MGS :: Volume #41

#3886: Big result

Eternal enlightened emperor aura of increases all of a sudden, spread to the limit, he was different from former Ye Xiwen has faced these days Monarch, he that formidable, existence that is almost unable to imagine. 永恒圣君身上的气息一下子攀升,扩散到了极限,他不同于以前叶希文所面对过的那些天君,他是那么的强大,几乎无法想象的存在。 This is also Ye Xiwen first time truly faces peak Ruler, that has arrived at existence of peak entire Domain, perfect, without any flaw. 这也是叶希文头一次真正面对巅峰主宰,那是将整个领域已经走到了巅峰的存在,完美无缺,没有任何的缺陷。 If were beforehand Ye Xiwen has bumped into the eternal enlightened emperor, that really must die without doubt. 如果是以前的叶希文碰到了永恒圣君,那就是真的必死无疑了。 But now, Ye Xiwen had the strength that and he treated as an equal! 而现在,叶希文却有了和他平起平坐的实力! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Both sides erupted terrifying War, the Ye Xiwen behind world tree transformed, with eternal gate multiple collision, but on Ye Xiwen's Martial Venerable Seal has released, at this time early changed to Martial Lord Seal, the might was infinite, may create the world, may extinguish the world. 双方爆发出了恐怖大战,叶希文身后世界树幻化了出来,与永恒之门多次的碰撞,而叶希文的手上武尊印释放了出来,此时早已经化作了武君印,威力无穷,可创世,也可灭世。 Now he, already formidable to certain situation. 当今的他,也已经强大到了一定的地步。 The Martial Lord Seal unceasing bang to the eternal enlightened emperor, in that long blade by his mouth had been blocked, two peerless Magical Artifact also unceasingly collided in Void, collapsed all, has annihilated all. 武君印不断的轰向了永恒圣君,被他口中的那一口长刀挡住了,两件绝世的法器也在虚空之中不断碰撞,坍塌了一切,也湮灭了一切。 But Ye Xiwen while this neutral gear, then one step has also stepped, in his hand has pinched an seal Secret Art, changed to the Martial Lord Seal seal method, changed to seal single-handed, then pounded to fall. 叶希文也趁着这一个空档,然后一步跨了出来,他的手上捏了一个印诀,化作了武君印的印法,单手化作了印,然后一口气砸落了下来。 But in another hand, was a fist Six Paths Reincarnation Fist direct bang has actually put on Void, fell the body of eternal enlightened emperor maliciously. 而在另外一只手上,却是一拳六道轮回拳直接轰穿了虚空,狠狠落到了永恒圣君的身上。 But the eternal enlightened emperor similarly is also unceasing many ingenious methods, then kill to go toward the Ye Xiwen's direction maliciously bang. 而永恒圣君同样也是不断的化出诸多的妙法,然后朝着叶希文的方向狠狠轰杀而去。 Both sides both carry the innumerable ingenious methods, in the middle of fighting of this terrifying, explodes splits the brilliant immortal light that has been hard to imagine. 双方都身负无数的妙法,在这种恐怖的交手当中,爆绽出了难以想象的绚烂仙光。 Useless, Martial Lord, you are impossible to defeat me!” “没有用的,武君,你不可能击败我!” The eternal enlightened emperor has the protection of eternal gate, therefore is unscrupulous, is fearless. 永恒圣君有永恒之门的守护,所以肆无忌惮,根本无所畏惧。 You think that I amn't able to defeat the gate of your eternal?” Ye Xiwen sneers, he rushed to the front of eternal enlightened emperor horizontally, many ingenious methods of both sides fell on the body of opposite party, but both sides did not have worry, because both sides had the protection of great treasure. “你以为我无法击破你的永恒之门么?”叶希文冷笑一声,他横冲到了永恒圣君的面前,双方的诸多妙法都落在了对方的身上,但是双方却根本无所顾忌,因为双方都有至宝的守护。 The eternal gate was eternal enlightened emperor sacrifice has practiced many years of Treasured Object, might be considered as an attack and defense body, formidable being hard imagination. 永恒之门是永恒圣君祭练了多年的宝贝,堪称是攻防一体,强大的难以想象。 On Ye Xiwen's, that was boundless age gold/metal Zu air/Qi obviously to melt, has swept then away, gave to sweep big hole that terrifying formidable eternal gate directly. 