MP :: Volume #16

#1557: Star Source

With the Xia Ning Chang careful inquiry, Yang Kai knows that she obtains that to roll gray qi is really the accident of sorts. 夏凝裳仔细一询问,杨开才知道她得到那团灰气实在是机缘巧合。 In the past Yang Kai immediately Tong Xuan Continent, a Xia Ning Chang person alone incomparable, to send time , can only assume personal command in Nine Heavens Holy Land, every time said every time said refined medicine pill. 当年杨开立刻了通玄大陆,夏凝裳一人孤寂无比,为了打发时间,也只能坐镇在九天圣地,每曰每曰替人炼制丹药 She is Spiritual Medicine Holy Body, Pill Refining is **. 她本是药灵圣体,炼丹便是**。 At the same time that massive medicine pill refine, Xia Ning Chang cultivation level also and speed increase of its terrifying, simply does not have a bottleneck saying. 大量的丹药炼制出来的同时,夏凝裳本身的修为也以及其恐怖的速度递增着,根本没有瓶颈一说。 Is about several years of time, when she Saint, has then caught up with Yang Kai left in the past the boundary. 前后不过几年功夫,她便已入圣,追上了杨开当年离开时的境界。 One day, she was bored to death, a person ran to travel secretly, finally obtained that to roll gray qi in a covert underground cavern. 后来有一天,她百无聊赖,偷偷地一个人跑出去游历,结果在一个隐蔽的地下洞窟里得到了那团灰气 After this, her cultivation level is out of control, ten years spanned Saint Stage this level, promote Saint King Stage, spent for more than ten years, arrived in the Saint King 2-layer boundary. 从此之后,她的修为更是一发而不可收拾,十年跨越了入圣境这个层次,晋升到圣王境,又花了十几年,抵达了圣王两层境的境界。 Yang Kai hear of staring dumbfounded. 杨开听的瞠目结舌。 So terrifying ** speed, then in Gloom Star, these big Sect big influences ** may not achieve. 如此恐怖的**速度,便是在幽暗星上,那些大宗门大势力的**都不一定能够做到。 But in this barren Tong Xuan Continent, Little Senior Sister actually completed the this kind of magnificent feat. 可是在这贫瘠的通玄大陆,小师姐却完成了这样的壮举。 Xia Ning Chang can have the achievement of now saying, really rolls gray qi unable to withdraw the relations with that. 夏凝裳之所以能有今曰的成就,果然跟那团灰气脱不开关系。 „After you obtain it, where there are feels ill?” Yang Kai asked seriously. “你得到它之后,有哪里感到不适吗?”杨开严肃地问道。 Does not have the too big illness.” Xia Ning Chang thinks carefully, sometimes is will feel suddenly some exhaustedly, but also sometimes becomes very lazy, does not want to ponder the ponder, Hehe, looking like old was the same.” “也没有太大的不适。”夏凝裳仔细想了想,“就是有时候会忽然感觉到一些疲惫,还有的时候会变得很懒,连思考都不想思考了,呵呵,就像是老了一样呢。” Yang Kai nods gently. 杨开轻轻颔首。 Junior Brother, what issue does it have?” Xia Ning Chang asked. 师弟,它是不是有什么问题?”夏凝裳问道。 I cannot conclude that is the luck is the calamity.” Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, is somewhat heavyhearted. “我也不敢断定到底是福是祸。”杨开缓缓摇头,有些忧心忡忡。 What then it is?” “那它到底是什么?” not clear, but my actually speculations, if this guess real...... that this is Little Senior Sister your chance!” The Yang Kai vision brilliant looks to Xia Ning Chang, the facial expression slightly rouses obviously. 不清楚,不过我倒是有一个猜测,如果这个猜测是真的话……那么,这就是小师姐你的机缘!”杨开目光灼灼地望向夏凝裳,神情略显振奋。 That fuzzy guess, making him one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 那个模糊的猜测,让他都热血沸腾! Right, where you obtained it, but also remembered?” “对了,你在哪里得到它的,还记得么?” Em.” Xia Ning Chang nods. “恩。”