these are the relatives and friends in my native land, I can lead them to return to Gloom Star, this time will treat in this place, you are looking after quite.” “恩。”杨开轻轻颔首,冲他们当中为首一人道:“刘平,这些都是我故土的亲朋好友,我会带他们返回幽暗星,这段时间会待在此地,你好生照顾着。” Yes!” That called Liu Ping ** acknowledged hastily. “是!”那叫刘平的**连忙应诺。 Yang Kai arrives in front of Chu Lingxiao and Ling Taixu and the others, bows saying: Master Founder/Martial Ancestor Duke, here is Mysterious Small Boundary, although is not very big, but accommodates only ten thousand people are enough, you will treat will be very here safe, when I went to the place again letting you come out, ** the no talent, in a place named Gloom Star, established High Heaven Sect, but also needed your two to go to assume personal command. Em, the journey somewhat will be probably far, must therefore consume some time, perhaps needs several years, you have anything unclear, can these ** inquired, they will fully coordinate.” 杨开又来到楚凌霄凌太虚等人面前,躬身道:“师祖师公,这里是一个小玄界,虽然不是很大,但容纳区区万人还是足够的,你们待在这里会很安全,等我到了地方再把让你们出来,**不才,在一个叫幽暗星上的地方,建立了凌霄宗,还需要你们两位前去坐镇。恩,旅程大概会有些远,所以要耗费一些时间,或许要好几年,你们有什么不明白的,可以向这些**们询问,他们会全力配合的。” Good. You from going busily, here does not need to be worried.” Chu Lingxiao is smiling kindly. “好。你自去忙吧,这边不用担心。”楚凌霄和蔼微笑着。 Mysterious Boundary Bead, Void King Grade Battleship, he does not know that has goes against heaven's will preciously, if knows, so the state of mind will not be definitely gentle. 玄界珠,虚王级战舰,他并不知道有多么珍贵逆天,若是知道的话,肯定不会这般心境平和。 That ** and first went out, when has free time, can visit your.” Yang Kai said that then left this Mysterious Small Boundary. “那**先且出去了,得空之时,会来探望你们的。”杨开说了一声,便离开了这个小玄界 After Yang Kai walks, that called Liu Ping ** immediately jolts runs over, inquired after the well being to Ling Taixu and Chu Lingxiao et al . 杨开走后,那叫刘平的**立刻屁颠颠地跑了过来,冲凌太虚楚凌霄等人嘘寒问暖。 clearly that he listened to a moment ago, Yang Kai called this elderly man two for master Founder/Martial Ancestor Duke, although his cultivation level be much higher compared with two people, but does not dare to have neglects slightly, facing two people time was also to hold the ritual of younger generation, respectful exceptionally. 刚才他可是听的清清楚楚,杨开称呼这两位老人家为师祖师公,虽然他的修为要比两人高出不少,但也不敢有丝毫怠慢,面对两人的时候也是持晚辈之礼,恭敬异常。 Sees this boy on saying that Chu Lingxiao and Ling Taixu are impolite immediately, is inquiring Gloom Star and that side High Heaven Sect situation to Liu Ping, knew that High Heaven Sect in Gloom Star one-party rule, almost can say now after dominating entire Gloom Star, the old bosom consoles greatly, is proud. 见这小子如此上道,楚凌霄凌太虚当即也不客气,冲刘平打探着幽暗星和那边的凌霄宗的情况,得知凌霄宗如今在幽暗星一家独大,几乎可以说称霸整个幽暗星之后,都老怀大慰,引以为傲。 Only more than 30 years, Yang Kai then by one's effort, lets one ** the star submits to obeys, this is not the manpower can accomplish simply, they to the Yang Kai's ability, had the new cognition suddenly. 区区三十多年,杨开便以一己之力,让一颗**之星都臣服顺从,这简直不是人力能够办到的,他们对杨开的能力,蓦然间有了新的认知。 Immediately starts to inquire more news. 当即开始打探更多的消息。 In Mysterious Boundary Bead a peace, Yang Kai will receive, Spiritual Mind has swept in empty Nine Heavens Holy Land, receives the eye color of slight recall, to standing said in Xia Ning Chang that the one side waits for: Senior Sister, helping me find a person.”( To be continued.) 玄界珠里一片安宁,杨开将之收了起来,神念在空荡荡的九天圣地内扫过一遍,收起眼中的丝毫留恋之色,冲站在一旁等候的夏凝裳道:“师姐,帮我找个人。”(未完待续。)
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