MGS :: Volume #41

#3871: Later generation juniors

Was patching Heavenly Dao afterwards, the this time Chu Yun every first matter has completely prohibited the birth of new Half-Step Ruler. 在修补了天道之后,这一次楚云凡第一件事情就是禁绝了新的半步主宰的诞生。 Because of the birth of each Half-Step Ruler, can say that seizes the Heaven and Earth good fortune, does not know that must swallow Martial Dao era many destiny to be possible the birth. 因为每一个半步主宰的诞生,都可以说夺天地造化,也不知道要吞噬掉武道纪元多少气运才有可能诞生的。 Although likely is not Ruler is born the time like that seizes completely the Heaven and Earth good fortune, but also very terrifying. 虽然不像是主宰诞生的时候那般夺尽天地造化,但是也非常恐怖了。 Two is also not anything, however works as the quantity more than one, without a doubt regarding the Martial Dao era, was a burden of huge. 一个两个的还不算什么,但是当数量一多,毫无疑问对于武道纪元来说,就是一个巨大的负担了。 But now the Martial Dao era accelerates to fire into the destruction unceasingly, to a great extent , because sudden increases of these Half-Step Ruler quantities. 而现在武道纪元不断加速冲向毁灭,很大程度上,就是因为这些半步主宰数量的突然增多。 But the remaining another parts, in Expert that during the golden big world constantly emerged, they were not Half-Step Ruler, could not swallow that many destiny, even everyone can only swallow that little destiny, however worked as the quantity many to certain extent afterwards, as before was quite considerable. 而剩下的另外一个部分,就是在黄金大世之中不断涌现出的高手了,他们不是半步主宰,吞噬不了那么多的气运,甚至每人只能够吞噬那么一点点的气运,但是当数量多到了一定程度之后,依旧是相当可观的。 Very scary! 十分骇人的! It can be said that Practitioner everyone in the Cultivation process, will suffer endless Heavenly Tribulation, but these Heavenly Tribulation are actually the Heavenly Dao self-protection mechanism. 可以说修行者每一个人在修行的过程中,都会遭受无尽天劫,而这些天劫其实就是天道的自我保护机制。 Eliminates these to attempt the longevity life unceasingly, thus lengthens the era the life. 不断消灭那些试图长生的生灵,从而延长纪元的寿命。 The life that however with the lapse of time, these exist forever through ancient times will be getting more and more, the destruction that finally the entire era can be unable to withstand the load, entered during the new era on the nature change. 不过随着时间的推移,这些亘古长存的生灵就会越来越多,最后整个纪元都会不堪重负的毁灭,就自然更替进入了新的纪元之中。 But now, many Half-Step Ruler regarding the Martial Dao era, is a burden of huge, although can also make the Martial Dao era beyond example formidable, the truth that but Sheng Ji fades was so. 而现在,过多的半步主宰对于武道纪元来说,就是一个巨大的负担,虽然也能够让武道纪元空前强大,但是盛极而衰的道理便是如此了。 Therefore Ye Xiwen fudged on Great Dao directly, has completely prohibited the birth of Half-Step Ruler, these have not strided in Half-Step Ruler Realm peak Heavenly Venerate, is such as hears the sad news simply likely, they almost feel immediately, Great Dao of originally neutrality starts instantaneously changes is unfriendly regarding them, they went forward one step too to be difficult every time. 所以叶希文直接在大道上动了手脚,禁绝了半步主宰的诞生,那些还未跨入半步主宰境界巅峰天尊们,简直像是如闻噩耗,他们几乎是立刻就感觉到了,原本中立的大道瞬间开始变的对于他们不友好了起来,他们每前进一步就太困难了。 However at this time, can blame Ye Xiwen? 但是这个时候,难道能够怪的了叶希文么? After all Ye Xiwen also for the long-lived of Martial Dao era, whatever if Half-Step Ruler is born like this, then must drag the people dead together. 毕竟叶希文也是为了武道纪元的长久生存,如果任凭半步主宰这样子诞生下去,那么就是要拖着众人一起死。 Let alone even if they want to retaliate, facing that colossus same Divine Court, they simply does not have any means. 何况他们即便想要报复,面对那庞然大物一样的神庭,他们也根本没有任何的办法。 Let alone consecutively for several times overcomes nature, prestige of Ye Xiwen in Martial Dao era common life heart, to has been hard the situation of high imagining, at is not they can shake. 何况连续几次补天,叶希文武道纪元寻常生灵心中的声望,已经高到了难以想象的地步,根本不是他们能够撼动的了的。 