MP :: Volume #16

#1556: tender affection

Although inspired, but the people know, wants to leave Tong Xuan Continent, entering Star Territory is not a simple matter . 虽然振奋,但众人都知道,想要离开通玄大陆,进入星域不是一件简单的事。. Ling Taixu and Meng Wuya two people cannot succeed jointly, the difficulty of can be imagined. 凌太虚梦无涯两人联手都没能成功,其中的难度可想而知。 Now one hear of Yang Kai dare to make this commitment, rouses. 如今一听杨开敢做此承诺,都振奋至极。 Do not quarrel do not quarrel!” Ling Taixu puts out a hand empty to press, Little Yang Kai, since said that that should have the sure card, is right?” “别吵别吵!”凌太虚伸手虚按,“小杨开既然这么说了,那应该就有万全之策,对不对?” So saying, looks with a smile toward Yang Kai. 这般说着,笑吟吟地朝杨开望来。 Grand Teacher bright view, leading you to enter Star Territory truly is not the terrible business. Em, said that solely is not present, but also including your clansman, even the entire Nine Heavens Holy Land person, I can carry off, but needs to consume some time.” 师公明鉴,带你们进星域确实不算麻烦事。恩,这么说吧,不单单是在座的诸位,还包括你们的族人,甚至连整个九天圣地的人,我都可以带走,只不过需要耗费一些时间罢了。” Carries off completely?” Then Ling Taixu also shocked. “全部带走?”这下凌太虚也震惊了。 Did not say that Battle Soul Palace and Broken Mysterious Palace, in the past that side came all of a sudden 3,000-4,000 people, said that Nine Heavens Holy Land also has more than 2000 **. 不说战魂殿破玄府这边,当年从中都那边一下子就过来了3,000-4,000人,就说九天圣地也足足有两千多**。 Altogether puts together, but there are 5,000-6,000 people. So the huge quantity, how can a Yang Kai person carry off? The strength of that Starry Sky is quite powerful, even if Yang Kai arrived at Void Return Stage this level, has no way to protect is occupied by so many people. 总共加在一起,可是有5,000-6,000人之多。如此庞大的数量,杨开一人如何能带走?那星空之力可是极为强大的,杨开就算到了返虚镜这个层次,也没法护的住这么多人。 Em, my own means that Grand Teacher does not need to be worried.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, „does key was to visit you want.” “恩,我自有办法,师公不必担心。”杨开咧嘴一笑,“关键是看你们愿意不愿意去了。” Wants, naturally wanted!” Huo Xingchen called immediately, urgently said: When leaves?” “愿意,当然愿意了!”霍星辰当即叫了起来,急切道:“什么时候动身?” Hehe, Elder Brother Huo does not need to worry, although you are a household head, but this matter with clansman discussed becomes, perhaps some people do not want to leave here, is willing to walk, with me together, does not want, stays behind well. Em, Qiu Family, Yang Family, Dong Family, is this, Qiu Girl, Big Brother, the cousin you now are various Patriarch, this matter your own processes, discussed with various families' Elder Assembly carefully.” 呵呵,霍兄不必着急,你虽然是一家之主,但这种事还是得跟族人商议一下才成,或许有人不想离开这里,愿意走的,跟我一道,不愿意的,留下就好。恩,秋家,杨家,董家,也都是这样,秋姑娘,大哥,表哥你们现在是各家家主,这事你们自己处理一下,跟各家族的长老会仔细商议一下。” We knew.” Yang Wei and Dong Qinghan nod. “我们晓得。”杨威董轻寒点头。 Qiu Yimeng also echoes in the one side, before the gloomy beautiful pupil as if restored some brilliance because of this news. 秋忆梦也在一旁附和,之前暗淡的美眸似乎因为这个消息而重新恢复了些光彩。 Can enter Star Territory, perhaps she can arrive in a higher level, did not strive for being on par with Yang Kai, only strove for pulling closer some distances, perhaps one said finally, own can touch him...... 