MGS :: Volume #41

#3875: Extinguishes kills audiences Ruler

Sent out tyrannical aura Ruler all of a sudden surrounding Ye Xiwen, each had exceedingly high penetrating place divine ability, had been drawn from the Chaos river of history forcefully. 一个个身上散发着强横气息主宰一下子将叶希文给包围住了,每一个都有通天彻地的神通,被从混沌历史长河之中强行拉了过来。 Likely is not Qin Jun crossed tribulation the time, merely was only Void Shadow and Great Dao mark, even if so, was very fearful. 不像是秦君渡劫的时候,仅仅只是虚影大道印记而已,但是即便如此,也已经很可怕了。 Let alone was True Body personally kills Ye Xiwen now! 更别说现在是真身亲自来杀叶希文了! Through the ages not such terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, but does not have Ye Xiwen so to skip a grade through the ages, so long as crossed Heavenly Tribulation, immediately can stride in Ruler Late Stage. 古往今来都没有这样子恐怖天劫,可是古往今来也没有叶希文这般跳级的,只要渡过天劫,立刻就能够跨入主宰后期 Third Level jumps does not have such quick speed! 三级跳也没有这样快的速度吧! However before then, how long Ye Xiwen wheted oneself body , were clearest. 不过在此之前,叶希文磨砺了己身多久,也就只有自己最为清楚了。 Fearful War, is ready to be set off, erupted instantaneously, these Ruler came out by pulling from the river of history, although cannot say that is in their life most peak, when the quantity went to this situation, is as before fearful. 可怕的大战,一触即发,瞬间就爆发了,这些主宰一个个都是从历史长河之中被拉出来,虽然不能说处于他们人生的最巅峰,但是当数量达到了这个地步,依旧可怕。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The people only saw the entire Chaos avalanche, instantaneously was the judgment day same scene, under Heavenly Tribulation, all has destroyed, the time, the space, the Heaven and Earth universe, anything does not exist, what existence did not have the significance. 众人就只看到整个混沌崩塌了,瞬间就是世界末日一样的场景,在天劫之下,一切都毁灭了,时间,空间,天地宇宙,什么都不存在了,什么样的存在也都没有意义了。 My God, was the real judgment day?” “我的天,是真的世界末日了么?” The day, forever will it is estimated that go down in history, these many Ruler also get rid, if had not been limited range and might by Heavenly Tribulation, only feared that near the universe the Desolate must destroy!” “这一天,估计会永远载入史册,这么多的主宰同时出手,如果不是被天劫限制了范围和威力,只怕宇宙边荒都要毁灭了吧!” That is really the end, ran away has not used to where, was good also calculates the restraint because of Ruler, has not planned to destroy the world!” “那真是末日,逃到哪里都没有用了,好在主宰们都还算克制,没有打算毁灭世界!” But observes Ye Mo in the distant place and Ye Wudi that they is also the incomparable worry, by the Ye Xiwen's strength, general Heavenly Tribulation naturally does not have any difficulty, but this is that many Ruler, even if Ye Xiwen had slaughtered several Ruler, but has not faced the so dangerous situation. 而在远处观战的叶墨叶无敌两人也是无比的担心,以叶希文的实力,一般的天劫自然没有任何难度,但是这可是那么多的主宰啊,哪怕叶希文曾经宰杀过几个主宰,但是也没有面临过如此险恶的情况啊。 Leaf will not have the matter!” “叶子不会有事吧!” Ye Wudi one anxious, said. 叶无敌一急,说道。 Such fight, he is looks at is only fearful and apprehensive, is impossible to add on any busy. 这样的战斗,他光是看着就心惊胆战,根本不可能帮得上任何的忙。 These years his strength had the too big promotion, opponent that but Ye Xiwen faces is also getting more and more fearful, his promotion, looked like does studiously was not same, temporarily could not help. 这些年他的实力有了太大的提升,但是叶希文面临的对手也越来越可怕,他的提升,就像是做了无用功一样,暂时还是帮不上忙的。 All right , he since chose crossed the tribulation, that definitely has prepared!” Ye Mo was also worried, but at this time, he can only choose to believe Ye Xiwen, the fight of that level he could not understand. “没事的,他既然选择了渡劫,那就肯定有所准备!”叶墨也担心,但是这个时候,他只能选择相信叶希文,那种层级的战斗他已经看不太懂了。 