But Ye Xiwen did not prepare to say anything to them, before thinking of the trouble of means solution Martial Dao era, he did not prepare compromise. 叶希文也不准备对他们多说什么,在想到办法解决武道纪元的麻烦之前,他不准备妥协 He has gotten down a Dao Law aim directly, any peak Heavenly Venerate cannot cross the tribulation, otherwise, dies! 他直接下了一道法旨,任何巅峰天尊都不许渡劫,否则的话,就是死! From the beginning also has peak Heavenly Venerate to try our luck, thought that does not have what relations, even if realized similarly Heavenly Dao started to contract, limits their breakthrough. 一开始还有巅峰天尊心存侥幸,觉得没有什么关系,就算同样察觉到了天道已经开始收缩,限制他们这些人的突破 However they are not as before willingly, particularly now world three points, but Divine Court also merely occupied one-third, there is peak Heavenly Venerate not to subordinate in Divine Court. 但是他们依旧不甘心,尤其是如今天下三分,但是神庭也仅仅只是占据了1而已,还是有巅峰天尊并不是隶属于神庭 However these Heavenly Venerate just started to cross tribulation, without a single exception, received the Divine Court high and low impediment, particularly regarding Divine Court high and low, without doubt treats as the ancestor god to prostrate oneself Ye Xiwen equally. 但是这些天尊刚刚开始渡劫,毫无例外,就受到了神庭上下的阻隔,尤其是对于神庭上下来说,无疑是将叶希文当做祖神一样来膜拜。 Ye Xiwen is their heart in the eye backbone, now Ye Xiwen to overcome nature has repeatedly encountered the heavy losses. 叶希文就是他们心目中的顶梁柱,现在叶希文为了补天多次遭到了重创。 In this case, these people also dare to add to the chaos to Ye Xiwen, particularly many people know why Ye Xiwen must completely prohibit Half-Step Ruler, not only for him, for the entire Martial Dao era. 在这种情况下,那些人还敢给叶希文添乱,尤其是很多人都知道叶希文为什么要禁绝半步主宰,不仅仅是为了他,也是为了整个武道纪元。 Especially entire Martial Dao era, even if were the Martial Dao era has destroyed, Ye Xiwen can also survive independently, does not have question, but they were dying, therefore on this question, not being able to allow anybody to have any discussing. 尤其是整个武道纪元,就算是武道纪元毁灭了,叶希文也可以独立生存,毫无问题,但是他们就要死了,因此在这个问题上,容不得任何人有任何的商量。 peak Heavenly Venerate started to cross tribulation up-wind, but has not waited for Heavenly Tribulation to fall, actually saw some people to get rid, this person was not others, was in Divine Court, besides Ye Xiwen, the second achievement Half-Step Ruler Devil King Ye Mo, has grasped that peak Heavenly Venerate, may, pull out his state of mind utterly unjustified, forever and ever will suffer with the demon fire, dies like a dog. 一个巅峰天尊顶风开始渡劫了,但是还不等天劫落下,却见有人出手了,这个人不是别人,正是神庭之中,除了叶希文之外的,第二个成就了半步主宰魔君叶墨,一把将那个巅峰天尊抓死,毫无道理可将,将他的神魂抽了出来,永生永世用魔火折磨,不得好死。 First crosses tribulation the pitiful condition of peak Heavenly Venerate unable to prevent these people, several people crossed tribulation one after another, but has encountered the ambush of Half-Step Ruler without a single exception, completely was these these years crossed tribulation Half-Step Ruler. 第一个渡劫的巅峰天尊的惨状并没有能够阻止那些人,陆陆续续又有几个人渡劫了,但是毫无例外的遭到了半步主宰的狙击,全部都是那些这些年渡劫了的半步主宰 Nowadays, their benefits and Ye Xiwen tied up completely in one, they are not willing to make the Martial Dao era like this destroy. 现如今,他们的利益和叶希文是完全捆绑在了一起的,他们也不愿意让武道纪元就这样子毁灭。 They point at Ye Xiwen to overcome nature completely, but at the matter of overcoming nature, they cannot help, does not have any means. 他们全部都指着叶希文补天,而在补天的这个事情上,他们也根本帮不上忙,也没有任何办法。 At this time, who wanted to cross tribulation once again, reduced the Martial Dao era the life, was they cannot pass, let alone they also looked forward to nobody to be able in this Domain to slice with them. 这个时候,谁想要再度渡劫,缩短武道纪元的寿命,就是和他们过不去,何况他们也巴不得没有人能够在这个领域之中和他们分一杯羹。 Half-Step Ruler are more, their lawful rights and dignity, will be divided part. 