MGS :: Volume #41

#3865: Returns to peak again

Immediately is terrifying War, facing puppet era huge puppet, although could not have gone to the Ruler situation, but at least is also Half-Step Ruler, had more than enough to spare. 顿时就又是一场恐怖大战,面对傀儡纪元化出的巨大傀儡,虽然还达不到主宰的地步,但是起码也是半步主宰,绰绰有余了。 Facing such powerful enemy, Bian Xiaoyue raises Martial Venerable Seal to rush, unrivalled War erupted instantaneously. 面对这样的强敌,边晓月提着武尊印就冲了上去,一场旷世的大战瞬间爆发了。 Although Bian Xiaoyue nowadays also has not the small distance from Half-Step Ruler, give-and-take that but portable Martial Venerable Seal he, can hit with that huge puppet actually, difficult minute high under. 虽然边晓月现如今距离半步主宰还有不小的距离,但是手提武尊印的他,倒是也能够和那个巨大的傀儡打的有来有往,难分高下。 Although Bian Xiaoyue is very difficult is that huge puppet opponent, but constrains this huge puppet merely, regarding the army of nowadays Martial Dao era, is most greatly helps. 虽然边晓月很难是那个巨大的傀儡的对手,但是仅仅只是拖住这个巨大的傀儡,对于现如今的武道纪元的大军来说,就已经是最大的帮助了。 Because Heaven's Will of puppet era condensed that Half-Step Ruler Level huge puppet, was incapable of suppressing to enter the Martial Dao era army, can let the Martial Dao era army display percentage hundred might, this enormously has promoted the strength of Martial Dao era army. 因为傀儡纪元的天意都凝聚成了那个半步主宰级别巨大傀儡,无力镇压进入其中的武道纪元大军,能够让武道纪元大军发挥百分百的威力,这就已经极大的提升武道纪元大军的力量了。 But in other one side, Martial Sect and Good Fortune Divine Dynasty peak Expert also gathered, the revolution Heaven Sealing symbol, lived to the seal Heavenly Dao of this puppet era finally. 而在另外一边,武宗造化神朝顶尖高手也聚集了起来,运转封天符,终于将这个傀儡纪元的天道给封印住了。 However the puppet era is to have the Ruler Level character after all, his Heavenly Dao will compared some only to leave the Half-Step Ruler era will to want formidable many by far. 但是傀儡纪元毕竟是出过主宰级别的人物,他的天道意志远远比一些只出过半步主宰的纪元意志要强大的多了。 Including Ye Mo, enough ten peak Heavenly Venerate collaborate to compose great formation also only to suppress the puppet era reluctantly the Heavenly Dao will. 包括叶墨在内,足足十个巅峰天尊联手组成大阵也只能是勉强镇压住傀儡纪元的天道意志。 This also makes Bian Xiaoyue relax slightly, although that huge puppet has Half-Step Ruler to be like that formidable, but eventually is not true Half-Step Ruler, Heavenly Dao of puppet era was suppressed by the Heaven Sealing symbol, it automatically vanished. 这也让边晓月微微松了一口气,虽然那个巨大的傀儡有半步主宰那般强大,但是终究不是真正的半步主宰,傀儡纪元的天道封天符镇压住,它就自动消失了。 However even if so, for her, was a test of huge. 不过即便如此,对她来说,也是一个巨大的考验了。 She also heard many rumors, Ye Xiwen had to train her plan, otherwise this time expedited the Chaos allied armies total leader is not other people, but was she, this is very obvious matter. 她也听到了很多的传言,叶希文有培养她的打算,不然这一次远征混沌的联军总首领不是其他人,而是她,这就已经是非常明显的事情了。 She also fully realizes this heavy burden the pressure in a big way, therefore she must to try hard. 她也深知这一份重担的压力有多大,所以她得更要努力。 Was not having era Heavenly Dao suppressed afterwards, the Martial Dao era army to rout the revolt of puppet era rapidly. 在没有了纪元天道的压制之后,武道纪元大军迅速就击溃了傀儡纪元的反抗。 This War, has continued fully for ten years, but regarding Chaos, this time, but is in a flash that's all. 