MGS :: Volume #41

#3882: Extinguishes cloudy Monarch, extinguishes world tribulation to cross finally

In cutting to kill Teng Huang afterwards, Ye Xiwen direct arrow step has swooped on Qin Jun's battlefield. 在斩杀了滕皇之后,叶希文直接一个箭步飞扑到了秦君的战场上。 At this time, Qin Jun already and cloudy Monarch as well as Yang Jun fought one group, cloudy Monarch caused heavy losses to by a Ye Xiwen arrow a moment ago, therefore he early is prepared, early had the vigilance. 此时,秦君已经和阴君以及阳君战成一团,刚才阴君被叶希文一箭重创,所以他已经算是早有准备,也是早有警惕。 Moreover must guard against Ye Xiwen anytime and anywhere possible meddling, simply did not have the means to do utmost to get rid to cope with Qin Jun. 而且还要防备叶希文随时随地可能出现的插手,根本没有办法竭尽全力出手对付秦君。 With had been obtained the power balance by Qin Jun, but similarly, Qin Jun did not have the means strongly fully, the destruction strength of Void, came in the crazy crush every time. 和才被秦君取得了均势,但是同样的,秦君也没有办法集中全力,来自虚空之中的毁灭之力,每时每刻都在疯狂的碾压过来。 He is different from cloudy Monarch, Yang Jun they, only needed to attend to oneself being also OK, he must blow the entire Martial Dao era, therefore did not have the means to attend to oneself being OK. 他不同于阴君,阳君他们,只需要顾着自身也就可以了,他还要镇住整个武道纪元,所以没有办法只是顾着自身就可以了。 Teng Huang, bends the sovereign, cloudy Monarch, Yang Jun, these four people have settled on this moment, personally will come, because they know that Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun were impossible to use the complete strength. 滕皇,弓皇,阴君,阳君,这四人就是看准了这一刻,才会亲自前来,因为他们都知道,叶希文和秦君都不可能用出全部的实力。 But cloudy Monarch and Yang Jun doing utmost were still coping with Qin Jun, was entered in battlefield by Ye Xiwen suddenly all of a sudden, but was among the moments, has killed own nearby. 而阴君与阳君还在竭尽全力的对付秦君,猛然一下子被叶希文杀入战场之中,不过是片刻之间,就已经杀到了自己的跟前。 Even if by their strengths of having fought many battles, unexpectedly scared, because Ye Xiwen's arrives, means that another battlefield bow sovereign and Teng Huang have been completely annihilated, only has so, may make Ye Xiwen have free time. 哪怕以两人的身经百战的实力,居然都胆寒了起来,因为叶希文的到来,就意味着另外一个战场的弓皇和滕皇全部都全军覆没了,也唯有如此,才有可能让叶希文得空而来。 They turn the head to look, battlefield was so tranquil. 他们转头一看,果然如此,一个战场已经平静了。 Walks quickly!” “快走!” Cloudy Monarch shouts out. 阴君大喝一声。 At this time wants to walk, was too a little late!” Ye Xiwen sneers, said. “这个时候想走,是不是有点太迟了!”叶希文冷笑一声,说道。 When does not know, his personal appearance, arrived at the cloudy Monarch's front unexpectedly. 不知道什么时候,他的身形,居然已经来到了阴君的面前。 Blocks path that cloudy Monarch ran away! 拦住了阴君逃走的道路! Martial Lord, do you want and come a fight in which both sides perish?” Cloudy Monarch sees that bellows to say hastily. 武君,你想要和来个鱼死网破嘛?”阴君见状,连忙大吼一声说道。 Fight in which both sides perish? Depending on you?” Ye Xiwen coldly looks at cloudy Monarch, said that the Ye Xiwen's body erupted terrifying aura that was hard to imagine. “鱼死网破?就凭你们?”