能够进入星域,她或许就能抵达更高的层次,不求与杨开比肩,只求拉近一些彼此间的距离,或许终有一曰,自己能够触碰到他…… She saw the little hope, this makes her appeared suddenly brilliant. 她看到了一点点希望,这让她忽然显得光彩照人起来。 Words that spoke, I later do not need to separate with you such for a long time, was the separation so far?” Dong Suzhu is looking at Yang Kai excitedly. “这么说的话,我以后再不用跟你分开这么久,分隔这么远了?”董素竹激动地望着杨开 Yang Kai is her only heir, but since son 13 years old of pay respects to join High Heaven Pavilion, she then gathers with Yang Kai little leaves many, before was better, although could not see Yang Kai, but knows at least he in High Heaven Pavilion live well, afterward Fight for Succession, Yang Kai from her was about a hundred li (0.5 km) road. 杨开是她唯一的子嗣,但自从儿子十三岁拜入凌霄阁,她便与杨开聚少离多,以前还好一些,虽然看不到杨开,但最起码知道他在凌霄阁活的好好的,后来夺嫡战,杨开距离她也不过百里路而已。 But since Yang Kai leaves Tong Xuan Continent, in thorough Star Territory, more than 30 years, not only cannot see Yang Kai, even the least bit message cannot hear. 可是自从杨开离开通玄大陆,深入星域之中,三十多年,不但见不到杨开,连半点音讯也听不到。 If not for Yang Fourth Master these year of using energy thoughts recuperate her body and mood, Dong Suzhu only feared that had broken down. 若不是杨四爷这些年费劲心思地调理她的身体和心情,董素竹只怕早已垮了下去。 Now said that knew own can also go to Star Territory with the son together, the Dong Suzhu 10,000 happiness. 今曰得知自己也能跟儿子一道前往星域,董素竹一万个开心。 Yang Kai looks to her, nods to her gently. 杨开望向她,冲她轻轻颔首。 Dong Suzhu smiled gently, that is the smile of the heart deep place. 董素竹慈祥地笑了起来,那是发自内心深处的微笑。 The matter cannot be delayed, my asks that several old fogies to discuss.” Huo Xingchen is not willing to delay, sets out to depart hastily, looks at that stance, whom seems like to dare not to agree appearance that then must begin. “事不宜迟,我这就去找那几个老家伙商议去。”霍星辰不愿耽搁,连忙起身离去,看那架势,似乎是有谁敢不同意便要动手的样子。 I also go.” Yang Wei sets out to leave. “我也去。”杨威起身离开。 Qiu Yimeng follows. 秋忆梦紧随其后。 They are not willing to delay anything. 他们都不愿意耽搁什么。 Yearned that the heart of higher level Martial Dao, making them yearn for the mystery in Star Territory. 向往更高层次武道的心,让他们向往星域内的神奇。 Quick, in the main hall was only left over Ling Taixu and Mr. and Mrs. Yang Fourth Master. 很快,大殿内只剩下了凌太虚杨四爷夫妻。 The whole families reunite finally. 一家人总算团聚。 Had saying that not words, missing that could not sue. 有说不尽的话,诉不完的思念。 Knew after Yang Kai still cannot look for the Su Yan whereabouts, Dong Suzhu sighed, makes noise to comfort. 得知杨开依然没能寻找到苏颜的下落之后,董素竹叹了口气,出声安慰起来。 She likes Su Yan this daughter-in-law very much. 她是很喜欢苏颜这个儿媳的。 Boy, you worries about Su Yan I not to have the opinion wholeheartedly, but you have thought how here person can deal with?” Yang Fourth Master looks at Yang Kai suddenly, intent has been referring to asks. “小子,你一心记挂苏颜我没意见,但是你有没有想过这边的人要如何应付?”杨四爷忽然望着杨开,意有所指地问道。 Little Senior Sister?” Yang Kai laughed, I have seen her, but Little Senior Sister as if has problems, when she awoke, I must ask well.” 小师姐么?”杨开呵呵一笑,“我已经见过她了,不过小师姐似乎出了点问题,等她醒了,我要好好问问。” Do not play the fool!” Yang Fourth Master stared his one eyes, here person may continue a Xia Ning Chang person, several.” “别装傻!”