MGS :: Volume #41

#3881: Extinguishes Teng Huang again

Ye Xiwen pulls open the long bow, this arrow is direct ****, compared with had bent that arrow that the sovereign displays also to go beyond a moment ago. 叶希文拉开长弓,这一箭直接****了出来,比起刚才弓皇施展出来的那一箭也是有过之而无不及。 Artifact Spirit of that long bow obviously melted, wants to resist Ye Xiwen, but how Ye Xiwen possibly made him achieve wishes, was at the scene direct one to break afterwards, this long bow all revolts vanished. 那一把长弓的器灵显化了出来,想要抵抗叶希文,但是叶希文怎么可能让他如愿呢,当场直接一把震碎之后,这一把长弓所有的反抗就都消失了。 Tens of millions li (0.5km) long arrow Yaichi tore all instantaneously, directly flew toward cloudy Monarch and Yang Jun. 数千万里长的箭矢一瞬间撕裂开了一切,直接朝着阴君和阳君飞去。 They collaborate, unexpectedly suddenly suppressed constraining by the situation of Martial Dao era collapse Qin Jun. 两人联手,居然一时间镇压住了被武道纪元崩坏的情况给拖住了的秦君。 Ye Xiwen this arrow seems Milky Way that gets down from space falls Nine Heavens, in direct bang cloudy Mr. 叶希文这一箭好似从天上下来的银河落九天,直接轰中了阴君。 Cloudy Monarch is handles to guard completely, has not thought including him that will have attack to surmount entire Chaos to sweep away directly. 阴君完全是措不及防,连他也没有想到,会有攻击直接跨越了整个混沌横扫了过来。 Also or he has not thought that the bow sovereign in such a short time will cause heavy losses to by Ye Xiwen, even is strikes to kill. 又或者说,他也没有想到弓皇会在那么短的时间内被叶希文重创,甚至是击杀。 Also because of Ye Xiwen this arrow extremely terrifying. 同时也是因为叶希文这一箭太过恐怖了。 Cloudy Monarch called out pitifully, fleshly body has blasted open instantaneously. 阴君惨叫一声,肉身瞬间炸裂了开来。 Although had not been shot dead directly, but also caused heavy losses, but the offensive that cloudy Monarch, Yang Jun, they collaborates also all of a sudden had a gap, did not have the means such suppressed Qin Jun likely a moment ago thoroughly. 虽然没有被直接射死,但是也被重创了,而阴君,阳君,两人联手的攻势也就一下子有了一个缺口,没有办法像是刚才那样子彻底压制住秦君了。 Qin Jun felt immediately the pressure reduced greatly, at this time could not attend to Ye Xiwen expressed gratitude, swooped to go toward cloudy Monarch hastily, injured its ten fingers, was inferior to its one finger. 秦君顿时感觉到压力大减,此时也顾不得向叶希文道谢了,连忙朝着阴君飞扑而去,正所谓伤其十指,不如断其一指。 Qin Jun also understood this truth, because of this, must utterly destroy! 秦君也明白这个道理,也正因为如此,才更要斩尽杀绝! But Yang Jun also understands that this truth, goes forward to stop hastily, suddenly, entire Chaos turned into their terrifying battlefield. 而阳君也明白这个道理,连忙上前阻拦,一时间,整个混沌都化成了两人的恐怖战场 But helped Qin Jun afterwards, Ye Xiwen not idle, because Teng Huang has swooped has come up, while he projected that arrow a moment ago the time. 而帮了一把秦君之后,叶希文也没有闲着,因为滕皇已经飞扑了上来了,就趁着他刚才射出那一箭的时候。 He has swooped! 他已经飞扑了上来了! Teng Huang has spread out both hands directly, a fist rumbles suddenly, is almost in an instant, gave to rumble entire Heaven and Earth, entire Chaos was pierced. 滕皇直接摊开了双手,一拳猛然轰出,几乎是刹那间,将整个天地都给轰断了,整个混沌都被洞穿。 