MP :: Volume #16

#1555: I came back

That rolls gray qi to feel and is uncomfortable, looks like a being on the verge of death old person, late in life old, life span not many. 那团灰气给人的感觉及其不舒服,就像是一个行将就木的老人,迟暮老矣,寿命无多。 Xia Ning Chang achieved with it relations that is similar to the paragenesis, said, how could the result good to where to go? 夏凝裳与它达成了类似于共生的关系,曰后结局岂能好到哪去? The Yang Kai surface sinks like the water. 杨开面沉如水。 Although wants to relieve the present misery for Little Senior Sister, but before ravelling this group of gray qi essence, Yang Kai basic nowhere starts. 虽然很想替小师姐解除眼前的这个忧患,但在没弄明白这团灰气的本质之前,杨开根本无处下手。 Moreover, he is indistinct from this group of gray qi feels the mystery that keeps him from estimating, this type is unable to put things clearly mysteriously, when Yang Kai spies on, suddenly in the heart were many some clear(ly) to become aware. 而且,他还隐约从这团灰气中感受到一丝让他无法揣度的神奇,这种神奇说不清道不明,当杨开窥探的时候,忽然心中多出一些明悟。 Noses again carefully, actually has achieved nothing. 再仔细查探,却又一无所获。 It as if repels Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind very much. 它似乎很排斥杨开的神念 Xia Ning Chang can break through Saint King Stage in the Tong Xuan Continent this kind of place, should unable to withdraw the relations with this group of strange gray qi. 夏凝裳能够在通玄大陆这样的地方突破到圣王境,应该与这团诡异的灰气脱不开关系。 This thing gave her to sense deeper level Heavenly Law Martial Dao chance, when gives she broke through promotes need abundant spiritual energy, but was actually closely linked with her. 这东西给了她感悟更深层次天道武道的机缘,给了她突破晋升时需要的充沛灵气,但却与她息息相关。 Is the luck is the calamity, no one said. 到底是福是祸,没人说得准。 When Yang Kai cannot find way out, gray qi that then tied up by the gold/metal conflicts unexpectedly again crazily, this time it did not have such as such to do again a moment ago not studiously, but ruptured directly, changed into tinier gray qi, put from the slit of gold/metal. 就在杨开一筹莫展的时候,那被金捆缚的灰气竟再一次疯狂冲突起来,这一次它没有再如刚才那样做无用功,而是直接爆裂开来,化为一道道更细小的灰气,从金的缝隙之中穿出。 Yang Kai prevents radically without enough time, was escaped by this group of gray qi. 杨开根本来不及阻止,便被这团灰气逃逸了出去。 At once, it falls toward under at the extremely quick speed, long-drawn-out one with ground contact, then slid out of the Yang Kai's line of sight. 旋即,它以极快的速度朝下方落去,悠一与地面接触,便脱离了杨开的视线。 Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind follows, is still not actually able to induce to its existence. 杨开的神念紧随其后,却依然无法感应到它的存在。 It vanished. 它就这么消失了。 stood in place, the Yang Kai look is dignified, brow tight wrinkle. 站在原地,杨开神色凝重,眉头紧皱。 Evidently, must wait for Little Senior Sister own to wake up, can get the answer from her there. 看样子,还是得等小师姐自己醒来,才能从她那里得到答案了。 In his heart has guessed, but cannot affirm. 他心中有一些猜测,但不敢肯定。 Looks at Xia Ning Chang in deep sleep, Yang Kai is hugging around the middle her, puts **, bends down a kiss kiss on her forehead, gently before she combed under the volume hair, this leaves this secret room. 望着沉睡中的夏凝裳,杨开将她拦腰抱起,放到**,俯身在她的额头上亲亲一吻,温柔地替她梳理了下额前发丝,这才离开这间密室。 