MGS :: Volume #41

#3877: One the palm of the hand claps

Ye Xiwen calm a few words have shocked entire Chaos immediately, eternal day Monarch, one of the that through the ages strongest several Ruler, established eternal sacred land that terrifying to exist. 叶希文冷静的一句话顿时震惊了整个混沌,万古天君,那古往今来最强的几个主宰之一,创立了万古圣地的那一个恐怖存在。 Unexpectedly like this appeared. 居然就这样子出现了。 If through the ages, has that Ruler to be called strongly, clarity that perhaps nobody can say, the probability of because among many Ruler, truly meeting was really too small. 如果说,古往今来,有那一位主宰称得上最强的话,恐怕没有人能够说的清楚,因为诸多主宰之间,真正碰面的概率实在是太小了。 Must say that which strongest, cannot reach an agreement, even if Ye Xiwen this, cuts to kill Ruler with eating meal to drink water to be the same, nobody dares saying that he is strongest. 要说哪个最强,真的说不好,即便是叶希文这样,斩杀主宰跟吃饭喝水一样,也没人敢说他最强。 But if said strongest one group of people, then has certainly the eternal day Monarch's ranks. 但是如果说最强的一群人的话,那么一定有万古天君的行列。 Even if in Ruler, that keeps aloof. 哪怕是在主宰之中,那都是高高在上的。 He does not walk from the eternal sacred land eternal gate, but is opens the big law, opened eternal sacred land, was founded ten thousand ancient god bridges, thus opened another to enter place of Mysterious Gate. 他不从永恒圣地的永恒之门中走,而是自己开辟大法,开辟了万古圣地,更是自己开创了万古神桥,从而开辟了另外一条进入神秘之地的大门 On having the strength, can with him side by side, well-known, only then an eternal enlightened emperor person. 论起实力,能够与他比肩的,众人皆知的,也就只有永恒圣君一个人了。 It can be imagined, such person can be the what kind powerful. 可想而知,这样的人会是何等的强势了。 Even if Ruler, hears this name time, cannot help but is earnest, let alone was these Half-Step Ruler, only thought with amazement. 哪怕是主宰,听到这个名字的时候,都会不由自主的认真起来,更别说是那些半步主宰了,更是只觉得骇然。 Anything, is eternal day Monarch!” “什么,是万古天君!” How can be he!” “怎么会是他!” Ended, since perhaps has been ancient, two big ominous people must at the scene the showdown!” “完了,恐怕亘古以来,两大凶人要当场对决了!” This is widely separated by trillion years of fighting of?” “这算不算是远隔亿万年的交手?” Many people are shocked for the this time astonishing collision. 许多人都为了这一次惊人的碰撞而震惊不已。 Really is because they are one of the present age strongest Ruler, although eternal day Monarch prestige illustrious, but the Ye Xiwen's ominous name, only feared that now is also not inferior. 实在是因为两人都是当世最强的主宰之一,万古天君虽然声威赫赫,但是现在叶希文的凶名,只怕也是毫不逊色呢。 But at this time, on that bronze Long Spear, silhouette condensed together slowly, that is one looks disdainfully eternal silhouette, looks at this together silhouette, all people only think suck in a breath of cold air. 而此时,那一杆青铜长枪上,一道身影缓缓凝聚了出来,那是一个睥睨万古的身影,看着这一道身影,所有人都只觉得倒吸一口冷气 Eternal day Monarch, is really eternal day Monarch Ah! “万古天君,真的是万古天君啊! Many eternal sacred land people only feel to be moved to tears, because their some significances, is the eternal day Monarch's followers, although afterward eternal sacred land also one after another had Young Master not to butcher is in charge, but in fact, this also can only be eternal sacred land, the influence that because eternal day Monarch exerts was too deeply is too deep. 许多万古圣地的人都只感觉热泪盈眶,因为他们某种意义上来说,都是万古天君的追随者,虽然后来万古圣地又陆陆续续有不少主宰入主,但是实际上,这也只能是万古圣地,因为万古天君施加的影响实在是太深太深了。 Nowadays the majority of eternal sacred land life, was the descendant of past eternal day Monarch follower, although passed many eras, but that seal will carve natural in bloodlines to submit to will not change. 现如今大部分的万古圣地的生灵,都是当年万古天君追随者的后裔,虽然已经过去了许多个纪元了,但是那种印刻在血脉之中的天然臣服并不会改变。 At this time one after another knelt to bend down, prostrated oneself. 此时纷纷跪伏了下来,膜拜不已。 That silhouette, grasps bronze Long Spear coldly looks at Ye Xiwen together, more walks is nearer. 