MGS :: Volume #41

#3867: Ye Mo becomes Half-Step Ruler

Also some people crossed tribulation! 又有人渡劫了! General Heavenly Tribulation, is unable to alarm him, even if Heavenly Venerate crosses the tribulation, for him, does not have any influence, but this time crosses the tribulation to be different, what crosses is Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation. 一般的天劫,是无法将他惊动的,就算是天尊渡劫,对他来说,也是没有任何影响的,但是这一次渡劫不同,渡的是半步主宰天劫 Heavenly Dao had the feedback immediately, alarmed from deep closing up him! 天道立刻就有了反馈,将他从深沉的闭关之中惊动了! He opened the eye to look that actually saw, in boundless Chaos, silhouette was crossing the tribulation together. 他睁开了眼睛看去,却见,在无边的混沌之中,一道身影正在渡劫。 Infinite Thunder Calamity fell his body, even if during deep place infinite endless protection of Devil Qi, but will still fall on his body, his body dozen of covered with blood. 无穷的雷劫落到了他的身上,哪怕深处无穷无尽魔气的保护之中,但是依然会落在他的身上,将他的身上打的血肉模糊。 Is Ye Mo!” “是叶墨!” Ye Xiwen recognized crossed the person of tribulation, this closed up is thousands of years, has not contacted with anybody, if generally not to the most dangerous situation, some people from closing up awaken him. 叶希文认出了渡劫的人,他这一闭关就是千万年,也没和任何人联系,一般如果不是到了最为危险的情况,也不会有人将他从闭关之中惊醒。 In Divine Court many Expert, naturally is the Ye Mo skill is nowadays deepest, preparation is also fullest, other Bian Xiaoyue, small crescent moon and the others is only a younger generation. 在现如今神庭的诸多高手之中,当然是叶墨的功力最为深厚,准备的也是最为充分的,其他边晓月,小月牙儿等人都不过只是小字辈而已。 He also crossed Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, therefore he is very clear, must cross this Heavenly Tribulation, has danger how. 他也渡过半步主宰天劫,所以他很清楚,要渡过这种天劫,到底有多么的危险。 Heavenly Tribulation that although they cross cannot with he crosses the tribulation the time compares, even presented the projections of many Ruler, but regarding average person, as before is a narrow escape. 虽然他们渡的天劫不能和他渡劫的时候相比,甚至都出现了诸多主宰的投影,但是对于一般人来说,也依旧是九死一生。 Even but if so, but he thought that Ye Mo crosses the tribulation at this time, is appropriate. 可是即便如此,但是他还是觉得,叶墨此时渡劫,还是合适的。 Because at this time Martial Dao era most powerful time, is the Martial Dao era can hold many Expert the time, if the Martial Dao era enters the deterioration the time, then Heavenly Dao automatically will start to suppress these to want the breakthrough life. 因为此时正是武道纪元最为强盛的时候,也是武道纪元可以容纳最多高手的时候,但是一旦武道纪元进入衰败的时期,那么天道就会自动开始打压那些要突破的生灵。 But these lives will also feel that breakthrough gets up to be difficult, if crosses the tribulation now is a narrow escape, when that Martial Dao era deterioration afterwards, that was ten dies not fresh. 而那些生灵也会感觉到突破起来非常困难,如果说,现在渡劫是九死一生的话,那么等到武道纪元衰败之后,那就是十死无生了。 Now, Ye Xiwen and deep of Heavenly Dao fusion, is also more profound regarding the understanding of Great Dao, he understands that is why. 现在,叶希文天道融合的更深,对于大道的理解也更为深刻,他明白是为什么。 When the Martial Dao era is powerful, the product is sumptuous, the destiny like the rainbow, at that time, many several Expert might as well, when Martial Dao era deterioration, Martial Dao era instinct will contain their these practice, because of these practice, once Proving The Dao can with Old as Heaven and Earth, unceasing buying in Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, obtain Heavenly Material Treasure, the time of simply not having stopped, will never have the end time. 武道纪元强盛的时候,物产丰盛,气运如虹,那个时候,多几个高手无妨,然而当武道纪元衰败的时候,武道纪元本能的会遏制他们这些修炼者,因为这些修炼者一旦证道就能够与天地同寿,不断的吸纳天地灵气,获得天材地宝,根本没有停止下来的时候,也永远不会有终结的时候。 Such consequence will directly cause the Martial Dao era to accelerate to deteriorate! 