MGS :: Volume #41

#3872: Prepares to cross the tribulation

Two kids was born for several hundred years, but to their growth periods , is the average person is several years old similar, basically is small. 两个小家伙已经出生了数百年了,不过相对于他们的成长期来说,也就是和一般人几岁差不多,基本上还小着呢。 Therefore although they were born will speak, but in fact is the child. 所以他们虽然出生就会说话,但是实际上就是小孩子。 Because Ye Xiwen, Ye Mo, Ye Wudi three people of relations, therefore two kids will arrive at Divine Court to play frequently , compared to should be the small crescent moon of peer, two kids are willing to play with the uncle, but is not and eldest sister plays together. 因为叶希文,叶墨,叶无敌三人的关系,所以两个小家伙经常会来到神庭这边玩耍,相比起应该算是同辈人的小月牙儿来说,两个小家伙还是更愿意和大伯玩,而不是和大姐一起玩。 After all small crescent moon nowadays, strided in Half-Step Ruler, by power and influence not under the fathers of two kids. 毕竟小月牙儿现如今,也已经跨入了半步主宰,论威势不下于两个小家伙的父亲。 Although is the peer, but simply does not have many common language. 虽然是同辈人,但是根本没有多少共同语言。 However Ye Xiwen was different, perhaps is because cannot accompany from the small crescent moon in childhood in her side, therefore Ye Xiwen has guilty, now compensates on the bodies of two kids. 但是叶希文却不同了,或许是因为从小月牙儿小时候就没有能够陪伴在她的身边,所以叶希文心存愧疚,现在都补偿在了两个小家伙的身上。 Also grants every request regarding two kids, basically wants anything to give anything, fosters two spoiled children to be the same two kids. 对于两个小家伙也是有求必应,基本上要什么就给什么,也把两个小家伙养成两个小霸王一样。 Entire Divine Court high and low, only then these two kids dare such to speak with Ye Xiwen. 整个神庭上下,也就只有这两个小家伙敢和叶希文这么说话。 Right, Uncle, is good not to have the meaning, you lead us to go out to play, otherwise the father they must send for seizing us, is quite miserable!” Ye Tong is also opening a bright and intelligent big eye, a pitiful appearance said. “对啊,大伯,好没意思的,你就带我们出去玩玩呗,不然爹爹他们又要派人来把我们捉回去了,好惨!”叶彤也睁着一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一副可怜兮兮的样子说道。 Two kids have the time to run away, runs up to Divine Court to play, then by Ye Mo and Ye Wudi catching, after a period of time them will then run, such unceasing will be duplicating. 两个小家伙有时间就偷跑出来,跑到神庭这边玩耍,然后就会被叶墨叶无敌给逮回去,然后过段时间他们就又跑出来,这样不断的重复着。 In escaped with be caught has become they lived part. 逃跑和被逮回去已经成了他们生活里的一部分了。 Because Ye Mo and Ye Wudi are careful two kids to delay Ye Xiwen's Enlightenment, others do not know that they can also not be clear? 因为叶墨叶无敌都当心两个小家伙会耽误叶希文的悟道,别人不知道,他们两人还能不清楚么? Ye Xiwen is comprehending now is overcoming nature Great Dao, this is relating the important matter of entire Martial Dao era survival, if two kids have disturbed Ye Xiwen Enlightenment, the criminal of that quite therefore Martial Dao era. 叶希文现在正在领悟着补天大道,这可是关系着整个武道纪元生存的大事,两个小家伙要是打扰了叶希文悟道,那就相当于是武道纪元的罪人。 Once knew two kids ran away, will make people catch them, sometimes even also personally got rid. 所以一旦知道了两个小家伙偷跑出来了,就会让人把他们逮回去,甚至有时候还亲自出手。 However Ye Xiwen might as well actually, two kids could not divide his heart, by his nowadays cultivation base, if also by two kids diverting attention, instead had been proving actually his cultivation base was not proficient. 不过叶希文倒是无妨,两个小家伙也分不了他的心,以他现如今的修为如果还会被两个小家伙给分心了,其实反而证明着他的修为还不到家。 He keeps one eye on, even is multipurpose simply does not have what difficulty wholeheartedly, relaxed can achieve. 他一心二用,甚至是一心万用都根本没有什么难度,轻轻松松的就可以做到。 