MP :: Volume #16

#1579: Troubles you well to summer Great Master

Xia Ning Chang obtained making good use, not only had own to read the garret of strength, but also several young pretty, the hands and feet clever maid considered the daily life, she needs to do, but relieved was Chi Yue Pill Refining can . 夏凝裳得到了重用,不但拥有了自己读力的阁楼,而且还有好几个年轻貌美,手脚伶俐的婢女照顾生活起居,她需要做的,只是安心为赤月炼丹便可。. All are expected in Yang Kai's. 一切都在杨开的预料之中。 Xia Girl, these materials are the feudal lord Sir allocate to you, the Sir hopes that sees the end product one month later Spirit Pill.” In garret, a maid who wears the green clothes, hands over toward Xia Ning Chang Space Ring. 夏姑娘,这些材料是领主大人拨调给你的,大人希望在一个月后看到成品的灵丹。”阁楼里,一个身穿绿衣的婢女,将一枚空间戒夏凝裳递去。 Gives me.” Yang Kai smiles, received that Space Ring. “给我。”杨开笑了笑,接过那枚空间戒 A green clothes maid black eyebrow wrinkle, as if some are not glad slightly very much, but does not have too to reject, puts on Space Ring Yang Kai gently. 绿衣婢女黛眉微微一皱,似乎有些不是很乐意,但也没太拒绝,轻轻地将空间戒放到杨开手上。 Yang Kai Spiritual Mind has swept, a chuckle sound said: How only then such material?” 杨开神念扫过,轻笑一声道:“怎么只有这么点材料?” These also few? This is 40 Void Grade pill's materials.” The green clothes maid knits the brows to say. “这些还还少么?这已经是四十份虚级丹的材料了。”绿衣婢女皱眉道。 Em, was short, but can also make some materials.” Yang Kai asked. “恩,少了点,还能不能多弄一些材料来。”杨开问道。 Can be the energy, but...... in the temporary palace other Great Master, one month are also so many shares, many words, they simply do not have time to refine.” “能是能,但是……行宫里其他的大师们,一个月也都是这么多的份额,再多的话,他们根本没时间炼制。” How these people can compare with my family Little Senior Sister!” Yang Kai curls the lip, a face disdains, goes many with the material, the more better.” “那些人怎能与我家小师姐相比!”杨开撇了撇嘴,一脸不屑,“去多拿点材料,越多越好。” Green clothes young female is looking at Xia Ning Chang immediately awkwardly, to be honest, she does not like Yang Kai this person, about Yang Kai is the Little Bai/Little White face, only eats meal by the woman, but also the hearsay of unfaithful overflowing sentiment has spread over the entire temporary palace. 绿衣少女顿时为难地望着夏凝裳,老实说,她不太喜欢杨开这个人,关于杨开是个小白脸,只靠女人吃饭,还花心滥情的传闻早已传遍了整个行宫。 No female has the favorable impression to the this kind of man. 没有哪个女子这样的男人有好感。 He had a Pill Refining Grandmaster woman is not content, unexpectedly reached fan light Senior Luo the evil clutches. What is pitiful, light Senior Luo does not know that was camouflaged that wisdom bright eyes by anything, could not completely understand unexpectedly the original surname of this shameless one, cannot see clearly him to hide the dirty soul under ray semblance. 他有了一位炼丹宗师的女人还不知足,居然把魔爪伸向了扇轻罗大人。可悲的是,轻罗大人也不知道被什么遮蔽了那睿智明亮的双眼,竟看不透这个无耻之徒的本姓,看不清他隐藏在光线外表下的肮脏灵魂。 In the temporary palace, almost all people are being Shan Qingluo sigh with regret, thought that a fresh flower, is actually willing to insert on the cow dung well, this makes their grief and indignation want certainly. 行宫里,几乎所有人都在为扇轻罗扼腕叹息,觉得好好一朵鲜花,却甘愿插在牛粪上,这让他们悲愤欲绝。 Now Yang Kai tone compared with huge, this lets to his impression not good green clothes maid is the dislike. 