MP :: Volume #16

#1559: Control

With the passage of time, with the evolution and evolution of race, this stars gradually becomes colorful, the energy is abundant, the major race prosperity, the entire mainland is thriving . 随着时间的推移,随着种族的演变和进化,这一颗星辰逐渐变得多姿多彩,能量充沛,各大种族兴荣,整个大陆繁荣昌盛。. All lives are deriving the energy from the mainland recklessly, gains various types intemperately to the beneficial thing. 所有生灵都在肆意地从大陆汲取能量,无节制地获取各种对自身有益的东西。 Does not know when from starts, it aged suddenly. 不知道从什么时候开始,它忽然变老了。 It no longer so many energies for these lives ** the expiration and inspiration, it no longer has the unnecessary energy to breed massive precious and rare and precious ** material. 它不再有那么多的能量供那些生灵**吐纳,它不再有多余的能量孕育出大量宝贵而珍稀的**材料。 It starts becomes barren, its strong in will but weak in power, is looking in the innumerable lives that on the own land lives, wants to help but unable. 它开始变得贫瘠,它有心无力,望着在自己的土地上生活的无数生灵,爱莫能助。 Ancient times thriving gradually abated, world's spiritual energy was day by day thin, as the martial artist cultivation level boundary also the passage of time, was getting more and more low. 远古的繁荣昌盛逐渐消退,天地灵气一天比一天稀薄,武者们的修为境界也随着时间的推移,越来越低。 No one can try to find out higher Heavenly Law Martial Dao again. 再无人能够摸索到更高的天道武道 It was really old, such as a gentle father, a mother of affection, suffers great hardships the child raises, fosters **, whatever they demand everything to own, does not have the complaint. 它真的老了,如一位慈祥的父亲,一位慈爱的母亲,含辛茹苦将孩子拉扯大,抚养**,任凭他们对自己予取予求,毫无怨言。 But it is unable to provide many help to the children again. 但它再也无法给孩子们提供更多的帮助。 It has had the youth, has had the full vigor, is now, it can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, the waiting perishes said. 它拥有过青春,拥有过满满的活力,可是如今,它只能苟延残喘,等待灭亡的一曰。 Its children, called it for Tong Xuan Continent! 它的孩子们,称呼它为通玄大陆 ...... …… Yang Kai sobers from that mysterious condition, look vicissitudes. 杨开从那玄妙的状态中清醒过来,眼神沧桑。 He witnessed one with own eyes ** the birth of star, prosperous, feeble, gradually the trend perishes, he such as this ** the star was the same, passed through that trillion years of years, he surged suddenly inexplicably indescribable feelings. 他亲眼见证了一颗**之星的诞生,兴盛,衰弱,逐渐走向灭亡,他如这颗**之星一样,度过了那亿万年的岁月,他忽然莫名地涌起一种难以言喻的感触。 Mood cultivation level promotes at the crazy speed, at this moment, he understands were more, such as lived the innumerable year of wise men, in his eye twinkling wisdom, but ** rays of light. 心境的修为以疯狂的速度提升起来,这一刻,他明白了很多很多,就如一个活了无数年的智者,他的眼中闪烁着睿智而**的光芒 He felt, if makes own break through Void King Stage now, the own state of mind will not present any flaw! 他觉得,若是让自己现在突破到虚王境,自己的心境都不会出现任何破绽! His sensibility to Martial Dao Heavenly Law, already by far surpass own cultivation level! 他对武道天道的感悟,已经远远超越了自身的修为 The promotion of state of mind, needed the accumulation of time, witnesses itself around the evolution development of thing, happens to hold the same view with all sorts that Yang Kai experienced a moment ago. 心境的提升,本来就是需要时间的积累,见证自身周围事物的演变发展,与杨开刚才所经历的种种不谋而合。 