MGS :: Volume #41

#3876: Achievement Ruler, eternal day Monarch attacks

When Ye Xiwen cuts massacres all Ruler the time, is three days three nights, but at this time Ye Xiwen aura increased Peak, never some people can in this Domain formidable to his such situation. 等到叶希文斩杀掉所有的主宰的时候,已经是三天三夜了,而此时叶希文身上的气息已经攀升到了一个极致,从未有人能够在这个领域强大到他这样的地步。 Every time cuts to kill Ruler, on his aura formidable point, this is an imposing manner, when this imposing manner grew certain degree afterwards, has formed the enormous and powerful situation, anybody cannot stop this kind of situation. 每斩杀一个主宰,他身上的气息就强大上一分,这是一种气势,当这种气势成长到了一定的程度之后,就形成了浩浩荡荡的大势,没有任何人能够阻挡这样一股大势。 exceed to Late Stage is terrifying, these were cut Ruler that kills, changed to his situation part, to Late Stage, absolutely did not have Ruler to block him several to incur. 越到后期就越是恐怖,那些被斩杀的主宰,都化作了他的大势的一部分,到了后期,根本已经没有主宰能够挡住他几招了。 Even to that time, in his heart even ascended one type, simply does not have an misconception of enemy of gathering all over the world. 甚至到了那个时刻,他心中甚至升腾出了一种,普天之下根本没有一合之敌的错觉。 Although he knows that is only an misconception, what takes to him this misconception is this enormous and powerful situation. 虽然他知道,那只是一种错觉,但是带给他这种错觉的是这种浩荡大势。 Unmanned energy enemy, is unrivaled. 无人能敌,也无人可敌。 But was cut to kill afterwards in these Ruler by him, he has sat cross-legged, innumerable Heavenly Dao natural law descended, fell into his body all of a sudden, should say that is the crazy landing. 而在那些主宰都被他斩杀之后,他盘坐了下来,无数天道规则降落了下来,一下子落入了他的身体之中,应该说是疯狂的降落下来。 That is Ruler Level law, to surmount that last pass/test, these step must have. 那是主宰级别法则,要想跨越过去那最后一关,这一步是少不了的。 Own law , to promote completely into Ruler Level law, completes under Heavenly Tribulation, the difficulty can be imagined. 将自己的法则,全部升级成为主宰级别法则,在天劫之下完成,难度可想而知。 In the Ye Xiwen body has Three Thousand Martial Paths, he depends this Three Thousand Martial Paths to sweep away invincibly, in Half-Step Ruler is difficult to meet the rival, even depends Three Thousand Martial Paths, he can with the Ruler confrontation, be so formidable. 叶希文身体之中有三千武道,他仗着这三千武道横扫无敌,半步主宰之中根本难逢敌手,甚至仗着三千武道,他能够和主宰交锋,就是这般强大。 However now, this becomes the hindrance that Ye Xiwen became enlightened, he must one after another digs Three Thousand Martial Paths, the dripping with blood, the Three Thousand Martial Paths transformation, quenchings, sublimates to higher Realm. 但是现在,这就成了叶希文成道的阻碍,他要一条一条的将三千武道挖出来,鲜血淋漓,将三千武道蜕变,淬炼,升华到更高的境界 These Half-Step Ruler saw, thought that looks not to endure, this time Ye Xiwen was extremely difficult, has really been carrying on the last step transformation, innumerable big Dao Law were arriving on his body, if he has not paid attention for a while, has not absorbed completely, then waited for that Ye Xiwen's caused heavy losses. 就连那些半步主宰看到了,都觉得面露不忍,此时的叶希文实在是太过艰难了,在进行最后一步的蜕变,无数的大道法则在降临在他的身上,如果他一时没有注意,没有完全吸收,那么等待叶希文的就是被重创。 Ye Xiwen's body bewildered scrap will come frequently, then in together Golden Light afterwards, restored. 叶希文的身躯经常会莫名其妙的炸碎开来,然后又在一道金光之后,重新恢复了过来。 Then after a while, suddenly all of a sudden, on body presented a cavity, quick was patched on. 然后过了一会儿,突然一下子,身体上就出现了一道空洞,很快又被修补上了。 Such unceasing heavy losses, restores, compared with a moment ago with Ruler War time might also as well lets, distant looks at knew terrifying. 就这样子不断的重创,又恢复,比起刚才与主宰大战的时候也不妨多让,远远看着就知道恐怖了。 Regarding Half-Step Ruler and Ruler, general War is very difficult to be true the wound to arrive at fleshly body, if injured, often caused heavy losses. 