MGS :: Volume #41

#3869: First time makes up the as if made by Heaven merit

Just likes in many Half-Step Ruler the blowout presents afterwards generally, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era looked like arrives at to be the same, entered the deterioration time rapidly, before many people expected that at least again on the prosperous tens of millions years, without doubt were short were scary. 在诸多半步主宰犹如井喷一般出现之后,武道纪元的天道就像是走到了头一样,急速进入了衰败期,比起很多人之前预料的,起码再兴盛上数千万年来说,无疑就是短的吓人了。 However thinks that these for 100,000 years, altogether presented that many Half-Step Ruler, the people are also very as if normal, Heaven and Earth is not long-time invariable, is not the infinitude growth, always the limit, some people plunder were many a point, some people can only little. 不过想想这100000年来,一共出现了那么多的半步主宰,众人似乎也都很正常,天地不是长久不变的,也不是无限量增长的,总有一个极限,有的人掠夺的多了一点,有的人就只能少一点。 Because such prosperous times have not appeared, even if are when good fortune day Monarch reigns, has not presented simultaneously these many Half-Step Ruler. 因为这样的盛世从来没有出现过,哪怕是在造化天君在位的时候,也没有同时出现过这么多的半步主宰 In fact, was promoted Ruler afterwards in good fortune day Monarch, between Heaven and Earth also in activity Half-Step Ruler also only remaining in the predecessor a Heavenly Venerate person. 事实上,在造化天君晋级主宰之后,天地间还在活动的半步主宰也只剩下了前任中天尊一个人了。 It can be said that then big world and nowadays compares, one-third were inferior. 可以说当时的大世和现如今相比起来,1都不如。 Why this is also, these years, the view has been popular gradually, good fortune day Monarch is inferior to Martial Lord, was inferior to Qin Jun. 这也是为什么,这些年,有一个说法逐渐流行了起来,造化天君不如武君,不如秦君。 A very simple point, good fortune day Monarch reigns, although the world strength obtained the conformity, but not bring it up a level. 很简单的一点,造化天君在位的时候,天下实力虽然得到了整合,但是并未更上一层楼 However Martial Lord and Qin Jun reigned, the strength of Martial Dao era progressed by leaps and bounds, goes to the situation of through the ages having reached the pinnacle. 但是武君和秦君在位的时候,武道纪元的实力突飞猛进,达到了古往今来都登峰造极的地步。 However this view secretly spreads, is the good fortune gods cannot only allow this rumor, the good fortune gods to set up the body basis, can contend with other two sacred land, depends is good fortune day Monarch, how can allow other people to slander good fortune day Mr. 不过这种说法只是暗自流传,光是造化神都就容不下这种流言,造化神都的立身根本,能够与其他两个圣地抗衡,靠的就是造化天君,怎么能够允许其他人污蔑造化天君呢。 When entered the Martial Dao era deterioration time, Ye Xiwen appeared once again, he must overcome nature, with the previous difference, previous time he by the Heavenly Dao natural law heavy losses, brought in Chaos Ruler of Ancient era to get rid finally. 而在进入了武道纪元衰败期的时候,叶希文再度出现了,他要进行补天,与上次不同,上一次他被天道规则重创,最后还引来了混沌之中的古代纪元的主宰出手。 However this time, a Martial Dao era strength far more than least bit, Ruler enters powerfully again, that brought about own destruction. 但是这一次,武道纪元实力强盛何止一点半点,再有一个主宰杀入进来,那就是自寻死路了。 Even if several Ruler, is a short time impossible how Martial Dao era. 就算有好几个主宰,一时半会儿也不可能奈何的了武道纪元。 That several Half-Step Ruler, seem like is not Ruler opponent, however several people collaborate, can constrain Ruler. 那十几个半步主宰,看似不是主宰对手,然而几人联手,还是能够拖住主宰的。 this time, it may be said that is impregnable, particularly Ye Xiwen and Qin Jun on terms, the mutual support, this time overcame nature the hope compared with previous time to want simple many. 这一次,可谓是固若金汤,尤其是叶希文和秦君关系良好,相互扶持,这一次补天希望比上一次要简单的多了。 Quick, Ye Xiwen has flown into Chaos, sat cross-legged in the middle of Chaos, the whole body has opened piece of Heaven and Earth automatically. 很快,叶希文飞入了混沌之中,盘坐在了混沌当中,周身自动撑开了一片天地 That is what kind of world, it may be said that is immortal qi winds around, life force is vigorous, the life freely, is surviving merrily, but beyond this world, the innumerable stars surrounds, seems a real world is the same. 