After several breaths, outside thousand li (500 km), Battle Soul Palace ruins. 几息之后,千里之外,战魂殿遗址。 Yang Kai is built on Void, under overlook, Spiritual Mind such as the tide spreads generally. 杨开立于虚空,俯瞰下方,神念如潮水一般扩散开来。 Familiar life traces, take in everything at a glance under his nosing, such as the note of bracelet, prints in his Consciousness Sea, the spectrum draws a beckoning music movement. 一道道熟悉的生命痕迹,在他的查探下一览无余,纷纷如跳脱的音符,印入他的识海中,谱绘出一副让人心动的乐章。 He grins to show the smile, the heart feels for dozens years had never felt the warmth, he passed on a message by Spiritual Mind, tells all relatives and friends, own...... comes back! 他咧嘴露出微笑,心头感受到了几十年来从未感受过的温暖,他以神念传讯,告诉所有的亲朋好友,自己……回来了! Nine Heavens Holy Land that one such as said yesterday. 一如昨曰的九天圣地 The Battle Soul Palace ruins scratch with the finger to be chaotic immediately, rays of light from sits in meditation the location/position place that closes up to soar together respectively, rushes to toward the place that Yang Kai is in abundance. 战魂殿遗址立刻搔乱起来,一道道光芒从各自打坐闭关的位置处腾空而起,纷纷朝杨开所在的地方奔赴而来。 Everyone excited in the extreme, in the half-way meets, to each other is inquiring the news, confirmed that is Yang Kai has returned. 每个人都激动的无以复加,半道上遇见,都在向彼此打探消息,确认到底是不是杨开已经回归。 When rushes to the place, saw that Yang Kai is standing after there, the people can determine this news the real surname. 待赶到地方,见到杨开正站在那里之后,众人才敢确定这个消息的真实姓。 Tu Feng, Tang Yuxian, Qu Gaoyi, Ying Jiu...... these once in Fight for Succession and Yang Kai in Blood Servant first batch of rushing that fought side-by-side, everyone exciting body shivered, in the mouth shouted loudly the name of Young Master, line of big rituals bowed politely. 屠峰,唐雨仙,曲高义,影九……这些曾经在夺嫡战中与杨开并肩作战的血侍们第一批赶到,每个人都激动的身躯颤抖,口中高呼少主之名,行大礼叩拜。 Yang Family Boss Yang Wei, Old Second Yang Zhao, Old Third Yang Tie, Old Fourth Yang Kang...... all brothers get together, shouted and wrangled to support, hugged, poured out for dozens years the brothers with Yang Kai ruthlessly leaves it to think. 杨家老大杨威,老二杨昭,老三杨铁,老四杨亢……所有兄弟齐聚,纷纷大呼小叫地拥了上来,与杨开狠狠拥抱,倾诉几十年来的兄弟离别之想念。 Haha, your bastard, walks is so many years, but wants dead I.” Huo Family present age Patriarch Huo Xingchen is laughing, appears in the one side. “哈哈,你这混蛋,一走就是这么多年,可想死我了。”霍家当代家主霍星辰哈哈大笑着,也在一旁出现。 Dozens years do not see, this past years ** the clean wolf, just like reaches middle-age, the precipitation of years has not made him obviously old, instead made him present a maturity of vicissitudes, this makings unified with his looking down on the world, became is even more attractive. 几十年不见,这位当年**倜傥的中都狼,俨然人到中年,不过岁月的沉淀并没有让他显老,反而让他出现了一种沧桑的成熟,这种气质与他的玩世不恭结合,愈发地变得富有吸引力。 By Huo Xingchen is Qiu Yimeng, in the beautiful pupil holds the tears, is nipping red lips lightly, some do not dare to believe are looking at Yang Kai, does not dare to say anything, seemed fearing that a own opens the mouth, then breaks this dreamland. 霍星辰旁边便是秋忆梦,美眸里噙着泪水,轻咬着红唇,有些不敢置信地望着杨开,更不敢开口说些什么,似乎在怕自己一开口,便将这梦境打破。 Elder Brother Huo, Qiu Girl!” Yang Kai nods to two people gently, the look is tranquil. 