MGS :: Volume #41

#3884: Two big Faction, six big Paragon

Ye Xiwen in going out afterwards, does not have first to enter in the place of Mysterious, he was waiting for Qin Jun, was waiting for his going out. 叶希文在出关之后,并没有第一时间杀入神秘之地之中,他在等着秦君,等着他的出关。 That is his ally! 那是他的盟友! This first-grade, is 1 million years, during these 1 million years, in entire Heaven and Earth, had the change of huge, Heaven and Earth law changes has forgiven, emerged many Expert. 这一等,就是1000000年,在这1000000年之中,整个天地之中,发生了巨大的变化,天地法则变的更加宽宥了,涌现出了更多的高手 But those who most make them shock, in Qin Jun and Martial Lord afterwards, the Martial Dao era once again left Venerable Lord to butcher unexpectedly. 而最让他们所有人震惊的是,在秦君和武君两人之后,武道纪元居然又再度出了一尊主宰了。 this time, becomes Ruler, is not others, is current Heavenly Venerate. 这一次,成为主宰的,不是别人,正是现任的中天尊 Heavenly Venerate is in itself the outstanding people in many Half-Step Ruler, although could not compare Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun, achievement in completely the inappropriate achievement Ruler situation Ruler. 天尊本身就已经是诸多半步主宰之中的佼佼者了,虽然比不上叶希文和秦君两人,在完全不合适成就主宰的情况下成就了主宰 However in passing through innumerable year of afterwards, opened the new era, between Heaven and Earth again appropriate birth Ruler, moreover compared with nowadays Martial Dao era, with has not experienced is disillusioned greatly, far more than formidable one time, in other words Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun, dug the pool of entire Martial Dao era in a big way. 但是在经过了无数年之后,开了新的纪元,天地间又重新合适诞生主宰了,而且现如今的武道纪元,和还未经历大破灭相比,何止强大了一倍,也就是说叶希文和秦君两人,将整个武道纪元的池子挖大了。 Can hold many Ruler! 可以容纳更多的主宰了! In this case, Heavenly Venerate became enlightened, became enlightened afterwards he no longer is Good Fortune Divine Dynasty vice- Monarch, but from number crape myrtle day Mr. 在这种情况下,中天尊就成道了,成道之后他就不再是造化神朝的副君了,而是自号紫薇天君。 However he has not been separated from Good Fortune Divine Dynasty this system, because this system underwent the innumerable year of polishes, early has consolidated, is very difficult to break, does not need to break. 不过他也没有脱离造化神朝这个体系,因为这个体系已经经过了无数年的打磨,早已经非常的稳固了,很难打破,也不需要去打破。 Looked like Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun becomes enlightened afterwards, has not supported oneself the gateway. 就像是叶希文和秦君成道之后,也都没有自立门户。 Because does not need! 因为没有必要! Did not mean that their independence gateway, did not confess under Qin Jun, very long time period of five days, but did not need that's all! 并不是说两人不自立门户,就是自认在秦君之下,很多时候,只是没有必要罢了 However crape myrtle day Monarch left the good fortune gods, oneself opened the crape myrtle Confucianism, disseminates own Great Dao. 不过紫薇天君还是离开了造化神都,自己开辟了紫薇大教,传播自己的大道 But Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, selected Half-Step Ruler to succeed to the throne the Heavenly Venerate position once again. 造化神朝,又再度选出了一个半步主宰继位中天尊的位置。 During these 1 million years, occurred were too many! 这1000000年间,发生了太多了! But because is just Heaven and Earth Great Dao permits, therefore Half-Step Ruler also likely saw the hope, wants Proving The Dao during this epoch to become Ruler. 而正因为是天地大道允许,所以半步主宰也像是看到了希望,想要在这个新纪元之中证道成为主宰 Only then became Ruler, can become Ruler of Chaos era, Half-Step Ruler, eventually is also only Half-Step Ruler that's all. 只有成为了主宰,才能够成为混沌纪元的主宰,半步主宰,终究也只是半步主宰罢了 Finally, has waited till this day, Qin Jun also finally went out, his going out similar imposing manner soars to the heavens, never has the terrifying picture has released, a blue lotus opened in Chaos, Qin Jun in slowly and presently. 终于,等到了这一日,秦君也终于出关了,他出关同样气势冲天,从未有过的恐怖景象释放了开来,一朵青莲开放在了混沌之中,秦君在其中缓缓而现。 Fellow Daoist, was the time should settle!” Ye Xiwen light saying. 道友,是时候该了结了!