这样子的后果就会直接造成了武道纪元加速衰败! The Heavenly Dao will of Martial Dao era is the will of all living things, all living things want to survive, does not want to destroy, therefore the Martial Dao era will start the instinct adjusts, making the Martial Dao era be able the long-time survival. 武道纪元的天道意志就是众生的意志,众生都想存活,不想毁灭,所以武道纪元就会开始本能的进行调节,让武道纪元能够更长久的存活下去。 Therefore practice will discover that own breakthrough starts to be getting more and more difficult, arrived afterward, Proving The Dao Level Expert again also looked to disappear. 所以修炼者就会发现自己的突破开始越来越困难,以至于到后来,证道级别强者都再也看不见了。 The so-called end law time, was this truth. 所谓的末法时代,便是这个道理了。 Therefore wants breakthrough, not compared with a present better time! 所以要突破,没有比现在更好的时代了! Ye Xiwen looked to Ye Mo in sky! 叶希文看向了天空之中的叶墨 This time Ye Mo a huge incomparable demon body, able to support both heaven and earth, seemed can be epoch-makingly same. 此时的叶墨已经化出了一具巨大无比的魔躯,顶天立地,好似能够开天辟地一样。 In his hand the one sided mirror brushes bloody glow unceasingly, resists with Heavenly Tribulation. 他的手上一面镜子不断刷出一道道的血光,与天劫对抗。 Expert of entire good fortune is paying attention to the this time crossing tribulation, because they want to know, this time, can Ye Mo break the spell, creates a miracle. 整个造化界的高手都在关注着这一次的渡劫,因为他们都想知道,这一次,叶墨能不能打破魔咒,创造一个奇迹。 Must know, since Heavenly Venerate and Ye Xiwen afterwards, the Martial Dao era had many year of again also nobody to stride in Half-Step Ruler Realm. 要知道自从中天尊叶希文之后,武道纪元已经有很多年都再也没有人能够跨入半步主宰境界了。 But these two people, one is the beforehand first under heaven, another is the first under heaven of catching up, basically had dominated a time. 可这两个人,一个是之前的天下第一,另外一个则是后来居上的天下第一,基本上都曾经称雄过一个时代。 In that era, they once were invincible in the world, making the world person be at a loss. 在那个年代,他们都曾经无敌于天下,让天下人束手无策。 But in their afterwards, or has to attempt the breakthrough person, ends in failure completely! 而在他们之后,或者有试图突破的人,全部都以失败告终! But this time, can he succeed breakthrough, may become their range poles. 这一次,他能不能够成功突破,或许会成为他们的标杆吧。 Points out a bright road for them! 为他们指出一条明路呢! Heavenly Tribulation uninterrupted falling of various terrifying, fell the body of Ye Mo entirely, time from the beginning, Ye Mo can also be able to block, but was quick, Ye Mo injury was getting more and more serious. 各种恐怖天劫不间断的落下,统统落到了叶墨的身上,一开始的时候,叶墨还能够挡得住,但是很快,叶墨身上的伤势就越来越重。 Heavenly Tribulation also more and more terrifying! 天劫也越来越恐怖 Time from the beginning, Ye Mo can also show to be the peak Heavenly Venerate peerless ominous prestige, but is quick, he gradually started to get up sadly, was divided by Thunder Calamity the place, even can see the shining bone directly, blood splattering. 一开始的时候,叶墨还能够展现属于巅峰天尊的绝世凶威,但是很快,他就逐渐开始难过了起来了,一些被雷劫劈中的地方,甚至直接可以看到金灿灿的骨头,鲜血喷溅而出。 The entire situation can be said as quite miserable! 整个情况可以说是相当的惨! Many people see here, only thought that must lose the confidence, is formidable like Ye Mo, almost faint is in peak Heavenly Venerate first-class formidable existence, when facing Heavenly Tribulation , is the same is at a loss. 许多人看到这里,都只觉得要失去信心了,便是强大如叶墨,几乎隐隐已经是巅峰天尊之中第一流的强大存在,在面对天劫的时候,也是一样束手无策。 Let alone is they. 何况是他们呢。 However Ye Mo was still insisting, the flesh and blood disintegration that even if was hit by Heavenly Tribulation, the bone dust flutters about, he has not given up, revolution Merit Law that conversely, keeping, resists. 但是叶墨还在坚持,哪怕被天劫打的血肉崩碎,骨屑纷飞,他都没有放弃,相反的,在不停的运转功法,进行抵抗。 A day, two days, all people thought that Ye Mo should support third day, but exposed to the sun him to support third day. 