MGS :: Volume #41

#3874: Never has crosses the tribulation way

Many people were given to have a scare by this sudden Heavenly Tribulation, that terrifying aura spread in Chaos, has alarmed many also in closing up Half-Step Ruler. 许多人都被这突如其来的天劫给吓了一跳,那恐怖气息蔓延进了混沌之中,惊动了许多还在闭关的半步主宰 When they have opened the discernment, looked at to Chaos time, saw Ye Xiwen's silhouette, they a little understood. 但是当他们睁开了法眼,看向了混沌之中的时候,看到了叶希文的身影,他们就有点理解了。 If he, that was very normal. 如果是他的话,那就很正常了。 That is in this tens of millions years, a person stirs the entire Chaos situation earth-shakingly, no person can achieve this situation, even if the good fortune day Monarch in legend has not been similar to he so, various ****** regards as the big evil stars. 那是在这数千万年的时间,一个人将整个混沌的局势都搅得天翻地覆,从来都没有人能够做到这个地步,哪怕是传说中的造化天君也不曾如同他这般,被各******都视为大煞星。 He crossed tribulation finally!” “他终于还是渡劫了!” Many Half-Step Ruler, cannot help but sighed. 许多半步主宰,不由得叹了一口气。 If were other Half-Step Ruler must cross tribulation, they would saying that opposite party simply walked **** transported, at all was not anything. 如果说,是其他的半步主宰要渡劫了,他们总会说上一句,对方根本就是走了****运了而已,根本不算什么。 But if this person is the Ye Xiwen's words, they have been speechless, because that person crosses the tribulation, did not walk anything **** transports, conversely, he when continuously this time talent crosses the tribulation finally, lets the matter that countless people cannot think. 但是如果这个人是叶希文的话,他们就无话可说了,因为那个人渡劫,并不是走了什么****运,相反的,他一直等到这个时间点才终于渡劫,才是让无数人想不到的事情。 Many people were guessing that Ye Xiwen is not willing to cross the tribulation easily , because does not have the completely safe assurance, he carried too many things, not being able to allow him to be defeated, if were defeated, nowadays the magnificence of Martial Dao era, although did not say that did not have all of a sudden, but said that ended half not to have what mistake. 许多人都在猜测,叶希文不肯轻易渡劫,是因为没有万全的把握,他一个人身负太多的东西了,容不得他失败,如果失败的话,现如今武道纪元的辉煌,虽然不说一下子统统都没了,但是说是完了一半也并没有什么错误。 Although Qin Jun was very strong, however his deterrent force, only feared or compares continually cuts to kill several Ruler Ye Xiwen, that was true ominous illustrious. 秦君虽然很强,但是他的威慑力,只怕还是比不过连斩杀几个主宰叶希文,那才是真正的凶名赫赫。 But now, he must try finally independently, had the complete assurance inevitably. 而现在,他终于要放手一试了,必然是有了完全的把握。 In addition before him, just travelling entire Chaos, sought for many Ruler personally written letters, the ancient book watches, nowadays he regarding the understanding of Great Dao, has seriously gone to an extremely terrifying situation. 加上他之前刚刚游历整个混沌,寻找诸多主宰的手札,典籍观看,现如今他对于大道的理解,当真已经达到了一种极为恐怖的地步。 He stands erect in Chaos, then like is creates the world big god, must open piece of Heaven and Earth in Chaos. 他矗立在混沌之中,便像是创世大神一样,要在混沌之中重新开辟出一片天地来。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦啦!” innumerable Heavenly Tribulation like are rains, fell entirely. 无数的天劫像是下雨一样,统统落了下来。 That terrifying Thunder Calamity each can rumble big hole Chaos, Chaos is Void, but these Thunder Calamity can also rumble big hole to come in Void, it can be imagined has terrifying how. 恐怖雷劫每一道都能够将混沌轰出一个大洞,混沌已经是虚无了,但是这些雷劫虚无之中还能轰出大洞来,可想而知有多么的恐怖 Facing these Thunder Calamity, Ye Xiwen radically fearless, he likely is not Qin Jun crossed the tribulation the time, was like that difficult, chooses hardly completely anti-. 面对这些雷劫,叶希文根本无惧,他不像是秦君渡劫的时候,那般艰难,选择全部硬抗下来。 