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 Em, was this one has mediated, if the Martial Dao era wants to exist forever through ancient times, that cannot avoid!” “恩,是该有一个了断了,武道纪元若是想亘古长存,那都是免不了的!” Qin Jun said. 秦君说道。 Ye Xiwen called the small crescent moon, let her take care of good Divine Court high and low, this fought the bad risk, but he actually has no alternative but to go, this was for the life of entire Martial Dao era, for his eternal life Great Dao. 叶希文将小月牙儿叫来,让她照顾神庭上下,这一战凶险,但是他却不能不去,这是为了全武道纪元的生灵,也为了他的永生大道 Before they lead the way, crape myrtle day Monarch went out, looks at they said: Two can Fellow Daoist, want my vanguard to assist together?” 在两人前行前,紫薇天君出关了,看着两人说道:“两位道友,可要我一同前行相助么?” Does not use, you remain, if I and other accident sentiments, at least have you to assume the Martial Dao era . Moreover, we in the place of Mysterious finally, has Assistant, good fortune day Monarch still diverts the powerful enemy in that side!” Qin Jun shook the head directly, making crape myrtle day Monarch return. “不用了,你留下来,若是我等出了什么事情,至少还有你坐镇武道纪元,况且,我们在神秘之地终,也不是没有帮手,造化天君还在那边牵制强敌!”秦君直接摇了摇头,让紫薇天君返回了。 They know that waited for their can be what kind terrifying War. 他们俩都知道,等待他们两个的会是何等恐怖的一场大战 Crape myrtle day Monarch assumes the Martial Dao era to play the huge role, if mixed during the fight of place of Mysterious, perhaps that really has not sufficed to look. 紫薇天君坐镇武道纪元会起到天大的作用,但是若是掺和进了神秘之地的战斗之中,那恐怕还真不怎么够看的。 After all he just became enlightened, date and time was still short, but in Ruler in place of Mysterious, least is experiences terrifying of era to exist, has experienced being not infrequent of over ten eras. 毕竟他才刚刚成道,时日尚短,而在神秘之地之中的主宰,最少都是经历过一个纪元的恐怖存在,其中经历过十个以上纪元的不在少数。 Before they, marched forward in Chaos, at this time, many Ancient eras were the whole world all are startled, they have been born finally, but their this time was born, was very obvious, was rushing to place of eternal enlightened emperor and eternal day Monarch Mysterious finally goes. 两人一路前行进了混沌之中,这个时候,诸多古代纪元可谓是举世皆惊,两人终于出世了,而他们这一次出世,很显然,便是奔着神秘之地终的永恒圣君和万古天君而去的。 This inevitably is a shocking war! 这必然又是一场惊世之战! Goes against the flow to cut down the war of say|way! 逆行伐道之战! Eternal sacred land and eternal sacred land, two Great Saint trembled under Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun two big Ruler pressure, is unable to speak simply. 万古圣地和永恒圣地,两大圣地都在叶希文和秦君两大主宰的威压之下瑟瑟发抖,简直无法说话。 However Ye Xiwen, was Qin Jun, do not destroy these two Great Saint places the meaning. 但是无论是叶希文,还是秦君,都没有要毁灭这两大圣地的意思。 To their such cultivation base, the heart was impossible to be so small, although two Great Saint are, however this innumerable years that the eternal enlightened emperor and eternal day Monarch found, early have more than one Ruler to be in charge, have left behind their Dao Temple, destroyed rather had also been a pity. 到了他们这样的修为,心胸不可能那么小,虽然两大圣地是永恒圣君和万古天君所开创的,然而这无数年来,早有不止一个主宰入主过,都留下了自己的道统,都毁灭了也未免可惜。 Their this war, no one could help them, even if destroyed two Great Saint also to no help. 况且他们这一战,谁都帮不了他们,即便毁灭了两大圣地也于事无补。 They arrived at the Chaos deep place, this finally began. 两人来到了混沌深处,这才终于动手了。 They looked at one mutually, then has gotten rid, rumbled in pairs most terrifying struck. 两人相互看了一眼,然后出手了,双双轰出了最为恐怖的一击。 Bang!” “轰隆!” In an instant, the earth-shattering, entire Chaos was torn. 刹那间,天崩地裂,整个混沌都被撕裂了开来。 All Chaos Ancient eras looked to stay, they unexpectedly or took the common road, did not walk from the eternal gate, did not walk from ten thousand ancient god bridges, but wanted to make place a road to Mysterious. 所有混沌古代纪元都看呆了,两人居然要不走寻常路,不从永恒之门走,也不从万古神桥走,而是要自己打出一条通往神秘之地的路。 However they really have such strength, initially eternal day Monarch and with the eternal enlightened emperor, approximately were also so. 