MGS :: Volume #41

#3880: Flickers to kill the bow sovereign

Four big Ruler, any had been invincible first, at this time four people come in waves, it can be imagined, has how fearfully, everyone can suppress an era. 四大主宰,任何一个都曾经无敌过一世,此时四人联袂而来,可想而知,有多么的可怕,每一个人都能够镇压一个纪元。 Depending on your four people, must kill our two, insufficient, but also is insufficient!” “光凭你们四个人,要杀我们两个,不够,还不够!” Ye Xiwen shook the head to say. 叶希文摇了摇头说道。 We are not must kill you, so long as you give up your impractical ideas, we can friendly be together!” Bends the sovereign to pinch his is extinguishing the world long bow, said. “我们也不是一定要来杀你,只要你们两个放弃你们不切实际的想法,我们还是能够友好相处的!”弓皇捏着他那一把灭世长弓,说道。 These four people force to come, to not cut to kill Ye Xiwen, with Qin Jun. 这四人逼迫而来,并不是为了斩杀叶希文,和秦君。 By their strengths, truly also enough terrifying, at least can drag their 1-2 die. 以两人的实力来说,确实也足够恐怖,至少能够拖上他们其中的一两个陨落 Therefore nobody is willing to take the chestnut for others fire. 所以没有人愿意为别人火中取栗。 Lives is having infinite possibility, once die, that anything did not have, they most can understand that what was the dying say|way disappears. 活着才有无限的可能,一旦陨落了,那就什么都没有了,他们这些人是最能明白什么叫身死道消了。 Has arrived at this, you thought that we possibly do give up? Our say|way above!” Qin Jun silent has arrived at side Ye Xiwen's, in look incomparable firmness, had the flaming flames of war to burn. “都已经走到了这一步了,你觉得我们可能放弃么?我们的道都在上面!”秦君沉默的走到了叶希文的身边,眼神之中无比的坚定,有熊熊的战火在燃烧。 Such being the case, that has not resulted in discussed that since you are determined to bring death, then we did not have the means!” “既然如此,那就是没得谈了,你们俩既然执意要送死,那么我们也没有办法了!” Teng Huang coldly smiles, said. 滕皇冷冷笑着,说道。 Now you, the strength simply does not have the means to display, not?” Cloudy Monarch's icy open mouth to talk said. “现在你们两个,战力根本没有办法发挥出来,不是么?”阴君冷冰冰的开口说道。 „It is not able to display completely, but sublimates in a short time, so long as cuts to kill you in the shortest time, this matter not to the situation that not having to tidy up!” Ye Xiwen indifferent saying. “是无法全部发挥出来,但是短时间内升华还是可以的,只要在最短的时间将你们斩杀,这事情就不会到无可收拾的地步!”叶希文淡然的说道。 Big tone!” “好大的口气!” Bends sovereign shouts out one, began directly, in his hand, that long bow pulls out one suddenly has been tens of millions li (0.5km) terrifying arrow arrows, directly in the Ye Xiwen's direction ****. 弓皇大喝一声,直接动手了,他的手上,那一把长弓猛然拉出了一条长达数千万里的恐怖箭矢,直接朝着叶希文的方向****了过来。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” This terrifying arrow arrow tore Chaos together. 这一道恐怖的箭矢撕裂开了混沌 Bent attack of sovereign to be fearful, even if can also feel that in good fortune a terrifying strength swept across. 弓皇的攻击可怕极了,哪怕是在造化界也能够感觉到一股恐怖的力量席卷而来。 The Ye Xiwen both feet just likes is the nail is the same, sewed in Chaos Void, moved also motionless, because he cannot hide, once has hidden, then this arrow will directly pierce good fortune. 叶希文双脚犹如是钉子一样,钉在了混沌虚空之中,动也不动,因为他不能躲,一旦躲了,那么这一箭就会直接洞穿造化界。 Bends the sovereign to have such strength, there is a such ability. 弓皇有这样的实力,也有这样的能力。 He seems like an optional arrow is actually most fearful. 他看似随意的一箭其实才是最可怕的。 The Ye Xiwen's arm held up high, changed to a heaven-shaking sword rainbow, cut to fall suddenly all of a sudden. 叶希文的手臂高高举起,化作了一道惊天剑虹,猛然一下子斩落了下去。 The sword rainbow cut this together arrow Yakami maliciously, cut Void the arrow arrow directly, terrifying. 剑虹狠狠斩到了这一道箭矢上,直接将箭矢斩到了虚无,恐怖极了。 Two fearful to extreme the fluctuation of Great Dao ripple, has destroyed all directly. 两股可怕到了极点的大道波纹的波动,直接毁灭了一切。 