对于半步主宰主宰来说,一般的大战都很难真正伤到肉身,但是一旦伤到了,就往往是重创。 But Ye Xiwen such unceasing heavy losses, unceasing extracts law to come, looked that this was extremely scary. 叶希文这样子不断的重创,又不断的抽出法则来,看这太过骇人了。 This crosses the tribulation method, is unprecedented, latter did not have newcomer!” “这渡劫方法,也是前无古人,后无来者了吧!” Has Half-Step Ruler panic-stricken saying. 半步主宰惊骇的说道。 I see have transformed Ruler Body Law, but has not seen so the transformation of Savage!” “我见过蜕变主宰法身的,但是没有见过这般凶残的蜕变的!” General Ruler Body Law where has terrifying such, I will make a bet, his breakthrough definitely is Ruler Intermediate Stage!” “一般的主宰法身哪有这么恐怖,我敢打赌,他一突破就肯定是主宰中期!” I look to continue!” “我看不止!” Many Half-Step Ruler, looks at Ye Xiwen crosses the tribulation, is five senses Chen Za, looks at Ye Xiwen continues the life of era at heart, crosses unprecedented terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, in their hearts must say that any has not touched, that is impossible. 许多半步主宰,看着叶希文渡劫,心里都是五味陈杂,看着叶希文续纪元之命,渡前所未有的恐怖天劫,他们心中要说没有任何触动,那是根本不可能的。 Ye Xiwen each walking is very difficult, but each walking similarly shocks everybody, makes them be speechless. 叶希文每一步走的都很艰难,但是他每一步走的都同样惊世骇俗,也让他们无话可说。 Such character, should become Ruler, if the people of such big wisdom big will could not support Ruler, among that Heaven and Earth, what person matched is Ruler? 这样的人物,合该成为主宰,如果这样大智慧大毅力之人都撑不了主宰,那天地之间,什么人配成为主宰 Is only when Sir comes back afterwards, discovered that the between Heaven and Earth legally constituted authority changed!” “只是当诸位大人回来之后,发现天地间的法统已经变了吧!” Many people are calling out in alarm. 许多人都在惊呼。 looks at Ye Xiwen success gradually, Three Thousand Martial Paths were quenchinged successfully, was sublimated successfully. 看着叶希文一步一步的成功,一条条的三千武道被淬炼成功,被升华成功。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Three years, enough three years, last terrifying Thunder Calamity falls finally, is only at this time, this originally can constitute threat Thunder Calamity to Ruler, only vanished in the Ye Xiwen top of the head three chi (0.33 m), is unable to fall. 三年,足足三年的时间,最后一道恐怖雷劫终于落下,只是此时,这原本能够对主宰构成威胁的雷劫,只在叶希文头顶三尺就已经消失了,无法落下。 Tribulation Cloud of space also finally dissipated a cleanness. 天上的劫云也终于消散了个干干净净。 On Ye Xiwen's swept across heaven-shaking aura, has caused a stir in entire Chaos, even this raging tide also swept across during each Ancient era. 叶希文的身上席卷起了惊天气息,轰动了整个混沌,甚至这一股狂潮还席卷到了各个古代纪元之中。 „This this...” Has Half-Step Ruler dumbstruck, through the ages, never has Ruler in becoming enlightened, unexpectedly has such strong Ah! “这这这。。。”有半步主宰目瞪口呆,“古往今来,从未有过一个主宰在成道的时候,居然有这么强势啊! What this has, truly does not have Ruler so to be strong in becoming enlightened through the ages, but also has that Half-Step Ruler, when has not become enlightened can cut to kill Ruler? He is never the common person!” “这有什么,古往今来确实没有一个主宰在成道的时候就这么强势,但是又有那个半步主宰在未曾成道的时候就能够斩杀主宰?他就从来不是寻常人!” Also there is Ruler not to spare a glance, they already accepted such setting. 也有主宰不屑一顾,他们早就已经接受了这样的设定。 I for Ruler!” “吾为主宰!” The simple four characters, to entire Chaos, announced that between Heaven and Earth is a birth of Ruler. 只是简简单单的四个字,就向整个混沌,宣告了,天地间又是一个主宰的诞生。 The Martial Dao era, in short time of era, was born unexpectedly one after another three Ruler, is one by one formidable, one by one fearful. 武道纪元,短短一个纪元的时间内,居然接连诞生了三个主宰,一个比一个强大,一个比一个更加的可怕。 