In an instant, Teng Huang the strength rose dramatically directly a scale, rushed to Ruler Late Stage. 刹那间,滕皇的实力直接飙升上了一个档次,冲到了主宰后期 Because Ye Xiwen flickered kills bow sovereign the time a moment ago, has made him simultaneously have the huge sense of crisis, at this time who also dares underestimate Ye Xiwen, that not to be brings about own destruction again? 因为刚才叶希文瞬杀弓皇的时候,已经让他同时有了巨大的危机感,此时谁还敢再小看叶希文呢,那不是自寻死路么? Before had lending a hand of bow sovereign, he was very difficult how Ye Xiwen, the idle talk is now! 之前有弓皇的帮衬,他都很难奈何叶希文,更遑论是现在! He has to spell to try, if has not participated, since participated has come, then remaining leaves his time not to be many. 他不得不拼尽全力,如果不曾参与进来也就算了,既然已经参与了进来了,那么剩下留给他的时间就已经不多了。 Teng Huang the whole body in flaming burns, has fearful big Dao Law then to burn. 滕皇的全身都在熊熊燃烧,有可怕的大道法则跟着在燃烧。 But Ye Xiwen one step steps forward, refuses to admit being inferior slightly, his same five fingers pinch the fist, with Teng Huang War. 叶希文一步跨出,丝毫不甘示弱,他同样的五指捏拳,与滕皇大战了起来。 Bang!” “轰!” lifting of two fists in Chaos the terrifying raging tide, almost submerged all, that bright god splendor disperses, looks at is beautiful, however in the Expert eye of each Ancient era, is actually incomparable terrifying. 两个拳头在混沌之中掀起恐怖的狂潮,几乎淹没了一切,那灿烂的神辉飞散开来,看着美丽无比,但是在各个古代纪元的高手眼中,却是无比恐怖的。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, for a long time has not fought was so happy!” “哈哈哈哈,好久没有战的这么痛快了!” Ye Xiwen has laughed, in Chaos, his personal appearance sweeps away, an unceasing fist fist shells to go toward Teng Huang. 叶希文哈哈大笑了起来,在混沌之中,他的身形横扫,不断的一拳一拳朝着滕皇轰击而去。 His whole body glittering merit Golden Light, looks at is seeming the golden sculpture is the same, in Chaos, became has shone all only sources. 他的全身上下都闪烁着功德金光,看着好似黄金雕塑一样,在混沌之中,成了照耀一切的唯一源头。 He is surpass in battle is stronger, surpass in battle jumps over terrifying, the entire imposing manner has promoted, each fist rumbled however to hit equally matched with Teng Huangju. 他是越战越强,越战恐怖,整个气势提升了起来,每一拳轰出与滕皇居然打了一个不相上下。 Is but different from Ye Xiwen, Teng Huang arrogance attacked repetitive dissipation, the strength that his inspires forcefully, has been meeting the Ye Xiwen's time, fell completely leeward. 可是与叶希文不同,滕皇身上的气焰被打击的连连消散,他那强行提振起来的实力,在遇到了叶希文的时候,完完全全落入了下风。 His originally most tyrannical fleshly body, riding roughshod of weaponry, even if the strength of destruction the era change has, is unable to injure his slightest. 原本最为强横的肉身,仗之横行无忌,就算是纪元更替所产生的毁灭之力,都无法伤他分毫。 However now he has met Ye Xiwen, completely has run into the difficult adversary, Ye Xiwen these years do not know that smelted many merit Golden Light to enter in the body. 但是现在他遇到了叶希文,就完完全全遇到了克星了,叶希文这些年来不知道熔炼了多少功德金光进入身体之中。 Might be considered as is matchless, faces directly era change the strength of terrifying destruction, does not have question. 