MGS :: Volume #41

#3883: The epoch is born, Ruler peak

100,000 years, that originally makes people think extinguishing world great misfortune that can never pass, but is 100,000 years, welcomed the end. 100000年,那原本让众人都以为永远不会过去的灭世大劫,不过是100000年而已,就已经迎来了终结。 Sudden that comes, disappearance sudden of also! 来的突然,消失的也突然! But this had also proven many people's suspicions, the strength of this destruction is unable to contend, has not existed. 而这也证明了许多人的猜想,这种毁灭之力并不是无法抗衡的,也并不是会一直存在。 Looked like has established the procedure, to certain time, will come to destroy automatically! 就像是设定了程序,到了一定的时候,自动会前来毁灭! During these 100,000 years, these Expert every time in fearful and apprehensive, as if momentarily could be destroyed general. 在这100000年之中,那些高手每时每刻都在心惊胆战,仿佛是随时地都可能要被毁灭一般。 Even if were Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun assumes personal command during the Martial Dao era, like was precarious, in these 100,000 years of processes, Ye Xiwen and Qin who Jun vomit blood the people saw is not two, time from the beginning, even has also encountered backlash of strength of destruction, fleshly body has blasted open, to behind, once for a while meeting vomit blood. 就算是叶希文和秦君两人坐镇在武道纪元之中,也像是风雨飘摇一样,在这100000年的过程之中,众人所见的叶希文与秦君吐血就不是一次两次,一开始的时候,甚至还遭到了毁灭之力的反噬,肉身都炸裂了开来,一直到后面,也时不时的会吐血 Let the person not have the means entirely to believe that the Martial Dao era will not have the matter to support the past! 让人没有办法完全相信,武道纪元会没有事情能够支撑过去! After all does not have miracle so to exist through the ages. 毕竟古往今来也没有这般神迹存在。 Does not have any era to be able the permanent survival. 也没有任何一个纪元能够永久的生存下去。 However this time, is actually replying on the entire Martial Dao era millions of people are all of one mind strength, has blocked the era destruction strength. 但是这一次,却借助着整个武道纪元万众一心的力量,挡住了纪元毁灭的力量。 This is the unprecedented matter! 这还是前所未有的事情! The Martial Dao era was extremely also powerful, made the Martial Dao era also many compared with other era longer peak times compared with other Ancient era many Tenfold above Half-Step Ruler. 武道纪元也太过强盛了,远比其他纪元更长的巅峰时期让武道纪元也多了远比其他古代纪元更多十倍以上的半步主宰 The Martial Dao era can shoulder the this time extinguishing world great misfortune, besides Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun effort, these Half-Step Ruler, Heavenly Venerate effort, similarly is very important reason. 武道纪元能够扛过这一次的灭世大劫,除了叶希文和秦君两人的努力之外,那些半步主宰,天尊的努力,也同样是其中很重要的原因。 Unexpectedly was achieved by them really?” “居然真的被他们做到了?” Is impossible, isn't the era change the Heaven and Earth correct path? How do they achieve?” “不可能,纪元更替不是天地正道么?他们怎么做到的?” I do not believe that but this is the fact, is this means the later Martial Dao era wants permanent existed!” “我也不相信,但是这就是事实,这是不是就意味着以后武道纪元要永久的存在下去了!” 100,000 years later, these Ancient eras in Chaos were also the earliest possible time sensation to extinguished the world great misfortune to pass by, but let are the Martial Dao era that they were shocked to lose presence of mind actually unexpectedly have not actually destroyed. 100000年后,混沌之中的那些古代纪元也是第一时间感知到了灭世大劫过去了,但是让他们震惊失措的却是武道纪元却居然没有毁灭。 But passes afterwards in this era great misfortune, many people discovered that originally suppressed own shackles to vanish without the trace all of a sudden, many people felt that probably returned to that best era. 而在这个纪元大劫过去之后,很多人发现,原本压制着自己的枷锁一下子消失无踪了,许多人感觉又好像回到了那个最好的年代 The Cultivation speed rose dramatically all of a sudden, many people in breakthrough own Realm. 修行速度一下子飙升了,很多人都在突破自己的境界 But in Heaven and Earth, inexplicable law is born, before is, has not been born one law, appeared all of a sudden. 