那一道身影,手持青铜长枪冷冷看着叶希文,越走越近。 Ye Xiwen has opened the eye, coldly indifferent looks at this together silhouette, said: Only depends on projects together dares to kill me, your rather too underestimate I, your true body cannot be so insolent!” 叶希文只是睁开了眼睛,冷漠看着这一道身影,说道:“只凭一道投影就敢来杀我,你也未免太小看我了,就算你的本尊也不能这么张狂!” The people suddenly, this is only together the projection of eternal day Monarch, is the same is also very strong regarding them, particularly Half-Step Ruler, felt a feeling of suffocation simply. 众人恍然,原来这只是一道万古天君的投影而已,可是对于他们来说也一样很强,尤其是半步主宰,简直感觉到了一种窒息的感觉。 If true body arrives, that can be formidable. 如果是本尊降临的话,那又会是何等强大。 Many people do not dare to imagine. 许多人不敢想象。 Initially should kill you, now unexpectedly makes you grow this situation!” Eternal day Monarch is only light saying. “当初就该杀你,现在居然让你成长到了这个地步!”万古天君只是淡淡的说道。 When I cross the tribulation, you can start, why did not get rid, I who harmed wastes has coped with your method, if you dare to appear at that time, I let you at that time die!” “在我渡劫的时候,你就可以下手了,为何不出手,害的我浪费了对付你的手段,若是你那个时候敢出现,我就让你在那个时候陨落!” Ye Xiwen indifferent saying. 叶希文淡然的说道。 Many people opened the eye once again, many people only know that originally behind this, has such inside story unexpectedly. 许多人再度睁大了眼睛,许多人这才知道,原来这背后,居然还有这样子的内幕。 This is most terrifying, Ye Xiwen at that time, has prepared unexpectedly the subsequent party, plans to let eternal Ruler die. 这才是最为恐怖的,叶希文居然在那个时候,就准备了后手,打算让万古主宰陨落 To say, when crosses the tribulation, Ye Xiwen simply has not used fully, even if so, that time Ye Xiwen has let entire day under for it with amazement, for it reacted. 岂不是说,在渡劫的时候,叶希文也根本没有用出全力,可是即便如此,那个时候的叶希文就已经让全天下都为之骇然,为之震动了。 You cannot achieve, if not for were obstructed by good fortune day Monarch, you think that you can cross the tribulation smoothly?” Eternal day Monarch said another Paragon Expert name desolately. “你做不到的,若不是被造化天君阻挠,你以为你能够顺利渡劫么?”万古天君冷淡的说出了另外一个至尊强者的名字。 Hissing!” Many person suck in a breath of cold air, the back also has the good fortune day Monarch's matter unexpectedly. “嘶!”许多人倒吸一口冷气,背后居然还有造化天君的事情。 This matter was really extremely complex, many Ruler encountered in the back, in which degree of hazard, if not for their open mouth to talk, only feared that the common people never know. 这个事情实在是太过复杂了,多个主宰在背后交锋,其中的危险程度,若不是他们开口,只怕世人永远都不知道。 You, even if came, how can also? However is dies!” At this time, is a chilly sound transmits, actually saw silhouette to tread three ten sixth rank blue lotuses to appear together. “你即便来了,又能如何呢?不过是死而已!”此时,又是一声清冷的声音传来,却见一道身影踏着三十六品青莲出现了。 Has been a pity, you have not appeared, otherwise I can kill you!” “可惜了,你没有出现,否则我可以杀你!” That person is actually not others, was Qin Jun. 那人却不是别人,正是秦君。 Is outstanding Expert, was Qin Jun Ah! “又是一个盖代强者,是秦君啊! When crosses the tribulation, Qin Jun also in? Was, he was also the Martial Dao era comes out!” “在渡劫的时候,秦君也在么?是了,他也是武道纪元出来的!” Good fortune day Monarch is also the Martial Dao era comes out, naturally was partial to Qin Jun and Martial Lord who the Martial Dao era came out!” “造化天君也是武道纪元出来的,自然偏向武道纪元出来的秦君和武君了!” The people know that originally behind this so intriguing, they saw unclearly, in Ruler has also been divided into two big Faction, is thinking mutually eradicates the opposite party, avoids the future trouble. 众人才知道,原来这背后是如此的错综复杂,他们隐隐然已经看到了,主宰之中也分成了两大阵营,相互想着将对方铲除,免除后患。 Eternal day Monarch looked at Qin Jun, said: You also dare to come out unexpectedly, you used the good fortune key to enter the place of Mysterious, has won that Chaos blue lotus, if not, your cultivation base were so impossible to progress by leaps and bounds to this situation!” 