如今杨开口气比天大,这让本就对他印象不好的绿衣婢女更是厌恶。 However the feudal lord Sir as if intends to make good use of this new Pill Refining Grandmaster, therefore she is not good to flatly refuse. Only under wants to solicit the suggestions of Xia Ning Chang. 不过领主大人似乎有意重用这位新来的炼丹宗师,所以她也不好一口回绝。只想征求下夏凝裳的意见。 Depends on the meaning of Junior Brother.” Xia Ning Chang said gently. Feudal lord Sir that side, if asked, you said I wanted, she will not agree.” “就依师弟的意思。”夏凝裳轻轻地说道。“领主大人那边若是问起来,你就说我要的,她不会不同意。” Yes!” Helpless the green clothes maid nods. “是!”绿衣婢女无奈颔首。 Right, these Great Master in temporary palace. How many generally has pill's probability is?” Yang Kai also asked one. “对了,行宫里的那些大师们。一般出丹的几率是多少?”杨开又问了一句。 20%!” The green clothes maid replied faintly. Ten materials. Refines successfully twice!” “20%!”绿衣婢女淡漠地答道。“十份材料。炼制成功两次!” Got it, many thanks considered!” The Yang Kai smile holds the fist in the other hand. “明白了,多谢相告!”杨开微笑抱拳。 Green clothes maid looks at he, as if there is appearance that what words want to say earnestly. But hesitates actually cannot say some little time, but asked for mercy to Xia Ning Chang, turned around to depart. 绿衣婢女认真地看着他,似乎有什么话想说的样子。可迟疑了好一会却没能说出口,只是向夏凝裳告罪一声,转身离去了。 This girl probably is very repugnant I.” Yang Kai looks at her back, Hehe is saying with a smile, he naturally knows why the opposite party will exhibit one to loathe the own look extremely, but he toward will not go at heart. “这丫头好像很讨厌我啊。”杨开望着她的背影,呵呵笑道,他自然知道对方为什么会摆出一副极其厌恶自己的神色,但他也不会往心里去。 Junior Brother, we do this, can some be not quite good?” Xia Ning Chang worried that is looking at Yang Kai. 师弟,我们这样做,会不会有些不太好?”夏凝裳担忧地望着杨开 Where isn't good?” “哪里不好了?” After all is the Void Grade material, the value is not low, if it's going to be like this, is equal to deceiving the material...... Xia Ning Chang from Red Moon Territory main here to be somewhat anxious and guilty. “毕竟是虚级材料,价值不低,这样做的话,等于是从赤月领主这里骗材料啊……”夏凝裳有些不安和愧疚。 This is not right.” Yang Kai shakes the head, Little Senior Sister you think, the girl also said a moment ago, in the temporary palace other Great Master refine Void Grade pill time, Pill Success probability about 20%. In other words, 80% materials will be wasted by them. But Little Senior Sister you are different, if you make a move to refine full power, did not say that percentage hundred Pill Success probabilities, ** becomes always has, has the failure also to have no relations occasionally, when the time comes you only need these material transformation are 30% end product medicine pill, to the Red Moon Territory lord, she has gained greatly gained especially, we also fish for some advantage, this is to everyone advantageous matter.” “这就不对了。”杨开摇头,“小师姐你想想,刚才那丫头也说了,行宫里其他的大师们炼制虚级丹的时候,成丹的几率在20%左右。也就是说,有八成的材料会被他们浪费掉。可是小师姐你不同,你若是全力出手炼制,不说百分百的成丹几率,**成总是有的,偶有失败也没什么关系,到时候你只需要将那些材料转化为30%的成品丹药,对赤月领主来说,她就已经大赚特赚了,我们也不过是从中捞取一些好处罢了,这是对大家都有利的事情。” You said that although good, but I always do not feel well.” Xia Ning Chang is sipping red lips lightly. “你说的虽然不错,但是我总觉得不好。”