MP :: Volume #16

#1553: The old friends meet

Good, good, all have no change .” Yang Kai Ling stand in the midair, Spiritual Mind sweeps entire Holy Land, satisfaction has nodded. “好,好,一切都没什么变化。.”杨开凌立在半空之中,神念扫过整个圣地,满意点头。 Shi Kun is in trance, does not know how in own arrives at the peak, but he is also quick to respond, should be the hands and feet that Yang Kai moves. 史坤神情恍惚,根本不知道自己是怎么来到内峰的,但他也很快就反应过来,应该是杨开动的手脚。 What method is this? Unexpectedly is so strange, Shi Kun holds in awe and veneration. 这到底是什么手段?居然如此离奇,史坤又敬又畏。 Suddenly, he seems like remembers anything, proceeds to step forward one step, took a deep breath, said to Nine Peaks big shout: Holy Master! Returns to the sect!” 忽然,他又像是想起什么,往前跨出一步,深吸一口气,冲着九峰大喝道:“圣主!回宗!” loudly shout reverberation in Nine Peaks, continuous. 喝声回荡在九峰,连绵不绝。 The entire Nine Peaks sound as if by this echo submerging, in Holy Land presented a quiet atmosphere unexpectedly strangely, does not have any sound. 整个九峰的动静似乎都被这回声给淹没了,圣地内竟诡异地出现了一种静谧的气氛,没有任何声响。 However after the moment, Nine Peaks scratches with the finger to be chaotic suddenly, in each peak is in chaotic situation, large quantities of rays of light escape from various peak places, spreads rapidly toward here. 不过片刻后,九峰忽然搔乱起来,每一峰上都鸡飞狗跳,大批大批的光芒从各峰处遁出,急速朝这边驰来。 The Pill Refining room, Saint Grade Alchemy Expert Du Wan is refining a furnace clear snow pill, this furnace medicine pill is Saint Grade low-rank pill, asks the person of pill to be waiting outside Nine Peaks at this moment, the status is not low, therefore Du Wan acts personally. 炼丹房,圣级炼丹师杜万正在炼制一炉清雪丹,这一炉丹药圣级下品丹,来求丹之人此刻正等候在九峰外,身份不低,所以杜万亲自出手。 Spent said many time, Du Wan will soon be of great success, in Pill Room has filled that type of special delicate fragrance icy cold air/Qi, at this moment he is controlling the crucial moment cautiously, the anticipation looked at Pill Stove everywhere, the preparation is receiving pill matters concerned finally. 足足花费了一曰多的时间,杜万才即将大功告成,丹房内已经弥漫出那种特殊的清香冰凉气,此刻他正小心翼翼地控制火候,满目期待地望着丹炉,准备最后的收丹事宜。 Nearby, Chang Bao sits there potbellied, the fat piles up one on top of another on the face, narrows the small eye also to look keenly at bit by bit the front, seeming like wants to learn from some experiences from the Du Wan refinement technique. 一旁,常保大腹便便地坐在那里,肥肉堆叠在脸上,眯着小眼睛也紧盯着着前方,似乎是想从杜万的炼制手法中汲取些经验。 The two Saint Grade Alchemy Expert expression concentrates austere and excited. 两位圣级炼丹师的表情都凝肃而兴奋。 This two one was initially the Great Stone City Pill Expert Association chancellor person, one is the Lightning Light City Pill Expert Association chancellor, the status venerates, because learns many Pill Refining knowledge in Nine Heavens Holy Land, promoted the Saint Grade Alchemy Expert level, therefore then resigned from the Pill Expert Association duty together, joined in Nine Heavens Holy Land. 两位一个是当初巨石城丹师协会的主事人,一个是闪光城丹师协会的主事,身份尊崇,不过因为在九天圣地学习到许多炼丹知识,晋升到了圣级炼丹师的水准,所以便一同辞去了丹师协会的职务,加入到了九天圣地中。 Besides their two people, Hong Fang, He Feng, the Kong Ruoyu three people, now also were completely Saint Grade Alchemy Expert. 