MP :: Volume #16

#1552: Doesn't know me?

Although recovered after Bone Race in the past, after Three Clans collaborates the anti- enemy incident, relations of Three Clans harmonious many, but did not represent not to have the dispute, particularly competition of practice resources, will often spare no effort. 虽然当年经过骨族复苏,三族联手抗敌一事之后,三族的关系和睦了不少,但并不代表没有纷争了,尤其是修炼资源的争夺,往往都会不遗余力。 But before not having, such regards each other for the atmosphere of life and death foe. 只不过没有了以前那样视彼此为生死仇敌的氛围。 The person of Human Race does not dare at will enter without permission Demon Border. 人族之人是不敢随意擅闯魔疆的。 Now here presents a Human Race youth suddenly, not only has not placed in Sir Meng Ge the eye slightly, said the Demon Senior given name bold, this made several Demon Race people very discontented. 如今这里忽然出现了一个人族青年,不但丝毫没把蒙戈大人放在眼中,更胆大包天地直呼魔尊名讳,这让几个魔族人很是不满。 If not for Meng Ge here, only feared that they rush ahead immediately, asking that Human Race youth to pay the price. 若不是蒙戈在这里,只怕他们会立刻冲杀上去,叫那人族青年付出代价。 Shut up!” Meng Ge drinks one lowly, that person...... you cannot provoke, this will unable to provoke, perhaps reveres...... unable to provoke, do not discuss him in the back!” “住口!”蒙戈低喝一声,“那人……你们招惹不起,本将招惹不起,尊上……恐怕也招惹不起,别在背后议论他!” What? Reveres unable to provoke?” Several Demon Race people have a big shock, the eyeball shivers, what background is he?” “什么?尊上也招惹不起?”几个魔族人大惊失色,眼珠子都颤抖起来,“他到底是什么来头啊?” His name, you have perhaps listened.” Meng Ge frowns, he is Lord of Nine Heavens Holy Land, Yang Kai!” “他的名字,你们或许听过。”蒙戈皱起眉头,“他就是九天圣地之主,杨开!” The complexions of several Demon Race people are splendid immediately, really silent did not speak. 几个魔族人的脸色立刻精彩起来,果然静默不语。 Now on Tong Xuan Continent, Nine Heavens Holy Land one-party rule, the ice sets up Three Clans above, in Holy Land Saint Stage Expert are innumerable, no influence can with it placing on a par. 如今通玄大陆上,九天圣地一家独大,凌立三族之上,圣地入圣境高手无数,没有哪个势力能与之相提并论。 However although Nine Heavens Holy Land these years the crest of wave is strong, their Holy Master have had no news. 不过九天圣地这些年虽然风头强劲,他们的圣主却一直没有什么消息。 didn't expect a moment ago that youth unexpectedly was the Nine Heavens Holy Land master. 没想到刚才那个青年居然是九天圣地的主人。 Must cloud over.” Meng Ge is looking at the dusky sky, twittering, turns around at once, spreads rapidly in the Demon Capital City direction. “要变天了。”蒙戈望着灰蒙蒙的天空,呢喃了一声,旋即转身,急速朝魔都的方向驰去。 He must result in passes to Demon Senior Zhang Yuan the news that Yang Kai returns to as soon as possible. 他必须得尽快将杨开回归的消息传给魔尊长渊 ...... …… Nine Heavens Holy Land, nine high peak gatherings become natural Formation, on Tong Xuan Continent, Nine Heavens Holy Land enjoys to the high reputation, in Holy Land the powerhouse emerges one after another incessantly, although these years do not have to recruit disciple again, but actually the flourishing population, the wealth does not lack. 九天圣地,九座奇峰汇聚而成天然大阵,在通玄大陆上,九天圣地享有至高的名誉,圣地内强者层出不穷,这些年虽然没有再招收弟子,但却人丁兴旺,财富不缺。 Reasons for this include, solely is not because the Nine Heavens Holy Land influence is abundant, is intimate with Human Race several big influence relations, because also the technique of here Pill Refining is famous. 