杨四爷瞪了他一眼,“这里的人可不止夏凝裳一人,还有好几个呢。” Where comes so many.” Yang Kai yelled, a face was unjust. “哪来那么多啊。”杨开大叫起来,一脸冤枉。 Snort, Battle Soul Palace, that side Gemini Pavilion also has two! When what you father don't know?” Yang Fourth Master sneers constantly, said proudly: Your father I, although anything did not say, but at heart actually compared with who clear.” “哼,战魂殿这边就有一个,双子阁那边还有两个呢!你当老子什么都不知道?”杨四爷冷笑不迭,傲然道:“你老子我虽然什么都不说,但心里却比谁都清楚。” Yang Kai blushed dead. 杨开脸红死了。 Dong Suzhu in one side laughing, set upright giving the thumbs-up to Yang Kai quietly, Yang Fourth Master was deeply in love in her entire life, her life was happy, but she actually hopes that side the own son can be many some beautiful woman companions, had better be able live a little under ten grandson to her, like this she and four masters said that after the life will not be dull. 董素竹在一旁嘻嘻笑着,冲杨开悄悄竖了竖大拇指,杨四爷一生钟情于她一人,她的生活幸福美满,但是她却希望自己的儿子身边能够多些美人陪伴,最好能给她生七八上十个孙儿,这样她和四爷曰后的生活就不会枯燥无味了。 Even if Yang Kai is not waiting on parents, they can still lead the belt/bring grandchildren. 即便杨开不在膝下承欢,他们也可以带带孙子辈。 Good, the matter of young people, do not mix. Yang Kai is not the person of unclear affair, wants to come not to make the person small family girl sad.” Ling Taixu inserted one in the one side. “好了好了,年轻人的事,你们就别搀和了。杨开不是不明事理的人,想来也不会让人家小女孩伤心的。”凌太虚在一旁插了一句。 Grand Teacher spoke, Yang Fourth Master shrank the head immediately, again and again the nod name was. 师公发话,杨四爷当即缩起了脑袋,连连点头称是。 Entire Battle Soul Palace and people in Broken Mysterious Palace ruins mobilized, in the past followed Yang Kai to come here several respected families to hold the Elder congress for these days frequently, each family seems to be discussing what important matter. 整个战魂殿破玄府遗址内的人都动员了起来,当年跟着杨开来到这边的几大家族这几天频繁地召开长老大会,每一个家族似乎都在商议什么大事。 The people knew Yang Kai has returned, knew must go to the Star Territory news. 众人都得知了杨开已经回归,也都得知了要前往星域的消息。 Has not forced, is completely voluntary. 没有强迫,全部自愿。 That side Nine Heavens Holy Land also obtained the Yang Kai's pass on message, told the matter that is like Battle Soul Palace . Moreover, Yang Kai also passed on a message Firmament Heaven Sect. 九天圣地那边也得到了杨开的传讯,吩咐下来的事与战魂殿这边一样,另外,杨开还传讯了天霄宗 After two said that Yang Kai returned to Nine Heavens Holy Land. 两曰后,杨开重返九天圣地 He directly the secret room that goes to Xia Ning Chang to close up to be. 他直接去了夏凝裳闭关所在的密室。 Little Senior Sister still in the deep sleep, previous time accidentally discharges Become Devil as if to make her quite exhausted, until now has not woken up. 小师姐还在沉睡,上次走火入魔似乎让她相当疲惫,直到现在还没有醒来。 Yang Kai arrives at side her, grips her white hands, pours into some Saint Yuan temperately. 杨开来到她身边,握住她的玉手,温和地灌入一些圣元 After the moment, the Xia Ning Chang long eyelash vibrates, Yang Kai sits in the bedside, is sideways to her, is waiting for with a smile. 片刻后,夏凝裳长长的睫毛抖动起来,杨开坐在床边,侧身对着她,笑吟吟地等待着。 