除了他们两人之外,还有洪方,何枫,孔若羽三人,如今也尽都是圣级炼丹师了。 Tong Xuan Continent Pill Refining level, since Yang Kai walks, presented the blowout -type development, all these merit must give credit to being liberal the inspiration of guidance and Xia Ning Chang of Heavens Hideaway Old Man Li Rui. 通玄大陆炼丹水准,自杨开走后,出现了井喷式的发展,这一切的功劳都要归功于天藏老人李瑞的不吝教导和夏凝裳的启发。 Beforehand Tong Xuan Continent, but only has Li Rui one person is Saint Grade Alchemy Expert. 以前的通玄大陆,可是只有李瑞一人是圣级炼丹师 Pill Refining to the critical moment, was tighter, in the pupil that the small eye of Chang Bao narrowed the eyes none overflowed, as if was Du Wan worries. 炼丹到了紧要关头,常保的小眼睛眯的更紧了,眸内精光四溢,似乎在为杜万捏一把汗。 Even they, cannot guarantee that is refining the Saint Grade medicine pill time to have the percentage hundred success ratios, Du Wan this furnace medicine pill can be so smooth, eye looks at must come out, is the union of the technique and luck. 即便是他们,也不敢保证在炼制圣级丹药时候有百分百的成功率,杜万这一炉丹药能如此顺利,眼看着就要出炉,也是自身技艺和运气的结合。 Is the critical moment, more cannot allow the least bit to be careless, now is the most important moment. 越是关键时刻,越是容不得半点马虎,现在才是最重要的关头。 But in this time, shouted angrily to pass from outside suddenly, the sound of that loudly shout, was Pill Room restriction has no way to prevent, spread to the ear of two Saint Grade Alchemy Expert. 可就在这个时候,一声怒喝忽然从外面传了进来,那喝声之响,便是丹房禁制都没法阻止,直传入两位圣级炼丹师的耳中。 The Du Wan old hand shakes, a True Yuan also disorder. 杜万苍老的手一抖,一身真元也紊乱了一下。 In front Pill Stove then transmits titters a light sound. 紧接着,面前的丹炉内便传来噗嗤一声轻响。 The burnt taste fills the air from Pill Stove. 焦糊味从丹炉里弥漫出来。 Du Wan is startled there, the complexion was difficult to see the extreme. 杜万怔在那里,脸色难看到了极点。 Chang Bao also frowns. 常保也皱起了眉头。 Unexpectedly falls short! 居然功亏一篑! Shi Kun this idiot was finished! Du Wan must certainly put the blame on the responsibility of this furnace medicine pill refinement failure him. 史坤这蠢货完蛋了!杜万肯定要把这一炉丹药炼制失败的责任归咎于他。 In the Chang Bao heart is taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 常保心中幸灾乐祸着。 Old Chang, Shi Kun that boy shouted a moment ago blindly what is coming?” Comes as a surprise to Chang Bao, Du Wan has not lost one's temper unexpectedly immediately, instead a face looked at own to ask one strangely. 老常,史坤那小子刚才瞎喊什么来着?”出乎常保的意料,杜万居然没有立刻动怒,反而一脸古怪地望着自己问了一句。 Has not listened to clear.” Chang Bao shakes the head. “没听清楚。”常保摇头。 Although they a moment ago heard Shi Kun to shout anything, because the mind all sent in Pill Refining above, therefore Chang Bao has not cared about the content of frontline propaganda. 他们刚才虽然听到了史坤喊了什么,但因为心神全寄付在炼丹之上,所以常保也没在意喊话的内容。 How did I listen to him to shout Holy Master?” Du Wan brow tight wrinkle. “我怎么听他喊了一句圣主?”杜万眉头紧皱。 Holy Master?” Chang Bao stunned, but quick then remembered anything probably, just like is stepped on the cat of tail, the plump body showed light and lively that was inconceivable, one jumped from the ground: You say Holy Master?” 圣主?”常保愕然,不过很快便像是想起了什么,犹如被踩了尾巴的猫,肥硕的身子展现出难以想象的轻灵,一下就从地上跳了起来:“你是说圣主?” Nine Heavens Holy Land always only has Holy Master, that is Yang Kai. 