究其原因,不单单是因为九天圣地的势力雄厚,与人族几大势力关系亲密,还因为这里的炼丹之术名闻天下。 Year to year several top Pill Refining Grandmaster assume this place. 常年有好几位顶尖的炼丹宗师坐镇此地。 martial artist bring the material to come this Pill Refining, basically without possibility of failure, so long as paid fully the reward and material, waited for several days, will then have satisfying Spirit Pill to succeed in obtaining. 武者们带着材料来此炼丹,基本上没有失败的可能,只要付足了酬劳和材料,等上几曰,便会有让人满意的灵丹到手。 By this income, Nine Heavens Holy Land does not worry the source of practice commodity only. 单靠这一进项,九天圣地就不愁修炼物资的来源。 Outside Holy Land Nine Peaks, long dragon arranged several li (0.5 km), at least over a thousand cultivation level different martial artist are waiting for Nine Heavens Holy Land Alchemy Expert here is its Pill Refining, once for a while, new martial artist is involved. 圣地九峰外,一条长龙足足排了几里地,至少有上千名修为不同的武者正在这里等候九天圣地炼丹师为其炼丹,时不时地,还有新来的武者加入其中。 Although the population are many, actually without scratching with the finger chaotically, everyone secure defends the duty, successor very voluntarily on platoon in the final side of team, not, because the strength surpasses others to dare to join a production team. 人数虽多,却没有搔乱,每个人都安守本分,后来者很自觉地就排在队伍的最后方,并没有因为实力超出别人就敢插队。 The person who as long as dares to do that had received the lesson. 但凡敢这么做的人,都已经受到了教训。 martial artist that lining up waits, earliest has waited for a month of time here, but no one displays not to bear, the whole face anticipated that stands there, waits for the Nine Heavens Holy Land person to call own to turn in the material. 排队等候的武者,最早的一个已经在此等候一个月时间了,不过没人表现出不耐,都满脸期待地站在那里,等待九天圣地的人招呼自己交上材料。 Bored, these martial artist are also whispering, talks in whispers, or exchanges some information, either is chatting the fantastic story amusing thing, time fast. 无聊中,这些武者也在交头接耳,窃窃私语,或交流一些情报,或聊着奇闻趣事,时间过的飞快。 This said, a youth strolls to come from Nine Peaks suddenly, figure Ying Wei/brave and large, pupil reveal none, an appearance of country bumpkin, the eyeball chaotic revolutions, sizes up, expresses admiration, the look moves fast, seems like cherishing the memory of anything. 这一曰,一个青年忽然从九峰外漫步而来,身形英伟,眸露精光,一副乡巴佬的模样,眼珠子乱转,四下打量,啧啧称奇,眼神飘忽,似乎是在缅怀些什么。 After seeing that lining up long dragon, this recalling was more obvious. 在见到那排队的长龙之后,这种缅怀更加明显了。 Here this.” Yang Kai grins to smile, faces forward to walk, while have a relish sizes up these to come to ask pill's martial artist. “这里还是这样啊。”杨开咧嘴微笑着,一边朝前走去,一边饶有兴致地打量那些前来求丹的武者们。 In the past he also when Nine Heavens Holy Land, the Holy Land outside was such a scene. 当年他还在九天圣地的时候,圣地外便是这么一副光景了。 The didn't expect dozens years pass by, here many changes, the only change has not been asks pill's person more. 没想到几十年过去,这里并没有多少改变,唯一的变化就是来求丹的人更多了。 Hey, does the boy, you want to do?” In the crowd hears one to shout angrily suddenly. “喂,小子,你想干什么?”人群中忽然传来一声怒喝。 Yang Kai turns head to look, was discovering that Great Han/big person glares angrily at each other to own. 杨开扭头望去,正发现一个大汉自己怒目相视。 