MGS :: Volume #41

#3870: Completely prohibits Half-Step Ruler

The Martial Dao era made up the as if made by Heaven merit, this news just liked a bomb explodes in the pool of water, has disseminated in entire Chaos overnight. 武道纪元补天成功了,这个消息犹如一颗炸弹炸在了池水之中,在整个混沌之中一夜之间传播了开来。 Before starting to overcome nature, many person simply did not think that has the successful possibility, previous Ye Xiwen overcame nature failed, although afterward several Ruler disturbed, before several Ruler disturbed, Ye Xiwen overcame nature failed. 在开始补天之前,许多人根本就不觉得有成功的可能性,上一次叶希文补天就失败了,虽然后来有好几个主宰干扰,但是在几个主宰干扰之前,叶希文补天就已经失败了。 Because of the Ye Xiwen failure in first, but also by Heavenly Dao natural law backlash, will therefore have afterward several Ruler to interfere. 就是因为叶希文失败在先,还被天道规则反噬,所以才会有后来的几个主宰进行干涉。 Therefore from the beginning they did not think Ye Xiwen can be successful, had not heard through the ages who succeeded. 所以一开始他们就不觉得叶希文能够成功,古往今来也没听说谁成功了。 The destruction Ancient era, making present age era swallow the Ancient era, thus increases present age the life of era, this method is most universal, but impossible lasting, long-term. 覆灭古代纪元,让当世纪元吞噬古代纪元,从而来增加当世纪元的寿命,这种方法是最普遍的,但是也不可能持久,长远。 Although these Ancient eras are many, but are many, the quantity is also limited, moreover these Ancient eras are impossible to be without a fight, inevitably is a bloody battle, therefore this road, is impossible long-time. 那些古代纪元虽然不少,但是再多,数量也有限,而且那些古代纪元也不可能真的束手就擒,必然又是一场血战,所以这一条路,是不可能长久的。 The destruction are many in the Ancient era of hand of Martial Dao era, but has reason, therefore these Ancient eras can tolerate temporarily. 覆灭于武道纪元之手的古代纪元很多,但是都是事出有因,所以那些古代纪元才能暂时容忍。 If the Martial Dao era does not have sending out troops of reason, then definitely will cause other Ancient eras the collective to besiege. 若是武道纪元没有理由的兴兵,那么必然会引起其他古代纪元的集体围攻。 Even if now the Martial Dao era is tyrannical, facing these Ancient eras of crossing the rubicon, does not have any odds of suc­cess as before. 哪怕现在武道纪元再强横,面对破釜沉舟的那些古代纪元,依旧没有任何胜算 He has achieved unexpectedly, through the ages first person of Ah! “他居然真的做到了,古往今来第一人啊! My originally thinks his battle efficiency tyrannical that's all, but actually does not think, he regarding the comprehension of Great Dao profound to this situation!” “我原本以为他只是战斗力强横罢了,但却不想,他对于大道的领悟深刻到这个地步!” Expert of these Ancient eras are not silly, naturally understands that overcomes nature to must regarding the understanding of Great Dao needs to go to what situation to have the possibility. 那些古代纪元的高手也都不傻,自然明白,补天所需要的对于大道的理解得要达到什么样的地步才有可能。 How key is he achieves, what fortuitous encounter he has resulted, must know, even if Ancient era Ruler cannot achieve, how he achieves!” “关键是他是怎么做到的,他到底得了什么样的奇遇,要知道,就算是古代的纪元主宰都做不到,他到底是怎么做到的!” Many Half-Step Ruler are unreadable, but at this time the Martial Dao era successful continuing life, this regarding their these Ancient eras, is far from a good deed. 许多半步主宰难以理解,但是此时武道纪元成功的续命,这对于他们这些古代纪元来说,绝非好事。 The life of Martial Dao era is long, regarding them, is the suffering, particularly many lives have achieved key Old Monster, urgently needed grasps enough capital grain in Martial Dao era Gluttonous Grand Feast of destruction, quite makes them survive. 武道纪元的寿命越是长,对于他们来说,也就越是煎熬,尤其是很多寿命已经达到了重点的老怪物,都急需在武道纪元的覆灭的饕餮盛宴之中掠取到足够的资粮,好让他们存活下去。 But now, they did not have to hope. 而现在,他们都没有了希望了。 this time continues the life, the life of Martial Dao era will continue obviously also to lengthen, his powerful time will also continue, but this regarding them, is most fearful. 这一次续命,武道纪元的寿命明显还会继续延长,他的强盛期还将继续,而这对于他们来说,是最为可怕的。 