MP :: Volume #16

#1560: Fire fighting

Too does not make sense!” Meng Wuya is clenching teeth, in the heart hates secretly, patted under the chair arm rest indignantly . “太不像话了!”梦无涯咬着牙,心中暗恨,愤愤地拍了下椅子扶手。. He thinks that Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang deep love between man and woman, affectionate forgot time. 他以为杨开夏凝裳儿女情长,卿卿我我的忘记了时间 This one month, two people had not appeared unexpectedly, making the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse wait for here bored, Meng Wuya feels the shame to these guests. 这都一个多月了,两人居然还不出现,让人妖魔三族强者在这里无聊等待,梦无涯感觉愧对这些来客。 He protected Xia Ning Chang so many years, taught to her devotedly, is the Xia Ning Chang only family member. 他守护了夏凝裳这么多年,悉心对她教导,是夏凝裳唯一的亲人。 But now, Yang Kai comes back, then robbed from own the treasure apprentice! 可是如今,杨开一回来,便将宝贝徒弟从自己身边抢走了! Meng Wuya knows, this time robs truly, said, in the Xia Ning Chang mind, own this master only feared that must step down to the second line, this makes him feel somewhat sourly. 梦无涯知道,这一次是真正地抢走,曰后在夏凝裳心目中,自己这个师傅只怕是要退居二线,这让他感觉有些酸。 In the acid also brings some sweetly, disciple waited wretchedly for 30 years, has not waited in vain finally, Yang Kai this bastard boy came back finally. 酸中还带着一些甜,徒儿孤苦等候了三十年,总算没有白等,杨开这混蛋小子终于回来了。 The feeling is quite marvelous, Meng Wuya assumes an air of self approbation, in the heart with complex feelings, is unable to put things clearly. 感觉相当奇妙啊,梦无涯摇头晃脑,心中五味杂陈,说不清道不明。 Below Monster Race several Great Senior and Demon Race Demon Commander separate faces one another spatially, the powerhouse minutes of two big races sit both sides, the line of sight each other collide, the atmosphere is very subtle, some as if hidden smell of gunpowder are filling the air. 下方妖族的几位大尊魔族魔将们隔空相望,两大种族的强者分坐两旁,视线彼此碰撞,气氛很微妙,似乎隐有一些火药味在弥漫。 Although 30 years ago, Three Clans has collaborated one time, but these years to fight for these practice resources, among Three Clans also many friction , must by the friction between Monster Race and Demon Race are most serious. 虽然在三十年前,三族联手过一次,但是这些年为了争夺那些修炼资源,三族之间也有不少摩擦,这其中,要以妖族魔族之间的摩擦最为严重。 Is good understands the restraint because of Monster Race Great Senior and Demon Commander, has not acted personally, otherwise the contradiction must certainly promote. 好在妖族大尊魔将们都懂得克制,并没有亲自出手,否则矛盾肯定要升级。 Is under boys in the small scale, pours also harmless.. 都是底下的小子们在小打小闹,倒也无伤大雅。。 However even Yueli could not see each other also even, now comes Nine Heavens Holy Land together, was bored to death waited for a month of time, the mood was agitated, Meng Wuya felt that own somewhat could not suppress these two clan powerhouses faintly to each other aiming. 不过平曰里见不到彼此也就算了,如今一起来了九天圣地,又百无聊赖地等了一个多月时间,心情烦躁,梦无涯感觉自己隐隐有些压制不住这两族强者对彼此的针对了。 If not own and Ling Taixu, Chu Lingxiao three Human Race Saint Stage top Expert assume this place, their these wild surname full fellows only feared that the meeting must hit. 若非还有自己凌太虚,楚凌霄三位人族入圣境顶尖高手坐镇此地,他们这些野姓十足的家伙只怕会要打起来。 Headache! The bastard boy falls into land of warmth and tenderness, basic, no matter the suffering of old fogies. 头疼呐!那混蛋小子掉进温柔乡里,根本不管老家伙们的煎熬啊。 