叶希文冷冷看着阴君,说道,叶希文的身上爆发出了难以想象的恐怖气息 Before has given you opportunity, since chose to stand, that must complete to pay the price, did not do not to do, this truth, I think that you should understand!” “之前已经给过你们机会了,既然选择了站出来,那就要做好付出代价,不作死就不作死,这个道理,我想你应该懂吧!” Ye Xiwen coldly smiles to say. 叶希文冷冷一笑说道。 Martial Lord said right, since came, that do not walk!” 武君说的没错,既然来了,那就别走了!” Qin Jun also sneered was saying. 秦君也是冷笑着说道。 Was suppressed while his strength, comes to kill him, made him move the real anger truly. 趁着他的实力被压制,前来狙杀他,也让他真正的动了真怒了。 Spelled with them!” “跟他们拼了!” Cloudy Monarch bellows, he killed directly to Ye Xiwen, but Yang Jun direct killing has approached Qin Jun. 阴君大吼一声,他直接扑杀向了叶希文,而阳君则是直接扑杀向了秦君。 At the same time, resists stubbornly! 一边一个,负隅顽抗! Bang!” “轰!” Cloudy Monarch has gotten rid toward Ye Xiwen directly, Yin Qi changed to a huge sign of the dragon, killed to Ye Xiwen, entire Chaos by collapsing of this sign of the dragon suppression. 阴君直接朝着叶希文出手了,一条阴气化作了一条巨大的大龙,扑杀向了叶希文,整个混沌都被这一条大龙镇压的塌了。 Cloudy Monarch comes up is a life and death war, rushes to the Ye Xiwen's head to go directly, had been compelled in this share by Ye Xiwen, he did not have anything to dread, since retreat no matter used, a that war. 阴君一上来就是决死一战,直接奔着叶希文的头颅而去,都已经被叶希文逼到了这个份上了,那他也就没有什么畏惧了,既然后退不管用,那就一战吧。 His has seen too many powerful enemies his entire life, has not lowered the head, never concedes, now simply kills one with the Ye Xiwen direct bang. 他这一生见过太多的强敌,也都没有低过头,从来不服输,现在干脆和叶希文直接轰杀到了一起。 This is a collision of terrifying, trillion wisps of divine light have spattered in all directions, fought the place that to sweep away from both sides, this was what kind terrifying struck. 这是一场恐怖的碰撞,亿万缕的神芒迸溅了出来,从双方交手的地方横扫了出来,这是何等恐怖的一击。 In the middle of that endless divine light, Ye Xiwen has spread out both hands directly, tears the sign of the dragon that this endless Yin Qi changed to suddenly all of a sudden. 在那无尽神芒当中,叶希文直接摊开了双手,猛然一下子撕裂开了这一条无尽阴气所化作的大龙。 Innumerable law Sun Jian has blasted open. 无数的法则孙坚炸裂了开来。 However cloudy Monarch actually sublimated while these days, life Essence of whole body was burning, changed to the terrifying strength. 然而阴君却趁着这段时间升华了,全身的生命本源都在燃烧,化作了恐怖的实力。 In his heart regarding Ye Xiwen's dreaded that thus it can be seen is also ordinary, simply does not have the tiny bit hesitation, erupted directly. 他心中对于叶希文的忌惮也由此可见一般,根本没有一丝一毫的犹豫,直接爆发了。 Martial Lord, since you want me dead, my pulling you together front the back!” The cloudy Monarch whole body boundless supernatural power flows, entire Chaos for it reacted, was fearful. 武君,既然你要我死,那我就拉你一起垫背!”阴君全身上下无边的法力奔涌而出,整个混沌都为之震动,可怕极了。 Cloudy Monarch coldly looks at Ye Xiwen, then a fist suddenly rumbles, between Heaven and Earth does not know that had the air/Qi of many Chaos to be transformed the Yin and Yang two air/Qi, then Yin Qi led for him, the direct bang killed to Ye Xiwen. 