MGS :: Volume #41

#3873: Heavenly Tribulation to

When Ye Xiwen appears once again, already in endless Chaos. 叶希文再度出现的时候,已经是在无尽混沌中了。 But his two hands, a hand is pulling a kid. 而他的两只手,一只手牵着一个小家伙。 cultivation base of two kids are unable to pass and out Chaos, therefore they are the first time arrive in Chaos in legend, appears specially excited, saw that anything felt is interested. 两个小家伙的修为还是无法进出混沌的,所以他们还是头一次来到传说中的混沌之中,显得特别的兴奋,看到什么都感觉非常有兴趣。 However favors a while afterwards, did not have what interest, after all in Chaos was also far has any view, was dusky one piece high and low about cannot divide including the east , south , west and north everywhere. 不过看好一会儿之后,就没有什么兴趣了,毕竟混沌之中也谈不上有什么景致,到处都是灰蒙蒙的一片连东南西北上下左右都分不出来。 Two kid a while started to have the situation of dozing off, after all were the children, were difficult to determine the nature. 两个小家伙一会儿就开始出现了打瞌睡的情况,毕竟都是小孩子,难有定性。 However quick, three people of front, presented piece of huge incomparable world continent, looked at the past from afar, that continuous world seemed like the extremely dazzling stars, finally made two kids come several points of interest. 不过很快,三人的面前,就出现了一片巨大无比的世界大陆,远远看过去,那连绵不绝的世界看过去像是极为耀眼的星辰一样,终于让两个小家伙来了几分兴趣。 Bold, who dares to excel at rushing to eternal sacred land?” Unexpectedly, sonic boom drank to live from this continuous world to pass on. “大胆,谁敢擅闯永恒圣地?”蓦地,一声爆喝生从这一片连绵不绝的世界之中传了出来。 Right, this continuous world, is not other place, is eternal sacred land. 没错,这一片连绵不绝的世界,不是别的地方,正是永恒圣地 Several formidable silhouette flew from eternal sacred land all of a sudden, was just about to get rid, but sees is Ye Xiwen, has almost not frightened immediately [soul destroyed / terror-stricken]. 几道强大的身影从永恒圣地之中一下子飞了出来,本来正要出手,但是一看到是叶希文,顿时差点没吓得魂飞魄散 How was this Killing God to come! 怎么是这个杀神来了! In these formidable silhouette afterwards, is many said that silhouette flew, although eternal sacred land is very big, but regarding these Heavenly Venerate, Half-Step Ruler, not specially is big, a little any matter, immediately knew. 在这几道强大的身影之后,又是许多道身影飞了上来,虽然永恒圣地很大,但是对于这些天尊,半步主宰来说,却不算特别大,有点什么事情,马上都知道了。 They also think is which does not know the profound person dares to intrude eternal sacred land, that was courting death, even if were Half-Step Ruler, same died. 本来他们还以为是哪个不知道天高地厚的人敢来闯入永恒圣地,那就是找死了,哪怕是半步主宰,一样是死。 Only if can stride to Ruler Realm, has the possibility, runs amuck in eternal sacred land. 除非能够跨入到主宰境界,才有可能,在永恒圣地之中横行。 Eternal sacred land in founder eternal enlightened emperor afterwards, some people are in charge one after another, but without a single exception, completely is Ruler Level Expert. 永恒圣地在创立者永恒圣君之后,又陆续有人入主,但是毫无例外,全部都是主宰级别高手 But at present this Killing God is not Ruler, but regarding many people, what he and Ruler also has to distinguish? 而眼前这个杀神虽然不是主宰,但是对于很多人来说,他和主宰又有什么分别呢? At least Ruler not necessarily has also killed other Ruler, but he killed by far incessantly is. 起码主宰还未必杀过其他的主宰呢,但是他可是杀了远远不止是一个啊。 He planned that is in charge of eternal sacred land to be inadequate?” Some people cannot help but call out in alarm make noise, said. “难道他打算入主永恒圣地不成?”有人不由得惊呼出声,说道。 Such matter they see were too many, because eternal sacred land historical really has many Ruler to be in charge of eternal sacred land. 这样的事情他们见的太多了,因为永恒圣地的历史上实在是有不少的主宰入主过永恒圣地 They will not have such idea, after all all people know that Ye Xiwen in the Martial Dao era is also Ruler, doesn't compare in eternal sacred land is comfortable? 