万古天君看了看秦君,说道:“你居然还敢出来,你用造化密钥进了神秘之地,夺走了那一朵混沌青莲,若不是如此,你的修为也不可能突飞猛进到这个地步!” Many talented people know that this involves an eternity secret, particularly Expert of Martial Dao era, has thought that originally as if really had such a matter, Qin Jun has captured the good fortune key, the Martial Dao era strength of indirect evil drew back greatly. 许多人才知道,这又是牵扯到了一项千古秘闻,尤其是武道纪元的高手,都想了起来,原来似乎确实有这么一件事情,秦君夺取了造化密钥,间接害的武道纪元实力大退。 The people naturally nobody dare to accuse Qin Jun now, is only in the heart suddenly, so that's how it is. 众人现在当然没有人敢指责秦君,只是心中恍然,原来如此。 That good fortune key is good fortune day Monarch refined to be used to pass and out the place of Mysterious, but you said that I have won the Chaos blue lotus from your hand?” Qin Jun sneered to say. But you probably do not know that I am Chaos blue lotus Primordial Spirit am reincarnated, before you they attacked brutally with the eternal enlightened emperor, the Chaos blue lotus heavy losses, for the Chaos blue lotus, you have refused to compromise a era, finally made Primordial Spirit of Chaos blue lotus run away, invested during the Martial Dao era, this had my rebirth!” “那造化密钥本来就是造化天君炼制用来进出神秘之地的,而你说我是从你手上夺走了混沌青莲么?”秦君冷笑一声说道。“但是你大约也不知道吧,我是混沌青莲元灵转世,之前你与永恒圣君两人大打出手,将混沌青莲重创,为了混沌青莲,你们两人僵持了一个纪元,最后让混沌青莲的元灵逃走,投入了武道纪元之中,这才有了我的重生!” All person cannot help but suck in a breath of cold air, today are really a matter then matter, the back matter were too many, many people then understood, why Qin Jun's cultivation base so progressed by leaps and bounds, even can found the record, became enlightened in good fortune day Monarch afterwards once again. 所有人都不由得倒吸一口冷气,今天真是一件事情接着一件事情,背后的事情太多了,许多人这才明白了,为什么秦君的修为如此突飞猛进,甚至能够开创记录,在造化天君之后再度成道。 Originally he has so astonishing root foot unexpectedly, that is the Chaos blue lotus, in fact, during many eras have the record about Chaos blue lotus, that is a supreme say|way flower, records under this day Great Dao, each era starts, will have the Chaos blue lotus to appear, stabilizes Heaven and Earth Chaos, disseminates Great Dao, then departs. 原来他居然有如此惊人的根脚,那可是混沌青莲啊,事实上,很多纪元之中都有关于混沌青莲的记载,那是一朵无上的道花,记录着这天底下的大道,每一次纪元开始的时候,都会有混沌青莲出现,稳定天地混沌,传播大道,然后这才离去。 That is Divine Item in legend, but Qin Jun was Chaos blue lotus Primordial Spirit is reincarnated unexpectedly, no wonder. 那可是传说中的神物,而秦君居然是混沌青莲元灵转世,难怪了。 Also Qin Jun such was no wonder heavy regarding eternal day Monarch killing intent, he who eternal day Monarch and eternal enlightened emperor they harm nearly died a tragic death. 也难怪秦君对于万古天君杀意如此之重了,正是万古天君和永恒圣君两人害的他险些惨死。 Naturally reincarnation afterwards Qin Jun could not be Chaos blue lotus Primordial Spirit, but this huge karma, has continued. 当然转生之后的秦君已经不能算是混沌青莲个的元灵了,但是这一桩天大的因果,还是延续了下来。 „, Initially I was pestered by the eternal enlightened emperor, otherwise how could cut weeds and eliminate the roots, has not thought that unexpectedly made a name by you, practice has become so divine ability!” “原来如此,当初我就是被永恒圣君纠缠住了,否则又岂能不斩草除根,没想到居然被你成了气候,修炼成了如此神通!” Eternal day Monarch slightly sighs with emotion, the humans affair is variable, initially he and eternal enlightened emperor they competed for the Chaos blue lotus time, has not thought that will also have afterward matter, even afterward repaired to obtain enlightenment afterwards in Qin Jun, but also drew support from the good fortune key to enter in the place of Mysterious, did not pay attention while them, used oneself is previous life is Primordial Spirit of Chaos blue lotus steals away the Chaos blue lotus. 万古天君只是微微感慨,世事无常,当初他和永恒圣君两人争夺混沌青莲的时候,可没有想到,还会有后来的这个事情,甚至于在秦君后来重修得道之后,还借助造化密钥杀入了神秘之地之中,趁着两人不注意,利用自己是前世混沌青莲的元灵混沌青莲偷走。 