不过两人确实也有这样的实力,当初万古天君和和永恒圣君,大约也不过就是如此吧。 Entire Chaos was torn, the endless divine light collective erupted, the place of that Mysterious drove out unexpectedly. 整个混沌都被撕裂了,无尽神光集体爆发了出来,那个神秘之地居然被重新轰开了。 These Half-Step Ruler can only wait for an era time that opportunity, but regarding Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun, was actually not true, because only they were tyrannical enough. 那些半步主宰只能等待一个纪元一次的那个机会,但是对于叶希文和秦君来说,却并非如此,只因为他们足够强横。 They collaborated to enter in the place of Mysterious, gaze as if a torch, took a broad view to look, many secrets of place of entire Mysterious again could not hide the truth from them, can look understands. 两人联手杀入了神秘之地之中,目光如炬,放眼望去,整个神秘之地的诸多隐秘都再也瞒不住两人,能够看得明白。 Ye Xiwen second time arrives at the place of this Mysterious, the first time time, he is only Half-Step Ruler, with the present, far more than differs Hundredfold. 叶希文第二次来到这个神秘之地,第一次的时候,他才不过只是一个半步主宰而已,与现在来说,何止相差百倍 Formidable aura in the place of Mysterious, were awakened, these are in many Ruler in place of Mysterious. 一个个强大的气息神秘之地之中,都被惊醒了,那些都是身在神秘之地之中的诸多主宰们。 They shocked by Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun that terrifying qi and blood and Great Dao. 他们都被叶希文和秦君那恐怖气血大道所震惊。 What, present age unexpectedly can some people outside also achievement so terrifying Great Dao?” “什么,当世居然有人在外面也能够成就这般恐怖大道?” Moreover does one have two?” Some Ruler are calling out in alarm. “而且一来还是有两个?”有主宰在惊呼。 However Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun looked radically has not looked at their one eyes, but shuttled back and forth unceasingly in the place of Mysterious. 但是叶希文和秦君根本看都没有看他们一眼,只是不断穿梭在了神秘之地。 Eternal enlightened emperor, eternal day Monarch, I cut you!” Ye Xiwen cried loud and long. “永恒圣君,万古天君,我来斩你们了!”叶希文长啸一声。 The place of entire Mysterious is shivering. 整个神秘之地都在颤抖。 But at this time, finally, silhouette reappeared together, that is the man of what kind of peerless grace and talent, stature tall Tiao, looks at is quite delicate and pretty, the body bright splendor is sending out, seems creates the world gods to be the same. 而此时,终于,一道身影浮现了出来,那是怎样一个风华绝代的男子,身材高挑,看着极为俊美,身上有神辉在散发,好似创世神明一样。 Eternal enlightened emperor!” Ye Xiwen opened mouth, has put out the name of this man. “永恒圣君!”叶希文张嘴,吐出了这个男子的名字。 This man is eternal the enlightened emperor, he had seen his portrait in eternal sacred land. 这个男子正是永恒圣君,他曾经在永恒圣地之中见过他的画像。 But in other one side, brought terrifying aura silhouette to reappear together directly, that was a tall incomparable man, looks at is somewhat thick crazily, but entire Chaos universe actually during his control. 而在另外一边,又是一道带着恐怖气息身影直接浮现了出来,那是一个身材高大无比的男子,看着有几分粗狂,但是整个混沌宇宙却都在他的掌控之中。 Eternal day Monarch!” Ye Xiwen looks at this person's shadow, said. “万古天君!”叶希文看着这个人影,说道。 Is very good, two people were in attendance!” Ye Xiwen light saying, happen to one and cut to kill you, so as to avoid left leeway any future trouble!” “很好,两个人都到齐了!”叶希文淡淡的说道,“正好将你们一并斩杀了,免得留有什么后患!” „To kill us? Ha, is really laughable!” “想杀我们?哈哈哈,真是可笑!” Eternal day Monarch has laughed, as if like heard any most inconceivable joke. 万古天君哈哈大笑了起来,仿佛像是听到了什么最为不可思议的笑话一样。 Finally should arrive has settled all times!” “终于该到了了结一切的时候了!” terrifying dreadful aura rewinds all of a sudden, sweeps across from the place of deep place Mysterious. 一股恐怖滔天的气息一下子倒卷而起,从神秘之地深处席卷而来。 silhouette plunders together rapidly, his body is having infinite endless the strength of good fortune, as if can reopen a world to be the same. 一道身影飞速掠来,他的身上带着无穷无尽的造化之力,仿佛能够重开一个世界一样。 Good fortune day Monarch!” “造化天君!” Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun said together. 叶希文和秦君一同说道。 Yes, this was good fortune day Monarch came from the place of deep place Mysterious, he induced Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun. 