No matter they are willing to be also good, is not willing to be also good, must accept such fact, because of Ye Xiwen also, so long as he also has the ability of overcoming nature, then regarding them is the non-solution riddle topics. 但是不管他们愿意也好,还是不愿意也好,都得接受这样的事实,因为叶希文还在,只要他还有补天的能力,那么对于他们来说都是无解的谜题。 But at this time, during the Martial Dao era, is one piece cheers boiling, but the Ye Xiwen's prestige also once again dominated above Qin Jun. 而此时,在武道纪元之中,也是一片欢呼沸腾,而叶希文的威望也是再度凌驾于秦君之上。 Although Qin Jun was powerful, but cannot complement Heavenly Dao, cannot be the Martial Dao era continues the life, in disguised form continues the life for the common life. 秦君虽然强盛,但是也不能补全天道,也不能为武道纪元续命,也就是变相为寻常生灵续命。 Must know that the common life is very difficult to live the Heaven and Earth great misfortune of era change time. 要知道,寻常生灵可是很难活过纪元更替时候的天地大劫的。 Then, the Martial Dao era overcomes nature in Ye Xiwen afterwards, obtains more than ten million years of powerful time. 就这样,武道纪元在叶希文补天之后,又获得上千万年的强盛时间。 In these more than ten million years, between Heaven and Earth presented several Half-Step Ruler, can say that enters era that Half-Step Ruler has ruled the country truly. 在这上千万年的时间之中,天地间又出现了好几尊半步主宰,可以说,是真正进入了半步主宰治世的年代 originally these peak Heavenly Venerate, either marched into Half-Step Ruler Realm, became formidable existence that between Heaven and Earth have several, either can only submit under the Half-Step Ruler dignity, between Heaven and Earth is not the time that they can able to move unhindered look disdainfully. 原本那些巅峰天尊们,要么步入了半步主宰境界,成为了天地间有数的强大存在,要么就只能屈服在半步主宰的威严之下,天地间已经不是他们可以纵横睥睨的时代了。 Because of the births of these Half-Step Ruler, these peak Heavenly Venerate vanished more than half, either successfully became Half-Step Ruler, either on die in Heavenly Tribulation. 因为这些半步主宰的诞生,那些巅峰天尊足足消失了过半,要么成功成为了半步主宰,要么就陨落在了天劫之中。 But, most part, die in Heavenly Tribulation, only then few few people can stride in Half-Step Ruler Realm. 而其中,大半部分,都陨落在了天劫之中,只有极少数的个别人能够跨入半步主宰境界 Even if so, as before cannot block these peak Ruler to want into the heart of Half-Step Ruler. 但是即便如此,依旧拦不住那些巅峰主宰想要成为半步主宰的心。 That and peak Heavenly Venerate, simply was two matters! 那和巅峰天尊,简直是两回事了! But in this crowd of Half-Step Ruler, without a doubt, takes good fortune god Heavenly Venerate of as Venerable, tens of millions years passed, he became more fearful, because of the births of other Half-Step Ruler, he had not been overtaken. 而在这一群半步主宰之中,毫无疑问,以造化神都的中天尊为尊,数千万年的时间过去了,他变得更加可怕了,并没有因为其他的半步主宰的诞生,他就被追上了。 Conversely, nowadays, his skill immeasurably deep. 相反的,现如今的,他的一身功力更加的深不可测。 Because once had Half-Step Ruler aware also to stride in Half-Step Ruler, why cannot have the imperial court, is in charge of the good fortune gods, but was actually defeated by a Heavenly Venerate easily palm, the severe wound runs away. 因为曾经有半步主宰自觉自己也已经跨入了半步主宰,凭什么不能坐拥龙庭,入主造化神都,但是却被中天尊轻易一掌击败,重伤逃遁。 This also made the people understand, although was Half-Step Ruler, but obviously, between both sides has the huge disparity. 这也让众人明白了,虽然都是半步主宰,但是显然,双方之间有着巨大的差距。 Heavenly Venerate might as well Ye Xiwen like that is no doubt formidable, can go against the flow to go on a punitive expedition against Ruler, but has also reached the situation that is hard to imagine in this. 天尊固然还不如叶希文那般强大,能够逆行征伐主宰,但是也已经在这一条道上走到了难以想象的地步。 From that afterwards, all people extinguished in the challenge the Heavenly Venerate thoughts, Heavenly Venerate to the tyrannical strength, have defended own dignity absolutely. 自那之后,所有人就熄了挑战中天尊的心思,中天尊以绝对强横的实力,维护了自身的尊严。 He is established Half-Step Ruler, was not Half-Step Ruler of these new promote can place on a par. 