At this moment, Meng Wuya scolded to be a mass of cuts and bruises Yang Kai in the heart. 这一刻,梦无涯在心中把杨开骂了个体无完肤。 Feared that anything comes anything, does not know that Monster Race which Great Senior or Demon Race which Demon Commander nerve built mistakenly the line, under was unexpectedly noisy, initial also only then two people fought relative, finally the situation got stronger and stronger, Great Senior and Demon Commander exported to help one another own person. 怕什么就来什么,也不知道妖族的哪位大尊还是魔族的哪位魔将神经搭错了线,下方竟然吵闹起来,初始还只有两人争锋相对,结果情况愈演愈烈,各位大尊魔将纷纷出口相助自己人。 Some aspect confusions. 局面有些混乱了。 Finally even Thunder Dragon Great Senior and Demon Senior Zhang Yuan also entered in the turbid water. 最后连雷龙大尊魔尊长渊也趟进了浑水里。 Thunder Dragon, this Senior/true body closed up in recent years, if has become aware, actually could not find under the appropriate opportunity confirmation continuously the achievement, now said that might as well borrows this expensive/noble treasure land, how do your I compare notes one?” Zhang Yuan is looking at Thunder Dragon Great Senior with a smile, in that look filled aggressive fighting intent. 雷龙,本尊近年闭关若有所悟,却一直找不到合适的机会验证下成果,今曰不妨借这贵宝地,你我切磋一番如何?”长渊笑吟吟地望着雷龙大尊,那眼神中充满了咄咄逼人的战意 Good, some this King these year also harvests, are happen to worrying unable to find the opponent, the long time heard that Zhang Yuan brother's Mysterious Heavenly Seal definitely mysterious unparalleled, dream Mister also suffered a loss in the past, this King wants to ask for advice.” Thunder Dragon shows a faint smile, happy does not fear. “好啊,正好本座这些年也有些收获,正愁找不到对手,久闻长渊兄的天玄封印决玄妙无双,就连梦先生当年也吃了亏,本座很想领教领教。”雷龙微微一笑,怡然不惧。 Pulls Old Man to do really!” Meng Wuya is not glad immediately. “扯上老夫作甚!”梦无涯顿时不乐意了。 Was hit with Mysterious Heavenly Seal by Demon Senior Zhang Yuan definitely, cultivation level by seal most, unavoidablily rushes to that side to evade the calamity, this matter is his shame always. 魔尊长渊天玄封印决打中,一身修为被封印大半,不得已跑到中都那边避祸,此事乃他平生之耻。 Although was Zhang Yuan assisted with Formation at that time, can win him, but Meng Wuya most not being glad heard this matter. 虽说当时是长渊阵法辅助,才能胜他,但梦无涯最不乐意听人说起此事了。 Below Thunder Dragon Great Senior and Demon Senior Zhang Yuan has encountered on, two people not too big movement, but releases Divine Consciousness respectively, is colliding silently. 下方雷龙大尊魔尊长渊已经交锋上了,两人并没有太大的动作,只是各自释放出神识,无声无息地碰撞着。 But the bad risk of this battle, more by far in conventional fight, is not careful, is the mutually wounded result, even is frightened out of one's wits. 可这种争斗的凶险,更远胜于常规的战斗,一个不小心,便是两败俱伤的结果,甚至魂飞魄散。 In the main hall everyone look is dignified, beforehand noisy also gradually subsides, no one dares to make noise to disturb again, nervously is staring at a powerhouse in own clan, for fear that presents what accidental/surprised. 大殿内所有人都神色凝重,之前的吵闹也逐渐平息下来,再无人敢出声打扰,都紧张地盯着自己一族中的强者,唯恐出现什么意外 Saint 3-layer the strength of Divine Consciousness sweeps across in the entire main hall, any feels the powerhouse of that collision, pupil reveal with amazement. 入圣三层境神识之力席卷在整个大殿中,任何感受到那碰撞的强者,都眸露骇然。 