But in that is at a crucial moment, silhouette has torn Chaos together instantaneously, actually sees a treasured sword to sweep away from Chaos, cut to fall in the Ye Xiwen's direction directly. 而就在那千钧一发之际,一道身影瞬间就已经撕裂了混沌,却见一口宝剑从混沌之中横扫而出,直接朝着叶希文的方向斩落了下来。 Bent attack of sovereign a moment ago, seemed like making the shield to be the same for him, was Teng Huang. 刚才弓皇的攻击,就像是在为他做了掩护一样,正是滕皇。 But at the same time, moreover one side, Qin Jun and cloudy Monarch, Yang Jun also War to one, directly opened another battlefield. 而与此同时,另外一边,秦君和阴君,阳君两人也已经大战到了一起了,直接开了另外一个战场 Two battlefield, have blasted open in Chaos directly. 两个战场,直接在混沌之中炸裂了开来。 In entire Chaos, the Martial Dao era or the Ancient era, are paying attention to this war, all people understand, the result that this fights, will possibly be directly related with the life and death of Martial Dao era. 整个混沌之中,无论是武道纪元还是古代纪元,都在关注着这一战,所有人都明白,这一战的结果,可能会直接关系到武道纪元的生死存亡。 Even toward big said that is the change entire Chaos situation. 甚至往大了说,是改变整个混沌的局势。 If were in the past, Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun's strength might be called fearful, nobody will be worried about them to be defeated, Ye Xiwen was not first time is besieged by several Ruler. 如果是以往,叶希文和秦君的实力都堪称可怕,没有人会担心他们失败,叶希文也不是头一次被几个主宰围攻。 However this time is different, he must divert attention the suppression entire Martial Dao era strength of destruction, can display many strengths is the unknowns. 但是这一次不同,他还要分心镇压整个武道纪元之中的毁灭之力,能够发挥出多少实力都是未知数。 These people obviously they wanted fearful many compared with storm day Mr. 况且这几人显然比暴风天君他们要可怕的多了。 We cannot make two Sirs also probably for us divert attention during the fight, do utmost, the strength of suppression destruction, comes back until two Sirs!” “我们不能让两位大人在战斗之中还要为我们分心,竭尽全力,镇压毁灭之力,直到两位大人回来吧!” At this time Half-Step Ruler had shouted loud, the supernatural power of whole body has then burnt, various Great Dao law one after another well up outward, has blown the surrounding area good fortune within trillion li (0.5km). 此时有一个半步主宰高声大喊了一声,然后全身的法力都燃烧了起来,各种大道法则纷纷往外涌去,镇住了方圆亿万里内的造化界。 Received the infection to be also good, or is to survive also well, must arrive at them to choose. 受到了感染也好,或者说是想要存活下去也好,都必须到了他们必须要抉择的时候了。 Nobody can comfortable sitting idle and enjoying the fruits, they because of Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun's relations, originally many breakthrough to Half-Step Ruler person breakthrough, many Heavenly Venerate therefore had not been possibly born, but to the present, is the time should pay anything the time. 没有人能够舒舒服服的坐享其成,他们因为叶希文和秦君的关系,原本许多没有可能突破半步主宰的人也突破了,许多天尊也因此而诞生,而到了现在,是时候该付出什么的时候了。 Many Heavenly Venerate and Half-Step Ruler, and even Emperor Monarch one after another has burnt oneself, starts the stable Martial Dao era the strength. 许多天尊半步主宰,乃至帝君纷纷燃烧了自己,开始稳固武道纪元的实力。 The terrifying aura direct impact skies, mix Chaos, has shocked these Ancient eras, by the strength of present Martial Dao era, even if has destroyed directly, during many Ancient eras, perhaps is also overlord same existence. 一道道恐怖气息直冲霄汉,搅动混沌,也震惊了那些古代纪元,以现在武道纪元的实力哪怕直接毁灭了,在诸多古代纪元之中,恐怕也是霸主一样的存在。 The originally quite formidable Devil Dao era wait / etc., in the front of Martial Dao era, is nothing to speak of radically. 原本比较强大的魔道纪元等等,在武道纪元的面前,根本不值一提。 It is not existence in same level. 不是同一个层次上的存在。 Because the present Martial Dao era was too formidable, gave them too greatly the too tremendous pressure. 因为现在的武道纪元太强大了,给他们了太大太大的压力。 Behind, Half-Step Ruler and Heavenly Venerate, Emperor Monarch, is burning the situation that oneself stabilize the Martial Dao era. 后方,半步主宰天尊,帝君,都在燃烧自己稳定武道纪元的情况。 