堪称是举世无敌,直面纪元更替的恐怖毁灭之力,都毫无问题 Teng Huangyue hits more thinks terrifying, lies in Ye Xiwen fights, his whole body, has the terrifying scar born, his tyrannical must be different from person to person. 滕皇越打越是觉得恐怖,在于叶希文交手的时候,他的全身上下,都有恐怖的伤痕在诞生,他的强横也得因人而异。 He smelted the air/Qi of many merits!” Teng Huangyue hits more thinks terrifying, on Ye Xiwen, felt that merit Golden Light like does not ask for money, casual can emit a big pile. “他到底熔炼了多少功德之气!”滕皇越打越是觉得恐怖,叶希文身上,怎么感觉功德金光像是不要钱的一样,随随便便都能够冒出一大堆来。 How to hit facing such opponent, he does not move Ye Xiwen! 面对这样的对手怎么打,他都根本打不动叶希文 Finally, was compelled in this share, Teng Huang changed to a terrifying great snake all of a sudden, the ancestors of between Heaven and Earth ten thousand snake, the terrifying flying snake mentioned in ancient legends. 终于,被逼到了这个份上,滕皇一下子化作了一条恐怖的巨蛇,天地间万蛇之祖,恐怖的腾蛇。 His whole body, is sending out the astonishing god splendor, shuttles back and forth from Chaos, the speed will draw near Peak. 他的全身上下,散发着惊人的神辉,从混沌之中穿梭而过,速度快到了极致了。 That tail sweeps away quickly, what offensive, in the front that this strikes, at is not anything. 那一条尾巴以迅雷不及掩耳之势横扫而下,什么样的攻势,在这一击的面前,都根本不算什么。 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Xiwen lifted the hand to block this terrifying directly struck. 叶希文抬手直接挡住了这恐怖的一击。 Law Manifestation Heaven and Earth!” 法相天地!” Ye Xiwen shouted, the instantaneous whole person changed has also been a trillion li (0.5km) high terrifying giant, terrifying that entire Chaos can see existed. 叶希文一声大喝,瞬间整个人也变作了一个亿万里高的恐怖巨人,整个混沌都能够看得见的恐怖存在。 Compared with clearing out the main body of sovereign, is not small. 比起滕皇的本体来说,也是丝毫不小。 Their War entered the universe Chaos deep place, War, in this flooded in Chaos of strength of fearful destruction to erupt everywhere. 两人一路大战进了宇宙混沌深处,大战,就在这到处都充斥着可怕毁灭之力的混沌之中爆发了。 Martial Lord, how long you could not support, how even if you ended again diligently, saving fate of entire Martial Dao era!” Teng Huang roars to say loud. 武君,你撑不了多久的,就算你再怎么努力完就,也挽救不了整个武道纪元的命运!”滕皇高声怒吼说道。 But at least kills your also enough!” “但是至少杀你也够了!” Ye Xiwen shouts out. 叶希文大喝一声。 Many people swept into the vision Chaos hastily. 许多人连忙将目光扫入了混沌之中。 Actually sees in Chaos, Ye Xiwen and cleared out the fight of sovereign to be in the stage of superheating. 却见在混沌之中,叶希文和滕皇的战斗已经进入到了白热化的阶段了。 Facing has promoted summit Ye Xiwen, Teng Huang to start to fall forcefully certainly gradually leeward. 面对已经强行提升到了绝巅的叶希文,滕皇开始逐渐落入了下风。 Martial Lord, you go too far, since you so, that do not blame me!” 武君,你欺人太甚,既然你如此的话,那就别怪我了!” Unexpectedly, actually saw Teng Huang to open the big mouth all of a sudden, in an instant, around Ye Xiwen's, presented huge incomparable formation unexpectedly. 蓦地,却见滕皇一下子张开了血盆大口,刹那间,在叶希文的周围,居然出现了一个巨大无比的阵法 Ye Xiwen, I use this to swallow the day great formation destruction you , has not brought disgrace on you!” 叶希文,我用这个吞天大阵覆灭你,也算是没有辱没你了!” Teng Huang was roaring. 