MP :: Volume #16

#1554: Xia Ning Chang Saint King Stage

The brothers and sisters fifth day of the fifth lunar month festival is joyful, asked several monthly tickets while convenient again, sought the support, asked the power . 兄弟姐妹们端午佳节快乐,顺便再求几张月票,求支持,求动力。. ************* ************* About Yang Kai looks out in all directions, Meng Wuya as if knows that he is seeking for anything, laughed, opens the mouth to say on own initiative: Ning Chang is closing up to the critical moment, does not facilitate to see you, when she went out is good. Em, as for your Grand Teacher, he in Nine Heavens Holy Land, he and your Yang Family and that side person settles down in Battle Soul Palace outside thousand li (500 km).” 杨开左右四望,梦无涯似乎知道他在寻找什么,嘿嘿一笑,主动开口道:“凝裳正闭关到紧要关头,不方便见你,等她出关就好了。恩,至于你师公,他并不住在九天圣地,他与你们杨家和中都那边的人定居在千里之外的战魂殿。” Got it, my own saw them later.” Yang Kai took a deep breath, returns to normal slightly the own mood. “明白了,稍后我自己去看望他们。”杨开深吸一口气,稍稍平复自己的心情。 In the past own that side relatives and friends will bring to Tong Xuan Continent, Nine Heavens Holy Land so many places unable to place, therefore Yang Kai then placed Battle Soul Palace and Broken Mysterious Palace ruins outside thousand li (500 km) them, these two influences once with Yang Kai for enemy, but was extinguished by Yang Kai except finally, their Sect base industry then remained, happen to let come the person to pick ready-made. 当年自己将中都那边的亲朋好友带到通玄大陆,九天圣地没有那么多的地方可以安置,所以杨开便将他们安置在千里之外的战魂殿破玄府遗址了,这两个势力曾经与杨开为敌,不过最后都被杨开灭除,他们的宗门基业便留了下来,正好让中都来人捡了现成的。 Dozens years later, come the person also in that side calm and steady development, have the Nine Heavens Holy Land asylum, that side continuously safely worry-free, have just like become a paradise. 几十年下来,中都来人也都在那边安稳发展,有九天圣地庇护,那边一直安然无忧,俨然已经成了一处世外桃源。 The old knowledge meets respectively, the atmosphere is lively. 旧识各自相见,气氛热闹。 Holy Master returns to the sect, this is the Nine Heavens Holy Land huge celebration, the people welcomed Main Peak Yang Kai, Great Elder Xu Hui order, to chat the banquet, was the Yang Kai reception gives a welcoming dinner. 圣主回宗,这是九天圣地天大的喜事,众人将杨开迎回主峰,大长老徐汇下令,大摆酒宴,为杨开接风洗尘。 In Holy Land the honored and popular character all arrives. 圣地内有头有脸的人物全部到场。 No one inquired that Yang Kai these years to where, made anything, the people only know that Yang Kai returns safely, sits before them in good condition, this is enough. 没人去询问杨开这几十年到了哪里,做了什么,众人只知道杨开安然返回,好端端地坐在他们面前,这就已经足够。 The banquet atmosphere made noise, the people exchanged toasts, lively banquet scene, was even Li Rong and Han Fei this kind of female, drank drunken. 酒宴气氛喧嚣,众人推杯换盏,觥筹交错,便是连丽蓉寒菲这样的女子,也喝的醉醺醺的。 Tonight is doomed not to sleep. 今夜注定不眠。 The banquet from saying falls starting from, has continued early morning. 酒宴从曰落时分开始,一直持续到了清晨。 The people present mostly have climbed down, only has Xu Hui only, is maintaining sober. 在座者大多都已经爬下了,唯独只有徐汇,保持着清醒。 Yang Kai called him. 杨开将他叫出来。 „Does Holy Master have what instruction?” The Xu Hui respectful sound inquired. 圣主有何吩咐?”徐汇恭声询问。 „Can Hu Family sisters these years be good?” Is looking into Tong Xuan Continent said, Yang Kai asked one at will. 胡家姐妹这些年可好?”眺望着久违的通玄大陆的曰出,杨开随意问了一句。 