MGS :: Volume #41

#3878: Era change that carries on forcefully

Because he has not needed worry eternal sacred land, even if eternal sacred land stood his opposite to go, but how? 因为他已经无需顾忌万古圣地,哪怕万古圣地站到了他的对立面去,但是那又如何? Does he need worry? 他需要顾忌么? Many eternal sacred land people are the mood are very complex, on the one hand admires the Ye Xiwen's broad heart, but on the other hand, Ye Xiwen does not pay attention to them, makes them feel very depressed. 许多万古圣地的人都是心情十分复杂,一方面佩服叶希文的宽广心胸,但是另外一方面,叶希文不将他们放在眼里,又让他们觉得十分的郁闷。 Ye Xiwen is only static sitting cross-legged in Chaos, then gained ground toward Qin Jun said: Fellow Daoist goes out, congratulations, must become Great Dao!” 叶希文只是静静的盘坐在混沌之中,然后抬头朝着秦君说道:“道友出关,恭喜恭喜,得成大道!” He looked to Qin Jun, Qin Jun went out finally, means that he strided in Ruler Late Stage finally, was almost invincible in the present age, even if good fortune day Monarch reigned in the past, not so formidable. 他看向秦君,秦君终于出关了,也就意味着,他终于跨入了主宰后期,在当世几乎已经无敌了,即便当年造化天君在位的时候,都没有这般强大。 Can with his existence side by side. 能够与他比肩的存在。 His originally was also very curious regarding Qin Jun's root foot, he created the miracle repeatedly, strength, almost not under Legend(ary) that he created. 原本对于秦君的根脚也很好奇,他屡屡创造奇迹,实力之强,几乎不下于他所创造出来的传奇 But to this time, him knows that originally Qin Jun also had such root foot, but Qin Jun says now has not related, the Chaos blue lotus was his root foot, was his safeguard, that was the thing that eternal day Monarch and eternal enlightened emperor must compete. 而一直到了今时今日,他才知道,原来秦君还有这样的根脚,只是现在秦君说出来已经没有关系了,混沌青莲是他的根脚,也是他的保障,那可是万古天君和永恒圣君都要争夺的东西。 However he currently had the strength of self-preservation, this is the difference. 但是他现在已经有了自保之力了,这就是差别。 Some people since birth are Legend(ary), for example Qin Jun's such character! 有些人生来就是传奇,比如说秦君这样的人物! Finally is slightly becomes!” Qin Jun showed a faint smile, this time closed up him to harvest a great deal. “总算是小有所成!”秦君微微一笑,这一次闭关他收获良多。 Fellow Daoist, since came, that together refers to this to overcome nature Great Dao with me, believes that also has the advantage regarding Fellow Daoist Great Dao!” The Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk invitation said. 道友既然来了,那就与我一同参看这个补天大道吧,相信对于道友大道也是有好处的!”叶希文开口邀请说道。 Is having this intent!” Qin Jun showed a faint smile, said. “正有此意!”秦君微微一笑,说道。 However Later Qin Monarch has sat cross-legged side Ye Xiwen's. 然后秦君就在叶希文的身边盘坐了下来。 Ye Xiwen shows a faint smile, immediately started to continue to overcome nature. 叶希文微微一笑,随即开始了继续补天。 Each Ye Xiwen makes up the as if made by Heaven merit, Heavenly Dao will resound a thunderclap, then Heavenly Dao carries on the reorganization, the entire rhythm changes is more perfect, changes is greater. 每一次叶希文天成功,天道都会响起一声炸雷,然后天道进行整改,整个节奏变的更加完善,变的更加了不起。 The life of Martial Dao era, more further look. 武道纪元的寿命,也更进一步的眼神。 In his side, Qin Jun's unceasing looks at this, his eyes deep just likes the stars is generally bright, saw in these eye, straight looks at, Great Dao will have analyzed. 在他的旁边,秦君不断的看着这一幕,他的双眸深沉的犹如星辰一般灿烂,将这些都看到了眼里,直看着,将其中的大道分析了出来。 Only felt one had the brand-new cognition regarding Great Dao. 只感觉自己对于大道有了全新的认知。 This probably is he mutually is verifying Great Dao to be the same with Ye Xiwen, their cultivation base are the what kind great strength, they verify Great Dao itself to let each other harvest a great deal. 这就好像是他和叶希文在相互印证大道一样,两人的修为是何等的强大,两人印证大道本身就能够让彼此收获良多。 Under the testimonies of countless person, this time Ye Xiwen has succeeded, moreover before every time overcomes nature, almost causes heavy losses differently, this time he overcame nature is really too relaxed. 