夏凝裳点点头。 Leads me to have a look!” Yang Kai is saying, puts out a hand to embrace the slender waist of Xia Ning Chang, offers a sacrifice to Star Shuttle, changes into a rainbow to vanish in Nine Heavens Holy Land. “带我去看看!”杨开说着,伸手将夏凝裳的纤细腰肢揽住,祭出星梭,化为一道长虹消失在九天圣地 Following the route of Little Senior Sister direction, Yang Kai from the sky is speeding along with her, the speed is extremely fast. 循着小师姐指引的路线,杨开与她在空中飞驰着,速度极快。 Said the time, two people then arrived at sky over mountain range in a continuous ten million/countless. 前后不过一曰功夫,两人便来到了一条连绵千万里的山脉上空。 The Xia Ning Chang memory is very good, even after more than 20 years, still still clearly recorded said appropriately found that to roll the gray qi place. 夏凝裳的记忆很好,即便时隔了二十多年,也依然清楚地记得当曰找到那团灰气的地方。 Quick, two people then arrived at a Mountain Valley place, Yang Kai escaped Star Shuttle, walked toward one with Xia Ning Chang two people. 很快,两人便来到了一个山谷处,杨开遁下星梭,与夏凝裳两人朝某一处走去。 not much time, a deep and quiet dark cave entrance prints in the two people view, Xia Ning Chang points at that cave entrance saying: Junior Brother, I went from this inside at that time, then penetrates into most underlying bed, obtained that group of things.” 不多时,一个深幽黑暗的洞口印入两人的眼帘中,夏凝裳指着那洞口道:“师弟,我当时就是从这里面进去,然后深入到最低层,得到了那团东西的。” Goes to have a look.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, boldness because of one's skill, pours does not fear, is holding the hand of Xia Ning Chang, in a sneaking in cave. “进去看看。”杨开咧嘴一笑,艺高人胆大,倒也丝毫不惧,拉着夏凝裳的手,一头钻进的山洞中。 In hole gloomy, the air is quiet and beautiful, obviously is not moist, instead dry. 洞内阴暗至极,空气清幽,倒不显潮湿,反而干燥至极。 Enters the cave long-drawn-out, the Yang Kai then brow selects. 悠一进入山洞,杨开便眉头一挑。 He received rich world's spiritual energy from this cave inner sense! 他从这山洞内感受到了浓郁的天地灵气 Naturally, this richness compared to other Tong Xuan Continent places, is unable with Gloom Star or Star Territory in other famous ** the star places on a par. 当然,这种浓郁只是相对于通玄大陆其他地方的,根本无法与幽暗星或者星域中其他著名的**之星相提并论。 However, this was also very rare. 不过,这也很难得了。 Moreover, is more thorough toward, spiritual energy is seems abundant. 而且,越是往下方深入,灵气越是显得丰盈。 The Yang Kai's expression rouses, he suddenly discovered, the guess of own should ** does not leave ten, this unusual spiritual energy is side one portrays. 杨开的表情振奋起来,他忽然发现,自己的猜测应该**不离十,这种异常的灵气便是一个侧面写照。 This is really the Little Senior Sister chance! That rolls gray qi, if processes enough good, can be hard to imagine the advantage that to Xia Ning Chang bring absolutely, making her be able to exchange henceforth changes, melts cocoon to become butterfly. 这果然是属于小师姐的机缘!那团灰气如果处理的足够好,绝对可以给夏凝裳带来难以想象的好处,让她得以从此兑变,化茧成蝶。 two people hand in hand, is penetrating step by step downward. 两人手牵着手,一步步地往下深入着。 Suddenly, Yang Kai as if felt anything, hastily under step. 蓦然,杨开似乎感觉到了什么,连忙顿下步伐。 Meanwhile, Little Senior Sister jumps and shouts for joy: It here, I feels it! It came!” 