Good, I lead you to exit to play, plays his 100 years, does not need to be worried that your fathers seize you, I can with them say that but has reached an agreement first, you play enough, must go back practice to me honestly, knows?” The Ye Xiwen looks at two kids said. “好,我带你们出去玩儿去,玩儿他100年在回来,不用担心你们的爹爹把你们捉回去,我会和他们说的,但是先说好了,你们玩儿够了,就要给我老老实实的回去修炼,知道么?”叶希文看着两个小家伙说道。 Yes!” “是!” Two kid mold type bowing in salute said that but that short small hand bows in salute, only appears specially adorable. 两个小家伙似模似样的作揖说道,只是那短短的小手作揖起来,只显得特别可爱。 Uncle, hurries!” “大伯,赶紧走吧!” Two kids just bowed in salute afterwards unable to bear, the child, has not determined the nature. 两个小家伙刚刚作揖完了之后就忍不住了,到底还是孩子而已,没有定性。 Therefore Ye Xiwen led these two kids to go out. 于是叶希文就带着这两个小家伙出门了。 Martial Lord Ye Xiwen goes out, that definitely is heaven-shaking moves the place the important matter, but regarding hid aura Ye Xiwen, did not have heaven-shaking that to move, by his cultivation base, only if he is willing to be discovered that otherwise, will not have anybody to discover his status. 武君叶希文出门,那肯定是惊天动地的大事,不过对于已经隐藏了气息叶希文来说,就没有那么惊天动地了,以他的修为来说,除非他自己愿意被人发现,否则的话,根本不会有任何人能够发现他的身份。 Then, he led two kids to start to enjoy the beauties of nature, has not used many supernatural powers, which basically was arrives plays. 就这样,他就带着两个小家伙开始游山玩水了起来,也没有用上多少法力,基本上是走到哪儿就玩到哪儿。 Does not need to be worried about any danger by Ye Xiwen's cultivation base, let alone two kids, although looks at is very lovable, however the bloodlines are actually unusual, even if these for several hundred years do not have practice well, but casual fight with the fists dead gods to achieve. 叶希文的修为也根本不用担心什么危险,何况两个小家伙虽然看着很可爱,但是本身的血脉却是不同寻常,哪怕这数百年来也没有好好修炼过,但是随便一拳打死一个神明还是能够做到的。 This makes Ye Xiwen looks at think very sigh with emotion, in the past his Cultivation time, for practice to become Shen, it can be said that passed through the hardships, if then he ran into these two kids, it is estimated that was also hits. 这让叶希文看着觉得非常感慨,当年他修行的时候,为了修炼成神,可以说是经过了千难万险,如果当时的他遇到这俩小家伙,估计也是打不过的吧。 However such feeling was also only flash vanished, because first generation was stronger than first generation, this was in itself natural. 不过这样子的感慨也只是一瞬间就消失了,因为一代更比一代强,这本身就是理所应当的。 The however two kids are the Xiantian superiority are also bigger, by having the future achievement, only feared that is very difficult and their fathers places on a par, let alone surmounted. 不过两个小家伙也就是先天优势更大一些,论起将来的成就,只怕很难和他们的父亲相提并论,更别说是超越了。 However descendant(s) has the descendant(s) affinity, he could not control that many. 不过后人自有后人的缘法,他也就管不了那么许多了。 this time enjoys the beauties of nature, has carried on for over a hundred years, by the Ye Xiwen's strength of legs, enough went all over entire good fortune, his supernatural power used in basically hurried along, when each place played, has not used the supernatural power actually, had no need with the supernatural power. 这一次游山玩水,足足进行了上百年,以叶希文的脚力来说,足够走遍整个造化界了,他的法力基本都用在了赶路上了,在各个地方游玩的时候,倒是一点都没有用过法力,也用不着用法力。 More walks is farther, Ye Xiwen only felt that own heart is also getting more and more far. 越走越远,叶希文只感觉自己的心也越来越远。 Unexpectedly, one day, 100 years arrived finally, two kids both very much do not hate to leave him. 蓦地,有一天,100年的时间终于到了,两个小家伙都很舍不得离开他。 Ye Mo and Ye Wudi personally came to these two kids carry off. 叶墨叶无敌都亲自前来要将这俩小家伙带走了。 However was actually rejected by Ye Xiwen. 不过却被叶希文拒绝了。 