MGS :: Volume #41

#3868: Half-Step Ruler like blowout

Ye Mo achievement Half-Step Ruler fruit position, moreover under glare of the public eye, crossed Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, became the Heavenly Venerate afterwards of entire Martial Dao era and in Ye Xiwen, third Half-Step Ruler. 叶墨成就了半步主宰的果位,而且是在众目睽睽之下,渡过了半步主宰天劫,成为了整个武道纪元在叶希文和中天尊之后的,第三个半步主宰 Was different from the front two people, Ye Mo is the Martial Dao era entered most flourishing time afterwards, first Half-Step Ruler that is born, unusual had the significance of cross time. 不同于前面两个人,叶墨武道纪元进入了全盛时代之后,所诞生的第一个半步主宰,非常的有跨时代的意义。 Not is only oneself opens sect Lipai, but also opened a law for other people, that is the law of Nirvana, although in the process of Nirvana, can be said as a narrow escape, but does not have final to cross the possibility of tribulation. 不仅仅是自身开宗立派,而且更是为其他人开辟了一种法,那就是涅槃之法,虽然在涅槃的过程之中,也可以说是九死一生,但是却并非没有最终渡劫的可能性。 Always compares a hope not to have! 总比一点希望都没有! They are seek, even if knows that may die, feels better is stranded in such Realm for a lifetime, has nothing the little advance. 他们都是求道者,哪怕知道可能会死,也好过一辈子都被困在这样的境界之中,无有寸进。 The Ye Mo success achievement Half-Step Ruler fruit position afterwards, he has moved from Divine Court, at this time he strided in Half-Step Ruler, to become sect has been the ancestor, keeps in Divine Court to be unlikely again. 叶墨成功成就了半步主宰的果位之后,他就搬离了神庭,此时他已经跨入了半步主宰,成宗做祖,再留在神庭之中并不太可能。 However he exits from the Divine Court branch eventually, still is also one of the Divine Court influence. 不过他终究是从神庭分支出去的,依然还算是神庭势力的一支。 He walked, in Divine Court that lineage/vein will have carried off, then teaches to unify the subordinates the demon in good fortune completely, is becomes the Good Fortune Divine Dynasty demon ancestor, is known as Devil King. 他走了,将本来神庭之中自己那一脉带走了,然后又将造化界之中的魔教全部统一到麾下,是成为造化神朝的魔祖,号称魔君 Suddenly, is the banquet guest, countless people go to congratulate. 一时间,又是大宴宾客,无数人前往祝贺。 But in Ye Mo success afterwards, as if opened a Ultra big time to be the same, in Ye Mo afterwards, but was hundred years, there is the second person to start to cross the tribulation, this person was not others, was day city City Lord of ten big god cities. 而在叶墨成功之后,仿佛开启了一个超级大时代一样,在叶墨之后,紧接着,不过是百年的时间,又有第二个人开始渡劫,这个人不是别人,正是十大神城的天城城主 During one of the most senior peak Heavenly Venerate as the entire Martial Dao era, he must cross the tribulation to ask breakthrough, is very normal. 作为整个武道纪元之中最为资深的巅峰天尊之一,他要渡劫求突破,也很正常。 With his same time, once can treat as an equal Heavenly Venerate, nowadays became the Half-Step Ruler 20 million years, he falls behind already more than one least bit. 与他同一个时代,曾经能够平起平坐的中天尊,现如今都已经成为半步主宰20000000年了,他落后的已经不止一点半点了。 Also was terrifying Heavenly Tribulation covers in Chaos, day city City Lord started to cross tribulation, this time crossed the tribulation, made many Ancient eras the Expert heart be startled without doubt. 又是一场恐怖天劫笼罩在了混沌之中,天城城主开始渡劫了,这一次渡劫,也无疑让很多古代纪元的高手心惊。 Just has become Devil King, now can come one? 才刚刚成了一个魔君,现在又要来一个么? How this Martial Dao era will have emitted these many Half-Step Ruler suddenly, must know, in many Ancient eras do not have in the situation that Half-Step Ruler assumes, the Martial Dao era so is unexpectedly formidable, left several one after another. 