滕皇咆哮着。 Ye Xiwen sees, oneself have placed in terrifying formation, this formation is overlapping, various terrifying attack just liked the tide fell generally. 叶希文看见,自己已经身处在一个恐怖阵法之中,这个阵法层层叠叠,各种各样恐怖攻击犹如潮水一般落了下来。 But in this formation all around, unexpectedly four terrifying silhouette, is Teng Huang. 而在这个阵法的四周,居然有四道恐怖身影,都是滕皇。 „It is not right, that is incarnation, is the incarnation!” “不对,那是化身,都是化身!” Ye Xiwen responded immediately, that is not True Body, even if only the incarnation, these incarnation looks at were also fearful. 叶希文马上就反应了过来,那不是真身,但是即便只是化身,这些化身看着也可怕极了。 Because these incarnations are not casual, should be refining innumerable year of afterwards, can form, the battle efficiency suddenly, can be equally matched with true body. 因为这些化身不是随便化出来的,应该是炼化了无数年之后,才能够形成的,战斗力一时间,能够和本尊不相上下。 Looked like Ye Xiwen fused the incarnation that Martial Venerable Seal has formed to be the same by merit Golden Light a moment ago. 就像是叶希文刚才以功德金光融合了武尊印所形成的化身一样。 This is great formation of my careful research, by my Kun, if person, no person can run away, ruins you by this great formation, was does right by you!” “这是我精心研究的大阵,被我坤如其中的人,从来没有人能够逃走,以这个大阵将你葬送,也算是对得起你了!” Teng Huang roared, on his huge incomparable snake face was incomparable coldly indifferent. 滕皇咆哮一声,他那巨大无比的蛇脸上是无比的冷漠 The innumerable say|way murderous intentions blot out the sky to come, must Ye Xiwen submerging. 无数道杀机铺天盖地而来,就要将叶希文给淹没。 In the Ye Xiwen's top of the head, Martial Venerable Seal has dangled a defense layer upon layer, even if so, were still pierced many by these murderous intentions, unceasing patching, unceasing was pierced. 叶希文的头顶上,武尊印垂下了一层层的防御,但是即便如此,依然被这些杀机洞穿了好多层,不断的修补,又不断的被洞穿。 Four sides all di­rec­tions is fearful murderous intention, does not have to avoid! 四面八方都是可怕的杀机,无可躲避! I by this great formation, had killed Ruler sleepily, now you will be second!” “我曾经以这个大阵,困杀过一个主宰,现在你将会是第二个!” Teng Huang pupil even more ice-cold, said: This made you run away, you wanted heaven defying!” 滕皇的眸子愈发的冰冷,道:“这都让你跑掉了,那你就是要逆天了!” Whatever Ye Xiwen these murderous intention bang have killed, then open mouth to talk said: „To kill me, the rank of this great formation is insufficient!” 叶希文任凭那些杀机轰杀了过来,然后开口说道:“想杀我,这种大阵的等级还不够!” On Ye Xiwen, merit Golden Light has burnt once again, instantaneous, terrifying that his aura changes Tenfold, turned into fearfully strikes, pierced entire great formation all of a sudden. 叶希文身上,功德金光再度燃烧了起来,瞬间,他的气息变的恐怖十倍,化成了可怕的一击,一下子洞穿了整个大阵 What?” Teng Huang stared in a big way the eye, only thought that was impossible. “什么?”滕皇瞪大了眼睛,只觉得根本不可能。 However the Ye Xiwen's personal appearance while this blank spot, has killed great formation, killed Teng Huang an incarnation place. 但是叶希文的身形已经趁着这个空白点,杀出了大阵,杀到了滕皇的一个化身处。 Bang!” “嘭!” Teng Huang the huge incomparable incarnation fought with the fists to putting on by Ye Xiwen directly, Ye Xiwen same terrifying. 