He has opened the big hand, the big hand seems holds up a day of column to be the same, soars to the heavens, terrifying Thunder Calamity that these fall was caught in the hand by his big hand unexpectedly, practiced Thunder Word. 他张开了大手,大手好似擎天之柱一样,冲霄而起,这些落下来的恐怖雷劫居然都被他的大手抓到了手中,练成了一个雷字。 This Thunder Word is the writing that Great Dao Essence forms, is not the writing of any era, person who so long as has cultivation base looks at one, can understand that this is any character, direct enters in the state of mind thoroughly. 这个雷字是大道本源形成的文字,不是任何一个纪元的文字,但是只要是有修为的人看一眼,就能够明白这到底是什么字,直接深入进神魂之中。 „Did he refine a Essence character Heavenly Tribulation unexpectedly? Does he have terrifying how?” Many people noticed that this has shocked, is Ye Xiwen's is formidable. “他居然将天劫炼制成了本源道字?他到底有多么的恐怖?”许多人看到这一幕都震惊了,也为叶希文的强大。 „It looks like that Sir of thunder era is the same? No, that thinks the Sir also wants terrifying were more, where he is Thunder Dao law practice to such situation!” “就像是雷霆纪元的那一位大人一样?不,比那以为大人还要恐怖的多了,他到底是从哪儿将雷道法则修炼到这样的地步的!” Has Half-Step Ruler to call out in alarm. 半步主宰在惊呼。 Had many Half-Step Ruler to cross more than ten eras, they have seen several Ruler crossing tribulations, but never the lead crossed the tribulation time, just liked Ye Xiwen is so aggressive, whatever Heavenly Tribulation fell, not only did not have the means to injure him, even he also practiced his say|way character the strength of these thunder. 有不少的半步主宰渡过了十个纪元以上,他们见过好几个主宰的渡劫,但是从未有一个主角渡劫的时候,犹如叶希文这般生猛,任凭天劫落下,非但都没有办法伤害到他,甚至他还将这些雷霆之力练成自己的道字。 The space has thunder Heavenly Tribulation to fall unceasingly, these thunder Heavenly Tribulation each terrifying to letting these Half-Step Ruler complexions change, has traded their words, these thunder Heavenly Tribulation each enough their deducting severe wound, two sufficed to divide them. 天上不断有雷霆天劫落下来,这些雷霆天劫每一道都恐怖到让那些半步主宰脸色都变了,换了他们的话,这些雷霆天劫每一道都足够将他们劈成重伤,两道就够将他们劈死了。 Only if Ruler sends out personally, otherwise, simply has not contended possibly! 除非是主宰亲自出动,否则的话,根本就没有可能抗衡! But this itself promotes Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, how to have terrifying thunder Heavenly Tribulation so. 可是这本身就是晋升主宰天劫啊,怎么会有这般恐怖的雷霆天劫 Especially many people have remembered that Ruler of thunder era, he gets rid fully, the might is also and these Heavenly Tribulation might is probably almost the same. 尤其是很多人想起了雷霆纪元的那一位主宰,他全力出手的时候,威力大约也就是和这些天劫的威力相差无几吧。 However now these attack actually by Ye Xiwen optional receiving, it can be imagined Ye Xiwen present cultivation base, strong that Ruler of thunder era had been by far right. 但是现在这些攻击却被叶希文随意的给收了起来,可想而知叶希文现在的修为,远远强过了雷霆纪元的那一个主宰才对。 Heavenly Tribulation of space in unceasing falling, as if has not stopped is the same. 天上的天劫还在不断的落下,仿佛从来都没有停止的时候一样。 Heavenly Tribulation that however these drop unceasingly, finally collecting got up then unceasingly to integrate in his thunder character by Ye Xiwen, lets his thunder character more and more terrifying, this Thunder Zike is not only only Great Dao natural law obviously, is the implication has terrifying energy, once he exits this Thunder Zireng, Ruler possibly at the scene will be killed. 但是这些不断落下的天劫,最后都会被叶希文给搜集了起来然后不断的融入他的那个雷字之中,让他的那个雷字越来越恐怖,这个雷字可不仅仅只是大道规则的显化,其中更是蕴含有恐怖至极的能量啊,一旦他将这个雷字扔出去,一个主宰都可能会被当场炸死。 Many people have thought this terrifying possibility, looks again to the Ye Xiwen's time, only thinks incomparable terrifying, others cross the tribulation time, whole-heartedly, can shoulder, how possibly also to have other thoughts. 