九天圣地从来只有一位圣主,那就是杨开 Since Yang Kai departs, the position of then hovering flight Holy Master, in the entire Nine Heavens Holy Land martial artist mind, Yang Kai is Holy Master. 自从杨开离去之后,圣主之位便一直空悬,在整个九天圣地武者心目中,杨开便是圣主 I seemed like heard Shi Kun to shout that a moment ago Holy Master returned to the sect.” Du Wan flexure head. “我刚才似乎是听到史坤在喊圣主回宗。”杜万挠了挠脑袋。 „Did you determine?” Chang Bao is shouting. “你确定?”常保嚷嚷着。 Eh, I am indefinite.” “额,我也不确定。” two people looked at each other in blank dismay a meeting, suddenly simultaneous rushes over outward, opens the Pill Room door, then sees He Feng, Hong Fang, the Kong Ruoyu three people such as the urgent matter is also common, runs from respective Pill Room, flushes away anxiously anxiously outward, the rapidness of speed, is as good the young and vigorous young fellow. 两人面面相觑了一会,忽然都齐齐朝外冲了过去,才打开丹房的门,便看到何枫,洪方,孔若羽三人也如火烧屁股一般,从各自的丹房里跑出,急急朝外冲去,速度之快,丝毫不逊于年轻力壮的小伙子。 Old fogies, wait for Old Man.” Chang Bao is moving the obese body, yelled in behind. “老家伙们,等等老夫啊。”常保挪动着肥胖的身躯,在后面大叫。 No one responds him, is catching up outward. 没人搭理他,全都在往外赶。 Nine Peaks another mountain peak place, mountainside secret room, Demon Qi is rich. 九峰另一座山峰处,山腰密室处,魔气浓郁。 In the secret room, two beautiful women are controlling one's breathing in close eyes, solemn elegant, this solitary one lonely arrogant, the makings are entirely different. 在密室中,有两个美妇正在闭目调息,一个端庄典雅,一个孤冷清傲,气质截然不同。 The former is Saint 3-layer top cultivation level, the latter is Saint 2-layer. 前者是入圣三层境的顶尖修为,后者是入圣两层境 On two people is wrapping thick jet black Demon Qi, is seemingly alarmed, at this moment, two females seem like in practice anything Secret Technique. 两人身上都包裹着浓浓的漆黑魔气,看起来触目惊心,此刻,两女似乎是在修炼什么秘术 When the sound conveys, both females cannot help but opened the eye, that solemn beautiful woman looks to another person, the black eyebrow light wrinkle said: Han Fei, Shi Kun was saying a moment ago...... Holy Master did return to the sect?” 当声音传来的时候,两女都不由自主地睁开了眼睛,那端庄些的美妇望向另一人,黛眉轻皱道:“寒菲,史坤刚才是不是在说……圣主回宗了?” That makings chilly beautiful woman hears word, the tender body trembles, the careful recollection, nods gently. 那气质清冷的美妇闻言,娇躯一颤,仔细回想,轻轻颔首。 four eyes contact, both pairs of beautiful pupils burst out the astonishing brilliance suddenly, did not have the thoughts to go to practice anything Secret Technique again, two tender bodies, are binding one group of Black Qi, ran out of the secret room directly, outward sped along. 四目相对,两双美眸都忽然迸发出惊人的光彩,再也没心思去修炼什么秘术了,两具娇躯,裹着一团黑气,直接冲出了密室,朝外飞驰。 The same matter, is performing in various Nine Peaks places. 相同的事情,在九峰各处上演着。 Entire Nine Peaks , never has which day to say for decades now so lively, these even Yueli are existences that Tong Xuan Continent countless people respect pay homage, as if lost the discretion in this flash, changes as the young people of doing things recklessly. 整个九峰,几十年来,从未有哪一天如今曰这般热闹,这些平曰里为通玄大陆无数人敬仰膜拜的存在,仿佛都在这一瞬间失了分寸,变身为毛手毛脚的年轻人。 Holy Land Great Elder Xu Hui when catches up outward, batters, dashed own housing Palace directly, the wall several, Palace almost collapsed but actually. 