武道纪元怎么会突然冒出了这么多半步主宰,要知道在很多古代纪元都没有半步主宰坐镇的情况下,武道纪元居然这般强大,接连出了好几个。 Many people in alarmed and afraid, since that Ye Xiwen appears afterwards, the Martial Dao era was getting stronger and stronger. 许多人都在惊惧,自从那个叶希文横空出世之后,武道纪元越来越强了。 Day city City Lord really also walked with the Ye Mo same path, the Nirvana in Heavenly Tribulation, cuts off using the Heavenly Tribulation strength again with the fetters of Martial Dao era. 天城城主果然也是走了和叶墨一样的路子,在天劫之中涅槃,利用天劫的力量再斩断与武道纪元的羁绊。 Day city City Lord has succeeded, first successive Nirvana several afterwards, day city City Lord finally success strided in Half-Step Ruler, but is different from the success of Ye Mo, his success has paid the price. 天城城主成功了,一连涅槃了十几次之后,天城城主终于成功的跨入了半步主宰,但是和叶墨的成功不同,他的成功是付出了代价的。 In crossing the process of tribulation, has injured Great Dao Essence, therefore his Nirvana is not nine times, but is several times, the strength that because he transforms is insufficient, has to carry on several transformations. 在渡劫的过程之中,伤了大道本源,所以他涅槃不是九次,而是十几次,因为他蜕变的力量不够,不得不多进行了几次蜕变。 These are the proof of his severe wound, even all people think that he was dying, when the last transformation, his entire ten days does not have what life aura. 这些都是他重伤的证明,甚至所有人都以为他真的要死了,在最后一次蜕变的时候,他整整十天都没有什么生命的气息 To ten days of afterwards, finally has emitted life aura, this difficultly has supported. 一直到十天之后,才终于冒出了一点生命气息,这才艰难的撑了过去。 Although crossed tribulation successfully, however the heavy losses of this time were unbearable, many people forecast that in the minimum 1 million years, he was impossible to become an official again, even if 1 million years later was also very difficult saying that even some people said that he has injured his Dao Foundation, in the future very difficult breakthrough. 虽然成功渡劫了,但是这一次的重创却够呛了,许多人预测,起码1000000年内,他都不可能再出山了,即便1000000年后也很难说,甚至有人说他是伤了自己的道基,未来很难突破了。 Even if so, makes many people go after like ducks, because all people know, once breakthrough, some advantage many. 但是即便如此,还是让很多人趋之若鹜,因为所有人都知道一旦突破的话,好处到底有多少。 Even if day of city City Lord such incomplete Half-Step Ruler, in fact, is better than peak Heavenly Venerate were many, the strength, is the status, is the prestige, is not peak Heavenly Venerate can compare. 哪怕是天城城主这样残缺不全的半步主宰,实际上,也比巅峰天尊要好的多了,无论是实力,还是地位,还是声望,都不是巅峰天尊能比的。 In day city City Lord afterwards , many peak Heavenly Venerate start to attempt, however the final result is different, die, they have tried to use the law of Nirvana in Heavenly Tribulation, is used for breakthrough, who knows that they were defeated. 在天城城主之后,又有不少巅峰天尊都开始尝试,但是最后的结果都没有什么两样,统统都陨落了,他们也试图在天劫之中施展涅槃之法,用来突破,但是谁知道,他们还是失败了。 However was the Nirvana 1-2 times already the disastrous defeat. 不过是涅槃了一两次就已经惨败了。 This also makes clear is wanting the breakthrough difficulty, is not front two success afterwards, other people certainly will succeed, in fact, wants breakthrough to become Half-Step Ruler, as before is the small probability event. 这也更加昭示着要突破的难度,并不是前面两个成功之后,其他人就一定会成功的,事实上,要突破成为半步主宰,依旧是小概率事件。 Common peak Heavenly Venerate wants breakthrough, that brought about own destruction simply. 寻常的巅峰天尊想要突破,那简直是自寻死路了。 But successful two, day city City Lord, is Ye Mo, is the outstanding person in peak Heavenly Venerate. 而成功的两人,无论是天城城主,还是叶墨,都已经是巅峰天尊之中的佼佼者。 