本来他们不会有这样的想法,毕竟所有人都知道,叶希文武道纪元也是主宰,难道不比在永恒圣地舒服么? However was now different, everyone knows that the Martial Dao era presented second Ruler, a mountain does not accommodate two tigers, were also many in a formidable competition opponent situation, certainly must walk. 但是现在不同了,谁都知道,武道纪元出现了第二个主宰,正所谓一山不容二虎,在又多了一个强大的竞争对手的情况下,肯定有一个要走。 It looks like in them, definitely is Ye Xiwen lies in Qin Jun encountered, falls in leeward, now was caught up, has to seperately find a place, but on the other hand, between Heaven and Earth, besides the Martial Dao era, compared with their quite eternal sacred land better place? 在他们看起来,肯定是叶希文在于秦君交锋的时候,落于下风,现在被赶出来了,不得不另外找一个地方,而相对来说,天地间,除了武道纪元,还有比他们好永恒圣地更好的地方么? However during even if two tigers contends with the loser, that is not they can follow. 不过即便是两虎相争之中的失败者,那也不是他们能够望其项背的。 Does not know that Martial Lord arrives at my eternal sacred land, actually for what?” Some people asked loud. “不知道武君来到我永恒圣地,究竟是为了什么?”有人高声问道。 I am borrow something!” Ye Xiwen said. “我是来借阅一些东西的!”叶希文说道。 Many people heard Ye Xiwen saying that cannot help but slightly relaxed, so long as did not come to fight with them, that was much better, if really hit, the strength of set eternal sacred land not necessarily did not have the means to give to drive out Ye Xiwen, however such price was really too big, big to will possibly take their destruction for the price. 许多人听到叶希文这么说,不由得微微松了一口气,只要不是来和他们战斗的,那就好多了,真要是打起来,集合永恒圣地之力也未必没有办法将叶希文给赶出去,但是那样的代价实在是太大了,大到可能会以他们的覆灭为代价。 Does not know that what the Martial Lord plan does look at?” Some people asked. “不知道武君打算看什么?”有人问道。 I know, since all previous dynasties has had many Ruler to be in charge of eternal sacred land, therefore I want to consult turn these ancient books!” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk said. “我知道,历代以来有不少的主宰入主过永恒圣地,所以我想查阅一翻那些典籍!”叶希文开口说道。 Many person first responses are not good, after all that is the ancient book and personally written letter that their founders keep, is the most valuable wealth, can say that this is regardless of spends the good thing that many wealth cannot buy. 许多人第一反应就是不行,毕竟那是他们祖师留下来的典籍和手札,是最为宝贵的财富,可以说,这是无论花费多少财富都买不到的好东西。 However immediately responded, at present this person is not they want to refuse to reject. 但是随即就反应了过来,眼前这个人可不是他们想要拒绝就能够拒绝的了的。 If we don't agree?” Some people asked. “如果我们不同意呢?”有人问道。 „Till I project on you agreed that blocks me, death!” “那我就打到你们同意为止,阻我者,死!” Ye Xiwen desolate saying. 叶希文冷淡的说道。 Good, please come in!” “好吧,您请进来吧!” Had been realizing oneself simply does not have ability to prevent Ye Xiwen afterwards, even if the old stick-in-the-mud, at this time also can only agree. 在意识到了自己根本没有能力能够阻止叶希文之后,就算是老顽固,这个时候也只能同意了。 Ye Xiwen then entered in eternal sacred land, is leading two kids, looks like enjoys the beauties of nature to be the same, does not worry. 叶希文便进入了永恒圣地之中,带着两个小家伙,就像是游山玩水一样,也并不着急。 Walks toward Ruler Inheritance. 朝着一个又一个的主宰传承走去。 These Ruler when are in charge of eternal sacred land, will leave behind ruins, inside has many classics and personally written letters, but these are the most valuable wealth, generally was dominated in eternal sacred land the hands of major influences. 这些主宰在入主永恒圣地的时候,都会留下一个又一个遗迹,里面有着许许多多的经典和手札,而这些就是最为宝贵的财富,一般都被把持在永恒圣地的各大势力的手中。 Now must open to Ye Xiwen, but they were also used to it, which was in charge of eternal sacred land Ruler, did not have a look at these ancient books and personally written letters. 