这一场大战,整整持续了十年的时间,而对于混沌来说,这点时间,不过是弹指一挥间罢了 But in the destruction revolt afterwards of puppet era, the Martial Dao era started to plunder many wealth about puppet era, was turning to three Great Saint afterwards, each person of going to battle, same obtained the extremely rich repayment. 而在覆灭了傀儡纪元的反抗之后,武道纪元就开始掠夺起了关于傀儡纪元的诸多财富,在上缴给了三大圣之后,每一个出征的人,都一样得到了极为丰富的回报。 The destruction Ancient era, each motion, is a motion of enormous repayment. 覆灭古代纪元,每一次行动,都是一次极大回报的行动。 Exterminated puppet era afterwards, the army of Martial Dao era nonstop entered to the hot era, to the hot era was infinite endless Flame, the collective erupts everywhere came out, many during many eras, were famous, god fire that was hard to imagine extremely. 剿灭了傀儡纪元之后,武道纪元的大军马不停蹄的进入了离火纪元,离火纪元到处都是无穷无尽火焰,集体的喷发了出来了,许多还是在诸多纪元之中,都负有盛名的,极为难以想象的神火。 From the beginning gave the Martial Dao era to pose the enormous threat, because environment was also good, was because of various lives of birth were also good, completely was Flame, all kinds of Flame, were the tyrannical lives, more controls Flame Expert. 一开始就给武道纪元造成了极大的威胁,因为无论是其中的环境也好,还是在其中诞生的各种生灵也好,全部都是火焰,各种各样的火焰,越是强横的生灵,就越是操控火焰高手 This compared with the beforehand puppet era, but also wanted the dangerous many. 这比起之前的傀儡纪元来说,还要危险的多了。 Is good because of the army of Martial Dao era, basically is elite in era, Expert in Expert, each is the supernatural power is boundless, divine ability are general, in the water gets angry, at is not question. 好在武道纪元的大军,基本都是纪元之中的精锐,高手之中的高手,各个都是法力无边,神通广大,水里来火里去,根本不是问题 Especially raised Martial Venerable Seal to coordinate the Heaven Sealing symbol to suppress in Bian Xiaoyue left the hot era Heavenly Dao afterwards, that infinite endless god hot might is not big. 尤其是在边晓月提着武尊印配合封天符镇压了离火纪元的天道之后,那无穷无尽的神火威力就没有那么大了。 However has left the Ruler era as one, same is very intense to the revolt of hot era, has created not the small trouble to the Martial Dao era army, but finally that group seems Flame same was suppressed to the hot era. 不过作为一个出过主宰的纪元,离火纪元的反抗一样很激烈,给武道纪元大军造成了不小的麻烦,不过最终那一团好似火焰一样的离火纪元还是被扑灭了。 Entire era Heavenly Dao by the Martial Dao era swallowing, various god fires that contains were plundered, at the same time, during the Martial Dao era various fire attribute divine ability, Merit Law entirely just likes the volcanic eruption same has braved. 整个纪元天道都被武道纪元给吞噬了,其中所蕴含的各种神火都被掠走,与此同时,武道纪元之中各种火属性神通,功法都统统犹如火山喷发一样的冒了出来。 Various practice fire attribute divine ability martial arts person martial arts enter greatly, even the Martial Dao era was born unexpectedly a piece to fire, just liked is the same to the hot era. 各种修炼火属性神通武功的人武功大进,甚至武道纪元居然都诞生出了一片离火界,犹如离火纪元一样。 Coordinates with each other across a great distance with not far away age gold/metal Jie. 与不远处的庚金界遥相呼应。 Has been destroying to hot era afterwards, Bian Xiaoyue is almost nonstop the army who leads the Martial Dao era killed to the last blood era. 在毁灭了离火纪元之后,边晓月几乎是马不停蹄的就带领武道纪元的大军杀向了最后一个血道纪元。 During a blood era, each life like that slaughters from corpse mountain Sea of Blood, terrifying is incomparable, the strength is the tyrannical being hard imagination. 血道纪元之中,各个生灵都像是从尸山血海之中厮杀出来的一样,恐怖无比,实力更是强横的难以想象。 However facing quality, quantity completely occupies winning side the army of Martial Dao era time, is unable to prevent. 