在无数人的见证之下,这一次叶希文成功了,而且和之前每一次补天,都几乎重创不同,这一次他补天实在是太轻松了。 His cultivation base was crossing tribulation afterwards to surmount several levels simply continuously. 他的修为简直在渡劫之后连续跨越了好几个层次。 Overcomes nature again, difficulty on simple many. 再补天,难度就简单的多了。 The Martial Dao era has continued thousands of year peak lives, this is the peak life, is different from other any some time, these days, the conditions of all lives will achieve well, genius pours forth, experts as common as the clouds, simply is the great strength that is hard to imagine. 武道纪元又延续了千万年的巅峰寿命,这可是巅峰寿命,不同于其他的任何一段时间,在这段时间内,所有生灵的状态都会达到最好,天才辈出,高手如云,简直是难以想象的强大。 All people looked to Ye Xiwen, in the look have taken the facial expression of several points of fear, all these were he achieve, he achieved the matter that ancient nobody has achieved. 所有人都看向了叶希文,眼神之中带上了几分畏惧的神情,这一切都是他做到的,他做到了亘古没有人做到的事情。 Although does not know that the Martial Dao era does have the opportunity forever to exist, but most at least nowadays looks like, sign that has not deteriorated. 虽然不知道,武道纪元有没有机会永远存在下去,但是最起码现如今看起来,还没有衰败的迹象。 The life of looks at Martial Dao era Expert of many each Ancient eras envy, how could initially they had such treatment, if even has left only Half-Step Ruler these Ancient eras, they were shorter to demise from emerging. 许多各个古代纪元的高手都羡慕的看着武道纪元的生灵,当初他们何曾有过这样的待遇,甚至如果是只出过了半步主宰的那些古代纪元,他们从兴起到灭亡就更加短暂了。 However something, cannot envy seriously. 但是有些事情,当真是羡慕不来的。 Completed has overcome nature afterwards, Expert one after another of each era departed, this time overcame nature, has only continued for several years, but made them feel that had the harvest of huge. 完成了补天之后,各个纪元的高手纷纷离去了,这一次补天,只持续了几年的时间,但是却让他们感觉有了巨大的收获。 Their self-torture several million years must have the harvest were more, Ye Xiwen in overcoming nature, is almost naked showed Great Dao law in their front, although big Dao Law of different era were different, but to certain extent was the same. 比他们自己苦修数百万年都要有收获的多了,叶希文在补天的时候,几乎是赤裸裸的将大道法则展现在了他们的面前,虽然不同的纪元的大道法则不同,但是到了一定程度的本质上是一样的。 Also makes them profit a great deal, particularly Expert of Martial Dao era, is felt that own cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds! 也让他们受益良多,尤其是武道纪元的高手,更是感觉自己的修为突飞猛进! This was also Ye Xiwen gives their advantage! 这也是叶希文给与他们的好处了! Overcame nature to complete afterwards, Ye Xiwen invites Qin Jun to go to Divine Court. 补天完成之后,叶希文邀请秦君前往了神庭之中。 In the Divine Court deep place, that does not have character tablet processing in the boundless boundless space. 神庭深处,那一座无字道碑处理在茫茫无边的空间之中。 Really does not have a character tablet, but how to feel and initially see is somewhat different?” Qin Jun cannot help but somewhat strange saying. “果然是无字道碑,不过怎么感觉和当初所见有些不同了?”秦君不由得有些奇怪的说道。 Because I found did not have character tablet Artifact Spirit, only then does not have a character tablet and Artifact Spirit fusion time, is the most formidable time!” Ye Xiwen light saying. “因为我找到了无字道碑的器灵,只有无字道碑和器灵融合的时候,才是最为强大的时候!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 „, This was since no wonder ancient, innumerable Half-Step Ruler and Ruler in a non- character tablet of seeking, unexpectedly fell into your hand, was really big destiny Ah! Qin Jun cannot help but sighs with emotion said. “难怪了,这个亘古以来,无数半步主宰主宰都在寻找的无字道碑,居然落入了你的手中,真是大气运啊!”秦君不由得感慨说道。 He as Chaos blue lotus Artifact Spirit is reincarnated, is in itself great fortune complete Tian, the destiny is dreadful, but as if compared with Ye Xiwen destiny, has not the small disparity. 他身为混沌青莲器灵转世,本身就已经是洪福齐天,气运滔天,但是似乎和叶希文身上的气运相比,还是有着不小的差距。 