他是老牌半步主宰,还不是这些新晋的半步主宰能够相提并论的。 But as for should be Ye Xiwen of head of Half-Step Ruler, some people really will not actually list as Half-Step Ruler him, but treats as Ruler to regard him. 而至于本来该是半步主宰之首的叶希文,却不会有人真的将他列为半步主宰,而是都将他当做主宰来看待。 Because fully realizes his fearful strength, nobody can! 因为都深知他的可怕实力,无人能及! But quick that this also crosses, but is thousands of years, peak of this had finished, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era had the sign of deterioration once again, this time has deteriorated, compared with previous time must terrifying. 而这一世也过的很快,不过是千万年的时间,这一世的巅峰就已经结束了,武道纪元的天道再度出现了衰败的迹象,这一次衰败起来,比起上一次还要更加恐怖 The density of destruction material is increasing formidable, destroys law is also increasing, is makes up the Heavenly Dao price with, is formidable Heavenly Dao, once destroys that is also terrifying. 毁灭物质的浓度在增加,毁灭法则的强大也在增加,则是补足天道的代价与,越是强大的天道,一旦毁灭起来那么也就越是恐怖 But when is like this flustered, Ye Xiwen appeared once again, he started to overcome nature, this is third time overcomes nature. 而就在这样人心惶惶的时候,叶希文再度出现了,他又开始补天了,算起来,这已经是第三次补天了。 Compared with the previous time, Ye Xiwen that this time overcomes nature is more discrete, situation that but he faces, vile, the strength of this time Heavenly Dao backlash also compared with former terrifying. 和上一次相比,这一次补天的叶希文更加谨慎,但是他面临的情况,也更加的恶劣,此时的天道反噬之力也比之前更加的恐怖了。 Heavenly Dao were too more than previous improvement, because of this, wants to make up, the difficulty previous time is also bigger. 天道已经比上一次完善太多了,也正因为如此,想要弥补,难度也比上一次更大。 Although had already prepared, but Ye Xiwen once again by Heavenly Dao natural law backlash, was struck to cause heavy losses to afterwards, all law come in waves, incomparable old that Ye Xiwen instantaneously changes, the whole body has been covered with the wrinkle, even the entire body starts to shrink. 虽然早就有所准备,但是叶希文还是再度被天道规则反噬,一击重创之后,所有的法则都纷涌而来,叶希文瞬间变的无比的苍老,全身都长满了皱纹,甚至整个身子都开始缩水。 But his whole body innumerable space disintegrations, simultaneously have the innumerable fires of karma to burn, the flood is washing out. 而他的周身无数空间崩碎,还有同时有无数业火在燃烧,洪水在冲刷。 It can be said that all kinds of law erupted in his whole body collective, was fearful. 可以说,各种各样的法则都在他的周身集体爆发了,可怕极了。 Likely is the flash, massacres to be the same to the bang him! 像是一瞬间,就将他给轰杀掉一样! These law wells up numerously, instantaneously Ye Xiwen causing heavy losses, even if his such external force difficult wound, does not occupy the karma merit golden body, cannot endure. 这些法则的纷涌而出,瞬间就将叶希文给重创了,哪怕是他这样外力难伤,不占因果的功德金身,都根本吃不消。 The achievement of overcoming nature is big, karma backlash that but must therefore withstand is also very big, has traded general Half-Step Ruler, possibly on die, how can support directly. 补天的成果是大的,但是因此所要承受的因果反噬也是非常大的,换了一般的半步主宰,可能直接就陨落了,如何能够支撑得住。 But this time, Ye Xiwen is supporting the severe wound, has made up Heavenly Dao, making Heaven and Earth return the prosperous time, no longer deteriorated. 这一次,叶希文强撑着重伤,将天道补足了,让天地重新回到了鼎盛时期,不再衰败了。 However as the price, he by the Heaven and Earth natural law backlash enough three times, every time was made him assign to hang one, a narrow escape, unceasing combustion merit Golden Light is used to restore. 但是作为代价,他被天地规则反噬足足三次,每一次都让他命悬一线,九死一生,不断的燃烧功德金光用来恢复。 It can be said that this time overcomes nature merit Golden Light that he obtains, was used to restore completely own, he has to so, not only guards against the enemy who the hidden place possibly got rid, was he truly the severe wound was also critically-ill, if did not treat simply did not have the means to continue to overcome nature. 