不过面对无论是质量,还是数量都完全占据上风的武道纪元的大军的时候,根本无法阻挡。 Bian Xiaoyue surpass in battle is stronger, beyond proposing a Martial Venerable Seal suppression blood era, she also by oneself is even out, the town has killed Heavenly Venerate of several blood eras. 边晓月越战越强,在提着武尊印镇压血道纪元之外,她甚至还亲身下场,镇杀了好几个血道纪元的天尊 Although Heavenly Venerate of that several blood eras is also very tyrannical, but compares obviously with Bian Xiaoyue, simply existence in level, was not killed by the town easily. 那几个血道纪元的天尊虽然也很强横,但是明显和边晓月比起来,根本就不在一个层次上的存在,轻易就被镇杀了。 Also ten years, blood era thorough destruction! 又过了十年,血道纪元彻底覆灭! Such dozens years passes, blood era finally die, with leaving the hot era was the same with the puppet era, was destroyed entirely. 就这么数十年的时间过去,血道纪元终于陨落了,和傀儡纪元和离火纪元一样,统统被毁灭了。 Less than hundred years, three ****** together destruction, if before being counted, by Ye Xiwen already has destroyed an insect era, was equal to that is four ****** destroyed entirely 不足百年的时间,三******一同毁灭,如果算上之前被叶希文已经毁灭了的虫道纪元,等于就是四******统统毁灭了 Four have presented the Ruler Level era, such era, usually is impossible to destroy. 还是四个出现过了主宰级别的纪元,这样的纪元,平日里根本不可能毁灭。 Each over more than ten era history, over ten era changes cannot how they, but now, the destruction in the hand of Martial Dao era, said accurately that was the destruction on Ye Xiwen's. 每一个都有超过十个纪元以上的历史,超过十次的纪元更替都没有能够奈何的了他们,而现在,却毁灭在了武道纪元的手中,更准确的说,是毁灭在了叶希文的手上。 If were not Ye Xiwen cuts to kill the Ruler day Monarch of these four eras first, these four eras were also insufficient to be destroyed. 如果不是叶希文先斩杀了这四个纪元的主宰天君,这四个纪元也不至于被毁灭。 Many Ancient eras tremble under the might of Martial Dao era, even including composing the Ancient era of allied armies did not have the means to obtain the security sense. 许多古代纪元都在武道纪元的强权之下瑟瑟发抖,甚至连组成了联军的古代纪元都没有办法获得安全感。 Under the Martial Dao era two big Ruler might, they, even if has a mind to support four ****** does not dare to get rid, has an alliance spatially, but this alliance actually does not dare really and Martial Dao era opposes, that several unyielding people who because dares to oppose with the Martial Dao era basically ended. 武道纪元两大主宰的强权之下,他们即便有心去支援四******也不敢出手,空有一个联盟,但是这个联盟却不敢真的和武道纪元作对,因为敢和武道纪元作对的那几个硬骨头基本上都完了。 Basically was eradicated, remaining people, without Ruler taking the lead, naturally does not dare to come up to bring death. 基本上都被铲除了,剩下的人,在没有主宰带头的情况下,自然也就不敢上去送死。 The Martial Dao era has been swallowing four eras together with insect era one after another, suddenly, radiated the vigor unexpectedly. 武道纪元在接连吞噬了连同虫道纪元在内的四个纪元,一时间,居然又重新焕发出了活力。 Although the Ye Xiwen first time was the Martial Dao era continues the life to be defeated, but the Martial Dao era closed right up against the destruction Ancient era to return to the peak time, all people felt that practice was also simple, birth baby genius were also getting more and more. 虽然叶希文第一次为武道纪元续命失败了,但是武道纪元靠着覆灭古代纪元又重新返回了巅峰时期,所有人都感觉到,修炼又简单了,出生的婴儿天才也越来越多。 In the originally air is filling destruction aura also finally vanished, the Martial Dao era re-entered the most flourishing time.( Not 原本空气之中弥漫着的毁灭的气息也都终于消失了,武道纪元重新进入了全盛时代。(未 Ends being continued 完待续 ~^~) ~^~)
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