The fight then enters the degree of superheating quickly, Thunder Dragon and Zhang Yuan spells to try, finally still does not know one's place, is only about the same. 战斗很快便进入白热化的程度,雷龙长渊都拼尽了全力,结果依然不分上下,只在伯仲之间。 But the complexion of two powerhouse gradually transfers white, on the forehead seeped out the close sweat, the Spiritual Mind entanglement collided in together, bad risk extremely. 两位强者的脸色都逐渐转白,额头上渗出了细密的汗水,神念纠缠碰撞在一起,凶险万分。 Meng Wuya and the others the expression is dignified, the complexion is ugly. 梦无涯等人表情凝重,脸色难看。 They want to meddle not to meddle now, can only calmly wait for Thunder Dragon and result of Zhang Yuan battle, may from the present situation, the best result be mutually wounded. 他们如今想插手都插手不上了,只能静静等待雷龙长渊交战的结果,可从眼下的情况来看,最好的结果就是两败俱伤。 In the event of this matter, only feared that contradictory must promote, this exactly Human Race here powerhouse desired. 一旦出现这种事,只怕矛盾就要升级,这可不是人族这边的强者希望看到的。 Where Yang Kai?” Ling Taixu urgently asked. 杨开哪去了?”凌太虚急急地问道。 Meng Wuya is swinging the head , indicating that own does not know, before him, several days the secret room that goes to Xia Ning Chang to close up, had not actually discovered that Yang Kai and disciple trail, no one knows that this two people went to where. 梦无涯摇着脑袋,表示自己根本不知道,他前几曰又去了夏凝裳闭关的密室,却没发现杨开与徒儿的踪迹,谁也不知道这两人去了何处。 Situation is not wonderful.” The Firmament Heaven Sect Sect Master Chu Lingxiao brow is wrinkling tightly, matter develops this, was somewhat not as he expected. “情况不妙啊。”天霄宗宗主楚凌霄眉头紧皱着,事情发展成这样,有些出乎他的意料了。 At this moment, out of the door hears frank big laughter suddenly. 就在这时,门外忽然传来一个爽朗的大笑声。 „Very lively, how did this first hit?” “很热闹嘛,怎么这就先打起来了?” The voice falls, the people only noticed that person's shadow flashes, Yang Kai and mourning band obstruct surface Xia Ning Chang to appear in the field of vision. 话音落,众人只看到门外人影一闪,杨开与黑纱遮面的夏凝裳联袂出现在视野之中。 Everyone by this sound attraction, raises the head looked , the spirit shakes. 所有人都被这声音吸引,抬头望去,不由地精神一震。 Many people hear Yang Kai to return, has not believed that until saw at this moment his form determines without doubt. 许多人听说杨开回归,还不怎么相信,直到此刻见到他的身影才确定无疑。 The Meng Wuya actually doubt sized up under Xia Ning Chang, some of he very strange feelings, that is one month does not see suddenly, own this disciple seems like some changes, becomes makes him feel that somewhat admires...... 梦无涯却狐疑地打量了下夏凝裳,他忽然有种很奇怪的感觉,那就是一个多月不见,自己这徒儿似乎有些变化,变得让他都感觉有些高山仰止…… Small Martial Nephew!” tenderly spreads, the pretty shadow dashed from the main hall together, fled to Yang Kai in front of directly, carefully examined him grinningly up and down, in the mouth had the sound, some little time nodded the head gently said: „, Dozens years do not see, even more had the man charm, even Master Uncle looked at some heart ponds to ripple.” “小师侄!”一声娇呼传出,一道靓影从大殿内飞奔而出,直接窜到杨开面前,笑嘻嘻上下审视他,口中啧啧有声,好一会才轻轻颔首道:“唔,几十年不见,愈发有男人魅力了呢,连师叔都看得有些心池荡漾。” The Yang Kai complexion one black, looked at Xia Ning Chang one subconsciously, said awkwardly: Master Uncle, are you more solemn well?” 杨开脸色一黑,下意识地看了夏凝裳一眼,尴尬道:“师叔,您老人家端庄些好吧?” Fei Yu Master Uncle hears word, is white immediately Yang Kai, what end is charming and sultry. 绯雨师叔闻言,立刻白了杨开一眼,端的是一个风情万种。 