那是怎样的一个世界,可谓是仙气缭绕,生机勃勃,生灵自由自在,快活的生存着,而在这个世界之外,无数星辰环绕,好似一个真实的世界一样。 But Ye Xiwen sits well in this world. 叶希文就端坐在这个世界之中。 But at this time, Ye Xiwen has opened eye, in his eyes, world no longer is the original appearance, but seems innumerable natural law composes. 而此时,叶希文睁开了眼睛,在他的眼中,世界不再是原来的模样,而是好似无数个规则组成的。 natural law, together Dao Law Essence in his at present reappearing. 一条条规则,一道道法本源在他的目前浮现。 Three Thousand Martial Paths, is core of Martial Dao era is, should improve was right, but in fact, in the Ye Xiwen's eye, this also is still far from like that the perfect situation. 三千武道,是武道纪元的核心所在,应该已经完善了才对,但是事实上,在叶希文的眼中,这还依然远远没有到那般完善的地步。 Loophole, although this loophole is not many, but has not been in the perfect situation by far, but he now, must overcome nature, complements Heavenly Dao. 还有漏洞,虽然这个漏洞并不是很多,但是还远远未曾到完善的地步,而他现在,就是要补天,将天道补全。 This is a very fearful process, previous time in the process of overcoming nature, Ye Xiwen on has encountered natural law backlash that such did not guard, direct heavy losses, if even were not he is cautiously, did not dare the stride to walk forward, only feared that sufficed to cause heavy losses to at the scene being in imminent danger. 这是一个非常可怕的过程,上一次在补天的过程中,叶希文就那样毫无防备的就遭到了规则反噬,直接重创,甚至如果不是他一直都是小心翼翼,不敢大步向前走,只怕当场就够重创到濒危了。 But full that this time, he prepares, integrated in oneself Heavenly Dao, his whole person probably disappeared from the present world was the same, gradually integrated in Heavenly Dao. 这一次,他准备的更加充分,将自身融入了天道之中,他整个人就好像是从现世消失了一样,逐渐融入了天道之中。 Only then integrated in Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era, can transfer the strength of Heavenly Dao, patches, the Ye Xiwen's whole body sent out merit Golden Light, this was the thing from era Heavenly Dao, will not be repelled. 只有融入了武道纪元的天道之中,才能够调动天道之力,进行修补,叶希文的全身散发出了功德金光,这是来自纪元天道的东西,不会被排斥。 His whole person seemed roams through was the same in Heavenly Dao, in this process, started to patch. 他整个人就好似遨游在了天道之中一样,在这个过程之中,开始修补。 Ye Xiwen starts to pinch the seal Secret Art, his body then Great Dao together flew together. 叶希文开始捏着印诀,他的身上一道接着一道的大道飞了出来。 These Great Dao are his these years condenses, his these years close up, have not sought breakthrough, because he knows, if he wants breakthrough, to probably stride to Ruler Realm may not. 这些大道都是他这些年凝聚出来的,他这些年闭关,并没有寻求突破,因为他知道,他要想突破,非得要跨入到主宰境界不可。 Therefore his these years are condensing Great Dao, do not have Great Dao that in a character tablet comprehends condensing him, are used to overcome nature. 所以他这些年都在凝聚大道,将他从无字道碑之中领悟到的大道给凝聚出来,用来补天。 These were once in Great Dao that during some era presents, vanished because of the change of era, but now Ye Xiwen condensed it, moreover had revolved in his within the body, can fuse with Three Thousand Martial Paths of his within the body together, he dares to attempt. 这些都是曾经在某个纪元之中出现的大道,因为纪元的更替而消失了,而现在叶希文将它重新凝聚了出来,而且在他的体内已经运转过了,和他体内的三千武道能够融合到一起,他才敢于尝试。 Each attempt, every time emits Great Dao, actually once underwent the innumerable computations, innumerable deductions. 每一次的尝试,每一次放出大道,其实都是曾经经过无数次的计算,无数次的推演。 Does not put rashly hastily. 并不是贸然仓促放出来的。 The vision of all people have placed on Ye Xiwen's, when Ye Xiwen starts to overcome nature, the people can see that innumerable Golden Light fell into that mysterious world, fell into on Ye Xiwen's. 所有人的目光都放在了叶希文的身上,在叶希文开始补天的时候,众人都能够看到,无数的金光落入了那个神奇的世界之中,落入到了叶希文的身上。 He makes up Great Dao every time, on him will drop some merit Golden Light absorbing by him. 他每补足一条大道,他身上就会落下一些功德金光被他给吸收掉了。 This is granting of Heavenly Dao! 