Ye Xiwen was too formidable, he, entire Chaos by his anchorage the revolution, through the ages, some formidable such Ruler they are not known unexpectedly, but many Half-Step Ruler know that at least during these eras, has never seen so formidable. 叶希文太强大了,他在的时候,整个混沌居然都被他定住了运转,古往今来,是不是有这样子强大的主宰他们不知道,但是很多半步主宰知道,起码在这几个纪元之中,从未见过这般强大的。 Then was the past years sweeps away all, infiltrated the good fortune day Monarch of place of Mysterious directly, might as well nowadays Ye Xiwen be so formidable. 便是当年横扫一切,直接打入神秘之地的造化天君,也不如现如今的叶希文这般强大。 Strongly to Ye Xiwen, has become a concept, that is invincible! 强到了叶希文这边,已经成了一种概念,那就是无敌! Ye Xiwen returned to the Martial Dao era, immediately countless people, knelt to bend down! 叶希文返回了武道纪元,顿时无数人,跪伏了下来! Although before , they have treated as Ruler to regard Ye Xiwen, but treats as Ruler to regard with Ruler has the difference, now is true Ruler. 虽然之前他们都已经将叶希文当做了主宰来看待了,但是当做主宰来看待和主宰还是有差别的,现在才是真正的主宰 Kneeling that the innumerable lives are willing has bent down, by the merit, in the eyes of many people, Ye Xiwen even must exceed good fortune day Monarch probably. 无数生灵心甘情愿的跪伏了下来,论功劳,大概在许多人的眼里,叶希文甚至还要超越了造化天君。 Innumerable Expert come to worship! 无数强者前来朝拜! At this time, Ye Xiwen has promoted Ruler afterwards, the first matter is starts to overcome nature once again. 此时,叶希文晋升了主宰之后,第一件事情就是开始再度补天。 And informed the world. 并且昭告天下。 I must carry on one time to overcome nature, all big energy, Expert, may come to watch!” “我要进行一次补天,各方大能,高手,都可前来观看!” The Ye Xiwen's sound even reached in Chaos, reached during each Ancient era. 叶希文的声音甚至传进了混沌之中,传进了各个古代纪元之中。 Before Ye Xiwen, it can be said that read many ancient books of these Ancient eras, received their favour, this time, Ye Xiwen then must give back to them the favour. 叶希文之前可以说是看遍了这些古代纪元的诸多典籍,也算是承了他们一份人情,这一次,叶希文便是要将人情还给他们。 These people can come to see him to overcome nature, when he overcomes nature, various Heavenly Dao unprecedented clear, but is in this case, these Half-Step Ruler watch him to overcome nature, certainly can obtain many advantage. 这些人都可以来看他补天,在他补天的时候,各种天道都会前所未有的清晰,而就是在这种情况下,这些半步主宰观看他补天,一定能够得到许多的好处。 But besides Expert of these Ancient eras, many Expert of Martial Dao era, can be rewarded. 而除了那些古代纪元的强者,还有武道纪元的诸多强者,也可以有很多的收获。 But many Expert of each era heard this news, from the beginning somewhat is half believing and half doubting, after all on the other hand, the Martial Dao era and they are the enemies, this type has the matter of advantage regarding them obviously, will they do? 而各个纪元的诸多强者听到了这个消息,一开始都有些将信将疑,毕竟相对来说,武道纪元和他们是敌人,这种明显对于他们来说有好处的事情,他们会做么? However immediately thinks that before Ye Xiwen had not killed them, or arrived at his level afterwards, does not need to care about their these Half-Step Ruler. 但是随即一想,之前叶希文也没有杀他们,或者说,到了他那种层级之后,根本没有必要在乎他们这些半步主宰 Must know that before Ye Xiwen had not cared about them, let alone is now. 要知道,以前叶希文就没有在乎过他们,更何况是现在。 Therefore many people then directly went, rushes to watch this rare grand occasion, although they in can see by far, but that type and were allowed to approach by Ye Xiwen looked, simply is not a matter. 因此很多人便直接前往了,赶往去观看这难得一见的盛况,虽然他们在远远能够看到,但是那种和被叶希文允许靠近了看,根本就不是一回事。 Also many Half-Step Ruler think that this has also proven, Ye Xiwen was more self-confident, before Ye Xiwen was Half-Step Ruler time, he overcame nature, did not allow others to approach, in order to avoid affected his overcoming nature. 同时也有很多半步主宰想到,这是不是也是证明了,叶希文更加自信了,之前叶希文半步主宰的时候,他补天的时候,根本不允许别人靠近,以免影响了他的补天。 