现在都得对叶希文开放,不过他们也都习惯了,哪一个入主永恒圣地主宰,不看看这些典籍和手札啊。 This is very normal matter. 这本来就是非常正常的事情。 Ye Xiwen is leading two kids, walks, looked that he also helped two kids open the mind, at the same time looked scenery at the same time can see the revolution of Great Dao, after all eternal sacred land itself did not exist, was the eternal enlightened emperor by the big supernatural power foundation, afterward was Ruler one after another gets rid, reinforcement, expansion. 叶希文带着两个小家伙,一路走,一路看,他还帮助两个小家伙开了心眼,一边看风景的同时就能够看到大道的运转,毕竟永恒圣地本身是不存在的,是永恒圣君以大法力开创的,后来又是一个个的主宰相继出手,加固,扩展。 Therefore everywhere is various law, compared with the Martial Dao era, must be more obvious, why this is also, reason that eternal sacred land Expert pours forth. 因此到处都是各种法则,比起武道纪元来说,要更加明显,这也是为什么,永恒圣地高手辈出的原因。 Because law complements, is also very difficult to complement by Ruler, therefore is very difficult Ruler Level Expert, but Half-Step Ruler actually never lacks. 只是因为法则补全,以主宰也很难补全,因此很难出主宰级别高手,只是半步主宰却是从来不缺的。 Two kids walk, looked that only thought cultivation base long fast, their originally cultivation base progress was quick, but now is more like flies to be the same. 两个小家伙一路走,一路看,只觉得修为长的飞快,他们原本修为进度就已经很快了,而现在更像是飞起一样。 However more advantage, are in the future. 不过更多的好处,还是在将来。 The lots that now they see cannot understand now, but will be carved in their state of mind by seal, future cultivation base slowly will promote afterwards, naturally can understand, at that time, even if cultivation base to behind, can progress very much as before such as flies. 现在他们看到的很多东西现在根本看不懂,但是会被印刻进他们的神魂之中,慢慢的将来修为提升之后,自然而然的就会能够理解,到那个时候,哪怕修为到了很后面,依旧能够进步如飞。 But this was Ye Xiwen gives the gifts of two kids. 而这正是叶希文送给两个小家伙的礼物了。 Finally Ye Xiwen stopped in the first Ruler ruins place, here stayed for three years, looks at personally written letter, while Enlightenment, feeling completely different Great Dao. 终于叶希文在第一个主宰遗迹处停了下来,在这里足足停留了三年的时间,一边看着手札,一边悟道,感受完全不同的大道 As a result of whether there is the help of character tablet, he comprehended to be too quick, other Ruler could spend for several hundred years to look to understand, but he within has completed the comprehension for several years. 由于有无字道碑的帮助,他领悟起来太快了,其他的主宰可能要花数百年才能看明白,但是他数年之内就完成了领悟。 Then he walks toward the next place. 然后他就朝着下一个地方走去。 Two kids are walking on such innertube while look, but is the short hundred years, read entire eternal sacred land all classics, personally written letter. 就这样子带着两个小家伙一边走一边看,不过是短短百年的时间,就已经看完了整个永恒圣地的所有经典,还有手札。 Ye Xiwen not only look, but also many classics core key points, will infiltrate in the states of mind of two kids, after letting them, can Enlightenment. 叶希文非但自己看,还将其中许多的经典核心的关键点,打入两个小家伙的神魂之中,让他们以后能够悟道 This lets dumbstruck that innumerable Heavenly Venerate look, has tears streaming down the face, these two kids have the good luck, the future future does not dare to limit the quantity simply. 这让无数天尊都看的目瞪口呆,泪流满面,这两个小家伙到底是有多好的运气啊,将来的前途简直不敢限量啊。 Must know that they have sat alone in boredom many years in these ruins, to comprehend classics is very difficult, Ruler Great Dao regarding them, was extremely abstruse. 要知道他们在这些遗迹之中枯坐了很多年了,但是要想领悟其中的一点经典都很困难,主宰大道对于他们来说,太过深奥了。 But now Ye Xiwen looks like makes two kids who these most numerous most and diverse Great Dao simplify understand, this treatment, even if the child of Ruler had not heard who has. 