叶希文的手上,那是无边的庚金祖气显化了出来,然后一口气横扫了出去,直接将那恐怖的强大的永恒之门都给扫出了一个大洞 Age gold/metal Zu air/Qi, destroys the hardest defenses, is one of strongest Treasure the entire age gold/metal era breeds, in this moment, on Ye Xiwen's, erupted the terrifying might that was hard to imagine. 庚金祖气,无坚不摧,是整个庚金纪元孕育出来的最强宝物之一,在这一刻,在叶希文的手上,爆发出了难以想象的恐怖威力。 How possible!” “怎么可能!” The eternal enlightened emperor can only the looks at eternal gate helplessly hit had a huge loophole, but Ye Xiwen through this loophole true killing to his front, but is not that looks at close at hand, the regulations great distance innumerable eras. 永恒圣君只能眼睁睁的看着永恒之门被打的多出了一个巨大的漏洞,而叶希文通过这个漏洞真正的杀到了他的面前,而不是那种看着近在眼前,实则相隔无数个纪元。 Martial Lord Seal!” 武君印!” A Ye Xiwen hand changed to one such as ribbon attached to an official seal pounding of mountain general terrifying maliciously to fall. 叶希文一只手化作了一个如山一般恐怖的印绶狠狠的砸落了下来。 Bang!” “嘭!” The eternal enlightened emperor suffered the heavy losses instantaneously, entire body almost hit cracks, again and again vomit blood retreat. 永恒圣君瞬间遭受了重创,整个身体都差点被打的崩裂开来,连连吐血后退 Thoroughly by Ye Xiwen suppressing. 彻底被叶希文给压制了。 Ye Xiwen that Bible hundred fight naturally has not let up such opportunity, the direct crush on, has suppressed maliciously. 圣经百战的叶希文自然没有放过这样的机会,直接碾压而上,狠狠镇压了下来。 Lost offensive afterwards, the eternal enlightened emperor has been at a disadvantage, let alone also caused heavy losses to afterwards, is unable to display the real battle efficiency. 本来就失去了先手之后,永恒圣君就已经处于下风了,更何况还被重创之后,就更无法发挥出真实的战斗力了。 War, continued fully for ten days ten nights, Ye Xiwen completely has finally had the superiority, has blown the world of this side using the world tree, has blown also the eternal enlightened emperor, was inescapable, finally was killed by a Ye Xiwen fist bang, this fist pierced the eternal enlightened emperor, made Primordial Spirit that the eternal enlightened emperor that eternal did not extinguish light thoroughly, has fired the ashes. 大战,整整持续了十天十夜,叶希文终于完全取得了优势,利用世界树镇住了这一方的世界,同时也镇住了永恒圣君,根本无法逃脱,最后被叶希文真的一拳轰杀,这一拳洞穿了永恒圣君,同时也让永恒圣君那永恒不灭的元神彻底点燃了,烧成了灰烬。 This terrifying War ended finally. 这一场恐怖大战终于落幕了。 In this process, although has cost some time, but is actually worth, Ye Xiwen almost did not have the wound to cause heavy losses, strikes to kill the eternal enlightened emperor. 在这个过程之中,虽然耗费了一些时间,不过却是值得的,叶希文几乎是无伤就重创,击杀了永恒圣君。 Has Ye Xiwen of world tree, almost Xiantian is in an impregnable position, nobody can defeat the world tree, nobody can defeat him. 坐拥世界树的叶希文,几乎先天就立于不败之地,没有人能够击破世界树,也就没有人能够击败他。 He received the corpse of eternal enlightened emperor. 他将永恒圣君的尸首收了起来。 But War in other one side Qin Jun and eternal day Monarch's also arrived at the last act, carried Qin Jun portable long sword of Chaos blue lotus, a Sword Dao god, the place of each sword reacted entire Mysterious, eternal day Monarch was not his opponent, even if offered a sacrifice to ten thousand ancient god bridges unable to prevent the footsteps that Qin Jun went forward, hit retreating in defeat again and again. 而在另外一边秦君与万古天君的大战也已经到了尾声,身负混沌青莲的秦君手提长剑,剑道通神,每一剑都震动整个神秘之地,万古天君不是他的对手,即便祭出了万古神桥也阻挡不住秦君前进的脚步,被打的节节败退。 Finally finally was stood by Qin a Jun sword his head, ended his dao, his magnificence, his all. 终于最后被秦君一剑站下了他的头颅,终结了他的道,他的辉煌,他的一切。 Qin Jun black clothing cruentation, in this process he did not have the wound, but restored by the big supernatural power. 