夏凝裳轻抿着红唇 Although in the heart thought that own seems like the thief to be the same with Junior Brother two people, but since is Yang Kai wants her to do that Xia Ning Chang will not reject. 尽管心中觉得自己师弟两人像是小偷一样,但既然是杨开要她这么做,夏凝裳就不会拒绝。 two people then joined in the Pill Refining great undertaking quickly. 两人很快便投身到了炼丹大业之中。 The Xia Ning Chang Pill Refining process is practice, to her, Pill Refining is enjoyment, is not laborious. Moreover she now was also Void Return 1-layer martial artist, after studying diligently Pill Way True Understanding, she attainments originally no small matter on Pill Refining Technique. 夏凝裳炼丹的过程就是修炼,对她来说,炼丹是一种享受,并不辛苦。而且她如今也是返虚一层境武者了,钻研了丹道真解之后,她在炼丹术上的造诣本就非同小可。 In addition succeeds to refine Spirit Pill that in Shining Moon City previous time lives Pill Clouds, the harvest is huge, the sensibility is quite deep, present she understanding of Pill Refining, is Yang Kai also admires. 再加上上一次在晖月城中成功炼制出一枚生有丹云灵丹,收获巨大,感悟颇深,如今的她对炼丹的理解,便是杨开也佩服不已。 Materials, are changed to end product Spirit Pill in her hand, the efficiency is extremely high. 一份份材料,在她手上被转化为成品的灵丹,效率极高。 Yang Kai has not been idling, he is experimenting in Pill Way True Understanding the refinement technique about finally Pill Success time, if successful, then a material will produce many Spirit Pill, but not just one grain. 杨开也没闲着,他正在试验丹道真解中关于最后成丹时候的炼制手法,如果成功的话,那么一份材料将会出产出更多的灵丹,而并非只有一粒了。 Conceivable, if makes him experiment successfully, will have how big impact on Pill Refining this Domain. 可以想象,如果让他试验成功,将会对炼丹这个领域造成多么大的冲击。 This absolutely is a progress of foundation surname. 这绝对是一个开创姓的进展。 What a pity Yang Kai also has no clue temporarily, can only refines Spirit Pill, while studies diligently Pill Way True Understanding. 可惜杨开暂时还没什么头绪,只能一边炼制灵丹,一边钻研丹道真解 The Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people work as one, the only 40 Pill Refining materials, then spend freely less than several days. 师姐弟二人齐心协力,区区四十份炼丹材料,没过几天便挥霍一空。 After several days, when that green clothes maid comes again, received one bottle of 12 grains of Spirit Pill time, her surprised almost stared the eyeball. 几曰后,当那绿衣婢女再次过来,接过一瓶十二粒灵丹的时候,她吃惊的几乎把眼珠子瞪了出来。 Then how many days, this young attractive Pill Refining has Grandmaster, really refined all materials? Moreover the Pill Success quantity, must be higher than 10% compared with other Great Master of temporary palace! 这才几天啊,这位年轻漂亮的炼丹宗师,真的就已经把所有材料炼制完了?而且成丹的数量,比行宫的其他的大师都要高出10%! She hardly can believe the eye of own. 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛。 If not for these Spirit Pill truly before the material that delivers can in the correspondence, before she almost must suspect Xia Ning Chang, medicine pill that refines brought to serve as a stopgap. 若不是那些灵丹确实与之前交付的材料能过对应上,她几乎要怀疑夏凝裳将以前炼制的丹药拿来充数了。 No wonder the feudal lord Sir will regard as important her, originally she really has the skill! 