However now, he does not matter, does not care. 然而现在,他根本无所谓,也不在乎了。 This is his true powerful performance Ah! 这才是他真正强势的表现啊! Almost arrived in full in the people afterwards, Ye Xiwen finally started overcoming nature of this time, the this time Martial Dao era had not entered the deterioration time, but Heavenly Dao has sent out all sorts of phenomenon, making the people know that during Ye Xiwen entered has overcome nature. 在众人都差不多到齐了之后,叶希文终于开始了这一次的补天,这一次武道纪元还未进入衰败期,但是天道还是发出了种种的异象,让众人知道,叶希文已经进入了补天之中。 Ye Xiwen sends out law of innumerable say|way, is the Martial Dao era hears something never heard of before, but Expert of many Ancient era fills including the discovery of tears, that is law of their era, now unexpectedly pulls out by Ye Xiwen, filled the Martial Dao era the blank. 叶希文身上散发出无数道的法则,很多都是武道纪元闻所未闻的,而很多古代纪元的高手则是满含热泪的发现,那是他们纪元的法则,现在居然被叶希文抽出来,填补武道纪元的空白了。 They do not know how Ye Xiwen will have gone to the so profound situation to their era Heavenly Dao comprehension. 他们不知道叶希文怎么会对他们的纪元天道领悟达到了这般深刻的地步。 But the say|way that many Ye Xiwen make up was vanished, destruction era Great Dao, before that was many song eras, however in nowadays, reappeared. 而很多叶希文补的道更是已经消失了,覆灭了的纪元大道,那都是很多歌纪元之前了,但是在现如今,又重现了。 The space starts to lower innumerable Golden Light, emerges in the Ye Xiwen's body, with before overcame nature cautiously compared with, the movement that at this time, Ye Xiwen overcame nature was smoother, without any blocking. 天上开始降下无数的金光,涌入叶希文的身体之中,和之前补天的时候小心翼翼相比,这个时候,叶希文补天的动作更加流畅,没有任何阻塞。 This also sufficiently demonstrates Ye Xiwen nowadays astonishing cultivation base. 这也足以显示出叶希文现如今惊人的修为 But other Half-Step Ruler are also good, Heavenly Venerate is also good, felt Heavenly Dao unprecedented so clear, they only felt one upward is rising regarding the comprehension of Great Dao, every second is equal every point of rubbing to the beforehand over a hundred years of comprehension speeds, is very scary. 而其他的半步主宰也好,天尊也好,都感觉天道前所未有的这般清晰过,他们只感觉自己对于大道的领悟在蹭蹭蹭的往上涨,每一分每一秒都相当于以前上百年的领悟速度,十分骇人。 They looked that sits well to this time in the Chaos central person, all these, he brings. 他们都看向此时端坐在混沌中央的人,这一切,正是他带来的。 However at this time, sent out bronze rays of light Long Spear to reappear, swept away from the Chaos deep place, unexpectedly has killed toward the Ye Xiwen bang directly. 不过就在这个时候,一杆散发着青铜光芒长枪浮现了出来,从混沌深处一路横扫而过,居然直接朝着叶希文轰杀了过来。 The people are all startled, particularly many Expert of Martial Dao era, are startled and anger of looking, but does not have the means that this spear|gun was really too quick, might too terrifying, they could not block, could not follow such speed. 众人皆惊,尤其是武道纪元的诸多强者,更是看的又惊又怒,但是却没有办法,这一枪实在是太快了,威力也太恐怖了,他们根本挡不住,也跟不上这样的速度。 But in this is at a crucial moment, in the Ye Xiwen top of the head Martial Venerable Seal flew all of a sudden, kept off to fly this bronze Long Spear. 而就在这千钧一发之际,叶希文头顶上武尊印一下子飞了出来,将这一杆青铜长枪挡飞了出去。 Bang!” “嘭!” A huge rumbled sound, entire Chaos is the collision of this time shocks. 一声巨大轰鸣声,整个混沌都为这一次的碰撞而震惊。 Anyone, is who?” “谁,是谁?” Bold!” “大胆!” courting death!” 找死!” At this time many talented people responded all of a sudden. 此时许多人才一下子反应了过来。 Eternal day Monarch, wants to kill me, comes out on true body personally, otherwise only feared that you also fall far short!”( Not “万古天君,想杀我,就本尊亲自出来,否则只怕,你还差得远!”(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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