Also after a while, Xia Ning Chang opens the beautiful pupil, saw the Yang Kai's facial features long-drawn-out, the eyeball solidifies immediately, is looking at him. 又过了一会儿,夏凝裳才睁开美眸,悠一见到杨开的面容,眼珠子立刻凝固了,怔怔地望着他。 four eyes contact, one such as the accidental sentiment in Nine Yin Mountain Valley moved in the past. 四目相对,一如当年在九阴山谷中的偶然情动。 Several points of heartbeat, several points flurried like hemp. 几分心跳,几分慌乱如麻。 Xia Ning Chang pursed the lips to smile suddenly. 夏凝裳忽然抿嘴笑了起来。 What to laugh foolishly?” Yang Kai smiles to look at her to ask. “傻笑什么?”杨开笑望着她问道。 This dream, is good to be long!” Xia Ning Chang gripped the Yang Kai's big hand backhandedly, the strength in a big way, closely grabbed very much, seems not willing to loosen. “这个梦,好长!”夏凝裳反手握住了杨开的大手,力气很大,紧紧地抓着,仿佛不愿意松开。 Yang Kai also grinned to smile, bent down **, in her on an affection kiss like gem radiant red lips. 杨开也咧嘴笑了起来,俯**子,在她如宝石般璀璨的红唇上深情一吻。 Little Senior Sister almost cannot pant for breath. 小师姐几乎喘息不过来。 The lip minute, the tender body temperature rise, the beautiful pupil becomes blurred. 唇分,娇躯温度上升,美眸变得迷离。 In the dream, you can do these matters with me?” A Yang Kai face annihilates evilly. “在梦中,你会与我做这些事么?”杨开一脸歼邪。 The elegant face of Xia Ning Chang blushes immediately, moved **, got buried into under the head the Yang Kai's clothes, does not seem to dare to say goodbye the person. 夏凝裳的俏脸立刻羞红了,挪动了**子,把脑袋埋进了杨开的衣服下面,似乎不敢再见人。 Yang Kai gets the answer, laughs carefree. 杨开得到答案,畅快大笑。 Suddenly, the Xia Ning Chang tender body vibrated, sat hurriedly, 蓦然,夏凝裳的娇躯抖动了一下,匆忙坐了起来,愣在了原地,美眸聚焦在杨开的脸上,眼中闪烁起怀疑和惊喜交加的神色。 Junior Brother you......” Xia Ning Chang open mouth, the black eyebrow wrinkles is very attractive, as if somewhat is confused. 师弟你……”夏凝裳张了张嘴,黛眉皱的很好看,仿佛还有些迷茫。 I came back.” Yang Kai said in a soft voice. “我回来了。”杨开轻声道。 Little Senior Sister covered up red lips with the hand immediately, the beautiful pupil shivers, the dense fog general rivers and lakes fill the air in the double pupil. 小师姐当即用手掩住了红唇,美眸颤抖起来,迷雾一般的水泽弥漫在双眸中。 The tears fall the cheeks, her eye socket in an instant becomes red. 泪水滑落脸颊,她的眼圈刹那间变红。 She responded finally, all was real, was not own is having a dream. 她终于反应过来,所有的一切都是真实的,并不是自己在做梦。 That long-awaited man, sits in the own bedside at this moment livingly, is looking at her attractive and charming, almost must make her melt fully in that is the tender feelings ** in line of sight of intent. 那朝思暮想的男人,此刻活生生地坐在自己的床边,正深情款款地望着她,几乎要让她融化在那满是柔情**意的视线中。 She cannot believe! 她不敢相信! I really came back.” Yang Kai extends both hands, embraces tightly in her the bosom, makes an effort ruthlessly, as if must rub in the body of own her. “我真的回来了。”杨开伸出双手,将她搂紧怀中,狠狠地用力,似乎要将她揉进自己的身体内。 In the Xia Ning Chang mouth spreads the sound of ying~, similarly made an effort to enclasp Yang Kai, sent out the sob that sobbed from the throat. 夏凝裳的口中传出嘤咛之声,同样用力地抱紧了杨开,从喉咙里发出哽咽的哭泣。 That wail makes Yang Kai love dearly. 那哭泣声让杨开心疼。 Squares her body, Yang Kai stopped up her sob overbearingly. 将她的身子摆正,杨开霸道地堵住了她的哭泣。 The clothing is scattered in disorder, full Shi **. 