MGS :: Volume #41

#3879: Era change, group enemy present

The entire Martial Dao era from the peak time, must since the stage of era destruction, this sudden accident, shock all people unexpectedly directly! 整个武道纪元居然从巅峰时期,直接要进入纪元毁灭的阶段,这种突如其来的变故,震惊了所有人! The person in Martial Dao era, is the people in other Ancient eras! 无论是武道纪元中的人,还是其他古代纪元之中的人! Because before them, has not experienced such situation! 因为他们之前也从来没有经历过这样子的情况! Because before , never has an era by peak the condition of time, has achieved the end of final era. 因为之前还从来没有一个纪元以巅峰的时期的状态,一直达到了最后纪元的终结呢。 Generally this era before demise, will enter the long deterioration time! 一般这个纪元在灭亡之前,都会进入漫长的衰败期! However actually because of Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun's relations, the Martial Dao era was maintaining most peak situation. 但是却因为叶希文和秦君的关系,武道纪元一直保持着最巅峰的情况。 When all people think, the Martial Dao era exists forever hopefully through ancient times, the Martial Dao era suddenly entered the demise time. 就当所有人都以为,武道纪元有希望亘古长存的时候,武道纪元就突如其来的进入了灭亡期。 That death sudden terrifying, has covered all people. 那种死亡突如其来的恐怖,笼罩了所有人。 Instantaneous, all Half-Step Ruler were alarmed, their one after another has covered a big stretch of territory, in this range, even if the strength of Heaven and Earth destruction, does not have the means to invade. 瞬间,所有的半步主宰们都被惊动了,他们纷纷都笼罩了一大片的领地,在这个范围内,即便是天地毁灭之力,也没有办法侵入进来。 Many Heavenly Venerate also started to take action, started to help various situations in stable good fortune. 还有诸多天尊也开始行动了起来,开始帮忙稳定造化界之中的各种情况。 The Martial Dao era has been at the peak condition, not only has caused the burden of huge regarding Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era, similarly, has accomplished large quantities of peak Expert. 武道纪元一直处于巅峰状态,不仅仅对于武道纪元的天道来说造成了巨大的负担,同样的,也造就了一大批的顶尖高手 To this essential time, without a doubt, these Heavenly Venerate, Half-Step Ruler reliable, because the Martial Dao era is also the era that they are, if the Martial Dao era were destroyed, then they wanted further is very more difficult. 到了这种关键的时候,毫无疑问,这些天尊,半步主宰都还是靠得住的,因为武道纪元也是他们所在的纪元,如果武道纪元被毁灭了,那么他们想要更进一步就很困难了。 Suddenly, the unity is strength, stabilized unexpectedly reluctantly lived in the situation of Martial Dao era, but the people also know that this just started, with the lapse of time, the Martial Dao era strength of destruction will be also getting more and more rich, to finally the Martial Dao era destroying till. 一时间,众志成城,居然勉强稳定住了武道纪元的情况,但是众人也知道,这不过是刚刚开始,随着时间的推移,武道纪元之中的毁灭之力也会越来越浓郁,一直到最后将武道纪元给毁灭掉为止。 But outside territory, innumerable Ancient eras also in going all out is stabilizing the situation of itself era, but already had to experience in them well, is not first time experiences this era change, quick found the way to stabilize, moreover sends the army, eyed covetously. 而域外,无数的古代纪元也在拼命的稳定着本身纪元的情况,不过好在他们早就有经验了,也不是第一次经历这种纪元更替,很快就想办法稳定了下来,另外就是派遣大军,虎视眈眈。 Because each era changes, regarding their these Ancient eras, this is a century grand feast. 因为每一次纪元更替,对于他们这些古代纪元来说,这就是一场世纪盛宴。 However they do not dare to act rashly casually, because still has two terrifying Ruler during the Martial Dao era at this time. 但是他们还是不敢随便轻举妄动,因为此时在武道纪元之中还存在着两个恐怖主宰 If they send out, perhaps they send many armies to come, does not have any use. 如果他们两人出动的话,恐怕就算他们派遣多少大军前来,也都没有任何用处。 Therefore they are waiting for these two to get rid, is not only they, even also has many Expert of Martial Dao era, is hoping Qin Jun and Martial Lord, two ****** existence of summit gets rid. 