She is follows Chu Lingxiao to come, hears Nine Heavens Holy Land to pass on a message, said that Yang Kai has returned, Chu Lingxiao brings Inner Sect four Great Elder to rush to immediately. 她是跟着楚凌霄来的,听到九天圣地这边传讯,说杨开已经回归,楚凌霄当即带着宗内大长老赶赴过来。 Now meets, Fei Yu Master Uncle does not have properly. 如今才一见面,绯雨师叔就没个正经的。 Yang Kai feels warm, in the past he when Firmament Heaven Sect Qi embroidered the peak and Fei Yu Master Uncle lived together, Master Uncle is this welldoing, frequently after being drunk, lay down on the ground, the clothing was disorderly, spring scenery leak, has not evaded the Yang Kai's meaning slightly. 杨开倍感温馨,当年他在天霄宗绮绣峰与绯雨师叔同住的时候,师叔就是这幅德行,经常喝醉酒之后躺在地上,衣衫凌乱,春光外泄,也丝毫没有避讳杨开的意思。 Dozens years later feels the Master Uncle different kind enthusiasm again, Yang Kai suddenly has a feeling of another era feeling. 时隔几十年再次感受到师叔的别样热情,杨开忽然有种恍若隔世的感觉。 Master Uncle I am in full flower now, will not be old!” Fei Yu snort/hum, is with a smile typical: Cang Yan, Li Wan and Fei Jian they came, Master Ancestor!” 师叔我如今风华正茂,才不会老!”绯雨哼了哼,又笑吟吟地道:“苍炎,力丸飞箭他们都来了,还有师祖!” So saying, looks toward the main hall. 这般说着,朝大殿内望去。 Yang Kai nods gently, takes a step to go forward, first said with Cang Yan several Master Uncle several words, this look arrives in front of Chu Lingxiao solemnly and respectfully, said solemnly: disciple Yang Kai, saw Master Ancestor, work Master Ancestor has waited for a long time.” 杨开轻轻颔首,迈步上前,先是与苍炎几位师叔说了几句话,这才神色肃穆地来到楚凌霄面前,沉声道:“弟子杨开,见过师祖,劳师祖久等了。” Okay good, does not need to be overly courteous.” Chu Lingxiao nods joyfully, Spiritual Mind emits, swept on Yang Kai, discovered that really such as Ling Taixu and the others said that Yang Kai present boundary cultivation level, is immeasurably deep, is not he can spy on. “好好好,不必多礼。”楚凌霄愉悦颔首,神念放出,在杨开身上扫了一下,发现果然如凌太虚等人所说,杨开如今的境界修为,已经深不可测,并非他能够窥探的了。 Detects this point, Chu Lingxiao shows the even more kind smile: You are very good, very good. Really has rushed out a stretch of the world, Old Man has taken you as the honor, said, promotes the heavy responsibility of Sect, feared that must give you!” 察觉到这一点,楚凌霄露出愈发和蔼的微笑:“你很好,很好。果然已经闯出了一片天地,老夫以你为荣,曰后振兴宗门的重任,怕是要交给你了!” „The Master Ancestor erroneous approved, some disciple also many deficiencies, but also needs Master Ancestor and Grand Teacher many directions.” 师祖谬赞了,弟子还有很多不足之处,还需要师祖师公多多指点。” Good child.” Chu Lingxiao laughs joyfully, looks at each other one with Ling Taixu, the old bosom consoles greatly. “好孩子。”楚凌霄愉悦大笑,与凌太虚对视一眼,老怀大慰。 Master Ancestor waits a bit the moment, this two friend temperament is somewhat big, disciple first fights fire to them.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, turns the head to look to is putting together Thunder Dragon Great Senior and Demon Senior of Zhang Yuan strength of fight of Divine Consciousness. 师祖且稍等片刻,这两位朋友脾气有些大,弟子先给他们灭灭火。”杨开咧嘴一笑,转头望向正在拼斗神识之力的雷龙大尊魔尊长渊 Was more careful, cannot injure them.” Ling Taixu urged hastily. “小心一些,可不能伤了他们。”凌太虚连忙叮嘱。 Relax Grand Teacher, could not injure.” Yang Kai face proudly look, the strength of Divine Consciousness bursts out loudly, floods into Void. “放心吧师公,伤不了的。”杨开一脸傲然之色,神识之力轰然迸发出来,涌入虚空之中。 