Mood cultivation level cannot find out, said unclearly, actually exists , is also only then Yang Kai own can clear feel, his didn't expect, Little Senior Sister refining up Star Source, makes him also follow to profit unexpectedly. 心境的修为摸不清,说不明,却是真实存在的,也是只有杨开自己清楚感受到的,他没想到,小师姐炼化星辰本源,竟让他也跟着受益。 He wants to immerse in that marvelous atmosphere again, but how to him diligently, not to have the means to enter the inner world of entire mainland again. 他很想再沉浸在那种奇妙的氛围中,但任凭他如何努力,再也没办法进入整个大陆的精神世界。 This makes him somewhat sigh with regret. 这让他有些扼腕叹息。 , Yang Kai detected long-drawn-out probably anything, the complexion sank, crawls since the ground hastily, flushes away toward that bottom abyss place. 悠地,杨开像是察觉到了什么,脸色一沉,连忙从地上爬起,朝那地底深渊处冲去。 Under as if transmitted Little Senior Sister ** the sound, that sound is passing one type difficult and pain! 下方似乎传来了小师姐的**声,那声音透着一种艰辛和痛楚! Arrives at the edge, Yang Kai only saw that giant ash fire is dragging erratically, Little Senior Sister disappears, but he can actually feel, Xia Ning Chang was wrapped in the ash fire, vicissitudes. 来到边缘,杨开只见到那巨大的灰火在摇曳不定,小师姐不见踪影,可他却能感觉到,夏凝裳就被包裹在灰火之中,浮浮沉沉。 All around world's spiritual energy is going toward the underground abyss accumulation crazily, not only included the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km), even also spread a farther place. 四周的天地灵气正在疯狂地朝地下深渊聚集而去,不但包括了方圆数百里,甚至还蔓延到了更远的地方。 As if entire Gloom Star world's spiritual energy became some disorder. 似乎整个幽暗星天地灵气都变得有些紊乱了。 Little Senior Sister cultivation level boundary, by crazy fearsome speed increase. 小师姐修为境界,正在以疯狂可怖的速度提升。 Originally she only then Saint King 2-layer, but at this moment, had actually arrived at Saint King 2-layer Peak. 原本她只有圣王两层境,但是此刻,却已经到了圣王两层境顶峰 Crosses a meeting again, breaks through to Saint King 3-layer directly! 再过一会,直接突破到圣王三层境 Has not stopped, is still increasing successively. 没有停止,依然在节节攀升。 Saint King 3-layer Peak! Has just like touched the Void Return Stage threshold. 圣王三层境顶峰!俨然已经触碰到了返虚镜的门槛。 Yang Kai eye of reveal color with amazement. 杨开目露骇然之色。 Like this promotes cultivation level intemperately, is enormous to the load of martial artist body, but by Little Senior Sister aptitude, should also be able to endure. 这样无节制地提升修为,对武者身体的负荷是极大的,但以小师姐资质,应该还可以忍受。 The one who lets Yang Kai worry is not this, but is all around world's spiritual energy...... as if no longer surges toward here. 杨开担忧的并不是这个,而是四周的天地灵气……似乎不再往这里涌动。 world's spiritual energy that before gathered, had been broken through Saint King 3-layer and attacked Void Return Stage the time by Xia Ning Chang consumes. 之前聚集过来的天地灵气,已经被夏凝裳突破圣王三层境和冲击返虚镜的时候消耗完毕。 In the giant ash fire has Xia Ning Chang aura, this explained that she and Star Source fusion is very smooth, because this smooth, made Little Senior Sister fall into the difficult place. 巨大的灰火中有夏凝裳气息,这说明她与星辰本源的融合很顺利,可正是因为这种顺利,才让小师姐陷入了两难之地。 Many world's spiritual energy, have not broken through for her to Void Return Stage, without so many spiritual energy, making her obtain the baptism of the world energy. 没有更多的天地灵气,供她突破到返虚镜了,也没有那么多的灵气,让她得到天地能量的洗礼。 