MP :: Volume #16

#1558: Testimony

A Xia Ning Chang face color with amazement, is looking at Yang Kai . 夏凝裳一脸骇然之色,怔怔地望着杨开。. She has never thought that the stars also had the birth and death, the Yang Kai's words gave her without doubt very big impact. 她从未想过,星辰也有生老病死,杨开的话无疑给了她很大的冲击。 But since said from the Junior Brother mouth, she believed in firmly. 但既然是从师弟口中说出来的,那她就深信不疑。 Remembers entire Tong Xuan Continent vitality to be disappointed, a deathly stillness, the Xia Ning Chang tender body cannot bear tremble, she is unable to imagine, if Tong Xuan Continent so, that some lives will really fully suffer the disaster, should have many lives to vanish into thin air. 一想起整个通玄大陆生机潦倒,一片死寂,夏凝裳的娇躯就忍不住战栗起来,她无法想象,若是通玄大陆真的如此,那该有多少生灵会饱受劫难,该有多少生命就此烟消云散。 She is very distressed suddenly. 她忽然感到很痛心。 „Can Junior Brother, let its lights reignition?” Xia Ning Chang asked suddenly. 师弟,能让它的灯火重燃么?”夏凝裳忽然发问。 Yang Kai turns head to look to her, nods gently. 杨开扭头望向她,轻轻颔首。 How to do? Junior Brother teaches me!” Xia Ning Chang is nipping red lips lightly, anxious say/way. “怎么做?师弟教我!”夏凝裳轻咬着红唇,急切道。 Key on you.” Yang Kai took a deep breath, Star Source, although has the own life, but has not actually realized, it is all sorts of mysterious unions. It chose you, although the initial goal is to derive your life energy, supplements itself, delays the speed of perishing. Good that enough but if processes, not only can make Tong Xuan Continent glow vitality, can help you gain the huge advantage.” “关键就在你身上了。”杨开深吸一口气,“星辰本源虽然有自己的生命,但却没有意识,它是种种神奇的结合。它选择了你,虽然最初的目的是想汲取你的生命能量,补充自身,延迟灭亡的速度。但如果处理的够好,不但能让通玄大陆重新焕发生机,也能让你获得巨大的好处。” The Xia Ning Chang facial expression shakes. 夏凝裳神情一震。 Yang Kai has turned the head, has the sound, have a relish sizes up under that giant ash fire. 杨开转过头,啧啧有声,饶有兴致地打量起那下方的巨大灰火。 Star Source! Since he enters Star Territory, will then often hear this thing, which stars the strength of source but he never has to witness with own eyes. 星辰本源啊!自他进入星域之后,便时常会听到这个东西,可他从来没有亲眼见证过哪个星辰的本源之力。 Are Hanging Mainland that group of energies the sources, but also waits for confirming. 悬空大陆内部的那团能量到底是不是本源,还有待验证。 It can be said that the present giant ash fire is the first source that he sees! 可以说,眼前的巨大灰火是他见到的第一个本源! This is ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet! 这是万载难逢的机遇! Strength of terrifying source is unusual, anybody wants to be close, must take the big risk, is the Void King Stage powerhouse, which also does not dare to be close to at will ** star Star Source. 本源之力恐怖异常,任何人想要接近,都得冒着巨大的风险,便是虚王境强者,也不敢随意地接近哪一颗**之星的星辰本源 But wants to refine it, is beset with difficulties, is not careful then can by strength of backlash source, falls at the scene. 而想要炼化它,也是困难重重,一个不小心便会被本源之力反噬,陨落当场。 since ancient times, in Star Territory was born many Void King Stage powerhouses, there are many powerhouses of this level, in building up the Star Source process falls. 古往今来,星域中诞生过不少虚王境强者,有许多这个层次的强者,在炼化星辰本源的过程中陨落 Now in Star Territory, ** the star are innumerable, but can refine one ** star Star Source, becomes the character of Star Master rank, is actually to grasp may count. 当今星域中,**之星无数,但是能够炼化掉某一颗**之星的星辰本源,成为星主级别的人物,却是屈指可数。 No Void King Stage powerhouse, dares to crack a joke with the own poor life at will. They rather with hardship **, does not dare to refine Star Source rashly. 没有哪个虚王境强者,敢随意地拿自己的小命开玩笑。他们宁愿苦苦**,也不敢贸然去炼化星辰本源 But now, has such an opportunity to be placed in front of Xia Ning Chang. 可是如今,却有这样一个机会摆在夏凝裳面前。 With other ** compared with the source of star, Tong Xuan Continent the strength of source without doubt late in life old, said thin Xishan. 与其他**之星的本源相比,通玄大陆的本源之力无疑已经迟暮老矣,曰薄西山。 