阴君冷冷看着叶希文,然后一拳猛然轰出,天地间不知道有多少混沌之气被转化成了阴阳二气,然后其中的阴气为他所主导,直接轰杀向了叶希文 In Chaos, this is my home game, you do not know that the air/Qi of Chaos is the Yin and Yang two air/Qi composes? The choice battles with me here, meets can be in your life the biggest mistake!” “在混沌之中,这是我的主场,你不知道混沌之气便是阴阳二气组成的么?选择在这里和我作战,会是会是你一生之中最大的错误!” Ye Xiwen facial expression solemn a few words did not say that his body, endless merit Golden Light has scattered in all directions, unexpectedly real anchorage entire Chaos, but cloudy Monarch wants to separate the air/Qi of many Yin and Yang, simply does not have any means that looked like Chaos is imprisoned to be the same. 叶希文神情冷峻一句话都不说,他的身上,无尽的功德金光四散了出去,居然真的定住了整个混沌,而阴君想要好分离出更多的阴阳之气,却根本没有任何办法,就像是混沌被人禁锢住了一样。 Anything, this is how possible, the air/Qi of some of your many merits!” Cloudy Monarch has a big shock, he can have the confidence to resist Ye Xiwen, to a great extent is because in Chaos, finding at everywhere the air/Qi of Chaos instead becomes he supplements own biggest origin. “什么,这怎么可能,你到底有多少功德之气!”阴君大惊失色,他能够有信心对抗叶希文,很大程度上就是因为在混沌之中,随处可见的混沌之气反而成为他补充自身的最大来源。 However has not thought that actually by Ye Xiwen suppressing the air/Qi of Chaos, having made his plan fail. 但是没有想到,却被叶希文给镇压住了混沌之气,让他的谋划落空了。 But Ye Xiwen disperses Yin Qi afterwards that everywhere killing came at a fist bang, but was crying loud and long afterwards, the whole body is sending out the endless god splendor, one step rushed ahead the cloudy Monarch's front. 叶希文在一拳轰散了那漫天扑杀而来的阴气之后,只是在长啸了一声之后,全身在散发着无尽的神辉,一步就冲杀到了阴君的面前。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Cloudy Monarch called out pitifully, by the Ye Xiwen bang, his all superiority was lost in this moment. 阴君惨叫一声,就被叶希文轰中了,他所有的优势都在这一刻失去了。 Ye Xiwen's this fist gave to pierce his chest! 叶希文的这一拳将他的胸口都给洞穿了! Again and again cloudy Monarch retreat, coughing up blood in gulps, this war, he hits was extremely aggrieved, he is earliest several Ruler, knows that the experience will cross many peak Expert, when the later generation that Ye Xiwen such era just became enlightened is paid attention to by him. 阴君连连后退,大口大口的咳血,这一战,他打的太过憋屈了,他是最早的几个主宰,也不过知道见识过了多少顶尖强者,叶希文这样本纪元才刚刚成道的后辈什么时候会被他放在眼里了。 However now, by the Ye Xiwen powerful suppression, this was made him feel sad unexpectedly. 然而现在,居然却被叶希文强势镇压,这让他情何以堪。 Ye Xiwen has not let off his meaning, has killed once again. 叶希文没有放过他的意思,再度扑杀了过来。 Martial Lord, you go too far!” 武君,你欺人太甚!” Cloudy Monarch roared, law of his reacted whole body, changed to everywhere the god rainbow, soared to the heavens, trim Chaos by reacted, everywhere had been sent out Bao splendor, then has killed toward Ye Xiwen directly. 阴君咆哮一声,他震动全身的法则,化作漫天的神虹,冲霄而起,整片混沌都被震动了,到处都在散发着宝辉,然后直接朝着叶希文扑杀了过来。 Useless, today the result has determined!” “没用的,今天你的结局已经确定了!” Ye Xiwen shouts out, eyes is unfeeling, because he knows that at this time he cannot have tiny bit relaxation, otherwise, destroys, will not be other, can be the entire Martial Dao era. 叶希文大喝一声,双眸冷酷无情,因为他知道,这个时候他不能有一丝一毫的放松,否则的话,随之毁灭的,不会是别的,会是整个武道纪元。 