Returns to Holy Master, Hu Family sisters these year of is well, the self-torture in Gemini Pavilion, some Wu Fa Wu Tian two people has taught devotedly, the growth is extremely quick, for these years sisters two people was in pairs Saint, became the Tong Xuan Continent previous generation nova!” “回圣主,胡家姐妹这些年平安无事,一直在双子阁内苦修,有吴法吴天两人悉心教导,成长极快,这几年姐妹两人更是双双入圣,成为通玄大陆上一代新星!” Em.” Yang Kai nods gently. “恩。”杨开轻轻颔首。 The relatives and friends who that side leads, basically all place in Battle Soul Palace and Broken Mysterious Palace ruins, only then Hu Family sisters, because ** Siblings Divine Art, inherited legacy of person of Gemini Pavilion foundation, therefore to Gemini Pavilion by the current two Pavilion Master belt/bring. 从中都那边带过来的亲朋好友,基本上全安置在战魂殿破玄府的遗址,唯独只有胡家姐妹,因为**了同气连枝神功,继承了双子阁创建之人的衣钵,所以被当今的两位阁主带到双子阁去了。 By these two sisters' aptitude and mystery of brothers divine ability, in these years later, ** Saint Stage is natural. 以这两姐妹的资质和同气连枝神通的神奇,这几十年下来,**入圣境是理所当然的。 This is because of the Tong Xuan Continent world's spiritual energy thin reason, if places Gloom Star them, only feared that the achievement is not limited to this. 这还是因为通玄大陆天地灵气稀薄的缘故,若是把她们放在幽暗星上,只怕成就远不止于此。 They can absolutely with the Qu Changfeng Fang Tianzhong shoulder to shoulder character. 她们绝对是能够与曲长风方天仲并肩的人物。 Subpoenaed Hu Jiao'er Hu Mei'er, asking them to come Nine Heavens Holy Land.” Yang Kai told. “传讯胡娇儿胡媚儿,叫她们来一趟九天圣地。”杨开吩咐道。 Yes!” Xu Hui should say hastily, at once expression strange said/tunnel: They, if knew that Holy Master returns to the sect, only fears not to need to invite, will quickly catch up.” “是!”徐汇连忙应道,旋即又表情古怪地道:“她们若是得知圣主回宗,只怕无需邀请,也会急忙赶来的。” Yang Kai shot a look at his one eyes, the Xu Hui Hehe hollow laugh. 杨开瞥了他一眼,徐汇呵呵干笑着。 Subpoenaed again to Monster Race several Great Senior, making them also come Nine Heavens Holy Land, said that I had the matter to look for them.” “再传讯给妖族的几位大尊,让他们也来一趟九天圣地,就说我有事找他们。” Yes, the subordinate then manages, can Holy Master also something tell?” “是,属下即可去办,圣主可还有事吩咐?” Did not have, gets down.” “没了,下去吧。” Xu Hui bows to ask to be excused, he does not have to ask, but completes the own matter with every effort. 徐汇躬身告退,他没有多问,只是尽力做好自己的事。 Then looked at Palace in confusion, Yang Kai cracked into a smile, the figure in a flash, then arrived in Nine Peaks somewhere. 回头望了一眼狼藉的宫殿,杨开咧嘴一笑,身形一晃,便来到了九峰中的某处。 This is a secret room, Little Senior Sister Xia Ning Chang then closes up in inside, stands outside the secret room, Yang Kai as if can smell the Xia Ning Chang body fragrance, for a moment is completely relaxed. 这是一间密室,小师姐夏凝裳便在里面闭关,站在密室外,杨开似乎能嗅到夏凝裳的体香,一时间心旷神怡。 He does not know that Xia Ning Chang is closing up ** anything, but has not gone to disturb, but emitted Spiritual Mind to nose slightly. 他不知道夏凝裳在闭关**什么,但也没有去打扰,只是放出神念稍稍查探了一番。 By his present tyrannical cultivation level, this quiet nosing, Xia Ning Chang is impossible to detect. 以他如今的强横修为,这种悄无声息的查探,夏凝裳根本不可能察觉的到。 His original intention also wants to have a look at Little Senior Sister whether all smooth, after his Spiritual Mind has swept Xia Ning Chang whereabouts, a brow wrinkle, reveals and astonished shocked look. 