秦君青衣染血,在这个过程中他也不是无伤,只是以大法力恢复了。 But nowadays, entire battlefield only remaining last, is the fight of good fortune day Monarch and demon ancestor. 而现如今,整个战场都只剩下了最后一个了,就是造化天君与魔祖的战斗。 But the demon ancestor and good fortune day Monarch's War also reached the stage of superheating, at this time the demon ancestor faints from fear his ally, eternal day Monarch and eternal enlightened emperor defeat body died, only remaining his. 而魔祖与造化天君的大战也已经到了白热化的阶段,此时魔祖才惊觉他的盟友,万古天君与永恒圣君都战败身死了,只剩下了他一个了。 But is this wisp of soul suddenly, was caught the opportunity by good fortune day Monarch, a good fortune Heaven and Earth palm palm has rumbled the demon ancestor's body, pierces him, heavy losses. 而就是这一刹那间的分神,就被造化天君抓到了机会,造化乾坤掌一掌轰到了魔祖的身上,将他洞穿,重创。 But the distant place, was flies the good fortune Heaven and Earth chart, has blown the demon ancestor all of a sudden. 而远处,更是飞来了造化乾坤图,一下子镇住了魔祖。 looks at outflanked Ye Xiwen and Qin who Jun came, the demon ancestor has cannot help but shown several points of pitiful smiling face: Thinks that my demon ancestor life powerful, weak in people, has not never thought that nowadays, wanted die unexpectedly here, good fortune day Monarch, I regretted that has not killed you first, even if paid some prices is to also be worth!” 看着包抄而来的叶希文和秦君两人,魔祖不由得露出了几分凄惨的笑容:“想我魔祖一生强势,从未弱于人,没有想到,现如今,居然要陨落在了这里,造化天君,我后悔没有先杀了你,哪怕付出一些代价也是值得的!” Good fortune day Monarch is sneering, said: You early should think the day of!” 造化天君冷笑着,道:“你早该想到有这一天了!” The demon ancestor is what and the others thing, naturally does not want hands tied dead, but also takes a desperate fighting, but inescapable Ye Xiwen, Qin Jun, the good fortune day Monarch three people collaborated, first by half dead that good fortune day Monarch hit, was pierced by a Ye Xiwen fist, finally was cut the head by Qin a Jun sword, lit Primordial Spirit, finally thorough die. 魔祖是何等人物,自然不愿意束手就死,还要一决死战,不过还是无法逃脱叶希文,秦君,造化天君三人联手,先被造化天君打的半死,又被叶希文一拳洞穿,最后被秦君一剑斩下了头颅,点燃了元神,最后彻底陨落 This fought ended finally, along with three big Paragon die, these followed the eternal enlightened emperor, eternal day Monarch and demon ancestor's formidable Ruler was also difficult to run away dies. 这一战终于落幕了,随着三大至尊陨落,那些追随永恒圣君,万古天君和魔祖的强大主宰也难逃一死。 This is War between two Faction, cannot accommodate slight lenient. 这是两个阵营之间的大战,容不得有丝毫的手软。 Although Ye Xiwen was also a pity that their Cultivation a lot of hundred million years, can have the cultivation base of present after the innumerable misery, but to this starting time, actually not lenient. 叶希文虽然也可惜他们修行千百亿年,历经无数苦难才能够拥有现在的这种修为,但是到了该下手的时候,却一点都没有手软。 Along with Ye Xiwen, Qin Jun, the good fortune day Monarch three people have joined in the regiment, these Ruler of morale low eternal enlightened emperor side finally could not insist, the collapse, was slaughtered at the scene completely. 随着叶希文,秦君,造化天君三人加入了战团之中,那些本来就已经士气低下的永恒圣君一方的主宰终于坚持不住了,当场崩溃,然后被屠戮殆尽。 The place of this Mysterious became innumerable Ruler has also buried the corpse terrifying Danger Zone! 神秘之地也成了无数主宰埋尸的恐怖凶地 Martial Dao era three big Paragon win total victories, this news also reacted entire Chaos, simultaneously this news, made many people understand, this war should be the cauldron decides Heaven and Earth fought. 武道纪元三大至尊大获全胜,这个消息也震动了整个混沌,同时这个消息,也让许多人都明白了,这一战应该就是鼎定乾坤的一战了。 In this afterwards, nobody can the trend that again prevents the Martial Dao era to monopolize. 