怪不得领主大人会这么看重她,原来她是真有本事! Thinking, her even more was thinking that Yang Kai was an eyesore, this Little Bai/Little White face is really the face is also thick-skinned, entire said idly, did not do other, only defended side this miss, keeping close, as if for fear that others false start her was the same! 这么想着,她愈发觉得杨开碍眼了,这个小白脸也真是脸皮厚啊,整曰无所事事,不做别的,就只守在这位姑娘身边,寸步不离,仿佛生怕别人把她抢跑了一样! However does not blame him to do that own has no skill, can only eat meal by the woman, naturally must look to be tighter, such as summer Great Master such splendid female, the pursuer only fears innumerably. 不过也不怪他这么做,自己没什么本事,只能靠女人吃饭,当然是要看紧一些,如夏大师这么出色的女子,追求者只怕数不胜数。 Summer Great Master, this was 100 Void Grade pill's materials, the feudal lord Sir said that if you wanted the material again, only need say one to the maidservant, the temporary palace will supply unconditionally sufficiently.” The green clothes maid hands over respectfully many materials. “夏大师,这是一百份虚级丹的材料,领主大人说了,你若是再要材料的话,只需跟小婢说一声,行宫会无条件供给充足的。”绿衣婢女恭敬地将更多的材料递过去。 Thanked!” Xia Ning Chang shows a faint smile. “谢谢了!”夏凝裳微微一笑。 Placing there was good.” Yang Kai hints to say lightly. “放在那里好了。”杨开淡淡地示意道。 The green clothes maid stared his one eyes wickedly, puts down the material on hand, thinks a meeting, shouted suddenly tenderly: Troubles you well to summer Great Master, your shameless man!” 绿衣婢女恶狠狠地瞪了他一眼,将手上的材料放下,想了一会,忽然娇喝道:“麻烦你对夏大师好一点,你这不要脸的男人!” After saying, left panting in indignation. 说完之后,气呼呼地离开了。 A Yang Kai face is bewildered, knits the brows: What did she scold me to make? I have not incurred her not to annoy her!” 杨开一脸莫名其妙,皱眉道:“她骂我做什么?我又没招她没惹她!” The Xia Ning Chang pursing the lips chuckle, said comfortably: Do not care, others do not know that Junior Brother your outstanding, I knew on the line.” 夏凝裳抿嘴轻笑,宽慰道:“别在意,旁人不知道师弟你的优秀,我知道就行了。” Yang Kai heart one warm. 杨开心头一暖。 Xia Ning Chang lowers the head, said in a soft voice: Actually is like this good, I also really feared that more women know you are how outstanding!” 夏凝裳低着头,轻声道:“其实这样挺好,我还真怕更多的女人知道你是多么优秀!” Since Little Senior Sister said that I feel at ease, when your Little Bai/Little White face was good.” Yang Kai laughs. “既然小师姐都这么说了,那我就安心当你的小白脸好了。”杨开哈哈大笑起来。 Xia Ning Chang complexion slightly red, Little Bai/Little White face word always makes her associate to some not well, but Mi Luan thing...... 夏凝裳脸色微红,小白脸这个词总是让她联想到一些不好而糜乱的东西…… Red Moon Territory is the Monster Star ten big territories exists top three, the territory nature is wealthy, produces a lot of talent treasures, let alone here is Monster Star, Monster Beast are innumerable, therefore the temporary palace does not lack medicinal herbs and Monster Beast that Core anything Pill Refining needs. 赤月领妖星十大领地排名前三的存在,领土自然富裕,出产大量的天才地宝,更何况这里是妖星,妖兽无数,所以行宫根本就不缺少炼丹所需要的药材妖兽内丹什么的。 Xia Ning Chang wants many, the temporary palace can satisfy. 夏凝裳想要多少,行宫都能满足。 In order to as far as possible many benefits from here, the Yang Kai Xia Ning Chang Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people naturally spare no effort refines medicine pill, all materials only refine 30%, medicine pill that will refine gives that green clothes maid, then brings the new material from her hand. 