This is a breakthrough of big boundary, cannot allow the least bit to be careless, once is defeated, is fusing the Star Source condition by Xia Ning Chang now, where the result definitely very to goes. 这是一个大境界的突破,根本容不得半点马虎,一旦失败的话,以夏凝裳如今正在融合星辰本源的状态,结局肯定好不到哪去。 Yang Kai worries secretly. 杨开暗暗着急。 Suddenly, he at present one bright, thinks of means. 忽然,他眼前一亮,想到一个办法。 world's spiritual energy is insufficient, can replace with Saint Crystal! Before own broke through time has not used Saint Crystal, that was because the Gloom Star energy was abundant, met the own need completely. 天地灵气不足,可以用圣晶代替!以前自己突破的时候没有使用过圣晶,那是因为幽暗星的能量充沛,完全满足自己的需求。 Now since the Tong Xuan Continent energy could not satisfy Little Senior Sister, Saint Crystal happen to can supplement. 如今既然通玄大陆的能量满足不了小师姐,圣晶正好可以补充。 Yang Kai puts out a hand to stroke on the own ring, twinkling Saint Crystal of clean white light glow, such as Milky Way is falling in torrents, falls toward under. 杨开伸手在自己的戒指上一拂,大片大片闪烁着洁白光芒的圣晶,如银河倾泻,朝下方落去。 Has not fallen to the abyss most bottom, then has changed into ashes completely, erupts bunch of bunches of not allow to neglect energies from the interior, goes toward the location/position place accumulation that Xia Ning Chang and giant ash fire are. 尚未落到深渊最底部,便已全部化为齑粉,从内部爆发出一团团一簇簇不容忽视的能量,朝夏凝裳和巨大灰火所在的位置处聚集而去。 Difficulty of Xia Ning Chang ** vanishes does not see, disorder aura that under transmits also has to become the steady sign, ash fire that even that drags, stabilized much. 夏凝裳的艰辛**消失不见,底下传来的紊乱气息也有变得平稳的迹象,甚至连那摇曳的灰火,也稳定了不少。 Yang Kai looks the happy expression, many Saint Crystal will be falling toward under. 杨开面露喜色,将更多的圣晶朝下方倾倒着。 For this long-distance voyage, he brought many Saint Crystal, including , said that plunders Saint Crystal that came from Thunder Typhoon Sect Headquarters, with part of preserves of High Heaven Sect. 为了这次远航,他带了很多圣晶,其中包括了当曰从雷台宗总舵搜刮而来的圣晶,和凌霄宗的一部分储藏。 At this moment, this billions of Saint Crystal, the total was lost by Yang Kai to under. 此时此刻,这数以亿计的圣晶,全数被杨开丢向下方。 world's spiritual energy gradually becomes rich, the giant ash fire becomes exuberant, Little Senior Sister aura is steady, all are developing in the good direction. 天地灵气逐渐变得浓郁起来,巨大的灰火变得旺盛,小师姐气息平稳,一切都在往好的方向发展。 Yang Kai felt that Xia Ning Chang aura is increasing rapidly, quick broke through the Saint King 3-layer shackles. 杨开感觉到夏凝裳气息在迅速攀升着,很快就突破了圣王三层境的桎梏。 The baptism of the world energy is following! 天地能量的洗礼随之而来! Then by Saint Crystal ** however the world energy of coming, gathers , rush fierce, such as the antiquity Evil Dragon was common, toward the Little Senior Sister bombardment in the past. 那由圣晶**而来的天地能量,汇聚成一道道,一股股,凶猛澎湃,如上古恶龙一般,朝小师姐轰击过去。 Dark , the pair of small hand shuttles back and forth when the ash fire, is pinching the complicated mysterious law seal, is guiding these world energies, making them be packed with itself, accepts this to promote the big boundary body baptism and spiritual sublimation. 冥冥之中,有一双小手在灰火之中穿梭,掐着繁奥的法印,引导着这些天地能量,让它们涌入自身,接受这晋升大境界时的身体洗礼和精神升华。 