MP :: Volume #16

#1561: Without other idea

This boy could it be that thinks a series entire mainland? Let own Demon Race and Monster Race gives up? 这小子难道是想一统整个大陆?让自己魔族妖族俯首称臣? This thought that the Zhang Yuan look dreaded dignifiedly . 这个念头一起,长渊的神色更忌惮凝重了。. It is not he is small-minded, on the contrary, Zhang Yuan this person very heroic spirit, most Demon Race and surname of Monster Race powerhouse is so, is really he as Demon Senior, has to consider toward this aspect. 并非他小肚鸡肠,相反,长渊这个人很是豪气,大多数魔族妖族强者的个姓都是如此,实在是他身为魔尊,不得不往这方面考虑。 Thunder Dragon also thinks that if that was true, even their evil spirit two clans have no way to revolt jointly, can only let matters drift, otherwise is the total destruction. 雷龙也是这么想的,若真是那样的话,即便他们妖魔两族联手也没法反抗,只能听之任之,否则便是灭顶之灾。 Listens to him to ask, Yang Kai looked at his one eyes looking pensive, Hehe said with a smile: Demon Senior does not need to be too many, how long my time came back unable to treat, perhaps will depart quickly.” 听他这么问,杨开若有所思地看了他一眼,呵呵笑道:“魔尊不用想太多,我这次回来也待不了多久,恐怕很快就会离去的。” „Does quick depart?” Zhang Yuan stunned, looks at each other one with Thunder Dragon, extremely accidental/surprised. “很快就离去?”长渊愕然,与雷龙对视一眼,都极为意外 Yang Kai does not have an ambition unexpectedly...... 杨开居然没有一点野心…… Right, the splendor in Star Territory makes me forget to return, therefore does not prepare to wait for a long time here.” Yang Kai Hehe smiled. “对,星域中的精彩让我流连忘返,所以并不准备在这里久待。”杨开呵呵笑了起来。 Thunder Dragon Eye previous bright, inquired hastily: In Star Territory is very splendid? If Ok, Holy Master Yang whether to say?” 龙眼前一亮,连忙询问道:“星域里很精彩么?若是可以的话,杨圣主能否说说?” Other Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouses also elongated the head, looks toward Yang Kai, appearance that earnestly listens respectfully. 人妖魔三族其他强者也都伸长了脑袋,朝杨开望去,一副认真聆听的模样。 Yes, said, Old Man is also very curious.” Chu Lingxiao smile said/tunnel, although after he arrived here, eavesdropped on the news about Star Territory from Ling Taixu there much, but these news were also Ling Taixu from Yang Kai here heard that has not witnessed with own eyes, was always short of a flavor, now Yang Kai oneself here, naturally want to nose well. “是啊,说说,老夫也很好奇。”楚凌霄微笑地道,虽然他来到这里之后,从凌太虚那里探听到了不少关于星域的消息,但这些消息也是凌太虚杨开这里听说的,并未亲眼见证,总是少了点味道,如今杨开本人在此,自然是想好好查探一番。 Master Ancestor has the command, disciple naturally must , since.” Yang Kai laughed, hesitated, this confident said/tunnel: In Star Territory truly many splendid, before being many us, has never thought thing......” 师祖有令,弟子自然不会不从。”杨开呵呵一笑,沉吟了一下,这才不疾不徐地道:“星域中确实有很多精彩,很多我们以前从未想过的东西……” Dedication that in the main hall, everyone listens. 大殿内,所有人都听的专注至极。 time passes little, but everyone listens with great interest, the expression is gradually stimulated . 时间一点点地流逝,但每个人都听的津津有味,表情逐渐亢奋起来,。 The Star Territory length and breadth makes them exclaim in surprise boundlessly again and again, the charming scenery and rich practice commodity in Star Territory make them desire something greatly, Saint Stage above, Saint King Stage, Void Return Stage, existence of Void King Stage makes them from blush with shame ashamedly. 