Therefore Ye Xiwen can extract many strengths, is used to deal with the present powerful enemy. 所以叶希文可以抽出更多的实力,用来应对眼前的强敌。 The bow sovereign is also good, is Teng Huang is also good, knows, to kill him, is not easy, or they are hopeless can kill die he, but the hope can constrain him. 无论是弓皇也好,还是滕皇也好,都知道,要想杀死他,并不容易,或者说,两人都没指望能够杀得死他,只是希望能够拖住他。 He must suppress Martial Dao era the strength of destruction, therefore the time is longer, then consequence also even more serious. 他要镇压武道纪元的毁灭之力,所以时间越久,那么后果也就越发的严重。 Therefore leaves his time, were not many! 所以留给他的时间,已经不是很多了! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Various War even more intense. 各种大战愈发的激烈了起来。 Good Martial Lord, I to admire you, your Cultivation time is not long, unexpectedly also formidable to this share, if continuation makes you grow, your future is limitless, why must from harming!” Teng Huang laughs saying that he is the appearance that complete has victory in the hand. “好一个武君,我都不得不佩服你了,你修行的时间不长,居然也强大到了这个份上,如果继续让你成长下去,你的前途不可限量,为什么要自误呢!”滕皇哈哈大笑说道,他是完完全全一副胜券在握的样子。 Now said that these are too early!” “现在说这些还太早!” The Ye Xiwen's facial expression is ice-cold, but gets rid in his front Teng Huang again and again, wields, Chaos was torn, cuts broken, is really fearful. 叶希文的神情冰冷无情,而在他面前的滕皇连连出手,挥动之间,混沌都被撕裂,斩碎,实在是可怕。 But at this time in the Ye Xiwen's top of the head, departed a valuable seal, is Martial Venerable Seal. 而此时叶希文的头顶上,飞出了一个宝印,正是武尊印 Martial Venerable Seal flew, innumerable Golden Light instilled into to enter all of a sudden, making entire Martial Venerable Seal explode to split shocking everybody rays of light, melted another Ye Xiwen. 武尊印飞了起来,无数的金光一下子灌输进入了其中,让整个武尊印爆绽出了惊世骇俗的光芒,化出了另外一个叶希文 You use merit Golden Light to take your Artifact Spirit to make fleshly body!” Teng Huang shocking saying, this must have many merit Golden Light immediately, can such waste. “你用功德金光做为你的器灵肉身!”滕皇顿时震惊的说道,这得是有多少功德金光,才能够这么浪费。 His voice just fell, that Ye Xiwen before him vanished, when his once again open mouth to talk, Ye Xiwen appeared in the front of bow sovereign, his double fist just liked two dragons same has shelled. 他的话音刚落,在他面前的那个叶希文已经消失了,当他再度开口的时候,叶希文已经出现在了弓皇的面前,他的双拳犹如双龙一样轰击了出去。 „It is not good, uses diversionary tactics!” “不好,声东击西!” At this time Teng Huang responded all of a sudden, the Ye Xiwen true goal is the bow sovereign, because the bow sovereign gets rid unceasingly, therefore Ye Xiwen does not have the means to concentrate Spirit to cope with Teng Huang, this way, sooner or later must burn out by them. 此时滕皇一下子反应了过来,叶希文真正的目标就是弓皇,因为弓皇不断出手,所以叶希文也没有办法集中精神对付滕皇,这样下去,迟早要被两人拖垮。 With its wound its ten fingers, is inferior to its one finger. 与其伤其十指,不如断其一指。 This truth understands! 这个道理是都明白! However if he wants to support time, was actually blocked by the Ye Xiwen's merit golden body incarnation. 但是他要想去支援的时候,却被叶希文的功德金身化身拦住了。 This merit golden body incarnation, that is turns into with innumerable merit Golden Light truly, firm incomparable, likely is not the common incarnation so is at all frail. 这个功德金身化身,那可是真正用无数的功德金光化成的,坚固无比,根本不像是一般的化身那样脆弱。 Even can be said as is nasty. 甚至可以说是非常难以对付。 Tied down by the incarnation of this merit golden body, in a short time he is impossible to have the opportunity to withdraw. 被这个功德金身的化身缠住,短时间内他是根本不可能有机会脱身的。 Bends the sovereign good and evil is also Ruler, is insufficient to be routed quickly!” “不过弓皇好歹也是主宰,不至于那么快被击溃吧!” Teng Huang comforts itself, the good and evil bow sovereign is also Ruler Intermediate Stage Expert, moreover now, Ye Xiwen is also given to constrain by the Martial Dao era, is impossible fully, but this is their opportunities. 