But at this time, the fight further intensified unexpectedly, during each Ancient era, Ruler Dao Artifact flew, has flown in the hand of oneself Master, then coordinates his Master, has suppressed toward Ye Xiwen. 而此时,战斗竟然更进一步的激化了,在各个古代纪元之中,一个个主宰道器飞了出来,飞到了自己主人的手里,然后配合他的主人,朝着叶希文镇压了下去。 Was fearful, simply like was the judgment day, even if were common Ruler, met this lineup, except for kneeling did not have other has chosen, had the choice is only how long knelt. 可怕极了,简直像是世界末日一样,就算是寻常的主宰,遇到这种阵容,除了跪也没别的选择了,唯一有选择的就是多久跪。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Ye Xiwen fist pierced a chest of Ruler, that person of storm day Monarch, he stares greatly the eye, second time was killed by Ye Xiwen. 叶希文一拳洞穿了一个主宰的胸口,那人正是暴风天君,他瞪大着眼睛,第二次被叶希文所杀。 This time he was away from initially by Ye Xiwen killed some the storm day Monarch disparities of peak time, at that time he could not block Ye Xiwen, let alone is now. 此时的他距离当初被叶希文所杀的时候巅峰时期的暴风天君还是有一些差距的,那个时候他都挡不住叶希文,更别说是现在。 Unexpectedly was killed! 居然又被杀了! In his look flashes through such doubts! 他的眼神之中闪过这样的疑惑! But Ye Xiwen does not have storm day Monarch at this time, because he could not attend to that many at this time. 叶希文此时才没有管暴风天君,因为此时他也顾不上那么许多了。 Although this time strength endures compared with Ruler Intermediate Stage Expert, however his body eventually is also only Half-Step Ruler, duel time, but also cannot highlight, however worked as the quantity of opposite party many to the certain extent, he was only a Half-Step Ruler weakness, all of a sudden has appeared. 他此时战力虽然堪比主宰中期高手,但是他的身躯终究也只是半步主宰,单挑的时候,还凸显不出来,但是当对方的数量多到了一定程度的时候,他只是一个半步主宰的弱点,就一下子显现了出来。 Life disparity essentially exists, has existed. 生命本质上的差距存在着,就一直存在着。 He can fight with the fists to explode Ruler, but similarly, these Ruler attack can also leave behind the fatal wound on him. 他可以一拳打爆一个主宰,但是同样的,那些主宰的的攻击也可以在他身上留下致命的创伤。 Although especially thoses Ruler not in peak, but in the coordination Ruler Dao Artifact afterwards, that might is very fearsome. 尤其是那些主宰虽然不在巅峰,但是配合上了主宰道器之后,那威力还是十分可怖的。 His body more than once was punctured, even if better than his fleshly body, is unable to guarantee not injured. 他的身躯不止一次被打穿了,就算是强如他的肉身,也无法保证不受伤。 Can see the bruised and lacerated, deep obvious bone everywhere. 到处都可以看到皮开肉绽,深可见骨。 sword glow, blade glow, various divine ability, big Dao Law, greeted toward Ye Xiwen's on. 剑芒,刀芒,各种神通,大道法则,统统都往叶希文的身上招呼。 The average people definitely died, but Ye Xiwen is different, his body brushes merit Golden Light unceasingly, brushes one time, his fully recovers such as 1 st time. 一般人肯定就死了,但是叶希文却不同,他的身上不断刷出功德金光,刷一次,他的身体就完全恢复如初一次。 I depend, some of his also many merit Golden Light!” “我靠,他到底还有多少功德金光!” His destruction many Ancient eras, otherwise how so many merit Golden Light!” “他到底覆灭了多少古代纪元,否则怎么会有这么多的功德金光!” Many Ruler are criticizing at heart, how this Ye Xiwen does, merit Golden Light they have to see, even they also obtain, regarding common person, hope, but may not and merit Golden Light, regarding them, is not specially Mysterious, specially uncome-at-able thing. 诸多主宰在心里都在暗骂,这叶希文到底是怎么搞的,功德金光他们不是没有见过,甚至他们也得到过很多,对于寻常人来说,渴望而不可及的功德金光,对于他们来说,不是什么特别神秘,特别难以得到的东西。 These merit Golden Light were also too many. 这些功德金光也太多了。 Even can say, simply many oddness! 甚至可以说,简直多的离谱! Ye Xiwen can insist now, depends entirely on merit Golden Light to be many, I am many, you do not have the means with me, how! 