一天,两天,所有人都觉得叶墨应该撑不过第三天了,但晒他撑过了第三天。 Fourth day, fifth day, sixth day, he supported day-by-day. 第四天,第五天,第六天,他一天一天的支撑住了。 All people started to see is not right, because Ye Mo his life force has not cut off, the how difficult fight, his life force has not broken. 所有人都开始看出了不对了,因为叶墨他的生机并未断绝,无论是多么艰苦的战斗,他的生机都未曾断裂。 Devil Dao Nirvana big law!” Ye Xiwen looks at, mouth corner glittering is wiping the smiling face by far, because he knows, path that Ye Mo takes is right. 魔道涅槃大法!”叶希文远远看着,嘴角闪烁着一抹笑容,因为他知道,叶墨走的路子是对的。 Half-Step Ruler Heavenly Tribulation, most important can boil, the past of boiling, is hopeful, preliminary strength multi- terrifying, the significance is not big, cannot support, then any use does not have. 半步主宰天劫,最重要的就是能熬,熬的过去,才有希望,前期战力多恐怖,意义都不大,支撑不住,那么什么用处都没有。 Before Ye Mo also asked him about crossing some matters of tribulation, although Heavenly Tribulation of everyone was different, but without a doubt, was some reference values. 之前叶墨也曾经问过他关于渡劫的一些事情,虽然每个人的天劫都不尽相同,但是毫无疑问,还是有一些参考价值的。 In that afterwards, Ye Mo goes back to close up, should found own law, to his such situation, so long as knows the principle, founds own law, the difficulty is not big. 在那之后,叶墨就回去闭关,应该是开创了自己的法,到了他这样的地步,只要知道原理,开创出自己的法,难度根本一点都不大。 Many eyes eyeballs in staring at Ye Mo, especially thoses are devoting to go a step further, breakthrough to Half-Step Ruler these peak Heavenly Venerate, Ye Mo crosses the experience of tribulation at this time, regarding them, had certainly the biggest reference to affect. 许多双眼睛都在盯着叶墨,尤其是那些有志于更进一步,突破半步主宰的那些巅峰天尊们,此时叶墨渡劫的经验,对于他们来说,当然是有最大的参考作用了。 „A big time must come!” Ye Xiwen sees here, he understood, Ye Mo must succeed. “一个大时代要来了!”叶希文看到这里,他就已经明白了,叶墨要成功了。 Although Ye Mo experience Heavenly Tribulation very terrifying, but Heavenly Dao actually do not exterminate him completely, when the Martial Dao era is most powerful, Heavenly Dao is also most tolerant. 虽然叶墨经历的天劫恐怖,但是天道却不是要完全灭绝他,在武道纪元最强盛的时候,天道也是最为宽容的。 If enters deterioration time afterwards in the Martial Dao era, then Ye Mo crosses the tribulation again, is the dead end, is impossible to succeed. 如果是在武道纪元进入衰败期之后,那么叶墨再渡劫,就是死路一条,根本不可能成功。 Because of the day cannot, the day not probably also want to rush forcefully, can achieve this matter, being no different is Myth. 因为天不许,天不许还想要强行闯过去,能够做到这种事情的,无异于是一种神话 But two had achieved this Myth matter, one was Qin Jun, one was Ye Xiwen. 而曾经就有两人做到过这种神话般的事情,一个是秦君,一个就是叶希文 Once Heavens Ten Thousand Worlds Heavenly Dao because also Emperor Monarch appeared too many, destroyed balanced, but under the will of all living things, has limited the appearance of Emperor Monarch. 曾经诸天万界天道也因为帝君出现太多,破坏了平衡而在众生的意志之下,限制了帝君的出现。 However Qin Jun and Ye Xiwen once tore the imprisonment of Heaven and Earth, then becomes the emperor. 但是秦君和叶希文都曾经撕裂掉了天地的禁锢,进而成帝。 Only then he knows that has difficulty how, was almost the matter that was possible to achieve is given to achieve by him, but he was also surrounded by perils at that time, a narrow escape. 只有他自己知道,那有多么的困难,几乎是根本不可能做到的事情被他给做到了,但是他那个时候也是险象环生,九死一生。 But now is the best opportunity, so long as Ye Mo supported, then definitely must welcome one to cross the tidal current of tribulation. 而现在就是最好的机会,只要叶墨撑过去了,那么必然也要迎来一个渡劫的潮流。 But the future time, inevitably is the Half-Step Ruler time. 而将来的时代,必然是半步主宰的时代。 Half-Step Ruler is born, time that Half-Step Ruler rules the country. 一个半步主宰降世,半步主宰治世的时代。 Unprecedented Ultra prosperous times! 