半步主宰越多,他们的权柄和威严,也就会被分出去一部分。 Nowadays in the Martial Dao era, kept aloof except for Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun, nobody can beside, has only ruled the country on remaining their these Half-Step Ruler, naturally is not willing to continue to come out to compete opponent. 现如今在武道纪元,除了叶希文和秦君高高在上,无人能及之外,也就只剩下了他们这些半步主宰治世了,自然不愿意又继续多出来竞争对手 Even if their these compete the opponent successful probability to be very low. 哪怕他们的这些竞争对手成功的概率很低。 These Half-Step Ruler collaborated to issue the law aim, respectfully followed the life of Martial Lord, if who dared to cross the tribulation these days, let alone the heaven did not accommodate him, was their these Half-Step Ruler cannot accommodate them. 这些半步主宰联手发布了法旨,谨遵武君之命,谁要是敢在这段时间渡劫,那别说老天不容他,便是他们这些半步主宰也容不得他们这些人了。 But these Half-Step Ruler proliferate the entire Martial Dao era, these Half-Step Ruler collaborate, enough makes these want to attempt to cross peak Heavenly Venerate of tribulation to understand that anything was the taboo. 而这些半步主宰遍布整个武道纪元,这些半步主宰联手,足够让那些想要尝试渡劫的巅峰天尊明白到底什么才是禁忌了。 The Martial Dao era, one has been hundreds of thousands of years, this time, the Martial Dao era obviously in the peak condition, not having new person achievement Half-Step Ruler, the Martial Dao era deterioration process to slow down obviously. 武道纪元,一过就是数十万年的时间,这一次,武道纪元明显还在巅峰状态,没有了新人成就半步主宰,武道纪元的衰败过程明显减缓。 This also makes many people relax slightly, in secretly in acclaimed the Ye Xiwen's procedure to be very right, if to some peak Ruler sprint Half-Step Ruler, then regarding the entire Martial Dao era, was a huge disaster. 这也让很多人微微松了一口气,也在暗自之中赞叹着叶希文的做法很对,要是任凭一些巅峰主宰冲刺半步主宰,那么对于整个武道纪元来说,都是一场天大的灾难。 The Divine Court deep place, sits well Ye Xiwen above peak opens the eye that hundreds of thousands of years have not opened suddenly all of a sudden. 神庭深处,端坐在一座高峰之上的叶希文猛然一下子睁开了数十万年都不曾睁开的眼睛。 Black gold/metal two stream of light cut the Divine Court sky, arrived in front of Ye Xiwen's directly. 一黑一金两道流光划破神庭的天空,直接来到了叶希文的面前。 Arrived in front of Ye Xiwen's, this black gold/metal two stream of light changed to two silhouette, that black silhouette changed to one roughly the 7 or 8-year-old appearance, looks at extremely adorable black clothed girl, but in side of this girl, is a whole body superficial knowledge flood an intermittent golden rays of light small wolf, it looks like extremely formidable, is inborn Divine Beast. 来到了叶希文的面前,这一黑一金两道流光就化作了两道身影,其中那个黑色的身影就化作了一个约莫着七八岁模样,看着极为可爱的黑衣女童,而在这女童的旁边,则是一条全身皮毛都泛着一阵阵金色光芒的小狼,它看起来极为威武,是天生的神兽 Before long directly turned into one has looked like, only then the young boy of 5 or 6-year-old appearance, all over the body flood the golden color, was seeming the golden casting becomes was the same. 不一会儿就直接化成了一个看起来只有五六岁模样的小男孩,通体泛着金色,好似黄金浇铸而成的一样。 Uncle!” “大伯!” The young boy and little girl they resemble mold type salutes to say toward Ye Xiwen. 小男孩和小女孩两人似模似样的朝着叶希文行礼说道。 Was good, gets up!” “行了,都起来吧!” Ye Xiwen laughs, waves to say. 叶希文哈哈一笑,一挥手说道。 Many thanks uncle!” “多谢大伯!” Two kids, have achieved then by Ye Xiwen's, affectionate. 然后两个小家伙,一屁股就做到了叶希文的旁边,亲昵的很。 How did your kids run?” Ye Xiwen open mouth to talk asked. “你们两个小家伙怎么又跑出来了?”叶希文开口问道。 These two kids are not the bystanders, that little girl, is the Ye Mo daughter, in the achievement Half-Step Ruler afterwards, Ye Mo has become the ancestor of Martial Dao era Devil Dao, accepted Martial Dao era Devil Race feminine Heavenly Venerate for the wife, remaining such kid. 这两个小家伙也不是外人,那个小女孩,是叶墨的女儿,在成就了半步主宰之后,叶墨成了武道纪元魔道之祖,纳了武道纪元一个魔族的女性天尊为妻,剩下了这么个小家伙。 Named Ye Tong! 