It is for this reason that by Xia Ning Chang that the strength of source takes possession together, will feel occasionally weary, even pondered that is disinclined to ponder, for no reason has the senile feeling. 正是因为如此,被一道本源之力附体的夏凝裳,才会偶尔感到疲倦,甚至连思考都懒得思考,平白地生出衰老的感觉。 Was not she was senile, but was the source is getting older, perished in the trend step by step! 并非是她衰老了,而是本源在老化,在一步步走向灭亡! The strength of this source chose Xia Ning Chang together, gives she refine qualifications. 这一道本源之力选择了夏凝裳,给予了她炼化的资格。 Although Xia Ning Chang only then Saint King 2-layer, cultivation level is insufficient, but if there is a sufficient will, courage decidedly, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to refine such a group of sources. 夏凝裳虽然只有圣王两层境,修为不足,但如果有足够的毅力,决然的勇气,未必没机会炼化掉这样一团本源。 Even Yang Kai somewhat envied her chance! 杨开都有些羡慕她的机缘了! Although is somewhat dangerous, but point of no return also has to send now. 虽然有些危险,但是如今箭在弦上也不得不发了。 The strength and Xia Ning Chang source are close, if one suffers, all suffers, if one prospers, all prospers, it, if perished, Xia Ning Chang definitely will follow to be buried along with the dead, only then refining up it, can seek that vitality. 本源之力与夏凝裳紧密相连,一损俱损,一荣俱荣,它若是灭亡了,夏凝裳必然会跟着陪葬,只有炼化掉它,才能博取那一线生机 After saying, as the growth and strengthen of Xia Ning Chang, this group of giant ash fires then have the opportunity to resurge, makes Tong Xuan Continent glow vitality. 曰后随着夏凝裳的成长和变强,这一团巨大灰火便有机会死灰复燃,重新让通玄大陆焕发生机 Naturally, the premise is Xia Ning Chang is powerful enough! 当然,前提是夏凝裳足够强大才可以! Stated clearly in which truth and stake, Xia Ning Chang nods without hesitation said: I am willing to refine it!” 将其中的道理和利害关系言明,夏凝裳毫不犹豫地颔首道:“我愿意炼化它!” Yang Kai was startled, the smile nodded the head said: Good, actually Little Senior Sister you do not need to worry, since it chose you, is some truth, you only need to try hard to do, making it admit you, making own fuse it to be OK, once succeeded, you and it again were also then inalienable, you will become Tong Xuan Continent Star Master, you can be here control, here honor or disgrace rise and fall, only in you in an instant!” 杨开怔了一下,微笑颔首道:“好,其实小师姐你也不用担心,它既然选择了你,想必也是有些道理的,你只需要努力去做,让它接纳你,让自己融合它就可以了,一旦成功,你与它便再也不可分割了,你将成为通玄大陆星主,你会是这里的主宰,这里的荣辱兴衰,都只在你一念之间!” Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods layer on layer/heavily, had not become confused the head by the beautiful future of Yang Kai description, but asked seriously: „But how I should do specifically, can refine it?” “恩。”夏凝裳重重颔首,并没有被杨开描述的美好前景而冲昏脑袋,而是严肃问道:“可是我具体该怎么做,才能将它炼化?” Come, I pass on your one set **, this ** refining up Star Source specially.” Yang Kai showed a faint smile, draws Xia Ning Chang to sit. “来,我传你一套**,这**是专门炼化星辰本源的。”杨开微微一笑,拉着夏凝裳坐了下来。 Let her let loose the Consciousness Sea defense, Yang Kai escapes into Divine Soul Spirit Body to her Consciousness Sea, starts one mysteriously exceptionally ** gives as much support as possible. 让她放开识海防御,杨开神魂灵体遁入到她的识海中,开始将一篇玄妙异常的**倾囊相授。 Star Refining Art! 炼星决 Yang Kai thing obtained from Emperor Garden. 杨开帝苑中得到的东西。 He thinks that wants, when own has toward said refining up Star Source time, will use it, actually does not want to make Xia Ning Chang profit ahead of time. 他本以为要等到自己有朝一曰去炼化星辰本源的时候,才会用到它,却不想提前让夏凝裳受益了。 This set **, hidden in together stele. 这一套**,隐藏在一块石碑之中。 When said in Emperor Garden, Yang Kai and Shan Qingluo and Xue Yue encountered, a war, stele was destroyed, jumped stone token to come from the stele detritus together, above had three ancient writing. 当曰在帝苑内,杨开扇轻罗雪月遭遇,一番大战,石碑被打坏,从石碑的碎屑中蹦出一块石牌来,上面有三个古老的文字。 Xue Yue as if regards as important to this stone token extremely, imploring Yang Kai to give her stone token. 