天地之中,一股莫名的法则在诞生,是以前从来没有诞生过的一种法则,一下子出现了。 Because of these law, but was born a number of formidable incomparable lives, these are since birth are the gods, is receiving the strength of Heaven and Earth law the formidable character of birth. 因为这些法则,而诞生了一批强大无比的生灵,这些都是生来为神,秉承着天地法则之力而诞生的强大人物。 And even came since birth is Emperor Monarch, is Heavenly Venerate terrifying exists since birth, this is also each era at the beginning of the birth, Xiantian Spiritual God that can have, extremely terrifying. 其中甚至有生来便是帝君,生来就是天尊恐怖存在,这也是每一个纪元在诞生之初,都会产生的先天神灵,极为恐怖 They also often are at the beginning of the era formidable rulers, their bloodlines will also spread during this era, their divine ability, their big laws will also spread during the era. 他们也往往是纪元之初的强大统治者,他们的血脉也会流传在这个纪元之中,他们的神通,他们的大法也会在纪元之中流传。 However this era is different, when was born newly because of law Xiantian life of birth, the Martial Dao era has not perished. 但是这个纪元不同,在诞生了新的因为法则而诞生的先天生灵的时候,武道纪元还没有灭亡。 Therefore these should live, but existed for the great strength of king on the tragedy. 于是这些本来应该生而为王的强大存在就悲剧了。 They have not brought skills into full play, to be killed, or grasped to be the slave, many did not have law Essence that Changing Appearance with enough time came out, was won refining by Expert of Martial Dao era. 他们还没有大展拳脚,就被打杀,或者抓去做了奴隶,许多还没有来得及化形出来的法则本源,也被武道纪元的强者夺走炼化 These formidable Xiantian lives, reduced unexpectedly such Realm. 这些强大的先天生灵,居然沦落到了这样的境界 If at this time, Martial Lord Ye Xiwen, has not issued a decree, the life of each era has the authority of survival, does not permit to exterminate these lives at will, only feared the life that these epochs are born, will be killed. 如果不是在这种时候,武君叶希文,下达了一道旨意,每一个纪元的生灵都有生存的权力,不准随意灭绝这些生灵的话,只怕这些新纪元诞生的生灵,会被扑杀一空。 But at this time, Martial Lord and Qin Jun collaborated, refined a world in the edge of good fortune, was just born the formidable Xiantian life that or has not been born with enough time to place these. 而在这个时候,武君和秦君两人联手,在造化界的边缘炼制出了一片世界,将这些刚刚诞生或者还未来得及诞生的强大先天生灵都安置了进去。 In there, is almost a entire process of brand-new era birth, will not be affected by the Martial Dao era, can develop one brand-new, never has civilized world. 在那里,几乎就是一个全新的纪元诞生的全过程,不会被武道纪元所影响,可以发展出一个全新的,从未有过的文明世界。 However for all that but these new law seeped in each corner in Martial Dao era. 不过虽然如此,但是这些新的法则还是渗透进了武道纪元之中的每一个角落之中。 Therefore the method of new practice started born, Martial Lord and Qin Jun one after another have handed down epoch the method of practice. 因此新的修炼之法开始诞生了,武君和秦君两人都相继传下了新纪元的修炼之法。 First because by their strengths and Realm, can comprehend is also they, therefore in handing down big law afterwards, immediately during the Martial Dao era, has caused turned the Cultivation upsurge. 因为以两人的实力和境界来说,最先能够领悟的也就是他们两人,所以在传下了大法之后,立刻就在武道纪元之中,引起了一翻修行的热潮。 The big law also passed to the isolated plot of epoch, Xiantian life that under these new law is born, is almost like a fish in water, but is 1 million years, one after another presented peak Expert, Heavenly Venerate, Emperor Monarch big pile of big pile of births, even was also born Half-Step Ruler. 大法还传到了新纪元的隔离区,那些新法则下诞生的先天生灵,几乎是如鱼得水,不过是1000000年,就接连出现了顶尖高手,天尊,帝君一大堆一大堆的诞生,甚至还诞生了一尊半步主宰 Such speed, lets dumbstruck that the Martial Dao era Expert look, such speed must fly simply, each era birth initial life, is Heaven and Earth cherishing, has the Heaven and Earth big destiny guard, most rapidness that often can grow. 这样的速度,让武道纪元的高手们都看的目瞪口呆,这样的速度简直要飞起了,每一个纪元诞生最初的生灵,都是天地钟爱的,有天地大气运护身,往往能够成长的最快。 In the legend of each era, most formidable also at the beginning of often is these is epoch-making exists on birth terrifying. 