他本意也只是想看看小师姐是否一切顺利,可是当他的神念扫过夏凝裳所在之处之后,不由地眉头一皱,露出及其讶然震惊之色 The Xia Ning Chang cultivation level boundary...... unexpectedly is Saint King 2-layer! 夏凝裳修为境界……居然是圣王两层境 Is this possible? Yang Kai almost thinks that own Spiritual Mind makes a mistake. 这怎么可能?杨开差点以为自己神念出错。 Noses hastily carefully, how may to him diligently, discover own beforehand nosing wrongly not slightly. 连忙又仔细地查探起来,可任凭他如何努力,发现自己之前的查探并没有丝毫错误。 Little Senior Sister Xia Ning Chang, is really Saint King 2-layer! 小师姐夏凝裳,真的是圣王两层境 The color of Yang Kai eye of reveal shock. 杨开目露震撼之色。 Although he now is Void Return 2-layer, is higher than a big boundary compared with Little Senior Sister, but he wanderer in Star Territory dozens years, under moistening of abundant world's spiritual energy, can have cultivation level that now says. 虽然他如今已经是返虚两层境,比小师姐足足高出一个大境界,但他是在星域中闯荡了几十年,在充沛的天地灵气的滋润之下,才能有今曰的修为 Even if Little Senior Sister has the capital of having god-given wisdom, in a Tong Xuan Continent such world's spiritual energy thin place, absolutely is impossible to promote to the Saint King 2-layer degree, here spiritual energy is unable to meet the need that she promotes. 小师姐即便有天纵之资,在通玄大陆这么一个天地灵气稀薄的地方,也绝对不可能晋升到圣王两层境的程度,这里的灵气无法满足她晋升的需求。 It can be said that this kind of cultivation level has led entire Tong Xuan Continent one big section, such as is she wants, she then can sweep the entire mainland. 可以说,这样的修为已经领先整个通玄大陆一大截了,如是她愿意,她独自一人便可以扫荡整个大陆。 Then was past Great Demon God, was Saint King 1-layer, Little Senior Sister was also higher than small stage compared with Great Demon God unexpectedly. 便是当年的大魔神,也不过是圣王一层境,小师姐居然比大魔神还高出一个小层次 How does she achieve? 她如何做到的? Yang Kai is surprisedly uncertain, sometimes, this kind of accidental/surprised is not a good deed. 杨开惊疑不定起来,有时候,这样的意外并非好事。 He starts the nosing Xia Ning Chang condition carefully. 他更加仔细地开始查探夏凝裳的状态。 But at this moment, Saint Yuan of Xia Ning Chang within the body seems like the disorder to get up, has to plant the uncontrolled indication, Saint Yuan batters in her meridians, in the Little Senior Sister mouth spreads the sound of unconsciousness ying~, on the elegant face a distress, is standing the enormous pain obviously. 可就在这时,夏凝裳体内的圣元似乎紊乱起来,有种不受控制的征兆,圣元在她的经脉内横冲直撞,小师姐口中传出无意识地嘤咛之声,俏脸上一片苦楚,显然正在禁受极大的痛苦。 Accidentally discharges Become Devil!” The Yang Kai complexion sinks, the figure in a flash, the person had then arrived at the Xia Ning Chang side. “走火入魔!”杨开脸色一沉,身形一晃,人便已来到了夏凝裳的身边。 Extends a hand to cover toward her, Saint Yuan that huge rushes erupts loudly. 伸出一只手朝她笼罩过去,庞大澎湃的圣元轰然爆发。 Accidentally discharging Become Devil is very dangerous situation, trades to make the same rank martial artist to accidentally discharge Become Devil, Yang Kai has no way to help, under the external force interference, will only make the situation more and more serious. 走火入魔是很危险的情况,换做同等级的武者走火入魔,杨开根本没法帮忙,外力干扰之下,只会让情况变得越来越严重。 Accidentally discharges Become Devil, can only depend upon own firm and resolute mental to defeat heart demon. 走火入魔者,只能依靠自己坚毅的心智击败心魔 But he is higher than the entire big boundary compared with Xia Ning Chang now, makes a move to assist or not have the issue. 但他如今比夏凝裳高出整整一个大境界,出手相助还是没问题的。 