在这之后,再也没有人能够阻止武道纪元一统天下的趋势了。 Really, passes on afterwards in the news, is Ruler also one after another announced that has joined Martial Dao era afterwards, the entire world in an uproar, especially thoses Ruler is having jurisdiction over the Ancient era one after another choice has joined during the Martial Dao era, rapid expanded the entire Martial Dao era. 果然,在消息传出来之后,又是诸位主宰也都纷纷宣布加入了武道纪元之后,整个天下就哗然了,尤其是那些主宰管辖着的古代纪元纷纷选择加入了武道纪元之中,迅速就壮大了整个武道纪元。 But these belonged once stood in the era of Ye Xiwen opposite, now their Heavenly Venerate also die, now felt that the day must collapse. 而那些属于曾经站在叶希文对立面的纪元,现在他们的天尊也已经陨落了,现在才感觉天都要塌了。 The Martial Dao era is nowadays getting more and more formidable, eye looks at must monopolize, realizes in the present world the eternal era, but they stood in the Ye Xiwen's opposite, eye looks at must be mopped up, at heart incomparable horridness. 现如今武道纪元越来越强大,眼看着就要一统天下,将永恒纪元在现世实现,而他们站在了叶希文的对面,眼看着就要被扫灭,心里无比的惶恐。 Sent representative to come the Martial Dao era to apologize hastily, what let their accident was, Ye Xiwen not to the meaning that they were ruthless, conversely, but also allowed them to join the Martial Dao era, naturally, the treatment did not have compared with the Ancient era that the means and these joined from the beginning, but also always felt better is extinguished. 连忙派了代表前来武道纪元请罪,不过让他们意外的是,叶希文并没有对他们赶尽杀绝的意思,相反的,还允许他们加入武道纪元,当然,待遇没有办法和那些一开始就加入的古代纪元相比,但是也总好过被灭。 But regarding Ye Xiwen, Qin Jun and good fortune day Monarch, these Ancient era basic threat strength does not have including Ruler did not have. 而对于叶希文,秦君和造化天君来说,这些连主宰都没有了的古代纪元根本一点威胁力都没有了。 Destroys completely does not destroy completely, but is turns the hand, does not matter! 灭掉还是不灭掉,不过就是翻手之间而已,根本无所谓! Among Heaven and Earth, did not have other eras again, some, be only the Martial Dao era, has been completed finally unprecedentedly, latter non- newcomer magnificent great undertaking. 天地之间,再也没有了其他的纪元,有的只有武道纪元而已,终于完成了前无古人,后无来者的辉煌大业。 Builds the era that the Martial Dao era existed forever through ancient times, all lives, so long as Proving The Dao, can Transcendent three Outer World, in Five Elements, not have the extinguishing world great misfortune of coming again, even if or has, but is relying on Martial Dao era three big Paragon, living that many Ruler strengths that hires oneself successively can also suppress. 武道纪元打造成了一个亘古长存的纪元,所有的生灵,只要证道,就可以超脱界外,不在五行中,不会再有突然而至的灭世大劫,或者说即便有,但是凭借着武道纪元三大至尊,还有先后投靠的诸多主宰的力量也能够镇压的住。 Time, day-by-day past, in an instant, is a change of era, but this time, the life of Martial Dao era was no longer flustered, because compared with last era change time, the this time Martial Dao era has powerful were too many. 时间,一天一天的过去,一转眼,又是一个纪元的更替,但是这一次,武道纪元的生灵不再慌张了,因为比起上一次纪元更替的时候,这一次武道纪元拥有的实力强大太多了。 Each Ruler, Half-Step Ruler, Heavenly Venerate si­mul­ta­ne­ous catches up, the anchorage the entire Martial Dao era, having made the entire Martial Dao era tend to be steady, adds on three big Paragon to get rid again, quick lived in this terrifying the tribulation of extinguishing world on the stability. 各个主宰,半步主宰,天尊齐齐发力,定住了整个武道纪元,让整个武道纪元都趋于平稳,再加上三大至尊出手,很快就稳定住了这恐怖的灭世之劫。 law of more type reappeared, many Xiantian lives appear, with the last era is born time, is exactly the same simply. 更多种类的法则浮现了出来,更多的先天生灵浮现而出,与上一次纪元诞生的时候,简直如出一辙。 However this time, the major influences already had the experience also to have the tacit understanding, according to previous processing then. 