It is not common peak Heavenly Venerate can place on a par. 不是寻常的巅峰天尊能够相提并论的。 In that afterwards, during following 100,000 years, this is surging forward with great momentum era, every other how long, had peak Heavenly Venerate to try to attack Half-Step Ruler Realm, was almost impact one after another, looked like lining up same attacked. 在那之后,接下来的100000年之中,这是一个波澜壮阔年代,每隔不了多久,就有巅峰天尊试图冲击半步主宰境界,几乎是一个接着一个的冲击,就像是排队一样的进行冲击。 However was not everyone has succeeded, most people were defeated, but was headed by three Great Saint, has increased several Half-Step Ruler. 但是并不是每一个人都成功了,大部分人都失败了,而以三大圣地为首,也增添了好几个半步主宰 In Martial Sect was to also emerge many talented people, particularly had in the situation of Qin Jun this kind of peak Expert guidance, emerged several Half-Step Ruler one after another. 武宗之中也是涌现出了不少的人才,尤其是有秦君这样一个顶尖强者教导的情况下,接连涌现出了好几个半步主宰 But in Good Fortune Divine Dynasty, besides Heavenly Venerate, is actually another person accident strided in Half-Step Ruler, this person is not others, now is the Heavenly Venerate Dong small crescent moon, she is gives dual attention to have Divine Court and Good Fortune Divine Dynasty dual identities. 造化神朝之中,除了中天尊之外,却是另外一个人意外的跨入了半步主宰,这个人不是别人,正是现在已经是位列东天尊的小月牙儿,她是兼顾有神庭造化神朝双重身份。 Because of this, her success was also both sides each one increased the strength. 正因为如此,她的成功也算是双方各自都增加了实力。 But Divine Court, besides Ye Mo, wields Divine Court Bian Xiaoyue also finally to be among the Half-Step Ruler ranks in several thousand years ago in the situation of being a focus of public attention, deepened the Divine Court inside story once again. 而在神庭这边,除了叶墨之外,执掌神庭边晓月在数万年前也终于在万众瞩目的情况下跨入半步主宰的行列,再度加深了神庭的底蕴。 Besides her, Ye Qianqian, Hua Menghan, Ye Wudi, the monster master and other people also strided in Half-Step Ruler. 除了她之外,还有叶芊芊,华梦涵,叶无敌,妖师等数人也都跨入了半步主宰 Half-Step Ruler of entire Martial Dao era like was the blowout erupted. 整个武道纪元的半步主宰像是井喷一样的爆发了出来。 In this regard, has Divine Court and Martial Sect that Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun assumed like is two railway engines leads the Martial Dao era to advance in unison, Expert poured forth. 在这个方面,有叶希文和秦君坐镇的神庭武宗像是两个火车头一样带领着武道纪元齐头并进,高手辈出。 Short 100,000 years , the Martial Dao era left over ten Half-Step Ruler unexpectedly much, has shocked thoroughly entire Chaos, even if were in Chaos the craziest person has not thought the Martial Dao era some day unexpectedly to be able formidable to this situation. 短短100000年的时间之中,武道纪元居然多出了十尊以上的半步主宰,彻底将整个混沌都震惊了,哪怕是混沌之中最为疯狂的人也未曾想过武道纪元有朝一日居然能够强大到了这个地步。 Suddenly, it may be said that keeps silent, is a petty action does not dare to have, feared that offended the Martial Dao era, was extinguished. 一时间,可谓是噤若寒蝉,更是一点小动作都不敢有,就怕得罪了武道纪元,然后就被灭了。 However because of the births of these Half-Step Ruler, the Martial Dao era in merely was also also prosperous 100,000 years of afterwards, entered the deterioration time rapidly, that destruction era aura that originally vanished, reappeared. 然而也正因为这些半步主宰的诞生,武道纪元在仅仅又繁盛了100000年之后,又急速进入了衰败期,原本已经消失的那毁灭的纪元气息,又重新浮现出来了。 When the people call out in alarm, Ye Xiwen went out. 众人惊呼之际,叶希文出关了。 He must overcome nature once again!( Not 他要再度补天!(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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