雪月似乎对这个石牌极为看重,祈求杨开石牌给她。 Yang Kai nearly complied. 杨开险些照做了。 Finally actually because of the closure of Emperor Garden, but lets Xue Yue and stone token just misses. 最后却因为帝苑的关闭,而让雪月石牌失之交臂。 After waiting to return to High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai comprehends carefully, knows in stone token contains unexpectedly is one calls Star Refining Art **, on that stone token three ancient writing, yes ** name. 等回到凌霄宗之后,杨开仔细参悟,才知道石牌内蕴藏的居然是一篇叫炼星决的**,那石牌上三个古老的文字,就是**的名字。 This ** does not have other use, is used to refine Star Source, is Starry Sky Great Emperor hands down, profound mysterious. 这**没别的用处,就是用来炼化星辰本源的,乃星空大帝传下,高深玄妙。 Xia Ning Chang refining up Star Source with it, is absolutely twice the result with half the effort. 夏凝裳用它来炼化星辰本源,绝对事半功倍。 The instruction process is quick, did not arrive at the 5 minutes time, Yang Kai then already the entire chapter Star Refining Art quarter in the Xia Ning Chang mind, forgave the attainment that own comprehended. 传授过程很快,前后不到半盏茶的功夫,杨开便已将整篇炼星决刻在了夏凝裳的脑海中,其中还包涵了自己参悟的心得。 Withdraws from her Consciousness Sea Divine Soul Spirit Body, Yang Kai calmly waits. 神魂灵体从她的识海里退出,杨开静静等候起来。 Under Xia Ning Chang needs to comprehend this Star Refining Art well, she needs time. 夏凝裳需要好好参悟下这篇炼星决,她需要时间 Outside said that rises moon/month hidden, in cavern quiet silent. 外面曰升月隐,洞窟内静谧无声。 Enough one month later, Xia Ning Chang opens the beautiful pupil suddenly, shouted the one breath gently, on the elegant face somewhat seems to be exhausted, but in the beautiful pupil actually full is the color of rousing. 足足一个月后,夏凝裳才忽然睁开美眸,轻轻地呼了一口气,俏脸上似乎有些疲惫,可美眸里却满是振奋之色。 Junior Brother, I prepared.” 师弟,我准备好了。” That starts.” The Yang Kai vision brilliant looks to her. “那就开始吧。”杨开目光灼灼地望向她。 Xia Ning Chang nods gently, sets out, walks toward that bottom abyss. 夏凝裳轻轻点头,起身,朝那地底深渊走去。 Arrives at the edge of the abyss, she stares at the giant ash fire of below jump, the sandalwood is opening lightly seasoned, seems like thinking aloud, seems like exchanging with the source: If I sacrifice the own life, can make you bright, will let the entire mainland not deathly stillness, then I am willing to do that. But if cannot, ask you to admit me, fuses with me, making your me fight side-by-side. I will try hard **, grows stronger as soon as possible, making you restore the vigor!” 来到深渊边缘,她凝视着下方跳跃的巨大灰火,檀口轻启,似乎是在自言自语,又似乎是在与本源交流:“若我献出自己的生命,能让你重新变得光明,让整个大陆不会死寂,那么我愿意这么做。但是如果不能,就请你接纳我,与我融合,让你我并肩作战。我会努力**,尽快变强,让你重新恢复活力!” Below giant ash fire stands one's ground steadfastly, had not responded. 下方的巨大灰火岿然不动,没有丝毫反应。 However then sound of erupts chī chī, that ash fire about drags quickly unexpectedly, with the swing, the giant ash fire such as the flower bud is unexpectedly ordinary, blooms toward all around slowly, as if opened wide the bosom to Xia Ning Chang. 不过很快便嗤嗤之声大作,那灰火竟左右摇曳起来,随着摇摆,巨大的灰火竟如花蕾一般,徐徐朝四周绽放,仿佛是向夏凝裳敞开了怀抱。 In the Xia Ning Chang surface reveals wipes the smile, said in a soft voice: Thanks!” 夏凝裳的面上露出一抹微笑,轻声道:“谢谢!” The words fall, suddenly jumps to jump downward. 话落,忽然纵身往下跳去。 Yang Kai complexion big change. 杨开脸色大变。 This result came as a surprise to his completely, his didn't expect Little Senior Sister unexpectedly so decidedly. 这个结果完全出乎了他的意料,他没想到小师姐竟如此决然。 When he responded, wanted to prevent, already without enough time. 等他反应过来,想要阻止的时候,已经来不及了。 Rushes to the edge of the abyss, looking into the distance, the giant ash fire has closed up, submerges the Little Senior Sister figure thoroughly. 奔到深渊边缘,放眼望去,巨大的灰火已经合拢,彻底将小师姐的身形淹没。 The strength that is inconceivable spews out from, raises to fly the Yang Kai whole person, hits on the dike. 一股难以想象的力量从下方喷涌而出,将杨开整个人掀飞出去,撞在岩壁上。 