The entire process is mammoth, is actually shocking but not dangerous. 整个过程波澜壮阔,却有惊无险。 After the world energy when that rushes returns to normal, under the abyss giant ash fire also vanishes suddenly does not see. 等到那澎湃的天地能量平复下来之后,深渊下方的巨大灰火也忽然消失不见。 The world returns to the darkness. 天地回归黑暗。 But in the Little Senior Sister tender body, is actually sending out light dazzling light, such as the goddess descends to earth, the solemn silence, the ice however is inviolable. 小师姐的娇躯内,却散发着淡淡的荧光,如神女下凡,庄严肃穆,凌然不可侵犯。 Yang Kai stands above the abyss, calmly is looking at her, turns one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily. 杨开站在深渊上方,静静地望着她,目眩神驰。 Present Little Senior Sister, was the real Void Return Stage powerhouse, although was only 1-layer, but had Tong Xuan Continent Star Source and Spiritual Medicine Holy Body she, definitely had the infinite potential. 如今的小师姐,是货真价实的返虚镜强者了,虽然只是一层境,但拥有通玄大陆星辰本源药灵圣体的她,绝对有无限的潜力。 This fearful potential, only feared that even Yang Kai must look up. 这种可怕的潜力,只怕连杨开都要仰望。 He has not had the feeling of what feeling inferior, he only thought that said, effort that needs to make perhaps more. 他没有生出什么自卑之感,他只觉得曰后需要付出的努力恐怕得更多。 Otherwise which said, was dominated by the own woman in own above, very much a matter that harms the self-respect. 否则哪一曰,被自己的女人凌驾在自己之上,是很伤自尊的一件事。 Little Senior Sister does not have the sound, but stands in Void, is shutting tightly the double pupil, on the elegant face a mysterious air, seems like sensing anything silently. 小师姐没有动静,只是站在虚空之中,紧闭着双眸,俏脸上一片神秘的色彩,似乎是在默默地感悟着什么。 For a long time for a long time, Xia Ning Chang opens the beautiful pupil suddenly, in the eye a harvest full look, flies joyfully toward the above. 许久许久,夏凝裳才忽然睁开美眸,眼中一片收获满满的神色,欣喜至极地朝上方飞来。 Yang Kai shows the smile, puts out a hand to hold on her, drags her side. 杨开露出微笑,伸手拉住她,将她拖到身边。 Junior Brother, I seemed like surpass Saint King Stage.” Xia Ning Chang jumping for joy said/tunnel. 师弟,我似乎超越圣王境呢。”夏凝裳雀跃地道。 Em, truly surpass.” Yang Kai nods gently. “恩,确实超越了。”杨开轻轻颔首。 This boundary called anything, the feeling was quite marvelous.” “这个境界叫什么,感觉好奇妙。” Void Return Stage, now I also in this boundary. Arrived this boundary, needed the potential of concise own, has time I to explain that listens to you.” 返虚镜,如今我也在这个境界。到了这个境界,需要凝练自己的势,有时间我解释给你听。” Good.” “好。” We first went out to say again, has not known many time, only feared Holy Land that side person should become impatient.” Yang Kai proposed, so saying, is then drawing Xia Ning Chang to go toward the layman. “我们先出去再说,也不知道过了多少时间,只怕圣地那边的人应该等急了。”杨开提议道,这般说着,便拉着夏凝裳朝外行去。 Makes me come.” Xia Ning Chang stopped him, in surface eager some expressions. “让我来吧。”夏凝裳制止了他,面上有些跃跃欲试的表情。 Yang Kai looked at her one eyes, then understands quickly, nods gently. 杨开看了她一眼,很快便明白过来,轻轻颔首。 Xia Ning Chang then stretches out one finger/refers, selects gently toward the front. 夏凝裳这才伸出一指,朝前方轻轻点去。 The finger/refers that the beautiful pure beautiful woman selects, as if not bring the air/Qi of slight smoke and fire. 美丽纯真的佳人点出的这一指,似乎不带丝毫烟火之气。 The front presented an vortex suddenly. 