Bang!” “轰!” Erupted cloudy Monarch in front of rushing to Ye Xiwen's afterwards, had actually cut off all defenses by a Ye Xiwen sword, then a sword nearly cuts off the body. 已经爆发了的阴君在冲到了叶希文的面前之后,却被叶希文一剑斩断了所有的防御,然后一剑将身体险些斩断。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Cloudy Monarch in unceasing roaring, but does not have any use, the disintegration that every will strike him hit will come, his fleshly body Beng San, Primordial Spirit also suffered the heavy losses. 阴君在不断的咆哮,但是没有任何用处,每一击他都会被打的崩碎开来,他的肉身崩散,元神也遭受了重创。 Ye Xiwen's attack extremely terrifying, he had Three Thousand Martial Paths, can cut to say attack every second innumerably, 3000 Martial Dao attack, do not have the identical style completely, all fell the cloudy Monarch's body. 叶希文的攻击太过恐怖了,他有三千武道,每一秒钟都可以斩出无数道攻击,3000种武道攻击,完全不带重样的,全部都落到了阴君的身上。 Cloudy Monarch called out pitifully unceasingly, finally had projected on near Chaos by Ye Xiwen directly the Desolate, stretched across entire Chaos, but terrifying War. 阴君不断惨叫,终于被叶希文直接打到了混沌边荒,横跨了整个混沌的而恐怖大战 Last type, Martial Lord, I will die, you must die!” “最后一式,武君,我会死,你也要死!” Cloudy Monarch roars, the entire Chaos earth-shattering, changed to a piece of Yin Qi world directly, that is an extremely scary scene, he is displaying heaven-shaking to move the place secret art, Yin Qi Taotao who is hard to imagine, just likes the sea water is generally turbulent, natural law and divine ability come in the flash scrap, suddenly, the entire time river had been drawn by him, intercepted part of strengths to kill to go toward the Ye Xiwen bang. 阴君怒吼一声,整个混沌天崩地裂,直接化作了一片阴气的世界,那是一副极为骇人的场景,他在施展一种惊天动地的绝学,难以想象的阴气涛涛,犹如海水一般汹涌,规则神通都在一瞬间炸碎开来,一刹那间,整个时间长河被他拉了出来,截取了一部分的力量朝着叶希文轰杀而去。 This is ultimate strikes, related to the strength of entire time! 这是终极的一击,涉及到了整个时间的力量! In entire Chaos, the Martial Dao era, was Expert one after another of each one Ancient era with amazement, they clearly felt, when cloudy Monarch displayed such unrivalled secret art, the time in their era was also affected, came under the influence of strength of this time, the time once again the strength function on their bodies. 整个混沌之中,无论是武道纪元,还是个个古代纪元的强者纷纷骇然了,他们分明感觉到,在阴君施展出这样旷世的绝学的时候,他们纪元之中的时间也受到了影响,受到了这一股时间之力的影响,时间再度将力量作用在了他们的身上。 That Seven Colors brilliance, submerged all, anything looks to disappear, flaming rays of light submerges all. 七彩的光华,淹没了一切,什么都看不见了,炽盛的光芒将一切淹没。 All person actually one after another operated the deva-eye, actually wanted to see Ye Xiwen how. 所有人却都纷纷开了天眼,想要看到叶希文究竟如何了。 But at this point, actually sees sonic boom to drink the sound, then sees only, a treasured sword seemed from end of time cuts to fall, cut directly in this terrifying the strength of time. 而在此时,却见一声爆喝声,然后只见,一口宝剑好似从时间的尽头斩落了下来,直接斩在了这一股恐怖的时间之力上。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” This terrifying the strength of time had been broken to pieces by the direct bang, has not lived, then Ye Xiwen this sword rumbled directly the cloudy Monarch's body, did not have the slight stay. 