这是天道的赏赐! However during change of his any facial expression, the ancient well without ripples, the investment of total involvement has not overcome nature, there is a previous experience, made him understand, overcame nature to have danger how. 不过他并没有任何神情的变化,古井无波,全身心的投入补天之中,有了上一次的经验,也让他明白了,补天有多么的危险。 But makes up along with Ye Xiwen's first Great Dao, during the entire Martial Dao era, in an instant, started to cloud over, a thunder, the common life feeling was not quite profound, but these practice, especially thoses Emperor Monarch, Heavenly Venerate, the feeling was most profound, they can feel, Great Dao changed, with them understood at first as if started to have the deviation. 而随着叶希文的第一条大道补完,整个武道纪元之中,刹那间,就开始变天了,一阵电闪雷鸣,一般的生灵感受还不太深刻,但是那些修炼者,尤其是那些帝君,天尊们,感受最为深刻,他们能够感受到,大道变了,和他们最初的理解似乎开始有了偏差了。 It looks like the originally irrevocable world, started to have the fierce change. 就像是原本一成不变的世界,开始有了剧烈的变化。 Their looks are having several points of awe Ye Xiwen that looked at overcome nature, this was the change that great silhouette brought about. 他们的眼神都带着几分敬畏的看向了正在补天的叶希文,这就是那个伟岸的身影带来的变化。 They know that overcomes nature afterwards after Ye Xiwen, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era can change obscurely is more difficult to understand, but similarly, can change vast, this was equal to their present roads develops all of a sudden was the same. 他们知道,经过叶希文补天之后,武道纪元的天道会变的更加晦涩难懂,但是同样的,也会变的更加的广博,这就相当于他们眼前的路一下子就拓展了很多一样。 The road was strange, but was broader! 路陌生了,但是更加宽广了! Great Dao one after another was made up, this is a long process, makes up Great Dao to spend for over a hundred years. 一条又一条的大道被补了上去,这是一个漫长的过程,补足一个大道就要花费上百年的时间。 Even if by Ye Xiwen such cultivation base, on this question, does not dare to have slight relax, because the relax result is likely fatal. 哪怕以叶希文这样的修为,在这个问题上,都不敢有丝毫的松懈,因为松懈的结果很可能就是致命的。 As Great Dao one after another was complemented, Heavenly Dao of Martial Dao era started to stop the deterioration unexpectedly, the deterioration of original era, is unable to prevent, or the manpower is unable to prevent, this was the result of era nature operation change. 随着一条又一条的大道被补全,武道纪元的天道居然开始停止了衰败,本来一个纪元的衰败,是无法阻止的,或者说,人力无法阻止的,这是纪元自然运行更替的结果。 It looks like the person has the birth and death, the era is also so, the manpower is unable to prevent own birth and death, the era is also so, only if infuses the brand-new vigor. 就像是人有生老病死,纪元也是如此,人力无法阻止自己的生老病死,纪元也是如此,除非是重新注入全新的活力。 But Ye Xiwen is handling such matter! 叶希文就是在做这样的事情! The entire Martial Dao era all kinds of celestial phenomena started obviously to melt, as if was corresponding Ye Xiwen's to overcome nature to be the same. 整个武道纪元各种各样的天象都开始显化了出来,似乎是在相应着叶希文的补天一样。 All people are tense, because of the Ye Xiwen's success or failure, related to their own practical interests. 所有人都紧张无比,因为叶希文的成败,关系到了他们自身的实际利益。 When does not know, in the Ye Xiwen's whole body, had several Half-Step Ruler to compose a lineup to protect him, the possibility that although the Ancient era disturbs again is not very big, however they have to guard, because cannot be defeated. 不知道什么时候,在叶希文的周身,已经有了十几个半步主宰组成了一个阵型将他保护进其中,虽然古代纪元再来捣乱的可能性并不是很大,然而他们还是不得不防,因为失败不得。 Then, when Ye Xiwen has made up 99 afterwards, starts to carry on making up of 100 th Great Dao. 一条,接着一条,当叶希文足足补足了99条之后,开始着手进行第100条大道的补足。 Unexpectedly, the Ye Xiwen eye opens the eyes suddenly, blood essence spouts suddenly, his whole body had the dense and numerous wounds unexpectedly, whole body skin got older directly, that originally pitch-black thick hair color also started changes grayish white. 蓦地,叶希文眼睛猛然一睁,一口精血猛然喷出,他的全身上下居然出现了密密麻麻的伤口,全身上下的皮肤直接老化,那原本乌黑浓密的发色也开始变的灰白了起来。 Martial Lord!” 