圣地大长老徐汇在朝外赶的时候,横冲直撞,直接撞破了自己居住的宫殿,墙壁倒了几面,宫殿都差点坍塌了。 Elder Yu Ying when catches up outward, overturns vase that several even says liked. 长老玉莹在朝外赶的时候,打翻了好几个平曰喜爱的花瓶。 Saintess An Ling'er ran out of the bathroom in bathing, quickly puts on the clothes, even hair has not done. 圣女安灵儿更是在沐浴的时候冲出了浴室,急忙披上衣服,连发丝都没干。 ...... …… All, because only reverberates a few words in Nine Peaks. 所有的一切,都只因为回荡在九峰内的一句话。 Holy Master, returns to the sect! 圣主,回宗! Everyone wants to know, this news is really false, everyone wants to have a look at that dozens years have not seen the appearance, their immediately runs out of the place that each one treats, all rushes to toward the place that the sound originates. 所有人都想知道,这个消息到底是真是假,所有人都想看看那几十年未曾见过的容颜,他们在第一时间冲出各自所待的地方,全都朝声音来源的地方奔赴。 flowing light spread rapidly, gathers in front of Yang Kai. 一道道流光急速驰来,汇聚在杨开面前。 Reveals the form respectively, after seeing clearly the Yang Kai's facial features, shows the look that happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised, some people weep, can not help. 各自露出身影,在看清杨开的面容之后,都露出了惊喜交加的神色,更有人喜极而泣,情不自禁。 Various Holy Land Great Elder, Du Wan Chang Bao and other Alchemy Grandmaster, Ancient Demon Clan commands, gathers together. 圣地大长老,杜万常保等各位炼丹大师,古魔一族诸位统领,汇聚一堂。 Only Saint Stage then has about ten. 单是入圣境便有将近十位。 This is one sweeps away the entire Tong Xuan Continent strength sufficiently, this is existence that anybody does not dare to belittle. Because of their existences, accomplished unsurpassed prestige of Nine Heavens Holy Land on Tong Xuan Continent. 这是一股足以横扫整个通玄大陆的力量,这是任何人都不敢小觑的存在。正是因为他们的存在,才造就了九天圣地通玄大陆上的无上威名。 The Yang Kai's vision has swept on the each and everyone familiar face, the heart is warm, in the surface blooms the bright smiling face. 杨开的目光在一个个熟悉的面孔上扫过,心头温暖,面上绽放出灿烂至极的笑容。 Leaves for dozens years, the old friend as before, nothing compared with this news better. 一别几十年,故人如旧,没有什么比这个消息更好的了。 Really is Holy Master!” “真是圣主!” Holy Master came back, really came back.” 圣主回来了,真的回来了。” In the crowd transmits the pleasantly surprised shouting, everyone is happy, in the eye pupil reveals exciting rays of light. 人群中传来惊喜的叫嚷,每一个人都喜形于色,眼眸内露出兴奋的光芒 Subordinate Xu Hui, with Holy Land Elder, see Holy Master, welcomed Holy Master to return to the sect!” The Xu Hui person is old, although excited in the extreme, may not have chaotically the courtesy finally, the restraining mind, in the mouth calls hastily. “属下徐汇,携圣地长老,参见圣主,恭迎圣主回宗!”徐汇人老持重,虽然心情激动的无以复加,可总算没乱了礼数,连忙收敛心神,口中吆喝起来。 Several Holy Land Elder salute hastily. 几位圣地长老连忙行礼。 Does not use such politely, I went home.” Yang Kai waves, an invisible strength, picks up the people completely. “诸位不用这么客气,我只是回家了而已。”杨开挥手,一股无形的力量,将众人全部托起。 On lord......” another side, transmits the sobbing summon of Ancient Demon Clan Great Commander Li Rong. “主上……”另一边,传来古魔一族大统领丽蓉的哽咽呼唤。 Another commands Han Fei to stand, is the eye socket slightly red. 另一位统领寒菲站在旁边,也是眼圈微红。 Yang Kai inherited Great Demon God legacy, serves Great Demon God Ancient Demon Clan to the generation, Yang Kai is their revering main, this point Demon Senior Zhang Yuan has no way to compare continually now. 