Ye Xiwen shows a faint smile saying: I can become enlightened have also been lucky him, I invited Fellow Daoist to come, was wish lets in the ranks that Fellow Daoist joined to overcome nature together, the Martial Dao era was I and other basis, be only the Martial Dao era was consolidated, we can walk was farther, not?” 叶希文微微一笑说道:“我能成道也是多亏了他,我邀请道友来,便是想要让道友一同加入补天的行列之中,武道纪元是我等的根本,只有武道纪元越是巩固,我们才能够走的越远,不是么?” Em, this actually, but by your strength, should be able to complete independently!” “恩,这倒是,不过以你的实力,应该自己一个人独立就可以完成吧!” Qin Jun asked. 秦君问道。 Fellow Daoist has not to know, because the era change is Heaven and Earth Great Dao, the Martial Dao era long-time survival, will not only encounter the surprise attacks of these Ancient Ruler, will also encounter Heavenly Dao backlash, indistinct pressures exert, is longer along with the time of Martial Dao era survival, this pressure is also bigger, therefore I want to collaborate with Fellow Daoist!” Ye Xiwen said. 道友有所不知,因为纪元更替乃是天地大道,武道纪元长长久久的生存下去,不仅仅是会遭到那些古代主宰的突袭,甚至还会遭到天道反噬,有一种隐隐约约的压力施加下来,随着武道纪元生存的时间越长,这种压力也就越大,所以我想与道友联手!”叶希文道。 Has not thought that also is really heaven defying the line, this is also good, the matter that heaven defying then heaven defying, in any case my this whole life handles are also too many, these meets the body dying say|way to disappear does not have fearfully any!” Qin Jun said. “没想到还真是逆天而行,这样也好,逆天便逆天吧,反正我这辈子做的事情也太多啦,这一趟就算会身死道消也没什么可怕的了!”秦君道。 Why can the body dying say|way disappear, eternal day Monarch and eternal enlightened emperor truly very terrifying, but they are diverted now by good fortune day Monarch, we have enough time to carry on breakthrough! When our also achievement peak Ruler time, then enters the place of Mysterious , helping good fortune day Monarch to extinguish kills them!” Ye Xiwen said. “为什么会身死道消呢,万古天君和永恒圣君确实很恐怖,但是现在他们都被造化天君牵制住了,我们还有足够的时间进行突破!等我们也成就了巅峰主宰的时候,便杀入神秘之地,助造化天君灭杀他们两个!”叶希文道。 He continuously treats as finally most terrifying opponent eternal day Monarch and eternal enlightened emperor, behind many eras perish have their evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, even they once repeatedly accelerated demise of era. 他一直将万古天君和永恒圣君当做最后最恐怖对手,多少次纪元灭亡背后都有他们的黑手,甚至他们都曾多次加速了纪元的灭亡。 But if the Martial Dao era wants for a long time exists, then these two inevitably are opponent that is hard to avoid, no choice, both sides definitely will become final opponent. 武道纪元如果想要长长久久的存在下去,那么这两人必然是难以避开的对手,没有的选择,双方必然会成为最终的对手 Only feared that they are not necessarily able to us the time!” Qin Jun somewhat worried saying that now also roadless has been possible to draw back, only had went fearlessly ahead, until finally eternal, just now can stop!” “只怕他们未必会给我们时间!”秦君有些担忧说道,“不过现在也已经无路可退了,唯有勇猛精进,直至最后永恒,方才能够停止!” Em, now said again these do not have the significance, insight Great Dao!” “恩,现在再说那些也没有意义,参悟大道吧!” Ye Xiwen said. 叶希文道。 But regarding outside world, this time makes up the as if made by Heaven merit the influence not only by far a little, regarding many people, this means that the Martial Dao era entered a brand-new era. 而对于外界来说,这一次天成功的影响力远远不只是这么一点,对于很多人来说,这意味着武道纪元进入了一个全新的纪元。 And even entire Chaos entered a brand-new era, never has, eternal era. 乃至整个混沌都进入了一个全新的纪元,从未有过的,永恒的纪元。 So long as Martial Dao era Heavenly Dao does not fade, then Martial Dao era life Immortal, this is the extreme is fearful. 只要武道纪元天道不衰,那么武道纪元生灵就会不朽,这是极端可怕的。 Thousands of years, passes suddenly, is the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, Heaven and Earth occurred once again changed greatly. 千万年的时间,眨眼即逝,又是沧海桑田,天地再度发生了大变样。 range of Martial Dao era goes through the expansion, compared with before big one-third, ten thousand has coexisted, countless person outstanding went fearlessly aheads, emerged countless people outstanding once again. 