滕皇安慰自己,好歹弓皇也是主宰中期高手,而且现在,叶希文还被武道纪元给拖住,不可能出全力,而这就是他们的机会。 When he saw that side situation, had almost not had a scare, is thought by him, at least can block the Ye Xiwen some time bow sovereign, immediately had been hit demonstration of authority by Ye Xiwen. 但是当他看到了那边的情况的时候,差点没被吓了一跳,本来被他以为,起码能够挡住叶希文一段时间的弓皇,在第一时间就被叶希文打了一个下马威。 Obviously bends sovereign close combat is not Ye Xiwen's opponent. 显然弓皇近战方面不是叶希文的对手 Bends the sovereign, although also excels at martial arts and divine ability of method various close combats, but he was good at the bow saying, by the way ambush of very-long-range. 弓皇虽然也擅长各种近战的武学神通手段,但是他本质上还是更擅长弓道,以超远程的方式狙击。 However now is killed front, if the average person, actually, this person is Ye Xiwen, he is Martial Lord, concurs Three Thousand Martial Paths, in this regard, has it may be said that run into the expert, shows off meager skills before an expert. 但是现在被杀到了面前,如果是一般人的话,倒是也就算了,偏偏这个人是叶希文,他可是武君,身兼三千武道,在这个方面,可谓是遇到了行家里手,班门弄斧。 However is 2-3, bends sovereign by retreating in defeat again and again that Ye Xiwen hits, all defenses completely collapsed in the flash. 不过是三两下,弓皇就被叶希文打的节节败退,所有的防御都在一瞬间全部都崩溃了。 But Ye Xiwen's attack is quicker, bends the sovereign how, regardless of wants to run away, but is useless, how regardless of he wants to spread out, Ye Xiwen can always the earliest possible time catch up. 叶希文的攻击更快,弓皇无论想怎么逃走,但是都没有用,无论他想如何拉开距离,叶希文总是能够第一时间赶上。 The Ye Xiwen's movement has also manifested an incisiveness! 叶希文的身法也体现了个淋漓尽致! Finally, bends repetitive retreat of sovereign, was caught the opportunity by Ye Xiwen, a fist rumbles, this fist pounds to fall, can only describe with terrifying peerlessly. 终于,弓皇的连连后退,被叶希文抓到了机会,一拳轰出,这一拳砸落下来,只能用恐怖绝伦来形容。 Ye Xiwen also has not become Ruler time, he already enough terrifying, let alone is now, strided in Ruler Realm afterwards, this fist, almost like was the entire world is pounded. 叶希文还未成为主宰的时候,他就已经足够恐怖了,何况是现在,跨入了主宰境界之后,他这一拳,几乎像是整个世界被砸过来了一样。 This is an ancient rare universe marvelous sight. 这是一种亘古罕见的宇宙奇景。 Direct fist bang fell, this fist pierced the bow sovereign all defenses of directly, bends sovereign all defenses to collapse in the flash, was rumbled by a Ye Xiwen fist in the body. 直接一拳轰落了下来,这一拳直接洞穿了弓皇所有的防御,弓皇所有的防御都在一瞬间崩溃,然后被叶希文一拳轰进了身体之中。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Bent the sovereign body to fly upside down, in the entire body by rumbling shattered, this fist was pierced his fleshly body, the great strength that had let his fleshly body disintegration. 弓皇身体倒飞了出去,整个身体之中被轰的破碎了开来,这一拳洞穿了他的肉身,带起的伟岸力量又让他的肉身崩碎。 The Ye Xiwen whole body is burning merit Golden Light, closes right up against the merit Golden Light strength, restores peak forcefully. 叶希文全身在燃烧着功德金光,靠着功德金光的力量,强行恢复到巅峰 Then he one step has stepped, the big foot has stepped on the direction of bow sovereign suddenly. 然后他一步跨了出去,大脚猛然朝着弓皇的方向踩踏了下去。 Bends the sovereign not to respond that was trampled a smashing directly, in instantaneously was also lit including Primordial Spirit, changed into Void. 弓皇还没有反应过来,直接就被践踏了个粉碎,连元神也在瞬间被点燃,化为了虚无 Restored peak afterwards Ye Xiwen is so terrifying, he has taken up that long bow, then has pulled open the string directly, an arrow suddenly ****. 恢复到了巅峰之后叶希文就是这般恐怖,他拿起了那一把长弓,然后直接拉开了弦,一箭猛然****了出去。 Today's renewal delivers, everybody please pay attention to my public micro-signal, Fu Xiaochen true body, or searches fuxiaochenbenzun also!( ~^~) 今天的更新送到,大家请关注一下我的公众微信号,傅啸尘本尊,或者搜索fuxiaochenbenzun也可以!(~^~)
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