Even if said that thin Xishan the strength of source, is not Yang Kai can approach. 即便是曰薄西山的本源之力,也不是杨开能够靠近的。 It does not want to make Yang Kai disturb the entire process obviously. 它显然不想让杨开干扰整个过程。 Since Yang Kai crawls from the ground, on face Yin clear uncertain, is good can feel Little Senior Sister aura because of him below deep place vicissitude. 杨开从地上爬起,脸上阴晴不定,好在他能感受到小师姐气息正在下方深处浮沉。 He waits with trepidation. 他提心吊胆地等候起来。 Now he has no way to disturb anything, can only wait for the emergence of result. 如今他没法干扰任何事,只能等待结果的出现。 , A faint trace fills the air long-drawn-out mysteriously suddenly from the underground abyss place, making the Yang Kai agitated mood return to normal suddenly. 悠地,一丝丝神奇忽然从地下深渊处弥漫出来,让杨开烦躁的心情蓦然平复下来。 He frowns, is feeling silently mysteriously these. 他皱起眉头,默默地感受着这些神奇。 He as if saw something. 他仿佛看到了一些东西。 Closes the eye hastily, noses carefully. 连忙闭上眼睛,仔细查探起来。 Boundless Star Territory, dark boundless, not slightly luminous, this seems like one not to have the light, without the age of life, this is an extremely ancient age, age that is unable to trace. 茫茫星域,黑暗无边,没有丝毫光亮,这似乎是一个没有光,没有生命的年代,这是一个极为古老的年代,无法追溯的年代。 Yang Kai looks around, cannot see anything, even including own existence is unable the sensation. 杨开举目四望,看不到任何东西,甚至连自身的存在都无法感知。 time then in this desolated alone passed little. 时间便在这荒芜孤寂中一点点地度过。 Also has not known many ten thousand years, in that darkness boundless Star Territory, erupted rays of light suddenly, that rays of light initial is very small, but quick then such as spark, spreads toward all around. 也不知道过了多少万年,在那黑暗无边的星域之中,蓦然爆发出一点光芒,那光芒初始很小,但很快便如星星之火,朝四周蔓延开来。 Entire Star Territory is turbulent, is that huge energy impact. 整个星域都动荡着,为那巨大的能量冲击。 Meteorites big or small in attack, they gather together, under a fusion of mysterious strength, becomes a body. 一块块或大或小的陨石在四下冲击,它们汇聚到一起,在一股神奇的力量的融合下,结为一体。 A little at a time mounts up, gradually, stars appeared in Star Territory. 聚沙成塔,逐渐地,一颗星辰出现在了星域之中。 This is stars of new birth, without the fluctuation of energy, all around is still dark, it drifts with the current, such as a vacant helpless child, roams about in boundless Star Territory, without end point, forgot where own is. 这是一颗新诞生的星辰,没有能量波动,四周依然黑暗,它随波逐流,如一个茫然无助的孩子,在茫茫星域之中流浪,没有终点,也忘记了自己是从哪里来。 1 million years passed by, it arrived at a bright world suddenly, this world has huge Sun Star, always sends out is being full of the thermal temperately rays of light. 百万年过去了,它忽然来到了一片光明的世界,这个世界有巨大的曰星,无时无刻散发着温和充满热量的光芒 It stopped the step, lingers that Sun Star to start to revolve. 它停下了步伐,萦绕着那颗曰星开始旋转起来。 Gradually, the myriad things start to recover, in its land, gave birth to some deep green plants, gave birth to some flowers and plants. 逐渐地,万物开始复苏,它的大地上,生出了一些碧绿的植物,生出了一些花花草草。 Also is several million years of evolution evolutions, finally, has the spiritual wisdom life to start to appear in this stars above, they are most ancient a number of lives, is the most glorious race. 又是几百万年的演变进化,终于,一些有灵智的生灵开始出现在这颗星辰之上,他们是最古老的一批生灵,是最悠久的种族。 They desire strongly, in saying often lives studies, growth, strengthen. 他们如饥似渴地在曰常生活中学习,成长,变强。 They presented the branch, the each and everyone different race births. 他们出现了分支,一个个不同的种族诞生。 Human Race, Monster Race, Demon Race, even many grotesque races. 人类,妖族,魔族,甚至还有许许多多奇形怪状的种族。 No longer satisfies them of simple life starts to fight for various resources fights, they tried to find out that by the method that oneself grown stronger, they started **. 不再满足于简单生活的他们开始为了争夺各种资源而战斗,他们摸索出了让自身变强的方法,他们开始**。 Some races perished, some races become more powerful.( To be continued.) 有的种族灭亡了,有的种族变得更加强大。(未完待续。)
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