但是这一次,各大势力早就已经有了经验也有了默契,按照上一次的处理便是了。 Heaven and Earth during the this time another era change, the time in a flash has then flowed ten eras, since the Martial Dao era unprecedented great strength, has been ancient, again could not find an era to be able the Martial Dao era more formidable. 天地便在这一次又一次的纪元更替之中,时间一晃眼就流淌过了十个纪元,武道纪元前所未有的强大,亘古以来,都再也找不到一个纪元能够比武道纪元更加强大。 But on this day, Martial Lord Ye Xiwen in three big Paragon suddenly all of a sudden went out, long and loud cry heaven-shaking moves, a fearful incomparable pressure, has covered the entire Martial Dao era instantaneously. 而就在这一天,三大至尊中的武君叶希文陡然一下子出关了,一声长啸惊天动地,一股可怕无比的威压,瞬间笼罩了整个武道纪元。 Has alarmed all people! 惊动了所有人! silhouette departed the Martial Dao era together, flew to the universe the Desolate, that Ye Xiwen, this time he, as if merged into one organic whole with entire Chaos, raised hand to lift in the feet, was the Great Dao flavors. 一道身影飞出了武道纪元,飞向了宇宙边荒,那正是叶希文,此时的他,仿佛与整个混沌融为一体,一举手一抬足之间,都是大道的韵味。 In the Chaos edge, wears the old man of Daoist robe, smiles slightly: Fellow Daoist becomes enlightened finally, may celebrate encouraging!” 混沌的边缘,一个身穿道袍的老者,微微笑着:“道友终于成道,可喜可贺!” You know that I will become enlightened?” Ye Xiwen asked. “你知道我会成道?”叶希文问道。 I do not know!” This old man open mouth to talk said slowly, „, but I know that certainly some people will become enlightened, since has thrown down without a character tablet, this is sooner or later matter, but I have not thought that this first-grade is several hundred eras, finally presents one with me to discuss existence shoulder to shoulder!” “我不知道!”这个老者缓缓开口说道,“但是我知道一定会有人成道,自我投下无字道碑以来,这是迟早的事情,只是我没有想到的是,这一等便是数百纪元,终于出现了一个可以与我并肩论道的存在!” Said that these years matters, Fellow Daoist does watch?” Ye Xiwen asked. “这么说,这些年的事情,道友都看在眼里?”叶希文问道。 No, these years, I did not have the time to make the attention, Fellow Daoist become enlightened afterwards first to come to here, thinks that was also feels the threat outside territory!” That Daoist robe old man said. “不,这些年,我也没有时间多做关注,道友成道之后第一时间来了这里,想必也是感受到了域外的威胁了吧!”那个道袍老者道。 Nod of Ye Xiwen facial expression serious, his vision looks that actually sees, crosses near Chaos the Desolate, crosses the crystal wall department, that is outside the infinite endless territory the army, boundless Black Qi submerges all, that is the special life, with the Martial Dao era, before and even , the lives of all Ancient eras are not same. 叶希文神情凝重的点了点头,他的目光看去,却见,越过混沌边荒,越过晶壁系,那是无穷无尽的域外大军,无边黑气淹没一切,那是特殊的生灵,与武道纪元,乃至以前一切的古代纪元的生灵都不相同。 „Side these years are lucky Fellow Daoist to assume the Desolate, otherwise the consequence is dreadful!” Ye Xiwen said. “这些年多亏道友坐镇边荒,否则后果不堪设想!”叶希文道。 Might as well, this is I should do, after all is the world that I open!” That Daoist robe old man. Since Fellow Daoist became enlightened, I can a war, Fellow Daoist be possible to intend to go together independently?” “无妨,这本来就是我应该做的,毕竟是我开辟的世界!”那个道袍老者。“既然道友已经成道,我就可以放手一战,道友可有意同去?” Goes together, goes together!” “同去,同去!” Their personal appearance left Chaos, entered another crystal wall department, two civilized War, are ready to be set off. 两人的身形离开了混沌,进入了另外一个晶壁系,两种文明的大战,一触即发。 Terminated, last time again makes an advertisement for new book «practice Raging tide»!( ~^~) 完结了,最后一次再为新书《修炼狂潮》做个广告!(~^~)
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