所以他们都在等待这两人出手,不仅仅是他们,甚至还有武道纪元的诸多高手,也在期盼着秦君和武君,两******之巅的存在出手。 Can solve this question. 能够解决掉这个问题 Under ten thousand audiences hope, Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun appeared finally, their divine ability are general, the supernatural power is boundless, but is among the moments, has stabilized the situation of entire Martial Dao era, various situations of place destruction also finally obtained enormous containment everywhere. 而在万众期盼之下,叶希文和秦君终于出现了,两人神通广大,法力无边,不过是片刻之间,就已经稳定了整个武道纪元的情况,各处到处毁灭的情况也终于得到了极大的遏制。 However even if so, delayed the destruction of Martial Dao era merely, like this destroys the day to extinguish place the strength of destruction still to continue to wreak havoc. 不过即便如此,也仅仅只是延缓了武道纪元的毁灭,这样毁天灭地的毁灭之力还在持续肆虐。 Ye Xiwen walks in Chaos senses. 叶希文行走在混沌之中感悟。 The strength of this destruction from Void, even can say that was the seepage during the entire Martial Dao era, looked like the ignition self-immolation is the same. 这一股毁灭之力是来自虚空之中,甚至可以说,是渗透在了整个武道纪元之中,就像是引火自焚一样。 The Martial Dao era is formidable, the strength of this destruction is also formidable, is almost is proportional, he can affirm, beforehand Ancient era absolutely not faced with so terrifying the strength of destruction time. 武道纪元越是强大,这种毁灭之力也就越是强大,几乎是成正比的,他可以肯定,以前的古代纪元绝对没有面临如此恐怖的毁灭之力的时候。 Because the Martial Dao era was extremely formidable, will bring in so the threat of terrifying. 正是因为武道纪元太过强大了,才会引来如此恐怖的威胁。 But now Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun were suppressing the destruction strength of Martial Dao era, but the strength of this destruction was getting more and more formidable, slowly, even felt the terrifying pressure including Ye Xiwen. 而现在叶希文和秦君两人都在镇压来自武道纪元中的毁灭之力,但是这一股毁灭之力还在越来越强大,慢慢的,甚至连叶希文都感觉到了恐怖的压力。 Similar natural law the strength of backlash, but this time destroys natural law backlash! 类似规则反噬之力,只是这一次是毁灭规则反噬 On Ye Xiwen's, Three Thousand Martial Paths changed to 3000 rainbow light, sweeps away in Heaven and Earth, mops up the strength of these destructions. 叶希文的身上,三千武道化作了3000道虹光,在天地之间横扫,扫灭那些毁灭之力。 But in other one side, Qin Jun was also suppressing the strength of various destructions, his whole body, melted three ten sixth rank Chaos blue lotuses, has blown all. 而在另外一边,秦君也在镇压各种毁灭之力,他的周身,化出了三十六品混沌青莲,镇住了一切。 Is getting down like this, only feared that is not the means!” Ye Xiwen is away from remote Chaos, talked with Qin Jun. “在这样子下去,只怕也不是办法!”叶希文隔着遥远的混沌,与秦君对话。 Does not have the means that only then supports by hard and stubborn effort!” Qin Jun said slowly that could not support, the Martial Dao era will be destroyed, but we with will cause heavy losses together, therefore left our time not to be many!” “没有办法,只有硬撑下去!”秦君缓缓说道,“撑不下去,武道纪元就会被毁灭,而我们都会跟着一同被重创,所以留给我们的时间并不是很多了!” This is we most dangerous time, once supports, the Martial Dao era is saved, we may also become enlightened!” “这是我们最为危险的时刻,一旦撑过去,武道纪元得救,我们也可成道!” Qin Jun said. 秦君说道。 Ye Xiwen nodded, although this situation accident, but actually also during him and Qin Jun's expectation. 叶希文点了点头,这种情况虽然意外,但是却也在他和秦君的料想之中。 Before, he discovered that once in a while, the external force forcefully drags into the deterioration time the Martial Dao era. 在之前的时候,他就发现,每隔一段时间,就有一段外力强行将武道纪元拉入衰败期。 And not only because of Half-Step Ruler, Heavenly Venerate are getting more and more, occupied more resources, but like is a procedure, to fixed time, must enter the destruction time. 并不只是因为半步主宰,天尊越来越多,占据了更多的资源,而像是一种程序一样,到了固定的时候,就要进入毁灭的时候。 This strength was really extremely terrifying, caused era this to change unceasingly. 