霍兄,秋姑娘!”杨开两人轻轻颔首,神色平静。 Huo Xingchen laughed, cast aside Qiu Yimeng, in the heart the sigh is unceasing. 霍星辰呵呵一笑,撇了一眼秋忆梦,心中叹息不断。 He from Yang Kai to the Qiu Yimeng's name, looked at something. 他从杨开秋忆梦的称呼中,瞧出了一些东西。 Dong Qinghan and Dong Qingyan also came, in the mouth the younger male cousin cousin is calling, even more makes the atmosphere lively. 董轻寒董轻烟也来了,口中表弟表哥地叫着,愈发地让气氛变得热闹起来。 The Yang Kai's vision goes to not far away suddenly, looks to that side toward three escaping light of here speedy approach, the hurried starting to walk step, welcomed toward that side. 杨开的目光忽然投向不远处,望向那边朝这里迅速接近的三道遁光,急忙迈开步伐,朝那边迎了过去。 rays of light escapes, reveals three forms. 光芒遁下,露出三道身影。 Is one person, divine poise and sagelike features, clothes sleeve is floating, a man and a woman who after that follow, male figure formidable, female is delicate and exquisite. 为首一人,仙风道骨,衣袂飘飘,其后跟着的一男一女,男子身形威武,女子娇小玲珑。 Yang Kai stands in their front, bows a ritual, said in a soft voice: Grand Teacher!” 杨开站在他们前方,躬身一礼,轻声道:“师公!” Ling Taixu nods again and again, the cheers said with a smile smoothly: Good, good, came back finally.” 凌太虚连连点头,欢声畅笑道:“好,好,总算回来了。” Father, mother!” Yang Kai looks to standing in Ling Taixu behind two people. “爹,娘!”杨开又望向站在凌太虚身后两人 The Yang Fourth Master iron common man, opens mouth at this moment, does not know unexpectedly should say anything, but wiped a corner of the eye quietly, nods said: **...... Thinks you very much.” 杨四爷铁一般的汉子,此刻张了张嘴,竟不知道该说些什么,只是悄悄地抹了一把眼角,颔首道:“**……很想你。” Did not say that this saying to be good, hears this saying, Dong Suzhu unexpectedly cried, just like experienced suffering the suffering child, walked up Yang Kai to hug, whipped the Yang Kai's later generation with the white hands unceasingly, the sobbing wail is spreading, could not say anything. 不说这话还好,一听到这话,董素竹竟哇的一声哭了出来,犹如受尽了委屈的小孩子,走上前来将杨开搂着,不断地用玉手拍打着杨开的后辈,哽咽哭泣声传出,根本说不出什么。 Sees this, Yang Kai smiles. 见她这样,杨开微笑起来。 Dozens years passed by, own mother this child childlike innocence surname, has not changed, this makes him feel relieved finally. 几十年过去了,自己的母亲还是这幅孩童心姓,并没有改变,这让他总算放心下来。 Your this fellow, what cultivation level now was, why couldn't Huo Xingchen walked carelessly, gathered round Yang Kai to transfer, in the mouth expressed admiration. “你这家伙,如今到底是什么修为了,为什么我一点都窥探不出来?”霍星辰大大咧咧地走了上来,围着杨开转了一圈,口中啧啧称奇。 The people stare, emits Spiritual Mind to take a fast look around toward Yang Kai on. 众人一愣,纷纷都放出神念杨开身上扫视着。 However has achieved nothing, everyone's Spiritual Mind such as likes a stone dropped into the sea, has not exuded slightly the ripples. 不过一无所获,所有人的神念都如石沉大海,没泛起丝毫涟漪。 This discovery makes the people look surprisedly, feel subconsciously the Yang Kai present cultivation level boundary only feared already surpass the Tong Xuan Continent level, the color of eye of reveal shock. 这个发现让众人神色惊疑,下意识地感觉到杨开如今的修为境界只怕已经超越通玄大陆的水准,都目露震撼之色。 Void Return Stage.” Yang Kai loosened Dong Suzhu, patted her shoulder to do to comfort, does not know how should to the people explain Void Return Stage was what level, hesitated a under shed saying: Em, was surpass existences of Saint Stage two big boundaries.” 