Where this boy comes, doesn't want to join a production team?” “这小子哪来的,不会是想插队吧?” „The words that young people, want to maintain a livelihood, are waiting to behind on obediently, do not think that own extraordinary, coming here person to observe the custom.” “年轻人,想活命的话,就乖乖地到后面去等着,别以为自己有多了不起,来这里的人都得遵守规矩。” Snort, if he dares to join a production team, father twisted his head!” “哼,他要是敢插队,老子拧了他的脑袋!” Young fellow, lines up obediently to behind, you do not obey the custom, if were discovered by the Nine Heavens Holy Land person, will only be taught, but if annoyed these people, you will be out is very ugly.” “小伙子,乖乖到后面排队去,你不守规矩要是被九天圣地的人发现了,只会被教训一顿,但若是惹毛了这些人,你下场会很难看啊。” Yang Kai has not said anything with enough time, in the crowd then transmitted calling of talking at once, advises against his behavior, many people cast the vision that despises and pities. 杨开还没来得及说些什么,人群中便传来了七嘴八舌的吆喝,纷纷劝阻他的行为,更有许多人投来鄙夷和怜悯的目光。 As if the Yang Kai and other meeting of the fates are very ugly. 似乎杨开等会的下场真的很难看。 I am not ask pill.” Yang Kai touches the nose. “我不是来求丹的。”杨开摸了摸鼻子。 The people who each wants to join a production team said. The boys, you refused to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality evidently, wants Sir to teach your?” Before that to/clashes Great Han/big person cold snort that Yang Kai calls, two fists are gripping tightly, collided in the chest front, a face looks bad toward Yang Kai. “每一个想插队的人都是这么说的。小子,看样子你是不见棺材不掉泪了,要不要大爷教训你一顿?”那之前冲杨开吆喝的大汉冷哼一声,两只拳头紧握着,在胸前碰撞了一下,一脸不善地朝杨开望来。 I really am not ask pill.” Yang Kai is resigned-looking. “我真不是来求丹的。”杨开一脸无奈。 What are you make?” That Great Han/big person is unforgiving, the vision is aggressive, as if Yang Kai will not give a view then not to give up. “那你是来做什么的?”那大汉不依不饶,目光咄咄逼人,似乎杨开不给个说法便不会善罢甘休。 I go home, I am the Nine Heavens Holy Land person.” Yang Kai attracted the nose. “我回家啊,我是九天圣地的人。”杨开吸了吸鼻子。 You?” That Great Han/big person is sizing up Yang Kai up and down, a face does not believe, suddenly beckons to side, shouts shouts: This brothers, trouble you to come.” “就你?”那大汉上下打量着杨开,一脸的不相信,忽然冲旁边招了招手,吆喝道:“这位兄弟,麻烦你过来一下。” That side has martial artist, seems going on patrol, hears the shout, immediately flees, sweeps the eye, knits the brows: What makes? What person also had not to obey the custom?” 那边有一个武者,似乎正在巡逻,听到喊声,立刻窜了过来,把眼一扫,皱眉道:“做什么?是不是又有什么人不守规矩了?” hey hey, this brothers, you have a look at this fellow, he said that own is your Holy Land person, I thought that he seems like must join a production team, the brothers you take a look, taking a look at him is your Holy Land person.” Great Han/big person is pointing at Yang Kai, said to that Nine Heavens Holy Land disciple. 嘿嘿,这位兄弟,你看看这家伙,他说自己是你们圣地的人,我看他像是要插队的,兄弟你瞅瞅,瞧瞧他是不是你们圣地的人。”大汉指着杨开,冲那九天圣地弟子说道。 That disciple hears word, the vision looks to Yang Kai, sized up a meeting carefully, shakes the head saying: Has not seen this person . Moreover, on our Holy Land disciple clothes, will have the symbol of Holy Land.” 弟子闻言,目光看向杨开,仔细打量了一会,摇头道:“没见过这人,而且,我们圣地弟子的衣服上,会有圣地的标志。” So saying, he hinted a own chest front. 