可以说,这一次补天他所获得的功德金光,全部都用来恢复自身了,他不得不如此,不仅仅是防备暗处可能出手的敌人,同时也是他确实已经重伤垂危,若不治疗已经根本没有办法继续补天。 Sees this time, Ye Xiwen overcomes nature the paid price, many people have called out in alarm, if gets down again like this, Ye Xiwen can also be able to support several times. 看到这一次,叶希文补天所付出的代价,许多人都惊呼了起来,如果再这样子下去,叶希文还能够支撑得住几次呢。 Is getting down like this, perhaps Ye Xiwen overcomes nature the obtained merit, insufficiently he is used to overcome nature, is not cost-effective. 在这样子下去,恐怕叶希文补天所得的功德,都不够他用来补天的了,根本不划算。 Overcomes nature also eventually has the limit? 难道补天也终究有极限么? Many people are thinking secretly, Half-Step Ruler of many Ancient era also finally saw the dawn, saw the hope. 许多人在暗地里都在这么想着,很多古代纪元的半步主宰们也终于看到了曙光,看到了希望。 So long as Ye Xiwen cannot insist, then Martial Dao era, even if this time struggled to seek livehood is also only temporary that's all, was impossible really forever survival. 只要叶希文坚持不下去,那么武道纪元即便这个时候挣扎求生也只是一时的罢了,不可能真的永远的生存下去。 At this time regarding them, the Martial Dao era has become the capital grain that they survived, who moves this money grain, they possibly go all out with the opposite party. 此时对于他们来说,武道纪元已经成了他们生存下去的资粮,谁动这一份资粮,他们都可能与对方拼命。 this time overcame nature afterwards, the Martial Dao era welcomed the brand-new round eruption, increased several Half-Step Ruler, what as price was, but was 1 million years, clean that Ye Xiwen overcame nature to bring the destiny of also consumes. 这一次补天之后,武道纪元迎来了全新一轮的爆发,又多添加了好几个半步主宰,但是作为代价的是,不过是1000000年,叶希文补天带来的气运也都消耗的一干二净。 Heaven and Earth re-entered deterioration time. 天地又重新进入了衰败期。 Facing this aspect, including Ye Xiwen already, but, but he actually has to act to overcome nature, he noted, the Heavenly Dao heyday, must be shorter one by one. 面对这种局面,连叶希文都已经无奈了,但是他却不得不出面补天,他已经注意到了,天道的全盛期,一次比一次都要更短了。 If his first overcoming nature, can be the Martial Dao era brings tens of millions years the power, then second time he can only be the Martial Dao era brings thousands of years the power, third time is several million years, behind exceed arrives is difficult, the heyday are also less. 如果说,他第一次补天,能够为武道纪元带来数千万年的强盛,那么第二次他就只能为武道纪元带来千万年的强盛,第三次就是数百万年,越到后面越是艰难,全盛时期也就越少。 To finally, the Martial Dao era cannot avoid, meets the destruction, but in this process, birth of Half-Step Ruler, will also accelerate the deterioration and destruction of Martial Dao era. 一直到最后,武道纪元还是免不了,会覆灭,而在这个过程中,半步主宰的诞生,还会加速武道纪元的衰败和覆灭。 Overcoming nature of this time, regarding Ye Xiwen, is a narrow escape, Heavenly Dao strength of terrifying backlash even more, every time makes his life critically-ill, closes right up against coming that merit Golden Light can rescue, otherwise, at the scene on possible die. 这一次的补天,对于叶希文来说,也是九死一生,天道反噬之力越发的恐怖,每一次都让他性命垂危,也就是靠着功德金光才能够抢救的过来,否则的话,当场就可能陨落 Such process continued seven afterwards, Ye Xiwen finally has made up this time Heavenly Dao, being insufficient made the Martial Dao era continue to deteriorate. 这样的过程足足持续了七次之后,叶希文才终于将这一次天道补足了,不至于让武道纪元继续衰败下去。 But this time, has completed overcoming nature Ye Xiwen, the first matter, gathers by the body said that then has completely prohibited the promotion of Half-Step Ruler directly. 这一次,完成了补天的叶希文,第一件事情,就是以身合道,然后直接禁绝了半步主宰的晋升。 Now between Heaven and Earth Half-Step Ruler were too many, each will cause the Martial Dao era the destruction in the morning a big truncation. 现在天地间半步主宰太多了,每一个都会导致武道纪元的覆灭早上一大截。 Is getting down like this, Ye Xiwen cannot support, only had directly has completely prohibited the birth of brand-new Half-Step Ruler.( Not 在这样子下去,叶希文也支撑不住,唯有直接禁绝了全新的半步主宰的诞生。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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