叶希文能坚持到现在,全靠功德金光多,我就是多,你就是拿我没办法,怎么的! Ye Xiwen these years accumulation, erupted finally, many time destruction Ancient eras, although some are not he lead, but he as the Lord of Divine Court, a biggest reward, will naturally fall to his body. 叶希文这么多年来的积累,终于爆发了,许多次的覆灭古代纪元,虽然有些不是他带队,但是他身为神庭之主,最大的一份奖励,自然还是会落到他的身上的。 In addition consecutively for several merits of overcoming nature, that is as big is hard to imagine as the common person. 再加上连续几次补天的功德,那才是大到寻常人难以想象的。 For these years, his actions, for the this time crossing tribulation, how possibly easily were defeated by these people most probably. 这么多年来,他所作所为,大半都是为了这一次的渡劫,怎么可能轻易就被这些人击败。 Depends on you, wants to block me? Your peak time also almost, now also falls far short, blocks me dead!” “就凭你们,也想拦我?你们巅峰时期还差不多,现在还差得远,拦我者死!” Ye Xiwen hand Martial Venerable Seal, has pounded to fall unceasingly, hand a sword, unceasing cutting fell. 叶希文一只手化出了武尊印,不断砸落,一只手化出了一把道剑,不断的斩落下去。 He only attacks, does not defend, because against cannot defend, these Ruler quantities were too many, therefore he simply gave up, merit Golden Light are in any case many, the merit of although today brushing, enough made countless people love dearly, if cannot become, the price was the dying say|way disappears. 他只进攻,不防御,因为防也防不住,这些主宰数量太多了,所以他干脆放弃了,反正功德金光多,虽然今天刷出的功德,足够让无数人心疼了,但是若是不能成,代价是身死道消。 Disappears compared with the body dying say|way, what this merit was Golden Light considered as? 和身死道消相比,这点功德金光又算得了什么呢? But Ye Xiwen that gets rid of fully is also incomparable terrifying, even if Ruler, keeps off in his front, under he pursued to the end and hit hard also anti- several moves, will be rumbled to kill. 而全力出手的叶希文也是无比恐怖的,就算是一个主宰,挡在他的面前,在他穷追猛打之下也抗不了几招,就会被轰杀。 Then he restored own injury afterwards to go toward next Ruler killing by merit Golden Light once again. 然后他就又以功德金光恢复了自身的伤势之后再度朝着下一个主宰扑杀而去。 But at this time, was completely scared in Half-Step Ruler that in Chaos these surrounded, saw has crossed the tribulation fierce, how could but they saw have been so fierce. 而此时,在混沌之中那些围观的半步主宰全部都傻眼了,见过凶猛渡劫的,但是他们何曾见过这么凶猛的。 Before Ye Xiwen hoodwinked the public, received completely Thunder Calamity the time, is very scary, but slaughters the Ruler heroic bearing to compare conveniently with the present this, simply was day place. 之前叶希文只手遮天,收尽雷劫的时候,已经是十分骇人了,但是和眼下这随手屠戮主宰的英姿比起来,简直是一个天一个地。 Although Ye Xiwen also frequently hit severe wound, even was hit to explode the body is not two, however he restored in an instant, with has not been injured to be the same, at his Half-Step Ruler body, can achieve this step, is very astonishing. 虽然叶希文也经常被打的重伤,甚至被打爆身体也不是一次两次,然而转眼间他就恢复了,和没有受伤一样,以他半步主宰的身躯来说,能够做到这一步,已经是十分惊人了。 Martial Dao records Origin Energy to transport so is how exuberant, how to leave such monstrous talent?” 武道元气运怎么就如此旺盛,怎么就出了这么个妖孽?” Some Half-Step Ruler cannot help but open mouth to talk said that they only thought any Genius people with outstanding ability do not have the means to describe nowadays Ye Xiwen, simply is Monster, monstrous talent Ah! 半步主宰不由得开口说道,他们只觉得什么天纵英才都没有办法形容现如今的叶希文了,简直就是怪物啊,妖孽啊! „Can the Martial Dao era exist forever really through ancient times?” “难道武道纪元真的可以亘古长存么?” Is impossible, the Martial Dao era is impossible to exist forever really through ancient times, even if they think that Ruler is impossible to make them exist forever really through ancient times!” “不可能的,武道纪元不可能真的亘古长存下去,就算他们想,诸位主宰也不可能真的让他们亘古长存下去!” Said is also, although at this time he kills the four directions greatly, however faces after all is not Ruler of most peak time, representative his Martial Lord is not having such strength!” “说的也是,此时他虽然大杀四方,但是面对的毕竟都不是最巅峰时期的主宰,并不代表着他武君就拥有那样子的实力!” But at this time, Ye Xiwen is still crossing the tribulation, various Ruler cannot block him. 