这般说着,他示意了一下自己胸前。 Really, this boy is speaking thoughtlessly to talk nonsense.” Great Han/big person is looking at Yang Kai taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, pretends to be Holy Land disciple, your fellow died.” “果然,这小子在随口胡扯。”大汉幸灾乐祸地望着杨开,“冒充圣地弟子,你这家伙死定了。” „Don't you know me?” Yang Kai looks at that disciple to ask. “你不认识我?”杨开望着那弟子问道。 „Should I know you?” The opposite party did not answer asked back. “我应该认识你么?”对方不答反问。 Yang Kai nods gently: Visits you to be young, joins Holy Land probably shortly. Em, is Elder that today here the value defends which?” 杨开轻轻颔首:“看你年纪不大,大概加入圣地没多久。恩,今天在这里值守的长老是哪个?” Listens his such a to ask that disciple expression surprisedly is immediately uncertain, does not know that Yang Kai is talking irresponsibly or really has what relations with Holy Land. 听他这么一问,那弟子的表情立刻惊疑不定起来,也不知道杨开到底是在信口开河还是真的与圣地有什么关系了。 Although he grows up in Holy Land from the urination, but now 25-26, Yang Kai in Holy Land, he had not been born, has naturally never seen the Yang Kai's facial features. 他虽然自小便在圣地长大,但如今也不过25-26而已,杨开圣地的时候,他还没出生呢,自然从未见过杨开的面容。 In heart surprised, this disciple does not dare to neglect, said hastily: Is Elder Shi assumes personal command.” 心中惊疑,这弟子也不敢怠慢,连忙道:“是史长老坐镇。” Elder Shi?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, the memory deep place emits a person's shadow to come, to show a faint smile saying: Is Shi Kun?” 史长老?”杨开眉头一皱,记忆深处冒出一个人影来,微微一笑道:“是史坤吧?” Exactly. that disciple terrified one startled, really does not understand that the Yang Kai anything background, dares to say the Elder Shi given name unexpectedly, moreover listens to his tone, as if is very ripe with Elder. 正是。”那弟子悚然一惊,实在不明白杨开到底什么来头了,居然敢直呼史长老的名讳,而且听他口气,似乎与长老还挺熟。 Leads me to see him, he recognizes my.” Yang Kai said at will, but quick changed the idea: Ok, my own goes.” “带我去见他吧,他认得我的。”杨开随意说道,不过很快又改了主意:“算了,我自己去吧。” The words fall, the person in place vanishes to disappear suddenly. 话落,人忽然在原地消失不见了。 One group of people stared in a big way the eyeball, over the face was panic-stricken. 一群人都瞪大了眼珠子,满面惊骇。 Person? Where did the fellow run?” Beforehand Great Han/big person Gu eye looks out in all directions, actually cannot see the Yang Kai's form, had/left cold sweat. “人呢?那家伙跑哪去了?”之前的大汉顾目四望,却始终看不到杨开的身影,不由地出了一身冷汗 He thought own damn. 他以为自己见鬼了。 Other person also such expressions, for a moment, the cool feeling raids the foot from the beginning. 其他人也都这么个表情,一时间,凉意从头袭到脚。 Not far away has a pavilion, in this moment pavilion, Shi Kun is sitting cross-legged to sit, seems comprehending anything. 不远处有一座凉亭,此刻凉亭内,史坤正盘膝而坐,仿佛在参悟着什么。 Suddenly, Shi Kun seems like has induced, opens the eyes hastily, shouted severely: Bold!” 蓦然,史坤像是有所感应般,连忙睁开双眼,厉喝道:“大胆!” At this moment he detected that some people rushed in the pavilion. 这一刻他察觉到有人闯进了凉亭中。 He as Holy Land Elder, assumes personal command to keep the order here, disciples does not pass through reports, cannot disturb him absolutely, some didn't expect people do not keep eyes open, unexpectedly when he comprehends Secret Technique ran up to this place to come. 