前方忽然出现了一个漩涡。 Xia Ning Chang draws Yang Kai one to worm one's way into. 夏凝裳拉着杨开一头钻了进去。 Waits for two people to present the time again, Yang Kai discovered impressively own has stood in Nine Heavens Holy Land, before Xia Ning Chang closed up the secret room that before. 两人再出现的时候,杨开赫然发现自己已经站在了九天圣地内,之前夏凝裳闭关所在的密室前。 One step, then spanned 1 million li (0.5 km) impediment! 一步,便跨越了百万里的阻隔! Even ** Space Force Yang Kai is unable to achieve this degree. 即便是**了空间力量杨开也无法做到这种程度。 Junior Brother you said right, fused Star Source, I felt that own as if became this mainland's control, in an instant, can go to any place of mainland, even can transfer the energy of entire mainland.” Xia Ning Chang answered in a soft voice. 师弟你说的没错,融合了星辰本源,我感觉自己似乎成了这个大陆的主宰,一念之间,可以去往大陆的任何一个地方,甚至可以调动起整个大陆的能量。”夏凝裳轻声解释道。 This was the Star Master strength.” Yang Kai is smiling gently, „, therefore these Void King Stage powerhouses, will want to refine Star Source, advantage and sensibility that because they can be inconceivable. Little Senior Sister, Tong Xuan Continent now with you are inseparable, you are also first refine the Star Source person by Saint King Stage, said , the honor or disgrace rise and fall of this mainland are closely linked with your cultivation level boundary, can make our native lands radiate the vigor, looked at your effort.” “这就是星主的力量了。”杨开轻轻地笑着,“所以那些虚王境强者,才会想要去炼化星辰本源,因为他们可以从中得到难以想象的好处和感悟。小师姐,通玄大陆如今与你已经是密不可分,你也是头一个以圣王境炼化星辰本源的人,曰后这片大陆的荣辱兴衰与你的修为境界息息相关,到底能不能让我们的故土重新焕发活力,就看你的努力了。” By a Yang Kai such saying, Xia Ning Chang was felt the pressure suddenly like the mountain. 杨开这么一说,夏凝裳忽然感觉压力如山。 The future of as if entire mainland trillion lives, press on her shoulder. 似乎整个大陆亿万生灵的未来,都压在她的肩膀上。 However quick, Xia Ning Chang then restores, nods said: I will certainly try hard, does not make it leave uncultivated again.” 不过很快,夏凝裳便恢复过来,颔首道:“我一定会努力的,不让它再荒废下去。” Walks, many people in we.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, draws Xia Ning Chang to spread in a direction. “走吧,很多人都在等我们。”杨开微微一笑,拉着夏凝裳朝一个方向驰去。 In his sensation, that side has innumerable familiar life aura, is waiting for the arrival of own. 在他的感知中,那边有无数熟悉的生命气息,正在等候自己的到来。 In a Nine Heavens Holy Land main hall, is almost fully occupied. 九天圣地的一处大殿中,几乎人满为患。 Here, Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans gets together. 在这里,人妖魔三族齐聚。 Entire mainland honored and popular person, almost all in this place. 整个大陆有头有脸的人,几乎全在此地了。 This is an extremely terrifying strength. 这是一股极为恐怖的力量。 Although the population are many, but the scene is quite peaceful, only then some people cast once for a while toward the main hall outside the vision, seems waiting for the arrival of anyone. 人数虽多,但现场却极为安静,只有时不时地有人将目光朝大殿外投去,仿佛在等待什么人的到来。 Can make the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse be assemble, moreover person who waits to say, the entire mainland also only has one person. 能让人妖魔三族强者齐聚一堂,而且等候多曰的人,整个大陆也只有一人。 Lord of Nine Heavens Holy Land!( To be continued.) 九天圣地之主!(未完待续。)
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