而此时,叶希文还在渡劫,各种主宰都根本拦不住他。 Facing such tyrannical opponent, even can say that can be called is the monstrous talent, responses of these Ruler also respective different, some feelings the anger and shame, some feelings warm-blooded boiling fighting intent was full, but also some are with smile on the face. 面对这样子强横的对手,甚至可以说称得上是妖孽,这些主宰的反应也都各自不同,有的感觉到了愤怒和耻辱,有的感觉到了热血沸腾战意十足,还有的面带微笑。 They by Heavenly Dao from the endless river of history grasping, must complete the task of this stop, but since they after all have been the ancient strongest that group of people, puppet that naturally does not let the person to organize, therefore respectively has the difference. 他们是被天道给从漫漫历史长河之中给抓出来的,都要完成这个阻拦的任务,但是他们毕竟都是亘古以来最强的那一群人,自然不是任人摆布的玩偶,所以都是各有不同。 Such War, has continued for three days three nights, terrifying War, making the entire Chaos universe not probably be peaceful, although Heavenly Tribulation range was limited, but that terrifying aura was actually unceasing spread. 这样的大战,足足持续了三天三夜,恐怖大战,让整个混沌宇宙都不得安宁,虽然天劫范围被限制住了,但是那恐怖气息却是不断的扩散了出去。 Heavenly Venerate of especially thoses each Ancient era also obtained the news, one after another has caught up, some Ruler early die in the endless river of history, at this time these Heavenly Venerate can also see own era Ruler fought under Heavenly Tribulation, only thought the tears. 尤其是那些各个古代纪元的天尊们也都得到了消息,纷纷赶来了,有的主宰早已经在漫漫的历史长河之中陨落了,此时那些天尊们还能够看到自己纪元的主宰天劫之下战斗,只觉得老泪纵横。 Even if they know that these are in the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month, but was summoned from the river of history by Heavenly Dao is also same. 哪怕他们都知道,这些都是镜中花水中月,只是被天道从历史长河之中召唤出来的也是一样。 This world, the death was the eternal home to return, once die once again has not come the truth, was reincarnated the rebirth, forever was only a legend, even if some people rebirths, that were only the luck is also good, everyone did not have such opportunity. 这世界,死亡是永恒的归宿,一旦陨落就没有再度来过的道理了,转世重生,永远都只是一种传说而已,就算有些人重生了,那也只是运气好,并不是真的每个人都有那样的机会。 They kneel to bend down in the distant place, wholehearted! 他们只是在远远的地方跪伏下来,真心实意! Because these Ruler the era that for they are at spells to try! 因为这些主宰很多都为了他们所在的纪元拼尽全力! But fight even more intense, these Ruler are also getting fewer and fewer, was executed by Ye Xiwen. 而战斗越发的激烈,那些主宰也越来越少,一个一个的被叶希文格杀掉了。 This process very difficult, although the Ye Xiwen's movement is also rapid, is powerful, but will not have a person to think simplicity that Ye Xiwen wins, because Ye Xiwen preys with the life. 这个过程十分的艰难,虽然叶希文的动作也非常迅速,气势如虹,但是不会有一个人觉得叶希文胜的简单,因为叶希文都是用命去搏杀出来的。 One do not know that was hit to explode many times, changes a person, only feared that already died, such fight, was really extremely scary. 自己都不知道被打爆了多少次,换一个人,只怕早就死了,这样的战斗,实在是太过骇人了。 However more arrives at behind, the Ye Xiwen's imposing manner is more abundant, was cut Ruler that massacres more, his pressure is also more relaxed, his Great Dao also even more bright, as if saw the road ahead at present. 不过越到后面,叶希文的气势就越盛,被斩杀掉的主宰越多,他的压力也就越轻松,他的大道也就越发的明朗,仿佛已经看到了前路就在眼前。 When he executes last Ruler, that is three days three nights of afterwards.( Not 当他格杀掉最后一个主宰的时候,那已经是三天三夜之后了。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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