MGS :: Volume #41

#3885: Finally fights a decisive battle

The place of this Mysterious may not only be only then these peak Ruler, meanwhile have Ruler that in the past during many eras came in one after another. 神秘之地可不仅仅是只有这几个巅峰主宰,同时还有过去许许多多纪元之中陆陆续续进来的主宰们呢。 But now, two big Faction, confrontations of six big Paragon, gave to alarm them all of a sudden, one after another has surrounded. 而现在,两大阵营,六大至尊的对峙,也一下子将他们给惊动了,纷纷包围了过来。 These people, each may be called unprecedented melts now, each had dominated an era, at this time has surrounded entirely, such situation, how terrifying should also be. 这些人,每一个都堪称旷古烁今,每一个都曾经称霸过一个纪元,此时统统包围了上来,这样的情形,又该是如何的恐怖 However Ye Xiwen is very calm, because he was not first time is besieged by many Ruler, therefore did not have fearfully what. 不过叶希文很淡定,因为他并不是第一次被诸多主宰围攻了,所以没有什么可怕的。 Fellow Daoist, their Martial Dao era planned that heaven defying the line, is cut off I and other ways out, can you sit by and do nothing?” At this time eternal enlightened emperor shouted said. “诸位道友,他们武道纪元打算逆天而行,断掉我等生路,难道你们都可以坐视不理吗?”此时永恒圣君一声大喝道。 Hears this words, truly many people slightly a little are in a tumult. 听到这个话,确实很多人都微微有点骚动。 If other matter, but Martial Dao era forever survival, will then be cut off their means of livelihood. 如果别的事情也就算了,但是武道纪元永远的生存下去,那么就是会断掉他们的活路。 Because is Ruler is impossible to be able in the era change continuously to survive, but their lives wanted long many compared with the common life. 因为就算是主宰也不可能真的能够在连续不断的纪元更替中存活下来,只是他们的寿命比起一般的生灵要长的多了。 Many people cast Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun's body the vision, Ye Xiwen was not startled, but joined hands behind the back to stand, then looked that said to Ruler: „ My Martial Dao era has succeeded, explored a genuine immortal road, wasn't this everybody's long-awaited matter? 许多人都将目光投到了叶希文和秦君的身上,叶希文并不惊慌,只是背手而立,然后看向诸位主宰说道:“我武道纪元已经成功了,探索出了一条真正的永生之路,这难道不是大家梦寐以求的事情么? Can not need to experience the era change, don't worry, will pass when away, I and other cultivator laborious practice, emerge from trillion lives, for what? Asked? That is only one of them that's all, what is most important is not dead / undead, six reincarnation are false, will not have next life, die, was anything did not have, this I think thought should be clearer than me! ” 可以不用经历纪元更替,不用担心,什么时候就会老死,我等修士辛辛苦苦的修炼,从亿万生灵之中脱颖而出,为的是什么?求道么?那只是其中之一罢了,最重要的是不死,六道轮回是假,不存在来世,陨落了,便是什么都没有了,这点我想诸位想的应该比我都清楚!” But that is your Martial Dao era, not? What relations also has with us?” Has formidable Ruler open mouth to talk to say. “可是那是你们武道纪元,不是么?和我们又有什么关系呢?”有强大的主宰开口说道。 Truly is the road that my Martial Dao era opens, but can also join, integrates during my Martial Dao era, then the eternal life, feels better **** every night felt alarmed and anxious to strive to excel much that!” Ye Xiwen light saying. “确实是我武道纪元开辟的这一条路,但是诸位也可以加入进来,融入我武道纪元之中,即可得永生,也好过****夜夜的担惊受怕要强的多了!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 Joins the Martial Dao era to them lower the head, Lord to lie the life that Fellow Daoist wants to live under subjugation like this? So long as breaks the Martial Dao era, captures the Heaven and Earth destiny, Great Dao Essence, by the power of Martial Dao era, I and others at least can continue above a fate era!” Eternal day Monarch shouts out said. “加入武道纪元就要对他们低头,难道主卧道友想要过这样寄人篱下的人生么?只要打破武道纪元,夺取天地气运,大道本源,以武道纪元的强盛来说,我等起码可以续命数个纪元以上!”万古天君大喝一声说道。 