You leave first are taking away them anxiously, making me lead them, has their advantage!” “你们先别急着带走他们两个,让我带着他们,有他们的好处呢!” Ye Xiwen said. 叶希文说道。 What do you plan to make?” Saying of Ye Mo cannot help but a little doubts, he actually worried that Ye Xiwen leads them to bring any not good matter, is only very strange, Ye Xiwen actually wants to do. “你打算做什么?”叶墨不由得有点疑惑的说道,他倒不是担心叶希文带他们带什么不好的事情,只是很奇怪,叶希文到底是想干什么。 Does? I must prepare to cross tribulation!” Ye Xiwen light saying. “干什么?我要准备渡劫了!”叶希文淡淡的说道。 His voice just fell, Ye Mo and Ye Wudi one after another has swept the vision. 他的话音刚落,叶墨叶无敌纷纷将目光扫了过来。 Crosses the tribulation? 渡劫? Ye Xiwen Cultivation to this situation, if can also let the disaster that he treats a matter seriously saying that that also had one, that was Ruler Heavenly Tribulation. 叶希文修行到了这个地步,如果说还能让他郑重其事说出来的劫难,那也就只有一个了,那就是主宰天劫了。 Strides in Half-Step Ruler from Ye Xiwen, had tens of millions years, from each perspective, he must cross the tribulation is very normal. 叶希文跨入半步主宰,也已经有数千万年了,从各个方面来说,他要渡劫也很正常。 Although has said now that first under heaven Half-Step Ruler of Martial Dao era, is Heavenly Venerate, but in fact, all people know that person should be Ye Xiwen is right, was only his strength was too strong, few people him arranging in Half-Step Ruler. 虽然现在一直都说,武道纪元的天下第一半步主宰,是中天尊,但是实际上,所有人都知道,那个人应该是叶希文才对,只是他的实力太强了,很少有人将他给排进半步主宰之中。 In that case, is unfair regarding other Half-Step Ruler. 那样的话,对于其他的半步主宰根本不公平。 Has the Half-Step Ruler ranks that Ye Xiwen has joined, basically can such divide, other Ye Xiwen and Half-Step Ruler. 有了叶希文加入的半步主宰的行列,基本上就可以这么划分了,叶希文和其他的半步主宰 Can divide such two social strata. 就可以划分成这样两个阶层。 They naturally also understand that has changed them, is unable to compare, with is Half-Step Ruler, they and Ye Xiwen's disparity same is the difference between Heaven and Earth. 两人自然也明白,换了他们,就更加无法比较了,同为半步主宰,他们和叶希文的差距一样是天差地别 By Ye Xiwen's cultivation base, crossing tribulation must become Ruler, is only question of time, all people were guessing that he definitely will cross the tribulation becomes Ruler, but looks at the time question that's all. 叶希文的修为来说,渡劫要成为主宰,只是时间的问题而已,所有人都在猜测,他肯定会渡劫成为主宰的,只是看时间的问题罢了 But now, Ye Xiwen must enter into that finally. 而现在,叶希文终于要迈入那一层了。 „Do you have confidence?” Ye Mo said. „If there is not grasped, should better not to attempt easily, once otherwise any accident, might as well!” “你有把握?”叶墨道。“如果没有把握的话,最好不要轻易尝试,否则一旦出什么意外,还不如就算了!” Ye Xiwen nodded saying: I have had confidence, if before , I did not have any assurance, then I had had confidence now.” 叶希文点了点头说道:“我有把握了,如果说,之前我还没有什么把握的话,那么现在我已经有了把握了。” I know that your worries, I also know that I carry the great expectations of Martial Dao era countless person, cannot die easily, but also because of this, therefore I easily have not attempted to cross the tribulation, but to this situation, I also only then the choice crossed tribulation, the situation of now overcoming nature you know that recently that time overcame nature, I caused heavy losses one after another, that the harvest of overcoming nature has spat completely.” Ye Xiwen said that these, because except that has overcome nature several afterwards, Heavenly Dao must complement more and more difficultly, what is more important, in my hand could not follow, overcomes nature the strength that needs to be also getting higher and higher, therefore I must become enlightened, only then I have become Ruler, following makes up genius to work!” “我知道你们的担心,我也知道,我身负武道纪元无数人的厚望,不能轻易死去,不过也正因为如此,所以我才没有轻易尝试渡劫,但是到了这个地步,我也只有选择渡劫了,现在补天的情况你们都知道,最近那一次补天,我接连被重创,那一次补天的收获全部都吐了出去。”