星域的广袤无边让他们惊叹连连,星域中的迷人景色和丰沛的修炼物资让他们心向往之,入圣境之上,圣王境,返虚镜,虚王境的存在让他们自愧汗颜。 They deeply understood the meaning of frog in a well word. 他们深深明白了井底之蛙这个词的含义。 According to Yang Kai said that in Star Territory most Cultivation's Star world's spiritual energy, Saint Stage cannot be regarded in that side richly anything, only then the strength to Void Return Stage, could be the powerhouse reluctantly, only then Void King Stage, is the true great person. 杨开所说,星域中大多数修炼之星天地灵气都浓郁至极,入圣境在那边根本算不得什么,只有实力到了返虚镜,才勉强算得上强者,而只有到了虚王境,才是真正的大人物。 The blood of everyone is burning, ebullition, in their eyes twinkling an appearance that calls the hope. 每个人的血液都在燃烧,沸腾,他们的眼中闪烁着一种叫渴望的神采。 They long for that own can have the this kind of practice environment and practice commodity in plenty, they long for that goes a step further on own Martial Dao, becomes Saint King Stage in that legend, Void Return Stage even Void King Stage...... 他们渴望自己能够拥有这样的修炼环境和丰裕的修炼物资,他们渴望在自身的武道上更进一步,成为那传说中的圣王境,返虚镜甚至虚王境…… Yang Kai has not added inflammatory details, but very gently the understanding and these years to Star Territory said experiences of own. 杨开并没有添油加醋,只是很平缓地将自己星域的了解和这些年的所见所闻说了出来。 But this enough, when he said that the mood of people are fluctuating, for a very long time is unable to be tranquil. 但这就足够了,等他讲完,众人的心情起伏着,久久都无法平静。 Yang Kai experienced this all sorts to be splendid and mysterious, but they actually on Tong Xuan Continent, were some Star Territory martial artist look radically do not glance, even regarded as suffering extreme distress that the commodity of trash hit. 杨开见识到了这种种精彩和神奇,但他们这些人却在通玄大陆上,为一些星域武者根本看不上眼,甚至视为垃圾的物资打的死去活来。 This discovery makes everyone depressed, ashamed, even deeply feels for the shame! 这个发现让所有人都沮丧,惭愧,甚至深感为耻! Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon that before was in sharp opposition looked at each other one, smiled bitterly, suddenly thought that the beforehand battle was very weak, very weak...... 之前针锋相对的长渊雷龙对视一眼,都苦笑了起来,忽然觉得之前的争斗很幼稚,很幼稚…… „, Star Territory unexpectedly is not so splendid, Old Man wanted to look actually impatiently, if can understand this all sorts of mysteriously in the lifetime, the Old Man life died with no regrets!” Chu Lingxiao took a deep breath. “唔,星域居然如此精彩,老夫倒是迫不及待想要去看一看了,若是能在有生之年领略这种种神奇,老夫此生死而无憾啊!”楚凌霄深深地吸了口气 Thunder Dragon and Zhang Yuan open mouth, seeming like wants to say anything, but cannot say finally. 雷龙长渊张了张嘴,似乎是想说什么,可最终没能说出来。 In main hall silent for a long time, Zhang Yuan sighed, some interest is wanings asked: Then may I ask Holy Master Yang this time to convene the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse in this, behavior what matter?” 大殿内沉默了许久,长渊才叹了口气,有些意兴阑珊地问道:“那么敢问杨圣主这次将人妖魔三族强者召集于此,到底所为何事?” Listens to him to ask, Thunder Dragon hurrying will also look at Yang Kai, is very curious. 听他这么问,雷龙也赶紧将目光投向杨开,很是好奇。 The Yang Kai smile responded: Leads you to enter Star Territory!” 杨开微笑回应:“带你们进星域!” A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves, everyone body shakes greatly, glassy-eyed looks inspired to Yang Kai, as if basic didn't expect he will say the this kind of words unexpectedly. 