是的,这正是造化天君从神秘之地深处来了,他感应到了叶希文和秦君两人。 In fact, Qin Jun, was Ye Xiwen, was not first time arrives at the place of Mysterious, but has not seen good fortune day Monarch, because of that time, they was really too frail, such small and weak person, simply did not have the qualifications to make him come out to meet. 事实上,无论是秦君,还是叶希文,都不是第一次来到神秘之地了,但是都未曾见到造化天君,因为那个时候,他们实在是太脆弱了,那样弱小的人,根本没有资格让他出来相见。 He is diverting eternal enlightened emperor and the others for them, in order to avoid eternal enlightened emperor and the others in addition also small and weak Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun will cut to kill. 他只是为两人牵制着永恒圣君等人,以免永恒圣君等人将尚且还弱小的叶希文与秦君斩杀。 But his payout also finally had the repayment! 而他的付出也终于有了回报! Good fortune day Monarch, wants, you have not asked me!” “造化天君,想要过去,你也没有问过我吧!” A cloudier and colder sound conveys, huge such as mountain general silhouette kept off in the good fortune day Monarch's front together. 一声更加阴冷的声音传来,一道巨大如山岳一般的身影挡在了造化天君的面前。 That person of muddy height the scales, whole body Devil Qi is soaring to the heavens, but actually the non- sinister and vicious, instead is broad and level, overwhelming Heaven and Earth Great Dao. 那人浑身长着鳞甲,全身魔气冲天,但是却并不阴鸷,反而是坦坦荡荡,浩然天地大道 Devil Dao was swindled in his hand is really the situation that displayed to be hard to imagine! 魔道在他的手上当真是发挥到了难以想象的地步! Then is during the Martial Dao era nowadays, the ancestor of Devil Dao, Ye Mo, in front looks at of this person especially tiny. 便是现如今武道纪元之中,魔道之祖,叶墨,在这个人的面前看着都格外的渺小。 May be called on Devil Dao the extreme is formidable. 魔道上堪称极端强大。 Demon ancestor!” “魔祖!” Among the Ye Xiwen electric light flint, has thought comes the status of person, this person should not be others, during the Devil Dao era had dominated demon ancestor. 叶希文电光火石之间,就已经想到了来人的身份,这个人应该不是别人,正是魔道纪元之中曾经称霸过的魔祖。 Ye Xiwen understood instantaneously, no wonder good fortune day Monarch was entering place of afterwards Mysterious again not to have, originally by Expert of three same ranks tying down, even if good fortune day Monarch had the direct access to the highest authorities to be able not to have the means to escape. 叶希文瞬间明白了,难怪造化天君在进入了神秘之地之后就再也没有出来了,原来是被三个同等级的高手给缠住了,就算造化天君有通天之能也没有办法逃脱。 But at this time, three people obvious have formed the union, before Qin Jun the matter of Chaos blue lotus said that not the rare knowledge, the eternal enlightened emperor and eternal day Monarch also once attacked brutally for the Chaos blue lotus, how obviously the relations are not close. 而此时,三人显然已经算是结成了同盟,从秦君之前所说的混沌青莲的事情,不难得知,永恒圣君和万古天君也曾经为了混沌青莲而大打出手,显然彼此之间的关系也并不如何亲密。 However now, actually formed an alliance, then this alliance must aim at anyone, was very obvious, must aim at the Martial Dao era. 但是现在,却结成了联盟,那么这个联盟要针对谁,就很明显了,就是要针对武道纪元。 But Martial Dao era three big Ruler stand in a trench very much obviously inevitably, the Martial Dao era is their bases, the Martial Dao era is destroyed, they have the infinite possibilities. 武道纪元三大主宰很明显必然是站在一个战壕中的,武道纪元是他们的根本,武道纪元不被毁灭,他们才有无限可能性。 Even if they have never seen good fortune day Monarch, makes the decision immediately, forms the aspect of collaborating. 哪怕他们从未见过造化天君,也会立刻做出决定,形成联手的局面。 But nowadays, in the place of Mysterious, two big Faction, shortly, have formed. 而现如今,神秘之地之中,两大阵营,顷刻之间,就已经形成了。 However in the place of Mysterious, may not only be only these Ruler, around battlefield, many say|way formidable aura is partly visible. 然而神秘之地之中,可不仅仅只是这些主宰而已,在战场周围,许多道强大的气息若隐若现。 Tomorrow Martial God Space should enter book, the big result, the travel of everybody four years of pursuing book, can announce that terminated!( ~^~) 明天武神空间应该会进入完本,大结局,大家四年的追书之旅,可以宣告完结了!(~^~)
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