与此同时,小师姐雀跃欢呼起来:“它在这里,我感觉到它!它过来了!” One group of Secretive energy, is close at the extremely quick speed from the front. Yang Kai Spiritual Mind nosing, found that the fluctuation of this energy impressively with first several days own pulls out from Little Senior Sister within the body to exactly the same. 一团诡秘的能量,正从前方以极快的速度接近过来。杨开神念查探,发现这能量的波动赫然与前几曰自己小师姐体内抽离出来的一模一样。 That gray qi flees into underground, really location/position that returns to treat, now feels Xia Ning Chang aura, then comes to meet impatiently. 灰气逃离入地下,果然又回到了它本来所待的位置,如今感受到夏凝裳气息,便迫不及待地现身相见。 The moment time, that gray qi had then arrived at the near. 须臾功夫,那灰气便已到了近前。 It does not dare to plunge Xia Ning Chang directly, but stopped in Yang Kai front ten zhang (3.33 m) places. 它没敢直接扑向夏凝裳,而是在杨开面前十丈处停了下来。 It felt the threat from Yang Kai! 它从杨开身上感受到了威胁! Junior Brother......” Xia Ning Chang looks to him, solicited his suggestions. 师弟……”夏凝裳望向他,征求他的意见。 Received, said that I do not want startled to run it, but wants to have a look at it is anything.” The Yang Kai side opens the body, give away the path. “收了吧,当曰我也没想把它惊跑,只是想看看它到底是什么罢了。”杨开侧开身子,让出道路。 Xia Ning Chang summons with the mind immediately, that gray qi feels recruiting of Xia Ning Chang, in a flash, has then spread from Yang Kai slightly, plunges Xia Ning Chang directly, enters her within the body to vanish to disappear. 夏凝裳立刻以心神呼唤,那灰气感受到夏凝裳的征召,微微一晃,便从杨开身边驰过,直接扑向夏凝裳,钻进她体内消失不见了。 The Xia Ning Chang tender body shakes, in mouth ying~. 夏凝裳娇躯一震,口中嘤咛一声。 The Yang Kai's left eye place blooms suddenly point golden light, the long and narrow and dignified golden pupil appears, toward the Xia Ning Chang intently watch in the past. 杨开的左眼处蓦然绽放出点点金光,狭长而威严的金色瞳仁出现,朝夏凝裳逼视过去。 Life's Exterminator Demon Eye! 灭世魔眼 Under his spying on, after Little Senior Sister receives that rolled gray qi, oneself outside the body really fills the ash astringent air/Qi field that the 1-layer naked eye cannot see. 在他的窥探下,小师姐接收了那团灰气之后,自身体外果然弥漫出一层肉眼看不见的灰涩气场。 How long old person this air/Qi field generally only then these could not live to have, in the event of this air/Qi field, that then means this person life span not many. 这种气场一般只有那些活不了多久的老人才会拥有,一旦出现这种气场,那便意味着这个人寿命无多。 Little Senior Sister is in full flower, was covered by this air/Qi field, only then a reason, that is that rolls gray qi to cause trouble! 小师姐风华正茂,被这种气场笼罩,只有一个原因,那就是那团灰气在作祟! Yang Kai does not have accidental/surprised, as if some expectations, do not worry early, but beckons to say to Little Senior Sister: Comes with me!” 杨开倒也没意外,似乎早有预料,更不着急,只是冲小师姐招手道:“跟我来!” Xia Ning Chang nods gently, follows step by step in Yang Kai behind. 夏凝裳轻轻颔首,一步步地跟在杨开身后 two people continues downward thoroughly, how long also has not known, does not know that the far road, Yang Kai only felt all around world's spiritual energy was getting more and more rich. However this rich spiritual energy has not given Yang Kai any comfortable feeling, instead some dismal of returning to consciousness just before dying. 