这一股力量实在是太过恐怖了,才导致了纪元这样子不断更替。 Although the era change is unceasing promotion, a process that continually improves, but this process is not irreversible. 虽然纪元更替是不断的提升,不断完善的一个过程,但是这个过程并不是不可逆的。 Is only I thinks that was not everyone agree makes us wait till at that time Ah! “只是我想,并不是每一个人都肯让我们等到那个时候啊! The Ye Xiwen voice just fell, silhouette appeared in remote Chaos together, actually sees in his hand to take a huge incomparable long bow, on this long bow is having the fluctuation of law is hard to imagine, making the person have an extremely feeling with amazement, absolutely terrified. 叶希文话音刚刚落下,一道身影就已经出现在了遥远的混沌之中,却见他的手上拿着一把巨大无比的长弓,这一把长弓上带着难以想象的法则的波动,让人有一种极为骇然的感觉,毛骨悚然。 Bends the sovereign, you dare to appear in our front, will die!” Qin the Jun looks at present character said. “弓皇,你敢出现在我们的面前,会死!”秦君看着眼前的人物说道。 That is one before remote era, closes right up against bow, but achievement Ruler character, but that was very long beforehand matter, nowadays bow sovereign formidable, nobody knew. 那是一个在遥远纪元以前,靠着弓道而成就了主宰的人物,只是那是很久以前的事情了,现如今的弓皇有多强大,无人知晓。 It is said his main body is in his hand is taking that long bow, spreads the terrifying bow and arrow from many eras, an arrow had shot dead Ruler, that is his peak success. 据说他的本体就是他手上拿着的那一把长弓,是从许多个纪元之中流传下来恐怖弓箭,曾经一箭射死过一个主宰,那是他的巅峰战绩。 Good, is I, person but who can die today, is actually not I, but is you!” “不错,是我,但是今天会死的人,却不是我,而是你们!” Bends the sovereign saying: Either you give up your impractical ideas, either you die!” 弓皇说道:“要么你们放弃你们不切实际的想法,要么你们就死!” Bends the sovereign to sneer, that long bow in his hand carried, then another hand has fabricated, has pulled out a terrifying arrow arrow, this arrow arrow some tens of millions heads, seemed together the boundless boundless waterfall are the same, grand boundless, a such terrifying arrow arrow can shoot to putting on an era, including the terrifying strength that era Heavenly Dao is unable to prevent. 弓皇冷笑一声,他手中的那一把长弓端了起来,然后另外一只手虚捏了一把,拉出了一支恐怖的箭矢,这一支箭矢足足有数千万里长,好似一道茫茫无边的瀑布一样,壮阔无边,这样恐怖的一道箭矢能够将一个纪元射个对穿,连纪元天道都无法阻止的恐怖力量。 Xiu ! 咻! That terrifying arrow arrow pierced Chaos, the terrifying energy raging tide that forms seems a huge incomparable broadsword is the same, cut two halves entire Chaos, the innumerable Chaos instantaneous annihilations, vanished in the infinity. 那一支恐怖的箭矢洞穿了混沌,那形成的恐怖能量狂潮好似一把巨大无比的大刀一样,将整个混沌切割成了两半,无数的混沌瞬间湮灭,消失于无穷之中。 Unexpectedly, a Chaos blue lotus appeared in Chaos, kept off in this terrifying the front of arrow arrow, then the lotus leaf of Chaos blue lotus bloomed. 蓦地,一朵混沌青莲出现在了混沌之中,挡在了这一支恐怖的箭矢的面前,然后一片一片的混沌青莲的莲叶绽放开来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” This arrow has annihilated all, but cannot pierce the Martial Dao era eventually, by this Chaos blue lotus stopping. 这一箭湮灭了一切,但是终究还是没有能够洞穿武道纪元,被这一朵混沌青莲给阻拦住了。 „Can you be able to block my each arrow?” Bends sovereign open mouth to talk to say slowly. “你能挡得住我的每一箭嘛?”弓皇缓缓开口说道。 Bends the sovereign, you did not need to waste the time, your arrow useless, depending on your one, useless!” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk said. “弓皇,你不用浪费时间了,你的箭没有用的,光凭你一个,是没有用的!”叶希文开口说道。 Martial Lord rapier-like wit all of a sudden has really thought has our existences!” With the majestic sound, silhouette reappeared together in the front of people, that was together majestic silhouette, on a person was bringing formidable incomparable yang qi, soared to the heavens, entire Chaos fell into another environment because of existence of this person. 