Under his recuperation guidance, Saint Yuan of Xia Ning Chang within the body is gradually steady, on the elegant face the pain also restrained gradually. 在他的调理引导之下,夏凝裳体内的圣元逐渐平稳,俏脸上痛楚也渐渐收敛了。 Yang Kai then relaxes. 杨开这才松了口气。 Saint Yuan in within the body disorder was stroked the draw, Xia Ning Chang as if also felt that some people are helping own, the long eyelash vibrated several, the beautiful pupil opened a slit. 体内紊乱的圣元被拂平,夏凝裳似乎也感觉到有人在帮自己,长长的眼睫毛抖动了几下,美眸睁开了一条缝隙。 the next moment, in that beautiful pupil then jumps projects the joyful and vacant mixed look. 下一刻,那美眸里便迸射出喜悦和茫然交杂的神色。 She shows the delightful smiling face, extends lush white hands, touched toward the Yang Kai's cheeks, in the sandalwood mouth spreads the sound of muttering: Only then can meet with you in the dream, hoping...... the long dream not to awake, about often/common Ban.” 她露出甜美的笑容,伸出一只芊芊玉手,朝杨开的脸颊摸了过来,檀口中传出喃喃之声:“只有在梦中才能与你相见,但愿……长梦不醒,常伴左右。” She thinks obviously own is having a dream. 她显然以为自己在做梦。 In the Yang Kai heart inexplicable hurts, if were seized by the invisible big hand generally, making him be almost impossible to breathe. 杨开心中莫名一疼,若被无形的大手揪住了一般,让他几乎无法呼吸。 Opens mouth, Yang Kai had nothing to say in reply. 张了张嘴,杨开无言以对。 In the past his warm-blooded, left Tong Xuan Continent, because although sought for Su Yan, but this to Xia Ning Chang, might as well be a pain. 当年他一门热血,离开了通玄大陆,虽说是因为去寻找苏颜,但这对夏凝裳来说,未尝不是一种痛苦。 She has not stopped, has not detained, instead also supports the Yang Kai's approach. 她没有阻拦,也没有挽留,反而还支持杨开的做法。 Magnanimous that very she displays, making Yang Kai retrieve Su Yan. 她表现的很大度,让杨开苏颜找回。 Leaves for more than 30 years, Su Yan still has not fallen, Yang Kai made Little Senior Sister pass for more than 30 years **. 一别三十多年,苏颜依然没有下落,杨开却让小师姐度过了三十多年的**。 His shame to this reasonable, gentle naive female, in his heart rebukes oneself completely. 他愧对这个通情达理,温婉天真的女子,他的心中满是自责。 Rests, rests, was good.” Yang Kai embraces Xia Ning Chang, Saint Yuan is pouring into toward her within the body temperately, stimulates to movement her sleepiness. “睡吧,睡一下起来,就好了。”杨开揽着夏凝裳,圣元往她体内温和灌入,催动她的睡意。 The eye of Xia Ning Chang is opening and closing, in the beautiful pupil full is the look that yearns, did not seem to hope in light of this deep sleep in the past, as if also wants to open eyes again, had a look at the appearance of front this man carefully. 夏凝裳的眼睛开阖着,美眸里满是留恋的神色,似乎不愿就此沉睡过去,似乎还想再睁开眼,仔细看看面前这个男人的样子。 But cannot resist the Yang Kai's method eventually, heavy closed the eye, the breath was steady. 可终究没能抵挡过杨开的手段,沉沉地阖上眼睛了,呼吸平稳。 Yang Kai is looking at her, in eye gentle almost can melt the rock, sets level her softly, Spiritual Mind passes the body, locked some location/position of Xia Ning Chang within the body. 杨开望着她,眼中的温柔几乎能将磐石融化,轻手轻脚地将她放平,神念透体而出,锁定了夏凝裳体内的某一处位置 the next moment, his complexion suddenly becomes fierce, in the mouth shouted severely: Rolls to me!” 下一刻,他的脸色陡然变得狰狞起来,口中厉喝道:“给我滚出来!” The words fall, big hand suddenly presses toward the Xia Ning Chang abdomen place, boundless Saint Yuan sputtering Void. 话落,大手猛地夏凝裳腹部处按去,磅礴的圣元溅射虚空 Grasps, receives, dusky aura pulled out from Xia Ning Chang within the body by Yang Kai to together suddenly. 一抓,一收,一道灰蒙蒙的气息忽然被杨开夏凝裳的体内抽离出来。 