许多人都想到了这种恐怖的可能性,再看向叶希文的时候,只觉得无比恐怖,别人渡劫的时候,就得全力以赴,能够扛过去也就算了,怎么可能还有别的心思。 However he crosses the tribulation, while also has the thoughts to refine a card in a hand, was too fearful. 但是他一边渡劫,一边还有心思炼制一张底牌,真的太可怕了。 In other words, at present enough lets common Ruler heavy losses Heavenly Tribulation, his strength compelling? 也就是说,目前足够让一个寻常主宰重创的天劫,还未将他的实力给逼出来咯? Many people have thought this, only thought the whole body is sending coldly, was extremely scary! 不少人都想到了这一层,只觉得全身都在发寒,太过骇人了! Ye Xiwen as if has not thought others the fear is the same, he unceasingly is still refining his Thunder Word, such that if just other people imagine, he truly is refining the card in a hand. 叶希文似乎没有想到别人的的恐惧一样,他还在不断的炼制他那个雷字,正如其他人所想象的那样,他确实在炼制底牌。 For fight that the future probably meets, he is preparing the card in a hand! 为了未来可能遇到的战斗,他在准备底牌! His enemy was too formidable, even is beyond example formidable, he has to prepare ahead of time! 他的敌人太强大了,甚至是空前强大,他不得不提前准备好! But Heavenly Tribulation as if also enraging was the same by Ye Xiwen, in Chaos, the innumerable Ancient eras started to ascend terrifying aura, a terrifying time river appeared in the front of people. 天劫似乎也被叶希文给激怒了一样,在混沌之中,无数的古代纪元都开始升腾起了恐怖气息,一条恐怖的时间长河出现在了众人的面前。 This time river has passed through eternally, is not only some Ancient era, even a Ancient era merely is only this terrifying one in time river. 这一条时间长河贯穿了万古,不仅仅是某一个古代纪元,甚至一个古代纪元仅仅只是这一条恐怖的时间长河之中的一段而已。 The Ancient eras, join up, just occupied this time river. 一个又一个的古代纪元,联合起来,才刚刚占据了这一条时间长河。 This is the Chaos time river! 这是混沌时间长河! Many Half-Step Ruler saw this, immediately only thinks incomparable shock! 许多半步主宰看到了这一幕,顿时都只觉得无比的震撼! Is good fortune day Monarch crosses the tribulation the time, does not have the so fearful sign!” “就算是造化天君渡劫的时候,也没有这般可怕的迹象吧!” This Heavenly Tribulation simply certainly!” “这天劫简直绝了!” Like this he is impossible to cross!” “这样他根本不可能渡的过吧!” Through the ages, first Heavenly Tribulation Ah! “古往今来,第一天劫啊! But the people saw this Chaos time river started to vibrate unexpectedly, then, together fearful to Peak silhouette from walked, this person was not others, unexpectedly was puppet day Mr. 而紧接着众人就看到了这一条混沌时间长河居然开始抖动了起来,然后紧接着,一道可怕到了极致身影从其中走了出来,这个人不是别人,居然是傀儡天君。 Puppet day Monarch walked from Chaos time river, was fearful, his vision institute and place, has the destructive power that was hard to imagine. 傀儡天君从混沌时间长河之中走了出来,可怕极了,他的目光所及之处,有着难以想象的破坏力。 Puppet day Monarch looks at present, his complexion is ugly, he is what kind cultivation base, immediately has calculated, he died unexpectedly. 傀儡天君看着眼前的这一幕,他的脸色非常难看,他是何等修为,立刻就已经算到了,他居然已经死了。 At this time, actually by the Chaos Great Dao strength was pulled back from the time river. 这个时候,其实不过只是从时间长河之中被混沌大道的力量给重新拉了回来而已。 But person who he kills, is this man at present. 而将他杀死的人,就是眼前这个男子。 You dare to kill future me unexpectedly!” “你竟然敢将未来的我杀了!” Puppet day Monarch got angry Peak. 傀儡天君怒到了极致 Killed has killed, how can also, you come out now, but is killed one time by me again!” Ye Xiwen desolate looks at, has not cared puppet day Mr. “杀了就杀了,又能如何,你现在重新出来,不过是再被我杀死一次而已!”叶希文冷淡的看着,并未将傀儡天君放在心上。 Puppet day Monarch violent anger, but in heart similarly with amazement, who this is, crosses the tribulation time, unexpectedly can be so a terrifying weaponry, Heavenly Dao even has to recover from the time river oneself, since has suppressed the opposite party. 