在每个纪元的传说中,最为强大的也往往都是那些开天辟地之初就诞生的恐怖存在。 Generally era focusing on divine ability, many are this, more at the beginning is the era is born the life to be also more fearful, but the Martial Dao era like this era focusing on Cultivation is opposite, often true Expert, must appear in Late Stage. 一般以神通为主的纪元,也多是这样,越是纪元诞生之初的生灵也就越可怕,而武道纪元这样以修行为主的纪元则是相反,往往真正的强者,要在后期才会出现。 Because has the system and theory of Cultivation is perfect, they possibly are born are formidable Expert. 因为只有修行的体系和理论越是完善,他们才可能诞生出越是强大的高手 To the present, all people as if finally accepted a fact, that is they really perfect lived the next era, naturally, in this process was is not perfect, but compared these Ancient eras irrelevant shattered, already good many. 一直到了现在,所有人都似乎终于接受了一个事实,那就是他们真的完好无损的活到了下个纪元了,当然,这个过程中也算不上是完好无损,但是相比起那些古代纪元的支离破碎来说,已经好的多了。 The old era has not been disillusioned, but the new era quietly was born during the old era, like was the veteran sends the sprout. 旧的纪元没有破灭,而新的纪元则是悄然诞生在了旧的纪元之中,像是老树发新芽一样。 This is a brand-new pattern, one type some people truly have never experienced pattern. 这是一种全新的模式,一种从未有人真正经历过的模式。 Between the era and era also not necessarily repel one another, can fuse mutually, mutual coexistence. 纪元和纪元之间也未必是相互排斥的,也可以相互融合,相互共存的。 Regarding this, the person of Martial Dao era in looks at, these people of Ancient era also in looks at. 对此,武道纪元的人在看着,那些古代纪元的人也在看着 Moved the place the important matter to occur to heaven-shaking, thoroughly has shocked in entire Chaos. 一直到一件惊天动地的大事发生了,才彻底震惊了整个混沌之中。 In the this time extinguishing world great misfortune, has the Ancient era unable to insist that their original background was thin, listening to several era great misfortune afterwards, eye looks at to unable to insist. 这一次的灭世大劫之中,就有古代纪元坚持不住了,他们本来底子就薄,听过了几个纪元大劫之后,眼看着就要坚持不住了。 this time, must disintegrate finally. 这一次,终于要分崩离析了。 But those who make person contrary unexpected is, this Ancient era came one to wrestle unexpectedly at risk of life, unexpectedly has hired oneself the Martial Dao era. 而让人出乎意料之外的是,这个古代纪元居然来了一个拼死一搏,居然投靠了武道纪元。 They have hired oneself the Martial Dao era, together with own era itself, integrated during the Martial Dao era together, person Ye Xiwen that gets rid to handle. 他们投靠了武道纪元,连同自己的纪元本身,也一起融入了武道纪元之中,出手办理的人正是叶希文 Closes right up against the Martial Dao era the strength, this Ancient era has radiated the vigor unexpectedly, but hiring oneself of this Ancient era, makes the Martial Dao era Great Dao richer, prosperity. 靠着武道纪元的力量,这个古代纪元居然重新焕发了活力,而这个古代纪元的投靠,也让武道纪元的大道更加丰富,更加的繁荣。 Was equal to the effect that wins, suddenly, this matter, has shocked the entire Chaos era, this matter completely changed that thought of past, is the Ancient era and between the present age eras, can only be mutually hostile, slaughters mutually. 等于是一个共赢的效果,一时间,这个事情,震惊了整个混沌纪元,这个事情彻底改变了过去的那种思维,就是古代纪元和当世纪元之间,只能够相互敌对,相互厮杀。 The Ancient era and cooperation between present age eras, in the past, is not nobody has mentioned similar idea, but nobody can achieve. 古代纪元与当世纪元之间的合作,在过去,并非没有人提到过类似的想法,但是没有人能够做到。 But all these, realize during the Martial Dao era now! 而这一切,现在都在武道纪元之中实现了! Many people secretly were guessing that this means the Martial Dao era can become an unprecedented big world seriously? 许多人都在暗自猜测,难道这意味着武道纪元当真要成为一个前所未有的大世么? But to the present, each step of Martial Dao era, after is actually unprecedented, does not have newcomer, every time goes forward one step in founding the new history, before achieving, never some people can achieve Domain. 