That dusky aura leaves Xia Ning Chang long-drawn-out, then chī chī randomly calls, as if has own spiritual wisdom general, attempts to break through in all directions on Yang Kai, wanting to be separated from the control. 那灰蒙蒙的气息悠一离开夏凝裳,便嗤嗤乱叫,似乎拥有自己灵智一般,在杨开手上左冲右突,欲要脱离掌控。 The Yang Kai complexion sinks, increased the output of Saint Yuan hastily, at the same time, dozens Golden Blood Silk Thread lasings come out, fuse one group, erupts dazzling golden light, after waiting for golden light to diverge, that dozens Golden Blood Silk Thread have interwoven mutually, formed big, wraps that group of gray qi in the middle. 杨开脸色一沉,连忙加大了圣元的输出,与此同时,几十道金血丝激射出来,融合成一团,爆发出耀眼金光,等金光散去之后,那几十道金血丝已经互相交织,编成了一张大,将那一团灰气包裹在中间。 The Yang Kai complexion ice is looking at it coldly, Spiritual Mind takes a fast look around in its interior unceasingly, he wants to know, this is anything. 杨开脸色冰寒地望着它,神念不断地在它内部扫视,他很想知道,这到底是什么东西。 A moment ago he for Xia Ning Chang combed meridians and Saint Yuan the time, discovered the group of gray qi that hid in Xia Ning Chang within the body. 刚才他替夏凝裳梳理经脉圣元的时候,无意间发现了隐藏在夏凝裳体内的这团灰气 He has not acted immediately, but after first makes Little Senior Sister sleep peacefully, launches an attack suddenly. 他并没有立刻出手,而是先让小师姐安睡下去之后才骤然发难。 His not clear Xia Ning Chang accidentally discharges Become Devil to be related with this group of gray qi, but this absolutely is not Xia Ning Chang own ** comes out, but is a foreign matter, does not know why will attach in Little Senior Sister within the body. 不清楚夏凝裳走火入魔是不是与这团灰气有关,但是这绝对不是夏凝裳自己**出来的,而是一种异物,不知道为什么会依附在小师姐体内。 It does not seem like the soul, because Xia Ning Chang had not been seized the trace of shed. 它不像是灵魂,因为夏凝裳没有被夺舍的痕迹。 What is that this? Yang Kai brow tight wrinkle, by his experience and experience, not clear this group of gray qi were what thing. 那这是什么?杨开眉头紧皱,以他的见识和阅历,也不清楚这团灰气到底是个什么玩意了。 Sound of erupts chī chī, that gray qi in gold/metal back and forth lazy, just like is stranded the beast of prey in prisoner's cage, is unable to get out of trouble. 嗤嗤之声大作,那灰气在金之中来回悠忽,犹如被困在囚笼里的猛兽,始终无法脱困。 Suddenly, the Yang Kai brow selects, shows the accidental/surprised look. 蓦然,杨开眉头一挑,露出意外的神色。 He felt the Xia Ning Chang life trace and Divine Soul brand mark from this group of gray qi. 他从这团灰气中感受到了夏凝裳的生命痕迹和神魂烙印。 This in other words, Xia Ning Chang knows its existence, and refining up to melt it. 这也就是说,夏凝裳知道它的存在,并且炼化过它。 But Yang Kai still felt that it is not the good thing, it as if has a bewildered relation with Little Senior Sister, this relation makes Little Senior Sister also such as it general, vitality grey! 杨开依然感觉它不是什么好东西,它似乎与小师姐之间有一种莫名其妙的联系,这种联系让小师姐也变得如它一般,生机灰涩! This discovery makes in the Yang Kai heart sink. 这个发现让杨开心中一沉。 If judgment of own not wrong, then between this group of gray qi and Little Senior Sister should be if one suffers, all suffers, the relations of if one prospers, all prospers, make a move to extinguish it rashly eliminate, Little Senior Sister is very likely the fragrant disappearing jade to perish.( To be continued.) 如果自己的判断没有错,那么这团灰气小师姐之间应该是一损俱损,一荣俱荣的关系,贸然出手将它灭除的话,小师姐极有可能就此香消玉殒。(未完待续。)
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