他身为圣地长老,坐镇在这里维持秩序,弟子们不经禀告,绝对不能来打扰他,没想到有人不长眼,居然在他参悟秘术的时候跑到此地来了。 Shi Kun is naturally angry. 史坤自然大怒。 Luckily has not arrived at the critical moment, otherwise is very likely disturbed accidentally discharging Become Devil. 幸亏没到关键时刻,否则的话极有可能会被干扰的走火入魔 In the mouth drinks severely, catches the eye to look in the direction that the sound transmits. 口中厉喝,抬眼朝动静传来的方向望去。 Under looks, Shi Kun opened the mouth, there. 一望之下,史坤张大了嘴巴,愣在了那里。 Yang Kai is looking at him with a smile: Many years do not see, the Elder Shi temperament sees to rise!” 杨开笑吟吟地望着他:“多年不见,史长老脾气见涨啊!” Saint...... Holy Master?” Shi Kun loses one's voice to call out in alarm, didn't expect, comes to disturb own, unexpectedly is the lord of Holy Land, vanished dozens years of Yang Kai. “圣……圣主?”史坤失声惊呼,怎么也没想到,前来打扰自己的,居然是圣地之主,消失了几十年的杨开 For the first time saw, Shi Kun hardly can believe that he made an effort to rub under the eye, looked to discover again front is standing that person was really Holy Master. 乍一见到,史坤几乎不敢相信,他使劲地揉了下眼睛,再望去发现面前站着的那人果然是圣主 Although dozens years have not seen, when Holy Master walks as then like that young, the years simply have not as if left the trace on him. 虽然几十年没见,可圣主一如当初走时那般年轻,岁月似乎根本没在他身上留下痕迹。 The Shi Kun exciting body shivers suddenly. 史坤忽然激动的身躯颤抖起来。 Good good, you also arrived at Saint 2-layer cultivation level, these years have not idly spent evidently.” Yang Kai nods gently, then saw the Shi Kun boundary. “不错不错,你也到了入圣两层境修为了,看样子这些年没虚度。”杨开轻轻颔首,一眼便看出了史坤的境界。 Subordinate Shi Kun, see Holy Master, welcomed Holy Master to return to the sect!” Shi Kun partly kneels in the place hastily, the sinking sound drinks lowly, is agitated. “属下史坤,参见圣主,恭迎圣主回宗!”史坤连忙半跪在地,沉声低喝,语气激动。 Gets up.” Yang Kai waves. “起来吧。”杨开挥了挥手。 Shi Kun crawls, cannot believe that as ever is looking at Yang Kai, just like placing oneself the dreamland, purses the lips, hesitates said: Holy Master, did you really come back?” 史坤爬起,犹然不敢相信地望着杨开,宛若置身梦境,抿了抿嘴,迟疑道:“圣主,你真的回来了?” Came back, Holy Land now how?” “回来了,圣地如今怎样?” All well, Holy Master does not need to be worried.” Shi Kun replied hastily, because of fluctuating of state of mind, blood energy upwelled, the complexion became flushed. “一切安好,圣主不用担心。”史坤连忙答道,因为心绪的起伏,血气上涌,脸色都涨红起来。 That is good!” “那就好!” Holy Master, hurries Holy Land, since you walk, Great Elder they have said the night to worry about, if now knew that you return safely, they think that will be very happy.” Shi Kun is rubbing hands to say. 圣主,赶紧回圣地吧,自你走后,大长老他们一直曰夜记挂,如今若是得知你安然归来,他们想必会很高兴的。”史坤搓着手道。 Em.” Yang Kai nods, you go together along with me.” “恩。”杨开颔首,“你随我同去。” So saying, puts out a hand to stroke, Saint Yuan covers Shi Kun. 这般说着,伸手一拂,一股圣元史坤笼罩。 the next moment, two people vanishes in the pavilion, when Shi Kun restores the field of vision time, discovered impressively in own and Yang Kai have arrived in the peak, pleasant is the Holy Land nine high peaks.( To be continued.) 下一刻,两人都消失在凉亭之中,等到史坤恢复视野的时候,赫然发现自己杨开已经来到内峰之中,入眼便是圣地的九座奇峰。(未完待续。)
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