一石激起千层浪,所有人都身躯巨震,目光呆滞而振奋地望向杨开,似乎根本没想到他居然会说出这样的话。 Undeniably, before Yang Kai's all sorts of descriptions, had aroused yearning and curiosity that presents everyone to Star Territory, they also want to take a look at Star Territory are what appearances. 不可否认,之前杨开的种种描述,已经激起了在场所有人对星域的向往和好奇,他们也都很想去看看星域到底是什么样子。 However...... is Star Territory can it be that good? They do not have the ability to intrude in Star Territory, therefore can only stare dry/does, envies the Yang Kai's opportunity, admires the Yang Kai's guts and strength. 但是……星域岂是好进的?他们没有能力闯入星域之中,所以只能干瞪眼,羡慕杨开的机遇,佩服杨开的胆量和实力。 But now, Yang Kai actually extended the olive branch to them. 而现在,杨开却向他们抛出了橄榄枝。 Everyone was shocked. 每个人都愣住了。 Naturally, I do not compel you. This is only a proposition, had said that the child I must leave, wanted follows me, remains grudgingly, my coming back, for this matter.” Yang Kai added. “当然,我也不逼你们。这只是一个提议,过些曰子我就要离开,愿意的跟我走,不愿意地留下来,我这趟回来,就是为了此事。”杨开补充道。 „Does this word take seriously?” Zhang Yuan stood suddenly, the vision brilliant looks to Yang Kai. “此言当真?”长渊霍地站了起来,目光灼灼地望向杨开 „Hasn't Holy Master Yang cracked a joke?” Thunder Dragon over the face is also inconceivable. 杨圣主没开玩笑?”雷龙也满面不可思议。 Although they do not know that the belt/bring person enters Star Territory to pay what price, but will not be definitely relaxed, if Yang Kai has this ability, definitely first Human Race that side relatives and friends, he sprinkles this kindness now unexpectedly to the evil spirit two clans, let Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon some cannot believe that rouses chaotic some square inches. 他们虽然不知道带人进星域要付出什么代价,但肯定不会太轻松,杨开若有此能力,肯定会优先人族那边的亲朋好友,如今他居然将这份恩惠洒向了妖魔两族,让长渊雷龙都有些不敢相信,振奋中乱了些方寸。 Does not crack a joke.” Yang Kai sincere replied. “不开玩笑。”杨开正色答道。 Obtained his affirmative answer, Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon gawked there. 得到他肯定的答复,长渊雷龙都愣了那里。 For a long time, Zhang Yuan the look asked dignifiedly: May I ask Holy Master Yang, what do we need to pay? Submits to you, gives loyalty to?” 许久,长渊才神色凝重地问道:“敢问杨圣主,我们需要付出些什么?向你臣服,效忠么?” Hehe......” Yang Kai grinned to smile, on the face appeared the color of ridicule, said lightly: What do I need you to submit to give loyalty to make? Em, said that the sentence not too polite words, present I, a finger can put down entire Tong Xuan Continent, if I want you to submit to give loyalty, does not need rubbish so many with you, began the military force to suppress on the line directly.” 呵呵……”杨开咧嘴笑了起来,脸上浮现些嘲弄之色,淡淡道:“我需要你们臣服效忠做什么?恩,说句不太客气的话,如今的我,一根手指头就能扫平整个通玄大陆,若是我想要你们臣服效忠,就没必要跟你们废话这么多,直接动手武力压制就行了。” Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon the sweat will dripping shortly...... 长渊雷龙顷刻间大汗淋淋…… They did not think that Yang Kai is blustering, they from the Yang Kai beforehand explanation, Domain to tyrannical of higher boundary, that are really not they can resist. 他们不觉得杨开是在口出狂言,他们已经从杨开之前的讲解中,领域到了更高境界的强横,那真的不是他们能够抵挡的。 