滕皇的这个巨大无比的化身被叶希文直接一拳打了个对穿,叶希文同样恐怖 Bang!” “轰隆!” Teng Huang the huge incarnation at the scene scrap. 滕皇的这个巨大的化身当场炸碎了开来。 Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Bang!” “嘭!” Ye Xiwen gave the bang to explode other Teng Huang the surplus three incarnations quickly entirely, although these incarnations had the strength that true body was almost the same, but fleshly body could not compare true body eventually. 叶希文以迅雷不及掩耳之势将滕皇剩余的其他三个化身统统给轰爆了,那些化身虽然都有本尊相差无几的战力,但是肉身终究还是比不上本尊 Then is true body is not Ye Xiwen's opponent, let alone is his incarnation. 便是本尊都不是叶希文的对手,何况是他的化身呢。 However is among the moments, was killed a cleanness. 不过是片刻之间,就被杀了个干净。 This dreadful great formation, directly vanished in invisible. 这个滔天大阵,也就直接消失于无形了。 You dare to kill my incarnation unexpectedly!” “你竟然敢杀我化身!” Teng Huangnu arrived at Peak. 滕皇怒到了极致 I not only need kill your incarnation, must kill your town!” “我不仅仅要杀你的化身,更要将你镇杀!” Ye Xiwen rushed ahead Teng Huang all of a sudden nearby. In his hand already Martial Venerable Seal. 叶希文一下子冲杀到了滕皇的跟前。他的手上已经化出了武尊印 Bang!” “嘭!” Martial Venerable Seal pounded to fall directly, Teng Huang that huge incomparable head was pounded a huge incomparable crack at the scene. 武尊印直接砸落了下去,滕皇那巨大无比的脑袋当场就被砸出了一个巨大无比的裂缝。 Teng Huang eats the pain, again and again retreat, but actually radically inescapable, the Ye Xiwen flash erupted 3000 attack, the Three Thousand Martial Paths flash erupted entirely. 滕皇吃痛,连连后退,但是却根本无法逃脱,叶希文一瞬间就爆发了3000种攻击,正是三千武道一瞬间统统爆发了。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Teng Huang called out pitifully, the entire head exploded at the scene, the blood has splattered. 滕皇惨叫一声,整个脑袋当场爆炸了,鲜血喷溅了出来。 But in Teng Huang the huge body, a small snake from flew, wants to escape, that Teng Huang Primordial Spirit. 而在滕皇巨大的身躯中,一条小蛇从其中飞了出来,想要逃脱出去,那正是滕皇的元神 However even if in chaotic Chaos, cannot hide the truth from the Ye Xiwen's eye, Ye Xiwen one step steps forward, a foot stepped on a smashing this small snake, changed into Void thoroughly. 不过即便是在混乱的混沌之中,也瞒不过叶希文的眼睛,叶希文一步跨出,一脚就将这一条小蛇踩了个粉碎,彻底化为了虚无 Another outstanding Ruler, such die. 又一尊盖代主宰,就这样子陨落了。 Teng Huang the huge body was also received by Ye Xiwen, changed to one group of blood essence, watered on the world tree. 滕皇巨大的身躯也被叶希文直接收了起来,化作了一团精血,浇灌到了世界树上。 The world tree received the irrigation of Ruler blood essence, instantaneously becomes incomparable big, more and more likely is that world in legend sets up. 世界树受到了主宰精血的浇灌,瞬间变得无比的高大,已经越来越像是传说中的那一株世界树了。 Then Ye Xiwen without demur, direct killing has approached Qin Jun's battlefield. 然后叶希文就二话不说,直接扑杀向了秦君的战场 Everybody can add my micro letter public number: Fu Xiaochen true body, or searches fuxiaochenbenzun to increase!( ~^~) 大家可以加一下我的微信公众号:傅啸尘本尊,或者搜索fuxiaochenbenzun来添加!(~^~)
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