Then? Seeks for the next era? The destruction next era , to continue the life for oneself, waited for agonizingly that does not know has the birth of perfect era? When the time comes do not join that perfect era, same must come, there is anything to distinguish, I will not like hoping to place the Void indistinct others' body, with its waiting, might as well and others found a perfect era with me together!” Ye Xiwen light saying. “然后呢?寻找下一个纪元?毁灭下一个纪元,为自己续命,苦苦等待那不知道有没有的完美纪元的诞生?到时候诸位还不是要加入那个完美的纪元,一样要重新来过,又有什么分别,我这个人不喜欢将希望放在虚无缥缈的别人的身上,与其等待,不如与我等一同开创一个完美纪元!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 Many Ruler were in a tumult, the words of both sides, listen to be reasonable, many Ruler have their idea, some people are not willing to live under subjugation, some people are not willing to continue to wait for like this. 许多主宰都骚动了起来,双方的话,听着都有道理,许多主宰都有自己的主意,有些人不愿意寄人篱下,也有人不愿意这样子继续等待。 Fellow Daoist, this war, inevitable, or the present leaves, I may not go into one's past, since remained, then needed Fellow Daoist to make to choose, actually to stand this side me, stood on the side of them, a war decided the life and death, a war decided the victory and defeat!” “诸位道友,这一战,无可避免,或者现在离开,我可既往不咎,但是既然留下来了,那么就需要诸位道友做出抉择了,究竟是站在我这一边,还是站在他们一边,一战定生死,一战定胜负!” Ye Xiwen light saying. 叶希文淡淡的说道。 But in other one side, eternal enlightened emperor same open mouth to talk: Today is I and others with a day of Martial Dao era desperate fighting, the non- friend is an enemy, is not I and other friends, one and mops up!” 而在另外一边,永恒圣君同样开口:“今日是我等与武道纪元一决死战的日子,非友即敌,不是我等朋友,就一并扫灭!” The eternal enlightened emperor strong threat of said that because all people are very clear, other people possibly lower the head to join the Martial Dao era, but they are not good, therefore they and three big Paragon of Martial Dao era only have at risk of life a war. 永恒圣君强势的威胁说道,因为所有人都很清楚,其他人都可能低头加入武道纪元,但是他们不行,所以他们和武道纪元的三大至尊唯有拼死一战而已。 Both sides have both sent out the threat of powerful, this lets these Ruler one after another violent angers, because they have understood what is heard, both sides on this question, were the powerful unparalleled, eternal enlightened emperor have sent out the threat, either stood this side him, the Paragon elimination of these Martial Dao eras, when otherwise they have mopped up these Ruler afterwards of Martial Dao era, was one's turn them. 双方都发出了强势的威胁,这让那些主宰们都纷纷暴怒,因为他们都听明白了,双方在这个问题上,都是强势无双,永恒圣君也发出了威胁,要么站在他这一边,将这些武道纪元的至尊消灭,不然等到他们扫灭了武道纪元的这些主宰之后,就轮到他们了。 But other one side Ye Xiwen also similarly sent out the non- enemy is the signal of friend, when the Martial Dao era mopped up crowd of enemy afterwards, was the place of still Mysterious, possibility that true monopolizing, these people have not smoothed over differences. 而另外一边叶希文也同样发出了非敌即友的信号,等到武道纪元扫灭群敌之后,接着就是平定神秘之地,真正的一统天下,没有这些人和稀泥的可能性。 Both sides do not advance the side of opposite party these Ruler, but has been clear, does not allow these people to surround in side, most afterward benefitted as the third party in a dispute. 双方不是要将这些主宰推到对方的身边,只是明确了一点,不允许这些人在旁边围观,最后来一个渔翁得利。 Immediately place of entire Mysterious aura all of a sudden serious. 顿时整个神秘之地的气息都一下子凝重了。 Has pondered for a long time, many people started to have their choice, at this time could not allow them not to make to choose, six big Paragon, any was not they can be a worthy opponent, they have stood in this Ruler Domain peak. 思考了许久,许多人都开始有了自己的抉择,此时已经容不得他们不做出选择了,六大至尊,任何一个都不是他们可以匹敌的,他们已经是站在这个主宰领域巅峰 Although they are aggrieved, but also understands, should to a minute of victory and defeat time, but this piece of Heaven and Earth, should end that chaotic aspect. 