返虚镜。”杨开松开了董素竹,拍了拍她的肩膀以做安慰,也不知道该如何跟众人解释返虚镜是什么层次,沉吟了一下开口道:“恩,就是超越入圣境两个大境界的存在。” A sound of holding breath cold air spreads. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音传出。 Saint Stage, is Tong Xuan Continent most Peak, Saint above, is Saint King Stage, since ancient times, only then a Great Demon God person had achieved this boundary. 入圣境,已是通玄大陆的最顶峰,入圣之上,是圣王境,古往今来,只有大魔神一人曾经达到过这个境界。 But now, Yang Kai surpass the boundary of this legend, had arrived in the next level. 可是如今,杨开已经超越了这个传说的境界,抵达了下一个层次。 The Qiu Yimeng's beautiful pupil is suddenly gloomy, a heart bitterness and astringency. 秋忆梦的美眸陡然暗淡下去,芳心一片苦涩。 She suddenly discovered, between own and Yang Kai as if separated the long and trying journey, he stands in the clouds high, but own can only stand in the ground, lifts to look, is unable to touch again. 她忽然发现,自己杨开之间似乎隔了千山万水,他高高地站在云端,而自己只能站在地面,抬首仰望,再也无法触及。 Huo Xingchen sipped the dry lip, hollow laugh, looked at one toward Qiu Yimeng, does not know how should comfort. 霍星辰抿了抿干涩的嘴唇,干笑一声,朝秋忆梦望了一眼,也不知道该如何安慰。 Although Miss Qiu aptitude is good, after arriving at Tong Xuan Continent, did not worry ** resources, but until present Transcendent 3-Stage, has not arrived at the True Yuan Saint the degree. 秋大小姐虽然资质不俗,来到通玄大陆之后也不愁**资源,但直到如今也不过超凡三层境,还没到真元化圣的程度。 The disparity was too big...... 差距太大了啊…… Outside world has many splendor that is inconceivable, another day will tell you, first goes back.” Yang Kai laughed. “外面的世界有很多难以想象的精彩,改天跟你们说,先回去。”杨开呵呵一笑 Goes back, goes back!” Yang Fourth Master responded, hastily calling. “回去,回去!”杨四爷反应过来,连忙吆喝着。 Before one group of people , after the variety supports, rushes to the Battle Soul Palace ruins. 一群人前簇后拥,赶往战魂殿遗址。 In the main hall, the people sit well one, focused attention on to go toward Yang Kai, listening to him to say in Star Territory all sorts of strange and splendid places. 大殿内,众人端坐一堂,都朝杨开瞩目而去,听他说着星域中种种离奇和精彩之处。 Boy, you said that in Star Territory of that length and breadth, there are innumerable ** star?” Appearance that Ling Taixu cannot believe. “小子,你说那广袤的星域中,有无数个**之星?”凌太虚一副不敢相信的模样。 Good, only my own, has then gone through 67 ** the star, in addition, some Ore Star, Medicine Star, suited the mining mineral and cultivation herbal medicine.” Yang Kai nods gently. “不错,单是我自己,便辗转过六七个**之星了,除此之外,还有一些矿星,药星,适合开采矿物和栽培草药的。”杨开轻轻点头。 This was too inconceivable.” Boss that the Huo Xingchen mouth opens, almost can the stopper next fist. “这太不可思议了。”霍星辰嘴巴张的老大,几乎能塞下一只拳头。 In Star Territory, is Saint Stage very small and weak?” Dong Qinghan inquired timidly, dozens years do not see, this fellow plumpness of as always, em, were fatter than before. 星域中,入圣境算是很弱小么?”董轻寒怯怯地询问,几十年不见,这家伙一如既往的肥硕,恩,比以前更胖了一些。 „Very weak.” The Yang Kai look nods dignifiedly, in Star Territory, most martial artist ** to Saint Stage, these aptitude good people, even can about 20-30 arrive in this boundary.” “很弱。”