叶希文道,“这其中,除了因为补天了几次之后,天道要补全越来越难,更重要的是,我的手里也跟不上了,补天所需要的实力也会越来越高,所以我必须要成道,只有我成了主宰,后面的补天才能够进行下去!” „Can your this be too reluctant, overcame nature was too big to your backlash, Great Dao natural law backlash, even if were Ruler does not dare to attempt easily, otherwise leave alone, the Martial Dao era Level destruction, we also as before were capable of protecting our family members to innumerable era afterwards!” “你这样子会不会太勉强了,补天对你的反噬太大了,大道规则反噬,就算是主宰也不敢轻易尝试吧,不然就别管了,武道纪元级别覆灭了,我们也依旧有能力护着我们自己的亲人一直到无数个纪元之后!” Ye Wudi direct open mouth to talk said. 叶无敌直接开口说道。 Compares the era the life or death, what he cares is the Ye Xiwen's life and death, particularly overcomes nature such dangerous matter, if really to that time, he rather do not overcome nature. 相比起纪元的存亡,他更加关心的是叶希文的生死,尤其是补天这么危险的事情,如果真到了那个时候,他宁愿不要补天。 Even if Martial Dao era destruction, they can also survive several eras, but also some are the time. 就算武道纪元覆灭了,他们也可以存活过十几个纪元,还有的是时间。 Relax, I am all right, these year of overcoming nature time, I am not a harvest do not have, is not the light, only then pays, in overcoming nature, I also in spying on the constitution of Great Dao, if before originally first time overcomes nature, I cross the success ratio of tribulation, only then 20% words, then currently I at least have 80%-90% assurances, did not have no question!” Ye Xiwen said. “放心吧,我没事的,这些年补天的时候,我也不是一点收获都没有,并不是光只有付出而已,在补天的时候,我也在窥探着大道的构成,如果说,原本第一次补天之前,我渡劫的成功率只有两成的话,那么现在我起码有八九成的把握,没有什么问题了!”叶希文道。 You are more careful are good!” Ye Mo is also saying of worry. “那你还是要小心一些才好!”叶墨也是担心的说道。 Relax, I will not handle the matter that has not grasped, you felt relieved that makes me carry off two kids, when they come back, certainly will make you surprised!” Ye Xiwen said with a smile that a hand is pulling a kid, grazes to go toward the distant place. “放心吧,我不会做没有把握的事情的,你们俩就放心将两个小家伙让我带走吧,等他们回来的时候,一定会让你们惊讶的!”叶希文笑着说道,一只手牵着一个小家伙,朝着远处飞掠而去。 The under foot trod escaping, instantaneously is only vanishing. 脚下踏着遁光,瞬间就消失了。 „Do you go?” Ye Wudi open mouth to talk asked. “你们去哪儿?”叶无敌开口问道。 I make up the part that has not grasped finally!” “我去补足那最后没有把握的部分!” In the sky has broadcast the Ye Xiwen's sound. 天空之中传来了叶希文的声音。 Ye Wudi and Ye Mo looked at one mutually, finally has not said anything. 叶无敌叶墨相互看了一眼,最终还是没有多说什么。 These two kids can with Big Brother, is their good fortunes, even if were the small crescent moon did not have the opportunity to follow in childhood side Big Brother along with his path of cultivation!” “这两个小家伙能够跟着大哥,也算是他们的福气吧,就算是小月牙儿小时候也没有机会跟在大哥身边随他修道呢!” Ye Wudi said that in the spoken language five senses Chen Za, has thought they initially just met time, is many years ago. 叶无敌道,言语之中五味陈杂,想到了他们当初刚刚相遇的时候,已经是很多年以前了。 Because initially he left is too early, causing the small crescent moon not to enjoy the father love, therefore he will want to double makes up on the bodies of these two kids!” Ye Mo sighed to say. Ok, did not say these, happen to today rarely has the time, went to my side to sit!” “正是因为当初他离开的太早,导致小月牙儿没有享受到父爱,所以他才会想要加倍弥补在这两个小家伙的身上吧!”叶墨叹了一口气说道。“算了,不说这些了,正好今天难得有时间,去我那边坐坐!” Good!”( Not “好!”(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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