而现在叶希文就像是将那些最为繁杂的大道化繁为简的让两个小家伙明白,这种待遇,就算是主宰之子也没听说过谁有的。 Left eternal sacred land afterwards, Ye Xiwen went to eternal sacred land. 离开了永恒圣地之后,叶希文就前往了万古圣地 At this time eternal sacred land has also prepared, after all over a hundred years, enough made them obtain enough news from eternal sacred land. 此时万古圣地也已经做好了准备了,毕竟上百年的时间,足够让他们从永恒圣地那边得到足够的消息了。 Facing the powerful to Ye Xiwen of this situation, they have not dared to stop, if at this time wants to stop Ye Xiwen, nothing but is dead characters. 面对强势到了这个地步的叶希文,他们也不敢阻拦,此时要想阻拦叶希文,无非就是一个死字而已。 Including Ruler he said that massacred has massacred, let alone merely was only some Half-Step Ruler. 主宰他说杀掉就杀掉了,何况仅仅只是一些半步主宰而已。 In the Ye Xiwen's eye, what also has to distinguish with the weed of roadside? 叶希文的眼里,和路边的杂草又有什么分别呢? Entered eternal sacred land, Ye Xiwen also led two kids to play, quick that Enlightenment, the time passed, was over a hundred years, he eternal sacred land many Ruler personally written letters, looked at with the ancient book. 进了万古圣地,叶希文也还是带着两个小家伙一路游玩,一路悟道,时间过的很快,又是上百年的时间,他将万古圣地的诸多主宰的手札,和典籍也都看完了。 This time Ye Xiwen looks like a huge furnace is the same, many Ruler Great Dao, even is the Half-Step Ruler say|way is also watched by him, then smelts. 此时的叶希文就像是一个巨大的熔炉一样,诸多主宰大道,甚至就是半步主宰的道也都被他看在眼里,然后进行熔炼。 Must smelt own thing, upward is also rising regarding the comprehension of Great Dao, achieves has let the situation that the common person who rubbed was hard to imagine. 要熔炼出自己的东西,对于大道的领悟也在蹭蹭蹭的往上涨,达到了让寻常人难以想象的地步。 However the Ye Xiwen's footsteps have not stayed, he started to look for during these Ancient eras following Chaos. 但是叶希文的脚步还没有停留,他开始顺着混沌找上了那些古代纪元之中。 Good that very although these Ancient eras hide, common Half-Step Ruler was very difficult to find them, but regarding nowadays Ye Xiwen, does not certainly have the difficulty. 虽然那些古代纪元都隐藏的很好,寻常半步主宰都很难找到他们,不过对于现如今的叶希文来说,当然毫无难度。 They hide not to be possible to hide, even they are not sacred land, simply does not have the ability to revolt against Ye Xiwen, therefore they also can only compromise, contribute various Great Dao personally written letters and classics of oneself founder, making Ye Xiwen watch. 他们躲无可躲,甚至他们都不是圣地,根本没有能力能够反抗叶希文,所以他们也只能妥协了,贡献出了自己祖师的各种大道手札和经典,让叶希文观看。 Is good because of the meaning that Ye Xiwen has not slaughtered, but looks at these ancient book afterwards, led two kids to leave. 好在叶希文也并没有大开杀戒的意思,只是看这些典籍之后,就带着两个小家伙离开了。 Then, Ye Xiwen eras visited the past, Great Dao, integrated in his body one after another, his aura also even more indistinct, reserved, but actually also danger. 就这样,叶希文一个又一个的纪元参观了过去,一种又一种大道,被融入进了他的身体之中,他的气息也越发的缥缈了起来,更加的内敛,但是却也更加的危险。 If beforehand Ye Xiwen likely is making a great show of one's talents, then present Ye Xiwen, looks like the treasured sword hides in the scabbard, but might actually terrifying. 如果说之前的叶希文像是锋芒毕露的话,那么现在的叶希文,就像是宝剑藏在剑鞘之中,但是威力却更加恐怖了。 But in such process, was enough several hundred years, Ye Xiwen finally called once again Ye Mo and Ye Wudi, took away two kids. 而这样的过程之中,又是过了足足数百年,叶希文才终于将叶墨叶无敌再度叫来,将两个小家伙领走了。 Because of this time, he must cross tribulation! 因为这个时候,他要渡劫了! That terrifying Tribulation Cloud appeared in Chaos, has alarmed in Chaos existences of all Ancient. 恐怖劫云出现在了混沌之中,惊动了混沌之中所有古老的存在。 What Heavenly Tribulation is this?”( ~^~) “这是什么天劫?”(~^~)
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