他们虽然憋屈,但是也明白,该到了分胜负的时候了,而这一片天地,也该结束那种乱糟糟的局面了。 Finally, started to have the person of first motion, he stood behind of eternal enlightened emperor, quick, had this person opening afterwards, had second, third, the person has made the choice, basically shared half and half, some people did not believe Ye Xiwen, does not want to lower the head. 终于,开始有了第一个行动的人了,他站到了永恒圣君的身后,很快,有了这个人开头之后,就有了第二个,第三个,人做出了选择,基本上是平分秋色,有人不信叶希文,也不想低头。 However some people are not willing to continue this forever waiting, is willing to open an eternal era by both hands. 但是也有人不愿意继续这样子永永远远的等待下去,愿意以双手开辟一处永恒的纪元。 Such being the case, that situation was very clear!” Ye Xiwen shouts out said. Fellow Daoist, but also please make an effort helps me, grinds them, the cauldron decides the landscape!” “既然如此,那形势就很明朗了!”叶希文大喝一声说道。“诸位道友,还请戮力助我,碾碎他们,鼎定江山!” Kills!” “杀!” Ye Xiwen's behind, many peak Expert one after another shouts out. 叶希文的身后,诸多顶尖强者纷纷大喝一声。 But refused to admit being inferior in eternal enlightened emperor behind these Ruler also one after another, releases itself to strong aura. 而在永恒圣君身后的那些主宰纷纷不甘示弱,释放出了自己至强的气息 Has killed them, carves up the Martial Dao era!” “杀了他们,瓜分武道纪元!” In that suddenly, the eternal enlightened emperor has gotten rid, in a flash, everywhere light rain erupted, these are terrifying rays of light that law erupts, toward the Ye Xiwen bang kills all of a sudden, but. 在那一刹那间,永恒圣君就出手了,一瞬间,漫天光雨爆发了出来,那些都是法则爆发出来的恐怖光芒,一下子朝着叶希文轰杀而至。 Ye Xiwen gets rid, maliciously collided all of a sudden with the eternal enlightened emperor. 叶希文出手,一下子就和永恒圣君狠狠碰撞到了一起。 War, takes this as the opening, erupted! 大战,以此为开局,爆发了! That is terrifying the war of Ruler, dozens Ruler have simultaneously gotten rid, both sides are evenly matched, therefore also because of this, appears so fearful. 那是恐怖主宰之战,数十主宰同时出手了,双方势均力敌,所以也正因为如此,才显得如此的可怕。 Ye Xiwen to eternal enlightened emperor, but Qin Jun killed to eternal day Monarch, but pestered many years of gratitude and grudges between distant place good fortune day Monarch and demon ancestors, erupted in this flash. 叶希文对上了永恒圣君,而秦君杀向了万古天君,而在远处造化天君与魔祖之间纠缠多年的恩怨,也在这一瞬间爆发了。 These years, good fortune day Monarch by an enemy three, was extremely really laborious, is good is in fact uneven because of three people of non- hearts, little simultaneously aims at him, basically is one-to-one, a pair of two time are more. 这些年,造化天君以一敌三,着实太过辛苦了,好在三人实际上并不心齐,很少同时针对他,基本上都是一对一,一对二的时候更多。 But in these three people, counts the demon ancestor to be most to the number of times that he gets rid. 而在这三个人中,就数魔祖对他出手的次数最多。 But in behind of both sides, many Ruler also collided, they understand that at this time did not have the escape route, if unable to defeat the opposite party, was failed truly, the person of death was they. 而在双方的身后,诸多主宰也碰撞到了一起,他们都明白,这个时候已经没有退路了,如果无法将对方击败,那么真正失败,死亡的人就会是他们。 Since has made the decision, then they will again not glance right and left. 既然做出了决定,那么他们也就不会再左顾右盼了。 But at this time, suddenly all of a sudden toward other Ruler that these flushed horizontally is getting rid by Ye Xiwen that the eternal enlightened emperor aimed. 而就在这个时候,正在被永恒圣君针对的叶希文陡然一下子朝着那些横冲过来的其他主宰出手了。 Strength of one group of thunder Essence had been thrown by him all of a sudden. 一团雷霆本源之力一下子被他扔了出来。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” A terrifying explosion flash erupted, place of exploded collapsing entire Mysterious a big piece, a Ruler unexpectedness of eternal enlightened emperor side, had been exploded at the scene, several Ruler were killed at the scene, several Ruler caused heavy losses instantaneously. 