MGS :: Volume #41

#: Ends this words expressing feelings! The readers come in!

More than four years, from 19 12 to the present, more than four years, Martial God ended finally originally, said that the present to ended this time, the feeling is a little moved, does not know how should describe that feeling. 四年多了,从12年到现在,四年多,武神终于完本了,怎么说呢,现在到了完本的时候,却感觉有点怅然若失,不知道该怎么形容那种感觉。 For these years had been used to every day to wake up thoroughly owes the next several thousand characters, every day must renew, if every day wants the day of recent plot! 这几年以来已经彻底习惯了每天醒来就欠下几千字,每天都要更新,每天都要想新剧情的日子! The Martial God Space reader, from all sides, one after another possibly hundreds of thousands of over a million appearances, in these many people, some are the old irons, from four years ago with, some joins from the midway. 武神空间的读者,前前后后,陆陆续续可能有数十万上百万的样子吧,这么多人中,有的是老铁,从四年前跟过来的,有的是从中途加入的。 However no matter what, has given the Martial God very big support, even can say that without your support, Martial God cannot arrive at today! 但是不管怎么说,都给了武神非常大的支持,甚至可以说,没有你们的支持,武神走不到今天! Background setting of Martial God Space unusual is vast, however speaks the truth, I have not thought one day can finish him, the initial idea is, an interception fragment was OK! 武神空间的背景设定的非常浩大,但是说实话,我本人也没想过有一天能写完他,最初的想法是,截取其中一个片段就可以了! However is you, making me write about the present, finished! 但是是你们,让我写到了现在,统统都写完了! Basically this writing has written, before does not want to write, has written, anything has not regretted! 基本上该写的都写了,之前没想写的,也写了,没什么遗憾了! Four years to the present, only by the beginning data, the collection surpass 150,000, the click surpasses 6 million, recommends 400,000, the number of words 11 million, founded my history, possibly, will not write some book to write is so long! 四年到现在,仅以起点的数据来说,收藏超过150000,点击超过6000000,推荐400000,字数11000000,已经开创了我自己的历史了,可能以后也不会写某本书能写到这么长吧! Thank everybody to accompany the eating delicacies dust to pass through four years of repeated difficulties, below also asked everybody to step «practice Raging tide», this was another brand-new story, brand-new setting, was a brand-new start. 感谢大家陪伴啸尘走过了四年的风风雨雨,下面就是还请大家都移步《修炼狂潮》,这是另外一个全新的故事,全新的设定,也是一个全新的开始。 At present 400,000 characters, 50,000 readers, the result entered the high-quality goods, the quality may endure looked that everybody can feel relieved! 目前已经有400000字了,50000读者,成绩已入精品,质量还是可堪一看的,大家可以放心! Is asks everybody to pay attention to my public micro-signal: Fu Xiaochen true body, or searches fuxiaochenbenzun to increase! 还有就是请大家关注一下我的公众微信号:傅啸尘本尊,或者搜索fuxiaochenbenzun来添加! Outside the territory that some Martial God also things, particularly everybody can see actually the army, that in the tentative plan of eating delicacies dust, is a brand-new story actually, is the Martial God continuation, is only the eating delicacies dust also in hesitant beyond a pattern by in the micro letter renewal, is the independent book in circulation! 武神其实还有一些东西,尤其是大家可以看到的域外大军,其实那个在啸尘的设想中,是属于一个全新的故事,算是武神的续篇吧,只是啸尘还在犹豫是以番外篇的模式在微信更新,还是独立成书! If being counted beforehand flying upwards serious famine, that should be last of entire Martial God trilogy! 如果算上之前的飞升大荒的话,那应该是整个武神三部曲的最后一部! Everybody can add my public micro-signal, momentarily knows the newest situation! 大家可以加我的公众微信号,随时得知最新情况! Good, almost should say said that thanked each to support the Martial God reader, without you, did not have the eating delicacies dust! 好了,差不多该说完的都说完了,感谢每一个支持武神的读者,没有你们,就没有啸尘! Many editions, you have given eating delicacies dust many support! 还有诸多编辑,你们也给了啸尘很多的支持! Finally, eating delicacies dust thanks politely! 最后,啸尘拜谢! On September 16, 2016, 20.5 11( ~^~) 2016年九月16日,20.511分(~^~)
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