武道纪元的范围几经扩展,已经比起之前足足大了1,万道并存,无数人杰勇猛精进,又再度涌现出了无数的人杰。 But this time, Ye Xiwen has let loose regarding the limit of Half-Step Ruler, left several Half-Step Ruler. 这一次,叶希文放开了对于半步主宰的限制,又出了数个半步主宰 Only discussed the strength of this era, even can with eternal sacred land, eternal sacred land save the innumerable year of inside story to place on a par like this. 只论本纪元的实力,甚至可以和永恒圣地,万古圣地这样积攒了无数年的底蕴相提并论。 The eye looks at Martial Dao era must arrive at the peak last act, countless people raise the head to hope that hoping Ye Xiwen can stand to overcome nature. 看着武道纪元又要走到了巅峰的尾声,无数人都翘首以盼,希望叶希文能够站出来补天。 However what makes all people not think, truly some people stood to overcome nature, but that person was actually not Ye Xiwen, but was Qin Jun. 但是让所有人都没有想到的是,确实有人站出来补天了,但是那个人却不是叶希文,而是秦君。 Under glare of the public eye, Qin Jun's overcoming nature was very smooth, not many after many setbacks, very smooth has completed overcoming nature of this time. 在众目睽睽之下,秦君的补天很顺利,并没有多经过多少挫折,很顺利的就完成了这一次的补天。 To look that the good play Expert of Ancient era despaired, now the Martial Dao era is not only then a person can overcome nature, but has two. 许多想要看好戏的古代纪元的高手都绝望了,现在武道纪元可不是只有一个人能够补天,而是足足有两个。 In this case, the hope that the Martial Dao era exists forever through ancient times much left several points. 这样子的话,武道纪元亘古长存的希望就又多出了几分。 Thousands of years pass by, take turn are being in progress, but Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun also took turn is appearing overcomes nature, making the Martial Dao era be at the peak condition. 一个又一个的千万年过去,交替着进行,而叶希文和秦君两人也是交替着出现进行补天,让武道纪元一直都处于巅峰的状态。 However such day, has the time of termination eventually. 但是这样子的日子,终究有完结的时刻。 In that flash, originally is also at the peak condition the Martial Dao era, entered in the turmoil suddenly all of a sudden. 就在那一瞬间,原本还处于巅峰状态的武道纪元,骤然一下子就进入了动乱之中。 Is the scene that will soon destroy, the earth dehiscence, the sea tilts everywhere, the sky also had the crack. 到处都是一副即将毁灭的场景,大地开裂,大海倾覆,天空也出现了裂缝。 Infinite endless destruction aura has covered the entire Martial Dao era. 无穷无尽的毁灭气息笼罩了整个武道纪元。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Such accident, has alarmed all people. 这样的变故,惊动了所有人。 When all people enjoy the Martial Dao era is at the peak condition the advantage, the Martial Dao era looks like directly jumped over the deterioration time, directly entered the destruction time. 在所有人都享受着武道纪元处于巅峰状态的好处的时候,武道纪元就像是直接跳过了衰败期,直接进入了毁灭期。 All lives have been shocked, how can like this. 所有生灵都惊呆了,怎么会这样。 But such change, has alarmed in Chaos Expert of each Ancient era, aura that because destroys affected during their era similarly. 而这样的变化,也惊动了混沌之中各个古代纪元的高手,因为毁灭的气息同样波及到了他们的纪元之中。 These Ancient era are experienced, first has judged. 这些古代纪元经验丰富,第一时间就判断了出来。 Era change! 纪元更替! Unexpectedly entered era change, what's the matter, the Martial Dao era must destroy unexpectedly forcefully, change?” “居然又进入了纪元更替,怎么回事,武道纪元居然要强行进行毁灭,更替?” I understood, a life of era has the fate, even if Qin Jun and Martial Lord prolonged the peak life of Martial Dao era, however the life of Martial Dao era has not changed, is this age, but now, was time backlash!” “我明白了,一个纪元的寿命都是有定数的,就算秦君和武君两人延长了武道纪元的巅峰寿命,然而武道纪元的寿命并没有改变,还是这个寿数,而现在,是时候反噬了!” Everybody can add my public micro-signal: Fu Xiaochen true body, can search fuxiaochenbenzun to search, many splendid contents waited for that everybody goes home to come to see!( ~^~) 大家可以加一下我的公众微信号:傅啸尘本尊,也可以搜索fuxiaochenbenzun来搜索,更多精彩内容等待大家回家来看!(~^~)
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