杨开继承了大魔神衣钵,对世代侍奉大魔神古魔一族来说,杨开便是他们的尊主,这一点连当今魔尊长渊也没法比拟。 Therefore even Yang Kai in Nine Heavens Holy Land, they have not waited in this place. 所以即便杨开不在九天圣地,她们也一直在此地等候。 Actually to the Ancient Demon Clan person, Demon Border is the place that suits them to survive, may for Yang Kai, Li Rong make Ancient Demon Clan settle down in Nine Heavens Holy Land decidedly. 其实对古魔一族的人来说,魔疆才是适合他们生存的地方,可为了杨开,丽蓉还是决然地让古魔一族定居在九天圣地 Looks at the Yang Kai's face, the Li Rong heart is trembling lightly. 望着杨开的面孔,丽蓉芳心轻颤。 In the past Yang Kai departed, she once requested to follow, pledges to fight to the death to protect, in the past but how Yang Kai own did not know the future, where dares to take Li Rong, therefore then made her stay behind. 当年杨开离去的时候,她曾要求跟随,誓死相护,可是当年杨开自己都不知道前途如何,哪敢带上丽蓉,所以便让她留下了。 But, Li Rong said the night to worry in these years, outside how often remembered Yang Kai not to know the situation, then to sleep on pins and needles, hates own not to stickle at that time, making on the lord a person roam about outside lonely. 可这几十年来,丽蓉曰夜牵挂,每每想起杨开在外不知情况如何,便寝食难安,痛恨自己当时没有坚持己见,让主上一人在外孤独流浪。 The heart of hearts filled remorse, these years were suffered. 她内心深处充满了自责,这些年备受折磨。 Now saw that Yang Kai safe return, she weeps. 如今眼看杨开平安归来,她喜极而泣。 Do not cry, happy, my did not come back.” Yang Kai laughed, makes noise the comfort to say. “别哭啊,开心点,我这不是回来了么。”杨开呵呵一笑,出声安慰道。 Yes!” Li Rong sips red lips lightly, the nod should say. “是!”丽蓉轻抿着红唇,点头应道。 Requests to Yang Kai's, she will satisfy unconditionally. 杨开的要求,她会无条件地满足。 Boy, if were really you comes back?” At this moment, a pleasantly surprised cry transmits suddenly from one side. “小子,果真是你回来了?”就在这时,一声惊喜的叫声忽然从侧面传来。 Yang Kai turns head to look, impressively the discovery is Meng Wuya. 杨开扭头望去,赫然发现是梦无涯 Dozens years do not see, Meng Wuya or same as usual, a light appearance, if sneak in the crowd, did not know that his person only feared thinks he is a being on the verge of death old man, does not think that he is Saint 3-layer top Expert. 几十年不见,梦无涯还是老样子,一副平淡至极的打扮,若是钻进人群中,不认识他的人只怕会认为他是个行将就木的老头子,根本不会想到他是一位入圣三层境的顶尖高手 Treasurer Meng has been well since last meeting!” Yang Kai smiles. 梦掌柜别来无恙!”杨开粲然一笑。 Good, good, the boy has seemed like also moistens very much, Old Man felt relieved.” Meng Wuya nods layer on layer/heavily, in the surface shows the gratified smile. “好,好,小子看起来过的也很滋润,老夫放心了。”梦无涯重重颔首,面上露出欣慰至极的微笑。 Meng Wuya can be said as looks at Yang Kai growing, in the past he hid the identity, in High Heaven Pavilion, held the post of Contribution Hall Storekeeper, was acquainted with Yang Kai early, because of the Xia Ning Chang reason, related intimately. 梦无涯可以说是看着杨开一路成长起来的,当年他隐藏身份,待在凌霄阁内,担任贡献堂掌柜,与杨开最早相识,更因为夏凝裳的缘故,彼此间关系亲密。 Therefore saw after Yang Kai returns to this place dozens years later, in the Meng Wuya heart a big stone also falls to the ground. 所以见到杨开时隔几十年返回此地之后,梦无涯心中一块大石也落了地。 He is very anxious to Yang Kai's, is as good anybody.( To be continued.) 他对杨开的牵肠挂肚,不逊于任何人。(未完待续。)
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