The Divine Consciousness competions of two Saint 3-layer, others in main hall truly do not dare to intend to disturb rashly, may to Yang Kai, be ordinary on such as child play house in the war of bystander opinion thrilling incomparable Divine Consciousness. 两个入圣三层境神识比拼,大殿中的其他人确实不敢贸然出手干扰,可对杨开来说,在外人看来惊险无比的神识之战就如小孩子过家家一般可笑。 In Void as if transmits the chī chī sound, Thunder Dragon and Zhang Yuan figure shakes, felt in abundance own and opposite party pester in the strength of together Divine Consciousness by a pair of invisible big hand, separates strongly. 虚空中似乎传来嗤嗤的声响,雷龙长渊都身形一震,纷纷感觉到自己与对方纠缠在一起的神识之力被一双无形的大手,强硬分开。 This type makes them realize that powerful a powerless feeling, is unable to revolt! 这种强大让他们体会到了一种无力感,根本无法反抗! Bang...... 轰…… rings of light explodes shoots the four directions, with Zhang Yuan toward retreat several steps, deeply inspired identically respectively, shocks to look toward Yang Kai, in the eye overflows completely with amazement. 一圈光晕爆射四方,雷同和长渊各自往后退了几步,深深地吸了一口气,震撼至极地朝杨开望去,眼中溢满骇然。 He unexpectedly with ease separated own and opponent. 他居然轻松地就将自己与对手分开了。 two, making you wait for a long time is I am not right, em, truly met selected accidental/surprised, therefore delayed such long time, but you did not need to meet so play out.” Yang Kai is looking at two people with a smile. 两位,让你们久等是我不对,恩,确实遇到了点意外,所以才耽搁这么长时间,但是你们也不用一见面就这么剑拔弩张吧。”杨开笑吟吟地望着两人 Thunder Dragon took a deep breath, as if did not have fluctuating of gentle under mood, hesitated, holds the fist saying: Was disrespectful.” 雷龙深吸一口气,似乎还没平缓下心情的起伏,沉吟了下,抱拳道:“失礼了。” Zhang Yuan is not the quantity young person, saw Thunder Dragon saying that immediately laughed: Many thanks Holy Master Yang, had the offending place, but also please excuse me.” 长渊也不是量小之人,见雷龙都这么说,当即呵呵一笑:“多谢杨圣主了,有得罪的地方,还请见谅。” This was right, lives under blue sky, why to meet kills.” Yang Kai nods gently, the attitude to two people satisfies, sees many stood in place, sizes up own with the unusual vision, puts out a hand empty according to saying: Sits, you're welcome, says that now I called you to come, had the matter to with you discuss.” “这就对了,都生活在一片蓝天之下,何必一见面就打打杀杀的。”杨开轻轻颔首,对两人的态度大为满意,见不少人都站在原地,用异样的目光打量自己,伸手虚按道:“都坐吧,不用客气,今曰我叫你们过来,是有事情要跟你们商议的。” Hehe, knows Holy Master Yang to return, this Senior/true body said the night to travel at double speed, caught up with Holy Land from Demon Capital City, but does not know that Holy Master Yang did call me and others to have what important matter? But here the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse got together, Holy Master Yang must say that definitely no small matter?” Zhang Yuan as if inquired at will, but in that eyes actually reveals deep dreading. 呵呵,得知杨圣主回归,本尊曰夜兼程,从魔都赶来圣地,只是不知杨圣主召集我等到底有何要事?这里可是人妖魔三族强者齐聚了,想必杨圣主要说的,肯定非同小可吧?”长渊似乎随意地询问,可那双眼中却流露出深深的忌惮。 A moment ago Yang Kai separated him and Thunder Dragon, although has not felt too many, but Zhang Yuan actually knows, present Yang Kai, at all is not own can compare.( To be continued.) 刚才杨开将他与雷龙分开,虽然没有感受到太多,但长渊却知道,如今的杨开,根本不是自己能够比拟的。(未完待续。)
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