为了能尽可能多的从这里捞取好处,杨开夏凝裳师姐弟二人自然是不遗余力地炼制丹药,所有的材料只炼制30%,将炼制出来的丹药交给那绿衣婢女,然后从她手中拿来新的材料。 Remaining 70%, were lined one's purse by Yang Kai. 剩下的70%,都被杨开中饱私囊了。 This type can plunder the Pill Refining material the opportunity is not many wantonly, where can Yang Kai let off? 这种能大肆搜刮炼丹材料的机会可不多,杨开哪能放过? He is actually indifferent, now he is Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, only if makes him use the Void King Grade material to practice acquiring a skill, can effectively promote his Pill Refining technique, otherwise refines many medicine pill, increases own level of expertise. 他本身倒是无所谓,如今他已经是虚王级炼丹师,除非让他用虚王级材料练手,才能有效地提升他的炼丹技艺,否则炼制再多的丹药,都只是增加自身的熟练程度而已。 But Xia Ning Chang is different, she needs the base number huge material to come Pill Refining , to promote own cultivation level. 夏凝裳不同,她需要基数庞大的材料来炼丹,来提升自身的修为 Star Master as Tong Xuan Continent, Little Senior Sister wants to make the own boundary promote urgently, good is the own native land takes away vitality. 身为通玄大陆星主,小师姐迫切地想让自己的境界提升起来,好为自己的故土带去生机 These materials obtained from the temporary palace, will become the stepping-stone that Xia Ning Chang grows. 从行宫里得到的这些材料,都将成为夏凝裳成长的垫脚石。 The splendor of Xia Ning Chang, making Chi Yue joyful. 夏凝裳的出色,让赤月大为欣喜。 Although in temporary palace several Void Grade Alchemy Expert, but has no one to be able such as Xia Ning Chang is so efficient high-speed Pill Refining, can say, in that several Void Grade Alchemy Expert the temporary palace adds, was inferior that Xia Ning Chang is practical. 行宫里虽然有几位虚级炼丹师,但是没有哪一个能如夏凝裳这般高效高速的炼丹,可以说,将行宫里那几位虚级炼丹师加起来,也不如一个夏凝裳实用。 Chi Yue felt, if Xia Ning Chang can work for ten years in the temporary palace, is very likely is Red Moon Territory creates over a hundred Void Return Stage martial artist! 赤月觉得,如果夏凝裳能在行宫里效力十年的话,那么极有可能为赤月领缔造出上百位返虚镜武者 This did not chat, medicine pill that if really ten years of time, were refined by Xia Ning Chang, gave these talented Monster Race martial artist to take again, can definitely help them grow effectively. 这并非说笑,若真有十年时间,由夏凝裳炼制出来的丹药,再交给那些有才能的妖族武者服用,肯定可以有效地帮助他们成长。 She even more favored Xia Ning Chang, almost granted every request to her request, not slightly dilatory, this indulging was more convenient Yang Kai to plunder the material. 她愈发地看好夏凝裳了,对她的要求几乎是有求必应,没有丝毫拖沓,这种放纵更方便了杨开搜刮材料。 He had been considering, should select the Void King Grade material to come from Chi Yue there lane. 他已经在考虑,是不是该从赤月那里弄点虚王级材料过来了。 Emperor Dragon Star has not had Void King Grade Alchemy Expert! 帝辰星上从来没出过虚王级炼丹师 This also means that in the temporary palace definitely preserved massive Void King Grade medicinal herbs. 这也就意味着,行宫里肯定储藏了大量虚王级药材 Yang Kai has made a veiled attack this point from Shan Qingluo there, knows that Chi Yue has a storehouse, there is depositing many precious materials, existences of many Void King Grade, this makes Yang Kai excited..) 杨开已经从扇轻罗那里旁敲侧击到了这一点,知道赤月有一个库房,那里存放着许多珍贵的材料,其中不乏虚王级的存在,这让杨开大为心动。。)
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