而到了现在,武道纪元的每一步,其实都是前无古人后无来者的,每前进一步都是在开创新的历史,达到以前从未有人能够达到过的领域 Hires oneself the Martial Dao era to have a new lease of life afterwards in the first Ancient era, more and more Ancient eras started to hire oneself one after another Martial Dao era, this also let Martial Dao era prosperity even more, Expert were getting more and more. 在第一个古代纪元投靠武道纪元重获新生之后,越来越多的古代纪元开始陆陆续续的投靠了武道纪元,这也让武道纪元越发的繁荣,高手越来越多。 The strength is getting stronger and stronger! 实力越来越强! This to these Ancient eras, has formed the fearful deterrent! 这已经对那些古代纪元来说,形成了可怕的威慑! It is not each Ancient era faces the destruction, is not Expert of each Ancient era is willing to obey the arrangement of others family|home to the Martial Dao era during. 并不是每一个古代纪元都面临毁灭,也不是每一个古代纪元的高手都愿意到武道纪元之中听从别人家的安排的。 After all during the original Ancient era, they controls the forces of nature, existence of able to support both heaven and earth, but to the Martial Dao era, they also vanished however in the people. 毕竟在原来的古代纪元之中,他们都是呼风唤雨,顶天立地的存在,而到了武道纪元,他们也就泯然于众人了。 Also because nowadays Martial Dao era peak Expert was really too many also too terrifying. 也正是因为现如今的武道纪元顶尖高手实在是太多也太恐怖了。 But this, epoch arrival of quietly, crosses for more than ten million years, these formidable Xiantian lives of epoch, or because of civil war, because either practice accidentally discharges Bedevilment, all sorts of reasons, casualty completely, displacing actually after is, newcomer catches up. 而就这样,新纪元的悄然降临,已经过了上千万年,新纪元的那些强大的先天生灵,或者因为内战,或者因为修炼走火入魔,种种原因,死伤殆尽,取而代之的却是后来者后来居上。 Also even more penetrated with the fusion of Martial Dao era, in addition joining of each Ancient era, the Martial Dao era might be considered as the unprecedented great strength and prosperous. 武道纪元的融合也愈发的深入了起来,加上各个古代纪元的加入,武道纪元堪称是前所未有的强大和繁荣。 But on this day, has been regarded as the Martial Dao era day same Martial Lord Ye Xiwen to go out finally. 而就在这一天,一直被视作武道纪元的天一样的武君叶希文终于出关了。 With his going out, is the boundless multi-colored sunlight, Violet Qi proliferates the entire Martial Dao era, went out all life sensations to Ye Xiwen's. 伴随着他的出关,是无边的霞光,紫气遍布整个武道纪元,所有的生灵都感知到了叶希文的出关。 Sir Martial Lord the Saint longevity is endless!” The innumerable lives crawled on the ground, does not dare to gain ground. 武君大人圣寿无疆!”无数生灵匍匐在了地上,根本不敢抬头。 In that front, existence of any Level, wants the low own noble head, does not dare to have disrespects slightly. 在那一位的面前,无论是什么级别的存在,都要低下自己的高贵的头颅,不敢有丝毫不敬。 Even if Chaos Expert of many Ancient eras does not dare to have slight disrespecting. 哪怕是混沌中的诸多古代纪元的高手也不敢有丝毫的不敬。 Ye Xiwen crosses the hands behind the back to stand, since birth afterwards of epoch, he has closed up, in an instant is thousands of years, is cultivation does not have the years seriously. 叶希文负手而立,自从新纪元的诞生之后,他就闭关了,一转眼便是千万年,当真是修真无岁月。 But during these thousands of years, his cultivation base also greatly has the progress, he guaranteed the Martial Dao era forcefully, that process was difficult, but nowadays, had finally has harvested, he from Ruler Late Stage, strided in Ruler peak. 而这千万年之中,他的修为也大有长进,他强行保下了武道纪元,那个过程艰辛,但是现如今,终于有了收获了,他一口气从主宰后期,跨入了主宰巅峰 Stood in innumerable era reincarnation peak completely, did not need to be worried to encounter in the place of Mysterious the surprise attack of Ruler. 完完全全站在了无数纪元轮回巅峰,再也不用担心遭到神秘之地之中主宰们的突袭了。 Was the time, should make one to mediate!” “是时候了,该做一个了断了!” Everybody can pay attention to my micro letter public number, Fu Xiaochen true body, or searches fuxiaochenbenzun to increase!( Not 大家可以去关注一下我的微信公众号,傅啸尘本尊,或者搜索fuxiaochenbenzun来添加!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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