两人继续往下深入,也不知道过了多久,也不知道走了多远的路,杨开只感觉四周的天地灵气越来越浓郁了。但是这浓郁的灵气并没有给杨开任何舒爽之感,反而有些回光返照的悲凉。 When that world's spiritual energy almost can place on a par with the Gloom Star general place, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang two people arrived at a giant underground cavern impressively. 当那天地灵气几乎可以与幽暗星一般地方相提并论之时,杨开夏凝裳两人赫然来到了一个巨大的地下洞窟。 The front underground deep place has one group of weak rays of light to sparkle indistinctly, seems like giving what news, attacks two people Consciousness Sea, summoned two people to go forward. 前方地下更深处隐约有一团微弱的光芒在闪耀,似乎是在传递着什么讯息,冲击两人识海,召唤着两人前进。 Was summoned by this, the beautiful pupil of Xia Ning Chang unexpectedly becomes vacant, body uncontrolled toward leading the way, just like moth that beats out a fire, honour does not allow one to glance back. 受此召唤,夏凝裳的美眸竟变得茫然起来,身躯不受控制地朝前行去,犹如那扑火的飞蛾,义无反顾 The Yang Kai complexion sinks, in the mouth spreads drinks lowly, the Spiritual Mind tide floods into Xia Ning Chang Consciousness Sea generally. 杨开脸色一沉,口中传出低喝,神念潮水一般涌入夏凝裳识海 The Little Senior Sister tender body shakes, complexion slightly one white, after getting back one's composure, vacant in eye vanishes does not see, displacing infinite with amazement. 小师姐娇躯一震,脸色微微一白,待回过神之后,眼中的茫然消失不见,取而代之的无限骇然。 Junior Brother, I......” Xia Ning Chang is somewhat helpless, she does not know how a moment ago own, in a strength by the darkness was controlled, she has no way to ponder independently. 师弟,我……”夏凝裳有些手足无措,刚才她也不知道自己怎么了,被冥冥中一股力量支配,她根本没法自主思考。 Em. You have a look at that side!” Yang Kai is pointing at a direction. “恩。你看看那边!”杨开手指着一个方向。 Xia Ning Chang looks, the beautiful pupil trembles lightly. 夏凝裳望去,美眸不由地轻颤起来。 There, sat well the dense and numerous skeletons, flesh body of everyone is dried up, some have even made decent the ash, but the traces from certain skeletons, is not difficult to see, they seem like by what strength, drained own life essence in a flash, falls in this place. 那里,端坐了密密麻麻的尸骨,每个人的肉身都干枯至极,有的甚至早已风化成灰,但是从某些尸骨中的痕迹,不难看出,他们似乎是被什么力量,一瞬间抽干了自身的生命精华,陨落在此地。 „Who these are, how dead here?” Xia Ning Chang depended toward Yang Kai side, seeming like wants to look for some security senses. “这些是什么人,怎么都死在这里?”夏凝裳杨开身边靠了靠,似乎是想寻找一些安全感。 If I have not guessed wrong, these people with your same existence.” “如果我没有猜错,这些人是跟你一样的存在。” Is like me?” A Xia Ning Chang black eyebrow wrinkle, she is also beautiful and intelligent female, is only slightly a thinking, then understands: You said, they also did obtain that to roll gray qi?” “跟我一样?”夏凝裳黛眉一皱,她也是蕙质兰心女子,只是略一思索,便明白过来:“你是说,他们也都曾经得到过那团灰气?” Probably.” Yang Kai laughed. “大概吧。”杨开呵呵一笑 How they......” Xia Ning Chang only thought that the whole body sends coolly, thrilling appeared in the mind a moment ago again, if not Yang Kai awakened own promptly, own affirms the destiny to be worrying, perhaps will be out is also like these people. “那他们怎么……”夏凝裳只觉得浑身发凉,刚才惊险的一幕再次出现在脑海中,若非杨开及时唤醒了自己,自己肯定命运堪忧,恐怕下场也会跟这些人一样。 