傀儡天君暴怒,但是心中同样骇然,这到底是什么人,怎么渡劫的时候,居然会是这般恐怖的阵仗,天道甚至不得不将自己从时间长河之中复苏了,以来镇压对方。 Today you are impossible to be good to go, even if you can run away today tribulation, when I return, can kill that time you, you will be also same will die!” “今日你决计不可能好去,就算你今天能够逃得一劫,等我回到过去,也可以杀死那个时候的你,你也一样会死!” Puppet day Monarch shouts out said. 傀儡天君大喝一声说道。 „Do you have the opportunity? Today you obviously melt also to die, when I became enlightened, will not have the past, will not have the future, only then immediately, you want to kill me, to be how possible!” Ye Xiwen sneers. “你们还有机会么?今天就算你们都显化出来也都要死,况且等我成道时,不会有过去,不会有未来,只有当下,你想杀我,怎么可能!”叶希文冷笑一声。 The voice just fell, his big hand grasps toward Void, holds a thunder that the space lowered directly, has thrown directly. 话音才刚刚落下,他大手朝着虚空之中一抓,直接抓住了天上降下的一道雷霆,直接扔了出去。 Puppet day Monarch moves aside radically without enough time, directly by bang. 傀儡天君根本来不及躲闪,直接被轰中了。 Or strength of too terrifying this group of thunder, the speed similarly will have drawn near Peak, at is not the average person can contend. 或者说,这一团雷霆之力太恐怖了,速度也同样快到了极致,根本不是一般人能够抗衡的了的。 Bang!” “嘭!” Puppet day Monarch called out pitifully all of a sudden, has flown upside down, his body loudly all of a sudden scrap, he was not the projection, but was practical recovers from the time river. 傀儡天君一下子惨叫一声,倒飞了出去,他的身躯轰然一下子炸碎了,他可不是什么投影,而是切切实实从时间长河之中复苏了。 However is unable to prevent. 但是还是无法阻挡得住。 But the Ye Xiwen's left hand seemed the Saint sword same cuts to fall, directly cutting to extinguish puppet day Monarch's Primordial Spirit, his Great Dao imprint erasing. 叶希文的左手好似圣剑一样斩落了下来,直接就将傀儡天君的元神给斩灭了,将他的大道烙印给抹除了。 Puppet day Monarch die! 傀儡天君陨落 Had been killed in a time situation by Ye Xiwen again, now is obviously melted by the time river came out afterwards, unexpectedly was cut to kill. 再被叶希文杀过一次的情况下,现在被时间长河显化了出来之后,居然又被斩杀了。 All these were too quick, all people had not responded that actually to have anything, all these it can be said that occur in the electric light flint! 这一切太快了,所有人都没有反应过来究竟发生了什么,这一切可以说是发生在电光火石之间! Time when they responded, puppet day Monarch already die. 等到他们反应过来的时候,傀儡天君已经陨落了。 All person dumbstruck looks at at present this. 所有人都目瞪口呆看着眼前这一幕。 How can such terrifying? That good and evil is Ruler, how by him so easily gave to cut to kill!” “怎么会这么恐怖?那好歹是一个主宰啊,怎么被他这般轻易的就给斩杀了!” My God, I have certainly been dazzled, this is impossible to be right!” “我的天,我一定是看花眼了,这根本不可能才对!” Now he strong?” “现在他到底有多强?” Perhaps was unable to weigh his strength with our strengths!” “恐怕已经无法用我们的实力去衡量他的实力了!” But cut to kill puppet day Monarch afterwards in Ye Xiwen, was almost immediately, terrifying aura recovered one after another, these had sparkled in the Chaos river of history the Ruler day Monarch of first. 而在叶希文斩杀了傀儡天君之后,几乎是马上的,一道又一道恐怖气息复苏了,那些都是曾经在混沌历史长河上曾经闪耀过一世的主宰天君。 Even some people have not died now, now all of a sudden recovered, formidable existences walked from the time river, has surrounded Ye Xiwen all round. 甚至有的人现在还没死,现在都一下子复苏了,一个又一个强大的存在从时间长河之中走了出来,将叶希文团团包围了起来。 Martial Lord, your heaven defying line, should end to this!” 武君,你逆天而行,到此该结束了!” Ruler saying with one voice. 诸位主宰异口同声的说道。 Recommends a book of friend: «Ultra Can Gold metallurgy», interested Schoolmate, can have a look!( Not 推荐一本朋友的书:《超能炼金》,有兴趣的同学,可以去看看哟!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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