杨开神色凝重地颔首,“在星域中,大多数武者都可以**到入圣境,那些资质不错的人,甚至可以在20-30左右就抵达这个境界。” The people look at each other in blank dismay, a face guilty color. 众人面面相觑,一脸愧疚之色。 Sits the person here, Saint Stage only has one person, that is High Heaven Pavilion Pavilion Master Ling Taixu, other such as aptitude best Qiu Yimeng, Transcendent 3-Stage, as for Fatty Dong and Huo Xingchen, just broke through Transcendent Stage. 坐在这里的人,入圣境的只有一人,那就是凌霄阁阁主凌太虚,其他的诸如资质最好的秋忆梦,也不过超凡三层境而已,至于董胖子霍星辰,才不过刚刚突破到超凡境 They nearly 50 years old, are the own achievement were also pleased with oneself before, but one hear of Yang Kai mention the situation in Star Territory now, somewhat is ashamed difficult to bear, wishes one could to look for a tunnel to drill. 他们都已经快五十岁了,以前还为自己的成就沾沾自喜,可是现在一听杨开说起星域内的情况,都有些羞愧难当,恨不得找个地洞钻下去。 Frog in a well, the view day such as the well is big!” Ling Taixu deeply sighed. “井底之蛙,观天如井大啊!”凌太虚深深地叹了口气。 Grand Teacher does not need so to improperly belittle oneself, martial artist in Star Territory can achieve this achievement, because that side world's spiritual energy is rich, Tong Xuan Continent...... really not suitable martial artist **, if there are the same ** condition, I want to present, breaks through to a Saint Stage not issue.” Yang Kai serious say/way. 师公也不必如此妄自菲薄,星域里的武者能达到这种成就,只是因为那边的天地灵气非常浓郁,通玄大陆……实在不适合武者**,如果有相同的**条件,我想在座的诸位,突破到入圣境没有一点问题。”杨开严肃道。 Be that as it may, but wants to enter Star Territory, is how difficult?” Ling Taixu shakes the head slowly, self-ridiculed that said with a smile: Also be honest with you, Grand Teacher I ten years ago, collaborated with Meng Wuya, have rushed to Star Territory, but our two people runs out of Tong Xuan Continent not to arrive in 100,000, was compelled to draw back. In Star Territory seems like mysterious strengths, that strength extrudes to come from all around, the flesh body intensity is unable to achieve the words of request, has no way walks.” “话虽如此,但是想要进入星域,何其艰难?”凌太虚缓缓摇头,自嘲一笑道:“也不瞒你说,师公我在十年之前,曾经与梦无涯联手,闯过星域,可是我们两人才冲出通玄大陆不到十万里,便被逼着退了回来。星域中似乎有一种神奇的力量,那力量从四周挤压而来,肉身强度无法达到要求的话,根本没法在其中行走。” „The strength of Starry Sky.” Yang Kai nods gently, suddenly cracks into a smile: Grand Teacher does not need to be worried, my coming back, is to lead to Star Territory to go you, going to that is better ** star.” 星空之力。”杨开轻轻颔首,忽然又咧嘴一笑:“不过师公也不必担心,我这次回来,就是要把你们都带到星域去的,去那更好的**之星。” In the main hall, the expression of people rouses, looks surprisedly toward Yang Kai. 大殿内,众人的表情纷纷振奋起来,都惊奇地朝杨开望去。 Really?” “果真?” How to bring?” “怎么带?” Our so many people, can you all carry off?” “我们这么多人呢,你能全带走?” The people inquired chaotically, to splendid is obviously interested greatly, wishes one could to be separated from this backward mainland that Yang Kai told earlier, went to that world's spiritual energy richer place , was the same like Yang Kai, sees a broader world and charming splendor.( To be continued.) 众人七嘴八舌地询问起来,明显都对杨开诉说的精彩大感兴趣,恨不得早点脱离这个落后的大陆,去那天地灵气更浓郁的地方,也如杨开一样,去见见更广阔的天地和迷人的精彩。(未完待续。)
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