这一股恐怖的时间之力被直接轰碎了,一点都没有生下来,然后叶希文这一剑直接轰到了阴君的身上,没有丝毫的停留。 Bang!” “嘭!” Cloudy Monarch has blasted open, but this time, actually cannot recover, because had been hit to explode several times in cloudy Monarch's Primordial Spirit by Ye Xiwen a moment ago, was early badly-damaged, has sent out that move, is doing utmost the style of perishing together. 阴君炸裂了开来,但是这一次,却没有能够复苏,因为在刚才阴君的元神就已经被叶希文打爆了好几次,早已经残破不堪,发出了那一招,就已经是竭尽全力的同归于尽的招式了。 Even if were not killed by Ye Xiwen, has been sending out this move of afterwards, was very difficult to support, to display so terrifying attack, he has paid the enormous price, but now finally is one's turn strength of backlash Chaos. 即便不被叶希文杀死,在发出了这一招之后,也很难撑过去了,为了施展出了这般恐怖攻击,他付出了极大的代价,而现在终于轮到混沌之力反噬了。 His fleshly body one had been grasped by Ye Xiwen, integrated in the world tree. 他的肉身叶希文一把抓了,融入进了世界树之中。 The world tree in the crazy growth, truly became a huge incomparable world. 世界树在疯狂的成长,真正成为了一个庞大无比的世界。 Cloudy Monarch was cut to kill finally, but at this time Ye Xiwen's situation not, because the strength of various backlash crazily have also been rushing him, that is the strength of era destruction, Ye Xiwen must blow the Martial Dao era, opposes with them. 阴君终于被斩杀,但是此时叶希文的情况也不算好,因为各种反噬之力也在疯狂的涌向了他,那是纪元毁灭之力,叶希文要镇住武道纪元,就得与他们作对。 But in other one side battlefield, Qin Jun also finally cut Yang Jun, but has paid for this reason also the price, the entire body exploded. 而在另外一边的战场,秦君也终于斩掉了阳君,但是为此也付出了代价,整个身体爆炸了。 Did not cause heavy losses by Yang Jun, but caused heavy losses by Martial Dao era the strength of destruction. 并不是被阳君所重创,而是被武道纪元的毁灭之力所重创。 Cuts to kill cloudy Monarch and Yang Jun afterwards, Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun returns immediately, suppresses the entire Martial Dao era. 斩杀了阴君和阳君之后,叶希文和秦君立刻返回,镇压整个武道纪元。 They look like two Dinghai god needles, anchorage stubbornly this terrifying destruction scene. 两人就像是两根定海神针,死死的定住了这种恐怖的毁灭场景。 Side is the strength of destruction, side is life force, both sides dispute mutually, endless! 一边是毁灭之力,一边是生机,双方相互较量,没完没了! Gradually, more and more terrifying, the Martial Dao era had some signs of destruction, the landslide cracks in the earth! 逐渐的,越来越恐怖,武道纪元还是出现了一些毁灭的迹象,山崩地裂! The universe great antiquity, Sun and Moon Stars, is cracking! 宇宙洪荒,日月星辰,都在崩裂! 100 years! 100年! 200 years! 200年! 300 years! 300年! ... 。。。 The destruction of such terrifying was conducted for 100,000 years, the Martial Dao era is destroyed one-third, however when all people thought this destruction forever has not stopped, the strength of destruction actually all of a sudden vanished, came quickly, vanished also quickly, the flash on without a trace of disappearance, a trace did not have.( ~^~) 这样恐怖的毁灭足足进行了100000年,武道纪元都被毁灭了1,然而就当所有人都觉得这种毁灭永远没有停止的时候,毁灭之力却一下子消失了,来得快,消失也快,一瞬间就消失的无影无踪,一点痕迹都没有。(~^~)
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