This youth, surpass that generation of legendary characters, had been presented by Demon Race to Great Demon God that has high! He walks is farther, standing is higher. 这个青年,早已超越了那一代传奇人物,被魔族奉为至高存在的大魔神!他走的更远,站的更高。 Even if Great Demon God comes back to life, perhaps still can only look up to him. 就算是大魔神复生,恐怕也只能仰望他。 That Holy Master Yang why......” Thunder Dragon hesitates is looking at Yang Kai. “那杨圣主为何……”雷龙迟疑地望着杨开 Was an old friend, can help, helped, did not have other idea.” Yang Kai light say/way. “都是老朋友了,能帮一把,就帮一把,没别的想法。”杨开淡淡道。 Zhang Yuan and Thunder Dragon one face is ashamed, wishes one could to look for a tunnel to drill, did not come out to see the person. 长渊雷龙都一脸惭愧起来,恨不得找个地洞钻下去,再也不出来见人了。 Suddenly, Zhang Yuan look dignifiedly holds the fist saying: „The Holy Master Yang high character and integrity, were Zhang Yuan somewhat consist mainly of villain's heart gentleman's abdomen, had the place of offending, but also asked Holy Master Yang to excuse me!” 忽然,长渊神色凝重地抱拳道:“杨圣主高风亮节,是长渊有些以小人之心度君子之腹了,有得罪之处,还请杨圣主见谅!” Thunder Dragon also expressed the own apology hastily, the whole face was sincere. 雷龙也连忙表达自己的歉意,满脸真诚。 Might as well, you are a leader of clan, the consideration is profounder should be.” Yang Kai beckons with the hand lightly , indicating that own and caring, is easy to place it, he will also consider the matter. “无妨,你们都是一族的领袖,考虑的深远一些是应该的。”杨开淡淡摆手,表示自己并不在意,易身处之,他也会这么考虑事情。 Two powerhouse complexions are then more attractive. 两个强者这才脸色好看一些。 In Star Territory no doubt some splendid, but the danger should be also many, if Holy Master Yang leads so many people to enter Star Territory, can shelter these clansman securities?” Thunder Dragon somewhat worried that asked. 星域中固然有许多精彩,但危险应该也不少吧,杨圣主若是带这么多人进入星域,能庇护的了那些族人的安全么?”雷龙有些担忧地问道。 Danger definitely has, therefore , follows not to follow me, is all voluntary, looked how your own chooses. You can also certainly choose to remain, perhaps Tong Xuan Continent one said that will radiate the vigor, becoming in other Cultivation's Star with Star Territory is the same, when the time comes can feel Heavenly Law Martial Dao of deeper level, but this time, somewhat did not say certainly.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, has the profound meaning to look greatly toward Xia Ning Chang. “危险是肯定有的,所以说,跟不跟我走,全是自愿,看你们自己如何选择。你们当然也可以选择留下来,或许通玄大陆有一曰会重新焕发出活力,变得与星域中其他修炼之星一样,到时候就可以感到到更深层次的天道武道了,不过这个时间,有些说不准。”杨开微微一笑,大有深意地朝夏凝裳望去。 From building up Star Source, becomes Star Master, after breaking through to Void Return Stage, Xia Ning Chang aura was obviously good, to cover in that 1-layer of her outside the body grey, as if also shoaled much. 自炼化星辰本源,成为星主,突破到返虚镜之后,夏凝裳气息明显好了许多,一直笼罩在她体外的那一层灰涩,似乎也变浅了不少。 So long as she can continue to break through by the this kind of speed promotion, one said finally can stand in the Star Territory peak, when the time comes, entire Tong Xuan Continent will be profiting. 只要她能够持续以这样的速度晋升突破,终有一曰能够站在星域的巅峰,到时候,连带着整个通玄大陆都会受益。 This matter is important, but also asked Holy Master Yang to accommodate me and other several days time, I need to discuss with them carefully.” Zhang Yuan knits the brows to say. “此事事关重大,还请杨圣主容我等几曰时间,我需要和他们仔细商议一下。”