Even if so, is useless, you are impossible to fight I and eternal enlightened emperor, if not for good fortune day Monarch disturbs, you think that you do have the opportunity to grow? The Martial Dao era should also destroy!” Eternal day Monarch said that you must overcome nature, is the action of heaven defying, has placed many Ruler opposites you!” “不过即便如此,也没有用,你不可能斗的过我和永恒圣君的,若不是造化天君干扰,你们以为,你们有机会成长起来么?武道纪元也该毁灭了!”万古天君说道,“你要补天,就是逆天之举,将你自己放在了诸多主宰的对立面!” I want to be Heaven and Earth all living things seek the road of eternal life, you did not help, if dares to block me, I must kill you!” Ye Xiwen looks at eternal day Monarch said. “我只是想要为天地众生寻到一条永生之路,你不帮忙也就算了,若是敢阻我,我必杀你!”叶希文看着万古天君说道。 Ha, Martial Lord, you also thought highly of you, what's wrong? You think that we are the fools? Since ancient, innumerable Ruler have not achieved, you think that you can achieve?” Eternal day Monarch has laughed, only thinks incomparable laughable. this time, although has good fortune day Monarch to stop, but he is impossible to stop us to be very long, when the time comes is your time of death, era reincarnation is Chaos Great Dao, you dare heaven defying unexpectedly the line!” “哈哈哈,武君,你也太看得起你自己了,怎么?你以为我们都是傻子么?亘古以来,无数的主宰都没有做到,你以为你有可能做到么?”万古天君哈哈大笑了起来,只觉得无比的可笑。“这一次虽然有造化天君阻拦,但是他也不可能阻拦我们很久,到时候就是你的死期,纪元轮回才是混沌大道,你居然敢逆天而行!” If the day is so unfeeling, that counter how?” Ye Xiwen desolate saying, trivial projection also dares before me dissolute, is really courting death!” “如果天是如此冷酷无情,那就逆了又如何?”叶希文冷淡的说道,“区区一个投影也敢在我面前放肆,真是找死!” A Ye Xiwen palm of the hand has clapped, this eternal day Monarch is unable to prevent, directly by racket, then fleshly body bang a scrap, that little eternal day Monarch's Primordial Spirit fell on the scrap directly. 叶希文一巴掌拍了出去,这个万古天君根本无法阻挡,直接就被拍中了,然后肉身‘嘭’的一声炸碎了,那一点点的万古天君的元灵直接就炸碎掉了。 But that bronze Long Spear also instantaneously changed to stream of light to vanish, entered near the universe in the Desolate, avoided the Ye Xiwen's point. 而那一杆青铜长枪也瞬间化作一道流光消失,进入了宇宙边荒之中,躲避叶希文的锋芒。 Its Primordial Spirit can feel that this time Ye Xiwen has how fearfully, without Master, he at is not Ye Xiwen's opponent. 它的元灵能够感觉到此时的叶希文有多么的可怕,在没有主人的情况下,他根本不是叶希文的对手 Saw eternal day Monarch so easily was rumbled to kill, eternal sacred land many Expert looks at are fearful and apprehensive, they regretted at this time, why must come to here to look at Ye Xiwen to overcome nature, now just did not fall into others' hand, is brings about own destruction simply. 看到万古天君这般轻易的就被轰杀了,万古圣地的诸多强者看着胆战心惊,他们此时后悔了,为什么要来这里看叶希文补天,现在不是刚好落入了别人的手里么,简直是自寻死路啊。 However what contrary they are unexpected, Ye Xiwen simply does not have to blame their meanings slightly, they understood quickly, that is only Ye Xiwen has not cared them, even if they are eternal sacred land Expert, however Yi in the Ye Xiwen's eye and ants what, does not need for among the matter with eternal day Monarch is ruthless them. 不过出乎他们意料之外的是,叶希文根本没有丝毫要怪罪他们的意思,他们很快就明白了,那只是叶希文没有将他们放在心上,即便他们是万古圣地高手,但是在叶希文的眼里与蝼蚁何异,没必要为了与万古天君之间的事情就将他们赶尽杀绝。 Then truly has proven Ye Xiwen already formidable to some degree. 这才真正证明了叶希文已经强大到了某种程度。 If everybody has the micro letter, can add my new micro letter public number: Fu Xiaochen true body, or searches fuxiaochenbenzun, can find, there has a book and eating delicacies dust most newly most entire information, everybody can add!( Not 大家如果有微信的话,可以加一下我新的微信公众号:傅啸尘本尊,或者搜索fuxiaochenbenzun,也可以找到哟,那里有本书和啸尘最新最全的资讯,大家都可以加一下!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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