一个前所未有的超级盛世! But many peak Heavenly Venerate, looks at this , is getting more and more bright at present, must know that they have been looking, can cross the Heavenly Tribulation means that but perhaps now, they have discovered that under Heavenly Tribulation, the means that can adopt. 而许多巅峰天尊,看着这一幕,也是眼前越来越亮,要知道,他们一直在找,能够渡过天劫的办法,而现在,或许他们已经发现了,在天劫之下,能够通过的办法。 Nirvana big law that Ye Mo can found, has no reason they unable to achieve! 叶墨能够开创的涅槃大法,没有理由他们做不到! But in the vision of people, Ye Mo started the transformation, started the Nirvana. 而就在众人的目光之中,叶墨开始了蜕变,开始了涅槃。 Nirvana big law must start to assume an awe-inspiring pose! 正是涅槃大法要开始发威了! Again, the Ye Mo hit smashing, entire fleshly body was hit to explode, only remaining remnant body, but in this remnant body, has given unexpectedly birth to brand-new Ye Mo. 再一次,叶墨被打的粉碎,整个肉身都被打爆了,只剩下了一点残躯,而在这残躯之中,居然又生出了一个全新的叶墨 This does not depend the formidable resilience to restore, but is another secret skill, above the remnant body, has given birth to the brand-new body, carried on one to transform, a Nirvana rebirth. 这不是仗着强大的恢复能力进行恢复,而是另外一种秘法,在残躯之上,生出了全新的躯体,进行了一中蜕变,一种涅槃重生。 Ye Mo that this time lives although the strength has not recovered to from the beginning is so big, but the people felt that was too stronger, was injured was stronger, moreover with the lapse of time, but also in restoration that gradually arrives. 这一次重新生出来的叶墨虽然力量还没有恢复到一开始的那么大,但是众人还是感觉太更强了,被伤到的更强了,而且随着时间的推移,还在一步一步的恢复。 Even if so, when facing Heavenly Tribulation, does not have any means that fleshly body was hit to explode once again. 然而即便如此,在面对天劫的时候,还是没有任何办法,肉身再度被打爆了。 Once again Nirvana rebirth, Ye Mo difficult has given birth to a brand-new body from the remnant body once again, then killed to Heavenly Tribulation, has not stood still. 又一次涅槃重生,叶墨艰难的从残躯之中再度生出了一个全新的躯体,然后再杀向了天劫,没有停歇。 Intelligent, there is no construction without destruction Great Dao manages Ah! Ye Xiwen to say. “聪明,不破不立的大道啊!叶希文道。 Heavenly Venerate is peak of era, but similarly, they also by restraint during this era, what Cultivation is the law of this era, is during this era, how Transcendent? 天尊是一个纪元的巅峰,但是同样的,他们也都被束缚在了这个纪元之中,修行的是这个纪元的法,身在这个纪元之中,如何超脱 Using the Nirvana big law, removes the remnant body gradually, removes is not only only the remnant body, Martial Dao era to his restraint. 利用涅槃大法,一步一步褪去残躯,褪去的不仅仅只是残躯而已,还有武道纪元对他的束缚 Only then removed restraint of majority of Martial Dao era, he may reach the sky in a single bound, becomes Half-Step Ruler, this and same day Ye Xiwen there is no construction without destruction, is a matter. 只有褪去了大部分的武道纪元的束缚,他才有可能一步登天,成为半步主宰,这和当日叶希文不破不立,是一回事。 If can work loose the Martial Dao era complete restraint, that becomes Ruler Level day Mr. 而如果能够挣脱武道纪元的全部束缚,那就会成为主宰级别的天君。 But now, Ye Mo in this kind of process. 而现在,叶墨就是在这样一个过程中。 Each Heavenly Tribulation explodes his fleshly body bang, although lets his a narrow escape, however same also he and fetters and relation of interruption Martial Dao era, making him be able to remould oneself. 每一次天劫将他的肉身轰爆开来,虽然让他九死一生,但是同样的也他与武道纪元的羁绊和联系打断,让他得以重塑自身。 One time, once again difficult transformation, time and time again difficult rebirth, to entire nine afterwards, the ninth time, in all people think that Ye Mo wants in the die situation, his life force has given birth, then the last transformation is completed, Heavenly Tribulation diverges finally. 一次,又一次艰难的蜕变,一次又一次困难的重生,一直到整整九次之后,第九次,在所有人都以为叶墨陨落的情况下,他身上的生机重新生出了,然后最后一次蜕变完成,天劫终于散去。 But Ye Mo also finally achievement Half-Step Ruler fruit position!( ~^~) 叶墨也终于成就了半步主宰的果位!(~^~)
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