长渊皱眉说道。 This is natural.” Yang Kai nods gently. “这是自然。”杨开轻轻颔首。 Immediately told the person leads the evil spirit two clan powerhouses to get down the rest, making them discuss this matter well. 当即吩咐人带妖魔两族强者下去休息,让他们好好商议此事。 Human Race does not need to discuss that Nine Heavens Holy Land, relatives and friends, even Firmament Heaven Sect, had decided that follows Yang Kai to enter Star Territory, naturally, there is disciple not to be forced to leave native place, must remain behind Sect, the Human Race powerhouse also on recognizing of it putting. 人族这边是无需商议的,九天圣地,中都的亲朋好友,甚至天霄宗,都已经决定跟着杨开进入星域,当然,也有弟子不愿意背井离乡,要留守宗门,人族的强者也就放之认之了。 Not everyone has the dauntless venture spirit, is willing for Nihility indistinct bets the own surname life happily, this needs the enormous courage and to higher Martial Dao yearning. 并非人人都有大无畏的冒险精神,愿意为了虚无缥缈的美好去赌上自己的姓命,这需要极大的勇气和对更高武道的向往。 However generally speaking, the this kind of person is not many, each Sect occupied about 30% appearances probably. 不过总体来说,这样的人不是很多,每个宗门大概占据了30%左右的样子。 The people diverged respectively, many things need to process. 众人都各自散去了,还有许多事情需要处理。 Quick, in the main hall is then empty, Yang Kai with a smile toward pair of female that seems like the twin two beautiful sisters walked. 很快,大殿内便空荡荡起来,杨开笑吟吟地朝一对看似是双胞胎姐妹花的女子走了过去。 As Yang Kai's approaches, two female breath slightly seem rapid, as if very exciting appearance. 随着杨开的逼近,两女的呼吸似乎都微微急促起来,仿佛很兴奋的样子。 Jiao'er, Mei'er, does not see for a long time.” Yang Kai smiles Hehe to greet. 娇儿,媚儿,好久不见。”杨开呵呵地打招呼。 The person were too a moment ago many, he did not have to talk about old days with the Hu Family sisters with enough time, now resulted in the free time, naturally must speak with them. 刚才人太多,他也没来得及与胡家姐妹叙旧,如今得了空闲,自然是要与她们说说话的。 Moreover, they as if also wait for own here. 而且,她们似乎也是在这里等自己 Opposite both females show a faint smile, said with one voice: For a long time does not see, can you fortunately?” 对面两女都微微一笑,异口同声道:“好久不见,你可还好?” Good good!” Yang Kai nods, the brow slightly wrinkle, was somewhat vacant. “挺好挺好!”杨开颔首,眉头微皱,有些茫然了。 His vision roves on two females unceasingly, which is actually not able to distinguish is Hu Jiao'er, which is Hu Mei'er. 他目光不断地在两女身上转来转去,却始终无法分辨哪个是胡娇儿,哪个是胡媚儿 This discovery makes him scratch the head unceasingly. 这个发现让他挠头不断。 practice Siblings Divine Art they, not only also becomes including the slightly different semblance exactly the same, life aura of own makings and within the body, not the slightest difference. 修炼同气连枝神功的她们,不但连本来略有不同的外表也变得一模一样,就连自身的气质和体内的生命气息,都别无二致。 They stand there, seems a person! 她们站在那里,似乎就是一个人! Moreover, their cultivation level had been in the Saint 2-layer degree unexpectedly, was not Great Elder Xu Hui from the beginning report just Saint. 而且,她们的修为居然已经到了入圣两层境的程度,并非大长老徐汇一开始汇报的刚刚入圣 This practice speed, some terrifying! Yang Kai is flabbergasted secretly.( To be continued.) 这个修炼速度,有些恐怖啊!杨开暗暗咋舌。(未完待续。)
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