一场恐怖的爆炸一瞬间爆发了,整个神秘之地都被炸的坍塌了一大片,永恒圣君一方的主宰一个猝不及防,当场就被炸中了,几个主宰当场就被炸死,还有十几个主宰瞬间被重创。 The entire Ruler battlefield situation all of a sudden reversed, turned into a Martial Dao era side to have completely the superiority. 整个主宰战场的形势就一下子逆转了过来,变成了武道纪元一方占尽优势了。 But Ruler of Martial Dao era side looked that immediately the morale rises suddenly, however in other one side, Ruler of eternal enlightened emperor side is the morale pelts. 武道纪元一方的主宰一看,顿时士气暴涨,但是在另外一边,永恒圣君一方的主宰们更是士气大降。 This was Ye Xiwen has prepared very for a long time very long last trick up sleeve, he integrated in which the strength of Heavenly Tribulation completely, not only time Heavenly Tribulation, had his Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation time, there is his Ruler Heavenly Tribulation time, integrated one completely. 这是叶希文准备了很久很久的撒手锏,他将天劫之力完全融入进了其中,而且不只是一次的天劫,有他半步主宰天劫的时候,也有他主宰天劫的时候,完全都融入到了一起。 His originally to guard against eternal day Monarch they several surprise attacks, the Ye Xiwen's strength was too at that time weak, only has to prepare such last trick up sleeve, may deal. 原本是为了防备万古天君他们几个的突袭,当时叶希文的实力太弱了,唯有准备这样的撒手锏,才有可能应对。 But now, all had already not needed. 而现在,一切早就已经不需要了。 You dare unexpectedly!” “你竟然敢!” The eternal enlightened emperor saw an own side fell instantaneously leeward, the violent anger cannot help but incomparable, then invited a huge incomparable gateway from Void all of a sudden, then has suppressed toward Ye Xiwen maliciously. 永恒圣君看到自己一方瞬间就落入了下风,不由得暴怒无比,然后一下子从虚空之中请来了一座巨大无比的门户,然后狠狠朝着叶希文镇压了下去。 Bang!” “轰隆!” This huge gateway eternal gate, but this eternal gate may how Ye Xiwen, the Ye Xiwen's body reappeared a huge incomparable big tree. 这一座巨大的门户正是永恒之门,但是这永恒之门可都奈何不得叶希文,叶希文的身上浮现出了一棵巨大无比的大树。 That big tree has entire world size like that Ye Xiwen protecting, ten thousand laws has not invaded. 那一棵大树有整个世界那般的大小,将叶希文给守护进了其中,万法不侵。 World tree... The world tree fell in your hand unexpectedly!” “世界树。。。世界树居然落到了你的手上!” The eternal enlightened emperor stared in a big way the eye, the original Ye Xiwen's merit golden body was very difficult to break, in addition existence of this world tree, he is almost unable to break the Ye Xiwen's defense. 永恒圣君瞪大了眼睛,本来叶希文的功德金身就很难打破,再加上这一棵世界树的存在,他几乎无法打破叶希文的防御。 World tree too terrifying, it is said it is all world, the beginnings of all eras, no matter what attack, what big Dao Law attack, by the anchorage, is unable to contend. 世界树太恐怖了,据说它是一切世界,一切纪元的起点,所以不管什么样的攻击,什么样的大道法则的侵袭,都会被定住,无法抗衡。 Can say, so long as has existence of world tree, then all magic arts divine ability law, simply do not have any use. 可以说只要有世界树的存在,那么一切的法术神通法则,都根本没有任何用处。 No wonder Ye Xiwen dares the place of so self-confident entering Mysterious, such barrier, but the world tree is not very for a long time is very before it is said long, was destroyed? 难怪叶希文敢如此自信的杀入神秘之地,还有这样的屏障,只是据说世界树不是很久很久以前就被毁灭了么? Even if some seedlings preserved, should also be the appearance of long inadequate so complete body normally. 就算是有一些幼苗留存了下来,正常应该也是长不成这般完全体的模样啊。 However at this time, all could not allow his to think many, because Ye Xiwen has killed. 但是此时,一切已经容不得他多去想了,因为叶希文已经扑杀了过来了。 Dies to me!” “给我死来!” The eternal enlightened emperor is not generation of the commonplace, he by the eternal gate as the defense, then grasped a long blade, killing has approached Ye Xiwen. 永恒圣君也不是什么等闲之辈,他以永恒之门作为防御,然后手持一口长刀,扑杀向了叶希文 Bang rumble!” “轰隆隆隆!” The fearful collision, erupted in an instant.( ~^~) 可怕的碰撞,刹那间就爆发了。(~^~)
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