武君果然才思敏捷一下子就想到了有我们的存在!”伴随着一道雄壮的声音,一道身影浮现在了众人的面前,那是一道雄壮的身影,一个人身上带着强大无比的阳气,冲霄而起,整个混沌都因为这个人的存在而陷入了另外一种环境之中。 Yang Jun, you have not died unexpectedly!” Qin Jun cannot help but open mouth to talk said. In rumor, weren't you already died dur­ing med­i­ta­tion?” “阳君,你居然还没死!”秦君不由得开口说道。“传闻中,你不是已经坐化了么?” Eternal also not, how I can die!” Yang Jun has laughed, said. “永恒还未至,我怎么能死呢!”阳君哈哈大笑了起来,说道。 Ye Xiwen knows who immediately this person was, rumor during the initial several eras, had the Yin and Yang two eras, but in its Zhongyang era, was born supreme Ruler, named Yang Jun. 叶希文顿时就知道这个人是谁了,传闻在最初的几个纪元之中,曾经有过阴阳两个纪元,而在其中阳纪元中,就诞生了一个无上主宰,名为阳君。 Since Yang Jun already here, then cloudy Monarch should also on the scene, in rumor you are burnt do not leave Meng Meng not to leave the foot!” Ye Xiwen light open mouth to talk said. “既然阳君已经在此,那么阴君应该也在场吧,传闻中你们是焦不离孟孟不离脚!”叶希文淡淡的开口说道。 Has not thought that these many eras, some people still have remembered unexpectedly still our matters!” Also is one is full of the magnetic sound to appear, silhouette appears together, that is almost one group of Yin Qi geometric solid, but is actually open and aboveboard. “没想到过去了这么多个纪元,居然还有人还记得我们的事情!”又是一声充满磁性的声音出现,一道身影出现,那几乎就是一团阴气的几何体,但是却是堂堂正正。 Now is fastidious about Yin and Yang and gathering, the side is Great Dao, but cloudy Monarch or Yang Jun presented another possibility, after Yin and Yang does not need to unify can also take is unprecedented , the non- newcomer road. 现在都讲究阴阳和合,方是大道,但是无论是阴君还是阳君都呈现了另外一种可能,阴阳不必结合也可以走出一条前无古人后无来者的路。 These people without a doubt, were once sparkled in the river of history temporary outstanding. 这些人毫无疑问,都是曾经在历史长河中闪耀一时的俊杰。 Everyone may be called unprecedented melts now, such character, Ye Xiwen wants to discuss without doing with them without doubt, but they always kill his powerful enemy now, not being able to allow him to have tiny bit lenient. 每一个人都堪称旷古烁今,这样的人物,叶希文无疑想与他们坐而论道,但是现在他们都是向来杀他的强敌,容不得他有一丝一毫的手软。 Because I have killed you, is not present you, when I cross the tribulation!” Ye Xiwen light saying. “因为我杀过你,不是现在的你,在我渡劫的时候!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 The cloudy Monarch complexion immediately changes extremely ugly, oneself had been killed by Ye Xiwen, in the what kind form, is a great shame. 阴君脸色顿时变的极为难看了起来,自己曾经被叶希文杀过,无论是以何种形式,都是一种奇耻大辱。 You are enraging me!” Cloudy Monarch's icy looks at Ye Xiwen said. “你在激怒我!”阴君冷冰冰的看着叶希文说道。 Also insufficient, depending on your three, but also is insufficient!” Ye Xiwen did not reply cloudy Monarch, was only light saying, simultaneously the vision looked to the Chaos deep place. “还不够,光凭你们三个,还不够!”叶希文也不回答阴君,只是淡淡的说道,同时目光看向混沌深处。 If adds on me again!” “那要是再加上我呢!” Also is terrifying sound transmits an extremely, actually saw terrifying the huge personal appearance to appear in Chaos together. 又是一声极为恐怖的声音传来,却见一道恐怖巨大的身形出现在了混沌之中。 This personal appearance is one does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5km) flying snake mentioned in ancient legends, this flying snake mentioned in ancient legends turned into a stature slender strong man all of a sudden, he looks to the Ye Xiwen's vision, is filling cold killing intent. 这个身形是一条长达不知道多少万里的腾蛇,这一条腾蛇一下子变成了一个身材修长健硕的男子,他看向叶希文的目光,充满着冷冽的杀意 Teng Huang, rumor you are the epoch-making first snake, the ancestors of ten thousand snake, have not thought that also some opportunities see you!” Ye Xiwen light saying, is not startled.( ~^~) “滕皇,传闻你是开天辟地第一条蛇,万蛇之祖,没想到还有机会见到你!”叶希文淡淡的说道,并不惊慌。(~^~)
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