衣衫散乱,满室**。 All lovesickness and sentiment root deep type, precipitates the fermentation in this moment, ** to let Xia Ning Chang almost wants the dizziness happiness. 所有的相思和情根深种,在这一刻都沉淀发酵,**为让夏凝裳几乎要眩晕的幸福。 The sentiment of men and women always so. 男女之情向来如此。 After a double-hour, Yang Kai is high-spirited, dragon Rang goes out of the secret room vigorous and mighty strides. 一个时辰后,杨开意气风发,龙壤虎步地走出密室。 In her behind, Xia Ning Chang wears the veil, lowers the head to follow, shames cannot bear. 在她身后,夏凝裳戴着面纱,垂首跟随,羞不可耐。 Her that fine earlobe and ** neck, is still the color of pink, calling the person to be capricious. 她那精致的耳垂和**的颈脖,依然是粉红之色,叫人心猿意马。 If a withered grass were irrigated sleek/moist to cross by the rain and dew, Xia Ning Chang at this moment blooms the character and style that is inconceivable, inverts myriad all living things sufficiently, asking any man to go crazy. 如一颗枯萎的小草被雨露浇润过,此刻的夏凝裳绽放出难以想象的风情,足以颠倒万千众生,叫任何男人为之发狂。 The hand of two people is close, such as heart of two people. 两人的手紧密相连,就如两人的心。 Not far away escaping light comes together, seems like looks for Yang Kai to have anything, but after seeing this scene, then turns head immediately, suddenly vanishes to disappear. 不远处一道遁光而来,似乎是找杨开有什么事,但在见到这幅情景之后,便立刻扭头,眨眼间消失不见了。 Master......” Xia Ning Chang **, wishes one could to look for a crack to drill immediately. “师傅……”夏凝裳**一声,恨不得立刻找个地缝钻下去。 She sees the person in that escaping light, is Meng Wuya. 她看出那遁光中的人,正是梦无涯 Yang Kai grins to laugh foolishly, Xia Ning Chang is nipping red lips, air/Qi and stamps the feet angry. 杨开咧嘴傻笑,夏凝裳咬着红唇,又气又恼地直跺脚。 Considers as finished, Treasurer Meng definitely has no important matter, will otherwise not leave.” Yang Kai said comfortably, graciousness, Little Senior Sister, I have a matter to ask you.” “算了算了,梦掌柜肯定没什么重要的事,要不然也不会离开的。”杨开宽慰道,“恩,小师姐,我有一件事要问你。” What matter?” Xia Ning Chang raises the head looks at him timidly, to Yang Kai's vision, hurries to put aside. “什么事啊?”夏凝裳怯怯地抬头望他,对上杨开的目光,又赶紧撇开。 This charming appearance makes Yang Kai wish one could to turn around to return to the secret room again...... 这幅娇羞的模样让杨开恨不得再转身返回密室…… Saint Yuan revolves, suppresses being ready to make trouble of heart with great difficulty, the Yang Kai look one austere, opens the mouth saying: I helped you comb meridians and Saint Yuan the time before, discovered that your within the body has one group of gray qi, what is that?” 圣元运转,好不容易才压制住心头的蠢蠢欲动,杨开神色一肃,开口道:“我之前帮你梳理经脉圣元的时候,发现你体内有一团灰气,那是什么?” That thing......” Xia Ning Chang hears word, knits the brows: Actually, I do not know that is anything.” “那个东西啊……”夏凝裳闻言,皱眉道:“其实,我也不知道那是什么。” „Don't you know?” Yang Kai surprised. “你也不知道?”杨开大为惊奇。 Em, its own follows my, well, where it?” Xia Ning Chang suddenly discovered is not right, has existed in that group mysterious energy of own within the body, at this moment vanishes to disappear unexpectedly.( To be continued.) “恩,它自己跟着我的,咦,它哪里去了?”夏凝裳忽然发现了不对劲,原本一直存在于自己体内的那团神秘的能量,此刻竟然消失不见了。(未完待续。)
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