Because that rolls the gray qi main body, wants the supplement of energy, then chose you, trains you, making you powerful, you are more powerful, more is good.” “因为那团灰气的本体,想要得到能量的补充,便选择了你,培养你,让你变得强大,你越强大,对它越有好处。” Why can it do that?” Xia Ning Chang is puzzled. “它为什么要这么做?”夏凝裳一脸不解。 It soon died!” Yang Kai replied, suddenly shrugged the arm, these were my guess , has a look to know.” “它快要死了!”杨开答道,忽然又耸了耸肩膀,“这些都是我的猜测,到底是不是,去看看就晓得了。” So saying, Yang Kai held on the hand of Xia Ning Chang, faces forward to walk step by step. 这般说着,杨开拉住了夏凝裳的手,一步步地朝前走去。 The under foot is stepping on these white skeletons, transmits the kāchā kāchā sound, appalling, is afraid. 脚下踩着那些白森森的骸骨,传来咔嚓咔嚓的声响,让人毛骨悚然,不寒而栗。 The Yang Kai's eye narrows the eyes, looks to front that weak rays of light. 杨开的眼睛眯起,望向前方那一点微弱的光芒 not much time, two people then arrives at location/position that rays of light transmitted. 不多时,两人便来到了那光芒传来的位置 This is underground abyss edge, under deeply does not know little, time that but the probe head looks, then can discover impressively, under that abyss, one group presents grey rays of light, just like the giant lights to burn generally. 这是地下深渊的边缘处,下方深不知几许,但探头望去的时候,赫然便能发现,在那深渊下方,有一团呈现出灰色的光芒,犹如巨大的灯火一般在燃烧。 The ray is dim, that gray qi that the color and Xia Ning Chang obtain is exactly the same. 光线昏暗至极,色彩与夏凝裳得到的那灰气如出一辙。 Really!” Yang Kai took a deep breath, greatly after seeing this such as lights general gloomy rays of light, he affirms all sorts of guesses before own immediately. “果然!”杨开深吸一口气,看到这巨大如灯火一般的灰暗光芒之后,他立刻肯定了自己之前的种种猜测。 Junior Brother, what is this?” The Xia Ning Chang doubt is looking at that group of ash fires, felt like that gray qi of own within the body has the close relations with it, seems like separates from that ash fire, both are existence of body. 师弟,这到底是什么?”夏凝裳狐疑地望着那团灰火,隐隐觉得自己体内的灰气与之有紧密的关系,似乎是从那灰火之中分离出来的,两者是一体的存在。 Star Source!” In the Yang Kai mouth drinks lowly, the facial expression becomes rouses suddenly. 星辰本源!”杨开口中低喝,神情陡然变得振奋无比。 Star Source?” Xia Ning Chang is vacant. 星辰本源?”夏凝裳茫然至极。 Any ** the Source Strength quantity that the star can have, it is a life of stars obviously, it is the life or death key of this stars, such as our hearts!” Yang Kai patted the chest of own, explained, because just had Star Source, this stars will have vitality, without it, then this stars will become Dead Star, in Star Territory had the innumerable this kind of stars, perhaps they once bred the life, was with passing of time, demise of Star Source, these vitality did not exist. The people die such as the lamp to extinguish, the stars are also same, if at present this source lights extinguished, Tong Xuan Continent did not have, will turn into Dead Star.”( To be continued.) “任何一颗**之星都会拥有的本源力量,它是一颗星辰的生命显化,它是这颗星辰的存亡关键,就如我们的心脏!”杨开拍了拍自己的胸口,解释起来,“正因为有星辰本源,这颗星辰才会有生机,没有它,那么这颗星辰就会变为死星,星域中有无数这样的星辰,或许它们曾经都孕育有生命,可是随着时间的流逝,星辰本源的灭亡,那些生机也不复存在了。人死如灯灭,星辰也是一样,眼前这盏本源灯火若是灭了,通玄大陆就没了,会变成死星。”(未完待续。)
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