名为叶彤! But another kid, is the monster Monarch Ye Wudi child, Ye Wudi in the achievement Half-Step Ruler afterwards, opened the Heaven base industry in good fortune again, it may be said that is became the ancestors of good fortune ten thousand monster, broad harem, harem beautiful woman 3000. 而另外一个小家伙,则是妖君叶无敌的孩子,叶无敌在成就了半步主宰之后,重新在造化界开辟了天庭的基业,可谓是成为了造化界万妖之祖,广纳后宫,后宫佳丽3000。 But this young boy is a Ye Wudi harem beautiful woman lives, named Ye Ni. 而这个小男孩就是叶无敌其中一个后宫佳丽生下来的,名为叶逆。 The Ye Xiwen looks at two kids, have thought in the past them, in addition also young time, that period of time, although is difficult, but wants to come now, has a pleasure. 叶希文看着两个小家伙,就想到了当年他们尚且还年少的时候,那段时光,虽然艰难,但是现在想来,却也别有一番乐趣。 Now their in brothers also is small Kunpeng of monster is alone in the world as before, regarding cut off the Inheritance race to continue quickly Kunpeng this, he simply does not have any interest. 现在他们兄弟之中也只有身为妖师的小鲲鹏依旧是孑然一身,对于将鲲鹏这个已经快断绝传承的种族延续下去,他根本没有任何兴趣。 By his present Half-Step Ruler cultivation base, waves casually, can condense one pile of Kunpeng of the bloodlines, enough multiplication lived, does not need him. 以他现在半步主宰修为,随便一挥手,就可以从血脉之中凝聚出一堆的鲲鹏,足够繁衍生息了,根本不需要他自己。 But in his bone was a good Wucheng crazy person, not achievement Half-Step Ruler time, frequently entered in Chaos, in Expert with these Chaos fought, even also frequently cut to kill these Chaos organism. 而他骨子里还是一个好武成痴的人,还未成就半步主宰的时候,就经常杀入混沌之中,与那些混沌之中的高手交手,甚至还经常斩杀那些混沌生物 But to the present, in entire Chaos has been possible to endure to make his opponent, is few, he appeared the egg has hurt, even had planned recently must look for these Ancient eras the trouble of Half-Step Ruler. 而到了现在,整个混沌之中可堪做他的对手的,已经是寥寥无几了,他又显得蛋疼了,甚至最近已经筹谋着是不是要去找那些古代纪元的半步主宰的麻烦。 These two kids since they were born afterwards, the parents frequently close up, particularly Ye Mo and Ye Wudi they were the profound merit just Big Success, simply did not have how much time to pull out. 这两个小家伙从他们出生之后,父母就经常闭关,尤其是叶墨叶无敌两人更是玄功刚刚大成,根本没有多少时间抽出来。 Therefore these two kids everywhere run, because the family background is prominent, the bloodlines are astonishing, these two kids were just born will speak, several hundred years passed by were also long to a common person young appearance, if obviously want completely long Big Success person, not to know how long wanted. 于是这两个小家伙就到处跑,因为出身显赫,血脉惊人,这两个小家伙刚刚出生就会说话,数百年过去了也不过才长到寻常人几岁的样子,显然要想完全长大成人,还不知道要多久呢。 However is good because of having to be bewitched to teach with Heaven Expert to stare, will not have any matter . Moreover the entire world who does not know that the back of these two kids, is Devil King and monster Monarch that two terrifying Half-Step Ruler. 不过好在有着魔教和天庭高手盯着,也不会出什么事情,况且整个天下谁不知道这两个小家伙的背后,就是魔君和妖君那两个恐怖至极的半步主宰 Let alone does not look at the face of these two, must look at Ye Xiwen this faintly is the face of first under heaven person. 何况不看这两人的面子,也要看叶希文这个隐隐就是天下第一人的面子。 Since therefore, two kids both have been very safe, nobody dares to feel embarrassed them. 所以一直以来,两个小家伙都很安全,也没有人敢为难他们。 Quite bored, the father only will make me close up, closes up, did not have the meaning!” Ye Nixian said that honk the fresh-faced tender small mouth was saying. Uncle, you lead us to go out to play to be good, the father only makes me communicate such several places, Divine Court I played greasily, otherwise we went out to play, was good!”( Not “好无聊,爹爹就只会让我闭关,闭关,可没意思了!”叶逆先说道,嘟着粉嫩嫩的小嘴说道。“大伯,你带我们出去玩好不好,爹爹只让我来往那么几个地方,神庭我都玩腻了,我们不然就出去玩,好不好!”(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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