武君!” Many people call out in alarm make noise, but actually does not dare to disturb, because they, although looked, Ye Xiwen has encountered Heavenly Dao backlash, but actually does not dare to meddle casually, because this Domain regarding them was really too strange, they crossed the threshold cannot achieve. 许多人惊呼出声,但是却不敢打扰,因为他们虽然看出来了,叶希文又遭到了天道反噬,但是却不敢随便插手,因为这个领域对于他们来说实在是太陌生了,他们连入门都做不到。 This and Level has not related, even if Ruler, is impossible to step to this Domain. 这和级别没有关系,哪怕是主宰,也不可能涉足到这个领域 Ye Xiwen has supported, the look changes clear. 叶希文撑了过去,眼神重新变的清亮了起来。 99, is this limit?” Ye Xiwen cannot help but muttered to say. “99条,这就已经是极限了么?”叶希文不由自主的喃喃自语说道。 this time overcomes nature, he has succeeded, has made up 99 Great Dao, the entire Martial Dao era changed all of a sudden greatly, aura that originally that type gloomy will soon destroy vanished to disappear, returned the peak time. 这一次补天,他已经算是成功了,一口气补了99条大道,整个武道纪元一下子大变样了,原本那种灰暗即将毁灭的气息已经消失不见了,又重新回到了巅峰时期。 Moreover compared with beforehand that peak, now this peak is more formidable, is more fearful. 而且比起之前的那个巅峰来说,现在这个巅峰更加强大,更加可怕。 Many people can feel obviously that their say|way was stabler, the future road was broader. 许多人都能够明显感觉到,自己的道更加稳固了,未来的路更加宽阔了。 If original originally jumps in a pool likely the da fish, but now this pool was also big, will leave their spaces to be also more. 如果说原本就像是在一个池子里蹦跶的鱼,而现在这个池子又大了一些,留给他们的空间也会更加多。 Ye Xiwen has no reason not to be happy, compared with previous time, success of this time already strong were many, but this starts to overcome nature from him, passed for 10,000 years. 叶希文没有理由不高兴,比起上一次来说,这一次的成功已经强的多了,而这距离他开始补天,已经足足过去了10000年的时间。 In these over ten thousand years, his Motionless, is overcoming nature that keeps, but that several Half-Step Ruler are also the protection of Motionless he. 这上万年中,他一动不动,就是不停的进行补天,而那十几个半步主宰也是一动不动的守护着他。 Makes up the Great Dao difficulty, is not each is at all same, but complements one every time, the difficulty increases a point, is I can complement the Great Dao limit to 99 th, 100 are not realistic!” “补足大道的难度,根本不是每一条都一样,而是每补全一条,难度就增加一分,到了第99条已经是我能够补全大道的极限了,100条根本不现实!” On the Ye Xiwen's face has revealed several points of anxious expression. 叶希文的脸上露出了几分忧虑的神色 Made up over a hundred Great Dao, the Martial Dao era can prosperous previous some time, but this method not goinged to the roots of the problem, when the next deterioration time approached, he must find the way to continue to complement Great Dao again. 补足了上百条大道,武道纪元又能够兴盛上一段时间,但是这种方法治标不治本,等到下一次衰败期来临,他还得想办法再继续补全大道 However this is the best means that he can think at present, the next time, can only wait for next time to say again, before next Heavenly Dao deteriorates, he must find the way to change is stronger. 但是这已经是他目前能够想到的最好办法,下一次,只能等下一次再说了,但是在下一次天道衰败之前,他必须要想办法变的更强。 The matter must inform everybody, because Martial God on a reason of very big big recommendation, therefore ends this time possibly to postpone in mid September, later daily renewal also corresponding reduction to one about, afterwards ends the book to mid September. 有一件事情要通知一下大家,因为武神又上一个非常大的大推荐的缘故,所以完本时间可能要延后到九月中旬,以后每天的更新也相应的降低到一更左右,一直到九月中旬之后完本。 About this matter, eating delicacies dust was sorry very much, but also asked everybody to excuse me, the eating delicacies dust pointed at the subscription to eat meal, everybody four years insisted, endured patiently Little Duan time again much, Schoolmate that if could not wait for can look at eating delicacies dust new book «practice Raging tide», tomorrow the top carriage, seeking to decide the support!( ~^~) 关于这个事情,啸尘很抱歉,不过还请大家见谅,啸尘指着订阅吃饭,大家四年都坚持过来了,再多忍耐一小段的时间吧,如果等不及的同学可以去看一下啸尘新书《修炼狂潮》,明天上架,求首定支持!(~^~)
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